View Full Version : Does anyone do satellite Internet?

28th January 2015, 06:24 PM
My old neighbor told me he does satellite Internet for free but no other information when I asked. Most likely pirated somehow but he wouldn't elaborate.

Not even sure if it's possible but he was into all kinds of tech stuff and lived in a tractor trailer that was setup very nice. And to mention had 2 old looking (throw away style) dishes on rotating antenna style directional motors. Also had at least 10 desktop style computers with just as many screens. Seriously the inside of this thing could star in a science fiction movie.

Why I ask is Motorola started the cellular business based off satellites but before that got off ground (heh) the land based cell towers grabbed the market and Motorola bailed. The satellites they put up there fell into the ocean and that game was over. Never really looked into it but am very interested in it. I would guess there would be quite a lag but for what I do that would be just fine.

Any clues for me?

28th January 2015, 06:32 PM
Probably using a hacked system/chip. Carriers used/ still try and spike them. Nothing is free any more, and be legal when it comes to services.

28th January 2015, 06:36 PM
I was going with Hughesnet for $59.98 total.....don't let them bullshit you into something else.....but decided to wait for my free one, might get it next week.


28th January 2015, 06:37 PM
I take that to mean he is using yours or some other unsuspecting neighbors wireless internet with his satellite dish.

mick silver
28th January 2015, 06:37 PM
hey Cebu maybe he works for NSA and he's watching you .... Also had at least 10 desktop style computers with just as many screens. Seriously the inside of this thing could star in a science fiction movie

28th January 2015, 06:58 PM
I take that to mean he is using yours or some other unsuspecting neighbors wireless internet with his satellite dish.
Doubt that, his 'home' was mobile and I had E-glass which stopped signal within a few feet of the windows. WHere I was we had quite a space between properties.

hey Cebu maybe he works for NSA and he's watching you
This was a while back before I moved. I have nothing worth stealing.

28th January 2015, 06:58 PM
I take that to mean he is using yours or some other unsuspecting neighbors wireless internet with his satellite dish.

Try these out Copernicus



28th January 2015, 07:19 PM
Try these out Copernicus


hey that guy looks like he could hit the Starbucks hotspot 5 blocks away.

28th January 2015, 07:49 PM
hey that guy looks like he could hit the Starbucks hotspot 5 blocks away.

There was a youtube about 4 years back of a guy using a satellite dish picking up free hotel wifi access from 5 miles away. He lived on a sloping hill that gave him that ability.

29th January 2015, 07:38 AM
Apparently from dish to computer can all be done thru a signal boosted 30ft. usb cable. One guy out there says he's able to pick up his friends 2miles away running 3gb, he is able to capture upto 300mb

of course he also says in video he pays his friend $20 a month...

my guess is he only ever visits him once every 3 months, then forgets to. lol!

29th January 2015, 01:27 PM
Sucks living in heavily wooded mountains...

mick silver
29th January 2015, 03:55 PM
Sucks living in heavily wooded mountains... no it don't , wouldn't want to live any were else

29th January 2015, 04:31 PM
no it don't , wouldn't want to live any were else

Does if you want to snipe someone elses internet. Other than that it's great!

mick silver
29th January 2015, 04:33 PM
Cebu just pay a large roll of cable and run your own to the pole down the road and also go by the pawn shop and some tree climbing gear