View Full Version : Infants masqurading as adults soiled their diapers again.
2nd February 2015, 10:20 PM
It happened again...The knuckle dragging morons are playing games again...The only way they can win is by killing...
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."--Revelation 22:16
1 point up and 2 points down = morning or dawn star.
"Lucifer (/ˈluːsɪfər/ LEW-sif-ər) is the King James Version rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל in Isaiah 14:12. This word, transliterated hêlêl[1] or heylel, occurs only once in the Hebrew Bible and according to the KJV-influenced Strong's Concordance means "shining one, morning star". The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate, which translates הֵילֵל as lucifer,[Isa 14:12] meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing"."
But the evening or dusk star has 2 points up and 1 point down.
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
July 4th = 7/4
Jesus = 74
Lucifer = 74
Son GOD = 74
74 x 3 = 222
February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years).
George Washington's birthday...and where the 87th academy awards are...8+7 = 15 or 5+5+5
March 5 or 3/5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year.
74 x 3 = 222
7 x 43 = 301 takes 2 to tango...With the invisible order of the singularity/reality or GOD to supply the power to visible chaos of the duality of fantasy believed to be reality.
"The Pet Goat" is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1, by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner (ISBN 0026863553). The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the direct instruction teaching style."
"The story gained notoriety because U.S. President George W. Bush, as part of a photo op, was reading it with Florida schoolchildren at the time he was informed of the September 11, 2001 attacks by then White House chief of staff, Andrew Card."
"In modern Satanic theology, the pentagram is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption with the divine- where some traditions advocate the sublimation of the ego or submission to god, Satanism exalts and glorifies it, deifying the human being. The symbol most commonly associated with Satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes pentacle, often confused with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend"
'The Apotheosis of Washington is the fresco painted by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building. The fresco is suspended 180 feet (55 m) above the rotunda floor and covers an area of 4,664 square feet"
I was born the 64th day march 5th
reverse is 46
46/9 = 5.11
First name = Michael = 51
64/9 = 7.11
Last name = Leopard = 71
5.11+7.11 = 12.22
51+71 = 122
Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59
72/59 = 1.22
11/9 = 1.222
7 x 17 = 119
The Apotheosis of Washington depicts George Washington sitting amongst the heavens in an exalted manner, or in literal terms, ascending and becoming a God (apotheosis) or deifying the human being.
Baphomet ( <---Click...As above, so as below.
"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, Sabbatic Goat, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat"--The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, Book of Belial (earth): The Satanic Ritual, pp136
"The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16. The word also refers, in modern parlance, to one who is blamed for misfortunes, often as a way of distracting attention from the real causes."
"Two very similar-appearing male goats were brought into the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur as part of the Holy Service of that day. The high priest cast lots for the two goats. One goat was offered as a burnt offering, as was the bull. The second goat was the scapegoat. The high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and confessed the sins of the people of Israel. The scapegoat was led away and let go in the wilderness according to Leviticus 16:22, although the Talmud adds that it was pushed over a distant cliff."
"In modern Hebrew Azazel is used derogatorily, as in lekh la-Azazel ("go to Azazel"), as in "go to hell"."
"Azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل Azazil) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures, possibly referring to a fallen angel or Satan. The word's first appearances are in Leviticus 16, when in the ritual for Yom Kippur the scapegoat is to be taken to Azazel and cast into the wilderness, but this text by itself is unclear as to the actual identity of Azazel.
The Talmud (Yoma 67b) and later commentators maintain Azazel was the name of the precipitous cliff where the goat met its end."
"The Sigil of the Baphomet: This is a pentacle form (The goats head in the circle), with two points pointing upwards, one downwards, and one to each side. This is an upturned or inversed pentacle."
The scapegoat of the NEW WORLD ORDER lives in the Whitehouse. ( <---Click
2nd February 2015, 10:22 PM
Finger = 59
Prince = 65
The invisible hand wears gloves so that there are no fingerprints...but the effects or visible chaos that hides the invisible order or cause can not be hidden.
59+65 = 124/2 = 62
62 = Elohim
"Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language."
You think that GOD or Jesus or something you were trained to read on a piece of paper gives you justification for your actions.
You all are the supply of my demand for justification.
You are a doomed bonehead.
59th prime = 277
65th prime = 313
277+313 = 590
5/9 = 0.5555555555555555555555
590/5 = 118 reverse is 811
13:31 = 13 x 60 = 780+31 = 811
"Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on 15 March said that the last signal from flight 370 was received at 08:11 Malaysian time."
37 x 5 = 185
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
180 feet = 55 meters
185 x 2 = 370
3 x 185 = 555
37 x 15 = 555
July 4th = 7/4
2 x 37 = 74
Jewish = 74
"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."
"Lamech in the Bible lived 777 years."
Lamech = 42
42 x 37 = 1554
15+54 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
1554/2 = 777
3 x 7 = 21
37 x 21 = 777
Yesterday was 2/1 or the 32nd day
3+2 = 5
32nd prime = 131
Hypertiger = 131
131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
811+118+181 = 1110/2 = 555
73/9 = 8.11
37/9 = 4.11
"4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada."
"4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as "D.A.", "Directory Assistance", or "Information"."
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
born march 5th or 3/5
3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
1st name = Michael = 51 = 151
2nd name = Randal = 50 = 250
3rd name = David = 40 = 340
4th name = Leopard = 71 = 471
151+250+340+471 = 1212
"In 1962 direct-dialed long-distance directory assistance became available. The number in cities with panel and crossbar switching equipment was area code-555-1212, whereas in cities with step-by-step equipment the number was 1-555-1212 (or 112-555-1212) for numbers not local but in the same area code and 1-area code-555-1212 (or 112-area code-555-1212) for numbers in other area codes. In some area codes, the directory assistance center was able to serve the entire area code, but in many, the operator in the principal city of the area code you dialed would connect you onward to a more local directory assistance center for the most up-to-date information."
