View Full Version : Thank a boonmer for helping to ruin our world

old steel
11th January 2015, 02:44 PM
A job well done.

Thank you boomers, thank you very much.

mick silver
11th January 2015, 02:46 PM
should I ask

11th January 2015, 03:18 PM
should I ask

Better not to.

11th January 2015, 03:22 PM
Maybe the social security check hasn't come yet?

11th January 2015, 03:24 PM
A job well done.

Thank you boomers, thank you very much.

My avatar really applies to both the "Greatest" [sic] Generation and the Boomer Generation.

Twisted Titan
12th January 2015, 04:52 AM
Thats a bunch of Hogwash.

Boomers didnt do shyt.

There were many concerned people who sounded the alarm at that time but were drowned,ignored or replaced with a appropriate suckup.

Your average boomer had as much control then as we have today over the current administration.

Im getting tired of people looking for someone to blame but 99% of the time blame the wrong group.

Perfect example everybody knows about welfare queens and spitting out kids like candy and they rail against it as they should

But corporate welfare like a walmart refusing to pay a decent wage so their employee qualify for state(tax funded) aid you are quite as a flippin church mouse

12th January 2015, 05:53 AM
I don't blame the boomers, (although I used too.) I blame those who want something for nothing and are too stupid or lazy to plan for their own retirement.
I blame people who are too stupid or lazy to take their own direction in life and suffer the consequences if they make bad decisions.
I blame people who feel government knows best when history is filled with atrocities from governments the world over.

That's who I blame, and it goes across all generations and demographics. It sits squarely on their shoulders. You want government to protect you? Then you better be careful of how much "protection" they are wanting to give you, and be willing to suffer the consequences when handing over power and authority to an imaginary entity.

12th January 2015, 08:13 AM
Thats a bunch of Hogwash.

Boomers didnt do shyt.

There were many concerned people who sounded the alarm at that time but were drowned,ignored or replaced with a appropriate suckup.

Your average boomer had as much control then as we have today over the current administration.

Im getting tired of people looking for someone to blame but 99% of the time blame the wrong group.

Perfect example everybody knows about welfare queens and spitting out kids like candy and they rail against it as they should

But corporate welfare like a walmart refusing to pay a decent wage so their employee qualify for state(tax funded) aid you are quite as a flippin church mouse

Thanks TT for pointing this out. My great grandfather, on my mother's side, hated Roosevelt and rallied against the New Deal, passionately. He warned against tweaking the gold standard, that such actions were unbiblical and would hasten the demise of our country. And as you point out, he wasn't alone, but you don't hear much about them today. Heck, I think Roosevelt's treasury secretary resigned over all of this, for the same reasons.

12th January 2015, 10:22 AM
Boomers didnt do shyt.

That is exactly right. And exactly the problem!

The 1960s & 1970s were the the last period of time when "action" could have made a meaningful difference in the course of this country and world.

12th January 2015, 10:34 AM
Right, I was 10 years old in the 1960's, I am so sick of the blame the boomer mentality.

12th January 2015, 10:57 AM
The world before the boomers was very conservative and people had very hard core prejudices.

Society as a whole is a lot more free flowing now , THANKS TO BOOMERS.

It wasnt easy back then and I consider that the boomers started the ball rolling in the right direction.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZYpwjd_vxpQyR4HzRVmFyrHw_Wb0fm SVlQDJ_ax8bGtNpSm1g 2898 × 2230 - besttoddlertoys.eu

I blame secret societies , banks and greedy politicians.


Twisted Titan
12th January 2015, 11:13 AM
That is exactly right. And exactly the problem!

The 1960s & 1970s were the the last period of time when "action" could have made a meaningful difference in the course of this country and world.

And 20 years from now the younger ones will be leveling the EXACT same charge against us.

12th January 2015, 11:20 AM

12th January 2015, 11:23 AM
The world before the boomers was very conservative and people had very hard core prejudices.

Society as a whole is a lot more free flowing now , THANKS TO BOOMERS.

It wasnt easy back then and I consider that the boomers started the ball rolling in the right direction.


Broken families, broken homes, broken countries. The "right" direction only if you wanted to power dive into the ground.

12th January 2015, 11:24 AM
Now Im blaming CARTOONS...........................

12th January 2015, 11:25 AM

Broken families, broken homes, broken countries. The "right" direction only if you wanted to power dive into the ground.

You must of missed the 60s obviously

12th January 2015, 11:26 AM
That is exactly right. And exactly the problem! The 1960s & 1970s were the the last period of time when "action" could have made a meaningful difference in the course of this country and world. If that is the case, you should be blaming the boomers' parents and grandparents. I could not vote at age 10, not that voting makes a difference.

12th January 2015, 11:26 AM
And 20 years from now the younger ones will be leveling the EXACT same charge against us.

That's fine. Unfortunately, at this point, we have no hope of turning things around. The "New World Order" was de facto already when Poppy Bush became de facto President in 1981.

Although, in 20 years, our successors may not be complaining about us not fighting for their true freedom, but rather, how "hateful" and "backward" we were, actually thinking that pederasty/pedophilia and bestiality were, somehow, "wrong."

12th January 2015, 11:27 AM
What did the 'Boomers' do wrong?
Let me try to point some things out so maybe we can get to the bottom of this problem.

One thing I can say is, the boomer cops and the previous generation of cops still worked to protect the citizen and their communities. They were still respected and didn't kill innocent people at the drop of a hat.
Last I remember, we didn't hate the 'boomer' age cops and their predecessors either.
Today, these militarized, above the law cops that only serve the corporate state, are in their 20's to early 40's.
What generation is that? I blame these generations!

The boomers and their parents were some of the hardest working of generations. We didn't have technology, we had to do things with other people to entertain ourselves. I know I had a large group of friends I did things with before everyone got addicted to technology. The 20's up to early 40's generations consider hard work dirty and beneath them. I could say these generations let a lot of good paying jobs go to hungry foreigners from our southern border, because they didn't want to do the jobs. I blame these generations!

What happened to the women/girls in their 20's up to their early 40's? Who's fault is it they've turned out this way?
What happened to love and respect and creating families?
What generation are these girls from? I blame this generation!

The boomer generation had to be more self sufficient, responsible for themselves. Most of us had to be handy to fix and do our own repairs on everything we owned.
I don't see the majority of 20's to early 40's taking care of shit. They are a throw away and a let someone else fix my shit generation. I blame this generation!

I guess I could say to these generations that are blaming the boomers, if you don't like what has happened to your generation, do something about it. I'd be glad to help you. Just don't wait too long.

