View Full Version : The Time Machine in Australia

Hatha Sunahara
29th January 2015, 12:14 AM
This one is for Glass. AeonDaze, and Serpo who I know live down under--just in case you hadn't caught it yet. I wasn't really aware of the real estate bubble in Australia. I would presume it will pop about the same time the dollar collapses, I hope you guys are prepared for that.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The Time Machine in Australia

The massive brain rot that is observable in the US can perhaps be explained by the “fracking fluid in the drinking water” theory; but what about the rest of the English-speaking world? This is a guest post by Gary Flomenhoft that offers some clues.

I’ve been in Australia (pronounced “Straya”) for four months now. I live in Brisbane and have traveled to Melbourne, the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast, and Stradbroke island. I’ve met my share of Australians around the world over the years. They are all “how’ya going, G-Day mate, no worries,” eternal optimists, and very nice people. They all, every single one of them, say thank you to the bus driver when exiting the public bus. They are happy, they are polite, they are kind. They live thousands of miles from most of the world, and haven’t got a care. Go for a surf, eat some prawns or Moreton Bay bugs, hike in the hills, enjoy life! Obsess about cricket, Australian Football League, National Rugby League, Rugby Union, soccer, any kind of sport.

Their Prime Minister Abbot is a doofus, but entirely harmless, like a Koala. His Putin “shirt-front” turned into a friendly photo-op at the G-20, although his outraged sentiment was entirely understandable after the shoot-down of MH17 with so many Australians on board. But Abbot credulously believed the absurd propaganda spewed out by the US, instantly blaming the Russians, and imposing sanctions as a result, without a shred of evidence. If they had evidence, don’t you think they would parade it all over the press? Duh! All the actual evidence so far, including 30mm bullet holes in the cockpit, point to a Ukrainian Airforce jet shooting it down. Australians remind me of the US in the 1950’s, very naïve and innocent, but no cold war, so truly nothing to worry about. But they reminded me of something else too. I just couldn’t put my finger on it... All blond and tanned, perfect hair, perfect bodies, pure and innocent… It suddenly dawned on me! ELOI!

If you don’t remember, Eloi are the surface dwelling people in HG Wells classic story, The Time Machine portrayed in a Hollywood movie. Tell me they don’t look like Strayans! Here’s a random couple of Strayans copied off the net for comparison:

In Wells story, Eloi are the stupefied descendants of the upper class who are bred and fed on by the subterranean dwelling Morlock cannibals, descendants of the working class. Here are the Hollywood versions of Morlocks:

In the story the Eloi don’t ask any questions and line up voluntarily to be food for the Morlocks on a regular basis. So this obviously begs the question. Who are the modern day Morlocks?

Well, let’s start with someone who is shouting an unheeded and unlikely warning, former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser. In his recent book Dangerous Allies (http://www.smh.com.au/national/people/malcolm-fraser-an-unlikely-radical-20140425-36ze8.html), he advocates rethinking Australia’s military alliance with the US. He thinks it’s an obsolete remnant of the cold war, and time for Australians to go their own way, and seek new alliances in Asia, especially with China, Australia’s biggest trading partner, or get sucked into America’s future military hostilities with China. He should know about dangerous allies, as he participated in Governor General John Kerr’s CIA coup to oust Gough Whitlam, the sitting Prime Minister in 1975, becoming the Prime Minister himself. Fraser also vehemently supported the US genocidal war in Indochina, although now he has regrets. Better late than never…

Australians, to a person I have met so far, feel unbridled loyalty to the US for protecting Darwin from Japanese bombing in WWII, and offer unconditional loyalty in return. Just tell us which of your illegal, immoral wars to join, and we’ll be there pronto! Join the latest Christian Crusade against the jihadists in the middle east for no definable reason or benefit, and gee gosh darnit, we’ll be there in a jiffy. Enrage Islamists near and far, who launch ugly acts of revenge on the streets of Sydney and Brisbane? No problem. We’ll suffer anything for our loyal friends the yanks, or Seppos for slang. (Cocknie: Septic Tank, rhymes with Yank. Septic = Seppo) We won’t even give a thought to the consequences… Eloi! Fraser warns that the US has no friends, just interests.

