View Full Version : The hidden masters

mick silver
13th January 2015, 06:01 PM
http://mysteryoftheiniquity.com/ascended-masters/hidden-masters-of-the-universe/ ... Theosophy literally means, “god-wisdom”. If you study the logo, you will find it incorporated the Swastika, Star of David, Ankh, Aum, and the Ouroboros. This should be revealing in of itself.
She wrote many books in her life but “The Secret Doctrine” has key quotes which I want to highlight.
“Lucifer represents…Life…Thought…Progress…Civilization…Libe rty…Independence…Lucifer is the Logos…the Serpent, the Savior”. pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)
“It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God.” pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)
“The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity…but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, ‘the Holy Ghost’ and “Satan’ at one and the same time.” page 539
I would like to finish with she was a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON. (Co-Freemason-which is the form of Freemasonry which admits men and women).
She was the PIONEER of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT!! just one part of the site posted

14th January 2015, 06:06 AM
I dont know why people have a problem with the intent defining the characteristics of the tool... or a gun.... Self defense or aggression.

The NWO's knowledge is universal, they just chose to use it as a rebellion against God/Nature, and thats why they regard themselves as gods.

when this knowledge is used to benefit mankind, we become co-creators along with God/Nature. God/Nature is nothing to be feared if we obey natural laws with the RIGHT intent. (do not kill, steal nor misrepresent oneself)

Blasting this knowledge as evil is designed to keep us away from "what" keeps them in power.

there is no new age, just ancient knowledge lost/concealed to protect the all seeing eye

the Revelation is to discover this Universal Force within each of us that wants us to co-create with God/Nature... the lifting of the veil.

the true meaning of the Church of God is within, accepting our role as co-creators - or the failure and be ruled by the NWO death cult

we choose?

14th January 2015, 09:26 AM
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." --Isaiah 45:7

Everything is polarized within the material spectrum.... positive & negative are merely different expressions of the essence to varying degrees.....

For instance, a thermometer does not indicate "hot or cold," this device measures the varying degrees of the same thing.... 0° is just a different degree than 100°..... 30° temperature may be warm to an Eskimo, but cold to a South American... thus all truths are but half-truths!

The thermometer example is equally at home measuring truth as it is for measuring ambient air temps.... my truth as an Eskimo is observed differently than the South Americans truth.... the thermometer is measuring all truth, but we are trained from birth to recognize only half-truths.... thus we remain blinded by a veil.

Yet, there is hidden occult knowledge that provides us with the wisdom & knowledge to shred the veil and tear it asunder.... effectively regaining the powers we were meant to exercise. Religion, Politics, Money, etc. et al are mere distractions to entice us away from ourselves effectively preventing us from discovering our true natures, which of course provides great advantages to those that not only possess the knowlege, but practice it too!

There are many systems to achieve the knowledge, wisdom & understanding, Kabbalah, Kybalion, Emerald Tablets, Buddism, etc., etc., etc.... Most of which are considered "heresies" by the various Abrahamic cult Churches and the practice thereof is strictly forbidden.... And no wonder, for they are usurping something that doesnt rightly belong to them.... !