View Full Version : Gigapixels of Andromeda

old steel
19th January 2015, 05:39 PM

19th January 2015, 06:00 PM

Our mud ball home is nothing compared in scale!

19th January 2015, 06:10 PM
And yet there is no intelligent life besides the one planet Earth... I call Bull Shit.

19th January 2015, 06:12 PM
Wow! The universe is filthy. Someone needs to get out there with some Windex and scrub it clean. :)

19th January 2015, 06:26 PM
There's a lot of electricity out there. Very impressive. Seems we have been living with very poor eyesight and blurry poor focus glasses.

Wow! The universe is filthy. Someone needs to get out there with some Windex and scrub it clean. http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/smiley.gifI was watching an old cult Sci Fi comedy show last night and they were ambushed by 5 black holes and couldn't understand how the ships computer could have missed them. As the computer pointed out, that the thing about black holes. the main thing. the basic thing is that they are black AND the thing about space apart from there is a lot of it, is that it is also basically black SO when you have black hole on black space...... you might not see them.

Anyway turned out to be some dried kebab sauce or something on the monitor.

Question I have is, how did Hubble get loaded with a 4K camera? Is this a new thing or have they had it a while?

19th January 2015, 06:28 PM
Did "God" send his son to all those solar systems too?

Our little spec in the sky must be special.

midnight rambler
19th January 2015, 06:42 PM
Did "God" send his son to all those solar systems too?

Our little spec in the sky must be special.

Of course. We suffer the illusion of time.

midnight rambler
19th January 2015, 06:44 PM

That's pretty trippy.

When Carl Sagan said "there are billions and billions of stars" he was being extremely conservative.

19th January 2015, 07:01 PM
Are we absolutely positive that its not a double exposure? :)

19th January 2015, 07:05 PM
Not all scientists believe the universe is teeming with intelligent life.


19th January 2015, 07:11 PM
It is not as simple as it sounds.


19th January 2015, 07:15 PM
Here, let a more attractive speaker explain it:


19th January 2015, 07:34 PM
Did "God" send his son to all those solar systems too?

What solar systems? How do you know they exist? Maybe they are just illusions?

Our little spec in the sky must be special.

Our litte spec used to be special until the 'Boonmers' fucked it all up.
Our little spec is not so special anymore and will probably be destroyed soon.

19th January 2015, 07:48 PM
Its probably all 3 plus something else.

They were here, now they aren't and no they didn't like us.

19th January 2015, 08:14 PM
it is in the interest of the academia to maintain the/any status quo

I am however surprised that Nick stands on the "cons" side as a transhumanist.

Nick Bostrom is a philosopher and a leading transhumanist thinker and spokesperson. His wide-ranging research interests include: the impact of future technologies; observational selection effects; the ethics of artificial intelligence; philosophy of cosmology; foundations of probability theory ...

I think its very realistic to assume that there is at least 1 earth-like planet in each galaxy... I repeat, at least.

Not all scientists believe the universe is teeming with intelligent life.

19th January 2015, 08:26 PM
I think its very realistic to assume that there is at least 1 earth-like planet in each galaxy... I repeat, at least.

Maybe, maybe more. Maybe there is some type of life on some of them, maybe not intelligent. Maybe not. Maybe some day we will be the ones to seed space.

But these scientists do make good, logical points. Since we have no scientific evidence one way or the other, it is just discussion now.

19th January 2015, 08:40 PM
yes I think the key words is "intelligent" and we (science and everyone else) should probably be discussing what exactly is intelligence.

19th January 2015, 09:04 PM
Its probably all 3 plus something else.

They were here, now they aren't and no they didn't like us.

No, they were on their way , took one look at a crimethink post, turned around and went back home.

20th January 2015, 05:48 AM
Not all scientists believe the universe is teeming with intelligent life.


I believe that too. I don't think humanity will ever meet another intelligent species outside of Earth. I do this its very plausible to find very simple forms of life.

The distance between stars is too great. All the science fiction stuff where people are traveling between starts and throughout the galaxy is a complete pipe dream.

I talked with my Grandfather about this. He was one of the lead scientists behind the Apollo programs and knew a lot of top secret stuff. This is what he believed too.

