View Full Version : How many times....

2nd January 2015, 07:13 AM
How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to get something you wanted? How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to coerce an individual? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to achieve a goal for yourself? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to solve any of the problems you had?

And yet you STILL claim that a place based on Voluntary interactions between individuals would never work?

2nd January 2015, 08:27 AM
Say what? Ponce gives me all the troubles that I need.....but we get along just great.....thanks Ponce :)


old steel
2nd January 2015, 08:33 AM
How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to get something you wanted? How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to coerce an individual? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to achieve a goal for yourself? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to solve any of the problems you had?

And yet you STILL claim that a place based on Voluntary interactions between individuals would never work?

I have always maintained it would work but everyone i talk to about it starts crying about schools, roads, health care, etc.

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd January 2015, 08:45 AM
You've hit the nail on the head, IOwnMe. The question you are asking is of an audience that might believe what you are suggesting is true, but they unanimously lack the courage to test it by modifying their own behavior. You might ask them to turn off the TV set first, otherwise you are wasting your breath.


2nd January 2015, 09:10 AM
I have always maintained it would work but everyone i talk to about it starts crying about schools, roads, health care, etc.

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves.

I hate to say it, but you're right, most people would rather be told what to do and have someone else control the major decisions and choices of their lives. It's easier, and most people will take the path of least resistance, which means being ruled.

2nd January 2015, 09:10 AM
How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to get something you wanted? How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to coerce an individual? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to achieve a goal for yourself? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to solve any of the problems you had?

And yet you STILL claim that a place based on Voluntary interactions between individuals would never work?

Are you talking to White people who can take care of and police themselves, or Dindus?


New York City, once America’s greatest and most famous metropolis, is now a crime-ridden hell where nonwhites commit 95% of all murders, 90% of all rapes, 90% of Felony Sex Crimes, 96% of all robberies, 91% of all Felonious Assaults, 90% of all Grand Larceny offenses, 86% of all Misdemeanor Sex Crimes, 90% of all Misdemeanor Assault and Related offenses, 87% of all Petit Larceny offenses, 84% of all Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief offenses, 96.6% of all Shooting offenses, and constitute 90.8% of all firearm arrests, 86.3% of all Drug Felony arrests, 82.3% of all Felony Stolen Property arrests, and 94.5% of all Felony and Misdemeanor Complaint Records with Identified Juvenile Victims, Suspects and Arrestees—all this according to official figures released by the New York City Police Department.

We will need a government as long we we have Diversity™.

mick silver
2nd January 2015, 09:18 AM
I went out early this morning and did some horse trading , I gave him paper bucks and he gave me what I needed . but I still don't know who's going to be the town marshal around herehttp://www.westernemporium.com/store/media/001273/001273_01.jpg

2nd January 2015, 12:32 PM
I have always maintained it would work but everyone i talk to about it starts crying about schools, roads, health care, etc.

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves.

Quote of the year......

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves

2nd January 2015, 12:52 PM
I have always maintained it would work but everyone i talk to about it starts crying about schools, roads, health care, etc.

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves.

I don't think it can work (Anarchism) anymore also when you consider automation. As machines get more and more efficient less and less people will be able to work. A larger percentage of the population will be forced to be dependent on the government. If this didn't happen Capitalism would collapse completely in on itself and you'd have a complete breakdown of civilization.

Government is here to stay for good unless we get complete SHTF.

I don't think people are "slaves", it's just everyone is doing what they feel is the easiest path to survival.

mick silver
2nd January 2015, 12:55 PM
what going to happen to all those people if they are no longer needed ?

2nd January 2015, 12:56 PM
what going to happen to all those people if they are no longer needed ?

I think some people will merge with machines and the rest will probably be wiped out.

Without a central authority, humanity descended into the worst chaos imaginable. Two centuries of war have scorched the earth. But not all life has been destroyed.

If there is a benevolent central authority they will implement like a minimum income and start taxing automation. It's estimated in 10-20 years that 50% of the current jobs will not exist anymore due to automation. People don't understand that technology progresses at an exponential rate. You can't have millions of unemployed and unemployable people and say we need to cut government. Either these people will be killed off or the rules of society, economics, and money will have to change entirely.