Twisted Titan
12th January 2015, 11:27 AM

The fact that 99% of people miss the zionist puppeteer who is the archietect behind all the misery listed is proof positive of how effectively the wool has been pulled over your eyes

12th January 2015, 11:28 AM
If that is the case, you should be blaming the boomers' parents and grandparents. I could not vote at age 10, not that voting makes a difference.

Notice my earlier post naming the "Greatest" [sic] Generation, as well. Tom Brokaw's vaunted generation that made the world safe for Communism and anti-humanism.

If you were 10 in the 1960s, obviously there wasn't much you could do, in the '60s, right?

Oh, and I wasn't referring to "voting."

12th January 2015, 11:29 AM
You must of missed the 60s obviously

Huh? You know, "free love," and all that shit, pleasure without responsibility?

12th January 2015, 11:30 AM
The fact that 99% of people miss the zionist puppeteer who is the archietect behind all the misery listed is proof positive of how effectively the wool has been pulled over your eyes

I found it on the front page of Encyclopedia Dramatica several days ago...

Scholmo is happy no one notices these things:

12th January 2015, 11:32 AM
27 amazing things baby boomers have done for humanity

For far too long, people have been dissing the children of the "greatest generation". We need to hear more about their achievements.
Michael Cook (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/multiple_author/michael) | 31 July 2012

http://www.mercatornet.com/images/icons/comment.png (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/27_amazing_things_baby_boomers_have_done_for_human ity#comments)27 (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/27_amazing_things_baby_boomers_have_done_for_human ity#disqus_thread) | http://www.mercatornet.com/images/icons/printer.png |

Was there ever a generation more filled with self-doubt, even self-loathing, than the baby-boomers? If you were born between 1945 and 1965, you are supposed to feel guilty for trashing the economy, for the demise of the family, for endemic cynicism and selfishness, for an addiction to government handouts and for flared trousers. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a baby-boomer, confessed to a graduating class recently that his had been "the grasshopper generation, eating through just about everything like hungry locusts."
Look, everybody makes mistakes. A bit of greed here and there shouldn’t obliterate all the good that baby-boomers have done for Gen X, Gen Y and whoever else happens to come along. It’s about time for some Boomer Pride. Here are 27 (there are lots more) ways that we (yes, I’m one of them) have improved the universe.

* * * * *

12th January 2015, 11:33 AM
* * * * *
1. You’re still here, right? Gen X and Gen Y didn’t live through the Cold War with its military strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction, its fallout shelters and a Doomsday Clock set at two minutes to midnight. While Iran may have nuclear weapons, no one (except Israel) is worrying about being bombed back to the Stone Age. Baby boomer statesmen in the US and the USSR found ways to defuse the mad arms race. How about a nice little thank-you?
2. Capital punishment is vanishing. Maybe not in China, Singapore and Saudi Arabia, but most Western countries have abolished the death penalty as an inhumane and vengeful punishment unworthy of a civilised society. Even in the United States, where it is still legal, only 43 people were executed last year, compared to about 130 in 1945.
3. No more polio. No more smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella or whooping cough, either. Most members of Gen X and Gen Y never heard of infantile paralysis, never shivered at photos of vast hospital wards filled with crippled children. There’s something to thank God and the boomers for.
4. No more beehive hair-dos. Boomer women embraced the simple and natural hairstyles pioneered by Vidal Sassoon. The women of the Greatest Generation had their heads tortured with spiky rollers, baked under driers, and teased and lacquered into shapes that could withstand hurricane-force winds. This was more truly a liberation than the Pill, a more radical return to nature than shedding corsets, and did more to get women into the workforce than maternity leave (just think of the time saved at the mirror each morning). Despite attempts to bring back Big Hair, wash-and-wear is hair to stay -- and it’s all thanks to the Boomer babes.
5. The rise of Africa. After two centuries as the Dark Continent, Africa is about to make a breakthrough. Some African economies have the highest growth rates in the world. Africa will provide most of the world’s population growth in the 21st century. With more education and more political stability, African nations will become big players on the world stage.
6. Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Beach Boys and the Beegees. Popular music will never be the same after the 70s. These musicians passed on an undying legacy with their lyrics, experimentation and harmonies.
7. Mobile phones. Wireless communication is not just for Gen Y to use as a texting toy. Mobile phones are making a huge difference in accelerating economic development in the Third World.
8. Marriage has turned a corner. Agreed, marriage is on the rocks after the legalisation of no-fault divorce, abortion, the rise of co-habitation and a push for the legalisation of gay marriage. But the fever has reached its peak: a number of scholars and policy makers have begun to articulate the real meaning of marriage and to demonstrate the contribution made by stable families. Even the “Greatest Generation” had its doubts about the family. It was up to Baby Boomers (some of them, anyway) to forge convincing arguments defending marriage as the fundamental institution of our society.
9. Shattering the glass ceiling. What employment opportunities were there for talented women before, during and after World War II? Sure, women (and men) should put families first, but if we really believe in the equality of the sexes, opportunities should exist for women to bring their unique gifts to public life. Now they can.
10. Communism is kaput. Somebody has to take credit for dismantling an inhuman system which was responsible for the deaths of 100 million people in 50 years. Since the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, it’s obviously the baby boomers.
11. Living with disability. Paraplegics and quadriplegics are well cared for, can live relatively normal lives, and can be part of the work force.
12. The welfare state is on the skids. FDR created the New Deal in the 1930s. In the UK, Sir William Beveridge declared war on Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness in 1945. Baby boomers benefited from the welfare state, but they also proved that it stifled initiative, created a culture of dependence and was unsustainable. Everywhere it is being dismantled, privatised and starved. Good riddance.