"51 is a pentagonal number as well as a centered pentagonal number (one of the few numbers to be both)"
Like a star
The atomic number of antimony = 51
is like anti money
total time is 444
March 4th was the original inauguration date of the 1789 US constitution.
3/4 or 3 x 4 = 12 or 4+4+4
37 x 12 = 444
March 4th is 4 months from July 4th
Or 122 days
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
"Preterist theologians typically support the numerical interpretation that 666 is the equivalent of the name and title, Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor from 54-68)"
54+68 = 122
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
122 x 2 = 244
122 x 3 = 366 = number of days in a quantum leap year...1776 was a leap year.
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
121 days?
From march 5th to July 4th is 121 days.
March 4th, 51 BC - Nero, later to become Roman Emperor, is given the title princeps iuventutis (head of the youth).
"Princeps (plural: principes) is a Latin word meaning "first in time or order; the first, chief, the most eminent, distinguished, or noble; the first man, first person."
"Princeps (in this sense usually translated as "First Citizen") was an official title of a Roman Emperor as the title determining the leader in Ancient Rome at the beginning of the Roman Empire. It created the principate Roman imperial system"
"It was first given as a special title to Caesar Augustus in 27 BC, who saw that use of the titles rex (king) or dictator would create resentment amongst senators and other influential men, who had earlier demonstrated their disapproval by supporting the assassination of Julius Caesar. While Augustus had political and military supremacy, he needed the assistance of his fellow Romans to manage the Empire."
Satan/evil is not going to claim Satan/evil is Satan/evil...Satan/evil is going to pretend to be GOD/good...Because you all will refuse to worship or Supply power to Satan/evil....But because you all are ignorant of Truth or GOD/good...Satan/evil can pretend to be GOD/good and fool you into supplying power to Satan/evil masquerading as GOD/good.
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."--Luke 18:19
You know that saying..."all good things come to an end"...
Actually good never comes to an end...but evil pretending to be good does.
Because you all would not want Satan or evil masquerading as GOD or Good to die...
oh dear me oh my...then what would we do?
It is impossible to harm GOD.
It's not my fault you all have worshiped a lie believed to be Truth all your lives.
2nd February 2015, 10:24 PM
You were clueless...from birth to now...and you will be clueless till the day you die unless you figure out how to escape your clueless destiny...
Whether I'm visible to point this out or not...Is irrelevant.
I do not think I'm right
I know I'm right.
Not my fault I'm right or have a clue and you are wrong and have no clue but think you do.
35 = March 5th
12th prime = 37
21st prime = 73
12+21 = 33
11+22+33+44+55 = 165/5 = 33
69+96 = 165
37 x 33 = 1221
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
64th day
64th prime = 311
1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
3rd prime = 5
you get 35 yet?
March 6th is 3/6 or 3 x 6 = 18 or 6+6+6
37 x 18 = 666
65th day
65th prime = 313
555+666 = 1221
12 = L
21 = U
3 = C
5 = E
12+21+3+5 = 41
K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25
11+5+25 = 41
4+1 = 5
41 = Key
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”-Tesla
3rd prime = 5
6th prime = 13
9th prime = 23
5+13+23 = 41 = 13th prime
41 = key
4+1 = 5
5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
23 = 2nd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
123/3 = 41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
5+23+41 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
9/6 = 1.5 or 0.6+0.5+0.5
6/9 = 0.666666666666666666666666666
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 = 51...The angel...Michael
I'm under constant attack by fantasies that want to become realities.
Because reality or Truth needs to supply power to the demand for power by fantasy or a lie that wants to become Truth and ever die.
Unfortunately I can only supply what is needed not what is wanted...the only way you can obtain what you want from when what you need or want is the same or in superposition.
2nd February 2015, 10:27 PM
Point out the lies I'm telling you...
If you could you would...since you can't you don't.
2nd February 2015, 10:30 PM
I post more original material in a day than any of you have in your life.
You just rebroadcast propaganda you like.
2nd February 2015, 10:44 PM
I post more original material in a day than any of you have in your life.
Seriously, why do you bother to?
Riddle me that.
2nd February 2015, 10:58 PM
4,677 Nasdaq close
3 x 1559 = 4677
1559+9551 = 11110/2 = 5555
1559 = 246th prime
246/2 = 123
46+77 = 123/3 = 41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369 + reverse or 963 = 1332
"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."--Mark 13:32
S&P 500 2,021
20+21 = 41
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
Divisors 1, 43, 47, 2021
Sum of divisors 2112
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
43 x 47 = 2021
1492 or the official discovery year of the NEW WORLD which is the NEW WORLD in NEW WORLD ORDER is where Generation A is
Generation X = 1961 to 1981
Generation Y = 1981 to 2001
Generation Z = 2001 to 2021
43 = 4+3 = 7
47 = 4+7 = 11
I was born the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
the 71st year of the 20th century
20th prime = 71
At the peak of 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century.
43 = 14th prime
1+4 = 5
47 = 15th prime
15 = 5+5+5
All may numbers are coming up...because judgment day is close...So all you game players better start practicing gnashing your teeth so that part of the end game is less painful.
Not my fault you cherish the delusion you are on the winning side.
2nd February 2015, 11:06 PM
Seriously, why do you bother to?
Riddle me that.
Can't answer a simple question?
2nd February 2015, 11:09 PM
Seriously, why do you bother to?
Riddle me that.
You deserve fair warning.
If you all insist on continuing to follow the path you are on...supplied with all the information I supply...and you scoff at it.
I will scoff at your screams for help when the consequences of your choice to scoff at me show up.
2nd February 2015, 11:17 PM
Can't answer a simple question?
Look at you...what a tyrant...You are basically an instant gratification drone.
Pounding the table like a spoiled brat.
2nd February 2015, 11:22 PM
Skull and bones.
