View Full Version : The Nut Is Cracked, by Judge Anna von Reitz

5th January 2015, 09:17 PM
Posted on August 1, 2014 (http://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2014/08/01/the-real-criminals/) by David Robinson (http://mainerepublicemailalert.com/author/drobin88/)
http://mainerepublicemailalert.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/anna.png?w=640 (https://mainerepublicemailalert.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/anna.png)
The Real Criminals
1. Look up the Public Laws governing Citizen’s Arrest in your state. Get ready to use them.
2. Now, let’s pretend we set up a system of “naming conventions” such that the following rules apply:
john –quincy: adams = a living American endowed with all his natural rights
John Quincy Adams = a foreign situs trust used in commercial shipping
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a foreign estate trust
John Q. Adams = a public transmitting utility company
John q. Adams = a public foundation
JOHN Q. Adams = a cooperative
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a boat or ship used in public commerce
JOHN QUINCY Adams = a commonwealth trust
J. QUINCY Adams = a slave owned by Exxon Corporation
J.Q. Adams = a foreign pauper forbidden to own land
Adams, John Q. = a taxpayer
ADAMS, JOHN Q. = a soldier
adams, john q. = a slave
There are dozens of different potential meanings that can be arbitrarily assigned to anyone’s name and used to “represent” radically different entities. In a verbal conversation we can talk all day long about someone or something named “John Quincy Adams” and which john quincy adams or what kind of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS will never be known, except from the context of the conversation — but on paper the use of such a system instantly defines what or whom is being talked about — if you know the system.
This is what the lawyers, bankers, and politicians have used to enslave you. It is a crime known as “personage”. By arbitrarily creating an Estate trust named after you and claiming to own this thing they created, they have falsely claimed to own you and your assets and to literally buy and sell “you” on stock exchanges, ship “you” out of ports, and tax “you” for doing things you’ve never done. After all, there is no law against enslaving an ESTATE trust, is there? Or arresting a slave? Or charging a tax on importing revenue to Puerto Rico?
Hand in hand with personage comes “barratry” — the crime of knowingly bringing false claims into court. So what happens every day all across America, when charges are brought against the ESTATES of “dead men” who are standing right in front of the judge and jury? Barratry — a crime that is appropriately named after the “Bar Association”.
3. Look at the front page of any law suit that has been filed in America for the past seventy years and there you will have proof in your hand of both personage and barratry being committed against the individual people falsely named as “DEFENDANTS”. They are being deliberately confused with foreign estate trusts merely named after them and they are suffering the crimes of both personage and barratry.
4. Spread this explanation of the situation throughout the world. Take it to the provost marshals and the highest ranking police officers, to the sheriffs, and the deputies and the traffic cops, to the mayors, to the politicians responsible, to the bankers who have seized your bank accounts under the same false pretenses.
5. Go in large groups, peaceably, but with grim determination. Take your video cameras and tape recorders and stand ready to use Citizen’s Arrest against any public official who does not agree to assist you in shutting down the “court” system and arresting the “District Attorneys” and “judges” and others who have participated in this grotesque fraud. Demand that the bankers agree to correct their records and honor your ownership of your private property which has been deposited in their banks in good faith.
6. If any public official presented with this information refuses to help you, arrest them and hold them to face charges before a Citizen’s Grand Jury composed of twelve honest men who own land in your county. If the Sheriff of your County refuses to do his duty when confronted with this information, arrest him, and elect a new Sheriff pro tem to serve in the office until proper elections can be held.


6th January 2015, 01:28 AM
Shall we go arrest the president for crimes against humanity as well? Somehow this person seems to gorget who has the real power in this country and it isnt you and me. If you have seen the headlines of late, the police and pretty much kill and get away with it. Try to arrest a public official or judge or sheriiiff? Only if your suicidal.

I'm not saying the information isnt correct. I have no idea to be honest nor do I have the time to go down another rabbit hole. However you not going to arrest anyone in a citiznes arrest without them actually killing you and shutting you up. By all means prove me wrong and head out to the local courthouse tomorrow with a video camera and make some arrests.

6th January 2015, 02:37 AM
Something to think about

6th January 2015, 02:48 AM
instead of burning cars and doing violence which truly gives them license. There's a video about a council or some such that was arrested by "The People".

The reality is that those behind the curtain need to be stopped, then everything else will fall away. Basically, if you want anything done you have to go to the top. That's how they get things done.

So long as the people are uncertain and un-united they have the upper hand. Shysters succeed by confusing "The Mark", distraction or some such and running an end goal.

Twisted Titan
6th January 2015, 04:11 AM
4. Spread this explanation of the situation throughout the world. Take it to the provost marshals and the highest ranking police officers, to the sheriffs, and the deputies and the traffic cops, to the mayors, to the politicians responsible, to the bankers who have seized your bank accounts under the same false pretenses.*

You will be eaten alive by the wolves of the state.