13. Voyager 1. Launched in 1977, the space probe Voyager 1 is the first human-made object to leave the Solar System. This is a landmark in the history of civilisation comparable to Notre Dame de Paris or Michelangelo’s David.
14. The internet. Instant communication. Fingertip knowledge. Can you imagine life without this immense force for good? Remember the recent photo of a forced abortion in China? Within days it became the most popular topic on Weibo, China's Twitter. This shows that a simple farmer can now force change upon one of the world's most authoritarian regimes.
15. Tom Yam Goong. In every city in American, Australia or the UK, you are bound to find Thai restaurants. More than great meals and occasions for appalling puns, these are a sign of an increasingly cosmopolitan and culturally tolerant society. Another Thai-riffic step forward brought to you by Baby Boomers.
16. Locking in civil rights. Blacks in US still have it tough in many ways, mainly as a result of the welfare state, but the Jim Crow laws are gone and racism, formal or informal, is dead or dying. This was the signature cause of the Baby Boomers. "We shall overcome" has become "we overcame".
17. The democratization of computing. The power of computers has changed the world, but if it were only accessible through mainframes, our lives would be completely different. Baby boomer innovators like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs gave us the personal computer (and smart phones and tablets).
18. We wear seat belts. The seat belt was invented in 1885 but the world’s first mandatory buckle-up law wasn’t passed until 1970, in the Australian state of Victoria. Since then, hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved, despite complaints about government busybodies and lack of freedom.
19. No World War III, not even World War II.5. Korea, Vietnam, Biafra, the Congo, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Iraq… The list of wars since 1950 is long and bloody. But in World War II, 60 million people died, give or take 10 million. Somehow the baby-boomer generation managed to ward off the worst tragedy known to man.
20. We can work past 60. Nowadays turning 60 is no longer a professional death sentence. People can work as long as they like, keeping their experience and skills alive. It’s a small advance in human rights and human dignity.
21. Gary Larsen and Garry Trudeau. Why are the world’s greatest cartoonists both named Gar(r)y? Larsen’s widely imitated style, with his anthropomorphised animals and deconstructed cultural cliches was pure genius. And Trudeau’s anti-establishment narratives have become part of the establishment. See if you can improve on that.
22. At least we didn’t do tattoos. Admittedly, some baby boomers have weakened (the wife of Lord Steel, former leader of the UK’s Liberal Democrats acquired a jaguar tattoo for her 70th birthday recently) but most are standing firm against this hideous habit.
23. Steven Spielberg. Born in 1946, America’s most acclaimed director is the ultimate baby boomer. His stock in trade is clever cinematography and cultural candy: sentimentality, stereotypes, broken families and wistful nostalgia. But the world would be poorer without Jaws, E.T., Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Schindler's List, The Color Purple, and Saving Private Ryan.
24. We are comfortable in a global village. We now live in an interdependent world. Thanks to modern communications, we can know about what happens in Azerbaijan and Paraguay as soon as it happens. We can rejoice with them (sometimes) and grieve with them (more often) – and we realise keenly that our lives are intertwined through the media, trade and the environment. No longer are any of us tempted think that we are superior just because we live in a rich and self-sufficient country.
25. We’re man enough to say “I’m sorry”. Has there ever been a generation which has apologised more often and more profusely? It has become a compulsive gesture for some politicians – for the Crusades, for the Opium Wars, for the Holocaust, for Japanese internment, for eugenic policies, for the slave trade, for discrimination against Chinese, for medical experimentation, for racism and many more. It takes courage to say “I’m sorry”.
26. You’ve still got an environment, guys. It was the baby-boomer generation which rang alarm bells about the destruction of natural habitats, endangered species, and pollution of waterways. Silent Spring, published in 1962, was possibly the first book to warn people that the benefits of technology were double-edged and that we could not continue to enrich ourselves and impoverish the world around us.
27. We’ve screwed up social security so badly that no one will ever do it again (touch wood). Because birthrates have been low and entitlements have been high, the burden of non-taxpaying dependents in Western countries is growing unsustainably. Social security benefits are unfunded. Governments are running deficits year after year after year. The US debt clocked up by baby-boomers is – who knows really? – about $14 trillion. That was a mistake. We’re sorry. But at least we taught Gen X and Gen Y a lesson they’ll never forget.
Michael Cook is a baby boomer and also editor of MercatorNet.
MORE ON THESE TOPICS | baby boomers (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/tag/baby+boomers), economics (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/tag/economics) http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/27_amazing_things_baby_boomers_have_done_for_human ity

12th January 2015, 11:41 AM
What did the 'Boomers' do wrong?


One thing I can say is, the boomer cops and the previous generation of cops still worked to protect the citizen and their communities. They were still respected and didn't kill innocent people at the drop of a hat.
Last I remember, we didn't hate the 'boomer' age cops and their predecessors either.

The term "pig" for cop was developed in the 1960s. And if you think that all 1960s cops "worked to protect the citizen and their communities," you obviously don't know much about Reagan's California.

Today, these militarized, above the law cops that only serve the corporate state, are in their 20's to early 40's.

Perhaps you could look up California National Guard General Louis Giuffrida, Reagan's FEMA Director, and conspirator with Ollie North on "plans for the suspension of the Constitution." Giuffrida started out militarizing California's cops for "anti-terror" purposes in 1971.

The militarized police unit known as SWAT was developed in 1964.

The boomers and their parents were some of the hardest working of generations. We didn't have technology, we had to do things with other people to entertain ourselves. I know I had a large group of friends I did things with before everyone got addicted to technology. The 20's up to early 40's generations consider hard work dirty and beneath them. I could say these generations let a lot of good paying jobs go to hungry foreigners from our southern border, because they didn't want to do the jobs. I blame these generations!

Boomers voted for Ronnie Raygun en masse, and it was Raygun who eviscerated America's social & industrial foundations. He started the offshoring flood, and, the "legalization" of mass invasion (1986 Immigration "Reform" & "Control" Act / amnesty).

What happened to the women/girls in their 20's up to their early 40's? Who's fault is it they've turned out this way?
What happened to love and respect and creating families?
What generation are these girls from? I blame this generation!

Who produced them? Who raised them? Who failed to instill such values? "Free love," remember?

The boomer generation had to be more self sufficient, responsible for themselves. Most of us had to be handy to fix and do our own repairs on everything we owned.
I don't see the majority of 20's to early 40's taking care of shit. They are a throw away and a let someone else fix my shit generation. I blame this generation!

Who failed to raise them up right?

The rapid slide into the abyss for the American family began in the 1960s, and the consequences are ubiquitous today, from megalopolis to tiny hamlet, all across the country.

12th January 2015, 11:44 AM
The fact that 99% of people miss the zionist puppeteer who is the archietect behind all the misery listed is proof positive of how effectively the wool has been pulled over your eyes

Yes, yes, yes, let's blame the Jews for "doing it to us," rather than accepting the responsibility like men that we allowed them the opportunities to destroy our race & civilization.

No Jew forced Goyim to buy and watch a Talmudvision. No Jew forced Goyim to abandon the ancient ideal of monogamy and engage in endless loose sex.

The Jews merely provided the sinful wares the Goyim were willing, and later, lustful, to embrace.

12th January 2015, 11:47 AM
25. We’re man enough to say “I’m sorry”. Has there ever been a generation which has apologised more often and more profusely?....for the Holocaust

That's really all one needs to read from that pile of horseshit.

12th January 2015, 11:50 AM
The term "pig" for cop was developed in the 1960s. And if you think that all 1960s cops "worked to protect the citizen and their communities," you obviously don't know much about Reagan's California.

