View Full Version : All Australian businesses to live link accounting software to tax office by 2018

15th January 2015, 07:32 PM
The Australian Taxation Office - ATO (not a part of the Australian government) is requiring that all Australian businesses link their internal accounting software to the tax office. The requirement is that all businesses run real time links to the tax office systems so that the tax office receives all business transactions in real time.

Within two years, there is an expectation that the way businesses interact with the ATO – and by extension, the way they communicate with their agents, and the role those agents play on behalf of their clients – will be totally re-engineered.
The focus will be on real-time reporting, and new accounting systems will transmit data directly to the ATO every time a sale or a purchase is made, every time a payroll transaction goes through, every time an employee is hired or fired.

The days of businesses storing data internally, passing it to their tax or BAS agent to be synthesised into business activity statements or tax returns which are then transmitted to the ATO by the agent are coming to an end.

Instead, data will flow directly to the Tax Office, allowing the pre-filling of forms by the ATO based on exactly the same data transmitted by the business. In short, the systems used by businesses will talk directly to the systems used by the ATO, with data flowing between the two automatically as transactions occur.

Link to article (http://www.digitalfirst.com/2014/07/11/ato-warns-radical-change-ahead-tax-agents/)

This brings to light something not many people comprehend. Even though they think it is their business it actually isn't. It belongs to the government and you are simply administering it for them on the basis of usufruct.

15th January 2015, 07:43 PM
That sucks!

Wanting every penny they can get

Now, immediately if not sooner !

Feel for ya, someday our turn may come .

16th January 2015, 05:27 AM
Even though they think it is their business it actually isn't. It belongs to the government and you are simply administering it for them on the basis of usufruct.

Law gives us a clue as to possible alternatives:

Principals may abandon the ship and cargo and be discharged from further responsibility under maritime law. Government is the ship.

ABANDONMENT. In maritime contracts in the civil law,principals are generally held indefinitely responsible for the obligations which their agents have contracted relative to the concern of their commission but with regard to ship owners there is remarkable peculiarity; they are bound by the contract of the master only to the amount of their interest in the ship, and can be discharged from their responsibility by abandoning the ship and freight. Poth. Chartes part. s. 2, art. 3, § 51; Ord. de la Mar. des proprietaires, art. 2; Code de Com. 1. 2, t. 2, art. 216.

Abandoning EQUITABLE rights does not affect VESTED rights which must be DIVESTED specifically. You get out of equity by abandoning it which then brings law to the forefront.

ABANDONMENT, Rights. The relinquishment of a right; the giving up of something to which we are entitled.
2. - Legal rights, when once vested, must be divested according to law, but equitable rights may be abandoned. 2 Wash. R. 106. See 1 H. & M. 429; a mill site, once occupied, may be abandoned. 17 Mass. 297; an application for land, which is an inception of title, 5 S. & R. 215; 2 S. & R. 378; 1 Yeates, 193, 289; 2 Yeates, 81, 88, 318; an improvement, 1 Yeates, 515 ; 2 Yeates, 476; 5 Binn. 73; 3 S. & R. 319; Jones' Syllabusof Land Office Titles in Pennsylvania, chap. xx; and a trust fund, 3 Yerg. 258 may be abandoned.

Government is a trust fund. Abandon it [or as the saying goes ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE]

16th January 2015, 06:40 AM
The trend started over 15 years ago. S.A.P. was software for the 'enterprise' that would permit instant snapshots of the cash flow and expenses. Seems like businesses adopted it all over the world. It was nasty to work with and get set up. It is also German software (nobody thinks like the Germans do).

Recently a guy I know whose annual salary withholding reached the IRS threshold of $50,000 was complaining because they were now requiring him to send in withholding checks twice a week.

Another guy I know is complaining because the USDA and EPA got together and determined that he needs a $30,000 permit for anyplace on the farms he operates where standing water happens occasionally (mudpuddles in other words).

16th January 2015, 07:31 AM
I hate to say this, but..........the only thing that will save our land is a world war where all is destroyed in the US and we can start all over again from the ground up by getting rid of the cancer that now controls our lives.

By the way.....where the hell is my buddy Crimethink? I haven't seen him around.