They only recognize the meat thrown by the hand of their master.

Better to wait for the day the master has no more meat to give and the wolves turn.

6th January 2015, 04:19 AM
john –quincy: adams = a living American endowed with all his natural rights
John Quincy Adams = a foreign situs trust used in commercial shipping
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a foreign estate trust
John Q. Adams = a public transmitting utility company
John q. Adams = a public foundation
JOHN Q. Adams = a cooperative
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a boat or ship used in public commerce
JOHN QUINCY Adams = a commonwealth trust
J. QUINCY Adams = a slave owned by Exxon Corporation
J.Q. Adams = a foreign pauper forbidden to own land
Adams, John Q. = a taxpayer
ADAMS, JOHN Q. = a soldier
adams, john q. = a slave

What they all have in common is a surname: ADAMS. You will find no surnames in biblical writings. Instead you will find something similar to John Quincy of Avalon where Avalon might be a manor, plantation, municipality or region. The surname was established to place your occupation into commerce and you use it voluntarily.

6th July 2016, 11:53 AM
A thank you from Judge Anna Von Reitz . . . . . .

Several Major Updates -- June 27, 2016 from AnnaVon Reitz
By Anna Von Reitz

Greetings to Everyone, Coast to Coast, Pole to Pole---

I am very tired after a long day, so I will make this short;

1. As of four o'clock this afternoon, June 27, 2016, Alaska Standard Time, we have confirmed the necessary (and in many cases more than sufficient) number of claimants who are "grandfathered in" as American State Nationals and heirs of theRepublic to prove up on our claim to secure the land jurisdiction of every one of fifty nation-states. Thank you to all those who have answered this call for help andspecial thanks to the "Mormon Miracle Workers" who worked so hard to confirm and secure the public records and documents needed.

2. As of six o'clock this evening, 165 Americans held for a variety of non-violentcrimes in federal prisons and work camps (that I know of and only God knows howmany total) have been released to their families as a result of using the HabeasCorpus paperwork pioneered by our Living Law Firm. Thank you, all of you who havesent donations in support of our Non-Bar legal team and their continuing effort inbehalf of all of us. I think that the importance of what they have done and what theyaspire to do is now becoming apparent.

3. As of ten o'clock this evening, the first paperwork establishing the AmericanStates and Nations Bank in practical terms took effect. Within the next several weeks our American sovereign bank will open on all platforms worldwide. You and your family can say good-bye to the Federal Reserve and the IMF and vote with your feet for a new banking system that guarantees privacy and peace of mind and abank account that will keep on chugging when the lights go out. Worried about "bailouts" and "bail ins" and "bank holidays" and "asset confiscation" and the constant gnawing unseen tax of inflation stealing the value of your money 24 hours a day,seven days a week? Kiss that dilemma good-bye and remember the name---"American States and Nations Bank"--- because this bank is hand-tailored to protectyou, protect your assets, protect your privacy, and give you the keys to a brand newworld.

Just another Happy Monday here in the Great Land of Alaska. Thank you all, each and every one, for the prayers and the information and the donations that are making this progress possible. Those 390 million little "raindrops" out there are beginning to make a lake, and before you know it, there will be an ocean of people righting the wrongs and addressing the evils and cleaning out the halls of justice and doing all the many things that need to be done.

Those of you who have read my book, "Disclosure 101", have a good sense of just how helpless and alone I felt in those early days---- when I wrote my letter to friends and family and sent it off and asked them for help getting the word out about our nation's actual history and the corruption overtaking us. Just want you all toknow, I don't feel alone anymore. Thank you more than I can say.---------------------------------------

See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.comTo (http://www.annavonreitz.comTo) support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

6th July 2016, 02:06 PM
This reminds me of the Tim Turner "Governors of all 50 states" thing.

6th July 2016, 02:46 PM
Thats what I have been wondering . . . . . .

6th July 2016, 04:49 PM
Anna Von Reitz and Karen Hudes . . . . . . . .

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?fref=nf)

January 10 (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/946499492065798) ·

Part 2 of Third Round with Karen Hudes
This is what Karen published on the web and my replies tit for tat:

