View Full Version : Homeless Chimp-out ... Emotional Responses when the Holohoax is Questioned

17th January 2015, 05:42 AM
The other day I was at the local Internet Cafe backing up my old eMachines laptop, because I had been thinking about giving it to one of the local homeless guys.

I have hired him a few times, and up till now he has always seemed like one of the most stable people in the town.

A few months ago his laptop crashed.

Anyway, we had generally gotten along good.

Then he told me about how one of his part-time consulting clients was ranting about 'Jews in Hollywood'.

I don't know exactly how we got from that on to the subject of the Holohoax.

I mentioned census historian Walter Sanning's book, placing the population of European Jewry at 3.5 million at the beginning of WW2.

The implication is that WW2 Germany imported 2.5 million Jews.

Sanning's estimate is that 200K died in internment camps.

I shared some of this.

Holy moley. "Un-friended" (like on Facebook.)

Apparently for this homeless man, the compassion he feels for the 6 million who he thinks died, is a Core Belief.

When I stated plainly that I find Sanning's estimate to be the most accurate ... M A J O R . . . U P S E T !!!

I think I've been fired. As far as I can tell, so has the woman who ranted about Jews in Hollywood.

This leaves the homeless man with about $200 a month from giving blood.

As for the laptop ... guess I now have an extra laptop with a clean desktop.

Generally the response I favor in these situations is for one adult to say to the other, "Can we not talk about that ? It makes me uncomfortable."

Twisted Titan
17th January 2015, 08:39 AM
None are more hopelessy enslaved then those who believe themselves to be free.


If this man is so enslaved as to not engage his god given mental faculties to do SIMPLE MATH then he deserves to wallow in his mental prison.

17th January 2015, 08:51 AM
This is how indoctrination works. From early age get them believing something and emotionally attached to it so much so that anyone who challenges the concept is threatening their very well being. It is so enmeshed into the psyche of these people that you must be a murderous monster nazi to even suggest that something about them is wrong.

17th January 2015, 12:00 PM
The other day I was at the local Internet Cafe backing up my old eMachines laptop, because I had been thinking about giving it to one of the local homeless guys.

I have hired him a few times, and up till now he has always seemed like one of the most stable people in the town.

A few months ago his laptop crashed.

Anyway, we had generally gotten along good.

Then he told me about how one of his part-time consulting clients was ranting about 'Jews in Hollywood'.

I don't know exactly how we got from that on to the subject of the Holohoax.

I mentioned census historian Walter Sanning's book, placing the population of European Jewry at 3.5 million at the beginning of WW2.

The implication is that WW2 Germany imported 2.5 million Jews.

Sanning's estimate is that 200K died in internment camps.

I shared some of this.

Holy moley. "Un-friended" (like on Facebook.)

Apparently for this homeless man, the compassion he feels for the 6 million who he thinks died, is a Core Belief.

When I stated plainly that I find Sanning's estimate to be the most accurate ... M A J O R . . . U P S E T !!!

I think I've been fired. As far as I can tell, so has the woman who ranted about Jews in Hollywood.

This leaves the homeless man with about $200 a month from giving blood.

As for the laptop ... guess I now have an extra laptop with a clean desktop.

Generally the response I favor in these situations is for one adult to say to the other, "Can we not talk about that ? It makes me uncomfortable."

I have met many people just like this, they would rather sell their asshole for 5 bucks a shot than even entertain the thought that maybe 6 million is a high estimate.

17th January 2015, 12:03 PM
I feel bad about it.

I spent about 1 1/2 maybe 2 years getting to know the guy. I would not have
knowingly shat on something he valued.

On the other hand, if the subject is WW2, what am I supposed to do ?

The whole thing was just super-surprising.

I had already talked with a local Vietnam vet, one of the fittest guys I've ever met, also valuable source of information re. hands-on gold-mining.

I shared with him my conclusion that, between the meth, the PTSD, and the unknown psychoses & neuroses that I witness, that the only possible conclusion is - "the rugged individualist". DO ALL THE WORK YOURSELF.

He said yes, Exactly - you figured out our town.

Like I said, one of the things I admired about the homeless guy was his stability. I thought that he did well for a person in his circumstances, keeping his life going. He has 4 hernia sites that greatly limit his ability to do work.

At the same time, since I have met him and a woman friend of his who is also homeless and has done work for me, I am learning about the gory gritty details of how people fall through the cracks.

