View Full Version : Osiris, the original mother god.

6th January 2015, 06:16 PM

Best video and explanation yet of how the christians took over the religion from the Egyptions

6th January 2015, 07:07 PM
or how the Egyptians brought the christ-ians into the fold.

If you look at the symbology you could easily conclude that the Sun God (Ra) empire is still running today after some 8000 years.

6th January 2015, 07:52 PM
how can osiris be mother god. he is a male, isis you mean?

you should watch the brotherhood of death and how the jews stole the egyptian mythology and why it is all masonry in the end.

the fact is that all current religions are sun/Light worship.

6th January 2015, 11:40 PM
how can osiris be mother god. he is a male, isis you mean?
Female chauvinist pig! Men can be mothers too. Especially if they are named Osiris. Madfranks, for instance is short for Spanish Madre Franco. Are you now trying to tell us that he can't be a good mother for his children? Just because he was born without a vagina?


6th January 2015, 11:47 PM
Your right it was Isis. No wonder my prayers go unanswered.

6th January 2015, 11:55 PM
Their is no God save ourselves and our connection.............to rely on the outside world for an answer to our own inner reality is asking for trouble.

The closest thing to God represented by our physical world is the SUN without a doubt.

A big round ball of warmth and light.

Not that the sun is God exclusively but as a physical thing we can all see it dazzling in the sky.

7th January 2015, 12:28 AM
Their is no God save ourselves and our connection.............to rely on the outside world for an answer to our own inner reality is asking for trouble.

The closest thing to God represented by our physical world is the SUN without a doubt.

A big round ball of warmth and light.

Not that the sun is God exclusively but as a physical thing we can all see it dazzling in the sky.
There are some here that argues the sun doesn't emit neither warmth or light...

7th January 2015, 02:22 AM
Mother nature is my god. She waters me and my plants, feeds me, provides warmth and continues to teach me things. She also lets me learn at my own pace. Seems the more I know and learn the more she puts in front of me to understand.

7th January 2015, 04:40 AM
there is nothing wrong to meditate/pray (about) the sun. what is wrong is making people believe that they worship something else instead. And this because the sun worship has been itself subverted and that they do not want people to find out about it.

two years ago I practiced sun gazing for about 3 months (which you only can do, at sunset or sunrise) this to send a massive shots of photons straight into the brain, which has a soothing effect, anti stress and other benefits. Interested, look for videos on youtube.

Their is no God save ourselves and our connection.............to rely on the outside world for an answer to our own inner reality is asking for trouble.

The closest thing to God represented by our physical world is the SUN without a doubt.

A big round ball of warmth and light.

Not that the sun is God exclusively but as a physical thing we can all see it dazzling in the sky.

7th January 2015, 04:50 AM
yes I understand that :)

last year a stubborn female turkey kept escaping the coop to go lay eggs and finally succeeded, she got 3 chicks... but 2 weeks later she was caught by a coyote. So we put the chicks inside the coop and the male turkey took care of them like a female, under his wings at night so the babies could stay warm.

eventually the chicks ended up finding a small hole in the fence, big enough for them and never came back... got killed by predators too. That was a a very sad story.

Female chauvinist pig! Men can be mothers too. Especially if they are named Osiris. Madfranks, for instance is short for Spanish Madre Franco. Are you now trying to tell us that he can't be a good mother for his children? Just because he was born without a vagina?


7th January 2015, 04:59 AM
the smartest farmers know that planting will be a lot more successful when the moon is waxing... down here they plant at the new moon. yet many believe that the moon has no effect on humans whatsoever.

The study of nature teaches man how to work along with her, especially to transcend our instincts. But there is the agenda that man is an animal that needs to be controlled and a hierarchy.

Mother nature is my god. She waters me and my plants, feeds me, provides warmth and continues to teach me things. She also lets me learn at my own pace. Seems the more I know and learn the more she puts in front of me to understand.

mick silver
7th January 2015, 05:02 AM
They used the light coming from the new moon so they can plant all night long . bet you have never heard that one . farmer work is never done ...

7th January 2015, 05:34 AM
Some sorry situations on this thread. When you believe lies, your life is led by lies.

7th January 2015, 06:56 AM
Your right it was Isis. No wonder my prayers go unanswered.


7th January 2015, 07:39 AM
Female chauvinist pig! Men can be mothers too. Especially if they are named Osiris. Madfranks, for instance is short for Spanish Madre Franco. Are you now trying to tell us that he can't be a good mother for his children? Just because he was born without a vagina?

You go, Mr. Man...:)

7th January 2015, 07:40 AM
This will be my 3rd year using llewelyn's moon sign book for gardening. I had read about it someplace and people swore by it so I figured I would give it a try. Its only like 7 bucks on amazon. The results have been impressive.

I've also seen the effects on humans. Full moon makes em crazy. It affects some more than others. For me I get insomnia for about 2 days before and during the full moon. Others have similar effects. One couple I know used to fight alot for a few days before the full moon then they were fine the rest of the month.
the smartest farmers know that planting will be a lot more successful when the moon is waxing... down here they plant at the new moon. yet many believe that the moon has no effect on humans whatsoever.

The study of nature teaches man how to work along with her, especially to transcend our instincts. But there is the agenda that man is an animal that needs to be controlled and a hierarchy.

7th January 2015, 07:46 AM
Some sorry situations on this thread. When you believe lies, your life is led by lies.
I hear that, been trying to tell talk some reason into the Christians but it does no good. Once their belief systems are formed there is no changing them. There are exceptions and some do wake up but it doesnt happen often.