January 4, 2016 http://annavonreitz.com/commerciallien.pdf (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Fcommercial lien.pdf&h=tAQGNRDwdAQGY1Hymtw6KBPM5RFAVa5jTbHKBi9Zsg6Ns2A&enc=AZPWcGuCncnY0qpLcRtJ7PAbHBatVt_UsfkjmzVwHKZfcm I5vTC0cMu-aXG6efVth8FTlvSOw2q1IPbGSRgbJGaMvBYH2UsF1QRDIcrNd5 wnvAN15SeE7mybxz2UxY69re4aByiSf-zMb9fJeFMox8d8xft42k6Qf9IoGs-NTEf2cQlBZIcAQosa-Sy0eIyNZ2TIZdP5aYWUpsUKA9he4iWR&s=1)
http://annavonreitz.com/finalnoticeoflien.pdf (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Ffinalnotic eoflien.pdf&h=qAQFMatDXAQF-ci5X29H-AslWGRWsYfkwreekOVZ0yg5hew&enc=AZO1ZWZ6Jt_dn1SVXyk8L0pdPwVAg39d1UoRhO7_5a2Oyf 3TAliOHjPA6bGopvLXt9S5KcqYLK0cglRQdt5zkFbRS-a0NMHwOJgXUg_VKjSYtOt4PkUufQuxkWMkqQJJW3yy-H7zjKW3lnUs8difKXXpBwcOsPtCf9eQBGhX8i_q46drQLJeFNi dmxp1tvbdh-TIWZiOJ-BUJ1VOMIIXYr-X&s=1)
When time really matters, and the world has agreed to something that will liberate us from slavery for the first time, (and prevent WWIII, starvation, and possible mass annihilation) there are bound to be agents and spoilers. Here are two attempts to steal the world's gold from the world's people. The first puts an astronomic amount at the disposal of Anna von Reitz, who in her own words is "legal adviser to former Pope Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis". https://ourgreaterdestiny.wordpress.com/…/…/03/call-to-duty/ (https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fourgreaterdestiny.wordpress. com%2F2015%2F09%2F03%2Fcall-to-duty%2F&h=fAQEBHCXMAQEjDQKC3q-lJKdRaxWg-vuIAd4ZqheRAx6cIg&enc=AZNgN2ORado_688El4KA5nNejo1ZV3JbQ2Ag0qEpFAsxZv ZJSThLLR5y3MxrI1-IEZ_d1XtUn4abqUy_KzISvLJLsihbHSQgjIhy_yybaOYhPTejw oXkOaxmphUqHCzfyq4o-T_NEb8ElCyLUiY1pnEqRfOGmQsSMpEXL-c46Vbya4iacvVcIUx7KtWpBOO8J2r8XjGZcWxKpCmoOyoZMFG3&s=1)

I and approximately 900 other Americans brought complaint for Breach of Trust before Benedict XVI in his capacity as the Global Estate Trustee. The advice I gave him was to give American property back to Americans. He agreed and asked for help doing that. Here I am. Karen would rather pretend that I am an “Agent of the Vatican” than a Claimant against both the Vatican and the British Monarch but the facts and the recorded documents tell the tale as do my words and my work. You shall know them by their fruits. So far Ms. Hudes has come up with no less than five filthy devious schemes to avoid returning American Assets to Americans. She has consistently sought to get immunity for her bosses and profit for the colluding banks instead of justice for the people.

Ms. Hudes is constantly making these absurd statements to the effect that she and her efforts are preventing World War III. Ms. Hudes can’t even stand up and answer my questions or come up with an honest plan to return American assets. Good men and women worldwide are preventing World War III by looking around the corners, realizing that they have been duped, realizing that they are dealing with criminals in High Places, and that war crimes and fraud and breaches of trust have been perpetuated upon the Americans, Canadians, Brits, Aussies, and most of western Europe by a small cadre of colluding international banking interests.

The second attempt is even worse. I said I did not want to debate Ms. Reitz again because she did not fight fair and square, but kept on putting words in my mouth. So what did she do? She made me respond by filing a claim against the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.

Ms. Hudes has no leg to stand on for her actions. That becomes very obvious when I question her, so she runs.

The other thing she did was to try and prevent the US from ending a secret military rule and returning to its Constitution of 1789.

What was that “Secret Military Rule”? The Lieber Code, created and imposed upon the Grand Army of the Republic by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, which made the Army responsible for safeguarding our money. Obviously, the politicians either duped or colluded with military brass and the Army failed that mission on an epic scale.
The truth of the matter is that Abraham Lincoln was only empowered to serve as “President” of a Joint Stock Trading Company doing business as the “United States”. He never held any office related to the actual organic states of the Union doing business as the united States of America. He worked for the Federal United States, which is a different bird entirely from the Continental United States.

Our Constitution was created and sealed in 1787. Their Constitution was created and sealed in 1789.
Our Constitution affects the united States of America. Their Constitution affects the United States.
Our States of America hold the patent to all land assets and also retained considerable non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

Their United States is under contract to provide us with nineteen enumerated services. They are supposed to be our Trustees representing and protecting American interests on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. Their failure to do so resulted in our complaint to the Pope.
__________________________________________________ ________
As Her Answer to Our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien She Posted the Following--- Though Again No Actual Hard Copy Has Been Received and Our Response Again Appears Below:

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000 (tel:(202) 473-1000) INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Washington, D.C. 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS January 4, 2016 To Ms. Anna von Reitz 2366 Sopark Road, Big Lake, Alaska (99652) and c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska (99652) To Mr. James Clinton Belcher, by general notice:

Hahahahah! What is a “general notice” Ms. Hudes? Where did you go to Law School? Or was that a “law” school?