Bush was a bonesman...At Yale
Yale = their coat of arms (
Motto אורים ותמים (Hebrew) (Urim V'Thummim)
Lux et veritas (Latin)
Motto in English-Light and truth
"In the Hebrew Bible, the Urim and Thummim (Hebrew: האורים והתומים, Standard haʾUrim vəhaTummim Tiberian hāʾÛrîm wəhatTummîm) are associated with the hoshen (High Priest's breastplate)"
Like on this high priest...
Hyper = 72
72 x 6 = 432
432 play time on the video
432+234 = 666
"Katy Perry On Super Bowl Halftime Show: ‘Jaws Will Drop And Faces Will Melt’"
"3-yarder to Julian Edelman with 2:02 remaining Sunday night:"...The game winner
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
2 x 60 = 120+2 = 122
202/2 = 101
101 = 26th prime
26 = GOD
3 yarder
By Number 11
March 5th is the 64th day
64th prime = 311
3rd prime = 5
11 = 5th prime
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
Age 28
28/9 = 3.11
"More recently on a NFL Network interview, Edelman stated that he is Jewish"
2nd February 2015, 11:30 PM
May 22 is the 142nd day of the year. There are 223 days remaining until the end of the year.
142/2 = 71
223 = 48th prime
17/76 = 0.223
37 x 48 = 1776
522/4 = 130.5 rounded is 131
Hypertiger = 131
"Yesterday was February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year"
32nd prime is 131
LI = 51
X = 10
XX = 20
20th prime = 71
The year I was born
X = the 24th letter
X+X = 48
48 x 37 = 1776
2nd February 2015, 11:53 PM
The half time show began with ROAR and ended with FIREWORK
ROAR was the 1st song on the Prism album
FIREWORK was the 4th song on the Teenage dream album.
14 but since FIREWORK came out for ROAR 41
ROAR was released on august 10th.
"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years). There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
"May 22 is the 142nd day of the year (143rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 223 days remaining until the end of the year."
from august 10th, 2013 release date of ROAR to Feb 1, 2015 is...
1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day
1531+1351 = 2882
28/9 = 3.11
82/9 = 9.11
311+113+131 = 555
911+119+191 = 1221
2882/2 = 1441
I'm not making any of this up...It's all facts.
Opinion is based on a French word...the opposite or reverse or antonym of which is...FACT
Meaning everyone is entitled to their fictions or lies they believe are Truth. can choose to worship lies as Truth...but if you think you can escape from the consequences...sorry...that is a fiction or fantasy you believe is a fact or reality.
1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day
13 x 51 = 221 reverse is 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
I'm not going to be burning in a lake of fire.
The lake of fire burns lies to a crisp...Truth can not be harmed.
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Get ready 'cause I’ve had enough
I see it all, I see it now
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
"Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was born in Santa Barbara, California, to Pentecostal pastors Maurice Keith Hudson (born 1947) and Mary Christine Perry (born 1947)"
Michael = 51
"51 is a pentagonal number as well as a centered pentagonal number (one of the few numbers to be both)"
March 5th = 64th day
64th prime = 311
3 x 11 x 59 = 1947
47 = 15th prime
Tiger = 59
19+47 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51
Michael = 51
Katheryn = 102/2 = 51
3rd February 2015, 12:04 AM
Look at you...what a tyrant...You are basically an instant gratification drone.
Pounding the table like a spoiled brat.
Because I asked a perfectly valid question? :rolleyes:
Look here HT, I'm not the one pounding the table like a spoiled brat.
Anyone reading your verbal diarrhea can see that :p
FWIW, your numerology nonsense has no effect on me. I'm an atheist and as such I don't believe numbers have any more power than what one ascibes them and in my case I ascribe them zero power.
Its all just a numerical circus where you parade out one number after the other and try to convince us they have some supernatural significance, which they don't.
Why do you keep posting what you believe to be vital truths to a bunch of people you have no respect for whatsoever.
It doesn't make any sense.
Unless you are either mentally unstable or a proxy for the elites; a mouthpiece for their hatred of humanity that desires to give the impression that they have some supernatural power which I simply don't buy, never have.
So by all means carry on, just remember I'll always regard your numero-ilogical vitriolic outbursts with suspicion and disbelief. :)
The question still remains though. Why would one bother....o)(~
3rd February 2015, 02:10 AM
FIREWORK was released October 26, 2010
reverse of 2010 is 102
Katheryn = 102/2 = 51
1 day after Katy's birthday
2010+102 = 2112
2010-1776 = 234
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7
Michael = 51
7 letters
51 x 7 = 357
357+753 = 1110/2 = 555
234+432 = 666
1110+666 = 1776
F = 6
I = 9
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
R = 18
E = 5
555/3 = 185
37 x 5 = 185
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year.
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
Fire = 6+9+18+5 = 38
3/8 = March 8th...where flight 370 flew into the black hole...and sucked all of you from where you where you are now...reading this.
9/6 = 1.5 or 0.5+0.5+0.5
370 x 1.5 = 555
370/2 = 185
Work = 67
67th day is March 8th.
March 5th is 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
64th day
64+67 = 131
March 8th is where Malaysian Airlines flight 370 vanished.
M = 13
A = 1
131 days later on July 17th or 7/17 Malaysian Airlines flight 370 was shot down
Back to July 4th and FIREWORK
"The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. This Declaration committee operated from June 11, 1776 until July 5, 1776, the day on which the Declaration was published."
June 11 = 6/11
from June 11 or 6/11 to July 4th or 7/4 is
3 weeks, 2 days
or 23 days
32+23 = 55
Satan = 55
Lucifer = 74
June 6th or 611?
55/9 = 6.11
55+74 = 129
611+116 = 727 = 129th prime
June 11 is the 162nd day of the year (163rd in leap years)...1776 was a leap year
163 = 38th prime
FIRE = 38
There are 203 days remaining until the end of the year...203rd prime is 1237
12 x 37 = 444 x 8 = 1776
6 x 11 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51
Michael = 51
July 4th is the 185th day but the 186th day in 1776
186th prime = 1109
Divisors 1, 1109
sum = 1110/2 = 555
"The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776"
"On June 11, the members of the Committee of Five were appointed; they were: John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Livingston of New York, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia"
"Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in immoral acts, and the members were often very involved in politics."