So who are the Morlocks? Those would have to be the neocon psychopaths from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) who have taken control of US foreign policy, advocating worldwide Empire, full spectrum dominance, and hegemony, like Mr. Torture Dick Cheney. But for a real Morlock that would have to be the Prince of Darkness, Richard Perle, architect of many US covert actions around the world leading to death and destruction everywhere he goes:

Don’t question the neo-con Morlocks, Australian Eloi, just do whatever they say!

But there is another group of Morlocks feeding on the Strayan Eloi, and another unlikely prophet warning Australians, Lynden H. LaRouche Jr. I picked up a CEC rag (http://cecaust.com.au/main.asp?sub=pubs&id=NC_08_01.html) the other day at UQ. CEC stands for Citizen’s Electoral Council, a LaRouche publication. It was an odd mix of brilliant analysis and questionable assertions. We’ll pick out the good parts. The headline was: Australia, UK Must Join BRICS in New Economic Order! “[This] pathway is being blazed by the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and their allies). It opens up a radically different vista: a new, just world economic order of sovereign nation states, collaborating to ensure the Common Good of all of their citizens. Such cooperation will replace the London/Wall Street "free trade" imperial looting system, ending governments' "bail-in/bail-out" sponsorship of its "Too Big to Fail" banks (p. 13); halt its sponsorship of al-Qaeda and ISIS to spread chaos worldwide (p. 4) and justify the fascist-style police states at home; and stop its drive for world war.” Pretty good advice I’d say as Australia is following Wall St. and the City of London financial model, which is likely to go down the drain anytime now. CEC warns against NATO encirclement of Russia, and advocates a “Glass-Steagall type legislation to break up the too big to fail banks into commercial and investment banks, as they were until the 1930’s era Glass-Steagall Act was abolished in the US in 1999, setting the stage for the GFC, that’s global financial crisis in Strayan-speak. CEC has a nice chart of derivatives held by Australian “Systemically Important Banks”:

They also advocate a government (not private) Australian central bank returning monetary sovereignty to Australia. Pretty good advice, I’d say.

So who are the Morlock here? We’ll get to that. But first there is one more way the financial Morlocks are eating Strayans for lunch, the cost of housing. Australians pay almost the highest of anyone in the world for real estate. Isn’t that odd in a country of 23 million people slightly smaller in area than the US that has 330 Million? As a result Strayans are in debt peonage for the rest of their lives if they are lucky enough to own anything. Banks own most of the real estate, so it turns out to be another scam for the banks. Government insists there is a housing shortage which is total nonsense. My friends at Prosper Australia have documented for seven years in a row (http://www.prosper.org.au/2014/11/13/report-speculative-vacancies-7/) that there are 6-46% speculative vacancies held out of use for capital gains, as well as 50% of properties being owned by absentee owners for investment, ie: capital gains since they often don’t even bother to rent them out. In addition land isn’t taxed high enough to remove the speculative gain, so an asset bubble develops that keeps driving land up and up, until it pops of course inevitably. We’re just not there yet. But keep believing that you’ll get your piece of money for nothing and chicks for free... Eloi! Here is the full explanation (http://realestate4ransom.com/).

The Morlock who typifies Wall Street’s parasitic feeding off the Eloi of the world would have to be the one “doing Gods work”, which is Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. In addition to being a Morlock, he is also a vampire-squid.
So Strayans keep feeding yourselves to the neo-con and Wall St. Morlocks. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Ignorance is bliss.


29th January 2015, 12:50 AM
Thanks Hatha, yes I've been pondering the real estate bubble here in oz for some time now. Problem is there is not ONE single strayan I personally know of that thinks there is an asset bubble in real estate.

The truth is that acreage prices have been falling for about the last three years now, if you want to live anywhere within 20 km of the major cities or idyllic eastern seaboard coastal locations expect to pay through the nose, if you want to go rural it is somewhat cheaper (outside of the mining centers) but still no where near as cheap as the states, probably double the cost.

So yes the article is correct in every way, except the part about no one understanding that there is a housing bubble, sure very very few do, I'm a solitary example.