Perhaps you could look up California National Guard General Louis Giuffrida, Reagan's FEMA Director, and conspirator with Ollie North on "plans for the suspension of the Constitution." Giuffrida started out militarizing California's cops for "anti-terror" purposes in 1971.

The militarized police unit known as SWAT was developed in 1964.

Boomers voted for Ronnie Raygun en masse, and it was Raygun who eviscerated America's social & industrial foundations. He started the offshoring flood, and, the "legalization" of mass invasion (1986 Immigration "Reform" & "Control" Act / amnesty).

Who produced them? Who raised them? Who failed to instill such values? "Free love," remember?

Who failed to raise them up right?

The rapid slide into the abyss for the American family began in the 1960s, and the consequences are ubiquitous today, from megalopolis to tiny hamlet, all across the country.

You're a boomer-blamer!

Oh sure, we are not without fault, but we didn't have the things to worry about you do for most of our lives. We've had it good (sorry), what did we have to fight for?
You guys on the other hand, should be angry.
And I don't consider politicians part of the boomer generation. Their generation has nothing to do with being the psychopath scum they are.
I wonder how I would be feeling about these times if I was starting out at 20 now. I know I sure wouldn't be signing up in the military to go fight the banker wars for Israel.

Celtic Rogue
12th January 2015, 11:53 AM
People who blame other people for their problems are called VICTIMS! I cannot believe how many people here are that quick to blame someone else for today's problems!

To those that find it easy and satisfying to blame someone else for their problems...

What exactly have you done to make things better? Come on what?

You sound just like the blacks blaming everything else for their own situation!

LOL I used to think that we had some good minds here... Shit like this blame game is a page right out of the leftist handbook!

12th January 2015, 11:57 AM
You're a boomer-blamer!

I deal in facts.

The "Boomer" Generation is not exactly defined, BTW. Some extend it to 1964 births, but Strauss & Howe started the 13th Gen from 1961 births.

And I don't consider politicians part of the boomer generation. Their generation has nothing to do with being the psychopath scum they are.

Most politicians since World War ONE have not been part of humanity. However, the "Greatest," Silent, and Boomer Generations kept supporting them (of course, my imbecile generation, and the following one, the Millennials, do, too).

I wonder how I would be feeling about these times if I was starting out at 20 now. I know I sure wouldn't be signing up in the military to go fight the banker wars for Israel.

The Millennials are clueless on most things. While they are "enlightened," to a degree, about how the world works, they also were instrumental in getting the Nigger in the Black House. Idiots savant on socio-political issues.

midnight rambler
12th January 2015, 11:58 AM
That was THEN, this is NOW. What are YOU doing NOW??

12th January 2015, 12:04 PM
The Millennials are clueless on most things. While they are "enlightened," to a degree, about how the world works, they also were instrumental in getting the Nigger in the Black House. Idiots savant on socio-political issues.

They seem "enlightened" to me...


12th January 2015, 12:05 PM
People who blame other people for their problems are called VICTIMS! I cannot believe how many people here are that quick to blame someone else for today's problems!

To those that find it easy and satisfying to blame someone else for their problems...

What exactly have you done to make things better? Come on what?

You sound just like the blacks blaming everything else for their own situation!

LOL I used to think that we had some good minds here... Shit like this blame game is a page right out of the leftist handbook!

You accept that "the Jews" did not f**k our world up, and rather that we, the Goyim, did?

Inability to deal with reality is the mark of a defective mind and/or heart.

As I noted in a previous post, I call my own generation an "imbecile" generation. But the role of the "Greatest" and Boomer Generations in allowing this current world to become is undeniable.

What have I done to make things better? I have tried, for 27 years, to "educate" people I encounter, with almost no success, because people simply don't want the truth; indeed, they cannot handle the truth. They are content with how things are, though they whine ceaselessly (keep in mind not one person in America or most of the "Western" world is actually poor, even those living in tents are not truly poor relative to our own ancestors). I've come to learn that fighting against what was set in motion before my birth is like trying to stop a tidal wave with sand bags. The war was never fought but definitely lost decades ago.

12th January 2015, 12:06 PM
That was THEN, this is NOW. What are YOU doing NOW??

I make my own license plates and buy "Israeli" weapons. That will change things for the better!

12th January 2015, 12:24 PM
I'll give credit to the 20's to early 40's generations for bringing the gay movement out of the closet and making it an acceptable and beautiful thing. It wasn't my generation that did that!
There were always faggots through history, but today the colleges are full of males tossing each others salad and whatever else they do. I'm sure it's much higher for females that have had lesbian sex. 60%?
I blame your generation!

Celtic Rogue
12th January 2015, 12:29 PM
You accept that "the Jews" did not f**k our world up, and rather that we, the Goyim, did?

Inability to deal with reality is the mark of a defective mind and/or heart.

As I noted in a previous post, I call my own generation an "imbecile" generation. But the role of the "Greatest" and Boomer Generations in allowing this current world to become is undeniable.

What have I done to make things better? I have tried, for 27 years, to "educate" people I encounter, with almost no success, because people simply don't want the truth; indeed, they cannot handle the truth. They are content with how things are, though they whine ceaselessly (keep in mind not one person in America or most of the "Western" world is actually poor, even those living in tents are not truly poor relative to our own ancestors). I've come to learn that fighting against what was set in motion before my birth is like trying to stop a tidal wave with sand bags. The war was never fought but definitely lost decades ago.

No what I am saying that it makes no sense to blame an entire generation for anything! Most of the boomers didnt even comer to age until the 70's and at 18 how many here were that enlightened?

Its BS to blame others for your problems UNLESS YOU have actually done anything to fix or make the so called problems better! Trying to educate people isnt doing shit as the problem is still here! Most of my friends from back in the day always talked about this stuff ad nausium with others... talk is talk... not really doing shit is it?

I've come to learn that fighting against what was set in motion before my birth is like trying to stop a tidal wave with sand bags. The war was never fought but definitely lost decades ago.

The boomer generation could say the EXACT same thing!

What exactly were they supposed to do... and why exactly haven't you guys done this to fix the "bad things boomers did"?

So I ask again... What exactly have you or anyone else playing the blame game done to make things better? Come on what? Actually there is no answer!

This is just more divide and conquer BS and it seems that a lot of people are fully eager to participate in the division!

12th January 2015, 12:35 PM
The TOOLS used by many different generations to subvert individual freedomm were enshrined into the 'US Constitution' from day 1. The right to plunder, kidnapp, conscript, cage and MURDER were written into the foundation. Sorry if some folks dont like to hear the truth.

The 'WHO' is absolutely irrelevant to morality.

12th January 2015, 12:46 PM
That's really all one needs to read from that pile of horseshit.