"A rake, short for rakehell (analogous to "hellraiser"), is a historic term applied to a man who is habituated to immoral conduct, particularly womanizing"
"The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais' fictional abbey at Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley."
"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."
"777 is also found in the title of the book 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley pertaining to the law of thelema"
"The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Benjamin Franklin is known to have occasionally attended the club's meetings during 1758 as a non-member during his time in England."
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
3 x 7 = 21
21 x 37 = 777
17 x 58 = 986
360/365 = 0.986
"The design of the Eiffel Tower was originated by Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier, two senior engineers who worked for the Compagnie des Établissements Eiffel, after discussion about a suitable centrepiece for the proposed 1889 Exposition Universelle, a World's Fair which would celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution."
1789 French revolution.
789+987 = 1776
986+1 = 987
Roof of Eiffel Tower 300.65 m (986 ft)
"Different parts of the body have different temperatures. Rectal and vaginal measurements, or measurements taken directly inside the body cavity, are typically slightly higher than oral measurements, and oral measurements are somewhat higher than skin temperature. The commonly accepted average core body temperature (taken internally) is 98.6 °F"
Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius:
1) Take your number in Fahrenheit and subtract 32
2) Multiply the result of step 1 by 5.
3) Divide the result of step 2 by 9.
1) 98.6 - 32 = 66.6
2) 66.6 x 5= 333
3) 333/9= 37 C
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
9 x 37 = 333
1.8 x 37 = 66.6
Pi = 3.1415
31415+51413 = 82828/2 = 41414
Pi x Pi = 9.869
9.87 rounded
987+789 = 1776
3rd February 2015, 02:16 AM
Because I asked a perfectly valid question? :rolleyes:
Look here HT, I'm not the one pounding the table like a spoiled brat.
Anyone reading your verbal diarrhea can see that :p
FWIW, your numerology nonsense has no effect on me. I'm an atheist and as such I don't believe numbers have any more power than what one ascibes them and in my case I ascribe them zero power.
Its all just a numerical circus where you parade out one number after the other and try to convince us they have some supernatural significance, which they don't.
Why do you keep posting what you believe to be vital truths to a bunch of people you have no respect for whatsoever.
It doesn't make any sense.
Unless you are either mentally unstable or a proxy for the elites; a mouthpiece for their hatred of humanity that desires to give the impression that they have some supernatural power which I simply don't buy, never have.
So by all means carry on, just remember I'll always regard your numero-ilogical vitriolic outbursts with suspicion and disbelief. :)
The question still remains though. Why would one bother....o)(~
You asked a question...then stomped your foot like a beyond spoiled brat when your highness was not supplied with an answer quick enough.
"numero-ilogical vitriolic outbursts with suspicion and disbelief"
Point out the can't...If you could you would...sorry...try again.
There is no illogic.
Point out the illogic.
3rd February 2015, 02:25 AM
"supernatural significance"
It's called mathematics...I'm sorry that you do not comprehend mathematics.
The elites?
The so called elites taught you how to read, write, do math, and how to think.
You think you can think you can think you can do think you can think.
You are their first line of defense.
I begin to rise up and point out reality...and you do their dirty work for them...It's so funny how you all think you are against the so called elites...
you all are programed to commit suicide fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.
You all crack me are tools.
The master mind has all you slave minds fighting each all do their dirty work for them...
They have more to fear from an infected paper cut than any of you.
3rd February 2015, 02:30 AM
Numerology has NEVER been proven to have any supernatural significance.
Its not up to me to prove it has validity because I'm not the one making the assertions, thats your job! Which I might say you're failing to do :D
Rambling off a continuous stream of numbers with no relevance is an infantile pursuit, just saying.
I personally don't have a problem with it, just don't expect that I'll believe in your puerile charade.
My only interest in your childish circus is what motivates you, a question which you seem scared to elaborate on :o
3rd February 2015, 02:35 AM
"supernatural significance"
It's called mathematics...I'm sorry that you do not comprehend mathematics.
Numerology is not mathematics.
Numerology is any belief in divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding events.
So there you go.
"Divine", "mystical" and undefined "special relationships" do not constitute the logical application if numeric theory traditionally known as mathematics.
You can cry all you want about it, but that doesn't make it so!
3rd February 2015, 02:37 AM
10:44 PM is when you demanded to "riddle me that"
I was typing out a post while you were waiting for me to drop to my knees and worship the ground you walk upon.
I saw your post shortly after 10:58 and typed out a response by 11:09
but you already lost your mind and typed 11:06
Can't answer a simple question?"
like a beyond spoiled brat.
3rd February 2015, 02:39 AM
Numerology is not mathematics.
So there you go.
"Divine", "mystical" and undefined "special relationships" do not constitute the logical application if numeric theory traditionally known as mathematics.
You can cry all you want about it, but that doesn't make it so!
I'm not using numerology.
I'm using mathematics.
Sorry...It's not my fault you think I'm failing at math.
You show me where I have miscalculated.
since you can will not.
Any time now.
3rd February 2015, 02:41 AM
10:44 PM is when you demanded to "riddle me that"
I was typing out a post while you were waiting for me to drop to my knees and worship the ground you walk upon.
I saw your post shortly after 10:58 and typed out a response by 11:09
but you already lost your mind and typed 11:06
Can't answer a simple question?"
like a beyond spoiled brat.
Last I checked numerology still wasn't 'mathematics'...:D
3rd February 2015, 02:47 AM
From K-12 the mathematics that is taught is what slaves are taught so they can slave for the master lie believed to be Truth better.
The mathematics taught in University is what is taught to the servants so they can slave for the master lie believed to be Truth better.