Anarchism can not happen. It's completely unrealistic.

mick silver
2nd January 2015, 01:00 PM
I would say most would be wiped out but the rich will live on they done builded their homes under ground for a reason

midnight rambler
2nd January 2015, 01:01 PM
Sui Juris, how many times in the past week did you utilize your state issued ID (this would necessarily include any bank/bank card transactions where your state issued ID and SS# are on file)??

2nd January 2015, 01:05 PM
I would say most would be wiped out but the rich will live on they done builded their homes under ground for a reason

The Elite have been trying a lot of slow kill methods ranging from poisoning the water supply, GMOs, vaccines, and so on but humans are very difficult to kill. If they do fast kill methods people will generally wake up to this and their lives will be threatened.

I do think government can work and be efficient but it needs to have the human element completely removed. I'm talking about having an AI run it or some very advanced decentralized software program.

2nd January 2015, 01:43 PM
If there is a benevolent central authority they will implement like a minimum income and start taxing automation. It's estimated in 10-20 years that 50% of the current jobs will not exist anymore due to automation. People don't understand that technology progresses at an exponential rate. You can't have millions of unemployed and unemployable people and say we need to cut government. Either these people will be killed off or the rules of society, economics, and money will have to change entirely.

Another possible avenue I see happening is an incredible rise in specialization and division of labor. As common and basic jobs succumb to automation, highly specialized fields will develop to employ such people. As automation produces more wealth with less human labor, this wealth will tend to be spent on these new, highly specialized and now valuable fields. This doesn't mean these highly specialized jobs will require some special education or knowledge, simply that they will be doing things that right now are not worth paying someone for. If left unhampered, this is how I believe the markets would adapt.

2nd January 2015, 02:02 PM
Another possible avenue I see happening is an incredible rise in specialization and division of labor. As common and basic jobs succumb to automation, highly specialized fields will develop to employ such people. As automation produces more wealth with less human labor, this wealth will tend to be spent on these new, highly specialized and now valuable fields. This doesn't mean these highly specialized jobs will require some special education or knowledge, simply that they will be doing things that right now are not worth paying someone for. If left unhampered, this is how I believe the markets would adapt.
Or they just decide to kill off the now useless eaters automation made redundant... Or would you like to hire a specialist to put the worm on the hook when you go fishing? And another specialist in entangling fishing lines? An applauder when you catch a fish? ;D

2nd January 2015, 02:06 PM
You've hit the nail on the head, IOwnMe..... but they unanimously lack the courage to test it by modifying their own behavior.


2nd January 2015, 02:12 PM
Unless you create your own AI software, I wouldnt trust anybody else's. Then you will have to be able to fully understand it as fast as it comes up with "your" solutions.

I am imagining this on a grand scale, that 1000's people have their own self made AI at home -- seems pretty doomed to me, sorry

I do think government can work and be efficient but it needs to have the human element completely removed. I'm talking about having an AI run it or some very advanced decentralized software program.

2nd January 2015, 02:40 PM
Another possible avenue I see happening is an incredible rise in specialization and division of labor. As common and basic jobs succumb to automation, highly specialized fields will develop to employ such people. As automation produces more wealth with less human labor, this wealth will tend to be spent on these new, highly specialized and now valuable fields. This doesn't mean these highly specialized jobs will require some special education or knowledge, simply that they will be doing things that right now are not worth paying someone for. If left unhampered, this is how I believe the markets would adapt.

Ummm no.

We are in a paradigm shift. The same rules don't apply anymore.

2nd January 2015, 03:19 PM
How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to get something you wanted? How many times this week did you use non-voluntary means to coerce an individual? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to achieve a goal for yourself? How many times this week did you use the initiation of violence to solve any of the problems you had?

And yet you STILL claim that a place based on Voluntary interactions between individuals would never work?

Every time one uses a "Federal" Reserve Note, one is benefiting from the threat of violence that is used to force its acceptance.

Fine, you say you'll offer gold or silver. Good luck getting most people to accept that for something you desperately need.

2nd January 2015, 03:21 PM
I have always maintained it would work but everyone i talk to about it starts crying about schools, roads, health care, etc.

You can't reason with idiots who choose to be slaves.

Your system would replace slavery to a corporate-controlled government with slavery to "private" entities run by the same individuals that own the corporations that now control the government. No thanks, I'll take the third option.

2nd January 2015, 03:23 PM
We will need a government as long we we have Diversity™.

