View Full Version : King Abdullah dies

23rd January 2015, 12:50 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/01/23/24F5984F00000578-2922592-King_Abdullah_who_came_to_power_in_2005_is_seen_he re_with_Queen_-m-9_1421981381240.jpg

The richer they are , the more the queen smiles.

23rd January 2015, 02:27 AM
I think the tradition is burial at sea isn't it?

23rd January 2015, 02:46 AM
I think the tradition is burial at sea isn't it?

This is all I've found on their customs?


Jewish Funerals and Burial

Based on Jewish laws, traditions and customs, a Jewish funeral usually takes place within one day following the date of death and these are solemn and reflective services followed by a gathering at the mourner’s home, which marks the beginning of shiva. The first seven days following the funeral is known as shiva, and the mourners generally stay at home and receive guests to help them pray and reflect upon their loss. Judaism allows for a deep mourning period during which celebration of life and beautification of your self and your surroundings are considered distractions from the religious healing process.

More about the Jewish Funeral
A Jewish funeral usually occurs within 24 hours after the death; however, in the modern world, there is allowance and acceptance to delay the burial for mourners to travel and for appropriate arrangements to be made. The funeral is a private time for the family and the religion provides that there is no public viewing of the body. The traditions, rituals and customs for Jewish burials provide that the body is buried in a plain and unordained wooden casket. According to Jewish law, the body is washed and not embalmed.

The casket is usually closed and the funeral service conducted by a rabbi is usually short, reflective and solemn. A eulogy is delivered, and family members and close friends often read psalms, prayers, and share stories in their own way. Jewish funeral services can take place at the synagogue, funeral home or graveside at the cemetery.

At the graveside of a Jewish funeral, it is a common tradition, along with a sign of respect and love to the deceased, for the mourners and friends to participate in the actual burial. Today, many people place a few shovels of soil onto the casket to symbolically follow this tradition. To bury a loved one is an incredibly difficult and emotionally painful act, but the traditions and customs of participating in the burial are considered psychologically beneficial. The act of shoveling soil onto the casket helps provide closure and give a physical connection of saying goodbye to their loved one for a final time. It also helps with the realization that the death occurred and allows for the grieving process to truly begin.

Grief & Bereavement
After a Jewish funeral takes place, the immediate family (i.e., spouse, parents, children and siblings) are considered the mourners. The immediate family begins 'sitting shiva.' Shiva means "seven," and is a seven-day mourning period that is observed. The family remains at home, in a shiva house; prayers, including the Mourners Kaddish, are recited; and traditional mourning practices, customs and rituals are followed. During the Jewish shiva, the community, extended family, friends and colleagues visit a shiva home during designated times to make a shiva call. This is an appropriate way to pay your respect and support the bereaved. The bereaved (i.e., immediate family who are mourners) continue the traditional mourning period beyond the seven-day shiva and continue certain traditions for between 30 days and up to a full year after the death of a Jewish family member.

23rd January 2015, 03:31 AM
ah ok, So they are not the same muslim as Osama Bin Laden?

23rd January 2015, 03:53 AM
ah ok, So they are not the same muslim as Osama Bin Laden?

Who said they are Muslim?

23rd January 2015, 04:03 AM
Who said they are Muslim?

I say wha? They're not Muslims?

23rd January 2015, 04:18 AM
I say wha? They're not Muslims?

Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country under Sharia Law, however, it is said the Saudi Royal's are Crypto Jews.
We can't know for sure, but what we do know, is that the Saudi's protect the Jews money via the petro-dollar.
I ask you, could there be any closer tie then to protect Jewish money?

The Saudi's had a big part in the 9/11 Iaraeli attack on the US.
The Saudi's also have a part in all the wars to destroy Israel's enemies in the Middle East.
They are never looked at, held to account and they get a free pass for whatever they do.
Who could give the Saudi's that kind of power/protection?

23rd January 2015, 04:26 AM
Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country under Sharia Law, however, it is said the Saudi Royal's are Crypto Jews.
We can't know for sure, but what we do know, is that the Saudi's protect the Jews money via the petro-dollar.
I ask you, could there be any closer tie then to protect Jewish money?

The Saudi's had a big part in the 9/11 Iaraeli attack on the US.
The Saudi's also have a part in all the wars to destroy Israel's enemies in the Middle East.
They are never looked at, held to account and they get a free pass for whatever they do.
Who could give the Saudi's that kind of power/protection?

Tell me more. How can this happen? It's almost as if 70 years ago a sheep herder might have infiltrated a nomad tried and established himself as a tribal leader and eventually a king who carved out a territory and turned it into a head chopping kingdom. Nay I say. They might be cousins at best.

What's going on this 23rd day of the new year for christians. Is it an important day for others? I hear many words in earnest of a language I can't interpret as they walk by. Something is a foot this eve. Best we be prepared. I suspect this recent news will be observed intensely by many groups. Even cousins. Or maybe something else is in the wind.

23rd January 2015, 04:26 AM
They are muslim. They celebrate the Muslim holidays anyway. I know a girl that works for one of the Princesses. She always gets bonuses on the muslim holidays. Christian holidays she gets nada. The palace is impressive on the inside. Not much to look at on the outside IMO.

