View Full Version : It is with deep regret that i post the following

old steel
13th January 2015, 09:33 PM
Looks pretty grim folks.


Our friend Michael Noonan from Edge Trader Plus joins us to discuss the stark economic reality humanity is facing under the iron fist rule of the Rothschild International banking SYSTEM of control. And despite the inevitable collapse of the Dollar and consequent implosion of U.S. world hegemony, according to Michael, the chances of toppling the Rothschild's from their seat of power appear to be slim.

13th January 2015, 09:50 PM
We've been enslaved by Jews for 2,000+ years. How are we "going to be enslaved". That's fucking stupid. We've always been enslaved.

Actually we stand a large chance of becoming free within 20 years in my opinion.

Help turn up Nationalism and watch the ruling elite go batshit.

old steel
13th January 2015, 10:01 PM
I wasn't around 2000 years ago but i am now so i am more concerned about stopping it instead of passing the same onto my kids and their posteriety.

Are they just going to stop all by themselves?

It's like what was said at the end, there is a very small number who are awake, very small. There is another very small number who are standing on the edge that know something is wrong but they can't put their finger on it and that is where they remain.

Then there are the billions with no clue and unaware due to apathy, ignorance, cogitative dissonance, w/e.

People support the system the way it is set up.

Who is going to stop them from total control of the planet?


13th January 2015, 10:22 PM
I posted a recent episode of the Daily Shoah in which this sort of stuff was discussed:

Basically you need to understand each race of humans has qualities that are both good and bad.

Whites are very gullible to the perceived suffering of others and pathologically altruistic, but we are the smartest and most violent when shit goes down. Shit is going down. This is a slow process, so be patient. Nationalism is exploding right now in Europe. America is behind like a decade or more, so we will start seeing this shit play out more and more.

Jews are very intelligent at controlling other groups, causing conflicts, and ascending to the top of all hierarchies. The problem is Jews literally don't know when to quit beating the hornets nest. Look how many countries Jews have been kicked out of since they literally went too far and the host population woke up. In Europe is you shit on a Christian cross nude in public no one will care and most people will applaud, but if you say 5.9 Million Jews died in the Holocaust (not 6) you'll literally go to jail. People are starting to catch onto that shit and are leaving Dildo Jew-led ideologies like Liberalism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx)✡, Neo-Conservativism✡ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Levin), Libertarianism✡ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray_Rothbard), AnCap (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Kokesh)✡, Anarchism✡ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noam_Chomsky), and so on.

All of these Dildo ideologies are led by Jews and many people on this forum still subscribe to them (I used to too.) Are any of you afraid of losing your jobs for being a Libertarian? Try being an openly racist Nationalist and see how long you keep your job. There's a reason this ideology isn't permitted in our society, because it's the only thing that puts the power back in the goyim's hands. You can tell what your enemy fears most when they pull out all stops to demonize and discredit something. Deep in your subconscious from the day you're born you're programmed not to have these sorts of thoughts since they are so dangerous. Who the fuck do you think put that there?

The problem is the next time the goyim wake up (which I believe will be in about 20 years max) they will have no where to run and they may be finally extinguished as a people. Jews don't know when to give up, and they will keep pushing the goyim till they wake up and turn on them. I don't think the genie can go back in the bottle ever again after this.

If you want to fight these fucks do the shit they fear/hate the most. They hiss when they see the Christian cross, so promote Christianity. Promote Nationalism, which is considered the most Evil political system on the planet. I mean they drill this shit into your head. Be openly racist, and say racist slurs as much as you can so they become normalized.

By the way a lot of the financial and Socialism shit that's going on is partially needed with automation coming online. What I mean is not everything being done by the ruling Elite is as bad as you think it is. The worst stuff is the immigration and diversity nonsense.


Twisted Titan
14th January 2015, 04:52 AM
We've been enslaved by Jews for 2,000+ years. How are we "going to be enslaved". That's fucking stupid. We've always been enslaved.

Actually we stand a large chance of becoming free within 20 years in my opinion.

Help turn up Nationalism and watch the ruling elite go batshit.

I concur with this.

At no point in time are we more close to being free then now.

We are actually about 17-19 hours away from emancipation

If you took the american population of 400 million and strap them to a chair and made them watch 17-19 hours of various documentaries of how they have been ruled from the shadows and how actual history differs from book and media history and how one group can justify the butchering of babies to reach their ends

99% wouldnt care
But 1% about 4 million would be forever changed and it would begin a ground swell to find out more that would in due time beccome a tsunami of truth that would crush the hidden opprrssors.

The net and smartphones are our greatests blessing or greatest curse.

We get to decide.

14th January 2015, 05:24 AM
I don't know who Michael Noonan is, but it seems he is running the Rothschild's errands if he suggests they can't be taken down...

