View Full Version : Protecting Yourself from Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

10th January 2015, 04:20 PM
Link has videos

Protecting Yourself from Harmful Smart Meter Radiation (http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/protecting-yourself-from-harmful-smart.html)
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SiUPAZSJa2g/VLE8Ivi1CNI/AAAAAAAAjk4/Q_Ipq4tgryo/s1600/Smartmeter-radiation-2-300x210.gif (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SiUPAZSJa2g/VLE8Ivi1CNI/AAAAAAAAjk4/Q_Ipq4tgryo/s1600/Smartmeter-radiation-2-300x210.gif)Anna Hunt
Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/protecting-yourself-from-harmful-smart.html)

Over the last decade, millions of homes worldwide have been outfitted with smart meters (http://www.amazon.com/Stick-Tiles-Shield-Radiation-6-pack/dp/B00R3QMFQ6?tag=permacultucom-20&linkCode=w13&linkID=FGBNVPA47LBE2NTM&ref_=assoc_res_sw_result_6). Power utility companies continue to force smart meters upon the population under the argument that they allow a more accurate and concise measurement of home energy usage, and give the resident and utility provider more visibility of and control over power consumption. Yet, concerns continue to grow about the potential dangers from the electro-magnetic radiation (http://www.amazon.com/Overpowered-Dangers-Electromagnetic-Radiation-about/dp/1609805097?tag=permacultucom-20&linkCode=w13&linkID=FGBNVPA47LBE2NTM&ref_=assoc_res_sw_result_1) given off by these devices.

The US Federal Communications Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) claim that the broadcasting frequencies emitted by smart meters are safe to humans, even though in May of 2011, the WHO officially recognized that wireless radiation such as that emitted by smart meters is possibly carcinogenic. So, according to the WHO, smart meters are safe, except that they may cause cancer – a questionable contradiction.

Hundreds of independent scientific studies (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/02/smart-meters-correcting-the-gross-misinformation/) have shown that smart meters create a vast and clear health hazard, in addition to emitting carcinogenic radiation; and many people living around smart meters have reported insomnia, rashes, headaches, disorientation, neuropathy, sinus issues, thyroid problems, hyperactivity, and other illnesses after the installation of a smart meter. There have also been many instances of smart meters catching fire and destroying homes.

Smart meters emit high-frequency RF radiation 24/7, from 250mWatts to 2.0Watts. At times, the radiation from a smart meter can be up to 160 times the radiation of a cell phone. Unlike your other wireless devices, you have no control over when the device is on and when it is turned off. In some multi-unit homes and apartment buildings, roomfuls of smart meters emit radiation that could be quite dangerous.

Most people aren’t given an option regarding whether they can keep an old meter or have a smart meter installed. Even if a choice is given, it can be costly, and a monthly fee is often associated with having an old meter. Nevertheless, up to now power companies supported by government have made it appear that it is mandatory to switch to a smart meter (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/08/12/homeowner-files-class-action-lawsuit-to-stop-smart-meters/). They tout the benefits and don’t discuss the potential health risks. Once a resident discovers that their body reacts negatively to the continuous radiation emitted by a smart meter, it is often too late, or very costly, to remove it.

An alternative for many people, thus, will be to protect themselves by shielding the smart meter and reducing its excessive and harmful radiation. The solutions below are examples of what you can do to reduce smart meter radiation output, while still allowing the meter to communicate energy usage with the utility company.

Smart Meter Guard

Below are two videos from Smart Meter Guard demonstrating their wire-mesh, stainless steel Faraday cage that completely covers the smart meter, resulting in a 98% reduction in radiation. This product is a bit costly, at about $130, but it requires no assembly, is very simple to install and is said to fit any brand of smart meter in the US or Canada. The cage can be purchased via Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OVJCPS6/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00OVJCPS6&linkCode=as2&tag=permacultucom-20&linkId=TWFYBSOTC3GAOQ3F) or you can go to the company’s website (http://smartmeterguard.com/) directly.

Radiation blocked outside the house

Radiation blocked inside the house

Smart Meter Block

Another company has created a similar shield, the Smart Meter Block, which is made out of nickel-coated copper. It is slightly more economical at $89, and the company claims that it still blocks about 99% of excessive smart meter radiation (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/11/02/smart-meter-and-electromagnetic-radiation-another-health-crisis-of-our-time/). The product comes with size-adjusting inserts and a Velcro tension strap to secure the meter. The company also sells an EMF protection panel and shielding sheets, at additional cost, which can be installed inside the home. All the products are available on their website (http://www.smartmeterblock.com/index.html). Here’s a demonstration of the effectiveness of the Smart Meter Block.