Current government created the divershitty.

Traditional government prevented divershitty, and served the community & nation.

The creators of the democratic process and human rights still had government, only ones that served people rather than vice-versa.

2nd January 2015, 03:27 PM
Government is here to stay for good unless we get complete SHTF.

I've been trying to reason with idiots (not you) for a long time, explaining that TSHTF would result in new government being established, and definitely nothing even resembling one of, by, or for the people. Fully-private government vs. public government, with the former having far less checks & balances than the latter. Think it's bad in the frying pan? Just wait until you get into the fire of fully-private government.

I don't think people are "slaves", it's just everyone is doing what they feel is the easiest path to survival.

But the fact of what you say doesn't "fit" the sound bytes.

2nd January 2015, 03:28 PM
what going to happen to all those people if they are no longer needed ?

They are "human resources" who will be deleted.

2nd January 2015, 03:30 PM
Another possible avenue I see happening is an incredible rise in specialization and division of labor. As common and basic jobs succumb to automation, highly specialized fields will develop to employ such people. As automation produces more wealth with less human labor, this wealth will tend to be spent on these new, highly specialized and now valuable fields. This doesn't mean these highly specialized jobs will require some special education or knowledge, simply that they will be doing things that right now are not worth paying someone for. If left unhampered, this is how I believe the markets would adapt.

I remember the promises of the 1980s and 1990s about this. None of it panned out. Instead of re-training Americans for disappearing jobs, such promised opportunities were eliminated or shipped overseas. The second wave will be the same: promises, with no delivery.

2nd January 2015, 03:31 PM
They are "human resources" who will be deleted.

I don't think that the people in power have figured out a good way to do that yet.

2nd January 2015, 03:35 PM
I don't think that the people in power have figured out a good way to do that yet.

A new manifestation of the old ways. A global pandemic would be best, since the infrastructure would be mostly unharmed, and if it's genetically-engineered, it can be easily protected against (by those who release it and those they wish to keep alive), and, it can be designed to burn out after a few months. A major war sans nuclear weapons would cause enormous casualties, but "not enough." A nuclear war would destroy a lot of desired capital, and, could threaten the biosphere's integrity.

Famine on a large scale would be "beneficial" to their demonic designs, as well. That can be easily engineered, since those who control the economy control the food supply.

2nd January 2015, 03:56 PM
A new manifestation of the old ways. A global pandemic would be best, since the infrastructure would be mostly unharmed, and if it's genetically-engineered, it can be easily protected against (by those who release it and those they wish to keep alive), and, it can be designed to burn out after a few months. A major war sans nuclear weapons would cause enormous casualties, but "not enough." A nuclear war would destroy a lot of desired capital, and, could threaten the biosphere's integrity.

Famine on a large scale would be "beneficial" to their demonic designs, as well. That can be easily engineered, since those who control the economy control the food supply.

I think they've been trying to do pandemics but they haven't been panning out. Pandemics would probably only work out to a degree in 3rd World countries. We haven't had any serious pandemics in modern times like we had during the Middle Ages. Definitely a few million people can be killed, but I don't think they can make any serious dent. Typical everyday people are smart enough to protect themselves once they realize something like this is going down. A lot of people are waking up to vaccines, even in places like Africa where Africans are linking people getting sick and dying with the "Humanitarian" vaccines.

The nuclear thing only works very targeted areas and yet still many people survive. There were plenty of survivors from Hiroshima for instance and now the city has a ton of people as if there was no nuclear bomb dropped there.

Famine only is likely in targeted areas, but not large regions. The world is completely interconnected now so if one supply line is broken another can be established.

You have to keep in mind that a lot of the corrupt people carrying out this stuff are compartmentalized. The people at the top have to be careful to not show their hand too much or their henchmen will be onto them.

Humans are very hard to kill. The best bet is slow kill.

Personally if I ran things I'd only let people on welfare if they were sterilized so they never could have children. I'm sure though that that isn't done since the Elite needs a horde of drooling retards who will follow them blindly and keep down the productive Middle Class folk who could legitimately pose a threat to their power base. The Elite aren't as powerful as most people think. Most of the systems still are run and maintained by everyday people who generally are well meaning even if they are ignorant.

I think the current strategy is to open up all the 1st World Countries to 3rd Worlders and start a race war to kill off as many on both sides. Dunno how well that will pan out either.

