View Full Version : This Will Be the Big One Boys

old steel
3rd January 2015, 01:58 PM
Bigger is better, right?


mick silver
3rd January 2015, 02:00 PM
how big ................... 1 to 10 let me know

old steel
3rd January 2015, 02:05 PM
how big ................... 1 to 10 let me know

Bigger than the great depression or anything previous to it, says Bill Holter.

mick silver
3rd January 2015, 03:22 PM
will we all make it to the other side

3rd January 2015, 03:53 PM
will we all make it to the other side

As long as we don't have any boating accidents.

3rd January 2015, 03:53 PM
How bit will it be?.......like I said before....it will be worse than in Cuba and it will last longer...other countries will take this opportunity to tell the US GETTTTTTTT FUCKKKKKKKKK...... and yes we will make it to the other side but will not be like this side....there will be and we will have to start all over again.........but.....by this time other countries will be wayyyyyyyyy ahead, so far ahead that we will never be able to get even with them...................WHY?, simple........our education system and the government.......schools are nothing that teaches nothing and government will use the general population as slave for their own benefit.....we know who the government is and unless there is a revolution you will be a slave for ever... is not what I want but what it will be.


old steel
3rd January 2015, 03:58 PM
He is talking about a reset where everything will be tied to things of value like commodities, last 5 minutes he spells it out with the derivitave problem.

3rd January 2015, 05:46 PM
Bigger is better, right?


"...with the precious metals people, Miles-Franklin..."

Absolutely no motive to pump up the "DOOOOOOM!" hype, right?