View Full Version : Boko Haram strike again and bigger than before

7th trump
11th January 2015, 02:16 PM
Boko Haram strikes again.


Anybody here who believes this cancer called "muslim" isnt a threat to all humanity needs a bullet between the eyes.
Theres isn't any Palestinians involved in this attack and look what the koran has done to innocent people of a different race.
The koran is simply pure evil.

The only thing I believe that will stop the spread of this mental disease here in this country is that the black here wouldn't accept being a muslim for the simple fact it takes away all their free stuff.
They cant smoke, take drugs or eat the piggy and they have to go to work.....no partying into the wee hours of the morning.

It time to systematically hunt these murderers down and literally stone them to death....make it slow and painful!

mick silver
11th January 2015, 02:23 PM

11th January 2015, 02:24 PM
Muslim worker at Paris kosher grocer saved customers from gunman by hiding them in walk-in freezer

So fucking gay. These people can't shoot back.

11th January 2015, 02:56 PM
I'd expect nothing less from the Christians. They seem to have forgotten "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

Anybody here who believes this cancer called "muslim" isnt a threat to all humanity needs a bullet between the eyes.
Theres isn't any Palestinians involved in this attack and look what the koran has done to innocent people of a different race.
The koran is simply pure evil.

The only thing I believe that will stop the spread of this mental disease here in this country is that the black here wouldn't accept being a muslim for the simple fact it takes away all their free stuff.
They cant smoke, take drugs or eat the piggy and they have to go to work.....no partying into the wee hours of the morning.

It time to systematically hunt these murderers down and literally stone them to death....make it slow and painful!

11th January 2015, 03:26 PM
It time to systematically hunt these murderers down and literally stone them to death....make it slow and painful!

I am seriously concerned for anyone who relishes torture. A swift dispatch "to Allah" is sufficient for those who kill people. Torture is justified in only the most exceptional of circumstances (saving one's family and similar very narrow matters). And if the applicant relishes it, you better keep him locked up after his job is done.

God does not take pleasure in someone's death, and neither should we.

11th January 2015, 03:27 PM
I'd expect nothing less from the Christians. They seem to have forgotten "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

The original is "Thou Shalt Not Murder," but relishing torture is definitely not In the Image of Christ.

7th trump
11th January 2015, 03:34 PM
I'd expect nothing less from the Christians. They seem to have forgotten "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
It was people like you who have rewritten the bible for their pussy agenda.

Its actually........"thou shall not murder"
Biblically speaking murder is defined as "lying in wait to take a life"....what we here in the US of A call.........."premeditated".
It appears you havent the brains to figure out what these Boko Haram murdering thugs committed was premeditated in the name of religion.
It their root cause of this unnecessary premeditated murder is the Koran....aka muslim belief.

I love to see fools like you get your heads sliced off by these barbarians....one less idiot to get in the way when the real shit hits the fan in dealing with these fools.
Hopefullly you will be in front of these murdering muslims defending them when the bullets start flying...I say dig a big hole and put you in with the muslims.
You are a prime example of what God calls "heathens". Look it up some time in a greek translation...it'll describe a mirror image of a fool....that being you.

11th January 2015, 03:39 PM
Anybody here who believes this cancer called "muslim" isnt a threat to all humanity needs a bullet between the eyes.

I love to see fools like you get your heads sliced off by these barbarians....one less idiot to get in the way when the real shit hits the fan in dealing with these fools.

7th, seriously, tone your shit down. Calling for the murder of members here you don't agree with is totally out of line.

7th trump
11th January 2015, 04:19 PM
I am seriously concerned for anyone who relishes torture. A swift dispatch "to Allah" is sufficient for those who kill people. Torture is justified in only the most exceptional of circumstances (saving one's family and similar very narrow matters). And if the applicant relishes it, you better keep him locked up after his job is done.

God does not take pleasure in someone's death, and neither should we.
No He doesn't take pleasure....but Hes going to do it just as he said He will.
And then theres the 1000 year ass kicking with a rod of iron.
Yea...you betcha.......I'm ready to see these fools get their deserved punishment. And as a Christian I have every right to watch these people be destroyed in the lake of fire and take happiness in seeing these filthy beings perish.
I'm not a half ass Christian....you're either all Christian or go home.

And just because God says He takes no pleasure doesn't mean I should not take pleasure in seeing evil done away with.....you get that all mixed up crimethink.
Are you a Christian or not?
You say a lot but I question your actions.........you play a good heathen.

11th January 2015, 05:48 PM
No He doesn't take pleasure....but Hes going to do it just as he said He will.
And then theres the 1000 year ass kicking with a rod of iron.
Yea...you betcha.......I'm ready to see these fools get their deserved punishment. And as a Christian I have every right to watch these people be destroyed in the lake of fire and take happiness in seeing these filthy beings perish.

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith Yahweh God.

And just because God says He takes no pleasure doesn't mean I should not take pleasure in seeing evil done away with.....you get that all mixed up crimethink.

God loves the destruction of evil, and so do I! But that's much different than taking pleasure in the eternal destruction of evil-doing human beings. Remember that thing Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"?

Are you a Christian or not?
You say a lot but I question your actions.........you play a good heathen.

Jesus Christ is my Sovereign and He is my advocate and redeemer for all my unholy errors & transgressions.

I'd highly suggest you remember the Fire & Brimstone comes with the Rainbow & Resurrection.

