View Full Version : River Phoenix, Bill Hicks, Brandon Lee, Jonathan Brandis, All Faked Their Deaths

17th January 2015, 01:07 PM

River Phoenix, Bill Hicks, Brandon Lee, Jonathan Brandis, All Faked Their Deaths

Published on June 23rd, 2014 by Felix Pantaleon in politics (http://caliberhitting.com:80/category/politics) t (https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%22River%20Phoenix,%20Bill%20Hicks,%20B randon%20Lee,%20Jonathan%20Brandis,%20All%20Faked% 20Their%20Deaths%22%20http://caliberhitting.com:80/river-phoenix-bill-hicks-brandon-lee-jonathan-brandis-all-faked-their-deaths%20via%20@nastynorthnyc) f (https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fhttp://caliberhitting.com:80/river-phoenix-bill-hicks-brandon-lee-jonathan-brandis-all-faked-their-deaths) g (https://plus.google.com/share?url=http://caliberhitting.com:80/river-phoenix-bill-hicks-brandon-lee-jonathan-brandis-all-faked-their-deaths)

River Phoenix Pictured Above Faked his Death, He Now Goes By The Name Mark Dice (Political Activist)

Confirmed: Sites Spreading Dis-Info and Gatekeeping on This Subject

Documentary Film Maker and Political Activist Felix Pantaleon (Caliberhitter) discovered an astonishing trend. Celebrities that you thought were dead, are now participating in the world of Espionage (Spies).
River Phoenix's World Famous Chin Mole (Pictured Above) Now Just a Bump

River Phoenix (Mark Dice) now writes books about The Illuminati (Facts & Fiction) and is now a World Famous Political Activist. He has a big following on his youtube channel, with almost 300,000 Subscribers.

River Phoenix's Birthmark on Left Ear (Pictured Above)

River Phoenix faked his death that night at the Viper Room, indeed one of his great Hollywood performances. River Phoenix hated Hollywood, he wanted to change the world and help humanity. He was a humanitarian and hated the fact people were more interested in Celebrities rather than helping people in need.

Jonathan Brandis Pictured Above Faked his Death, He Now Goes By The Name Adam Kokesh (Political Activist)

Everybody growing up in the 90's remembers Child Star Jonathan Brandis. Like all the other Death Fakers mentioned in this article, Jonathan Brandis "Death" smelled fishy. Now we know, he did indeed fake his death. He now goes by The Name Adam Kokesh and shares THE SAME platform that these other Death Fakers Share.

G What Are The Odds, All 4 Death Fakers in This Article Purposely Made Leaders of The "Truth" Movement Share The Same Platform

Jonathan Brandis Pictured Above, is now playing The Role of Spy (Adam Kokesh). An Army Veteran, who came back from Iraq to speak out against the war. When little do people know, he was a plant by The Russians. To discredit war efforts in the middle east, indeed an infowar. Russia Today hired Jonathan Brandis (As Adam Kokesh) at one point, he had a show called Adam Vs The Man. Broadcasted on State Sponsored Russian Media, Russia Today.

Adam Kokesh (Left) Jonathan Brandis (Right) Same Skull Dimensions and Obvious Hairline Patterns

Adam Kokesh, waxes his eyebrows, had fat injections put in his voice box for deepening of the voice and obviously takes steroids. He also shares the same reoccurring theme of a death faker, ridge added to the nose.

This is where we say Gameover, Veneers on Top teeth, No Work On Bottom

17th January 2015, 01:11 PM
Adam Kokesh (Left) Jonathan Brandis (Right) Same Skull Dimensions and Obvious Hairline Patterns

Adam Kokesh, waxes his eyebrows, had fat injections put in his voice box for deepening of the voice and obviously takes steroids. He also shares the same reoccurring theme of a death faker, ridge added to the nose.

This is where we say Gameover, Veneers on Top teeth, No Work On Bottom

Numbers 25 to 24, 23, 22, 21 Say it all, your teeth are like fingerprints. Used to Identify you if circumstances arise to do so

Jonathan Brandis did indeed fake his death, I know it'll make tons of fangirls happy. Then again, fans of these Celebrities deserve to hear such a thing. Hardcore fans do commit suicide, once they hear their favorite Actor has died.

For more extensive Information, View The Video Bellow.


midnight rambler
17th January 2015, 01:22 PM
I don't know about the others but AJ is NOT Bill Hicks. Let it go.

I've been around AJ enough to know that he DEFINITELY does not have the same perspective that Bill Hicks did. People can change, but not their core characteristics/who they really are inside. Bill Hicks was a stoner/willing to try any hallucinogen once kinda guy whereas AJ is not anywhere near doing such things. AJ talks about his MAK-90, Bill Hicks would never own a gun let alone a fucking EBR.

17th January 2015, 01:39 PM
This kind of bullshit is floating around to discredit the Truth movement. Stop it.