There is no way to convince me that I'm wrong...Because I know I'm right.
What you think is meaningless to me if it is false.
3rd February 2015, 02:47 AM
I'm not using numerology.
I'm using mathematics.
Nope. Its called numerology.
You're trying to make the point that there is a 'higher' significance to the numbers you post.
That is known as numerology.
Its my opinion that you've failed to prove any 'higher' significance
Its not my fault if you have the mathematical education of a child in the first grade.:rolleyes:
3rd February 2015, 02:48 AM
Last I checked numerology still wasn't 'mathematics'...:D
You can point out the illogic anytime
You can point out the miscalculation at any time.
You have had months.
3rd February 2015, 02:50 AM
From K-12 the mathematics that is taught is what slaves are taught so they can slave for the master lie believed to be Truth better.
The mathematics taught in University is what is taught to the servants so they can slave for the master lie believed to be Truth better.
There is no way to convince me that I'm wrong...Because I know I'm right.
What you think is meaningless to me if it is false.
Photos or it didn't
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm just making an assertion which you're entitled to prove is wrong, but you seem incapable of doing that without throwing a childish tantrum.
3rd February 2015, 02:51 AM
Nope. Its called numerology.
You're trying to make the point that there is a 'higher' significance to the numbers you post.
That is known as numerology.
Its my opinion that you've failed to prove any 'higher' significance
Its not my fault if you have mathematical education of a child in the first grade.:rolleyes:
It's not my fault that you can not point out what you are posting about...sorry...
You are now making a fool of yourself.
3rd February 2015, 02:52 AM
You can point out the illogic anytime
You can point out the miscalculation at any time.
You have had months.
See here is another illogical outburst, "anytime" you say, but suddenly now is too late?
3rd February 2015, 02:55 AM
It's not my fault that you can not point out what you are posting about...sorry...
You are now making a fool of yourself.
Really? Thanks, though I don't take advice from illogical posters throwing tantrums.
Feel free to prove to me your diatribe of gibberish is logical.
3rd February 2015, 03:00 AM
Photos or it didn't
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm just making an assertion which you're entitled to prove is wrong, but you seem incapable of doing that without throwing a childish tantrum.
Sorry you have to provide proof.
You are the one that is failing...I know it...All the people you can not see that are watching know just do not know it.
This is the world wide web you are caught in.
Are you aware of this?
The masters or owners of the internet/servant of drug gave it away for free at the start to get all you slaves or addicts hooked.
Whenever you connected to it...that was over.
I helped to build it.
"English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca. It is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states and the most commonly spoken language in sovereign states including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union and of the United Nations, as well as of many world organisations."
"English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and what is now southeast Scotland"
"In computer science, a high-level programming language is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or may automate (or even hide entirely) significant areas of computing systems (e.g. memory management), making the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language. The amount of abstraction provided defines how "high-level" a programming language is"
English is the highest high level programing language since it is at the highest level of the abstraction hierarchy.
Numerical machine code is at the lowest level.
Not my fault you are asleep and have accepted the program you have accepted and are following it to the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
I was born impervious to mind control.
Which makes me immune to the parlor tricks you have been and are constantly mesmerized by.
3rd February 2015, 03:05 AM
Really? Thanks, though I don't take advice from illogical posters throwing tantrums.
Feel free to prove to me your diatribe of gibberish is logical.
There is no such thing as illogic.
Illogic is a word that was invented by people that do not comprehend logic.
3rd February 2015, 03:13 AM
Sorry you have to provide proof.
You are the one that is failing...I know it...All the people you can not see that are watching know just do not know it.
This is the world wide web you are caught in.
Are you aware of this?
The masters or owners of the internet/servant of drug gave it away for free at the start to get all you slaves or addicts hooked.
Whenever you connected to it...that was over.
I helped to build it.
"English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca. It is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states and the most commonly spoken language in sovereign states including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union and of the United Nations, as well as of many world organisations."
"English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and what is now southeast Scotland"
"In computer science, a high-level programming language is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or may automate (or even hide entirely) significant areas of computing systems (e.g. memory management), making the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language. The amount of abstraction provided defines how "high-level" a programming language is"
English is the highest high level programing language since it is at the highest level of the abstraction hierarchy.
Numerical machine code is at the lowest level.
Not my fault you are asleep and have accepted the program you have accepted and are following it to the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
I was born impervious to mind control.
Which makes me immune to the parlor tricks you have been and are constantly mesmerized by.
Thats nice and all HT, but you still haven't proved that the circus of numbers you continually post has a 'higher' significance.
Just remember you are the one who is making the assertion about these so called 'mystical' numbers of yours,, not me, I'm just asking that you back it up with a logical explanation that satisfactorily proves beyond any reasonable doubt that these numbers of yours are exactly as you purport.
You want to avoid supplying the requisite proof by conflating the subject further. Its should be a simple explanation, but you want to shroud it in more puerile assertions about linguistics. How convenient.
Feel free to prove these numbers of yours have a 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
3rd February 2015, 03:31 AM
Thats nice and all HT, but you still haven't proved that the circus of numbers you continually post has a 'higher' significance.
Just remember you are the one who is making the assertion about these so called 'mystical' numbers of yours,, not me, I'm just asking that you back it up with a logical explanation that satisfactorily proves beyond any reasonable doubt that these numbers of yours are exactly as you purport.
You want to avoid supplying the requisite proof by conflating the subject further. Its should be a simple explanation, but you want to shroud it in more puerile assertions about linguistics. How convenient.
Feel free to prove these numbers of yours have a 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
show me what you mean by the circus of numbers...
You can you won't.
Should be simple.
I'm waiting for you to point out the illogic you claim.
all my posts are composed of facts.
Your posts are filled with sophistry.
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus
"A lie which is finite is designed to masquerade as Truth and since Truth is infinite and never changes a lie must mimic Truth by Not changing."--Hypertiger
3rd February 2015, 03:37 AM
show me what you mean by the circus of numbers...