Overall, I would say, communications is involved. I stopped hiring the woman because she failed to communicate about a no-show. I can handle no-shows, I just want some communication.

This homeless guy drives without insurance. It therefore becomes very predictable that he will eventually have his car seized.

I had told myself that if I get "the phone call", I would pay the $100 to get the car back.

Maybe he will get over his righteousness and just learn to not talk about history with me if he doesn't want to hear something that shocks him.

But he seemed quite totally overcome with righteousness the other day. Suddenly I was "Mr. Evil" in his eyes. He was more upset than when Walmart mis-charged one of his payment cards.

Anyway, can't say it's not interesting. Pretty much did my best.

Symbiosis comes, and symbiosis goes.

17th January 2015, 12:37 PM
I had a similar surprising experience when I ran into an ex-coworker a few months ago. In the past we got along fine. Never really talked about deep things. So recently, we got to talking about some things. When I mentioned something about the politics and economy, I got that blank stare like I just stepped off a cliff and he couldn't see me anymore.

Probing a few more questions and I find out: he is an Obama supporter, liberal dumbshit asshole. I learned to find out about people with probing questions but this is one I never really had the chance to size up. Our discussion ended rather abruptly with each going his own way... and I don't care if I never see the clown again.

17th January 2015, 01:02 PM
I had a similar surprising experience when I ran into an ex-coworker a few months ago. In the past we got along fine. Never really talked about deep things. So recently, we got to talking about some things. When I mentioned something about the politics and economy, I got that blank stare like I just stepped off a cliff and he couldn't see me anymore.

Probing a few more questions and I find out: he is an Obama supporter, liberal dumbshit asshole. I learned to find out about people with probing questions but this is one I never really had the chance to size up. Our discussion ended rather abruptly with each going his own way... and I don't care if I never see the clown again.

One of the reasons I usually don't broach the subject on Facebook, unless
it's to follow-up somebody else's post.

I would normally see the homeless guy on Sunday morning unless he has decided to
avoid me.

The whole experience was upsetting for him. I say very little about world affairs
in public places because I know people usually don't want to hear anything that
deviates from US gov/ Fox Jews drivel.

Because the Internet cafe is a significant part of his support system, a place
"where everybody knows his name" (remember the song on that TV show Cheers ?),
for him to start avoiding it is not good.

Holohoax Traumatic Stress Disorder. HTSD.

Thanks Abe Foxman. /sarc

Interesting & Scary how the Jews have a lock on people's minds, in this case
in the educational system & media.

I notice that Yahoo under Jew Marissa Mayer has a Holohoax article almost
every day in their news feed.

Love to see the email establishing that policy.

17th January 2015, 02:37 PM
When you demolish someones illusions perhaps it is best done out of range of their weapons?

Here is one.

While the name is The United States of America yet the flag changed from 48 stars to 50 stars when Alaska and Hawaii decided to become quasi-states. Now The United States of America never flew a flag with 50 stars during WWI (phase deuce). You have to pay close attention to little changes like this because THINGS THAT ARE SIMILAR ARE NOT THE SAME. There has never been a battle won by any entity that flew a fifty star flag. It is a loser. Not so its predecessor. But the predecessor copped out as early as 1948 (June 20th to be precise).

17th January 2015, 02:43 PM
The holocaust is State Religion. In Canada and European countries if you go against the State Religion you'll literally go to jail. Say 5.9 Million died instead of 6 Million, that's jail time.

17th January 2015, 03:08 PM
When you demolish someones illusions perhaps it is best done out of range of their weapons?

Here is one.

While the name is The United States of America yet the flag changed from 48 stars to 50 stars when Alaska and Hawaii decided to become quasi-states. Now The United States of America never flew a flag with 50 stars during WWI (phase deuce). You have to pay close attention to little changes like this because THINGS THAT ARE SIMILAR ARE NOT THE SAME. There has never been a battle won by any entity that flew a fifty star flag. It is a loser. Not so its predecessor. But the predecessor copped out as early as 1948 (June 20th to be precise).

This is totally wrong. Perhaps you are misusing the word "battle". Nearly EVERY battle fought by the 50 stars was won by the 50 stars. It is the political wars and undeclared wars- military engagements on a strategic level that mostly were lost.

The political controllers have been compromised to limit actions of the military, to the purpose of destroying good while allowing evil to triumph.