11th January 2015, 06:39 PM
I nominate 7th as the world's worst ambassador to Christianity.

11th January 2015, 06:52 PM
God does not take pleasure in someone's death, and neither should we.

The martyrs?

11th January 2015, 08:03 PM
I love to see fools like you get your heads sliced off by these barbarians....one less idiot to get in the way when the real shit hits the fan in dealing with these fools.

Keep showing how much of a christian you are. Personal attacks and death to anyone who doesnt agree with you. Bring on the crusades.

Of course your all talk. If there was an island where all Christians and Muslims could hash it out you would be the first to hide. Thats usually the way with loud mouths who play tough guy on the computer.

Your actually a prime example of what not to be as a Christian. You carry so much hatred in your heart that it blinds you with rage. If your an example of what being a Christian is supposed to be I think most would agree to pass on that religion.

11th January 2015, 10:51 PM
I nominate 7th as the world's worst ambassador to Christianity.

That job is already taken:


11th January 2015, 11:19 PM
I nominate 7th as the world's worst ambassador to Christianity.

You Sir, probably made even God laugh. I believe he has a sense of humor.

12th January 2015, 12:40 AM
I nominate 7th as the world's worst ambassador to Christianity.
I literally sprayed my morning coffee when I read that!

7th trump
12th January 2015, 03:53 AM
The refinement needs to go on a bit further.

When these muslims attack as they do in other countries murdering women and children for not converting...maybe then you'll come to a change of mind. Until then I believe God is going to continue to allow them to refine and shape your minds. That is if you have ears to hear and eyes to see otherwise many more will continue to be slaughtered out of ignorance that's running rampant even in this politically correct forum.

12th January 2015, 04:25 AM
You can accuse this forum of many things, but political correctness is not one of them. Condemning murder of innocent people is part of common decency, not political correctness. In fact I think you find in your country that it is much more politically correct not to mention the crimes committed by the Israeli's in Gaza and the West Bank, or even agree with them as you do...

7th trump
12th January 2015, 06:02 AM
You can accuse this forum of many things, but political correctness is not one of them. Condemning murder of innocent people is part of common decency, not political correctness. In fact I think you find in your country that it is much more politically correct not to mention the crimes committed by the Israeli's in Gaza and the West Bank, or even agree with them as you do...

I dont see the israeli's going around the world executing innocent people because they are not jewish. What I do see them doing is pushing out the invaders who think they are the rightful owners of that land. The koran specifically states the land belongs to the israelites, but yet you see the muslims taking every opportunity to murder an israeli when the muslims themselves are niot even indigineous to the middle east.

The koran, the Bible and the tulmud all say the land belongs to the israelites....so what is the problem with me agreeing with who the land belongs to?
I'm labeled by many here who simple refuse to look at the truth for what it is and agree with political correctness
YES Neuro.....you are politically incorrect.....and not just politically.....theres a lot you refuse to beleive.
I'm German, Dutch with a sliver of French having no dog in the israeli fight and yet I agree with what the Bible says.
So go ahead and label me...its no skin off my back.
And yes I'm going to laugh my ass off at you and anyone who gets their head sliced off for being a heathen.....you deserve it for many will perish for a lack knowledge.
I cant control the ignorant so let them get their head sliced off...they have free will to be ignorant.
You can join the ignorant for all I care........it'll be one less in this world and you wont be in the way when the piped piper sings his song for the muslims.
I'll be rejoicing, not mourning, in that day.
I'll be rejoicing to see the evil bastards crying for their very existence becuase of their evil deeds...it'll a good day when the firey pit is opened and they are thrown in.

12th January 2015, 07:20 AM
And yes I'm going to laugh my ass off at you and anyone who gets their head sliced off for being a heathen.....you deserve it for many will perish for a lack knowledge.
I cant control the ignorant so let them get their head sliced off...they have free will to be ignorant.
Happy days are here again!

12th January 2015, 03:06 PM
Didnt the Christians also give them a chance to convert during the crusades? How about when they conquered central and south America? The theme then was convert or die. Same shit different religion. And on and on it goes.
Jesus was here 2000 years ago, why didnt he wipe them out then?

Jesus wanted to spread the word. Love was pretty high up on his list. Yet, the all powerful , all knowing god has let this cancer spread so he can now come back and wipe out over a billion of his creations? I cant imagine he will get a whole lot of pleasure from that, nor will he be happy if we do it ourselves.

Now, before you say I dont know or understand god or the bible, let me just say, you would be correct. Nor do I want to learn it anymore than I want to learn the IRS tax codes or the millions of pages of laws that have been written by congress and the corporations.

Its all words that someone put down on paper. It may be true, it may be false. I have no way of knowing other than devote a lifetime to reading some other mans words and I dont think my god would want me spending my life reading a book. Surely he is smart enough to know that in todays world there isnt the time.

What I do know is that if you are indoctrinated at an early age you can be made to believe anything. Take a muslim child at birth and make him learn the bible and he will be a Christian and vice versa. This is also why our School system starts at a young age and indoctrinates you right through till your 18. The more the Gov can get a hold on you the more you will believe that your Gov is your god.

The refinement needs to go on a bit further.

When these muslims attack as they do in other countries murdering women and children for not converting...maybe then you'll come to a change of mind. Until then I believe God is going to continue to allow them to refine and shape your minds. That is if you have ears to hear and eyes to see otherwise many more will continue to be slaughtered out of ignorance that's running rampant even in this politically correct forum.