View Full Version : 'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea

5th January 2015, 03:26 PM
dont know how I have missed it, but its never too late. maybe shoud we regard the climate change hoax as a possible warning for what is coming. The elites have their bunkers and believe destiny is written in the stars, what could explain the war on astrology.

'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea world swallowed by the sea in 6500BC

Divers have found traces of ancient land swallowed by waves 8500 years ago
Doggerland once stretched from Scotland to Denmark
Rivers seen underwater by seismic scans
Britain was not an island - and area under North Sea was roamed by mammoths and other giant animals
Described as the 'real heartland' of Europe
Had population of tens of thousands - but devastated by sea level rises

By Rob Waugh
July 2012

Doggerland, a huge area of dry land that stretched from Scotland to Denmark was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC.

Divers from oil companies have found remains of a 'drowned world' with a population of tens of thousands - which might once have been the 'real heartland' of Europe.

A team of climatologists, archaeologists and geophysicists has now mapped the area using new data from oil companies - and revealed the full extent of a 'lost land' once roamed by mammoths.


5th January 2015, 03:33 PM
Mammoth farts caused "global warming" back then, and made the sea levels rise. :rolleyes:

5th January 2015, 03:42 PM

5th January 2015, 03:45 PM
dont know how I have missed it, but its never too late. maybe shoud we regard the climate change hoax as a possible warning for what is coming. The elites have their bunkers and believe destiny is written in the stars, what could explain the war on astrology.

The reason you missed it is because you have no idea about the geological past and you have your head so far up your arse in regards to stupid theories.

Doggerland has been known for a VERY long time, just because they mapped it doesn't mean it is a new discovery. Dragnet fisherman have been hauling up oddities from this area for ages.

All this does is confirm to me that you are in no way qualified to talk on any subject that involves the sciences because of your scant knowledge in these areas and propensity to twist the facts to suit your imbecilic pet theories. To wit, Doggerland was no 'Atlantis', it was the paleolithic, you know the period of time you marginalize and ridicule as the 'stone age'.

Ain't no Atlantis down there...:p

5th January 2015, 05:02 PM
hahaha, your venomous wording because the OP PROVES pre-diluvian societies - and that you cannot imagine societies older than 2500BC ;D

edit: mention page 2 that the event is not pre-diluvian related.

of course "britain's atlantis" does NOT mean that it is atlantis. I got that. The artice is clear, they knew about doggerland but until 2012 didnt have ANY evidence. Hence the discovery.

Because you know just everything that comes out about your fields of interest perhaps ???

You have never posted anything relevant anyway

and soon another tantrum ???

ohh and if you think that it's paleolithic, based on the picture that is shown, sorry. I do not.

The reason you missed it is because you have no idea about the geological past and you have your head so far up your arse in regards to stupid theories.

Doggerland has been known for a VERY long time, just because they mapped it doesn't mean it is a new discovery. Dragnet fisherman have been hauling up oddities from this area for ages.

All this does is confirm to me that you are in no way qualified to talk on any subject that involves the sciences because of your scant knowledge in these areas and propensity to twist the facts to suit your imbecilic pet theories. To wit, Doggerland was no 'Atlantis', it was the paleolithic, you know the period of time you marginalize and ridicule as the 'stone age'.

Ain't no Atlantis down there...:p

5th January 2015, 05:23 PM
from the picture, the structure seems to be well designed for a society that existed at the time, 10,000+ years ago, that they had advanced architectural knowledge.


5th January 2015, 05:28 PM
some people may of remembered this story of Doggerland not all ...........

5th January 2015, 05:35 PM
The reason you missed it is because you have no idea about the geological past and you have your head so far up your arse in regards to stupid theories.


aeondaze- I disagree with a lot of things that Singular says also (not everything), but please do not resort to insults to get your points across. One of the key rules here is not to attack other members. Thanks.

5th January 2015, 05:37 PM
aeondaze- I disagree with a lot of things that Singular says also (not everything), but please do not resort to insults to get your points across. One of the key rules here is not to attack other members. Thanks.


5th January 2015, 05:38 PM
aeondaze- I disagree with a lot of things that Singular says also (not everything), but please do not resort to insults to get your points across. One of the key rules here is not to attack other members. Thanks.

WTF......................go and check out some threads about HT lately ,we all deserve to be banned................

midnight rambler
5th January 2015, 05:43 PM
WTF......................go and check out some threads about HT lately ,we all deserve to be banned................