14th January 2015, 06:55 AM
yes it is vital to get this, races cannot compete but are complementary... it is the NWO darwinian competition mantra stupid that got us there in the first place... and now they want to make us believe that multiculturalism is the solution

problem, reaction, solution again

Basically you need to understand each race of humans has qualities that are both good and bad.

14th January 2015, 07:54 AM
my best male friend in college was a male cello student - who was Jewish.

In order to make it work, I think you have to be able to get along with Jews.

i think the trick is to have a layer of Gentile management that is Jew aware.

and to focus on creating opportunities for Gentiles, or the size that be-fits the

a small example of that is, i have a collection of about 200 fan belts, in good
condition, un-sorted.

women collect shoes, guys collect fan belts.

maybe i should move the fan belts into my closet ?

anyway, i offered them to a local homeless person, to sell on Craigslist.

He is more than a homeless person, one of the most stable people in my town,
i think.

what would you ask ? $2 each ?

anyway, having sold things besides fan belts using social media, i know it's a
good way for we Gentiles to make money.

basically i found myself dis-hoarding some prep assets, and a random collection
of fan belts is not super useful.

they need to be sorted.

see that other thread ? it takes BRASS BALLS to sort this many fan belts.

14th January 2015, 08:56 AM
Finally, I just would hate to waste my preps........just kidding.........but, many times the waiting is what really gets to me because you don't know when or how it will happen...........Driller? get along with the Jews?...say what?........you mean the ZIONIST.....who are the trouble makers......they are the ones who should get a long with the world and stop controlling it.


14th January 2015, 09:31 AM
We've been enslaved by Jews for 2,000+ years.

That is the most asinine statement I've see here EVER

There is ZERO evidence for such a ridiculous idea. This man is a moron

midnight rambler
14th January 2015, 09:38 AM
We've been enslaved by Jews for 2,000+ years. How are we "going to be enslaved". That's fucking stupid. We've always been enslaved.

Actually we stand a large chance of becoming free within 20 years in my opinion.

Help turn up Nationalism and watch the ruling elite go batshit.


RE: the op, what a fucking defeatist; 'nough said.

midnight rambler
14th January 2015, 09:41 AM
Are they just going to stop all by themselves?

Everyone has choices before them. Exercise your power to say "No." (as in NO I will NOT be going down the road to Hell with you)

old steel
14th January 2015, 10:31 AM
What part of, 'it is ingrained into the system from top to bottom' do you not get?

I built a nice garage out front which required a permit, unless you build it so it's not fastened to the ground so i built it on skids so no permit required, no extra taxes are required to pay so it's out of their system but guess what?

Every other garage for as far as i can see when i drive around is on concrete foundation so yea they are all in the system and they are happy with it cause no one is complaining to me about it.

A couple of people have made comments as to what is that thing but IDC it serves my purposes well, permit and tax free.

We're done unless some kind of divine intervention/universe w/e, levels the playing field.

We are one major false flag event away from total lock down and losing what freedoms we have left.

Done like dinner.

midnight rambler
14th January 2015, 10:37 AM
We're done unless some kind of divine intervention/universe w/e, levels the playing field.

If that's your perception then that's your reality.

IMO you refuse to accept how powerful each of us is.

The ball is still in play and will remain in play for the foreseeable future.

In MY reality I win.

old steel
14th January 2015, 10:50 AM
Hahahah, good luck with that plan.

14th January 2015, 11:08 AM
That is the most asinine statement I've see here EVER

There is ZERO evidence for such a ridiculous idea. This man is a moron

Revelations 2
8 (http://biblehub.com/revelation/2-8.htm)And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
9 (http://biblehub.com/revelation/2-9.htm)I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 (http://biblehub.com/revelation/2-10.htm)Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 11 (http://biblehub.com/revelation/2-11.htm)He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Why do Jews clutch their pearls anyone mentions the name of Jesus?


http://new4.fjcdn.com/comments/Started+a+communist+revolution+in+germany+got+kick ed+out+of+_02794d0cda76c62596839ffe3a8ec1f0.png


midnight rambler
14th January 2015, 11:14 AM
Hahahah, good luck with that plan.

No luck is involved or required. lol Now OTOH YOU may be in need of some luck, based on my impressions of the tone of your posts.

FYI, I've already put in an appearance at the check-out desk, "Here I am! Check-out time!" - I was turned back (so I do have some idea as to the deal).

old steel
14th January 2015, 11:42 AM
Yea me too on a few occasions, guess they don't want or need me on the other side yet. Still some shit to do/learn but i don't like the looks of where we are headed here and now.

Exactly how one fucking family managed to take over the entire planet in a few short centuries through banking and hard/soft kill so many hundreds of millions(perhaps billions?) of people and those left standing still remain clueless is a hard thing for me to accept and yet there it is right in your face.

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

old steel
14th January 2015, 12:29 PM