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mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:36 PM
The shape that most clearly represents Morocco in my mind’s eye is the eight-point star. It is a simple shape made by overlapping two squares. The hard-edged lines make it indicative of Moroccan patterns, which are known for their use of straight lines in contrast to the curvilinear arabesque of the Middle East. It has a feel that is both modern and ancient. What is the meaning behind this particular shape and what does it represent? (Note: this article was revised on March 24, 2008)
Universal Symbolism
In truth, the eight-point star is not unique to Morocco. It appears in cultures around the globe. It can be found on national flags and in religious iconography. It carries various meaning associated with each culture that utilizes it. The are eight-paths in the way of Buddah and eight immortals in Chinesse tradition. However, its universal symbolism is one of balance, harmony, and cosmic order. Its pattern is associated early astronomy, religion, and mysticism. It is symbolic of both stars and humanity’s earliest attempts to understand and communicate the order and unity inherent in Creation, nature’s rule.
Astrological Origins
The roots of the eight-point star symbol are in early astronomy. The eight lines are symbolic of the four corners of space (north, south, east, and west) and time (two solstices and two equinoxes). 1 (http://moroccandesign.com/eight-point-star#1)

Above diagram taken from Resonateview.org
Use in Islam
By the middle-ages, the eight-point star is widely used as a symbol in Islamic art. It is called khatim or khatim sulayman, seal of the prophets, as in signet ring. The phrase “seal of the prophets” is also used in the Koran and has particular ideological meaning for Muslims. Moroccan zillij artisans also refer to the eight-point star as sibniyyah, sabniyyah, which is a derivative of the number seven sab’ah.
The design of the Muslim khatam was likely inspired by Jewish version, which is the Seal of Solomon. The seal of Solomon is a six point star formed by overlapping two triangles. According to the brilliant book, Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universehttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=morocdesig-20&l=ur2&o=1” Muslim legend recounts Solomon using the star to capture djinns, genies, the immaterial counterparts to humans.
Ancient use of Eight-point Star Symbol
The eight-point star was used as a symbol long before the rise of Islam.
An Italian nobleman named Pietro della Valle discovered the use of an eight-point star as a seal in the ruins of the ancient city of Ur (~2000BC), Tell al Muqayyar, in the mid-seventeenth century. He wrote “I found on the ground some pieces of black Marble…which seem to be a kind of Seal like what the Orientals use at this day: for their Seals are only letters or written words…Amongst the other letters I discovered in a short time was…a star of eight points…”
Abraham, the shared prophet of the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) lived in the Sumerian city of Ur. Excavations from Ur reveal early use of the eight point star, often in the form of an eight petal rosette used in jewelry or metalwork decoratation.
The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.” 3 (http://moroccandesign.com/eight-point-star#3)
For centuries, the Greeks believed that the morning and evening star we different entities. The Greeks recognized Venus as the morning and evening star is 400 BC, 1,500 years after Sumerians.4 (http://moroccandesign.com/eight-point-star#4)
Religous Integration of Symbol
How does the pagan symbol for God/star transform itself into an Islamic symbol? What could the connection be between the Islamic use of the eight-point star and its uses as a symbol in Sumerian culture?
I mention the Sumerian history to show the earliest origins of the eight-point star as a reflection of astronomical observations from one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Sumer is located in an era of the world where several civilizations, such as Babylonian, Arkadian (Semetic), Elam (proto Indo-Iranian), Egyptian, and Greek expanded and retracted. It doesn’t require much imagination to imagine how these symbol migrated to other cultures and eventually made its way into Islam. Why the eight point symbol endured instead of a six point star or some other shape is the real story, I suppose.
Additionally, all the monotheistic religions accommodate astrology in some way through fact that the stars are part of the Creation. Islam inherited pagan symbols along the same lines as other monotheistic religions, which share the same history and origins. Muslims accommodated ancient symbols inasmuch as they supported the Islamic view of Creation.
Moreover, astronomy plays an important role in Islam in both its expansion, obligations (pilgrimage), and daily act of worship (five times of daily prayer done directed towards Mecca). Astrology had an impact on Muslim scholars as well. As inheritors of ancient texts and avid supporters of scholarly study, Islamic scholars poured over Greek learning, which included meanings attached to the movement and position of the stars. Pythagoras, who is credited as being the first person to call himself a philosopher (lover of wisdom), is of particular important to Muslim scholars. Pythagoras developed a system of belief that centered around mathematics. Pythagoras identified the planets as being spheres rotating around a central fire. Pythagoras also influenced Plato and Aristotle and the philosophies that followed.
The following picture, taken from www.discoverislamicart.org is of an astrolobe in the Batha Museum in Fez. “This astrolabe includes all of the component parts of the planispheric astrolabes that were indispensable to ancient astronomers for determining prayer times and the height of the stars, and for establishing horoscopes. It is one of the first portable astrolabes in the West.”

mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:38 PM
The 8-Pointed STAR Symbol


5 Votes

The eight-pointed star appears in cultures around the globe. It can be found within national flags, and even religious iconography. With it carries various meaning inclusive of each culture.
If you follow through, this will all begin to make sense! Just bear with me…
Astrological Origin
The roots of the eight-pointed stat symbolize the four corners of space. The eight lines are symbolic of north, south, east, and west; and time as well with the two solstices and two equinoxes.
The first cross is the intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and the axis perpendicular to this intersection. When the Earth Cross and the Galactic Cross are superimposed they form an eight-pointed cross. The two separate crosses become conjunct and form a single 4 pointed cross during the moments of a Great Celestial Conjunction. After the individual crosses separate again and form an eight-pointed cross again.
The Bible warns us of using astrological sorcery…another form of this is the astrological signs such as Leo, etc. GOD made the firmament and stars but not for idolizing and the secret here is it takes GOD out of the picture and places the planets and stars as the creator.
Mayan Cross of Quetzalcoatl
In the Dresden Codex we find Az Tzul Ahaw, who’s believed to represent a Venus deity since the Venus glyph appears where his face is. Notice the cross symbols in the sky band. When the crosses in the sky band are superimposed an 8 pointed cross is formed.
The eight paths in the way of Buddah and eight immortals in Chinese tradition carry weight within their culture. However, its universal symbolism is interesting because it deals with balance, harmony, and cosmic order. Its pattern is associated with early astronomy, religion, and mysticism. This comes at a high price to the human race.
Star of Lakshmi:
In Hinduism, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, has eight emanations known as Ashtalakshmi, which are represented by two entwined squares forming an octagram. These emanations represent eight forms of wealth: monetary, ability to transport, endless prosperity, victory, patience, health and nourishment, knowledge, and family.
Use in Islam
By the middle-ages, the eight-point star is widely used as a symbol in Islamic art. It is called khatim or khatim sulayman, seal of the prophets, as in signet ring. The phrase “seal of the prophets” is also used in the Koran and has particular ideological meaning for Muslims. Moroccan zillij artisans also refer to the eight-point star as sibniyyah, sabniyyah, which is a derivative of the number seven sab’ah.
The design of the Muslim khatam was likely inspired by Jewish version, which is the Seal of Solomon. The seal of Solomon is a six point star formed by overlapping two triangles. According to the brilliant book, Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe” Muslim legend recounts Solomon using the star to capture djinns, genies, the immaterial counterparts to humans.
The Wheel of the Year
The Wiccan Wheel of the Year is commonly represented as a circle containing eight spokes or an eight-pointed star. Each point is a major holiday known as a Sabbat. Wiccans emphasize the system of holidays as a whole: each holiday is influenced by what has come before and prepares for the one approaching next.
Overlapping Squares:
Octagrams formed from overlapping squares often emphasize duality: yin and yang, male and female, spiritual and material. Squares are often connected with the physical world: four elements, four cardinal directions, etc. Together, the they can mean both positive and negative aspects of the four elements, for example, and balancing them.
Ancient Use
An Italian nobleman named Pietro della Valle discovered the use of an eight-point star as a seal in the ruins of the ancient city of Ur (~2000BC), Tell al Muqayyar, in the mid-seventeenth century. He wrote “I found on the ground some pieces of black Marble…which seem to be a kind of Seal like what the Orientals use at this day: for their Seals are only letters or written words…Amongst the other letters I discovered in a short time was…a star of eight points…”
Abraham, the shared prophet of the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) lived in the Sumerian city of Ur. Excavations from Ur reveal early use of the eight point star, often in the form of an eight petal rosette used in jewelry or metalwork decoration.

mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:38 PM
metalwork decoration.http://mysteryoftheinquity.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/wicked.png?w=1770
The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.”
For centuries, the Greeks believed that the morning and evening star we different entities. The Greeks recognized Venus as the morning and evening star is 400 BC, 1,500 years after Sumerians.
I mention the Sumerian history to show the earliest origins of the eight-point star as a reflection of astronomical observations from one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Sumer is located in an era of the world where several civilizations, such as Babylonian, Arkadian (Semetic), Elam (proto Indo-Iranian), Egyptian, and Greek expanded and retracted.
Egyptian-Old Kingdom Egyptians recognized a group of eight deities, four male and four female, with the female bearing feminine forms of the male names: Nu, Nanet, Amun, Amunet, Kuk, Kauket, Huh, and Hauhet. Each pair represents a primal force, water, air, darkness, and infinity, and together they create the world and the sun god Ra from the primordial waters. Together, these eight are known as the Ogdoad, and this context is borrowed by other cultures which may represent it with an octagram.
Esoteric sources love to give you their evaluations of the what’s and why’s to this subject. There are as many as you can count! I’ve found some VERY INTERESTING connections and want to share them. Now, first understand we must view the esoteric views to get the full scope of what it means to the occult.
The most striking symbol of mystery to me is the 8-rayed star, or octagon, which is one of the most prevalent ‘synchro-mystic’ themes to date. The esoteric love this symbol because it forms the divine energy-consciousness that is utilized in magical rituals as well as in alchemy.
“The Stone (or Elixer, or Quintessence) is a result of separation and recombination (Solve et Coagula) of the action and passive forms of the Spirit, the primordial form of energy-consciousness that is utilized in magical rituals as well as alchemy. It is symbolized by an eight-spoked wheel.”
Image at the bottom right shows a black stone shiva lingam behind the man are octagonal stars with equal-armed solar crosses inside them helping cement the connection between the cross & cube, and the octagon & pyramid
Synchnificant sources such as movies seem to use these as ‘stargate’ symbols. More below…
It is also the symbol of Chaos magic, which is appropriate considering the above alchemic quote where the elements which form the Stone (octagon) came from Chaos. The Symbol of Chaos originates from Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion stories.
Furthermore, the ‘8’ of Wands in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck features prominently an eight-pointed star with arrows at the ends. Crowley described the card as representing “energy” scattering at “high velocity” that had managed to create the depicted eight-pointed figure.
Moorcock says, about his version —
“The origin of the Chaos Symbol was me doodling sitting at the kitchen table and wondering what to tell Jim Cawthorn the arms of Chaos looked like. I drew a straightforward geographical quadrant (which often has arrows, too!) – N, S, E, W – and then added another four directions and that was that – eight arrows representing all possibilities, one arrow representing the single, certain road of Law. I have since been told that it is an “ancient symbol of Chaos” and if it is then it confirms a lot of theories about the race mind. … As far as I know the symbol, drawn by Jim Cawthorn, first appeared on an Elric cover of Science Fantasy in 1962, then later appeared in his first comic version of Stormbringer done by Savoy.”
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:
“Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, Spirit, Intelligence, and Ego are my 8 separate energies.”
This seems to be a universal language of sorts, does it not?
Notice how ‘Jesus’ is weaved into the picture. Each letter of ICHTHYS can be found in the eight-spoke circle.
Notice how most of the letters of ICHTHYS can mean “wisdom” or “secret knowledge.” Keeping with the octagonal theme, Jesus is also equal to 888 using gematria (the “Dominical Number.” Also, Jesus resurrected on the 8th day (on Sunday, first day of the new week), and 8 people were saved on the Ark).
Another interesting number associated with Jesus is the “measure of the fish,” the mathematical ratio of the Christian fish symbol (visica pisces, seen above), 153:265 or 265/153 = square root of 3 = 1.732 (which connects to the 23/17 enigma). In one Biblical account, Jesus caused 153 fish to be caught in Peter’s net. The numbers 1 thru 17, when added together, equal 153 (Also, 9 is often found in “17” equations, such as in 9×17=153; remember that there are 9 Kingdoms, but 7 Heavens). 17 is the day of Osiris’ death in the month of Athyr. (And 1+7 = 8) Osiris is the original Green Man, having green skin of decay and representing the death and re-birth of vegetation.
The eight-pointed star, also known as Rub el Hizb or
The Seal of Melchizdek…
According to certain Essene traditions the Essenes came from Venus. In the Book: “Le Memoire d’Essenien, L’autre visage de Jesus” the following can be found on this subject: (p.18) “Look very well at that star behind me: it is one of the symbols of our people” (p.32): “Look,” he said, “that is the big morningstar, we call her ‘Moon-Sun’ or ‘Ishtar’ (Venus). To our people she stands for Mysterie and Light.

mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:41 PM
The meaning of the octagram: it is the expression of the “Law of Cause and Effect”. Those two are inextricably tied together: “What ye sow, ye shall reap”. (compare with Karma / Wheel of life) That makes the number 8 the number of fate, destiny and justice. Transformative qualities are: resurrection, immortality and prosperity.
Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD is NOT who these people speak of!
“The Tomb of God” the following can be read on p.69:
“The eight-pointed symbol before our eyes – deducted from two squares, superimposed on each other – was already used by the Rosycrucians in the seventeenth century as a symbol for the eight points of a geometrical Universe, that was guarded by eight Angels”.
In “Edgar Cayce on Jesus and his church”, p.134/135 the following can be read about the Law of Cause and Effect”:
…”Through the varying activities He overcame the world through the experiences, bearing the cross in each and every experience, reaching the final cross with all power, all knowledge in having overcome the world, and of himself accepted the cross. Hence doing away with that often called karma, that must be met by all. The immutable Law of Cause and Effect is, as evidence in the world today, in the material, the mental and the spiritual world; but he, – in overcoming the world, the Law – became the Law. The Law, then, becomes as the schoolmaster, or the school of training, and we who have named the Name then, are no longer under the Law as Law, but under Mercy as in Him; for in Him – and with the desires – may there be the coordination of all things.”
…Then, as each soul builds for that it, as a soul, is to act, whether in mind or body, the soul mind is already in the throes of the influences necessary. Then when we comprehend, we realize there is no time, no space, and that the divinity of the man, Jesus, was was perfect in his activity in the earth, for it was offered even from the first.”…
All those symbols can be found in the symbol of our community: in the middle the Circle of Infinity, with inside the cross of creation, plus as round it the Padma (the Lotus, symbol of Creation from the All, the Brahman) and behind that, in perspective, the eventual fulfillment in the “Union Jack” of the star, with hidden in it the crosses of the Spiritual New Israel.
The eight-pointed star is a Gnostic symbol, known as the octagram of creation.
It is related to Venus, and also sacred to Ishtar.
In Nordic traditions the octagram is used to invoke magic and also as a protecting ideogram.
Chaospheres have 8 points – order 90 degrees and chaos 45 degrees.
This is the traditional Star of Ishtar. Composed of two intertwined squares, this is a symbol of regeneration.
It is a symbol for the natural universe interweaving order and disorder, yin and yang, to create an ultimately harmonious and balanced design.
The eight-rayed or spoked ATLAS detector at CERN may very well be a representation of a wormhole. Was Quetzalcoatl was time-traveler entering a wormhole? Or was it Nimrod who built a ‘ladder’ or TOWER to the heavens that reached from Babylon to the stars?
At the Sety’s 14th century B.C. temple at Abydos, in the Osiris Chapel, there is depiction of Osiris as a pillar or tower. In fact, the Egyptians called this Osiris pillar the Ta-Wer or ‘bond between heaven and earth’.
Sounds like the Tower of Babel to me!
On the opposite wall is the Osiris Device, depicted as a ship of eternity which the king will sail into eternity as a star. This resembles a modern drawing of a wormhole. Notice the next drawing….
I guarantee the events which are depicted in the Bible will be duplicated! Thousands of years later and we’re headed for the RIDE of a lifetime!
GUESS Who the 8-pointed Star stands for?
Sanat Kumara. SATAN! The Ascended Master…
Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot, and Asteroth), in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth. The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte, an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna.
I believe this is the Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light-so-called ‘aliens’…demons in disguise.

mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:42 PM
I believe it (the demon) is a HERMAPHRODITE. Having Male & Female parts! This is why the name covers so many avenues.
Ishtar (Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Inanna, Libertas, etc) is only one name for many personages.
Symbols like the 8-pointed star represents this figure. This entity is known as the EYE GODDESS, and she has EYE TEMPLES. Found were thousands of figurines with her staring wide, owl-like eyes which coiled like snakes.
Let’s skip to this!
Vlad, the Impaler…
Who would have thought this was connected. The National Gallery of Slovenia holds this visage of Pontius Pilate…the Viennese paintings were once in the Museum of the Franciscan monastery, but evidence to date indicates that the origins are more likely Bavarian that Viennese or Frankish area (Cevc).
This makes perfect sense to me. I believe the Franks and Bavarian are hand in hand in this project! Research their bloodlines! The royal bloodline of the Queen makes it perfectly clear they are related to Vlad, the Impaler. And to put such paint on canvas to portray this image is pure blasphemy.
Vlad often had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns. The most common pattern was a ring of concentric circles in the outskirts of a city that constituted his target.
Order of the Dragon’s insignia is a serpent/Dragon with it’s tail wrapped around it’s neck (like a variation on the ouroboros used by Braum’s Theosophical Society or something).
According to his biography; at age 5 he was initiated into the Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon was “an elite chivalric order for selected royalty and nobility” and primarily flourished in Germany and Italy. Remember our (British people’s) Queen is really German; note that the Order of the Garter also uses the 8 pointed star and dragon motifs, as do the Order of St. Vladimir and many of the other elite groups
More trauma was inflicted on him as a boy as his father gave him and his brother up as hostages to their sworn enemies at age 13; I’ll quote wiki again: “These years were influential in shaping Vlad’s character; he was often whipped by his Ottoman captors for being stubborn and rude. Here is where he learned his torture tactics.” The abused becomes the abuser [this is programming, and works in non-conspiracy terms obviously with intergenerational abuse and whatnot]. He was programmed, and then released by the Turks as their literal puppet (mind controlled pawn, like most politicians today), this quote from wiki is too much: “To protect their political power in the region, the Ottomans invaded Wallachia and the Sultan put Vlad III on the throne as his puppet ruler.” The world’s a stage; we (the masses) will never see the director/puppeteer; only the actors/puppets are shown to the masses doing exactly what the puppeteer/director makes them do to benefit their clandestine agenda. Our third eye is not going to awaken, our consciousness is not going to suddenly expand..
The origins of the eight-pointed star on Vlad’s hat…
According to Laurence Gardner, the present Chancellor of the Imperial Court of Dragon Sovereignty

mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:44 PM
and his postal address of Devon, England at Colomba House.
Columba = dove = Queen Semiramishttp://mysteryoftheinquity.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/order.png?w=1770
According to Garner, the name Dracula means ‘Son of Dracul’ and was inspired by Prince Vlad III of Transsylvania=Wallachia, a Chancellor of the Court of the Dragon in the 15th century. The prince’s father was called Dracul within the Court.
Dracul = Draco
Soon to come is an article I plan to do on the underground cavern systems. This system is controlled by the “Unseen Hand” by the Atlanteans/Ascended Masters/Fallen Angels.
The reoccurring motif in the discourse of these wicked ones is VAMPIRISM! It is said that in order for some of these entities to maintain their presence in this dimension they must drink blood, which they need to hold their human form. They also use fear, aggression, and negative emotions for energy.
In their network of secret societies, of which the Order of Draco is but a single manifestation, they highlight the conspiratorial dimension of all vampires. Finally, they share with the traditional vampire the capacity to hypnotize.
Certainly, ‘vampires’ embody the market for genetic engineering as well as space exploration.
Top picture is the Official Seal of the “Dominion” of the Order of Melchizedek the High Priesthood.
St. John Wax Seal Stamp
I thought this was interesting…
It’s considered the ‘cross’ of St. John. It originates in the Maltese Cross, the emblem of the Knights of Malta, and was used by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem at the time of the crusades. Knights of Malta have an eight-pointed star! This is yet another form of proof that these people are NOT the same as GOD’S people.
Lastly, we need to address how wicked the Roman Catholic Church is. Within it are many symbols and signs of its infiltration by satan.
Here is an old photo of the center of St. Peter’s square, and note that around the obelisk, at the center of the huge eight-pointed wheel, is a smaller four-pointed sun wheel, the same symbol as found on the altar stone in the temple of Baal in Hatzor!
The DRAGONS of Roman Catholicism

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mick silver
13th January 2015, 05:45 PM
Roman Catholic Dragon
8-rayed Cross
Sun Cross
Sun Worship
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