View Full Version : Unexplained Files: Mutilated Cattle

19th January 2015, 04:22 AM
in the 90s hear/read about mutilated cattle and although I found it very strange back then, I had other things to do, so didnt dig into the phenomenon. Until yesterday, at the gas station, when I saw on the front page of "the new mexican" that mutilated cattle were back in CO.

Sunday Spotlight: Santa Fe man aims to solve mystery of cattle mutilations
Sun Jan 18, 2015.

NM too has had many cases between the 60s-90s. But while searching today, I am reading that mutilated cattle have also appeared in the UK, and that other animals like sheep and horses happened to be found mutilated. The strangest is that they all reveal the same patterns

eyes. ears, tongues slid off
genitals and guts removed
lasered neat and precise surgical cuts
no blood on crime scene, no tracks either


The recent mutilations have similarities to mutilations that occurred in the 1960s in neighboring Saguache County. The most famous incident was reported in 1967 when a horse that became known as Snippy" had its head and neck skinned. Like in the most recent cases, there was no blood at the scene or tracks. The mutilations were never solved.

In 2009, a San Luis Valley rancher found four calves with their tongues sliced out, udders removed, eyes cored and faces skinned. Those cases were never solved and there also was no blood nor tracks around those animals.

Bizarre Cattle Mutilations Baffle Investigators
After decades of attacks, no one is officially to blame
By Paul Darin, Epoch Times | March 15, 2014
Last Updated: April 25, 2014 5:10 pm
A cow grazes on land belonging to an organic foods farm located in Winchester, Ky., in 2014. Cattle and other livestock have been found brutally mutilated and organs removed with surgical precision throughout all 50 states over the past century. To this day, there is no definitive explanation. (Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

A cow grazes on land belonging to an organic foods farm located in Winchester, Ky., in 2014. Cattle and other livestock have been found brutally mutilated and organs removed with surgical precision throughout all 50 states over the past century. To this day, there is no definitive explanation. (Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images

A disturbing chain of livestock mutilations has plagued farmers and ranchers throughout all 50 states for decades, but law enforcement has failed to name a perpetrator.

Cows, horses, goats, and other livestock have been randomly found dead—the corpses mutilated and organs removed with surgical precision. With each of these attacks, no tracks of any kind surround the site, perplexing ranchers and law enforcement.

Many theories surround this mysterious and persistent wave of attacks. Suspects include predatory animals, satanic cultists, extraterrestrials, and even the U.S. government. To this day, no arrests have been made even though more than 10,000 attacks have been recorded throughout the country, according to KLAS-TV Las Vegas.

These cases stand out from regular predatory attacks on livestock. Their surgical nature is eerie and unexplainable. Colorado rancher Tom Miller recalled his first encounter with the mysterious mutilations: The eyes, ears, tongue, and reproductive organs had been removed from one of his cows with surgical precision. No blood was found onsite, which is typical among the mutilation attacks. Miller said that his cattle have been periodically attacked in this way since 1999, according to Science Channel’s “The Unexplained Files.”

Adding to the bewilderment are the fractured bones, including ribs, inside the carcasses of the mutilated animals, suggesting that the animals were taken, operated on, and then dropped from an elevated height.

Supporters of the extraterrestrial theory suggest that aliens take the animals aboard their craft and then discard the remains, according to the “Unexplained Files.” Ufologists—those who study UFOs—believe that the mutilation of these animals represents a need for bodily tissue in order to create alien-human hybrids. This claim is perhaps lacking in evidence, but in many cases of cattle mutilation, the reproductive organs were removed—embryos included. In the scientific community, cow embryos were used in human cloning attempts by the company Advanced Cell Technology in 1999, reported the BBC and NewScientist news.

A more terrestrial explanation comes from alien theory skeptic Chris O’Brien, who suggests that the mutilations are conducted by our own government in an effort to avoid disease outbreak, such as mad cow disease, also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which is believed to cause the human disease called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). According to O’Brien and “The Unexplained Files,” many of the tainted animals from the 1996 BSE outbreak in England were destroyed, turned into fertilizer, and transported around the world—including to American farmland.