By the way, the bit about the polite stayans is misguided as well, you just need to go out into the outer suburbs and experience the redneck, southern cross sporting tattoo mug and their sense of entitlement to see the REAL Australia. This guy has spent WAY too much time in the yuppie inner city areas to think we're all the same. Not so, there is rude degenerate trailer trash by the plenty the further from the cities one goes.

Case in point, I was at the beach a few weeks back (northern NSW) and there was a cheap Hyundai excel parked just up from where I was sitting having a bite with my eldest son, the young couple get back to the car with kids in tow. Anyhow, they packed up and drove off which was when I noticed three large bags of McDonalds trash left right where they were parked, I didn't see them throw it out, but I asked my son "Did those people leave that trash behind" he replied "yeah Dad, they just opened up the doors and chucked it out before driving off"

We are lucky to have such beautiful places to recreate here, this beach lies in an area where there is idyllic beach after idyllic beach and these grubs think the world is their trash can. Its unbelievable. I guarantee if you asked them to pick it up, they would've told you to rudely "Fuck off" and maybe even got violent, this is the caliber of Australian this guy will never see, he's to busy living with the well healed and try hards to see what the people are REALLY like. We even have a word for them Hatha, they're called Yobo's or bogans. See for yourslef...these sort of people are my neighbors...:rolleyes:


29th January 2015, 03:18 AM
yes sounds like it was actually written by an Australian as we knock ourselves a lot. I think Abbott is far from a benign threat. Guy is establishment all the way. English, Oxford College, Rhodes Scholar so we know he is secret hand shakes and all that. I was looking for that link with this guy because he didn't to have obvious connections. I thought maybe via his wife's side. Any way we can say he's the same as the other traitors in the top job Hawke and Howard.

I disagree with the thanks for saving Darwin. First time I've ever heard that. Only ones who give thanks are the prostitutes who service the US Sailors when they come to town.

All land earmarked for housing development is tightly controlled. It is basically a duopoly here in WA. Two companies secured most of the housing land back from the 50's through to the 70's. The government does some small stuff of their own but otherwise these two companies hold it all. They have roll out plans for 75 years and price expectations of 32 x ROI.

They sell trust units for these developments at 2.5 - 5.0 x ROI for themselves. 20 year old figures so might not be accurate there.

You cannot buy into a trust unless you are known to them. They keep it strictly in the family. That family.

The result is that the house lot has shrunk from 800sqm until the 70's, down to 500 in 2000 now to 300. Town houses are on even smaller but the main thing is that full sized houses are going on 300sqm and that costs $300,000.00 for the land. In 1980 that cost about $20,000.00. I know I bought one.

But most Aussies have barriers that are pretty hard to breach. They thrive on sharing and repeating false urban myths and its hard to defeat belief even with logic and facts.

mick silver
29th January 2015, 03:31 PM
daam glasss for that price I can have 300 ac place

29th January 2015, 04:06 PM
daam glasss for that price I can have 300 ac place

yes those are prices for the regular people suburbs. In the inner city suburbs you can add another $200K. They are dividing larger lots in older suburbs into these smaller ones and the suburbs are more desirable.

I think the answer is to go 45 minutes from town and buy a rural or semi rural lot. 5 acres to 100 acres. ~ $100k.

4th September 2021, 10:02 AM
Good discussion on some current crop Neocons and their hypocrisy and efforts to damage Australia's security, economy and start war criming again.

As example, when USA and NATO had problems with Uyghur Muslim separatists they drone striked them.

Starts a little slow, I'd recommend starting at 35 min. Or if you want the best 15 minutes start at 1:02:40

Robbie Barwick is of the Australian Citizens Party and does good weekly economic news updates on their Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCViMLG8C8qWrbODb00LGDpw).

Daniel Dumbrill- Australian Warmongering Rex Patrick ASPI Xinjiang A Discussion with Robbie Barwick Part 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj3jrYOmQLo)


Part II (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbXX6goVq0E)

4th September 2021, 11:43 AM
Australia comes out of bankruptcy (70 years + 3 days +40 days from the date paper currency was established) in 2022.

Those people are in for a hard time.

I have my Navigator stamps in case they succeed (secede?)