7th January 2015, 08:21 AM
yes I understand that :)

last year a stubborn female turkey kept escaping the coop to go lay eggs and finally succeeded, she got 3 chicks... but 2 weeks later she was caught by a coyote. So we put the chicks inside the coop and the male turkey took care of them like a female, under his wings at night so the babies could stay warm.

eventually the chicks ended up finding a small hole in the fence, big enough for them and never came back... got killed by predators too. That was a a very sad story.
Not for the predators... Anyway seems like the Turkeys had some type of escape gene inherited from their mother. Birds that are poor at flying and have good tasting meat in abundance, should realize they are better off in captivity among new agers. But Turkey is not famous for its moments of brightness and realization... :)

7th January 2015, 08:46 AM
I hear that, been trying to tell talk some reason into the Christians but it does no good. Once their belief systems are formed there is no changing them. There are exceptions and some do wake up but it doesnt happen often.

Of course. Once you learn the truth, nothing else will do.

7th January 2015, 10:13 AM
expat, if you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, and understand why dragons are all over the place in all cultures, and the etymology of our modern vocabulary... here it goes, a very rational and neutral take.

chasing the dragon, part 2 is available and 3 is in the making.

understanding this is crucial to let all myths go.

midnight rambler
7th January 2015, 10:15 AM
two years ago I practiced sun gazing for about 3 months

So why did you stop?

7th January 2015, 10:24 AM
Female chauvinist pig! Men can be mothers too. Especially if they are named Osiris. Madfranks, for instance is short for Spanish Madre Franco. Are you now trying to tell us that he can't be a good mother for his children? Just because he was born without a vagina?


LOL, thanks but my wife makes for a much better mother than I do.

7th January 2015, 10:33 AM
its all about timing, you only have 15-20mins before and after sunset/sunrise, and as usual discipline is needed if we seek long term effects. But some ppl say up to 1 hour before/after. Its also about practice and the season.

summer is better as days are longer and warmer. also you need a geographical location that is suitable, where I am once the sun shows up above the hill, its already too bright.

definitely a mood booster. Maybe I'll do it again this year. edit: and if I do, I will go up to the 45min threshold based on what the guy says in the video.

he says sun gazing cured his breathing problems, among other things


two years ago I practiced sun gazing for about 3 months

So why did you stop?

7th January 2015, 10:56 AM
LOL, thanks but my wife makes for a much better mother than I do.
Probably wife too! ;D

7th January 2015, 11:03 AM
LOL, thanks but my wife makes for a much better mother than I do.

Probably wife too! ;D

And boss's also!


7th January 2015, 12:51 PM
the visible part = mainstream teaching for herds
invisible part = the rabbit hole governing the above

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1779745_325685940956004_8535429839066679216_n.jpg? oh=9ecbaa8ac14371e63cd57a7f600dbbe1&oe=5520EAC1&__gda__=1430447962_0e3559547aca6cd22c5604b61be2ab2 a

7th January 2015, 01:08 PM
There are some here that argues the sun doesn't emit neither warmth or light...

But we feel and see it..............

7th January 2015, 01:12 PM
I hear that, been trying to tell talk some reason into the Christians but it does no good. Once their belief systems are formed there is no changing them. There are exceptions and some do wake up but it doesnt happen often.

Once you have a belief system locked in and it turns into concrete in your head then you may as well be a ZOMBIE...........half alive and half dead.

The trick is to be free of ALL conditioning and see the world anew each day................

7th January 2015, 02:27 PM
Once you have a belief system locked in and it turns into concrete in your head then you may as well be a ZOMBIE...........half alive and half dead.

The trick is to be free of ALL conditioning and see the world anew each day................

That means developing a new language, learning to walk, learning to see all over again each day. But the intelligence of manis given that we can learn things and hold them through time and even pass on lessons to others. Still, mindless platitudes erupt from those who forget what is real as they pretend to pursue what is real.

7th January 2015, 02:30 PM
That means developing a new language, learning to walk, learning to see all over again each day. But the intelligence of manis given that we can learn things and hold them through time and even pass on lessons to others. Still, mindless platitudes erupt from those who forget what is real as they pretend to pursue what is real.

A new language ..........how is that a belief system

Walking isnt a belief system.............

Belief systems exists solely in your own mind being a mixture of thoughts and emotion................

7th January 2015, 02:47 PM
For me I get insomnia for about 2 days before and during the full moon. Others have similar effects. One couple I know used to fight alot for a few days before the full moon then they were fine the rest of the month.

Interesting, I tend to sleep really well during the full moon when the tides are the greatest. Pershaps, it's being so close to the water, and in tune with it, that helps.

Regarding sun gazing, I tend to rise before sun up to enjoy that time with a cup of coffee, and at sunset, being on the west coast, I see her go down at sun set over the ocean. It is very soothing, especially with a glass of wine or a few beers.

I've never seen the green flash, but always wonder about that. I think you need to be far out to sea to see that, and have the right conditions.

7th January 2015, 03:06 PM
what do the 12 disciples have to do with Pi ??

that guy is really excellent, IMHO, my new discovery....

7th January 2015, 04:00 PM
Of course. Once you learn the truth, nothing else will do.


7th January 2015, 09:56 PM
But we feel and see it..............
I guess you shouldn't believe your lying eyes...

8th January 2015, 06:42 AM
here is a god one too! zeitgeist the final cut. the first 45 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybEdQsewadw

8th January 2015, 03:18 PM
I guess you shouldn't believe your lying eyes...

You are seeing what you want see, and hearing what you want to hear, currently.

True guilt is when you apply your own slight of hand to it, in a nutshell game to support your cherished delusion.

mick silver
8th January 2015, 05:29 PM
Astronomers Celebrate 300th Anniversary Of Discovering Sky http://o.onionstatic.com/images/27/27716/16x9/700.jpg?2957

mick silver
8th January 2015, 05:56 PM

mick silver
8th January 2015, 05:57 PM

mick silver
8th January 2015, 06:02 PM

8th January 2015, 06:27 PM
where are those picks from Mick?