You can you won't.
Should be simple.
I'm waiting for you to point out the illogic you claim.
all my posts are composed of facts.
Your posts are filled with sophistry.
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus
"A lie which is finite is designed to masquerade as Truth and since Truth is infinite and never changes a lie must mimic Truth by Not changing."--Hypertiger
More unfounded gibberish.
You make a claim about these numbers of yours, so where is the 'mystical' or 'higher' significance you tirelessly purport exists.
Remember its not my assertion HT, its yours!
Feel free to provide the requisite proof that emphatically shows these numbers of yours have a 'higher' significance.
3rd February 2015, 03:41 AM
Thats nice and all HT, but you still haven't proved that the circus of numbers you continually post has a 'higher' significance.
Just remember you are the one who is making the assertion about these so called 'mystical' numbers of yours,, not me, I'm just asking that you back it up with a logical explanation that satisfactorily proves beyond any reasonable doubt that these numbers of yours are exactly as you purport.
You want to avoid supplying the requisite proof by conflating the subject further. Its should be a simple explanation, but you want to shroud it in more puerile assertions about linguistics. How convenient.
Feel free to prove these numbers of yours have a 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
no you are just a game player...
that is why you log on to the internet.
You are seeking support for or to promote your delusions of grandeur.
The language you are using to communicate with me was constructed before you or your parents or their parents were born and programed to speak and write it.
"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open."--Revelation 3:7
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
That is my third name David.
David = 40
First name Michael = 51
40+51 = 91
A pregnant female is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months
5 x 5 = 25
25 x 37 = 925
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."
7.5 x 2 = 15 or 5+5+5
9.25 weeks = 9 months 1 week
New = 42
Born = 49
Newborn = 91
I do not care in the slightest what you think Aeondaze.
It is no different at a simplistic level than any of the other millions and ultimately billions of drones within the global absolute capitalist hierarchy.
3rd February 2015, 03:46 AM
More unfounded gibberish.
You make a claim about these numbers of yours, so where is the 'mystical' or 'higher' significance you tirelessly purport exists.
Remember its not my assertion HT, its yours!
Feel free to provide the requisite proof that emphatically shows these numbers of yours have a 'higher' significance.
"'mystical' or 'higher' significance you tirelessly purport exists." <--- your assertion
Show me where I purport a mystical higher significance
Sorry I can play the I'm not playing the game you are trying to get me to play with you...FOREVER<---My assertion
3rd February 2015, 03:50 AM
no you are just a game player...
that is why you log on to the internet.
I do not care in the slightest what you think Aeondaze.
It is no different at a simplistic level than any of the other millions and ultimately billions of drones within the global absolute capitalist hierarchy.
I'm a game player because I merely ask the that you back up these ridiculous assertions with some proof that they have a higher significance? Right, unlike you it is neither here nor there for me HT. I approach the whole issue with equanimity.
If you don't care what I think why do you keep posting responses?
"The lady doth protest too much methinks" ;)
By all means, feel free to prove these numbers of yours have a 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
3rd February 2015, 03:53 AM
Your opinion = "More unfounded gibberish."
opinion is based on a French word and the opposite/reverse or antonym of which is fact <---fact
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition." <---fact
A pregnant female is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months <---fact
5 x 5 = 25 <---fact
25 x 37 = 925 <---fact
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925." <---fact
9.25 weeks = 9 months 1 week <---fact
New = 42 <---fact
Born = 49 <---fact
Newborn = 91 <---fact
Neo = New = Newb = Newborn
Not my fault you spent your entire existence worshiping ignorance as bliss.
3rd February 2015, 03:56 AM
"'mystical' or 'higher' significance you tirelessly purport exists." <--- your assertion
Show me where I purport a mystical higher significance
Sorry I can play the I'm not playing the game you are trying to get me to play with you...FOREVER<---My assertion
So you are finally admitting that these numbers you keep posting have been relegated to the realm of the mundane?
OK, thats a good start.
Thank you.
Finally you implicitly admit that this numeric diarrhea that you incessantly spew has no great significance whatsoever.
3rd February 2015, 03:58 AM
I'm a game player because I merely ask the that you back up these ridiculous assertions with some proof that they have a higher significance? Right, unlike you it is neither here nor there for me HT. I approach the whole issue with equanimity.
If you don't care what I think why do you keep posting responses?
"The lady doth protest too much methinks" ;)
By all means, feel free to prove these numbers of yours have a 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
I do not have to prove that they have 'mystical' or 'higher' significance
Because I'm not the one claiming that they do.
You are the one claiming I'm purporting that what I post has 'mystical' or 'higher' significance.
then demanding I back up claims I'm not even making with poof.
Sorry I can play the I'm not playing the game you are trying to get me to play with you...FOREVER<---My assertion
3rd February 2015, 04:03 AM
So you are finally admitting that these numbers you keep posting have been relegated to the realm of the mundane?
OK, thats a good start.
Thank you.
Finally you implicitly admit that this numeric diarrhea that you incessantly spew has no great significance whatsoever.
You are the one spewing diarrhea...sorry.
I'm not here posting for you...I'm not looking for cyber sexual partners.
I post information...You can choose to use or abuse it how you see fit.
3rd February 2015, 04:05 AM
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition." <---fact
So 3 and 7 are perfect numbers? There you go. This is the higher significance gibberish that you incessantly spew. You're contradicting yourself HT!
Just because the Hebrews thought they were 'perfect' doesn't make them so.
See, this is the mistake you make HT, you take the opinion of the Hebrews as fact.
You need to apply a more rigorous approach to this neurological study of yours, or you'll fall for any lie, 3 and 7 are just numbers.
Prove to me 3 and 7 are 'perfect', they are prime numbers to be sure, but that doesn't make a number perfect. Infact attributing human qualities to numbers defies logic.
So in what sense is 3 and 7 'perfect'?