2nd January 2015, 07:03 PM
I remember the promises of the 1980s and 1990s about this. None of it panned out. Instead of re-training Americans for disappearing jobs, such promised opportunities were eliminated or shipped overseas. The second wave will be the same: promises, with no delivery.

I totally disagree. In my field of expertise (architecture and design), I've seen incredible specialization in the last 10 years. 15 years ago such things as building envelope consultant and acoustic consultant didn't exist, but now they do, due to increased specialization. I see this trend continuing.

2nd January 2015, 07:07 PM
you are incredible, guys , CT and Shami...

you dont believe in voluntaryism on one hand, and on the other you brainstorm the efficiency of mass killing.

that is exactly what I was saying earlier in another thread, we are in a death cult matrix.

NWO = AI mega threat

2nd January 2015, 08:30 PM
I totally disagree. In my field of expertise (architecture and design), I've seen incredible specialization in the last 10 years. 15 years ago such things as building envelope consultant and acoustic consultant didn't exist, but now they do, due to increased specialization. I see this trend continuing.

How many are there nationwide, or even worldwide? A few hundred? A few thousand? Compared to tens of millions of folks whose professions are vanishing.

And not everyone has the high IQ you or I do, and can function effectively in such highly specialized fields.

mick silver
2nd January 2015, 08:32 PM
when automation take all the jobs maybe they will just put everyone on welfare and all your needs are met and we all get to travel the world and stay at the best place and eat the best of foods

2nd January 2015, 08:32 PM
you are incredible, guys , CT and Shami...

you dont believe in voluntaryism on one hand, and on the other you brainstorm the efficiency of mass killing.

I really, seriously have to question your intelligence regularly.

Do you understand the concept of "know thine enemy"?

Credible speculation on what "they" plan for us / plan to do to us is not "brainstorming the efficiency of mass killing." It's considering their tactics they plan to implement for most of us.

2nd January 2015, 08:34 PM
when automation take all the jobs maybe they will just put everyone on welfare and all your needs are met and we all get to travel the world and stay at the best place and eat the best of foods

When automation eliminates even more jobs, the elite will be under ever-more pressure to implement the Guidestones' commandment of "500,000,000 worldwide." Most of us "have got to go."

mick silver
2nd January 2015, 08:35 PM
are we not seeing mass killing around the world with wars singular I guess it the matrix and did not happen

2nd January 2015, 08:54 PM
A voluntary society could "work". However, society tends to gravitate toward a non-voluntary society because on the whole it leads to systematic effectiveness (but don't confuse this with avoiding "waste") and reduces risk at the extremes. A voluntary society favors the strong.

For instance, a non-voluntary society creates an very systematically effective mechanism for re-distributing wealth and aid to those who need it. For instance, the government is very effective at distributing checks for social security, services for medicare, and resources for food stamps. But don't confuse "effective" with "efficient". Unfortunately, it is also ripe for exploitation and ultimately leads to corruption and injustice. The strong pay the price. The weak reap the benefits.

I'm an advocate of a much more voluntary society. But again, it favors the strong and puts the weak and vulnerable at risk.

3rd January 2015, 02:22 AM
you are incredible, guys , CT and Shami...

you dont believe in voluntaryism on one hand, and on the other you brainstorm the efficiency of mass killing.

that is exactly what I was saying earlier in another thread, we are in a death cult matrix.

NWO = AI mega threat

So we are supposed to ignore the people in power? The stuff I'm saying isn't how I think the world should be in many cases, it's how it simply is.

This is a great video which breaks this all down:


I do think the minimum income idea is the only realistic possibility without having to reduce the worlds populations by 90%, but it also creates an extreme Ineptocracy. The truth is there are no solutions that don't have serious side effects.

Most people don't want to be free. You need to accept that people like you are in the extreme minority. I wanted to be free too but I've come to the conclusion that's simply not plausible so I'd rather rule in Hell than the one taking it up the you know where.

And yeah specialization does create jobs, but it's very low compared to the people who become underemployed and unemployed. For every 5 jobs lost you may gain 1 for instance. People simply are getting poorer and poorer. Dependency is exploding. Part of the reason government has been exploding in size is because True Unemployment is so huge that the government literally is hiring a bunch of people it doesn't need as a form of welfare so at least these people think they are working and actually doing something. Of course these extra government workers that have been artificially bloated just make our lives worse. The people in the government want to keep as many people fat and happy as possible so the leaders don't lose power.