Interesting that you see this as 1948.

17th January 2015, 03:13 PM
This is totally wrong. Perhaps you are misusing the word "battle".
No battles were won because none were actually fought. If you believe there have been battles fought then kindly produce the requisite declaration of war.

Interesting that you see this as 1948. The June 20th AD1948 date has been identified because this is when Harry S. Truman decided to exceed his executive authority and sign into public law an act presented to him for his signature yet he did so while Congress was on a major break.

Notice of this unconstitutional act may correct it nunc pro tunc.

17th January 2015, 04:00 PM
Not battles were won because none were actually fought. If you believe there have been battles fought then kindly produce the requisite declaration of war.

A battle is a military skirmish. It involves use of deadly force between opponents. There is no need for a declaration of war. Gangs have street battles.

You can have battles without wars, but you cannot have wars without battles.

17th January 2015, 04:29 PM
A battle is a military skirmish. War is the absence of peace.

17th January 2015, 04:50 PM
War is the absence of peace.

As cold is of heat !

17th January 2015, 04:56 PM
As cold is of heat !

Al Gore has you covered on that one. He lives where it is hot and he wants company.

17th January 2015, 05:00 PM
War is the absence of peace.

Bull shit served with proper grammar is still bull shit.

I did that for a profession. You are talking crap.

You don't need a war to lose peace. Are you at peace when a tornado rips your house away from you? Are you at peace when you are involved in an auto accident? Are you at peace when something you ate makes you sick?

Thanks for pointing out to me that you like to play bullshit word games. Next time I will know better.

Uncle Salty
17th January 2015, 05:32 PM
None are more hopelessy enslaved then those who believe themselves to be free.


I think that was Goethe's quote, actually. But point taken nonetheless.

17th January 2015, 05:35 PM
You don't need a war to lose peace. Are you at peace when a tornado rips your house away from you? Are you at peace when you are involved in an auto accident? Are you at peace when something you ate makes you sick? Ignorance of remote causes, disposeth men to attribute all events,
to the causes immediate

Thanks for pointing out to me that you like to play bullshit word games. Next time I will know better. Permit me to doubt your statement.

There Is Alwayes Warre Of Every One Against Every One
Hereby it is manifest, that during the time men live without
a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition
which is called Warre; and such a warre, as is of every man,
against every man. For WARRE, consisteth not in Battell onely,
or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the Will
to contend by Battell is sufficiently known: and therefore the
notion of Time, is to be considered in the nature of Warre;
as it is in the nature of Weather. For as the nature of Foule weather,
lyeth not in a showre or two of rain; but in an inclination thereto
of many dayes together: So the nature of War, consisteth not
in actuall fighting; but in the known disposition thereto,
during all the time there is no assurance to the contrary.
All other time is PEACE.

7th trump
17th January 2015, 07:49 PM
Bull shit served with proper grammar is still bull shit.

I did that for a profession. You are talking crap.

You don't need a war to lose peace. Are you at peace when a tornado rips your house away from you? Are you at peace when you are involved in an auto accident? Are you at peace when something you ate makes you sick?

Thanks for pointing out to me that you like to play bullshit word games. Next time I will know better.

Hey spec....
Least ye forget you are having an argument with an "intellect" that lives in a watershed who doesn't have a place to live, he has no home...all while claiming he doesn't pay any taxes. His LLC pays the taxes that he personally funds......go figure huh?

Just saying!
If you want him to shut up just ask him for proof to any of his bullshit...he then plays a game where he acts like a mirror to which all you get out of him is.....well ....nothing....which is back to where you started.

17th January 2015, 09:20 PM
Ignorance of remote causes, disposeth men to attribute all events,
to the causes immediate

Permit me to doubt your statement.

There Is Alwayes Warre Of Every One Against Every One
Hereby it is manifest, that during the time men live without
a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition
which is called Warre; and such a warre, as is of every man,
against every man. For WARRE, consisteth not in Battell onely,
or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the Will
to contend by Battell is sufficiently known: and therefore the
notion of Time, is to be considered in the nature of Warre;
as it is in the nature of Weather. For as the nature of Foule weather,
lyeth not in a showre or two of rain; but in an inclination thereto
of many dayes together: So the nature of War, consisteth not
in actuall fighting; but in the known disposition thereto,
during all the time there is no assurance to the contrary.
All other time is PEACE.

