20th January 2015, 02:04 AM
6 of 8 Top Porn-Searching Countries Are Muslim, But What They’re Searching Is TWISTED (
in News (, World News ( / by Dom the Conservative ( / on January 19, 2015 at 4:13 pm /
As oppressive and strict as Muslim countries are, they cannot seem to reign in their sexually perverse civilians. Lashing, imprisonment, and even the death penalty are not enough to deter Muslims under Sharia law from watching pornography.
Perhaps it’s because of such a repressed culture or maybe it stems from the inherently perverse nature of Islam, but for whatever reason, Muslim countries more than outrank the Western world in explicit Internet searches.
Data collected from Google reveals that six of the top eight porn-searching countries are Muslim nations, according to The Express Tribune ( These six include Pakistan at number one, followed by Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey ranked numbers four, five, seven, and eight in explicit searches.
While it’s understandable that countries where pornographic images are banned would seek other outlets to feed their fetishes, it’s what they’re searching for that represents the depravity perpetrated by their Prophet Muhammad.
Pakistan (
Pakistan ranks number one in searching for “children sex,” as well as “sexy children” and “rape.” Animals are also a favorite, with pig, donkey, and dog topping the list. This is ironic since Muhammad announced that any of these animals would make a prayer to Allah unheard.
Egypt (
The city with the most porn searches is Cairo, which also follows closely behind Pakistan in both child sex and animal sex, searching everything from Elephants to birds. That’s right, they rank number one in “bird sex” searches.
Turkey (
In Turkey there are at least 2 million online users watching porn every minute. Turkey ranks just behind Pakistan in searching for “child porn.”
Iran (
Iran has an unnatural fetish for incest, as “daddy love” is one of the county’s top searches. “Gay” also tops the list, which proves dangerous because homosexuality is illegal and punishable by the death penalty under Sharia law.
To understand any Muslim behavior, you have to go to the original example: the Prophet Muhammad.
Muhammad was openly a sexual deviant like many of his followers, marrying 6-year-old Aisha and having sex with her at age 9. He is also responsible for the command that Muslims may have sex with slave women, performing the same act with his slave in the bed of one of his wives.
Animal sex is not only allowed in Islam, but has its own rules and regulations (,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Sexuality) in the Hadith. Both men and women may partake in sex with animals, even dead ones.
The perversity happening in Muslim countries and along with Muslim immigration to the West is the result of 1,400 years of pagan practices. Islam is a religion of sex, and its barbaric nature justifies the most depraved desires.
in News (, World News ( / by Dom the Conservative ( / on January 19, 2015 at 4:13 pm /
As oppressive and strict as Muslim countries are, they cannot seem to reign in their sexually perverse civilians. Lashing, imprisonment, and even the death penalty are not enough to deter Muslims under Sharia law from watching pornography.
Perhaps it’s because of such a repressed culture or maybe it stems from the inherently perverse nature of Islam, but for whatever reason, Muslim countries more than outrank the Western world in explicit Internet searches.
Data collected from Google reveals that six of the top eight porn-searching countries are Muslim nations, according to The Express Tribune ( These six include Pakistan at number one, followed by Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey ranked numbers four, five, seven, and eight in explicit searches.
While it’s understandable that countries where pornographic images are banned would seek other outlets to feed their fetishes, it’s what they’re searching for that represents the depravity perpetrated by their Prophet Muhammad.
Pakistan (
Pakistan ranks number one in searching for “children sex,” as well as “sexy children” and “rape.” Animals are also a favorite, with pig, donkey, and dog topping the list. This is ironic since Muhammad announced that any of these animals would make a prayer to Allah unheard.
Egypt (
The city with the most porn searches is Cairo, which also follows closely behind Pakistan in both child sex and animal sex, searching everything from Elephants to birds. That’s right, they rank number one in “bird sex” searches.
Turkey (
In Turkey there are at least 2 million online users watching porn every minute. Turkey ranks just behind Pakistan in searching for “child porn.”
Iran (
Iran has an unnatural fetish for incest, as “daddy love” is one of the county’s top searches. “Gay” also tops the list, which proves dangerous because homosexuality is illegal and punishable by the death penalty under Sharia law.
To understand any Muslim behavior, you have to go to the original example: the Prophet Muhammad.
Muhammad was openly a sexual deviant like many of his followers, marrying 6-year-old Aisha and having sex with her at age 9. He is also responsible for the command that Muslims may have sex with slave women, performing the same act with his slave in the bed of one of his wives.
Animal sex is not only allowed in Islam, but has its own rules and regulations (,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Sexuality) in the Hadith. Both men and women may partake in sex with animals, even dead ones.
The perversity happening in Muslim countries and along with Muslim immigration to the West is the result of 1,400 years of pagan practices. Islam is a religion of sex, and its barbaric nature justifies the most depraved desires.