8th January 2015, 07:52 PM
this one looks fake ...no link?

well ALL of them actually... statues are way too neat.

Thanks for the prank, Mick


8th January 2015, 08:47 PM
what do the 12 disciples have to do with Pi ??

that guy is really excellent, IMHO, my new discovery....

Holy Cow! This Marty Leeds guy really does explain a lot about how language is encoded in numbers, and is mathematical in nature.
Funny, I had watched one of his video presentations a few months back, but forgot his name and lost it. Thanks for bringing it up. I've been looking for it.
I just wish I had learned this stuff back in kindergarten. "I mighta been a contender." :)

8th January 2015, 10:13 PM
Astronomers Celebrate 300th Anniversary Of Discovering Sky http://o.onionstatic.com/images/27/27716/16x9/700.jpg?2957

9th January 2015, 02:13 AM
everything is about math and mathematical patterns.... yes Leeds is very rational in his explanations, and indisputable, I am afraid. I have watched maybe 5 of his vids already but there is a whole bunch out there.

if some people are interested in meeting up in the philosophy forum in a few weeks, time to see more of his work.

Holy Cow! This Marty Leeds guy really does explain a lot about how language is encoded in numbers, and is mathematical in nature.
Funny, I had watched one of his video presentations a few months back, but forgot his name and lost it. Thanks for bringing it up. I've been looking for it.
I just wish I had learned this stuff back in kindergarten. "I mighta been a contender." :)

9th January 2015, 03:27 AM
what do the 12 disciples have to do with Pi ??

that guy is really excellent, IMHO, my new discovery....
It works if your only language is English... :)

9th January 2015, 03:31 AM
It works if your only language is English... :)

he has at least 1 video that includes english and hebrew and pi. have not watched it yet. he has a few different languages.

9th January 2015, 05:34 AM
he has at least 1 video that includes english and hebrew and pi. have not watched it yet. he has a few different languages.
Bible was written originally in Greek or Arameic... King James' translators must have been numerologists... ;D

9th January 2015, 07:21 AM
Bible was written originally in Greek or Arameic...

Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, English Gematria. Kabbalah. Cryptographically encoded language of TPTB. The hidden hand.

9th January 2015, 10:56 AM
Binary computer translation should get us all out of the deep end soon.

I'm not so sure Marty will make it though.



=infinity8 on its side

9th January 2015, 11:05 AM
I do believe u need to know enough about numbers in there entirity, so as to shun them absolutely when confronted by them.

9th January 2015, 12:15 PM
it doesnt matter because of etymology (evolution of language)... almost all languages (except for chinese derived languages, Id guess) borrow from sanskrit and hebrew (which improved the ancient egyptian alphabet). English has hebraic roots.

look for "chasing the dragon" part 1 and 2, this woman does a terrific job showing this. I will watch it again this weekend.

just as Halo, hello, and allah.... all derived from EL... like Elhoim.

The alphabet didnt come out of the blue, it definitely has "esoteric" roots, which the elites are aware of.

and it is about time we pay a serious attention to it because the masonic NWO has subverted the language, we SAY things that do not always mean what they truly mean. And since frequencies rule the universe, the language surely shapes the way people respond to brainwashing.

Vedic and hebrahic traditions are like distant cousins alphabet wise, as the 1st one considers 9 as the highest number while the 2nd one 8, 9 equaling 0.

the bible sez: in the beginning was the Word

It works if your only language is English... :)

9th January 2015, 12:27 PM
it doesnt matter because of etymology (evolution of language)... almost all languages (except for chinese derived languages, Id guess) borrow from sanskrit and hebrew (which improved the ancient egyptian alphabet). English has hebraic roots.

look for "chasing the dragon" part 1 and 2, this woman does a terrific job showing this. I will watch it again this weekend.

just as Halo, hello, and allah.... all derived from EL... like Elhoim.

The alphabet didnt come out of the blue, it definitely has "esoteric" roots, which the elites are aware of.

and it is about time we pay a serious attention to it because the masonic NWO has subverted the language, we SAY things that do not mean what they truly mean.

the veda and hebrew have
You completely miss the point, in a different language the numbers wouldn't add up like they do in English, because the letters would be different

9th January 2015, 12:51 PM
you totally miss the point because you do not want to understand what I mean

edit: yet you acknowledge the power of the english language. instead of pondering this, you shift the focus on other languages to dimish the fact that english is maybe LOT more than just english. ;D

I have seen similar analysis in french and it worked too, each language targeting one aspect of the inquiry. Languages operate like fractals, letters in french/enlgish will address issues english/french can't. Or add another layer of understanding. (ok french is my native tongue)

Languages are holographic too.

You completely miss the point, in a different language the numbers wouldn't add up like they do in English, because the letters would be different

9th January 2015, 01:56 PM
It works if your only language is English... :)

Don't work if your smoking bud either... I'll watch this again later if I remember.

9th January 2015, 03:31 PM
You completely miss the point, in a different language the numbers wouldn't add up like they do in English, because the letters would be different

Examples please - waiting :)

don't forget to reduce to primaries those extended and backward ass Finish words u use. lol

Was the Bible ever translated into the Finish language?

it must be best because its Finnished...

How did English become the world’s most widely spoken language?

Five hundred years ago, between five and seven million people spoke English, almost all of them living in the British Isles. Now, anywhere up to 1.8 billion people around the world speak English.
How did this happen?

The growth of English has nothing to do with the structure of the language, or any inherent qualities, and everything to do with politics and history.