I think you are going to have to define what 'perfect' is in this sense as well, that would help your cause.
3rd February 2015, 04:07 AM
I'm smarter than you and know more that you have the courage to dare to know <---Fact
I know more about the theory or everything than you know about the theory of anything <---Fact
I know more about the history of the USA and world than you could ever possibly become aware of since the effort required as an investment into such an endeavor would break you <---Fact
3rd February 2015, 04:09 AM
I'm not here posting for you...I'm not looking for cyber sexual partners.
hahaha, classic stuff!:p
3rd February 2015, 04:11 AM
I'm smarter than you and know more that you have the courage to dare to know <---Fact
I know more about the theory or everything than you know about the theory of anything <---Fact
I know more about the history of the USA and world than you could ever possibly become aware of since the effort required as an investment into such an endeavor would break you <---Fact
Good for you HT.
Though you still haven't proved to me that 3 and 7 are 'perfect' numbers...:rolleyes:
3rd February 2015, 04:12 AM
So 3 and 7 are perfect numbers? There you go. This is the higher significance gibberish that you incessantly spew.
Just because the Hebrews thought they were 'perfect' doesn't make them so.
See, this is the mistake you make HT, you take the opinion of the Hebrews as fact.
You need to apply a little more rigorous approach to this neurological study of yours, or you'll fall for any lie, 3 and 7 are just numbers.
Prove to me 3 and 7 are 'perfect', they are prime numbers to be sure, but that doesn't make a number perfect. Infact attributing human qualities to numbers defies logic.
So in what sense is 3 and 7 'perfect'?
I think you are going to have to define what 'perfect' in this sense as well, that would help your cause.
"under Hebrew tradition" omitted that.
You have a problem with the below
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition." <---fact
Cry to the Hebrews...not me.
It's up to you to do some work.
But like all mentally and/or physically lazy people you will slave yourself to death to maintain your mental and or physical laziness <---fact
Keep up the good work of proving me right trying to prove me wrong. <---fact
And proving the below quote
"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everybody (All who choose to employ absolute self indulgent reason) gets busy on the proof."--John Kenneth Galbraith
3rd February 2015, 04:15 AM
Good for you HT.
Though you still haven't proved to me that 3 and 7 are 'perfect' numbers...:rolleyes:
I do not have to.
GOD or Truth helps those who help themselves.
It is up to you to stand on your own two feet...Not up to everyone and everything else in the Universe to sustain your candy ass.
Unless of course you can prove to me you are handicapped.
3rd February 2015, 04:22 AM
The quickest way to prove yourself right is to constantly prove yourself wrong = path of most effort
The slowest way to prove yourself wrong is to constantly prove yourself right = path of least effort <---mindless path which all and everything in the universe that is ignorant of truth follows by default.
It's why it took monkeys 1000's of years to figure out how to boil water to produce steam or create a steam engine of creation.
It's what path you followed to get from your first post to this post you are reading right now.
3rd February 2015, 04:32 AM
"under Hebrew tradition" omitted that.
You have a problem with the below
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition." <---fact
Cry to the Hebrews...not me.
It's up to you to do some work.
But like all mentally and/or physically lazy people you will slave yourself to death to maintain your mental and or physical laziness <---fact
Keep up the good work of proving me right trying to prove me wrong. <---fact
Still haven't proved why 3 and 7 are 'perfect' numbers HT, or even what 'perfect' means in this context...sorry old chap!
I do not have to.
GOD or Truth helps those who help themselves.
OK, fine don't prove your assertions, lets just leave it there as pure supposition. I'm atheist HT, I donlt believe in God or the devil or any other superstitious hocus-pocus. You'll have to do better than that!:D
The quickest way to prove yourself right is to constantly prove yourself wrong = path of most effort
The slowest way to prove yourself wrong is to constantly prove yourself right = path of least effort <---mindless path which all and everything in the universe that is ignorant of truth follows by default.
It's why it took monkeys 1000's of years to figure out how to boil water to produce steam or create a steam engine of creation.
It's what path you followed to get from your first post to this post you are reading right now.
Hey, don't go hatin' on the monkeys HT, its not my fault you evolved from one!
3rd February 2015, 04:37 AM
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
"When Roosevelt told Morgenthau he was thinking of raising the price of gold by 21 cents, his entourage asked him why. "It's a lucky number", Roosevelt said. "Because it's three times seven." As Morgenthau later wrote, "If anybody knew how we really set the gold price through a combination of lucky numbers, etc., I think they would be frightened."
"Henry Morgenthau, Jr. ( May 11, 1891 – February 6, 1967) was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal. After 1937, while still in charge of the Treasury, he played the central role in financing US participation in World War II"
Hypertiger = 131
Roosevelt = 131
"May 11 is the 131st day of the year. There are 234 days remaining until the end of the year."
360/5 = 72
72 x 6 = 432 reverse is 234
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
357+753 = 1110 = 30 x 37
234+432 = 666 = 18 x 37
1110+666 = 1776
Unless you choose to find the above significant.
Like the time stamp of the post...4:37
4 x 37 = 148 x 3 = 444 x 8 = 1776
With 17/76 = 0.223
2.23 being the square root of 5
223 being the 48th prime
Or 48 x 37 bring 1776
or that this is post 50
1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7
7+3 = 10/2 = 5
15+35 = 50
"In Euclidean geometry, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron with congruent faces of regular polygons and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Five solids meet those criteria, and each is named after its number of faces"
"Geometers have studied the mathematical beauty and symmetry of the Platonic solids for thousands of years. They are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids"
Tetrahedron (four faces)
Cube or hexahedron (six faces)
Octahedron (eight faces)
Dodecahedron (twelve faces)
Icosahedron (twenty faces)
4+6+8+12+20 = 50
3rd February 2015, 04:41 AM
Still haven't proved why 3 and 7 are 'perfect' numbers HT, or even what 'perfect' means in this context...sorry old chap!