Do-It-Yourself Smart Meter Shield

If you’re on a budget, want a portable solution or live outside of North America, you can make your own smart meter shield using reflective, double-sided bubble-wrap insulation and aluminum foil tape. The home-made shield may not be as effective as the two previous options, but it is still likely to reduce the smart meter’s radiation output by 90%. To create your own shield, following the instructional video below.

RF Reflectors and RF Absorbers

A company called LessEMF, which distributes a variety of products that measure and protect you from EMF (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/12/26/7-ways-reduce-electrical-pollution-home-office/) radiation, offers two types of wall shielding material – RF reflectors and RF absorbers. These are said to reduce smart meter radiation inside the home up to 95%. An RF reflector will cause the majority of the signal to bounce off, somewhat like a mirror reflects light. It will usually offer better shielding (less RF transmission) than an absorbing material. An RF absorber will absorb much of the signal and minimize reflection. The energy absorbed is released as a tiny, almost indeterminate amount of heat. In both cases, some amount of RF passes through the shield. LessEMF offers RF reflectors and absorbers in the form of fabric, paints, curtains, laminated film material, garments and bedding via their website (http://www.lessemf.com/smart.html).

Find out more about smart meter harm at TakeBackYourPower.net (http://takebackyourpower.net/) and StopSmartMeters.org (http://stopsmartmeters.org/).
If you still don’t have a smart meter on your home and prefer to keep it that way, you can purchase all types of labels and signs to make your choice known from RefuseSmartMeters.com (http://www.refusesmartmeters.com/index.html).

Related Activist Post Articles:

How WiFi and Other EMFs Cause Biological Harm (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/12/how-wifi-and-other-emfs-cause.html)
Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/11/electromagnetic-radiation-health-and.html)
Activist Post Smart Meters Archive (http://www.activistpost.com/search?q=Smart+Meters)

Anna Hunt is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/12/08/you-are-what-you-eat/WakingTimes.com), where this first appeared (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2015/01/09/protecting-harmful-smart-meter-radiation/), and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She and her husband run a preparedness e-store outlet atwww.offgridoutpost.com (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/12/08/you-are-what-you-eat/www.offgridoutpost.com), offering GMO-free storable food (http://www.offgridoutpost.com/) and emergency kits. Anna is also a certified Hatha yoga instructor. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. Read more of her excellent articles here (http://www.wakingtimes.com/?s=anna+hunt).

7th trump
10th January 2015, 05:47 PM
The cell phone you have is more dangerous than this device.
Wifi is another device.

I'd like to know the eating habits of people who get cancer vs. the healthier eating habit of people with the same electronic devices in their homes.
I'd wager the unhealthy people get cancer more often than the healthy eaters.
I believe the sun puts out more harmful actual "radiation" than these smart devices emitting radio waves.
Theres a lot in this article that's missing from the "cancer" equation.

10th January 2015, 06:03 PM
we really live in a "choose your poison" world

10th January 2015, 09:28 PM
I turned my wifi off more than 1 year ago. I could feel the effects. It takes a while, maybe a couple of days exposed to the multi channel 150/300mbs signal but over those 48 hours I find it makes me feel not agitated but maybe a bit on edge and clarity of thought gets affected.

The issue with smart meters is the frequency of pulses which are emitted by the meters and that every one in 30 or 60 homes is a hub, so that dwelling gets 30 - 60 pulses per minute(?). Its per minute yeah? Someone can check.

So some poor same is going to be completely bombarded and you need to realise that it is non directional. The signal goes out in all directions so even if you are not the hub you are going to get pulses from the surrounding dwellings.

Fortunately in my state they decided to use the smart meter budget for something else. Problem is that the lobbying has just begun. We will see them in the next 2 years IMO. And no one here, where I am , has enough smarts to get the problem

Hatha Sunahara
14th January 2015, 09:45 AM
I just watched this video:


I'm gonna go get some aluminum window screen mesh now. I think I have everything else I need.


14th January 2015, 10:02 AM
No idea how or why people think that covering the smart meter is going to make a difference. You cover the front of the device.. Okay so you are forcing it to broadcast in towards your house, because all you're doing is covering the front forcing communication out the back of it as this is NOT a true Faraday cage.

Don't waste your time or money on these gimmicks. If you don't want it just ask the power company to remove it. If they won't just change it out yourself or get an electrician to change it out. You can buy an old analog meter for under 50 bucks.