Despite the persistent anomalies of these livestock attacks, skeptics hold that they are nothing more thahttp://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/563685-bizarre-cattle-mutilations-baffle-investigators/n predatory animal attacks.

Who (or What) is Mutilating Cattle in Colorado?
Aug 9, 2012

Cattle Mutilation Theories Exposed On 'The Unexplained Files' Airing Sept. 4 On Science Channel
The Huffington Post

Theories abound as to why this cow may have been mutilated in such a bizarre fashion.

As a third-generation cattle rancher in Colorado, Tom Miller knows a lot about raising cattle.

What he doesn't know is what has periodically been mutilating and killing selected animals in his herd since 1999.

"There's so many things I don't understand about it, and no one seems to be able to explain it either," Miller says on the Sept. 4 episode of the "The Unexplained Files," a Science Channel series airing Wednesdays.

Hundreds of cattle mutilations have been reported in the U.S. since the early 1960s, but Miller was still shocked when it began happening to his herd 14 years ago.

"First, I thought [the cow] had died naturally, and then I got closer to it and I could see it wasn't natural," he said. "The eyes were gone, the tongue was gone. The ears were gone. The sex organs were cut out. It was just kind of weird."

Miller remains perplexed about other aspects of the mutilations as well: The animals are cut with precision, like with a laser, and there has never been a trace of blood around the animals or body parts strung about.

Paranormal journalist Nick Redfern said some UFO theorists believe that extraterrestrials are using cow blood for hybrid fertilization.

"It sounds like science fiction," he concedes on the episode. "But [humans are] doing things like gene splicing, so the theory is that someone far advanced of us is doing something similar."

Chris O'Brien, who has researched cattle mutilations for two decades, disagrees with that theory.

"Why would some non-human intelligence come light years to the pastures of the planet to gather ingredients for lip and testicle stew?" he asked. "It just doesn't make sense."

A more likely answer, he believes, is that the killings are conducted by an unknown agency monitoring the food chain to prevent another outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy -- commonly known as "Mad Cow Disease" -- that plagued England in 1996.

more. graphic photos


August 5, 2013
Who Is Responsible For The Bizarre Cattle Mutilations That Are Happening All Over America?

All over the United States, cattle are being brutally mutilated and nobody seems to know who is doing it. Hearts, udders, teets, ears, tongues and reproductive organs are being removed, and in most of these cases the cuts are made with surgical precision and no trace of blood is left behind at the scene. Sometimes the mutilated cattle are left in the mud or in deep snow, but there are no footprints or any other signs that anyone had ever been there. This phenomenon has been going on for many years, especially in the western half of the U.S., and yet authorities have no leads and absolutely no explanation for why this is happening. Could it be possible that there is not a natural explanation for this unexplained mystery?


Unexplained sheep attacks 'caused by aliens in UFOs', farmers claim
A series of bizarre incidents involving sheep in Shropshire have led to farmers’ claims that aliens are attacking their livestock.

Farmers near Shrewsbury claim to have witnessed sheep being “lasered” by unidentified light from UFOs.

They have linked the unexplained incidents, where sheep’s brains and eyes were removed, to the mysterious orange lights in the sky.

They have found sheep with “neat holes” while their brains and other internal organs were removed. Other animals have lost eyes or had their flesh “carefully stripped away”, usually on the left side.




19th January 2015, 07:33 AM
covert .mil or alien? I don't know, but Deanna Spingola was following this guy's story, a frequent caller to her show: #82 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?35061-Agenda-21-For-Dummies-%28incl-abolition-of-private-property%29&p=661412&viewfull=1#post661412)

He was beinig persecuted by the State (N.Brunswick Can.); it seems the state wanted his land? I don't recall anymore, would need to re-listen. In this show, he's guest, tells his story.
