2nd February 2015, 07:49 PM
Since I didn't see a post about the halftime show here we go:
Here is the entire video in case you missed it:
1 Peter 5:8New King James Version (NKJV)
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because[a] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour
This video breaks down some of the imagery:
Some Comments from that video:
At the end, Katy Perry rode on a "shooting star" in the air, which BTW is actually a space rock that hits the earth, or a meteoroid according to wikki. While on this shooting star she sang "make them say ah ah ah, leave them going ah ah ah!" & "boom boom boom, even brighter then the moon moon moon". These words were sang over an over.
I think it is something to look at. In the book of Revelation, there are several space rocks that hit the earth, and (I believe) the great and mighty day of the Lord begins with a meteor shower. I know the tribulation begins with one as well. These events (Biblically) coincide with God turning the moon to blood, which we are currently experiencing with the #tetrad .
Babylonian Goddess Ishtar was often seen with a lion on a leash or riding a lion. She is Isis, Astarte, Innana, take your pick. All the same. She ties in with Crowleys Thelema and Thelema blends into Scientology. She represents feminine power or energy hence the "run like a girl" commercial. Ishtar was Goddess of love and war. Notice the lyric "every February you'll be my Valentine."
The Superbowl was never in danger. Wait 13 days and hope nothing happens. Remember to them "LOVE is the Law, Love under will." The Friday before Valentines Day is Friday the 13th. The 44th day of the year. I believe there was a 44 shown on the floor during Missy Elliot's Reverse it song. I'm just pointing out what the people who produce these believe. If you think its all just random ideas then I admire your view. There is truth to the saying "ignorance is bliss."
For Hypertiger:
Pepsi symbol = red and blue = royal color
At the 9:11 mark, you see the number 44 and NY? A lot of weird numbers that reverse here.
Ishtar was the goddess of love, war, fertility, and sexuality.
Ishtar was the daughter of Ninurta.[2] She was particularly worshipped in northern Mesopotamia, at the Assyrian cities of Nineveh, Ashur and Arbela (Erbil).[2]
Besides the lions on her gate, her symbol is an eight-pointed star.[3]
Ishtar holding her symbol, Louvre Museum
The lion was her symbol (detail of the Ishtar Gate)
In the Babylonian pantheon, she "was the divine personification of the planet Venus".[2]
Ishtar had many lovers; however, as Guirand notes,
"Woe to him whom Ishtar had honoured! The fickle goddess treated her passing lovers cruelly, and the unhappy wretches usually paid dearly for the favours heaped on them. Animals, enslaved by love, lost their native vigour: they fell into traps laid by men or were domesticated by them. 'Thou has loved the lion, mighty in strength', says the hero Gilgamesh to Ishtar, 'and thou hast dug for him seven and seven pits! Thou hast loved the steed, proud in battle, and destined him for the halter, the goad and the whip.'
Even for the gods Ishtar's love was fatal. In her youth the goddess had loved Tammuz, god of the harvest, and—if one is to believe Gilgamesh —this love caused the death of Tammuz.[2]
Her cult may have involved sacred prostitution,[4] though this is debatable. Guirand referred to her holy city Uruk as the "town of the sacred courtesans" and to her as the "courtesan of the gods
Here is the entire video in case you missed it:
1 Peter 5:8New King James Version (NKJV)
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because[a] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour
This video breaks down some of the imagery:
Some Comments from that video:
At the end, Katy Perry rode on a "shooting star" in the air, which BTW is actually a space rock that hits the earth, or a meteoroid according to wikki. While on this shooting star she sang "make them say ah ah ah, leave them going ah ah ah!" & "boom boom boom, even brighter then the moon moon moon". These words were sang over an over.
I think it is something to look at. In the book of Revelation, there are several space rocks that hit the earth, and (I believe) the great and mighty day of the Lord begins with a meteor shower. I know the tribulation begins with one as well. These events (Biblically) coincide with God turning the moon to blood, which we are currently experiencing with the #tetrad .
Babylonian Goddess Ishtar was often seen with a lion on a leash or riding a lion. She is Isis, Astarte, Innana, take your pick. All the same. She ties in with Crowleys Thelema and Thelema blends into Scientology. She represents feminine power or energy hence the "run like a girl" commercial. Ishtar was Goddess of love and war. Notice the lyric "every February you'll be my Valentine."
The Superbowl was never in danger. Wait 13 days and hope nothing happens. Remember to them "LOVE is the Law, Love under will." The Friday before Valentines Day is Friday the 13th. The 44th day of the year. I believe there was a 44 shown on the floor during Missy Elliot's Reverse it song. I'm just pointing out what the people who produce these believe. If you think its all just random ideas then I admire your view. There is truth to the saying "ignorance is bliss."
For Hypertiger:
Pepsi symbol = red and blue = royal color
At the 9:11 mark, you see the number 44 and NY? A lot of weird numbers that reverse here.
Ishtar was the goddess of love, war, fertility, and sexuality.
Ishtar was the daughter of Ninurta.[2] She was particularly worshipped in northern Mesopotamia, at the Assyrian cities of Nineveh, Ashur and Arbela (Erbil).[2]
Besides the lions on her gate, her symbol is an eight-pointed star.[3]
Ishtar holding her symbol, Louvre Museum
The lion was her symbol (detail of the Ishtar Gate)
In the Babylonian pantheon, she "was the divine personification of the planet Venus".[2]
Ishtar had many lovers; however, as Guirand notes,
"Woe to him whom Ishtar had honoured! The fickle goddess treated her passing lovers cruelly, and the unhappy wretches usually paid dearly for the favours heaped on them. Animals, enslaved by love, lost their native vigour: they fell into traps laid by men or were domesticated by them. 'Thou has loved the lion, mighty in strength', says the hero Gilgamesh to Ishtar, 'and thou hast dug for him seven and seven pits! Thou hast loved the steed, proud in battle, and destined him for the halter, the goad and the whip.'
Even for the gods Ishtar's love was fatal. In her youth the goddess had loved Tammuz, god of the harvest, and—if one is to believe Gilgamesh —this love caused the death of Tammuz.[2]
Her cult may have involved sacred prostitution,[4] though this is debatable. Guirand referred to her holy city Uruk as the "town of the sacred courtesans" and to her as the "courtesan of the gods