View Full Version : Complete List of Morgellons Symptoms

17th January 2015, 01:34 AM
Finally, The Complete List of Morgellons Symptoms

Friday, January 16, 2015 21:50


No one has all of these symptoms

The Morgellons Research Foundation (since closed) has identified ninety-three specific symptoms associated with Morgellons. Morgellons is a name that is used to define a cluster of symptoms that are systemic in nature. They effect several different systems in your body.
It is really good news to know that approximately 35% of Morgellons sufferers ever experience the open http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/3529/images/MVC-011S%282%29.JPGweeping lesions that is so often referred to on the Internet. Typically Morgellons lesions are one of the last symptoms to express themselves. Most often people complain about cognitive issues, and a biting, scratching or movement in the scalp. These are the most pervasive symptoms for the majority of Morgellons sufferers.
Often times a Morgellons sufferers will forget what they’re saying mid-sentence. They feel embarrassed, sometimes angry that they’ve lost their train of thought when in fact this is a symptom of Morgellons and not their fault.
Many of the people that we have spoken to down through the years have lost their jobs, the love and respect of their families, and some have even lost their homes. Some have committed suicide because they thought it was the only way to eliminate their suffering. It most definitely is not. Here is the Morgellons Research Foundation’s list:
Morgellons Head and Scalp Symptoms

Bumps, lumps, lesions on head and scalp.
Visible “channels” or “tunnels” that look like raised veins on scalp or face.
Severe and frequent headaches that are confused for migraines.

Morgellons Brain Function (Cognitive) and Personality Symptoms


Memory loss (short term, recent memory – “What was I saying?
Where did I put my coffee mug? What did I do yesterday?”)
Brain fog – groggy, unclear thinking
Thought processing becomes very taxing, difficult
Unable to think of specific words when communicating
Writing, and especially spelling, becomes difficult
Inability to focus or concentrate – ADD/ADHD symptoms
Mood disorders and mood swings, including loss of temper
Libido – lack of (no sexual interest)
Loss of interest in things that normally interest you
Depression and/or confusion or disorientation
Personality changes, like loss of creativity or loss of existing skills
Neurological problems – clumsiness, stumbling while walking, impeded speech

Despite all these symptoms there is some fantastic news. When you take NutraSilver these symptoms are the very first ones to go away, it usually only takes a week or two. That’s 5great because these issues are the ones that really ruin your life and destroy your peace.
Using NutraSilver as suggested will eliminate most of your cognitive issues rather quickly and you’ll finally start feeling like yourself again. Welcome back your energy…
You’ll hear us say this a hundred times. You MUST follow the directions exactly. Following the specific protocol you’ll learn is critical to your healing. We’re not new at this. It is a fact that you must follow the instructions.
Morgellons Symptoms in Hair

Hair appearance – stiff, brittle and dry
Wiry, uncontrollable hairs replace normal hair
Hair texture and color may change as more “wiry” ones grow in
Hair loss
Small glob of clear sticky substance at root end of hair when it falls out,
substance may coat hair shaft
Hair color does not adhere well to new hair growth

http://nutrasilver.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/images/black-Morgellons-specks-eye.jpgMorgellons Symptoms in the Eyes

Floaters on eyeball surface
Loss of visual acuity
Increase in discharge, often stringy
Sandy or gritty feeling in eyes
Feeling of foreign objects in eyes but cannot locate or remove
Eyes are extra-sensitive to light
Eyesight is generally weakened
Night blindness
Eyelashes fall out, may be replaced with thick, wiry discolored lashes

Morgellons Symptoms in Ears

Ears itch as motile fibers move inside
Ears ring or beep (but ears are clean)
Ears become clogged due to sinus drainage
Ears develop excess thick hair which may emerge from inside ear and feel very deep-rooted

Morgellons Symptoms in Nose, Nostrils, Nasal Passages and Sinuses

Allergies or sinus problems – excessive congestion, mucus production
Mucus is thick, stringy, cohesive, dries into very hard substance –
almost glue-like
Scents are not perceived correctly, may fluctuate from keen sensing ability to no ability to perceive any scent at all
Nostrils develop excess thick hair
Nostrils develop very sore pimples

Morgellons Symptoms in the Mouth and Throat

Teeth become sensitive, crack, chip, feel like they’re becoming hollow
Teeth become loose and/or fall out
Sore or tickling throat
Hacking cough
Constant sinus drainage
Glob of congestion always hanging at back of throat
Taste buds malfunction, may fluctuate from keen tasting ability to having no taste perception at all

Gargling with NutraSilver will eliminate sore throats rapidly. You’ll be shocked at how quickly that works.
Morgellons Symptoms on the Skin

http://nutrasilver.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/images/before-NutraSilver.jpg This category of symptoms robs you of sleep and therefore, your sanity. A majority of Morgellons sufferers feel a weird crawling sensation as if there is something crawling on or under their skin… during the night this can easily upset your sleep and be a drain on your life.