This refers to the purported Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien to World Bank/IBRD/IMF, issued on January 4, 2016 with respect to "assets on deposit in the Global Debt Facility." http://annavonreitz.com/finalnoticeoflien.pdf (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Ffinalnotic eoflien.pdf&h=WAQGDVmzPAQEOtnZlxfMoNu6yR3OzAmhAdXp5gwy_Pynkcw&enc=AZMMKHVnlZVyfqrxvWK2qRHoQW6hC9lHjdCxgElTCTE3-G00Q4s4uafd-Y4sJcx1xaFUKwURhLmJxA3n4m9cDQY0-YRmkdEytsfXPdWOPZ891Ox1dRjSyMZdx6VD46kEQjTE5_H53CT A2S7qxVSWhF4RFyYgQnCVtRGQAQsfnb5cMMHQF-T01M_eKOde-8ooOntfr7NzS2xT-3jSEmVSrIFS&s=1) Please be advised: 1. This is not a "Final Notice of Obligation Lien" as there was no previous opportunity to refute the statements contained therein.

What kind of a joke is this, Karen? You know the rules. You have to answer and rebut our facts item by item, point by point. To refresh your memory, the item to be rebutted is: (1) The World Bank/IBRD were Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated.

And you haven’t done so. Yes or no, Karen? You must challenge our statement of fact with proof otherwise or admit it. We take it that you agree that the World Bank/IBRD were Secondary Creditors in the infamous 1933 Bankruptcy; you might as well, as Federal Titles 5 and 12 and the Emergency Banking Act of 1934 would reduce you to a laughingstock if you didn’t admit it.

As for your assertion that our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien is “not a “Final Notice” because there was no previous opportunity to refute the statements contained therein”---- au contraire, Karen. Many dozens of opportunities were provided to the World Bank, IBRD, and IMF franchises via U.S. Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested between 2010 and 2014 under “Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents”. Due Process was provided at each step. On February 3, 2014 Final Notice of Commercial and Administrative Default was served on the STATE OF ALASKA, which is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. which is a doing business name of the IMF which is an agency of the UN Corporation which is operated by the World Bank. Final Judgment and Civil Orders were issued on April 11, 2014. On July 4, 2014, the entire matter was published as a book, Disclosure 101, available on Amazon.com (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmazon.com%2F&h=pAQEi5kE3AQH2YKz1e8lZTZzWVZZO726fsGynbuFXB8rX5A&enc=AZOaAINDnInkmqTbh3p56K8ZWa--EDuuWNzSrqObLtFzM6Y0Z9oxbg7xI7H0CEa6P1NbjmNk6vmhHR 0jjHrLmBoUmS97GYVNMVa1M9k8p5CBc6McxavYTpMSu0K1ATAa Uzm8ce_HYRUcbTqxHJuiWFg_IchEmHOGkXZZd20PgKgTE1w8oO GD_vovMEW2JfhgIQQOxYNmApJz_8zLuDS9wq43&s=1) and “general notice” was provided to millions of people worldwide. Since then, we have published UCC-1 Financing Statements in favor of the States of America against the Principals of the World Bank, and have also published Public Liens related to the same. You need to look at page 169 of our published sworn affidavit of probable cause, entitled You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, which is also available on Amazon.com (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmazon.com%2F&h=nAQHDu-zyAQGe006GF2nfF_4lygZ38FV9IZnXGqF6Q4mrBQ&enc=AZMs-10RDM0UqdwztArTIcXfm7xJ_NSmRtiN5XpYXAZ9Co2S7IZ1MCl LSNtKCEG31_e9fajdQrZ5IwgYFszhAbadoXDPUPdWBV2KqDyRg _mVYTl0MjgrB7tXYdwMH5xqPGEDlGnuYl-mRrdlgNB4YAbDp4242FJ5eMlH5RHehBl0MNRj1sIZH_zBbHlu_ PTyFa1JtkE_YUFmbBxRG0cuXk3O&s=1), and which has been read by millions of people. Our “Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien” is exactly what it says it is, and your ten (10) days plus three (3) days mailing time are running.

2. Ms. Anna von Reitz and Mr. James Clinton Belcher do not represent any persons other than themselves.

Fortunately, we are Beneficiaries and Heirs to the Assets, acknowledged heirs to the Priority Creditors of the 1933 Bankruptcy (that is, the living people that the World Bank, IBRD, and Federal Reserve defrauded, stole from, and never repaid), each of us is one of “the free sovereign and independent people of the United States” per Article III of the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, and not as you would mischaracterize us, an “inhabitant” subject to the British Crown. We are also organic states of the Union within organic nation states, who have delegated a share of our sovereignty to the unincorporated united States of America. Thanks to the Equal Protection requirements of our Organic Law, so are the better part of 390 million other Americans whose nativity occurred on dry land. Our Public Law also makes it clear that we (and they) can never be considered as Dual Citizens and cannot become United States Citizens absent performance of the duties established by 2 United States Statute-at-Large 153. As a result, Karen, as long as there is an American alive anywhere in the world whose nativity occurred on the land of one of the organic states, there is a live claim in probate against the World Bank, IBRD, and IMF; thanks to our published Irrevocable Will every such man and woman has equal interest in our claim.