I would like to see the colonization of the Moon, Mars, and Europa though. I do think those are all realistic goals for humanity.

20th January 2015, 06:02 AM
okay, lets assume the distance issue preventing space traveling, that does NOT mean that we as earthians are the only ones in the entire Universe. This is supremacist thinking. We also, in this time and space, CANNOT claim to know everything. Another supremacist thinking... all this based on facts that academia - archeology included - has spread false sciences since ever. So anybody embracing mainstream academia conclusions by extent is wrong. So is your grand father. Knowing some secrets stuff does not mean understanding/seeing the big picture. Engines using explosion propulsion systems are a complete hoax, good for the oil industry.

even spies are not aware of the level above them.

But I beg to differ as all myths talk of gods from outer space, even in the bible, sumerian tablets to name a few.

But people thinking this way will surely assess that pyramids were built by the ancient egyptians in the bronze age. And other very ancient constructions as well. But those people will also NOT look into the topic anyway, rather will dismiss it as UNimportant and even ridicule fringe research.

moreover masonic-zionism has just LIED about everything so far. Talks of all the scams.


time to get real, IMHO... the masonic-zionist cartel' higher grasp about reality would blow our minds off if we knew what they know... and thats why we are fighting among each others.

I believe that too. I don't think humanity will ever meet another intelligent species outside of Earth. I do this its very plausible to find very simple forms of life.

The distance between stars is too great. All the science fiction stuff where people are traveling between starts and throughout the galaxy is a complete pipe dream.

I talked with my Grandfather about this. He was one of the lead scientists behind the Apollo programs and knew a lot of top secret stuff. This is what he believed too.

20th January 2015, 06:02 AM
The distance between stars is too great.

What I always wondered about Star Trek was if they were able to teleport when the shields were down,

why take the ship with you anywhere?

20th January 2015, 06:04 AM

20th January 2015, 07:54 AM
Hubble is absolutely amazing and has made amazing discoveries. We should have 50 hubbles in space right now.
I also think that space travel will probably start at an intergalactic level and move out from there but to be honest we have at least 100 billion stars to explore in our own galaxy. That should keep us busy for awhile.

Looking back over the last 100 years and where we were vrs where we are now, I think the next 100 years we are going to make huge discoveries that will propel us further and faster in space.
1st computing power is going to continue to increase at an ever accelerating rate. We will eventually get to the point where we can figure out how to bend space-time and be able to travel large distances in a short period of time. It wont matter that something is 4 light years away or 50 light years away, depending on how we bend space-time we can be there very quickly without having to travel at the speed of light for years to get there.

20th January 2015, 08:05 AM
...This is supremacist thinking...

No. The arguments made by the scientists in this regards are logical, not supremacist. If there are other intelligent life forms out there, then ok, but in the mean time, we have not come across any evidence for it. The supremacist argument is emotional. Just because we exist does not mean that other intelligent life needs to exist out there (and from a strictly secular perspective, vice versa). We just do not know.

20th January 2015, 08:07 AM
What I always wondered about Star Trek was if they were able to teleport when the shields were down,

why take the ship with you anywhere?

I think there was some distance limitation on "teleporting" (plus it is fiction anyway). Also, I do not think you could (pretend to) teleport through (likely pretend) wormholes.

20th January 2015, 08:27 AM

20th January 2015, 08:59 AM
Sillyocybin (psilocybin) schrooms are definitely out of this world and expands ones universe !


20th January 2015, 10:32 AM
I dont go by the "mainstream" anymore, it is "precisely" because of "it" that we are on the edge of the abyss.

I didnt use "supremacist argument" for emotional purpose but realistically. Here is the bummer: we only use 10% of our brain capacity at the most, so "how" can we even assert that we are the only one "lost" in the universe.

You say that "we" have not come across it yet.... seems like your internet search is very different than mine. But that's ok.

No. The arguments made by the scientists in this regards are logical, not supremacist. If there are other intelligent life forms out there, then ok, but in the mean time, we have not come across any evidence for it. The supremacist argument is emotional. Just because we exist does not mean that other intelligent life needs to exist out there (and from a strictly secular perspective, vice versa). We just do not know.

20th January 2015, 11:00 AM
I think there was some distance limitation on "teleporting"

You're makin that stuff up, I've never heard any distance limitation... it was only when the shields were up.