Don't treat the Invisible Hand of Capitalism like a religion. Every system has a breaking point. Capitalism sadly, as wonderful as a system as it's been has already passed that point. Pushing for Voluntaryism now will end up with the Corporate Government, which if you haven't noticed, our government has been turning into anyways. It's like a Communist guy wanting Communism and they end up with Soviet Communism with Stalin. The Voluntaryist stuff will lead to a greater tyranny than you can imagine. It will be less accountable to the People since it's in "Private Hands". The "Invisible Hand" of Capitalism doesn't work when 10 Jews run literally everything in the economy.

This is the true nature of humanity.

Brother Nathanial's "Next Video"


3rd January 2015, 02:43 AM
A voluntary society could "work". However, society tends to gravitate toward a non-voluntary society because on the whole it leads to systematic effectiveness (but don't confuse this with avoiding "waste") and reduces risk at the extremes. A voluntary society favors the strong.

For instance, a non-voluntary society creates an very systematically effective mechanism for re-distributing wealth and aid to those who need it. For instance, the government is very effective at distributing checks for social security, services for medicare, and resources for food stamps. But don't confuse "effective" with "efficient". Unfortunately, it is also ripe for exploitation and ultimately leads to corruption and injustice. The strong pay the price. The weak reap the benefits.

I'm an advocate of a much more voluntary society. But again, it favors the strong and puts the weak and vulnerable at risk.

It's the nature of humanity to want to be ruled over and told what to do. Freedom is a tiny candlelight in a sea of darkness. It's extremely rare and fragile. It can be snuffed out in an instance.

3rd January 2015, 02:45 AM
are we not seeing mass killing around the world with wars singular I guess it the matrix and did not happen

You just need to have Positive Thoughts. Crystals, Energy, and Unicorns.

3rd January 2015, 02:48 PM
It's the nature of humanity to want to be ruled over and told what to do. Freedom is a tiny candlelight in a sea of darkness. It's extremely rare and fragile. It can be snuffed out in an instance.

More specifically, humanity wants to be accorded endless pleasures. Provide them those, and they will follow without much grumbling. Even "the poor" only grumble, since the Talmudvision and the booze continue on.

3rd January 2015, 02:49 PM
You just need to have Positive Thoughts. Crystals, Energy, and Unicorns.


mick silver
3rd January 2015, 03:20 PM
Positive Thoughts your kidding right .

midnight rambler
3rd January 2015, 03:52 PM
So we are supposed to ignore the people in power?

In a word, yes. It's YOUR fear of them that gives them power over you.

3rd January 2015, 04:17 PM
So they remove a bunch of people because of automation... Now there is no purpose for the automation. I don't see this strategy.

mick silver
3rd January 2015, 04:40 PM
they may look at it like this , they don't need anything anymore they have it all so would they need people

3rd January 2015, 05:08 PM
A voluntary society could "work". However, society tends to gravitate toward a non-voluntary society because on the whole it leads to systematic effectiveness (but don't confuse this with avoiding "waste") and reduces risk at the extremes. A voluntary society favors the strong.

For instance, a non-voluntary society creates an very systematically effective mechanism for re-distributing wealth and aid to those who need it. For instance, the government is very effective at distributing checks for social security, services for medicare, and resources for food stamps. But don't confuse "effective" with "efficient". Unfortunately, it is also ripe for exploitation and ultimately leads to corruption and injustice. The strong pay the price. The weak reap the benefits.

I'm an advocate of a much more voluntary society. But again, it favors the strong and puts the weak and vulnerable at risk.

Churches and civic groups used to be both effective and efficient before the government pushed them out. As an added bonus, when charity was voluntary, the giver was happy and the receiver was grateful.

3rd January 2015, 05:11 PM
300 years ago 90% of the population lived on farming. Industrial revolution made farming possible with only a few percent of the population feeding the rest of us, the rest went to work in the industry. Automation now makes the workers in the industry redundant. Some of these people who don't really have any marketable talents, are now working in a growing security sector, employed to protect us against a non-existent threat.

