View Full Version : What State Do You Actually Belong In?

mick silver
8th January 2015, 04:56 PM
http://www.quizzyn.com/what-state-do-you-actually-belong-in.html ... What State Do You Actually Belong In?You got:Alaska

You belong to Alaska which is known for oil, gold, bear and reindeer

8th January 2015, 05:06 PM


mick silver
8th January 2015, 05:10 PM
and I hate cold

8th January 2015, 05:13 PM
and I hate cold


8th January 2015, 05:14 PM


Dang, I got Texas too.

Cool quiz but can you surf in Texas? I guess you can sail in the South there. There was no questions for us seagoing folks.

8th January 2015, 05:14 PM
I don't understand half of these pop-culture references. Never heard of any of these people or whatever.

I got Texas, but whatever. Stupid.

8th January 2015, 05:15 PM
I don't understand half of these pop-culture references. Never heard of any of these people or whatever.

I got Texas, but whatever. Stupid.

This quiz must have been created by someone who lives in Texas?

8th January 2015, 05:15 PM
and I hate cold

I love it.


8th January 2015, 05:16 PM
I'd only identify with Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah, in that order.

8th January 2015, 05:16 PM
What state do I actually belong in? Okay I'll bite. Supreme sexual bliss.

8th January 2015, 05:17 PM
I love it.

Cold keeps the crazies out, eh? Haha.

1970 silver art
8th January 2015, 05:21 PM
Apparently, I really belong in Florida based on that quiz that I took. Hmmmm.................

8th January 2015, 05:23 PM
Cold keeps the crazies out, eh? Haha.

And Dragons.

8th January 2015, 05:25 PM
State of what..............

8th January 2015, 07:25 PM
What State Do You Actually Belong In?

You got:


You belong to Pennsylvania which is famous for coal mining, universities and "Friends".

I totally do not understand this quiz.

8th January 2015, 09:17 PM
I belong to the state where my home is at......

By the way........Executive order has no force of law.....for only congress can make legal laws......something is wrong with the American people when they don't even know the meaning of their own laws........remember the Civics classes in school? looks to me that the government doesn't wants us to know which is the right way to run OUR country.


8th January 2015, 09:35 PM
I totally do not understand this quiz.

You basically failed the quiz.

You should have gotten Texas as your state. Most us normal folks got Texas.

If you are completely insane, like Mick, you should have gotten Alaska.

I think getting Pennsylvania, shows you are a Mossad agent and are suspect.

I'll be keeping an eye on you, Crimethink.

8th January 2015, 10:33 PM
Does Province count?


8th January 2015, 10:43 PM
I got Illinois. I can't believe it. I am a TEXAN - born, lived, and will die here - been all over the state and wouldn't dream of ever leaving. I see miles and miles of TEXAS! If you don't know how to play 42, then you ain't Texan.

8th January 2015, 10:53 PM
I could not get past "which tv show appeals to you most". None did, and I did not know any of them anyway.

Ok- forced my way through it. Most of the answers really did not appeal to me, but I got ALASKA. Is there enough room up there for two GSUSers?

9th January 2015, 12:38 AM
You basically failed the quiz.

You should have gotten Texas as your state. Most us normal folks got Texas.

If you are completely insane, like Mick, you should have gotten Alaska.

I think getting Pennsylvania, shows you are a Mossad agent and are suspect.

I'll be keeping an eye on you, Crimethink.

You'd have to worry if "my state" was New York. :) Pennsylvania is known for the Amish and tough steelworkers.

9th January 2015, 12:42 AM
I could not get past "which tv show appeals to you most". None did, and I did not know any of them anyway.

The only one I knew much about was Firefly. The rest are utter trash. Especially Breaking Bad - glorifying the manufacture of meth. Game of Thrones ("Game of Throne" [sic] in the quiz) is soft-core porn.

mick silver
9th January 2015, 08:26 AM
when I was younger I did want to live in Alaska . but now theres no way it cold here but dam

10th January 2015, 11:11 AM
but now theres no way it cold here but dam

Yeah, whatever....


10th January 2015, 11:15 AM
Bet that makes your nipples hard!


10th January 2015, 11:19 AM
Bet that makes your nipples hard!


Dunno, I wear a balaclava, Sorel boots [leather/rubber boots with a felt lining], lined gloves, and a down-filled parka when outside. Here's my temp...


10th January 2015, 11:24 AM
Dunno, I wear a balaclava, Sorel boots [leather/rubber boots with a felt lining], lined gloves, and a down-filled parka when outside. Here's my temp...


Your avatars ones are kinda pointy!


10th January 2015, 11:57 AM
Dunno, I wear a balaclava, Sorel boots [leather/rubber boots with a felt lining], lined gloves, and a down-filled parka when outside. Here's my temp...


Sorel boots are the best! I have a pair that are over 20 years old and look like new. Granted, I didn't wear them much for most of the years, but the leather didn't dry out or crack and the rubber is like new.

10th January 2015, 12:04 PM
saddle soap, neatsfoot oil and mink oil are leathers friend, take care of the leather and it will take care of you.

10th January 2015, 03:01 PM
saddle soap, neatsfoot oil and mink oil are leathers friend, take care of the leather and it will take care of you.

Yeah, I keep mine oiled with mink oil. Most now are made with nylon. Yeah, that is a bit of an "outie" belly button, eh?

10th January 2015, 03:04 PM
Have worn out many soles on my boots, but all my upper's are almost new looking, despite their age."Bellybuttons" ?

Never mind, Chinook humor I suspect!