The British Empire...


9th January 2015, 05:06 PM
Finland makes Latin the King

Tuesday, 24 October 2006

A Finn has translated Elvis Presley songs and sings them in Latin

Finland is one of the quieter members of the EU. But now its turn at the EU presidency has thrust it into the spotlight - and exposed an unusual passion.

Like the boy at the party with cheese straws stuck up his nose, it has been caught doing something vaguely disturbing - indulging a penchant for Latin.

It is the only country in the world which broadcasts the news in Latin.

On its EU presidency website one can find descriptions of meetings in Latin. But love of the language of Rome goes deep.

'Eternal language'..


9th January 2015, 05:27 PM
somewhat true, that is one part of the story, the tip of the iceberg, surface analysis.

politics is religion (ie: esotericism) and otherwise.

The growth of English has nothing to do with the structure of the language, or any inherent qualities, and everything to do with politics and history.

The British Empire...

9th January 2015, 07:13 PM
somewhat true, that is one part of the story, the tip of the iceberg, surface analysis.

politics is religion (ie: esotericism) and otherwise.

I'm not quite sure it contains any truth, after having seen the level of conversation at many a Spanish speaking party.

In fact I'm willing to hedge a bet that the structure is part and parcel to the British Empire, based upon my statistical research.

The statements above would have taken eons to write in most other languages, .

then not even made any sense in direct terms to the receiver. lol :)

9th January 2015, 07:56 PM
Watch this and part 2 as well. Lots of math in the Pyramids and ancient Egypt. Part 2 is tying some of that together along with Fractals.

As I was watching these it occured to me that I have seen this before and sure enough I have, In crop circles. I'm not the first to notice it I guess so thats another one that ties even more into this.
And ten Finally, this thrive video has similar info along with a stone dicovered in Osiris temple with this stuff burned into it.




You could skip the crop circles video if you want to. The thrive video covers it anyway.

9th January 2015, 11:25 PM
you totally miss the point because you do not want to understand what I mean

edit: yet you acknowledge the power of the english language. instead of pondering this, you shift the focus on other languages to dimish the fact that english is maybe LOT more than just english. ;D

I have seen similar analysis in french and it worked too, each language targeting one aspect of the inquiry. Languages operate like fractals, letters in french/enlgish will address issues english/french can't. Or add another layer of understanding. (ok french is my native tongue)

Languages are holographic too.
Ok I get your point! You don't have any. It is just a bag of words thrown together which will lead nowhere. The mathematics of the English bible translation, proves exactly what re Christianity at large? 1607 comes after 200 AD, doesnt really change any of your opinions because you are totally unable to grasp chronological logic. Try and chew on this, the English bible translation of 1607 had no impact on the development of the christian bible that started some 1500 years before, does that make any sense? No I thought not!

10th January 2015, 04:02 AM
neuro, you made clear in so many occasions that esoteric topics are not your cup of tea and that you regard them as utter gibberish. including "occult nazi"... doing this prevents you from seeing the big picture, the hidden part of the iceberg, I am afraid

in all languages, math and the alphabet are linked, just get over it. Chronological logic is a pitfall, just like the electric universe theory proves that newton is on his deathbed, and that sacred geometry proves the shape of the universe.

Reality is an illusion, we only see what we want to see :) Numerology is as old as mankind, keep that in mind. All you do is attacking the messenger because you cannot wrap your mind around it.

each language has its code to decipher the big picture and marty leeds has unlocked one of them.

Ok I get your point! You don't have any. It is just a bag of words thrown together which will lead nowhere. The mathematics of the English bible translation, proves exactly what re Christianity at large? 1607 comes after 200 AD, doesnt really change any of your opinions because you are totally unable to grasp chronological logic. Try and chew on this, the English bible translation of 1607 had no impact on the development of the christian bible that started some 1500 years before, does that make any sense? No I thought not!

10th January 2015, 07:18 AM
Watch this and part 2 as well. Lots of math in the Pyramids and ancient Egypt. Part 2 is tying some of that together along with Fractals.

Boy-o-boy they packed everything together in that first video you posted...

Are we absolutely positive that the angle is 30^ and not 32^? :)

To me the message from the ancients is clear that we should build systems to stand the test of time,
not stick structures like first little piggies.

Like Neuro's avatar house, he has followed the ancient's esoteric message perfectly. Even though it looks like it should be farther north and have cottage cheese being made inside of it.

10th January 2015, 10:55 AM
Horn, think whatever you wish... this is the elites' chabby secret... hide the mysteries of mankind and the cosmos in order to manipulate masses at will.

we still are under the pharaohs' rule.

I'm not quite sure it contains any truth, after having seen the level of conversation at many a Spanish speaking party.

In fact I'm willing to hedge a bet that the structure is part and parcel to the British Empire, based upon my statistical research.

The statements above would have taken eons to write in most other languages, .

then not even made any sense in direct terms to the receiver. lol :)

10th January 2015, 10:59 AM
santa, if you havent caught it yet, watch The Astrological Story of Creation - Pi & The English Alphabet

this guy is a genius.

Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, English Gematria. Kabbalah. Cryptographically encoded language of TPTB. The hidden hand.

10th January 2015, 11:40 AM
Boy-o-boy they packed everything together in that first video you posted...

Are we absolutely positive that the angle is 30^ and not 32^? :)

To me the message from the ancients is clear that we should build systems to stand the test of time,
not stick structures like first little piggies.

Like Neuro's avatar house, he has followed the ancient's esoteric message perfectly. Even though it looks like it should be farther north and have cottage cheese being made inside of it.

