View Full Version : I am confused about the present oil situation.....me..... V

30th January 2015, 10:07 AM
To me that they are now trying to blame the low price of oil for the lack of jobs and the financial situation.....low price of oil should mean that more people should be able to travel to work at a lower price and that the money saved for traveling could be use to buy other things in order to improve the economy....... as far as I am concern the only ones that should be hurting are those working for the oil company and the bankers.

What I see, many things will be going on in price that will have nothing to do with the low price of oil and taxes and excuses will also be blamed for the lower prices.......but........as soon as the price of oil goes up (yes, it will happen) then all the excuses given for higher prices and taxes will remain...... the current price of oil is nothing more than a door way for what I have already said... give a little in order to get a lot more later on.

How about the FREE gasoline that we are giving to the state of Israel?

Sorry about my poor English folks, there is a hell of a lot more that I could write about for the present situation if my English was better.

So, all the above being said........should we blame the price of oil for the unemployment and financial situation?


30th January 2015, 11:08 AM
To me that they are now trying to blame the low price of oil for the lack of jobs and the financial situation.....low price of oil should mean that more people should be able to travel to work at a lower price and that the money saved for traveling could be use to buy other things in order to improve the economy....... as far as I am concern the only ones that should be hurting are those working for the oil company and the bankers.

What I see, many things will be going on in price that will have nothing to do with the low price of oil and taxes and excuses will also be blamed for the lower prices.......but........as soon as the price of oil goes up (yes, it will happen) then all the excuses given for higher prices and taxes will remain...... the current price of oil is nothing more than a door way for what I have already said... give a little in order to get a lot more later on.

How about the FREE gasoline that we are giving to the state of Israel?

Sorry about my poor English folks, there is a hell of a lot more that I could write about for the present situation if my English was better.

So, all the above being said........should we blame the price of oil for the unemployment and financial situation?


The low price of oil appears to have a number of factors contributing to a perfect storm. China and U.S. production have slowed which means a lower demand for energy. During that time U.S. Shale Oil industry was booming even out producing the Saudi's for a little while contributing to a surge of oil on the market. Law of supply and demand dictate that more oil on the market the price has to move to reflect it and has been going down as the Saudi's have not and do not want to decrease production.

Which makes sense as they can remain profitable even at 25-30 dollars a barrel (if I remember correctly I could be wrong) while the U.S. shale industry barely breaks even at 50-55 dollars a barrel. In 6-12 months Oil will climb as there are already a number of shale oil rigs being shut down and further exploration has been halted. This is going to be an energy shock to the system like the 1970's oil crisis. Only it won't be OPEC doing it, but mother nature and the insane economic polices our world leaders pursue. You do not get something for nothing, your money can be infinite the resource backing it (petro dollar) is not and is going to result in some serious pain here soon.

30th January 2015, 11:46 AM
Gold and Silver appear to be holding out against realativistic deflationary pressures well.

Did i speak too soon?

30th January 2015, 11:48 AM
Gold and Silver appear to be holding out against realativistic deflationary pressures well.

Did i speak too soon?

Damnit man, your talking positive about the metals. You know what happens when that happens... :(

30th January 2015, 12:17 PM

Baltic Dry Index @ 632 today. This is a measure of worldwide shipping activity. It's at about a 28 year low.

Women, Men, & People so not subsist on Facebook likes alone.

30th January 2015, 12:22 PM


30th January 2015, 12:44 PM
should we blame the price of oil for the unemployment and financial situation?


Merchants continually do sensitivity studies. Their goal is to maximize their return or whatever it is they choose to maximize. Debt spending is the oil that moves the economy. At four buck gas and nine dollar jobs there are no new cars sold, no trips taken, no tires replaced and nothing in the economy changes hands.

The merchants that run the economy know that this state of affairs only lasts so long and then revolution happens. Lots of shooting and rioting in the streets, lots of people killed, people pay attention to what other people are doing and not what the government is doing.

So we know where society is headed. Lets make a change (low gas prices) and see if good or bad results. If we get bad results we try something else (full scale war in the middle east, mission to Mars or the Moon, put a Hare Krishna in the White House and let everyone gravitate).

mick silver
30th January 2015, 01:42 PM
so if worldwide shipping has drop this low this tell me that this maybe worst then 2007 an2008 . so the rich are parking there big boat .plus could there be a war coming to Russia

30th January 2015, 02:43 PM

It sure looks like that to me.

No world war until deflation hits rock bottom and stagnates there for a few years - just get used to low, or zero, wages.

"You want a raise? 'Afraid not, we just decided to lay you off" - (typical scenario).

30th January 2015, 04:52 PM
Thanks guys but I still say that what is going on is no a natural procedure but planned built one......

What is really funny is that I didn't know or felt that there was anything happening in 2008......I only learned about only a couple of years ago and only because so many people were, and still are, talking about it.


30th January 2015, 05:55 PM
Wonder if they'll just allow Putin and Chin to purchase all the precious metals in the world,

then just stand there with a net once they're toppled?

31st January 2015, 06:10 AM
Baltic Dry Index is 3% below its 29 year low. BDI measures Worldwide Shipping revenues. Sort of like a Dow Index, for world commerce.

Baltic Dry Index in 2015, with 7.3 Billion people, is at the same level as in 1986, when population was about 5 Billion. That's WITH "globalization". What does that tell you about the state of the world economy ?


The world economy is in a state of deep contraction, sometimes known as 'economic depression'.

The US is faking it.

The 5% economic numbers that came out for 3Q 2014 ? 75% of that was an insurance payment related to Obamacare.

31st January 2015, 06:25 AM
Baltic Dry Index is 3% below its 29 year low. BDI measures Worldwide Shipping revenues. Sort of like a Dow Index, for world commerce.

Baltic Dry Index in 2015, with 7.3 Billion people, is at the same level as in 1986, when population was about 5 Billion. That's WITH "globalization". What does that tell you about the state of the world economy ?


The world economy is in a state of deep contraction, sometimes known as 'economic depression'.

The US is faking it.

The 5% economic numbers that came out for 3Q 2014 ? 75% of that was an insurance payment related to Obamacare.

I believe in ponces case you are using the wrong metric.

Seeing he is the T.P king any other market than the one market that he (ponces) is effected by most is not quite right.

These manufactures and their stocks I believe reflects more closely the true state of the economy because when times get hard people try and conserve their supply's more!

The individual company's that make up this important market that ponce should track are these.


They do good and he (ponce) does well, because the wealth he holds (t-paper) its value fluctuates with the market of said manufactures.

T-paper is unique in its ability to be used in making bar charts to track his paper wealth!

Q.E.D !


31st January 2015, 07:48 AM
This may help explain:



31st January 2015, 12:08 PM
I believe in ponces case you are using the wrong metric.

Seeing he is the T.P king any other market than the one market that he (ponces) is effected by most is not quite right.

i was in the garage cleaning and saw my "TP Link" router & switch in a box.

i was thinking - it's almost as if they named it, for Ponce.

31st January 2015, 12:32 PM
Look in the back to see if it says..... "If you don't hold it, you don't own it", only way to know if it was named after little old me.


31st January 2015, 12:34 PM
Look in the back to see if it says..... "If you don't hold it, you don't own it", only way to know if it was named after little old me.


Priceless, you're ego just may outlive you!

Lol !