View Full Version : Death By China

3rd January 2015, 12:17 AM
Full movie available at the usual places, from free to full-price.


3rd January 2015, 03:05 AM
China is a house of cards. They aren't better than us. They steal and imitate virtually everything and honesty and integrity isn't in their thinking capacity. They've been temporarily propped up by Westerners who shipped production there. As time goes on all the production will come back to America but it will be robots doing it. The Chinese government is completely retarded and buys and builds insane levels of real estate and infrastructure they don't need. In other words they are squandering most of the money they make.

Most of the bridges in China are built by White Westerners since even the Chinese know we are better and smarter than they are. We've discussed this in previous threads. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?79750-China-opens-record-breaking-4-000-ft-long-Bridge%E2%80%8F-V&p=734396&viewfull=1#post734396)

I think the West (Jews) are building up China so they can start WW3 with them or something and ultimately kill a ton of people on both sides part of these depopulation agenda. America has a lot of secret Black Projects and I believe is feinting weakness right now. Most the the technology the Chinese have is fed to them through secret channels by Westerners.

All it takes is for America or Europe to be attacked. The West will come together and act all scared. Then they will reveal a bunch of technology they coincidentally just discovered and then beat the shit out of China, but they will keep the war going on for a very long time as they will us this as an argument for a Global Government.

3rd January 2015, 06:12 AM
I have been saying this for 15 years. China was given everything... that is, everything that they had not yet stolen. America was depleted of its manufacturing and technology and infrastructure of a healthy economy. Imagine what WW2 would have been like if we had sent all our manufacturing and technology to Japan between 1934 and 1941. That is where we are today.

midnight rambler
3rd January 2015, 06:18 AM
America has a lot of secret Black Projects and I believe is feinting weakness right now.

One problem with your theory is that the DoD relies virtually entirely on China for microprocessors now. Way to much reliance on China for other things too in the supply chain (not just DoD).

We've been setup imo.

3rd January 2015, 06:34 AM
One problem with your theory is that the DoD relies virtually entirely on China for microprocessors now. Way to much reliance on China for other things too in the supply chain (not just DoD).

We've been setup imo.

Good point.

That's possible too.

mick silver
3rd January 2015, 09:08 AM
my dad said the same thing 30 years a go QUOTE=Spectrism;749787]I have been saying this for 15 years. China was given everything... that is, everything that they had not yet stolen. America was depleted of its manufacturing and technology and infrastructure of a healthy economy. Imagine what WW2 would have been like if we had sent all our manufacturing and technology to Japan between 1934 and 1941. That is where we are today.[/QUOTE]

midnight rambler
3rd January 2015, 09:51 AM
Good point.

That's possible too.

The moment that things go 'hostile' with China is the very moment that our world in the states is going to turn totally upside down. Everything from tiny fasteners to auto parts (and pretty much everything else) comes from China now. The ChiComs have us by the short hairs now and they know it.

There's that often quoted stat "57,000 manufacturing facilities (from the states) have been moved to Asia." That pretty much sums it all up. If and when the ChiComs decide to cut us off is when everyone is going to have to adapt to do without a shitload of stuff, or just die.

3rd January 2015, 10:03 AM
[QUOTE=Shami-Amourae;749772]China is a house of cards. They aren't better than us. They steal and imitate virtually everything and honesty and integrity isn't in their thinking capacity. They've been temporarily propped up by Westerners who shipped production there. As time goes on all the production will come back to America but it will be robots doing it. The Chinese government is completely retarded and buys and builds insane levels of real estate and infrastructure they don't need. In other words they are squandering most of the money they make.

Most of the bridges in China are built by White Westerners since even the Chinese know we are better and smarter than they are. We've discussed this in previous threads. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?79750-China-opens-record-breaking-4-000-ft-long-Bridge%E2%80%8F-V&p=734396&viewfull=1#post734396)


China was at the top of modern technology for millenia. They took most of the west's silver centuries ago because western countries had nothing else to trade that they wanted. In the last century or two they were militarily weak and decadent and western countries took absolute advantage of them. Now they graduate as many engineers as the rest of the world combined. China will eventually lead the world in all aspects including technology.

3rd January 2015, 02:54 PM
I think the West (Jews) are building up China so they can start WW3 with them or something and ultimately kill a ton of people on both sides part of these depopulation agenda. America has a lot of secret Black Projects and I believe is feinting weakness right now. Most the the technology the Chinese have is fed to them through secret channels by Westerners.

All it takes is for America or Europe to be attacked. The West will come together and act all scared. Then they will reveal a bunch of technology they coincidentally just discovered and then beat the shit out of China, but they will keep the war going on for a very long time as they will us this as an argument for a Global Government.

You make me almost believe in reincarnation! You speak like Joseph Goebbels, promising the German people Wunderwaffen in March 1945. :)

No, America doesn't have a secret cache of Wunderwaffen (Wonder Weapons). The dismantling of America was a necessary step. It wasn't an accident. If anything, it's the Chinese who have the cache of Wunderwaffen. They graduate more scientists & engineers from their universities than we graduate anyone in any fields.

3rd January 2015, 02:58 PM
The moment that things go 'hostile' with China is the very moment that our world in the states is going to turn totally upside down. Everything from tiny fasteners to auto parts (and pretty much everything else) comes from China now. The ChiComs have us by the short hairs now and they know it.

There's that often quoted stat "57,000 manufacturing facilities (from the states) have been moved to Asia." That pretty much sums it all up. If and when the ChiComs decide to cut us off is when everyone is going to have to adapt to do without a shitload of stuff, or just die.

As the full documentary points out, America produces no LCD/LED flat-panel displays. At all. The same is for 90% of the electronics "today's military" depends upon.