Not sure about the angle being correct nor have I verified any of the info in there. I also havent been to the pyramids yet so I have no idea if it is even possible to measure them accurately enough to do these calculations. Cambodia, the yucatan and egypt are all on the same parralell so they could be lined up.

Reality is an illusion, we only see what we want to see I dont buy that.

10th January 2015, 11:47 AM
exactly... you couldnt be closer to the truth here. its all about etymology.

Bible was written originally in Greek or Arameic... King James' translators must have been numerologists... ;D

10th January 2015, 12:01 PM
how do you explain brainwashing then ? beliefs shape reality.

I dont buy that.

I assume that it is the 2nd part you meant earlier, sounds great!! this cosmic math stuff is spreading like wildfire lately. About time.

Published on Jul 30, 2012
Following on from the information covered in Zero Point : Volume I - Messages from the Past, Volume II - The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandlebrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself.

The existence of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths featured in Vol I are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality. Only by re-examining what we think we know can we pave the way for a future of prosperity based on the ideas and scientific discoveries touched upon in this film. Dedicated to the expansion of the perceptions of possibility I give you Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure of Infinity

10th January 2015, 01:08 PM
for those interested in the topic

this guy is friend with the "secrets in plain sight" creator. He has a book for sale but there also is free stuff on his site.


My book, 'The Numerical Universe' sets out to show that there exists a primordial, numerical, geometric and musical structure to the Universe. The proposal is simply that there is only order in the universe; that there is no chaos and that we are not all here by virtue of some incredible stroke of luck. The universe is instead shown to be the effect produced by a perfectly balanced, always in equilibrium, numerical order, inherent to the decimal system of numbers 0 to 9.

A complete understanding of this system of Number is the gateway to both a perfect understanding of everything in the universe and a personal enlightenment. We do not have to believe in a creation, we can know, absolutely.

From this seed of understanding the hope is that we can literally create a Heaven here on Earth, as it should and could be,one of full unemployment and abundance, free and limitless energy, perfect health and indefinite longevity, total eradication of disease, hunger and poverty. Limitless creativity and a thriving universe is what awaits us.Freedom.

Too good to be true? Well, consider that divisive, reductionist and materialistic thinking observed in our approach to human systems, business and the environment is in error, and puts Man at odds with the universe. The belief that he can obviate cycles in Nature with his science and technology have had predictably disastrous consequences wherever we care to look.

Schumpeter’s idea of ‘Creative Destruction’ which describes the process of incessantly revolutionising the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one, is again ushering in the perennial philosophy advanced by Plato and Pythagoras which will once more lead us out of the darkness. Once the true nature of Nature is revealed so will it in turn lead to a return to living in harmony with Nature and the Universe. It is ignorance that causes war and divisiveness among Men, nothing more.

The book starts with an exposition of the theory – the reader won’t need any formal mathematical training to follow the arguments and analysis. I then move on to analyse the group of 20 amino acids which are common to all life and which reveal the canonical, numerical, geometric and ultimately musical template that pervades the created Universe and has done since the moment of its inception.

In the final section I demonstrate how the Partition Table of Numbers is the numerical algorithm used to create and structure the whole of the universe. Numbers are seen to organise themselves in such a way that they unfold as an elegant geometric integration.

Hard evidence of this ancient knowledge may be found in analysis of the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, famous cathedrals like Wells and Chartres, and all the megalithic sites, that are shouting this numerical canon that it may never be lost. The theory offers extraordinary new insights into the central question of natural philosophy, the origin of the Fine Structure Constant and the famous number 137 that has so obsessed some of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century.

Enduring mysteries concerning Prime Numbers, Photosynthesis, Plato, Dante’s 55 Stelle, the 153 Fish in the Bible, and the SATOR Square recovered from the ruins of Pompeii - all can be readily explained and understood by application of this Number theory which can project our learning and advancement like no theory yet conceived.


The Numerical Structure & DNA & Amino Acids - The Game Unpacked

If for any reason you cannot afford this or would prefer to make a donation, please contact me for access.


Partition Theory will hopefully be available by the end of 2014.

10th January 2015, 01:18 PM
lets throw some music into the mix... err, harmonics. sound is math too


https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10390141_10153786591188538_4252162579580366385_n.j pg?oh=3ca25c080e8196fe27885e4c84738115&oe=552BCB47&__gda__=1429333073_818c713251130c2552ae408ef6fe277 b

An interesting thing about the 432hz= A is that each frequency on its harmonic spectrum starting with a 36hz fundamental, will reduce to the number 9. This makes 432hz the 12th harmonic on the spectrum starting at 36hz. Every number in the harmonic series happens to be what is called a Harshad number. The word "Harshad" comes from the Sanskrit harṣa (joy) + da (give), meaning joy-giver. Harshad numbers or Niven numbers as they’re also called, are whole numbers that are divisible by the sum of its digits. Take 72 for example 7+ 2= 9 and 72/9 = 8, a whole number. In other words 9 is a factor of 72 because 72 = 9 x 8.

How is it that the sum of all digits in the harmonic series come to 9? And what is the significance of this?

9 is extraordinary! When multiplied by any digit the sum will reduce to itself. This as well as the 2:1 ratio that characterizes the law of harmonic doubling, makes it so that these Niven numbers repeat all the way up the spectrum. This can be seen as a metaphor for the spiritual nature of existence, because no matter how many times Spirit multiplies itself through the variations and diversity of its self expression, it always remains itself and reduces to itself.

But what does this have to do with the harmonic series?

