View Full Version : JB Campbell - Ousting the US Government

12th January 2015, 07:34 PM
I think this guy talks pretty straight, no bullshit.

Published on Feb 4, 2014
Jeanice Barcelo interviews JB (Bruce) Campbell, creator of the American militia movement in the 1980s. JB says that all government is a life-destroying cancer, but that nothing compares to the US government in terms of the level of fraud, theft, waste, spying, and mass murder. JB argues that there should be no central government and that we need a political party that seeks no power over the people. And so he is creating the militant American Defense Party as a means of organizing self-defense against the psychopaths in the federal government. The American Defense Party would also be responsible for distributing debt-free money, eliminating the United Nations, and banning things like vaccines, nuclear power, GMO foods, and much more.



12th January 2015, 08:11 PM
Thumbnail or a couple of bullet points for those of us rime challenged.

12th January 2015, 08:15 PM
There are two way for a government to stay in power.....when you see them raising the salaries of the troops or they start raising their own army.....well, what do we see? people in black running all over the place.........be ready.


12th January 2015, 09:41 PM


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13th January 2015, 02:37 AM
Thumbnail or a couple of bullet points for those of us rime challenged.

He scares the hell out of people and especially those in power.

There's a thread on here blaming the baby boomers for all the problems we face in this country but no one has put forth a solution to them. He has an idea for solving them but it scares people.

Monty posted a link that covers in an essay what he speaks about in the video. It doesn't take to long to read what his thoughts are and what his plan is for making things right again in this country.

The link again that Monty posted. http://www.americandefenseparty.com/#/

13th January 2015, 05:50 AM
He scares the hell out of people and especially those in power.

There's a thread on here blaming the baby boomers for all the problems we face in this country but no one has put forth a solution to them. He has an idea for solving them but it scares people.

Monty posted a link that covers in an essay what he speaks about in the video. It doesn't take to long to read what his thoughts are and what his plan is for making things right again in this country.

The link again that Monty posted. http://www.americandefenseparty.com/#/

Not many people are ready to give up what they have to take back our country from the psychopath scum, but the numbers are growing of people that are waiting to do their part. I think we would need one great leader that people can follow. Unfortunately, such a leader may not live long enough to do what is needed.

In regard to blaming the boomers, notice who all the people are that are speaking out against this tyranny, boomer age people! It's not the 20's and 30 somethings. To those who blame, why don't you get behind people like JB and help the movement grow.

Another thing to mention about the boomers...it's the boomers that own most of the firearms in this country. A good percentage of today's youth don't even own one firearm. They are too busy living hand to mouth to even afford guns. Next time you're at a gun show, notice the age of all buyers. You young people better quit blaming us and get behind us, soon.

If people want to begin to take back our country, imo they need to disconnect from the system first. That means throwing away your damn iPhone tracking device...soon to be your iWatch. Oh yes, most of you will be wearing the smart watch in time. Way too many tech companies are pouring billions into these new devices. They wouldn't be, if they thought there was the slightest chance the population wouldn't buy in.

People should stop crying about government spying and loss of privacy, when they willfully give it away by using these tracking devices. Think about what the future might have in store? Imagine walking through a doorway and a scanner reads your device, logging your location and your information. What if there is an infraction against you, could be anything, you will be found instantly. Add drones to the mix, what do you get?
You are also willfully giving away anonymous transactions by giving up the use of currency.

The syfy TV shows of our past are coming to be.

Another thing to add on the boomer behalf. We possess the knowledge to rebuild your society. Those jobs you are too good, or lazy to do, are being taken over by Mexicans that have no loyalty to this country. Construction, trades, services, farming/ranching and medical. Once we are gone, our knowledge will go with us...all this will be in the hands of foreign loyal Mexicans and you will be dependent on them. If you're comfortable with this, then maybe you will get the future you deserve.

Time is getting short

The youngest baby boomers are turning 50 in 2014. The oldest baby boomers started turning 65 back in 2011, and many of them have already retired.