In order to have Americans with Disabilities Act compliance this forum must provide equal access for the intellectually challenged, mentally unstable and emotionally disturbed (the Pathetic Pussycat of course).

5th January 2015, 05:46 PM
WTF......................go and check out some threads about HT lately ,we all deserve to be banned................

Oh the irony, hahah.

How about JQP ban me as a sacrifical lamb instead of HT.

I wouldn't mind, I don't take it all that seriously. Whats a couple of days or a week now and then.

5th January 2015, 05:48 PM
did the land sink or did the waters rise? Interesting time frame of events.

5th January 2015, 05:52 PM
Well according to this OP, it is not related to the Great flood that took place 12,000BC or so. I have little trust in mainstream history and its dates especially so far back, but I can go along with this explanation. So nothing pre-diluvian about.

Also, its Mesolithic... not paleolithic

The tsunami that obliterated Doggerland

Doggerland, now submerged under the North Sea, was the “True Heart of Europe” in the Mesolithic, according to Richard Bates, of the University of St-Andrews. It disappeared 8,000 years ago, destroyed by a tsunami triggered by the Störegga Landslide. A new computer simulation is trying to get a closer look at the event.

Our home in Doggerland...

Some of our ancestors of the Stone Age had it good in Doggerland, the green land which once blossomed where the North Sea waves are now rolling. Hundreds of finds of stone implements, harpoons and human bones bear witness to the early settlement of what archaeologists refer to as the “Garden of Eden” of the Mesolithic, the true heart and cradle of Europe. During the last Ice Age, when sea-levels were lower, it would have been easy for man and animals to cross by foot from Northern Germany to Britain. And the incentive to roam and settle in Doggerland would have been strong indeed.

The climate was mild. A large freshwater basin occupied the centre of Doggerland, fed by the River Thames from the west and by the Rhine in the east. The marshes and mudflats and lagoons would have offered shelter to thriving populations of birds, fish and mammals large and small. Wild fruit and berries were abundant. The vegetation was lush, with forests, meadows and marshes of reeds. Timber, firewood, grasses and fibers of all sorts were endlessly available.

But this Paradise was vulnerable. As the post-glacial thaw proceeded, the sea-levels kept rising. First to go in Doggerland were the marshes and the valleys. Then the settlements found themselves insularized. By 8,000 years ago, Doggerland had become a low-lying, marshy island covering an area about the size of Wales. And now scientists believe that they are able to show how Doggerland disappeared for good.


5th January 2015, 05:55 PM
WTF......................go and check out some threads about HT lately ,we all deserve to be banned................

I was thinking it would be kind of cool to create a special forum for Hypertiger: "Hypertiger's Hell". But then we magnify his words even that much more.

midnight rambler
5th January 2015, 05:58 PM
I was thinking it would be kind of cool to create a special forum for Hypertiger: "Hypertiger's Hell". But then we magnify his words even that much more.

Not necessarily. At least you'd remove it from the general discussion page. I would suggest calling it something other than 'HT's whatever' like 'the cat house', 'crazy catnip', 'the litterbox', or 'Katy Perry's #1 Satanist fan!'. We could have a contest to come up with the most appropriate name.

5th January 2015, 06:00 PM
I was thinking it would be kind of cool to create a special forum for Hypertiger: "Hypertiger's Hell". But then we magnify his words even that much more.

Not necessarily. At least you'd remove it from the general discussion page. I would suggest calling it something other than 'HT's whatever' like 'the cat house', 'crazy catnip', 'the litterbox', or 'Katy Perry's #1 Satanist fan!'. We could have a contest to come up with the most appropriate name.

It depends how you title it. You can't go and pander to his ego by giving him a catchy title.

Something like the "The blow up clown" would be appropriate , you know full of hot air...haha

5th January 2015, 06:06 PM
just ran across this, scanned only very briefly as I am in the middle of other things and that it is quite very long. Of course, now the dailymail.uk headline makes more sense too.

Maybe aeon could email the author. ;D

plz aeon, if you happen to do so, post his answer for everyone to see, ok?