We---combined--- all those who are the heirs of parents and grandparents who suffered as a result of the 1933 Bankruptcy, are the only people who have standing in this matter by nature and birthright. We stand on the land, Ms. Hudes, claiming criminal Breach of Trust, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, Reverse Trust Fraud, Conspiracy, and numerous other crimes against the British Monarch, the Federal United States, the banks you work for and the American Bar Association you belong to.

Recently, attempts were made by the scum at Wells Fargo (a securities corporation using a bank’s trademarked name to deceive and defraud people, owned by the “U.S. Attorney General”) to claim that we no longer exist as a nation. They said that we no longer had any international representation, that we no longer have a national currency in circulation, that we have “abandoned” our land and that the “unknown heirs” could not be found.

It’s the same kind of story that your bosses at the World Bank peddled when they received our assets as Secondary Creditors, knowing full-well who the actual Priority Creditors were and who their heirs are, and precisely where we live, too. It may make you feel warm and fuzzy to know that there are plenty of people who remember FDR’s gold confiscations very clearly as Witnesses having first-hand knowledge. We have their sworn testimony.

On November 6, 2016, we issued a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty together with the “federal” Indigenous Nations precluding any claim that the States of America are not represented internationally. According to the Last Man Standing Rule governing both Treaties and Contracts, as long as there is a single competent “federal government” entity and a single competent delegate of the States of America holding up their respective jurisdictions The Constitution for the united States of America is as sound today as it was in 1787.

The United Nations Security Council and Secretary General Ki-Ban Moon and numerous other “World” officials have been duly served and notified of our action. As a result, the Native Nations have regained their standing on the land, and we have provided for designation of new “federal government” contractors to administer the nineteen enumerated services we are owed.

The bankrupt District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and the UNITED STATES, INC. have nothing to do with us and we have nothing to do with them. If the banks didn’t make and keep enough money for themselves to pay their own debts after plundering and defrauding us for a hundred years, it’s their own problem. We are not standing as sureties for them and we are not allowing any hypothecation of debt against our assets and we are not buying or backing any private fiat script.

3. As provided in paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement dated 11th August 1950, only assignees of Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, the mandate legal counsel and asset manager of Code TVM-LSM-666, who have been duly authenticated by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF possess capacity to move or remove after maturity in the year 2005 the assets on deposit in the Global Debt Facility.

Probate of estates is never truly closed and is not “close-able” by anyone, Ms. Hudes, whether they are the estates of people or the estates of nations. The World Bank which has functioned as a knowing predator upon us has netted itself the uncomfortable position of serving as our Trustee in this matter and the whole world is staring up its skirt. Those who have “represented” the States of America since 1860 have been knowingly or unknowingly acting in gross Breach of Trust and under conditions of semantic deceit and fraud, both with respect to the American People and with respect to their dealings with other people abroad. We cannot speak to the intentions or the knowledge possessed by people like Douglas McArthur, Eisenhower, or Kennedy. What we can tell you is that with respect to us any action they took was and is null and void for lack of delegated authority and fraud.

4. Ms. Anna von Reitz and Mr. James Clinton Belcher have no standing to challenge the decision of the Board of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on the Global Currency Reset by virtue of Article VII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Article IX of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (See http://siteresources.worldbank.org/…/IBRD_Articles_of_Agree… (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsiteresources.worldbank.org%2 FEXTARCHIVES%2FResources%2FIBRD_Articles_of_Agreem ent&h=QAQEprfiBAQHYjdSbsudEFEDSVaAjAY0OrNvYPoWZGQ5xlA&enc=AZNvDuyZmHf3lu1B4a5jnhbfrY7iYXv_ha3Rt0ZZqRg6P0 qJp4DunO8eWfr_Gkvk2Zg4A_waIG_NTwVCxBl2hyDR77b0U-7PPUNzQIH6KoTAhEWaPzSHymev0xXv20GIyqIlNjVFXVXhdWtr 2bBa6ktEPo_5S3T303cQ7Bu-t5D20WajZWYJknlYSCXZmBihr6YvS7xgaQ904OER_VhhWLbe&s=1). pdf )

See above. The heirs and entitlement holders of an estate always have the right to challenge any disbursement or disposal of estate assets. Your bosses are in exactly the same position as the owners of a Pawn Shop caught in possession of stolen goods, and like it or not, the whole world knows it.
Most tellingly, Karen, you haven’t denied it, either.