“I’m sorry”

12th January 2015, 01:19 PM
Looks to me like crimethink hates anyone who is not a cop...even himself............hey "buddy" how about letting others post? Jesus H Ponce, the way that you write you will go right by me before the end of the year...........


mick silver
12th January 2015, 01:22 PM
what need to be ask what this Generation going to do ? I know the one's before me were some of the hardest working people , they did what this Generation cannot do

midnight rambler
12th January 2015, 01:32 PM
I make my own license plates and buy "Israeli" weapons. That will change things for the better!

I no longer actually own any motor vehicles so no need to 'make my own license plates'*. lol

And I acquire the most appropriate and suitable defensive pieces available to me despite the reality they may be 'mouse caliber'. lol

*it IS worth noting that I traveled 120k+ miles passing through no less five different states WITHOUT once being pulled over for 'homemade tags' over the course of 11 years

12th January 2015, 01:36 PM
Looks to me like crimethink hates anyone who is not a cop...even himself............hey "buddy" how about letting others post? Jesus H Ponce, the way that you write you will go right by me before the end of the year...........


Hes got to check everything we write senor Ponce and correct it if there is a slight discrepancy in his way of thinking..............ie most posts

12th January 2015, 04:19 PM
I'll give credit to the 20's to early 40's generations for bringing the gay movement out of the closet and making it an acceptable and beautiful thing. It wasn't my generation that did that!
There were always faggots through history, but today the colleges are full of males tossing each others salad and whatever else they do. I'm sure it's much higher for females that have had lesbian sex. 60%?
I blame your generation!

Try again:



The 1960s' "Free Love" included Up the Hershey Highway "love."

12th January 2015, 04:21 PM
Looks to me like crimethink hates anyone who is not a cop...even himself

Looks to me that Ponce has went full senile.

............hey "buddy" how about letting others post?

Huh? I'm blocking someone from posting? When? Where?

12th January 2015, 04:25 PM
I no longer actually own any motor vehicles

Sophistry, of course.

And I acquire the most appropriate and suitable defensive pieces available to me despite the reality they may be 'mouse caliber'.

Cognitive Dissonance became an art form with the Boomers. "Israel is evil" and "Israeli weapons are the only ones that meet my needs" being "fact" simultaneously.

*it IS worth noting that I traveled 120k+ miles passing through no less five different states WITHOUT once being pulled over for 'homemade tags' over the course of 11 years

Proof? None, of course! "Trust me," LOL! I thought you "owned no motor vehicles"? Oh, that's right, sophistry - a lie is an intent to deceive.

midnight rambler
12th January 2015, 04:38 PM
Proof? None, of course! "Trust me," LOL! I thought you "owned no motor vehicles"? Oh, that's right, sophistry

Clueless of course. I'm not the least bit surprised since you FAIL to DYODD.

Once the corporate state actors con someone out of the MSO aka Certificate of Title, then the automobile becomes a 'motor vehicle', something used in commerce aka 'traffic'. I retained the MSO for the automobile I was referring to up until the time I sold it to someone else. It also doesn't surprise me when I went to sell that automobile how many people are absolutely clueless as to who *really* owns *their* (lol) 'automobile'. I ended up selling at a discount 'cause all the clueless dumbasses got skeered of dealing with a bona fide ownership document. Guess who I sold it to? Someone who actually understands what substance is - a gold miner!*

Any automobile I enjoy the use of now is owned by another person (again, you're so clueless I doubt you'll pick up on that CT lol). Because any automobile I enjoy the use may have a 'state license' on it whatever state issued that 'license' considers the automobile a 'motor vehicle' for its purposes.

(6) Motor vehicle.— The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation* of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo.


Title 18 of course regards "CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURES".

*transportation = operating a business (on public property - which requires a license)

*the buyer of said automobile did his due diligence and ran a CarFax on the VIN - he said, "The only thing I'm seeing is a handful of visits to the dealership and nothing else, it's like it doesn't exist." And I once had a DPS Trooper accuse me of altering the VIN ("I called in the VIN and dispatch told me it doesn't exist") and then try to walk off (it was in a parking lot and didn't involve a 'stop') - I immediately got in his face and said, "No, oh no!" since altering a VIN in this locale is a felony. We ended up talking for about 1/2 an hour and we became friendly after that, with him ultimately telling me some fucking crazy shit several months later.

12th January 2015, 06:02 PM
Clueless of course.

Not at all. I'm just not into playing Satan's sophistry game. You appear quite comfortable with it. All a matter of what the definition of the word "is," is.

Any automobile I enjoy the use of now is owned by another person (again, you're so clueless I doubt you'll pick up on that CT lol)

In other words, you play Satan's "corporate 'person'" game - oh, I do get it. A "corporate 'person'" is right out of the Talmud - originally called a Golem.

We ended up talking for about 1/2 an hour and we became friendly after that, with him ultimately telling me some fucking crazy shit several months later.

Because tax collectors can be reasoned with. LOL.

General of Darkness
12th January 2015, 06:08 PM
Is boomer codeword for jews?

midnight rambler
12th January 2015, 06:10 PM
In other words, you play Satan's "corporate 'person'" game - oh, I do get it.

This coming from someone who relies on the corporate state to establish their identity (as a corporate person). Oh the irony! lol

mick silver
12th January 2015, 06:13 PM
nope just old people being put down again
Is boomer codeword for jews?

12th January 2015, 06:17 PM
This coming from someone who relies on the corporate state to establish their identity (as a corporate person). Oh the irony! lol

My identity has nothing to do with the State. However, you've openly admitted you play games with the Devil. How many "corporate 'persons'" do you own/have under your control?

midnight rambler
12th January 2015, 06:28 PM
My identity has nothing to do with the State.

So you're saying you do not have a state issued ID, e.g. a DRIVER LICENSE or IDENTIFICATION CARD issued by the STATE OF CALIFORNIA (or any OTHER 'STATE OF XXXXXX')?

Because IF you have a state issued ID then your identity has EVERYTHING to do with the state.

If you DO NOT have the aforementioned state issued ID, then good for you. You've got bigger 'nads than I thought.