This harmonic series then reveals an aspect of the universal organizational principle, and extends to us a profound resource to apply to the Great Work. Using gematria in another example, the hebrew letter Tet equals 9 and represents the “Serpent Power” referring to the esoteric and hidden behavior of vibratory motion. Notice the serpentine motion of the sound wave. If you recall, it was the serpent in the garden that convinced Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge, leading to their exile. The aspect of cosmic intelligence applied to this key of wisdom is called, “The Secret of All Spiritual Activity”. Encoded into this mathematical principal and its archetypal and symbolic form is a key to the completion of Adam’s exile from the Garden. Embedded into the law of harmonics itself is the profound hint that within the oscillating, vibratory motion of the universal life power, is a key to equilibrating the subtle body, the etheric or energetic field that holds the template of creation. The lunar aspect of human nature - the Moon being assigned to Yesod, the subconscious, feminine-yin dimension preceding mind and matter is a field of vibratory force. It reveals an inseparable link between sound vibration and how consciousness constructs its objects of awareness and ultimately the form we inhabit and the reality we experience.

The elegant and potent kernel of wisdom the number 9 offers us, extends far beyond this tiny, partial description. But this little glimpse into its hidden mechanism is enough to be reminded that the universe has a purpose, a process, and a structure and that through the use of sound vibration we can consciously choose to align ourselves to those coherent unifying patterns of energetic force, thereby helping to bring about the completion of ADM through our own evolution. It is from this understanding that I offer you Source Vibrations sound meditations. My intention is that as we listen to the frequencies of the 432Hz harmonics, we are allowing ourselves to be moved by the power of 9, and are aligning ourselves with a great secret of spiritual evolution. My hope and prayer for all who are guided to listen and meditate with our music, is that we simply discover what we are at the core of our being, and that through this recognition we receive great joy. Because as we are reduced to the sum of our parts, we find there is only ever one perfect whole, and that wholeness is the Joy of Spirit.

In L.V.X.

10th January 2015, 02:29 PM
neuro, you made clear in so many occasions that esoteric topics are not your cup of tea and that you regard them as utter gibberish. including "occult nazi"... doing this prevents you from seeing the big picture, the hidden part of the iceberg, I am afraid

in all languages, math and the alphabet are linked, just get over it. Chronological logic is a pitfall, just like the electric universe theory proves that newton is on his deathbed, and that sacred geometry proves the shape of the universe.

Reality is an illusion, we only see what we want to see :) Numerology is as old as mankind, keep that in mind. All you do is attacking the messenger because you cannot wrap your mind around it.

each language has its code to decipher the big picture and marty leeds has unlocked one of them.
Utter hogwash. The truth is there is no logic that can dissuade you from the position you have taken. You have made up your mind, no matter what, you are a religious fundamentalist...

10th January 2015, 03:21 PM
As soon as I saw the mandelbrot set i knew I had seen it before. The spiral fractals as well. I was pretty sure it was in the crop circles so I went looking for them and found em. Its pretty interesting stuff. Like the fibonocci sequence its occurring in nature everywhere.

I also remember when thrice came out. I wasnt all the interested because he was one of the elites. But after learning and watching more on Foster Gamble I can say he truly does seem to want a different course for the planet. Him and his wife both seem to get it.

10th January 2015, 03:34 PM
religious fundamentalists is how people who believe in cosmic math will be/are seen since they bridge science and spirituality... the end of the tunnel not just yet.

chronological logic is a failure because Mankind history as taught by the mainstream is another mega lie.

math and the alphabet are same, it is not me saying this but all religious scriptures. Its right there in our faces, yet people cant see it because it encompasses their perceived notions about Life, which is why religions were created in the first place.

right, saying that everything is math is just hogwash. I beg to differ, this is exactly why we have the NWO question to resolve

Utter hogwash. The truth is there is no logic that can dissuade you from the position you have taken. You have made up your mind, no matter what, you are a religious fundamentalist...

10th January 2015, 05:45 PM
I am glad to see you approach a different knowledge that could free mankind in the sense that it really aligns the thinking. Today it is my criteria to define as to whether an concept is worth it, if the latter has the matching philosophy behind it to back it up.

Yes it is indeed exciting to imagine that fibonacci found out about the sequence before the telescope and microscope were invented. Today we can confirm his discovery at all levels of creation.

I think so too, Thrive is a major doc.

As soon as I saw the mandelbrot set i knew I had seen it before. The spiral fractals as well. I was pretty sure it was in the crop circles so I went looking for them and found em. Its pretty interesting stuff. Like the fibonocci sequence its occurring in nature everywhere.

I also remember when thrice came out. I wasnt all the interested because he was one of the elites. But after learning and watching more on Foster Gamble I can say he truly does seem to want a different course for the planet. Him and his wife both seem to get it.

11th January 2015, 03:37 AM
expat, as I just watched part 2: it even says that the fibonacci sequence is found in heart muscles, neurons' electrical potential, in the brain arrangement of tubules (not sure of spelling here) , in the DNA intertwining spirals, etc... and even concludes that it may regulate the way we think.

they say that fibonacci **mysteriously** found about the sequence. No mystery, he knew about sacred math/geometry, studied it and... bingo.

Sacred math holds the key to the destiny of mankind/earth, mastering it is the only way to know how to cooperate with Nature without destroying it. That is what Foster Gambles is referring to.

11th January 2015, 07:37 AM
Not sure about the angle being correct nor have I verified any of the info in there. I also havent been to the pyramids yet so I have no idea if it is even possible to measure them accurately enough to do these calculations.

Much would depend on the base measurement. You'd really only need to know if the one true north angle was proper.

I've seen the measurement calcs paper for that one before on the net, so I tend to buy it. All others would fall inline for me.

Reason I was thinking 32 was for Marty's numbers and the Masonic 33

You should see what you want to see no illusions, or shut your eye. :)


11th January 2015, 08:12 AM
electric universe proof and relative wormholes created @ 12min. in


mick silver
11th January 2015, 08:55 AM
dam I have seen it all now .