Plus, any righteously fiat federation would afford relay sub-stations at many a random and adjacent moonbases.

I can only understand a distance limitation if they were crossing upon Klingon neutral zone.



20th January 2015, 12:22 PM
You're makin that stuff up, I've never heard any distance limitation...

Horn, you need to sharpen your research skills (and this comes form the fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia):

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transporter_%28Star_Trek%29#Capabilities_and_limit ations

According to The Original Series ("TOS") writers' guide, the effective range of a transporter is 40,000 kilometers, although thick layers of rock can reduce this range (TNG: "Legacy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_%28Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation%29)"). The TOS episode "Obsession (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsession_%28Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series%29)" however, appears to indicate that the transporters' maximum range, during that time period in Star Trek history, is actually around 30,000 kilometers.

20th January 2015, 06:01 PM
I think this is one key to interglactic space travel. We have the electric universe and if you have ever seen the videos from someplace in Europe, I think it was denmark or sweden, they had a camera set up and filmed constantly until they caught photos and or videos of a UFO. Whatever that was had figured out how to travel either with plasma or warping the time space and using plasma to power the vehicle.

I'll see if I can find that video.
I cant find that video but another intersting thing is the video footage of the crop circles being made by plasma balls.

20th January 2015, 06:13 PM
Horn, you need to sharpen your research skills (and this comes form the fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia):

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transporter_%28Star_Trek%29#Capabilities_and_limit ations

I call Bullshit, there's nothing in that Obsession episode details to even suggest such....

No doubt u yourself are a member at the wiki...

30,000km my ass... GET REAL!!! lol :)

20th January 2015, 06:29 PM
I call Bullshit, there's nothing in that Obsession episode details to even suggest such....

No doubt u yourself are a member at the wiki...

30,000km my ass... GET REAL!!! lol :)

I think I am only going to spend so much time arguing about the physical limitations fictional technology. :D

20th January 2015, 06:33 PM
I think I am only going to spend so much time arguing about the physical limitations fictional technology. :D

You gotta learn to let it go, you coulda won one.. :)


20th January 2015, 08:23 PM
well at least we are 4 defending the electric universe: horn, glass, you and I

merhan keshe has designed UFO models propelled with plasma. His findings and work really sound very sci-fi oriented but he has not yet been debunked and many call him the new tesla. his data is available for almost no profits (his books are quite cheap) and much is available for free on youtube and his website. He has also applications for the field of medicine. He calls Plasma the "Holy Grail" of physics.


Keshe Knowledge Seeker Workshops


if keshe is really onto something, superpowers wouldnt want this info to be available for free, as it would create a paradigm shift



I think this is one key to interglactic space travel. We have the electric universe and if you have ever seen the videos from someplace in Europe, I think it was denmark or sweden, they had a camera set up and filmed constantly until they caught photos and or videos of a UFO. Whatever that was had figured out how to travel either with plasma or warping the time space and using plasma to power the vehicle.

I'll see if I can find that video.
I cant find that video but another intersting thing is the video footage of the crop circles being made by plasma balls.

20th January 2015, 10:19 PM

This one is gold. I wonder if it was just 5 beers?

I had just seen this video when I came back to this thread.


20th January 2015, 10:59 PM
I just started getting into the plasma stuff so am just learning what I can. Thanks for the vids singular..

The Geologist Robert Shock is thew reason I started looking at it.

20th January 2015, 11:23 PM

21st January 2015, 05:55 AM
This one is excellent too to debunk the tesla debunkers ;D


21st January 2015, 06:06 AM
sometimes I wonder if I should not spend more time with like minded people than on here, but spreading the word is more important in the end.

I am sure you will get there, expat. I started the *real journey* (seeing beyond masonic zionism) 5 years ago and I feel like seeing the end of the tunnel on the horizon. LOL

I just started getting into the plasma stuff so am just learning what I can. Thanks for the vids singular..

21st January 2015, 08:05 AM
I just started getting into the plasma stuff so am just learning what I can. Thanks for the vids singular..

The Geologist Robert Shock is thew reason I started looking at it.

Start to imagine the Moai and other column type structures were possibly created as lightning rods to protect.