Crawling feeling on the skin, like invisible bugs
Pinching, biting, stinging or prickling on the skin
Lesions – itchy, sore or painful, very slow-healing with little or no infection sometimes containing “fuzz.”
Crusts/scabs/callus-like formations on lesions – painful and difficult to remove because of tentacles clinging to flesh.
Open cuts or wounds – very slow healing with little or no infection, sometimes containing “fuzz”.
Objects described as “granules,” hard and crystal-like, similar in size and shape to sand grains, can occasionally be removed, or can emerge from either broken or intact skin.
Objects described as “shards,” hard and crystal-like that are similar to glass that emerge from skin.
Black seed-like “specks” or “dots” on, or in, the skin or emerging from lesions.
Tiny “fuzzballs” in the lesions, emerging from lesions, and on (or falling from) intact skinhttp://nutrasilver.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/images/Morgellons-arm-lesion.jpg
Black tar-like substance coming from skin pores
Skin texture – leathery, callus-like areas often where lesions had previously been located
Growth of new wiry or thick hair over the top of where lesions had previously been
Pimples – sore, long-lasting, can’t squeeze out – contents are removed in same fashion as a splinter and are moist but cohesive
Rashes – unusual, appear/disappear rapidly for no apparent reason, also appear where adhesive portion of Band-Aid is applied
Skin pigment changes (gets lighter or darker, more difficult to see in fair skin tones)
Stationary or ‘creeping’ worm or wire-like structures can be seen just beneath the skin surface
Skin loses its elasticity and appears to sag, especially when warm, less so when cold

NOTE: NEVER place NutraSilver directly on a lesion; it will heal and then create new lesions. The best regimen is to follow the instructions that come along with your order; take NutraSilver orally as described and within 5 weeks, most lesions will dry up and fall off.
Morgellons Physiological Symptoms of the Body

http://nutrasilver.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/images/body-hurts1.jpgCannot sense temperature of water – water is very hot and it is not recognized
Alcohol/liquor intolerance
Appetite decrease or increase
Weight loss or weight gain
Food cravings or total lack of interest in food
Gastrointestinal problems
Swelling or edema, including breast edema, feet especially known for swelling
Back ache – lower back
Back pain – neck and shoulder pain
Chronic fatigue – total exhaustion, physical depletion
Insomnia during nighttime, or sleep abnormally long amounts (day and night)
Weakness – strength diminisheshttp://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/3529/images/angry%20patient.jpg
Joint pain
Muscle twitching or cramping
Dizziness, disorientation, vertigo
Blood pressure problems (high or low)
Heart races or beats irregularly for no apparent reason
Liver problems
Abnormal overheating as well as temperature loss problems


Excessive sweating
Cannot stay in sun for prolonged periods without becoming ill
Drastic body temp fluctuations
New, normal temp runs lower or higher than your previous “normal”
Bowel habits change, loss of muscle control
Stools contain foreign-looking matter
Urine has foreign-looking matter (particles or black seeds, hair -
sometimes encased in mucus-like substance)
Immediate pain that occurs simultaneously to untouched lesions on other parts of the body
when another lesion is disturbed
Hardened splinter-like material beneath skin that is difficult to remove,
extremely painful, and odd in appearance once removed
Ingrown hair that is difficult to remove, extremely painful
Hair strands that are unusually thick or doesn’t look like other hair
Fingernails change shape and/or texture
Fiber or thread-like material emerging from the skin, or visible just beneath the skin – may be
black, white, tan, clear, red, blue, or rainbow colored. Some fibers may exhibit movement.
Lyme syndrome shares overlapping symptoms and the borellia bacteria with Morgellons syndrome(applies to human and animal lab results)
The best regimen is to follow the instructions that come with the package. Most symptoms will be gone in about 3 weeks or less.


Most Morgellons sufferers will have sought care from multiple medical care providers. A large number will have been diagnosed with Delusional Parasitosis likely because of the unexplained skin lesions and sensations and psychiatric overlay. Unfortunately, almost none will have received an appropriate diagnostic physical examination (particularly a microscopic or biopsy examination of lesions), but will have been diagnosed by history alone with grossly incomplete observation.
Most of these Morgellons sufferers feel abandoned by the traditional medical care system and have sought alternative care providers or have self medicated, seriously compounding an already difficult medical situation.

There is a Way Out of the Pain and Embarrassment

Over the last 8 years, thousands of Morgellons sufferers have eliminated their symptoms (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.nutrasilver.com/testimonials/morgellons-success-stories) and so can you.


17th January 2015, 04:47 AM
Take nutrasilver orally.

Gargle with nutrasilver.

The thing is an infomercial.

17th January 2015, 08:25 AM
My body gradually got over the disease, it took about 6 years. I am sure the buggers are still in there but the only symptom I still always have is itching in my right ear.

midnight rambler
17th January 2015, 09:18 AM
Weight loss or weight gain
Food cravings or total lack of interest in food

I see they included virtually every symptom imaginable. Got everything covered.

17th January 2015, 09:31 AM
I see they included virtually every symptom imaginable. Got everything covered.

They left out 'hangnails' !