17th January 2015, 01:40 PM
I don't know about the others but AJ is NOT Bill Hicks. Let it go.

I've been around AJ enough to know that he DEFINITELY does not have the same perspective that Bill Hicks did. People can change, but not their core characteristics/who they really are inside. Bill Hicks was a stoner/willing to try any hallucinogen once kinda guy whereas AJ is not anywhere near doing such things. AJ talks about his MAK-90, Bill Hicks would never own a gun.

If you are correct then the dental evidence presented is fake or photo shopped which is very possible, all the other ones who knows I even saw a you tube video that is claiming Chris Farley is some guy named
Anthony Antonello this could all be total bs but who knows <span id="eow-title" class="watch-title long-title" dir="ltr" title="Death Faker Chris Farley Now Known As Anthony Antonello (Hollywood Death Fakers)"><font size="2">

17th January 2015, 01:46 PM
This kind of bullshit is floating around to discredit the Truth movement. Stop it.

I think that it is worth looking into, CIA does this stuff all the time. I think Jim Morrison faked his death with his father's ties to the CIA and as a Navy Admiral was the commander of the fleet tied to the Gulf Of Ton kin false flag for example. It is no news around here that AJ is controlled opposition. All of his stuff is Kosher approved that much is with out doubt.

midnight rambler
17th January 2015, 01:50 PM
For all you crackheads who think AJ is Bill Hicks lol -


17th January 2015, 02:03 PM
Following this logic I bet the next Truth movement leader will be Robin Williams. Or maybe Heath Ledger.

17th January 2015, 02:15 PM
Following this logic I bet the next Truth movement leader will be Robin Williams. Or maybe Heath Ledger.
LOL ya I am not sure when I could really tell when AJ was controlled OP maybe in 2008 or so, but when he says globalist he really most of the time should be saying Zionists.
He has been allowed to be where he is because he does not speak the whole truth, if he did he would be broke and on the street.
So now is he or is he not truly Cont Op

18th January 2015, 02:39 AM
LOL ya I am not sure when I could really tell when AJ was controlled OP maybe in 2008 or so, but when he says globalist he really most of the time should be saying Zionists.
He has been allowed to be where he is because he does not speak the whole truth, if he did he would be broke and on the street.
So now is he or is he not truly Cont Op

I think a likely scenario is people like Alex Jones start off legitimate. They start getting traction so some government thugs pay him a visit. They threaten to kill him and his family if he doesn't tone shit down and can't say certain things, and has to fill his program with partial bullshit so the general public never takes him serious, and that's that. Sure he can try quitting, but then someone else will fill his spot, so he probably decides to do it anyway, hoping like hell he can make a difference. The thing is I do honestly think people like Alex Jones want liberty and freedom like they promote, but they have to put out all this nonsense to keep going. They don't see any other way, and probably that is the only way.

Yeah I'm sure the Feds call up Alex if he goes to far but he probably still does what he does thinking/hoping he can still do good within the system. It's like that video with Veteran's Today's Gordon Duff admitted 40% of what he says is bullshit, and he has to make up bullshit so he isn't killed. I think that was a very honest statement. If he really was against the people why would he let that slip?


People like Jeff Rense do this too where he'll have alien discussions, or reverse speech bullshit. He'll also have Tim Rifat on who talks about the very blunt truth about the Jews and multiculturalism, but mixes in "Psychic Warfare" and "Cumbre Vieja". Just ignore everytime he talks about "Psychic Warfare" and "Cumbre Vieja" and everything he says is 100% spot on great info.


To sum it up what I'm saying is these generally are good people who are caught by the balls and must spew bullshit and sound insane in order to TRY to tell the truth. If you don't play this game you end up like Andrew Breitbart.

18th January 2015, 05:00 AM
since "crises actors" have been detected, just anything is possible. This matrix is the mirror of all perceptions-illusions and as it grows in complexity, bits of truths can be found in any sources. "they" are going to dilute the facts until the point people do not know what to trust anymore and make us waste time debating OPs like this. But we should keep the focus on the big picture instead,

18th January 2015, 06:27 AM
Farley would have been 51 this year. The kid that is purported to be him is not even close in age.

18th January 2015, 10:34 AM
It is becoming increasing evident that BOTH Shami-Amourae AND midnight rambler are "plants" HERE on this forum.

Bill Hicks'

midnight rambler
18th January 2015, 10:46 AM
I'm very impressed by those who believe that AJ and Bill Hicks to be one and the same - you guys are able to spark your crack pipes and inhale while suffering from a rectal-cranial inversion.

Uncle Salty
18th January 2015, 11:42 AM
Bill Hicks was a genius.

AJ is a douchebag.

Geniuses don't become douche bags.

River was a tiny little fuck. Mark Dice is a tall mother fucker. Fail.