View Full Version : Gray State Film Director found dead with family

old steel
18th January 2015, 08:32 PM
They are calling it another murder/suicide.

I'm calling it like it is, another multiple assassination by the NWO tribe, just like Phillip K Marshall.



18th January 2015, 09:21 PM
90% of people who will read this won't think its a murder. They will just think they are crazy right wing extremist cultists who killed themselves.

This can happen to any one of us. Make sure to always tell people you would never commit suicide. If you are setup for committing suicide it's actually a murder.

18th January 2015, 11:31 PM
Clicked on the article, who knows? Just by judging the pictures they seem like douchebags to me, Him all dressed up in his police body armour posing with tacticool bs and her with the jersey shore narcissitic bs look plus being a dietician.

My money says he did it.

I do agree with Shami's post above though.

old steel
19th January 2015, 12:32 AM
Pictures can be deceiving.

The people that knew him and his family some even that went to high school with him say this is totally out of character and nothing about it adds up.


If you do a search...only ones reporting it is Uk Daily...and a local news channel. The rest are just repeating the original story. No video of the crime scene, no crime tape, no wheeling out dead bodies....nothing. Look at the locale news channel report, nothing. Its looks like the rest of the manufactured crap, Interviews, some staged pictures.


19th January 2015, 01:25 AM
Basically these people kill another for their own selfish murderous gains.

mick silver
19th January 2015, 06:53 AM
was the movie ever made , I seen that he needed funding

19th January 2015, 07:13 AM
The mighty US military can't even control Iraq, with a population of 32,000,000 and the size of Texas. How the fuck are they going to control CONUS?

Not possible, that's how, except for the use of fear. They have to rely on us to control ourselves. Throw off that, and we're free.

19th January 2015, 02:30 PM

21st January 2015, 12:30 PM
SatanicJewsClues911 (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16998155414895425442) said...

My 2 Cents.
David Crowley is a Jew Mossad member that took the Patriot Goyim for a ride.

He and his Pakistani wife are kicking back in Pakistan or Israel laughing with the boat loads of Cash he got for that Fake movie.

The Ramsey County Medical Examiner still has not Identified the Supposed bodies found in the House at
1051 Ramsdell dr, Apple Valley Mn 55124. Parcel ID: 01-11710-03-220

Saint Paul pioneer press has a story that Crowleys Neighbor was told by Crowley, that he found a Nitch to make some Cash in the Patriot movement.

Also, Crowley had a small community mail box as you will see if you look up "Dakota County property records"
a photo of the home will appear to the right. After over a Month of mail, the mail carrier (That also works under DHS) would have said something to the Police.

Case in Point: This is just another Jew Rat that skipped town with a Lot of Cash and Faked his Death with Government & Media help.

Would love anyone to prove this guy is D.O.A!

January 21, 2015 at 1:27 PM