12th January 2015, 07:40 PM
Blame LSD for waking up the hippies........

otherwise it would of been 1984 in 1984

younger guys can come in on our coat tails ,thats good

just remember its the blade of the axe that does the cutting where as the rest of the head is required for maximum force.


not really that old but it all started for me in the early 70s thanks to my 2 older brothers........

the very first awkening generation ever

it hasnt stopped

they ptb have got a lot smarter

we seem to be peaking now

this LSD trip has become REAL

First LSD Study in 40 Years Finds Therapeutic Potential

MRaychev (http://www.blogger.com/profile/05709724133995718809) Curious Facts (http://www.endoriot.com/search/label/Curious%20Facts) , Health (http://www.endoriot.com/search/label/Health)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yHf8QmViKV8/VClwKuF6FmI/AAAAAAAABLo/lfgbx7Z1gvY/s1600/First%2BLSD%2BStudy%2Bin%2B40%2BYears%2BFinds%2BTh erapeutic%2BPotential.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yHf8QmViKV8/VClwKuF6FmI/AAAAAAAABLo/lfgbx7Z1gvY/s1600/First%2BLSD%2BStudy%2Bin%2B40%2BYears%2BFinds%2BTh erapeutic%2BPotential.jpg)

Scientific study often opens new doors of discovery—but sometimes it reopens doors closed long ago. On Tuesday, experimental psychiatrists in Santa Cruz, California published results from the first controlled medical trial of LSD in over 40 years.

The study, published in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease[pdf], found evidence that LSD, when administered in a medically-based therapeutic environment, lowers the anxiety experienced by individuals facing life-threatening illnesses. Although the sample size—just 12 people—was small, the findings offer compelling rationale for further study of the illegal, often stigmatized drug.

“This study is historic and marks a rebirth of investigation into LSD-assisted psychotherapy,” said Rick Doblin in a news release, executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which sponsored the study. “The positive results and evidence of safety clearly show why additional, larger studies are needed.”

When Research Came to a Halt That

LSD—lysergic acid diethylamide—can be therapeutically beneficial has been known for decades. Studies of the chemical substance began back in 1949 as a way to simulate mental illness. But researchers soon discovered beneficial effects of the drug.

By 1965, over 1,000 studies were published that heralded the therapeutic efficacy of LSD. The substance was used to treat alcoholism, and in several studies from the 60s, the drug was found to reduce anxiety, depression and pain—when used in conjunction with counseling—in cancer patients. Similar benefits were also discovered from other psychedelics such as hallucinogenic mushrooms.

However, despite its promise, LSD research ground to a standstill after the substance was outlawed in the United States in 1966 in response to soaring recreational use.

Revisiting the Past

The new study reaffirms many of the findings from 40 years ago.

Researchers recruited 12 patients who were coping with anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses. Eight patients were then randomly selected to receive drug-free psychotherapy sessions as well as two LSD-assisted sessions 2 to 3 weeks apart. Four participants were given a placebo during therapy and they served as the control. LSD helped stimulate a deep psychedelic state, allowing the participants to reach what they described as an emotionally intensified dream-like state.

“My LSD experience brought back some lost emotions and ability to trust, lots of psychological insights, and a timeless moment when the universe didn’t seem like a trap, but like a revelation of utter beauty,” said Peter, an Austrian subject who participated in the study.

In a follow-up two months later, researchers noted a statistically significant reduction in state anxiety—heightened emotions that develop in response to a fear or danger—faced by patients who were given LSD therapy. In contrast, state anxiety actually increased for patients in the placebo group. Further, the reductions in anxiety were sustained for a full year in the group given LSD.

A Future for LSD

The study's authors are clear that this is just a preliminary investigation with a very small sample size. The results are far from conclusive.

Rather, when combined with the findings from other decades-old studies, the study's authors hope to encourage other researchers to look beyond the stigma associated with LSD and explore other possible medical applications of the drug.
Source: whydontyoutrythis.com (http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2014/03/first-lsd-study-in-40-years-finds-therapeutic-potential.html)


12th January 2015, 08:28 PM
If you want to blame a generation for the crap going on right now in the U.S. and around the world blame the generation where it became socially unexceptable to tar and feather a corrupt judge or two, run out of town on a rail politicians on the take, to shoot rioters, and hang looters.

Now for something completely different, some music:


13th January 2015, 01:00 AM
Looks to me like crimethink hates anyone who is not a cop...even himself............hey "buddy" how about letting others post? Jesus H Ponce, the way that you write you will go right by me before the end of the year...........


Ponce you need to take your ball and go home again, you have been nothing but a pain since you have been back. Don't like what Crimethink is saying? you're a Boomer your self. Boomers have totally raped this world, all they care about is that they have what they want. The don't give a shit about their own kids futures at all.

13th January 2015, 05:56 AM
Hillbilly you and Publico want to blame other generations for the trouble this country is in but what are you going to do to turn things around? Do you have a plan? If you don't do something the next generation will blame you for your inaction.

I started a thread about a baby boomer with a plan to turn this country around, are you going to join him? I think he's identified the problems and he proposes solutions to them. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?81451-JB-Campbell-Ousting-the-US-Government

Here's a link for you guys so you can see what he proposes.

13th January 2015, 06:06 AM
Hillbilly you and Publico want to blame other generations for the trouble this country is in but what are you going to do to turn things around? Do you have a plan? If you don't do something the next generation will blame you for your inaction.

I started a thread about a baby boomer with a plan to turn this country around, are you going to join him? I think he's identified the problems and he proposes solutions to them. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?81451-JB-Campbell-Ousting-the-US-Government

Here's a link for you guys so you can see what he proposes.

I said, "If you want to blame..." I didn't say "I blame"

And I done my part. Lived without water service for 7 years fighting the beast.

What have you done?

13th January 2015, 06:16 AM
I said, "If you want to blame..." I didn't say "I blame"

And I done my part. Lived without water service for 7 years fighting the beast.

What have you done?

I've educated myself about what the real problem is in this country and I've prepared to defend myself and family. Did you read his essay at the link provided?

Edit: I don't really think it does much good to blame other generations for what's wrong. We need to study where they went wrong and try to fix the problems.

13th January 2015, 12:37 PM
I am, I'm telling everyone I know to live debt free and learn usable skills to survive and profit from.....sure some boomers are ok but by and large the whole boomer generation sucks!

13th January 2015, 02:21 PM
Also the Boomer Generation was the first Generation to openly rebel treat their parents and grand parents like shit! Boomers = no respect for their elders or their children

midnight rambler
13th January 2015, 02:23 PM
Also the Boomer Generation was the first Generation to openly rebel treat their parents and grand parents like shit! Boomers = no respect for their elders or their children

Can you name any generation that wasn't or isn't pretty much clueless as to the real threats posed by the Death Cult/Money Powers?

13th January 2015, 02:31 PM
Also the Boomer Generation was the first Generation to openly rebel treat their parents and grand parents like shit! Boomers = no respect for their elders or their children

Don't count me in that group mister. You however young whippersnapper, by your statement, are being disrespectful toward your elders/seniors, us boomers! You have to give respect to get respect. Is this how your boomer parents raised you?
If you were my kid, I'd take my belt off and whip some respect into your ass!
Most boomer parents have never disiplined their children...you probaby were never beat either. Maybe this is where things went wrong?
We got our assed kicked, beat and whipped growing up. By our teachers too.