5. The United States is in interregnum, pending the reentry of its Constitution of 1789 into effect under Article V thereof. The monetary gold reserves of the United States are being deployed in the Global Currency Reset into United States Dollars in replacement of Federal Reserve Notes and for no other purpose and to no other person. The Global Currency Reset is agreed to among the nations, and every attempt to disrupt or block the Global Currency Reset is doomed to ignominy and failure.

You have just reiterated our points for us, Karen. The United States (Inc.) is in “interregnum”--- that is, receivership---and facing another round of “reconstruction”. But the United States you are talking about is NOT the same as the United States of America, nor the same as The United States of America, and none of those entities are the same as the united States of America----which just happens to be the actual landlord.

The United States (Inc.) you are talking about is nothing but a private, mostly foreign-owned “governmental services corporation” and the landlord couldn’t give a fig if the cleaning help is in trouble financially, nor do we care if that same cleaning help is in trouble for committing fraud, identity theft, racketeering, unlawful conversion, and hosts of other crimes.

The States of America have been infamously mistreated by servants under contract to provide them with “Good Faith Service”. The “United States” we are part of are quite different from all the dopplegangers that a gang of thieves operated by the British Crown have created to cause confusion, practice deceit, and defraud people, but the jig is up.

The Great Fraud is over, and you had all better believe it and take it to heart. Your only safety lies in pretending cow-like ignorance, which shouldn’t be too hard to do.

It does not serve the interests of the people of the united States of America to use our assets of any kind--- not our labor, not our natural resources – as collateral backing any private bank script whether it is called a “Federal Reserve Note” or a “United States Note”. Nor are we under any obligation to accept any such arrangement.

We have appointed General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces to act as our Fiduciary Deputy in this matter and have instructed him to receive and secure the gold and other assets that the Americans are owed to be used as collateral backing our own United States Silver Dollar defined as one ounce of fine silver. It is our stated intention to be able to interface with the BRICS Alliance while maintaining our own traditional precious metals currency.

The Trustees appointed by the Creditors of the United States, Inc., must be made aware of the fact that we are NOT standing as sureties for the debts of the United States, Inc. and will not honor any fixed exchange rate of any successor organization’s worthless paper for our labor or natural resources.

6. The statute of limitations invalidates any and all claims on the assets deposited in the Global Debt Facility. This procedure was agreed among all the nations in trust as inviolate and in sacred memory of the sacrifice that preceded this agreement. In disrespect of their predecessors and the Board of Governors' duty for the benefit of all of humanity, Ms. Anna von Reitz and Mr. James Clinton Belcher have the temerity, without meeting any burden of proof in showing the origin of the gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility, to insist that any one country, or peoples, should stand above the rest, and thereby plunge the entire humanity in another Dark Ages. For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF declare the purported Final Notice of Obligation Lien to be null and void.

Ms. Hudes--- there is no statute of limitation on the crime of fraud, and the united States of America along with the countries making up the British Isles, Canada, Australia, Japan, Greece, India, and most of Western and Eastern Europe have all been defrauded by your employers and other collaborating and colluding banks, banking associations, and banking cartels. So much for any of them declaring anything whatsoever about “Law” nor the validity of our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien.
Speaking of which, Item 1 of our Lien remains unanswered.
So do Items 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Unless I get serious answers and factual rebuttals in my hand no later than the close of business on January 17, 2016, every jot of our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien to World Bank/IBRD/IMF stands as Truth in International Law.

Finally, I want to address a couple other points, Ms. Hudes. You seem intent on painting us and the people of the united States of America as the greedy Bad Guys, when in fact you are working for the greedy Bad Guys and you are all part of a “System”---that is, criminal racket has that defrauded and abused everyone on the planet except for bankers and lawyers and their employee, cronies, and sycophants.

The Americans are only seeking the return of property that was stolen from their parents and grandparents, just as anyone on Earth would do. It is a just claim made by people who have been outrageously harmed and defrauded by sanctimonious con artists in nice suits.

But that day is done and the fraud is on the table. I am rubbing your nose in it, right now, and if you can’t smell the roses from where you are sitting, just put on your glasses and get closer to the page.

Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

annavonreitz.com (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Fcommercial lien.pdf&h=fAQEBHCXM&enc=AZPXYeBJpPhl_y5nJhUTqgjRbKNL2RLTsEZrVahIyqn5qO-Ciz35DWm7BOgIlwwn2frovAMkkjuVdmX3zuLKqMKdVFVF9KeTf WE4qbYa7JG4NuYSHe0X8ri7MjYvX7_4OL-QYR2-qtEl0DcrXh64UH7Ltd0hTUtC4hPqZcmja4nRqPvPFKJcYVzvBJ _F8NQs1AZa2KSsEI7sM6OKConLWui-&s=1)

30 Likes12 Comments34 Shares (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/946499492065798?comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22 O%22%7D)

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6th July 2016, 06:11 PM
file:///page1image240 file:///page1image460 file:///page1image544 From:

Karen Hudes

file:///page1image1096 Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 4:22 PM

file:///page1image1544 Subject: Re: Letter posted on facebook RE: Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien

file:///page1image2092 World Bank/IBRD/IMF of January 4, 2016

file:///page1image2500 To: Traci

There is no default. What on earth is Anna Von Reitz saying? I posted an answer to

Anna Von Reitz' five assertions point for point on the internet, and mailed her a copy.
My response was retweeted 20 times, for heaven's sake.
I will have to post our correspondence, but will protect your identity.

file:///page1image5104 file:///page1image5188

Thanks, Traci,


The World Bank

1818 H Street N.W.Washington, D.C. 20433U.S.A.

(202) 473-1000 (tel:(202) 473-1000)

Cable Address: INTBAFRADCable Address: INDEVAS

January 17, 2016Dear Anna Maria Riezinger and James Belcher,

General Joseph Dunford, Jr. is not getting the gold you wanted the Global Debt Facility to give him.Instead, General Dunford, Jr. and any secret successors if such there be are all relieved of their commandunder martial law. The secret martial law in the United States is illegitimate. You want to perpetuatemartial law? You have no authority to perpetuate martial law because the governed have withdrawn theirconsent and there is no legitimacy. Your attempt to reinstate General Dunford, Jr. as commander of the USgovernment under martial law has failed. The United States is in interregnum.

The indebtedness of all the countries of the world is now ended as a scam. The Network of GlobalCorporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf
owes more to the Global Debt Facility than all country debts.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/treaty+of+versailles+offer+of+sale+2+quadrillion1. pdf
You cannot prevent this from taking effect. It is not being done with your assets, but with Treaty of Versailles Bonds.. This is a no-brainer. Country debts are no more.

The Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund were not involved in the Bankrupcy of the United States and you are wrong to accuse the Board of Governors of theWorld Bank and IMF of being secondary creditors under Title 5 of the old Federal Code, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1934. You are mixing up the illegal acts of the Network of Global Corporate Control long before the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fundand their Boards of Executive Directors came on the scene.

The Board of Governors have never agreed to stand in for the United States as Trustees or Secondary Creditors in Bankruptcy; Title 5 and the Bankruptcy Act was subterfuge by theNetwork of Global Corporate Control.
The World Court and the UN have no jurisdiction over the assets in the Global Debt Facility, which are being deployed in a Global Currency Reset directly to all humankind in the form of national currencies out of gold and clean-up of Fukushima.

You have failed to address the point that the gold in the Global Debt Facility came from the rest of the world and not from the United States. The theft that occurred went in the other direction. It was the gold owned by the Global Debt Facility that went missing from the vaults in the twin towers before September 11, 2001.

Your only remaining point is that I am a member of the BAR, ignoring entirely how I have documented precisely the corruption in the legal profession in all its gory details, with no holds barred (pun intended).

file:///page2image13116 file:///page2image13200 1

You are bringing false claims and attributing criminal activities to the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at a time when the Network of Global Corporate Control is trying to plunge the world into darkness. For this I ask the long-forebearing, good people of the earth to forgive you. I cannot.


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentOverseer Mandate Trustee TVM-LSM-666

More at link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter1.26.16.3.pdf

6th July 2016, 07:10 PM
To me the only question needing consideration is who is Karens husband?

It's strangely coincidental that she crossed my mind earlier today. I was thinking on the audio chat on the Secret Space Program that Pat linked to here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53614-The-Secret-Space-Program-Red-Ice-TV-1-hr&p=841624&viewfull=1#post841624).

I was thinking how similar these two people were. They merely compiled a bunch of key alternative media/freedom key words and phrases while adding in 2 parts of their own BS. People seem to lap it up without the slightest thought as to what they are saying. Not being critical of Pat. Like many of us here, he uses GSUS as a BS filter.

I don't know what to make of the Judge, but I do know what to make of Karen.

9th July 2016, 10:48 PM
To me the only question needing consideration is who is Karens husband?

It's strangely coincidental that she crossed my mind earlier today. I was thinking on the audio chat on the Secret Space Program that Pat linked to here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53614-The-Secret-Space-Program-Red-Ice-TV-1-hr&p=841624&viewfull=1#post841624).

I was thinking how similar these two people were. They merely compiled a bunch of key alternative media/freedom key words and phrases while adding in 2 parts of their own BS. People seem to lap it up without the slightest thought as to what they are saying. Not being critical of Pat. Like many of us here, he uses GSUS as a BS filter.

I don't know what to make of the Judge, but I do know what to make of Karen.