11th January 2015, 09:04 AM
we still are under the pharaohs' rule.


pharoah's or pharoahess's? lol

11th January 2015, 10:49 AM
dam I have seen it all now .

We've only just begun, mick


11th January 2015, 11:31 AM
I tend to live very close to nature and have made some interesting observations. One thing I have noticed is nature is a great teacher. The more we know and understand it the more information opens up for us. My conclusions are that we are supposed to live in harmony with nature not go around destroying the planet for profit. Nature provides everything we need. For me that includes my spirituality. Love is all you need. The Beatles tried to tell us this awhile back. We still havent learned a thing. Many havent anyway.

The more awake and in tune with nature you are the more you nitice the smaller details. You may be correct that sacred math holds the key, however what came first, sacred math or the study of nature where sacred math could be derived? In the end I dont think it matters how you get there, just that you arrive safely. :)..

I have a friend who studies the bible and we get together once or twice a week. He views things from a religious slant and me from a naturalist slant. We actually agree on a lot more than we disagree on. We both have open minds though so he views the bible as ,among other things, being taught about nature. When I talk about the natural world he immediately quotes versus that pretty much confirm what I am saying. I also find it interesting that so many teachings in the bible are about nature and that so many things were already known 1000's of years ago.
I think free energy is what will set us free from the corporate interests and I think they know it as well which is why they destroy, buy, or kill all alternate technologies.
I dont know if Foster is 100% correct on everything, but what I hjave seen so far is pretty interesting and certainly worth looking into further.
expat, as I just watched part 2: it even says that the fibonacci sequence is found in heart muscles, neurons' electrical potential, in the brain arrangement of tubules (not sure of spelling here) , in the DNA intertwining spirals, etc... and even concludes that it may regulate the way we think.

they say that fibonacci **mysteriously** found about the sequence. No mystery, he knew about sacred math/geometry, studied it and... bingo.

Sacred math holds the key to the destiny of mankind/earth, mastering it is the only way to know how to cooperate with Nature without destroying it. That is what Foster Gambles is referring to.

11th January 2015, 11:46 AM
Horn I was going to get into a post about frequencies and vibrations at some point. I think there's a lot to be discovered in these areas as well.

I tend to agree with Graham hancock that the Egyptions were building things to leave information for the future. Why else would they build the temple of man complete with sperm and egg cells depictions as well as a breakdown on the 3 hemispheres of the brain, left, right and pineal gland sections. The Pineal gland section is located in the center and on the walls of the pineal section are unintelligible glyphs. Unintelligible until you look at both sides of the wall and combine them. I need to explain this a little further though. There are 2 chambers. left, center and right. The glyphs only make sence when you take both side of the wall between the left and center chambers, then again on the right and center chambers. You cant see the left or right chambers if your standing in the center. Its a very strange way to write glyphs as if you had to be able to sense what was on the other side.

There also seems to be some practices where they use healing vibrations to heal certain things. I am still looking into it all but very interesting anyway.

11th January 2015, 12:05 PM
expat, thanks for good discussion, will get back to you later.


just posting this as a referrence. Many say that Nassim Haramein, and this because he is a firm believer in sacred math, is just new age crap and promotes disinfo.
But he finally got a foot in the door with his theory, schwarzschild proton, based on the fibonacci sequence. In the last 3rd of the ] zero point video part 2 posted by expat, Nassim explains himself, and from there has created a new theory of relativity, which got an award in europe... so is this the beginning for science to finally evolve in harmony with spirituality - as co-creator ?

In August Nassim received the 'Best Paper Award' at the 9th International Conference CASYS'09 at the University of Liege, Belgium (2010)
In this paper he proves mathematically that there is a Singularity at the center of everything (Including each atom of your body).... hence all is One.

Of course those who regard the fibonacci sequence as a nutty theory are already out debunking haramein... and it is understandable, the whole field of physics being turned upside down because of IT, is clearly unthinkable :D

Nassim Haramein the Cosmological Constant and ... -
Video for nassim haramein schwarzschild proton► 108:52►

the end of science as we know it caused by this apparently simple discovery

11th January 2015, 12:15 PM
For whatever reason I cant watch Vimeo videos. Just gets all choppy and bogged down. I have run across his stuff on the tube before and some of it is pretty interesting. He also breaks things down to be easily understood...

11th January 2015, 01:02 PM
Could be the elites allow free energy to fly once the have nailed down other control systems completely. As much as they use other numbers these days it is only to define a field, or subvert those less knowledgeable of said field.

The status quo needs to be snapped than ran away from, its my guarantee they tptb will be waiting/hedging on that side of the ball with hands of expectancy or a cyanide capsule.

A leech type system is what needs to be dealt away with. This can only be made in the court of public opinion as its the only place a clear sentence can be mandated.

11th January 2015, 01:54 PM
Search around youtube for some primer field electric coils :)


check interesting comments


mick silver
11th January 2015, 01:59 PM

11th January 2015, 02:22 PM

Check this resonant frequency, mick



I'm getting some ideas to market a version as an ISIS magnetic field converter.

11th January 2015, 04:03 PM
expat, thanks for good discussion, will get back to you later.


just posting this as a referrence. Many say that Nassim Haramein, and this because he is a firm believer in sacred math, is just new age crap and promotes disinfo.
But he finally got a foot in the door with his theory, schwarzschild proton, based on the fibonacci sequence. In the last 3rd of the ] zero point video part 2 posted by expat, Nassim explains himself, and from there has created a new theory of relativity, which got an award in europe... so is this the beginning for science to finally evolve in harmony with spirituality - as co-creator ?