Boomer EE :)

13th January 2015, 02:33 PM
Can you name any generation that wasn't or isn't pretty much clueless as to the real threats posed by the Death Cult/Money Powers?

The youth today have all the information we have via the internet. They have the benefit of learning early.
We were always distrustful, but we weren't really clued in to the real truth until we got online.

midnight rambler
13th January 2015, 02:34 PM
The youth today have all the information we have via the internet. They have the benefit of learning early.
We were always distrustful, but we weren't really clued in to the real truth until we got online.

We've all been rubes at one time or another.

13th January 2015, 02:52 PM
Gas the boonmers!

13th January 2015, 02:59 PM
Boonmers scannned me!

13th January 2015, 03:04 PM
Gas the boonmers!Waste not, want not.
If you kill a boonmer, be prepared to eat a boonmer. :)

13th January 2015, 03:27 PM
the book "the 4th turning" explains why we have 4 cycles in societies, like the spring, summer, fall and winter. First Turning (High) Second Turning (Awakening) Third Turning (Unraveling) Fourth Turning (Crisis)

there also are 4 different generational archetypes that societies need to evolve but which are kinda incompatible as each archetype has its own mission, like each age range its own preoccupations and needs.

the 4th turning concept is one aspect of the problem but it is interesting to see how the elites use these cycles and archetypes to propel themselves.

winter is coming

mick silver
13th January 2015, 06:27 PM
santa any thoughts on how to field dress a boonmer

13th January 2015, 08:18 PM
santa any thoughts on how to field dress a boonmer

Um, cut out the back strap and leave the rest to the crows?

old steel
13th January 2015, 09:27 PM
Ok so i'm gone for a couple of days, get back and look what you tards have done to my thread?

Guess it's time to start another one put this 8 page train wreck to bed.

13th January 2015, 10:59 PM
Don't count me in that group mister. You however young whippersnapper, by your statement, are being disrespectful toward your elders/seniors, us boomers! You have to give respect to get respect. Is this how your boomer parents raised you?
If you were my kid, I'd take my belt off and whip some respect into your ass!
Most boomer parents have never disiplined their children...you probaby were never beat either. Maybe this is where things went wrong?
We got our assed kicked, beat and whipped growing up. By our teachers too.

Boomer EE :)

I used to love the boomer generation, I've always loved older rather than younger people, but I'm wising up to these fucking greedy ass boomers who have stolen and raped all our futures, as I said, NO they are not all bad there are some good egg's in the bunch but for the most part at least 80 percent are total greedy mindless fucks that only care about them selves.

14th January 2015, 12:18 AM
I actually sided with the Boomers guys...


I found them some solar panels which I stole borrowed from the NCR.

18th January 2015, 01:02 PM
I am, I'm telling everyone I know to live debt free and learn usable skills to survive and profit from.....sure some boomers are ok but by and large the whole boomer generation sucks!

Attacking a whole generation eh hillbilly............pity we cant live to the high standards the generations after them have set....hahaha

18th January 2015, 01:04 PM
Dont get sucked into this generation BS that has been invented by the press like everything else.......

18th January 2015, 01:08 PM
Ponce you need to take your ball and go home again, you have been nothing but a pain since you have been back. Don't like what Crimethink is saying? you're a Boomer your self. Boomers have totally raped this world, all they care about is that they have what they want. The don't give a shit about their own kids futures at all.

Whats going on here HB ,you spewing forth on a generation that cracked open the bottle you are drinking from.

Boomers where hated by there parents and older generation and now it seems by younger ones who it appears are just as brainwashed.

This is my impression...........

18th January 2015, 01:24 PM
I said, "If you want to blame..." I didn't say "I blame"

And I done my part. Lived without water service for 7 years fighting the beast.

What have you done?

when we had our first child we where living in a plywood car container ,without power for 5 years in an isolated place creating a new community with a group of people.

We fought the council for 5 years to get approval to live on this land which we achieved,,,,,,,,,,,,

people have been born and have died on this property since and the council , well they prefer to leave us alone.

now there is generation after generation coming along and these people appreciate what was achieved earlier .

Im returning there in a week for 2 months

18th January 2015, 01:32 PM
Truly a lot of people make me sick with the endless pursuit of wealth but this could be someone of any age or generation.

A lot of boomers make me sick but then so do a lot of younger generation types.

18th January 2015, 06:57 PM
I think many a Boomers felt completely hopeless as individuals, and that things were only accomplished by Institutions or en mass. A symptom of being part of a generation boom, and fleeting Democracy heights.

Nowadays they just all appear frozen in lakes of dogmas to me.

18th January 2015, 07:32 PM
Boonmer is the new scannned.

18th January 2015, 08:28 PM
Boomers? Really? Give your head a shake.

Isn't it the people who are < 30 years old that will ditch a perfectly working cell-phone to buy a new one? Buy a new PC even though the one they have can be re-formatted and and run just fine. Buy the newest gaming console? All of those things need mines for materials and shipping. No, not the consumerist mellenials -- it's the boomers.

19th January 2015, 04:06 AM
I used to love the boomer generation, I've always loved older rather than younger people, but I'm wising up to these fucking greedy ass boomers who have stolen and raped all our futures, as I said, NO they are not all bad there are some good egg's in the bunch but for the most part at least 80 percent are total greedy mindless fucks that only care about them selves.
Most are mindless fucks of every generation. Then the elite wants their to be fighting amongst us between generations including those who aren't mindless fucks too. Divide and conquer!

19th January 2015, 10:45 AM
Looks like the spotlight is on the 'Millenials' now. Let's hope you guys don't ruin our world worse then the 'Boomers'.
Unlike the boomers, a good portion of the Millenials are non-white, so lets see how that works out?

Watch Out, Baby Boomers: Millennials Will Be The Largest Generation In 2015
Jan 17, 2015 03:14 PM By Lecia Bushak

People aged 18 to 34, also known as millennials, are going to outgrow baby boomers by about a million this year.

Millennials — young people aged 18 to 34 — are expected to become the biggest generation in 2015, according to a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau. They are poised to surpass baby boomers (ages 51-69), who previously held the top title for largest generation in the U.S.

This year, the number of millennials is expected to be at 75.3 million, while baby boomers are at 74.9 million. Millennials are growing because more immigrants in the age group are entering the country, according to the Pew Research Center.