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by palani http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=754132#post754132)

Not battles were won because none were actually fought. If you believe there have been battles fought then kindly produce the requisite declaration of war.

Well Mister Numbnutz, you pushed me into this discussion claiming there was no "reguisite declaration of war" and then when it is pointed out that you do not comprehend the meanings of words you bantied about, you claim all is war. Where I come from, we call such people quibbling worms.

18th January 2015, 06:08 AM
Least ye forget you are having an argument with an "intellect" that lives in a watershed who doesn't have a place to live, he has no home...all while claiming he doesn't pay any taxes. His LLC pays the taxes that he personally funds......go figure huh?
I have made no claim.

18th January 2015, 06:13 AM
Where I come from, we call such people quibbling worms.

Christian nations start war with a declaration and end with a treaty declaring peace. Such are the provisions between nations that comprise western civilization. Between people that don't hold common beliefs the basis for war is the belief rather than the declaration. One type requires a declaration and the other doesn't appear to require such a declaration because genocide is the goal.

The first act of genocide is to reduce a man to an animal or a quibbling worm as the case might be. And so your rabble rousing may be cast into the second type.

18th January 2015, 06:19 AM
Christian nations start war with a declaration and end with a treaty declaring peace. Such are the provisions between nations that comprise western civilization. Between people that don't hold common beliefs the basis for war is the belief rather than the declaration. One type requires a declaration and the other doesn't appear to require such a declaration because genocide is the goal.

The first act of genocide is to reduce a man to an animal or a quibbling worm as the case might be. And so your rabble rousing may be cast into the second type.

I see you have no honor.

Name some battles lost by the 50 states in VietNam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama. State the statistics of losses on both sides. You speak out your sphincter and insist it issues perfumed words.

18th January 2015, 06:25 AM
I see you have no honor. I am still alive.

Name some battles lost by the 50 states in VietNam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama. Peace obtained by participation in genocide? Do you call that honorable?

State the statistics of losses on both sides. Can you show me where I have a duty to perform your homework?

You speak out your sphincter and insist it issues perfumed words. You can read words and hear and smell things? Amazing talent. Do you earn your living using these talents?

18th January 2015, 07:00 AM
I am still alive.
Peace obtained by participation in genocide? Do you call that honorable?
Can you show me where I have a duty to perform your homework?
You can read words and hear and smell things? Amazing talent. Do you earn your living using these talents?

You make certain my statement- you have no honor.

Palanis annelid

18th January 2015, 07:16 AM
you have no honor.

Honor is a duty owed to those who earn it. I doubt if you have a concept of the meaning of the word.

And Christmas is over....no free gifts, oh genocidal brainless drone.

18th January 2015, 07:51 AM
You make certain my statement- you have no honor.

Palanis annelid

is that a redworm or an earthworm ?

is this a heated argument or a friendly debate ? does it make your blood pressure go up or down ?

talked to the homeless acquaintance this morning. i told him my sources (e.g. USC video library). we agreed to not talk about history.

he said it's "Very Important" to him. it being the Verity of the Holohoax.

18th January 2015, 08:29 AM
is that a redworm or an earthworm ?

is this a heated argument or a friendly debate ? does it make your blood pressure go up or down ?

I just put a test to the palani and he failed miserably. I have held him at arm's length and hoped for some wisdom in that quarter. Now I see it is all twisting and squirming to no good end.

talked to the homeless acquaintance this morning. i told him my sources (e.g. USC video library). we agreed to not talk about history.

he said it's "Very Important" to him. it being the Verity of the Holohoax.

I choose not to waste time on those who hate truth. If someone is in love with a lie, they are hopeless.

18th January 2015, 12:53 PM
I just put a test to the palani and he failed miserably. What makes you believe palani is a 'he'?

I have held him at arm's length and hoped for some wisdom in that quarter. Payment submitted in the same form it was received.

Now I see it is all twisting and squirming to no good end. Perhaps you see snakes on the wall as well?

I choose not to waste time on those who hate truth. You spend time? And this is the consideration for truth?

If someone is in love with a lie, they are hopeless. Apices juris non sunt

18th January 2015, 01:39 PM
I choose not to waste time on those who hate truth. If someone is in love with a lie, they are hopeless.


18th January 2015, 01:55 PM
What is true in one plane becomes the mirror image (aka false) in another. Some call this a dichotomy. I call it a dipole.

If you don't know what I am discussing ask dogman.