In August Nassim received the 'Best Paper Award' at the 9th International Conference CASYS'09 at the University of Liege, Belgium (2010)
In this paper he proves mathematically that there is a Singularity at the center of everything (Including each atom of your body).... hence all is One.

Of course those who regard the fibonacci sequence as a nutty theory are already out debunking haramein... and it is understandable, the whole field of physics being turned upside down because of IT, is clearly unthinkable :D

Nassim Haramein the Cosmological Constant and ... -
Video for nassim haramein schwarzschild proton► 108:52►

the end of science as we know it caused by this apparently simple discovery

I must say his explanation of the strong force of the protons in the nucleus is a very compelling one. And the rest adds up, well worth the time to watch, though it was a bit slow in the beginning...

11th January 2015, 05:30 PM
Last time I saw Nassim he was describing gross errors in mainstream physics theorem, now he appears to be agreeing with the field equation and falling into Einstonian wormholes. He's better at the former than the ladder.

I like his presentation, but as with most theory guys (which he is) he needs a team of practical electrons rotating about him, to give him any sort of purposeful direction in practical means. He doesn't have any. Probably do to a belief that you can get something from nothing by leeching off the field.

13th January 2015, 04:50 AM
it is all about frequencies and vibrations, which are the consequences of electro-magnetiism (a positive vs negative interaction at different wavelengths). And this is the path medicine should take for example.

All thoughts have negative (downside) and positive (upside) aspects, and "divide and conquer" is just a dialectic based on that, to keep mind's polarized (focused on ends of spectrum than rather be balanced) and into low level frequencies. The corruption of the Laws of Equilibrium is a big agenda in itself.

I like handcock but he needs to come clean... he is a main proponent of pre-diluvian societies but still links the pyramids to ancient egypt, while many other serious fringe researchers beg to differ. They were most likely built in the age of Leo. None of the pyramids ever were tombs whatsoever.

the masonic all seeing eye is a subverted version of the "3rd eye", meaning that they control all perceptions. In no way bronze age people could have found/known about the pineal gland, this knowledge is a lot more ancient.


Horn I was going to get into a post about frequencies and vibrations at some point. I think there's a lot to be discovered in these areas as well.

I tend to agree with Graham hancock that the Egyptions were building things to leave information for the future. Why else would they build the temple of man complete with sperm and egg cells depictions as well as a breakdown on the 3 hemispheres of the brain, left, right and pineal gland sections. The Pineal gland section is located in the center and on the walls of the pineal section are unintelligible glyphs. Unintelligible until you look at both sides of the wall and combine them. I need to explain this a little further though. There are 2 chambers. left, center and right. The glyphs only make sence when you take both side of the wall between the left and center chambers, then again on the right and center chambers. You cant see the left or right chambers if your standing in the center. Its a very strange way to write glyphs as if you had to be able to sense what was on the other side.

There also seems to be some practices where they use healing vibrations to heal certain things. I am still looking into it all but very interesting anyway.

13th January 2015, 06:57 AM
the two sides of the brain and dichotomy
the left-brain constructs plaguing modern academia
Do You See In – Or Do You See Out?

To philosophers and shamans this remains a very old and salient postulate. I sense this question will appeal and resonate with the awakening mind and to those who are curious by nature. However, to those who fully subscribe to the left-brain constructs plaguing modern academia, the mere suggestion of this topic will be decisively dismissed as idiotic. The Square Hats are therefore welcome to sit this one out.’


13th January 2015, 12:44 PM
good to hear this.

Id recommend that one too: Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry and Unified Field Theory on utube

I must say his explanation of the strong force of the protons in the nucleus is a very compelling one. And the rest adds up, well worth the time to watch, though it was a bit slow in the beginning...

13th January 2015, 03:29 PM
Anthony west is perhaps the best independent researcher on ancient egypt. He spent 30 years investigating it and IMO comes at it from a practical point of view. There's no alien explanation and when he doesnt know how something was done he says he doesnt know. He also gives the Egyptologists explanation and sometimes there lack of answers as well. Thanks to him and some others who have spent a lot of time doing research, we have a better understanding of whats really happening in the ancient world.

The temple of Luxor (renamed the temple of man) is his part 4 of an 8 part series on magical egypt. The whole series is worth watching a few times just for the footage of the ancient sites alone.


13th January 2015, 04:25 PM
There are a lot of long videos posted in this thread, I don't know where to start. Can someone put these in order to watch? I don't have endless time to watch things out of order which will just add confusion to the message. Not being lazy but seriously not sure where to start.

13th January 2015, 04:29 PM
that series is amazing... I watch it all 3 times already, West did a great job at digging out the real questions

Anthony west is perhaps the best independent researcher on ancient egypt. He spent 30 years investigating it and IMO comes at it from a practical point of view. There's no alien explanation and when he doesnt know how something was done he says he doesnt know. He also gives the Egyptologists explanation and sometimes there lack of answers as well. Thanks to him and some others who have spent a lot of time doing research, we have a better understanding of whats really happening in the ancient world.

The temple of Luxor (renamed the temple of man) is his part 4 of an 8 part series on magical egypt. The whole series is worth watching a few times just for the footage of the ancient sites alone.


14th January 2015, 07:15 AM
Cebu, watch the series magical egypt to start with (8 hours total, 50mins each)
then the video in the starting thread posting
then chasing the dragon part 1 and 2
then as much as possible by marty leeds (his pi-english series)

There are a lot of long videos posted in this thread, I don't know where to start. Can someone put these in order to watch? I don't have endless time to watch things out of order which will just add confusion to the message. Not being lazy but seriously not sure where to start.

14th January 2015, 07:20 AM
I am seriously considering the Toronto presentation in august

anyone willing to attend ??

check out the site for the closest city near you