23rd January 2015, 04:28 AM
They are muslim. They celebrate the Muslim holidays anyway. I know a girl that works for one of the Princesses. She always gets bonuses on the muslim holidays. Christian holidays she gets nada. The palace is impressive on the inside. Not much to look at on the outside IMO.

The answer is no, they are not.

23rd January 2015, 04:56 AM
They are muslim. They celebrate the Muslim holidays anyway. I know a girl that works for one of the Princesses. She always gets bonuses on the muslim holidays. Christian holidays she gets nada. The palace is impressive on the inside. Not much to look at on the outside IMO.

As sure as there are many Jews in the US that have changed their names to sound American and profess to be Christian, but always put Israel first...it's possible the Saudi's are Jews.

Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos - κρυπτός, 'hidden'). The term crypto-Jew is also used to describe descendants who maintain some Jewish traditions of their ancestors while publicly adhering to other faiths

In the 1960's the "SAWT AL ARAB" Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANA'A confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the SAUDI Family.

King FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his family's kindred with the JEWS when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on September 17, 1969 stating: "WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslem [sic] Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world." That was the declaration of KING FAISAL AL-SAUD BIN ABDUL AZIZ!

23rd January 2015, 05:22 AM

Who we talkin bout.

23rd January 2015, 05:32 AM
If they are Jews they definitely keep it a secret and definitely celebrate the muslim holidays. In looking through some of her photos at the palace I dont see anything that would give a clue either way. Shes been there for 3 years. Leaving this month so she was pretty close to the Princess who has also been in and out of the Hospital all year.

The Palace is a very private place and if there was any Jewish ness going on it would have been picked up by the staff. Maybe its so secret the Royals keep it to themselves?

23rd January 2015, 05:46 AM
If they are Jews they definitely keep it a secret and definitely celebrate the muslim holidays. In looking through some of her photos at the palace I dont see anything that would give a clue either way. Shes been there for 3 years. Leaving this month so she was pretty close to the Princess who has also been in and out of the Hospital all year.

The Palace is a very private place and if there was any Jewish ness going on it would have been picked up by the staff. Maybe its so secret the Royals keep it to themselves?

If it's one thing we've all learned when we became awake, it's that nothing the people in power say can be believed, or trusted. We can only judge them by their actions.

23rd January 2015, 07:16 AM
Who will be the next Saudi puppet of ZWO?

23rd January 2015, 07:28 AM
Who will be the next Saudi puppet of ZWO?
Got it! His half brother Salman looking almost identical to the previous king, has promised to continue the policies of ZWO. I guess they don't need to change the portraits even...

23rd January 2015, 09:18 AM
Yes the rumor is they are Jews hiding amongst the Muslim

23rd January 2015, 09:31 AM
Why would it be different in the Middle-East? Of course there are Jews masquerading as something else there as well.


23rd January 2015, 09:43 AM
Jews are the one in charge of Kabbah and Madina Munawara to make $$$$$$ !!! All the Hajj Money +Umrah Money + Oil money and Saudi taxes goes to the Jews and Israel to kill Muslims!


(http://www.shoah.org.uk/2012/08/19/saudi-royal-family-is-jewish-king-and-prince-are-all-jew/)Banu Qaynuqa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[show (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qaynuqa#)]

v (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Campaignbox_Campaigns_of_Muhammad)
t (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_talk:Campaignbox_Campaigns_of_Muhammad)
e (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Campaignbox_Campaigns_of_ Muhammad&action=edit)

List of battles of Muhammad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_battles_of_Muhammad)

The Banu Qaynuqa (also spelled Banu Kainuka, Banu Kaynuka, Banu Qainuqa, Banu Qaynuqa, Arabic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language): بنو قينقاع‎) was one of the three main Jewish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jew) tribes living in the 7th century (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabian_tribes_that_interacted_with_Muhammad) of Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medina), now in Saudi Arabia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia). In 624, the great-grandfather of Banu Qaynuqa tribe is Qaynuqa ibn Amchel ibn Munshi ibn Yohanan ibn Benjamin ibn Saron ibn Naphtali ibn Hayy ibn Moses and they are descendant of Manasseh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manasseh_%28tribal_patriarch%29) ibn Joseph (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_%28son_of_Jacob%29) ibn Jacob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob) ibn Isaac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac) son of Abraham (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham)[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qaynuqa#cite_note-1) they were expelled during the Invasion of Banu Qaynuqa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Banu_Qaynuqa), by the Islamic prophet Muhammad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad) for allegedly breaking the treaty known as the Constitution of Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Medina).[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qaynuqa#cite_note-Ishaq1-2)[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qaynuqa#cite_note-Watt_1956.2C_p._209-3)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qaynuqa (http://www.shoah.org.uk/2012/08/19/saudi-royal-family-is-jewish-king-and-prince-are-all-jew/)

23rd January 2015, 09:44 AM

mick silver
23rd January 2015, 09:44 AM
Saudi control the world , it home base for the jews if not then the usa will try and over throw them