One public analysis of Karen Hudes disrupter operations states:

Both Karen and her husband are Marxist Jews. They have a daughter, Elizabeth (about age 21). Karen is very careful never to reveal anything about her Ashkenazi Jewish background, family, private interests. Karen worked for the World Bank, controlled by Jews, as a senior lawyer for many years and her husband has also worked for the World Bank as well. So how come, all of a sudden, she leaves the World Bank to become a “whistle-blower” exposing corruption at the the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, US Justice system and US government? – attacking her own fellow Jews? – it simply doesn’t make sense does it?

The real truth is she is a Jewish ‘disinformation agent’ or ambassador of the bankers themselves working for the British. What she is saying is briefly this: “I am here to forewarn you all that the old, out-dated, corrupt, Bretton Woods banking system has had its day, and is about to be replaced with a new world order financial system and World Currency Unit.” It is really as simple as that.

Barry Spergel, her husband, was born on 23 May, 1952, and is an Environment Financing Consultant and international lawyer with his office at home. Amongst his many positions, he has helped design environmental funds in more than 25 countries, including drafting up legal documents, operations manuals, grant-making procedures, investment policies, and fundraising strategies. HE has also negotiated Debt-for-Nature swaps for the World Bank. He has written global forestry laws and environmental protection laws; and designed new environmental taxes and user fees (user fees which will soon be introduced all around the world for the public to access their own privatized, UN-controlled national parks!!!!) and PES and REDD. He has also helped design and evaluate many projects for GEF, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), KFW, AFD, USAID, WWF, CI, TNC, IUCN etc.

Barry Spergel attended Yale Law School 1975-1978, which Karen Hudes also attended, and it is presumed that is where they first met and subsequently he became Karen’s husband. Karen was born in 1948.

Barry Spergel was Senior Legal Counsel and Director for Conservation Finance at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) USA based at 1250 24th Street, NW Washington, DC, from 1989 to 2003, a very long time! The WWF was founded on 29 April 1961 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with five others including Julian Huxley and Godfrey A. Rockefeller (all eugenicists). Today the WWF is based in Switzerland, has HRH The duke of Edinburgh as its president Emeritus, has revenues of over 525 million euros, has over 5 million supporters worldwide, is the world’s largest conservation organization, and derives approximately 57% of its funding from individuals and bequests, 17% from the World Bank, DFID, and USAID, and 11% from corporations. Karen Hudes, his wife, interestingly, was a Senior Legal Counsel at the World Bank. Both the WWF (USA) and World Bank work together, and indirectly are controlled by City of London Jews with the British Monarchy at the head.

Mr. Spergel has worked with Michael Rothschild of the Walton Family Foundation on the Forever Costa Rica Project, the first such program in a developing country to permanently meet the UN Global Protected-Area Goals. He is involved with the 2013-2017 Mediterranean MPA Network Strategy to introduce UN-mandated Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.http://www.medmpaforum2012.org/en/partenaires He has developed the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds for the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)http://conservationfinance.org/news.php?id=185

Above all,Barry Spergel has personally written the UN/World Bank/IMF global plan for global ‘Conservation Finance’ called Limitations and Opportunities for financing protected areas all around the world – through World Bank/IMF bilateral debt reduction for biodiversity conservation swaps, debt-for-nature swaps, introducing new property tax surcharges to pay for conservation land acquisition, greatly increasing visitor fees to conservation areas etc. This involves massively increasing the current global spending of $6 billion per year to $45 billion per year. You can read his presentation about his plans here:http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Saxaphone-8300-ESSD-Roundtable-G-Finance-II-Barry-Spergel-PPT-CONSERVATION-FINANCE-Global-Cost-Biodiversity-Conservation-Macroeconomic-Solution-3-Approach-ppt-powerpoint/

We remember, in 1987, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress held in Denver Colorado, (the now late) Edmund de Rothschild set up the World Conservation Bank. The outstanding author and speaker, George W. Hunt (some of his video material is still on Youtube), who attended the Congress, later explained how it (or an equivalent organization to it in the future) was to be used as the final decoupling mechanism to take over the entire assets of the collapsed banks of the world during a global crisis, by providing a new world financial system and global currency called the “world conservation earth dollar” (or something like it) issued against the collateral of 34% of the entire earth’s surface that has been transferred into UN Conservation Parks and Biodiversity zones. Our own country here in New Zealand has long been completed.

Its all a very clever, ingenius, evil, cunning, Marxist, British Socialist plot to take over the world, and I regret to say, both Karen Hudes and Barry Spergel are, right now, a very nasty and integral part of it.


9th July 2016, 11:06 PM
What they all have in common is a surname: ADAMS. You will find no surnames in biblical writings. Instead you will find something similar to John Quincy of Avalon where Avalon might be a manor, plantation, municipality or region. The surname was established to place your occupation into commerce and you use it voluntarily.

for taxing purposes, no?