View Full Version : Beyond Tangy .... YUMMY!!!!

15th January 2015, 05:53 AM
It would seem that Alex Jones doesn't vet his supporters very well ... or then again, maybe he does??

Like many of you, I believed Dr Joel Wallach, and Alex Jones, when they said that Youngevity was a leader in the field of nutrition and that their Beyond Tangy Tangerine was a superior product, second to none.

Popular Vitamin/Mineral Supplement Loaded with Aluminum, Fluoride and Phosphates!

15th January 2015, 06:13 AM
But its a dietary supplement in case you did not get enough of your daily aluminum and flourides, and the other cool "minerals".

15th January 2015, 06:13 AM
completely not true. i have a container of it right here on the counter in front of me. whoever made that picture must not be able to read/do math/know how conversions work.

mick silver
15th January 2015, 06:29 AM
when doom come you will need that stuff , most people body will stop working from withdraws from there daily dose of junk

15th January 2015, 06:43 AM
completely not true. i have a container of it right here on the counter in front of me. whoever made that picture must not be able to read/do math/know how conversions work.

Thanks. Forgot to add the link


Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th January 2015, 06:46 AM
At least it's non-GMO aluminum.

15th January 2015, 08:42 AM
if this was true, the levels would be way beyond what the label says. if that happened, youngevity would be shut down by fda or a bunch of people would have filed a class action lawsuit by now. as neither of those 2 things has happened, i would say photoshop. if you scroll down to the comments, you can see see where a guy ran the pics through gimp and the results section and product labeling section have obviously been messed with.

i don't like aj any more than anybody else around here, but in america, there would have been about a gazillion lawsuits by now if this product was mislabeled.

my 2 cents.

15th January 2015, 08:53 AM
Thanks. Forgot to add the link

The question is if the lab tested the diluted product, or if it was the concentrate powder? Would make a large difference, still, you wouldn't like those elements in any noticeable concentration in your vitamins...

15th January 2015, 09:16 AM
The REAL poison that AJ distributes is for your mind.......

15th January 2015, 04:08 PM
The author of the article added this update

UPDATE: To be clear, I had no idea what the toxicological results would be before having the testing done (how could I of?) and I OBVIOUSLY wanted the results to be conclusively in Youngevity’s favor. I had taken their products for years, got my son and parents on it as well as many friends! Needless to say we have all stopped.

Had the tests come back negative, i.e. no heavy metals or other toxins, the title of this post would have read “Rest assured, independant lab tests prove Youngevity’s BTT 2.0 is clean” or something to that effect. I never expected the results we found.

I know that this information is a shock (it was to me), but would you have prefered I keep the results to myself? Don’t you think you have a right to know what’s in what you are taking? Personnally I was very shaken and distraught when I first got the results. I called the lab techs immediately.

The testers assured me that the results were correct, as they always do multiple testing, especially when they get high contaminant values, as in this case. They even had to do the fluoride testing separately to measure it correctly (at an added expense to me).

Don’t be mad at me, I am but the messenger. I never said BTT 2.0 does not contain all the good stuff they claim it does, although I am not so confident now.

If attacking me legally or otherwise for telling the truth will make BTT 2.0 a better product, so be it. But perhaps Youngevity should rather put their energies into eliminating the contaminants from their products, if they can.

15th January 2015, 04:09 PM
Testing labs letter ... aluminum


15th January 2015, 04:11 PM
Testing lab report ... fluoride


15th January 2015, 04:12 PM
Testing lab report ... phosphate and chlorine


15th January 2015, 04:28 PM
I believe Mark Dice removed this from his YouTube after he got a call from Alex Jones. Back then he actively criticized Alex Jones then literally stopped and appeared on his show acting like his best friend. This is a mirror where Mark Dice exposes this. This was from like 1-2 years ago.


15th January 2015, 04:30 PM
i guess i just don't buy it that it's laced with high eves of stuff. aj makes probably 75% of his revenue from that stuff. he's crafty enough not to shoot himself in the foot. it may be snake oil, but i don't buy those scans. my mom bought me a can awhile back, i don't notice anything other than extremely yellow pee from the b vitamins, but it tastes good.

t it'snot like he's the sole seller of it. you can buy it from tons of places, amazon, etc.

Twisted Titan
15th January 2015, 05:09 PM
I believe Mark Dice removed this from his YouTube after he got a call from Alex Jones. Back then he actively criticized Alex Jones then literally stopped and appeared on his show acting like his best friend. This is a mirror where Mark Dice exposes this. This was from like 1-2 years ago.


Aj waved a fat wad of cash under that zionist nose of his and that was enough gor him to straigthen up and fly right.

Effing traitor but then again what do you expect?

15th January 2015, 05:51 PM
I believe Mark Dice removed this from his YouTube after he got a call from Alex Jones. Back then he actively criticized Alex Jones then literally stopped and appeared on his show acting like his best friend. This is a mirror where Mark Dice exposes this. This was from like 1-2 years ago.

fauxcapitalist said: "Popular Vitamin/Mineral Supplement Loaded with Aluminum, Fluoride and Phosphates from Sewage or Industrial Waste!" (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/01/popular-vitaminmineral-supplement.html)

fauxcapitalist.com (http://fauxcapitalist.com/) said...To add to Jones' chutzpah, he entered into a controlled opposition phony dispute with Mark Dice, who made an issue of Jones' Tangy Tangerine containing mercury, arsenic and lead, to capture those suspicious of Jones and to divert away from even bigger problems with Jones, such as selling out to the same Jewish Zionist chauvinist cabal that he did.

Jones was earlier exposed as a fluoride fraud hypocrite (removed by one degree, you could say, but he probably takes it, too) by a listener who called up his dad's dentistry operation and found out that they're using fluoride there.
January 14, 2015 at 3:05 PM

here MDice is minimizing the significance of bohemian grove,



and on the subject of Abbey Martin; wanna see her without makeup & coifed hair, dropping F & S bombs? She even ref's "sucking dick" around 5 mins in... :o



9th February 2020, 03:19 AM
Popular Vitamin/Mineral Supplement Loaded with Aluminum, Fluoride and Phosphates!

:o :o :o :o

https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/01/popular-vitaminmineral-supplement.html (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/01/popular-vitaminmineral-supplement.html)