View Full Version : E. Michael Jones - Black Protest and Police Brutality 7 minute video

26th January 2015, 01:21 PM
This relates to recent racial conflicts in USA such as at Ferguson Missouri. Hope I posted in correct forum.

I think Dr. Jones offers some very important insights based on history none of us were ever taught. When we have greater understanding we move toward truth and light.

I am not "a fan" of Dr. Jones, and I have problems with some of his stances, but I guess those things are mostly Catholic "inside baseball" type issues. I feel so indebted to him for explaining the issue of "the Jewish revolutionary spirit." He has confronted and intellectually grappled with the issue of "the Jew." He has not tried to substitute other words like "Zionist" or "globalist" or "global elite" whatever, ya know. I also personally believe that his thesis in his book, Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, does not cotradict the Word of God, that is, the bible, the bible from Genesis to Revelation.

What is explained in this short video was explained in many of Dr. Jones writings, books and articles. Reading those things was a bit difficult to understand and appreciate, but apparently lately the Holy Spirit is giving Dr. Jones the words and the venues to explain very clearly in very simple terms in a very short time all of his previous writings. This is a good thing.


E. Michael Jones - Black Protest and Police Brutality.


Published on Dec 11, 2014

Following is an interview by English Radio correspondent Mehdi Geramifard with E. Michael Jones, the Editor of Culture Wars Online Magazine, about protest of US black community against the ongoing racial killings and police brutality in the US.

7 minute video of E. Michael Jones

Interviewer is, I think, a Black man from an African country.

26th January 2015, 06:59 PM
EMJones was good there in calling out NAACP as a joosh org seeking to inflame blacks. I wish he called out "US slavery" as firstly a joosh institution, from the transport of slaves, to the auctions and ownership of slaves.

EMJones was guest on John Friend's last year sometime. I've loved him in the past, but there was one small part of that interview which rubbed wrong: At one point, EMJ cited 'official-joo-inverted-WW2-history' in making his case for something or another... evil nazis, holohoax, or some such-- I'd need to re-listen. JF was politely silent, sidestepping getting diverted down that road.
The Realist Report - Dr. E. Michael Jones ... (http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/04/the-realist-report-dr-e-michael-jones.html)
I'm reminded of an interview I recently listened to with Rosa Koire, an anti-Agenda-21 activist. It was 2 hours with hostess Maggie Rodin;

In it, Koire must've ref'd the eeeevil nazis, hitler yada yada about 10 separate times; just peppered through her otherwise excellent interview. :( At one point she said something about how she sometimes wonders whether Hitler/Nazis really lost ww2, given how the world has since moved toward totalitarianism, inferring that that was Hitler/Nazi's agenda... total joo-inverted "history".....

Her other issue which has always rubbed me wrong, was her identifying as librul demrat lesbian. Now, how are raising those "wedge issues" going to help bring noobs of all stripes on board with anti-Agenda-21 awareness? Anyways, I digress! She was good on Glenn Beck's show,



^ pretty joowey face (shnoz!) shrouded by that big unhelpful bleach-blond coif!

26th January 2015, 08:32 PM
Interesting info, PatColo.

I will have to go back and listen to EMJ on JF interview to see what you are referring to. Dr. Robert Sungenis, who has now had a falling out with EMJ, has written in an article that the Red Cross data showed there were nowhere near 6 million Jews in all of Europe to be exterminated. That Red Cross data is widely cited in HoloHoax exposers.

I think it is good to show in as much detail as possible how the Jews are using the Blacks and have been for more than a century. There is something very wrong about all the liberals' compassion and concern for people who have become involved in lifestyles that have been manipulated upon them. There is a Black Harlem communist intellectual who busted up the whole Jewish control of Blacks issue in about 1967 and wrote a book on the subject. I would have to look up his name now but EMJ referred to that year in this video and that book is what exposed that scam.

I used to fight locally against A21 but I just have dropped my efforts on a lot of my issues lately because of age and health probs.

By the way, Rosa K. has silver grey hair, her natural color. To me, her unusual hairdo gives her the look of a witch. Koire wrote the book = something like Behind the Green Mask or like that. A Jones has had her on several times but not lately . She is a retired property appraisal expert but now has made a business out of going around giving anti A21 speeches. I do like the way she and her group of people went in to a Bay Area One meeting and busted it up. That was so telling how crooked that all is.

The Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII is often lambasted for being too friendly and nice with Hitler, but Golda Maier and other Jewish leaders praised his efforts in other efforts to help Jews of Germany. I just like to hear all sides, especially on matters that took place decades ago. I am learning to be circumspect about many things and not coming to any firm conclusion or going with any one theory. We have all been seriously lied to in every area of our lives for a very long time. EMJ has written quite a bit on that subject. But like I said, most of EMJ's info is burried in big books or very long articles, so I am glad he is now making an effort to get his views out to a wider audience who just cannot read that much.

mick silver
28th November 2015, 12:10 PM
....I see a movement being started to "IGNITE" a “REVOLUTION" (every person an enemy combatant ) be careful everyone !