The facts are that our material needs can be met with a small shrinking percentage of people working specialized in keeping the machines working for us. Then you have a small percentage of intellectual producers like doctors, architects, engineers, artists. These may have another 20-40 years before they can be replaced with artificial intelligence to a large extent. The facts are we have about 80-90% of people that don't really have a function to fill in humanity at large, as it is today, and if they are liquidated as consumers the remainders would be better of. When computers, AI, becomes smarter than us, they will quickly calculate that humanity is a huge waste of resources, and get rid of us. They may keep a few of us in parks as a nostalgic peculiarity...

4th January 2015, 03:01 AM
its all about harvesting minds and souls, using money and control .

In a word, yes. It's YOUR fear of them that gives them power over you.

4th January 2015, 03:18 AM
Not addressing Neuro especially but I know many think like in this sentence

really... because the IMF, WB, and other central bank-predators make it looks this way? Those 80-90% were used as subhumans to make the top survive and give the impression that developed countries are the real deal. LOL

When an interpretation are based on lies/deceit, interpretations cannot be correct. Example, many thought japan deserved the atomic bomb, that africans deserve to die (of man-made) malnutrition as they are too many of them anyway, WW2 was a good thing to go after nazism, etc... that is exactly HOW the NWO wants us to think, and as a result people just do nothing become fatalist enough to accept to be sent to slaughter themselves in due time. Thinking like this is being morally bankrupt.

Moreover, I wrote an article months ago, 10p, exposing planetary food waste and the staggering conclusion that we have enough food to feed everybody.

The facts are we have about 80-90% of people that don't really have a function to fill in humanity at large, as it is today../

4th January 2015, 03:37 AM
No, you do not grasp polarity-free thinking... we have this ordeal on our hands because people/you guys want a government/hierarchy in the first place... then now you have to brainstorm what they have in the store for us. If you do not see the contraction here, I surely do.

The difference here, is that I do not endorse darwin (in favor of supremacy), which is another layer if deceit in this matrix.

know your enemy ??? you/we are our own enemy/ies

I really, seriously have to question your intelligence regularly.

Do you understand the concept of "know thine enemy"?

Credible speculation on what "they" plan for us / plan to do to us is not "brainstorming the efficiency of mass killing." It's considering their tactics they plan to implement for most of us.

4th January 2015, 03:58 AM
Not addressing Neuro especially but I know many think like in this sentence

really... because the IMF, WB, and other central bank-predators make it looks this way? Those 80-90% were used as subhumans to make the top survive and give the impression that developed countries are the real deal. LOL

When an interpretation are based on lies/deceit, interpretations cannot be correct. Example, many thought japan deserved the atomic bomb, that africans deserve to die of man-made malnutrition, etc... that is exactly HOW the NWO wants us to think, and as a result people just do nothing become fatalist enough to accept to be sent to slaughter themselves in due time.

Moreover, I wrote an article months ago, 10p, exposing planetary food waste and the staggering conclusion that we have enough food to feed everybody.
Sure I realize that earth can probably feed 10 times the population that are here today. Doesn't solve the problem of the 90% the elite has bred into existence that are nothing but useless eaters after automation. I am not saying they deserve to die, but a good first step would be to stop encouraging the continued breeding of them, while those who can actually think for themselves are actively discouraged to have children. Sure certainly a large percentage has been rendered mindless drones by vaccinations, drugs, propaganda, TV programming, social media, modern education, and some of those can be reversed, and there may be some hope for their offspring... It may take a different route to, productive members of humanity may become so offensive to these subhumans, they may vote leaders into place that promote the systematic killing of those that are productive and able to think for themselves. Pol Pots Kampuchea and Mugabes Zimbabwe are such examples, though they weren't exactly voted into power...

4th January 2015, 04:48 AM

4th January 2015, 05:51 AM
Sui Juris, how many times in the past week did you utilize your state issued ID (this would necessarily include any bank/bank card transactions where your state issued ID and SS# are on file)??

Your position cannot possibly be valid if it is based on contradictions.

4th January 2015, 10:48 AM
If you do not see the contraction here, I surely do.

I'm sure the radiologist did, as well, after the MRI of your brain.

4th January 2015, 11:01 AM
Mugabes Zimbabwe are such examples, though they weren't exactly voted into power...

What's sad is that that Nigger SOB has been elected. Multiple times.


Plenty of "irregularities," but most of them vote for the SOB.