According to the Pew Research Center chart below, millennials, born between 1981 and 1997, had the largest number of births (66 million) next to boomer births (76 million). Post-millenials, people born between 1998 and 2012, are the third largest (61 million), followed by Generation X and the Silent generation. Because the Silent generation fell in population numbers in the midst of the Great Depression and World War II, people were less likely to have the economic means to have more children. Baby boomers, of course, were born and grew up after the war, when the opposite occurred — with the end of the war, men returned from service, prosperity increased in the country, and families expanded.

Baby Boomers historically comprised the biggest generation, but they'll soon be surpassed by Millennials, or Generation Y. Pew Research Center

“The significance of Millennials extends beyond their numbers,” a White House report about millennials, released in October 2014, said. “This is the first generation to have had access to the Internet during their formative years. Millennials also stand out because they are the most diverse and educated generation to date: 42 percent identify with a race or ethnicity other than non-Hispanic white, around twice the share of the baby boomer generation when they were the same age.”

In addition, there are more educated Millennials than Baby Boomers. The report states some 15 facts about this generation, including that those who went to college are more likely to study social sciences; they’re more likely to focus only on studies rather than combining both work and school; and they’re the first generation to have more health insurance coverage during their young adult years due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Aside from the stereotype that millennials are parental money-consuming, lazy technology addicts, it’s best we give them some credit for their positive attributes because the spotlight is now on them. If you want to see how much of a millennial you are, take this quiz from the Pew Research Center, http://www.pewresearch.org/quiz/how-millennial-are-you/


19th January 2015, 10:55 AM
it was all just another after-war-big-fiat-money boom


19th January 2015, 12:01 PM
Boomers still suck, you guys had the best chance to save this country and you blew it, just cashed right in and become Yuppies and doing disco and blow with your futures college funds!

19th January 2015, 12:47 PM
WTF are you talking about ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are you some sort of gen x or y or what is it now

hate every generation except your own ...................

America has been doomed for a long time....................boomers shut down the Vietnam war

what did you guys do , post something on facebook...............

19th January 2015, 01:03 PM

and what do we see today ........................zilch


This guy tried to save the country but they shot him DEAD.....................

19th January 2015, 01:16 PM

old steel
19th January 2015, 02:20 PM
Boomers rock, seriously i was just messing with y'all. Except for a few turncoats at the top who sold us all out, like they do every generation.

19th January 2015, 03:10 PM
Im not sure they rock any more , there are only a few that have kept any sort of values and lots have succumbed to the festering sore called capitalism ............never blame a whole generation though

19th January 2015, 05:30 PM
Seriously I thought 'a boonmer' was just another slur for Obama. Like 'thank Obama for ruining the world'! I didn't wish to thank him for that, so I didn't look at the thread for more than a week... ;D

19th January 2015, 05:57 PM
Any one of us old fart Boomers could still kick yall's XYZ asses. :)

19th January 2015, 05:59 PM
.boomers shut down the Vietnam war

Or the U.S. realized it had then turned into a Communist nation, and thought the expenditure too high to fight its own policy.

Generation X Punks Rule! {--->)


19th January 2015, 06:05 PM
Any one of us old fart Boomers could still kick yall's XYZ asses. :)

This thread is about boonmers, not boomers, LOL

19th January 2015, 09:12 PM
WTF are you talking about ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are you some sort of gen x or y or what is it now

hate every generation except your own ...................

America has been doomed for a long time....................boomers shut down the Vietnam war

what did you guys do , post something on facebook...............

Boomers shut down Vietnam? right, it was the officers getting fragged that shut down Vietneam, You gave us two dead kenadys, black panthers, the SLA and disco you guys blew it worse than any other generation, you had it all but chose the easy way out.

19th January 2015, 09:22 PM
Like I said some boomers are great, I like most of you boomers here, but for the most part your generation really fucked up, not that other generations didn't as well but boomers.....well you know...

19th January 2015, 09:24 PM
Boomers shut down Vietnam? right, it was the officers getting fragged that shut down Vietneam, You gave us two dead kenadys, black panthers, the SLA and disco you guys blew it worse than any other generation, you had it all but chose the easy way out.

I think we were all complacent and cannot place the finger at any one group. A large majority of the generation who fought in ww2 actually thought their gov was working for them. Boomers have their issues. Gen X/Y are too wrapped up in sports/games/TV shows to notice what's going on. Environmentally, the younger generations are the worst -- like I mentioned, buying crap for the joy of having the newest toy...

19th January 2015, 10:22 PM
X'ers gave us spiked mohawks and head bangers. That's something.

19th January 2015, 11:13 PM
Like I said some boomers are great, I like most of you boomers here, but for the most part your generation really fucked up, not that other generations didn't as well but boomers.....well you know...

so what are you

every generation has fucked up because the PTB agenda is basically the same now as then and you think they could of saved the world and yet now the world is worse.

and no I dont know..............

19th January 2015, 11:14 PM
Boomers shut down Vietnam? right, it was the officers getting fragged that shut down Vietneam, You gave us two dead kenadys, black panthers, the SLA and disco you guys blew it worse than any other generation, you had it all but chose the easy way out.

Massive protests on a large scale shut down the war.................

believe what you like but I remember

20th January 2015, 12:06 AM
doesn't matter

20th January 2015, 12:48 AM
And the generation that had the boomers...............drinking ,bashing,arguing ect it was hell for me

20th January 2015, 06:18 AM
X'ers gave us spiked mohawks and head bangers. That's something.


added photo for effect... :)

mick silver
20th January 2015, 01:33 PM
it look like someone didn't get what they wanted from a older person , I am sick of hearing give me give me give me it's my right , fuck go dig a ditch earn it the hard way , most young people could not get out of there own way if there life is in harms way .

20th January 2015, 05:20 PM
I think we were all complacent and cannot place the finger at any one group. A large majority of the generation who fought in ww2 actually thought their gov was working for them. Boomers have their issues. Gen X/Y are too wrapped up in sports/games/TV shows to notice what's going on. Environmentally, the younger generations are the worst -- like I mentioned, buying crap for the joy of having the newest toy...

Good points, thanks

20th January 2015, 06:05 PM
it look like someone didn't get what they wanted from a older person , I am sick of hearing give me give me give me it's my right , fuck go dig a ditch earn it the hard way , most young people could not get out of there own way if there life is in harms way .

Its oK to admit to the group that you secretly lobby with the AARP in D.C., mick.

21st January 2015, 07:30 PM
Good points, thanks

No problem buds. Maybe after WW3 things might change....

old steel
21st January 2015, 08:49 PM
The Revolutions that sweep over all countires after WW3 will be far worse than the war itself.