3rd January 2015, 03:08 PM
Alright maybe I'm wrong.

mick silver
3rd January 2015, 03:12 PM
are you could still be a asleep and part of the matrix and yet you could be right and wide awake

3rd January 2015, 04:15 PM
This may help to visualize Amerika by the end of 2015 when shipping is cut off and China is an enemy withholding any supplies.

Home Depot, Lowes, Sears, Walmart, Kmart, all local hardware stores: empty shelves.

Car dealers: no new cars and piles of cars waiting for spare parts that cannot be repaired except for cannibalized parts.

Handy people shopping at junk yards instead of buying new crap in stores previously supplied by China.

No politician will be seen in public again.

mick silver
3rd January 2015, 04:41 PM
I shop at junk yards already no need to wait

3rd January 2015, 04:43 PM
Watched the full documentary here:

3rd January 2015, 05:19 PM
The U.S. and China are no more than two serpents summoned by the pyramid.

Neither will reach its summit.

Dom gabby, gabby

3rd January 2015, 05:21 PM
Alright maybe I'm wrong.

I wish you weren't.

3rd January 2015, 05:39 PM
I saw these things happen in the northeastern states. That video is right on target. It is what I have been saying for a long time.

10 years ago I had a job selling to manufacturing companies. I saw them shutting down and told my boss that we are being destroyed by China. He scoffed at me and said it was only low end jobs. I talked with the plant managers and the engineers who were losing their jobs. They told me how China worked. It was extremely predatory using government subsidies to crush competitors and then costs went up after there were no competing plants.

Pollution- the cadmium, lead, mercury and tons of organic posions are pumped into the waters. China is a murdering, festering house of death.

midnight rambler
3rd January 2015, 05:46 PM
China is a murdering, festering house of death.

David Rockefeller disagrees.


10th January 2015, 04:56 PM
Just watched this, nothing we dont already know but points a different prospective of cause and effect. Worth the watch.

old steel
10th January 2015, 05:47 PM
Rothschilds have a chink in their armor.

10th January 2015, 06:24 PM
Rothschilds have a chink in their armor.

Hopefully it is lead or aluminum.

Hatha Sunahara
11th January 2015, 10:56 AM
How is that any worse than death by police?


11th January 2015, 12:03 PM
How is that any worse than death by police?

An increasing Police State is a side-effect of a collapsing Empire due to betrayal to an enemy power like China.

11th January 2015, 02:17 PM
I don't mean to defend China, but there are two points that this thread seems to overlook.

One, the US Government seems to be actively pushing companies out even while bemoaning them leaving. I'm told that if you have an idea and want to go into business manufacturing some widget, the number of licenses and permits you have to get and other bureaucratic hoops you have to jump through, and amount of bureaucratic harassment you have to tolerate and answer makes it no fun to do business. Why isn't the government actively seeking to make it easier for businesses to start and thrive?

Two, for decades, we've been paying in dollars for Chinese goods. They can hardly spend them. The dollar is mostly trash. So by one way of looking at this, we snookered the Chinese into manufacturing goods for us for worthless money.

11th January 2015, 03:38 PM
I don't mean to defend China, but there are two points that this thread seems to overlook.

One, the US Government seems to be actively pushing companies out even while bemoaning them leaving. I'm told that if you have an idea and want to go into business manufacturing some widget, the number of licenses and permits you have to get and other bureaucratic hoops you have to jump through, and amount of bureaucratic harassment you have to tolerate and answer makes it no fun to do business. Why isn't the government actively seeking to make it easier for businesses to start and thrive?

America does not have a government. A government is an institution that protects & serves the Nation (and not just lip-service). We have an occupation regime, based on Lootocracy. The shift of our industry to China was not an accident in the least - it was by design, for the dual purpose of crippling America as a world power and to make a tiny elite obscene levels of profit. The demons who have flushed America's industry are not Americans but "citizens of the world," and will have no trouble simply moving to Shanghai, Hong Kong or Singapore when the logical consequences finalize.

Two, for decades, we've been paying in dollars for Chinese goods. They can hardly spend them. The dollar is mostly trash. So by one way of looking at this, we snookered the Chinese into manufacturing goods for us for worthless money.

The Chinese have, smartly, been spending those "worthless" "Federal" Reserve Notes to buy real, tangible assets, like mountains of "worthless" (as explained by the "financial experts") gold & silver, and square miles of American real estate. They know they'll never get all of the debt back, but they have crippled, forever, the only country that could really stand up to them in East Asia (Japan can either partner with them, or experience a whole lot more Hiroshimas & Nagasakis).

Hatha Sunahara
12th January 2015, 12:11 AM
China is the beneficiary of a class war being waged in the west. The owners of capital in the US and Europe are taking advantage of cheap Chinese labor to improve their profit margins. Anyone who knows what neo-liberalism is can see that the US government has set itself up as the partner of businesses in 'privatizing the gains and socializing the costs. Not only is the government the agent of socializing the costs, it is te champion of privatizing the gains. Helping American businesses by lowering their taxes and subsidizing them, and giving them incentives to move jobs to third world low labor cost countries at the expense of American jobs demonstrates the point Crimethink makes that we do not have a real government in the US--what we have is the organization that promotes the collective will of the owners of capital. Ordinary working Americans so far deserve the treatment they have gotten from this fascist cabal because they cannot summon the will , strength and courage necessary to break the bonds of 'politically correct' speech by making and presenting arguments founded on critical thinking skills. Instead of thinking for themselves, they allow the MSM to formulate their opinions --which results in them always supporting the people who are screwing them, or feeling helpless to do anything about it. What we are experiencing isn't death by China, but death by oligarchical plutocratic fascism. China has only responded by looking after their own interests, which is what our non-government should be doing for us as a nation.
