View Full Version : Innovative way to get Bitcoins without Mining

mick silver
8th January 2015, 06:35 PM
Innovative way to get Bitcoins without Mininghttp://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Bitcoin-Without-Mining-300x200.jpg (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Bitcoin-Without-Mining.jpg)BitPayNetwork.com (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) is giving this amazing opportunity to get bitcoins without spending 1000s of dollars for mining.Yes,you can get bitcoins without mining.How BitPayNetwork.com (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) Works?BitPayNetwork.com (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) is started by bitcoin enthusiast for people to get bitcoins without mining.This system supported by network of people who love bitcoin.To Start Receiving Bitcoin you have to join bitpaynetwork.com by paying $10 worth of bitcoins.Once you joined,you have to create your wallet and upload $40 worth of bitcoin to your wallet.( Total $50 ..Thats all..)Next step is donation.You have to Donate that $40 worth of bitcoin which you have uploaded to your wallet within 3 Days to other user who already joined in bitpaynetwork.com.Final step is just refer 3 more people to bitpaynetwork within 10 days..Thats all…NOW YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE BITCOINS .. http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gifHere the process explained in simple way1. Join BitPayNetwork.com (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) with $10 Worth of Bitcoins.
2. Donate $40 worth of Bitcoins within 3 Days to Other Person on Bitpaynetwork (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) ( You can find the bitcoin address to whom you have to donate in your member area)
3.Refer just 3 people to this bitpaynetwork (http://bitpaynetwork.com/) under you.
4.Just Relax..and receive bitcoins.

Join BitPayNetwork Now (http://bitpaynetwork.com/)

Filed Under: Bitcoin (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/bitcoin/)Tagged With: bitcoin business (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/tag/bitcoin-business/), bitcoin direct marketing (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/tag/bitcoin-direct-marketing/), bitcoin donation (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/tag/bitcoin-donation/), bitcoin without mining (http://bitpaynetwork.com/blog/tag/bitcoin-without-mining/)

8th January 2015, 07:01 PM
ah pyramid ponzi scheme. Get in on the ground floor now!

1970 silver art
8th January 2015, 07:31 PM
It is not surprising to me that there are Bitcoin-based MLM schemes. The bitcoin-based schemes are no different than a FRN-based scheme in my opinion. A fool and his bitcoin will soon part if one gets involved in such schemes.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
8th January 2015, 07:52 PM
LOL almost as good as silversnowball.com.


These things will never go away.

One thing I don't understand about this one, what's to keep someone from signing up four times?

1970 silver art
9th January 2015, 06:54 PM
LOL almost as good as silversnowball.com.


These things will never go away.

One thing I don't understand about this one, what's to keep someone from signing up four times?

Yep and I am sure that there eventually will be a bitcoin version of a Nigerian prince scam promising bitcoin millions once you deposit bitcoins in a wallet.