The "Great Plain" of Atlantis - was it in Doggerland?
The Atlantis of Jean Deruelle
The "true heart of Europe"

It was inevitable that Doggerland (See: Doggerland lost), the part of the North Sea which was left dry for several thousand years after the end of the last ice age, should come to be considered as one more possible location for Plato's Atlantis. Doggerland stretched all the way from the east coast of England and Scotland to Denmark and supported a thriving mesolithic population. "It was the true heart of Europe," says Richard Bates, geochemist at St Andrews University in Scotland. It struggled for several millennia against the rising sea levels, then was submerged in a sudden catastrophe at a date estimated between 6200 B.C. and 5500 B.C. (Maybe caused by, or connected to the Störegga Landslide). Robert Graves himself had briefly considered the area of shallows known as Dogger Bank as a possible location for Atlantis, before dismissing it on grounds of distance.

As it happens, more than a decade before geologists focused attention on Doggerland at a 2012 meeting of the British Royal Society, a Frenchman, Jean Deruelle, had published a book making a strongly argumented case for the notoriously elusive "Great Plain" of Atlantis having been situated on now submerged land in the North Sea. He published his hypotheses in 1999, in a book called "L'Atlantide des Mégalithes," as part of a broader examination of the spread of megalithic cultures and little studied West to East movements of populations. The book was published by a reputable publisher of historic books, but received scant attention.

Jean Deruelle was born in 1915 in Longueville (Nord) and studied at the elite French Ecole Polytechnique. He was the CEO of the French coal mining company, "Les Houillčres de Lorraine." During his retirement, he indulged his life-long passion for Brittany and the megalithic civilizations of Europe. He died two years after the publication of "L'Atlantide des Mégalithes."

The location of the "Great Plain" has always been one of the biggest stumbling blocks for any Atlantis identification. Deruelle, an engineer and a geologist by profession, offers a hypothesis that is rational, highly precise, and based on his areas of expertise. No other hypothesis than Deruelle's tackles so credibly the most outlandish elements in Plato's description of Atlantis: the description of a vast plain, surrounded by a man-made ditch, 180 meters broad and thirty meters deep, large enough to circulate supertankers: it was not a ditch, but a dyke, build over centuries to protect a large part of Doggerland against the slowly rising waters of the North Sea... As for the literary form of his book, he chose a lighthearted approach, keeping to a semi-fictional threat of a wide-eyed, naive amateur, a character by the name of Thomas, who is learning as he goes along, and reporting to a chorus of bemused and sceptical relatives and friends.


Now, to make straight the aspect and dimensions of the "Great Plain," which we are referring to, according to Plato:

this plain had a level surface and was as a whole rectangular in shape, being 3000 stades (530 km = 330 miles) long on either side and 2000 stades (360 km = 225 miles) wide at its center, reckoning upwards from the sea. And this region, [Critias - 118b] all along the island, faced towards the South and was sheltered from the Northern blasts. And the mountains which surrounded it were at that time celebrated as surpassing all that now exist in number, magnitude and beauty; for they had upon them many rich villages of country folk, and streams and lakes and meadows which furnished ample nutriment to all the animals both tame and wild, and timber of various sizes and descriptions, abundantly sufficient for the needs of all and every craft. [Critias - 118c] Now as a result of natural forces, together with the labors of many kings which extended over many ages, the condition of the plain was this. It was originally a quadrangle, rectilinear for the most part, and elongated; and what it lacked of this shape they made right by means of a trench dug round about it. Now, as regards the depth of this trench and its breadth and length, it seems incredible that it should be so large as the account states, considering that it was made by hand, and in addition to all the other operations, but none the less we must report what we heard: it was dug out to the depth of a plethrum (ca. 30 m = almost exactly 100 feet) and to a uniform breadth of a stade (180 m = 196 yards), and since it was dug round the whole plain [Critias - 118d] its consequent length was 10,000 stades (1800 kilometers = 1120 miles).

full article

5th January 2015, 06:09 PM
It depends how you title it. You can't go and pander to his ego by giving him a catchy title.

Something like the "The blow up clown" would be appropriate , you know full of hot air...haha

Did someone say blow up tiger?


Ah, never mind, carry on !


5th January 2015, 06:19 PM
aeondaze, if I can act like a gentleman at this site then so can you, I find you very offensive.......Ponce


6th January 2015, 04:23 AM
I understand that my anti-monopoly-religion views arent everyone's cup of tea but aeon never offered anything valuable to any of my threads, all he is after is trashing and insulting - and when that doesnt work, throwing tantrums.

aeondaze, if I can act like a gentleman at this site then so can you, I find you very offensive.......Ponce