OK, fine don't prove your assertions, lets just leave it there as pure supposition. I'm atheist HT, I donlt believe in God or the devil or any other superstitious hocus-pocus. You'll have to do better than that!:D
Hey, don't go hatin' on the monkeys HT, its not my fault you evolved from one!
Not my fault you are one and have been trained/socially engineered/programed from birth to cherish the delusion you are a human being...But act like an animal.
this time stamp is 4:41
It's post 51
Michael = 51
3 x 3 x 7 x 7 = 441
The first 51 primes add up to 5153
5153-1776 = 3377
3377+7733 = 5555
100% grab you by the hair and rub your face in your own diarrhea fact.
In's worse...people actually die or collapse and have to be taken away by ambulance.
since this has been going on for decades...It's no big deal to me really.
3rd February 2015, 04:44 AM
Insignificant. Unless you choose to find the above significant.
EXACTLY HT. You are getting there!
They are insignificant numbers.
YOU are the one ascribing them with an undefined significance that which you can't explain.
To me, they're insignificant. Outside of coincidence, they're just numbers until you can prove otherwise. ;)
3rd February 2015, 04:45 AM
Not my fault you are one and have been trained/socially engineered/programed from birth to cherish the delusion you are a human being...But act like an animal.
And its not my fault you're just another dumb monkey on the internet posting puerile drivel!
3rd February 2015, 04:59 AM
this time stamp is 4:41
It's post 51
Michael = 51
3 x 3 x 7 x 7 = 441
The first 51 primes add up to 5153
5153-1776 = 3377
3377+7733 = 5555
What is the significance of these numbers HT?
IMO, you're just posting a circus of numbers
3rd February 2015, 05:00 AM
"5 is believed to be the only odd untouchable number. "
Note how 5 is odd in that it is untouched or unmoved.
I do not believe this...I know this...and you all should too by now.
I'm living it...under constant attack...
3rd February 2015, 05:06 AM
"5 is believed to be the only odd untouchable number. "
Note how 5 is odd in that it is untouched or unmoved.
I do not believe this...I know this...and you all should too by now.
I'm living it...under constant attack...
HT, there are MANY counting systems.
For example in a hexadecimal counting system 5 is not in any way shape or form 'untouched' or 'unmoved'.
So you're assumption is only coincidentally relevant in a decimal counting system.
That is hardly significant.
No ones attacking you HT, thats just your paranoia talking.
I'm merely questioning your absurd assumptions.
Celtic Rogue
3rd February 2015, 05:08 AM
I post more original material in a day than any of you have in your life.
You just rebroadcast propaganda you like.
"Original Material" does not always equal something of substance! I shit out original turds everyday but I do not post pictures of them here and expect anyone to think that it is something quality!
You seem to think you have a lock on intelligence! Let me give you a clue... If what you post makes no sense to anyone on the forum... That doesnt make you superior! It makes you a failure because what you post is useless if those that you post it here to read dont read it for what ever reason!
Are you posting for your own ego? I would assume that most people post to engage in debate or to inform! Your posts do neither!
3rd February 2015, 07:22 AM
I was born March 5th (
"Reading the Bible was banned for 1230 years
The Church banned the reading of the Bible by laity. Penalties included being stoned to death or being burned at the stake after confiscation of real and personal property.
Reading of the Bible was banned for 1230 years, starting with the First Council of Constantinople in 381 (attended by Pope Damasus).
After he suppressed the Bible, Damasus (Pope from 366-384) created an array of formidable penances and additional anathemas ‘designed to keep the curious at bay’5, the chief tendency of the priesthood was to keep the Bible away from people and substitute Church authority as the rule of life and belief.
Owning a Bible was a criminal offence
In 860, Pope Nicholas I, sitting high on a throne built specially for the occasion in the town square, pronounced against all people who expressed interest in reading the Bible, and reaffirmed its banned public use (Papal Decree). In 1073, Pope Gregory supported and confirmed the ban, and in 1198, Pope Innocent III declared that anybody caught reading the Bible would be stoned to death by ‘soldiers of the Church military’ (Diderot’s Encyclopedia, 1759). In 1229, the Council of Toulouse, ‘to be spoken of with detestation’, passed another Decree ‘that strictly prohibits laics from having in their possession either the Old or New Testaments; or from translating them into the vulgar tongue’. By the 14th Century, possession of a Bible by the laity was a criminal offence and punishable by whipping, confiscation of real and personal property, and burning at the stake.
With the fabricated Christian texts safely hidden from public scrutiny by a series of Decrees, popes endorsed the public suppression of the Bible for twelve hundred and thirty years, right up until after the Reformation and the printing of the King James Bible in 1611."
3rd February 2015, 07:25 AM
"Original Material" does not always equal something of substance! I shit out original turds everyday but I do not post pictures of them here and expect anyone to think that it is something quality!
You seem to think you have a lock on intelligence! Let me give you a clue... If what you post makes no sense to anyone on the forum... That doesnt make you superior! It makes you a failure because what you post is useless if those that you post it here to read dont read it for what ever reason!
Are you posting for your own ego? I would assume that most people post to engage in debate or to inform! Your posts do neither!
I'm not posting for you or aeondaze.
I have no idea why you think I care about any of you in the slightest...I watch you all die...It's what you want to do...I try to help you avoid dying...but you all are stubborn...It's your programing...the more I try to prevent you from committing suicide...the harder you try to.
3rd February 2015, 07:38 AM
I'm not posting for you or aeondaze.
I try to help you avoid dying...
Do you even proof read what you write?
You posts TOTALLY lack any logical basis
3rd February 2015, 07:46 AM
HT, there are MANY counting systems.
For example in a hexadecimal counting system 5 is not in any way shape or form 'untouched' or 'unmoved'.
So you're assumption is only coincidentally relevant in a decimal counting system.
That is hardly significant.
No ones attacking you HT, thats just your paranoia talking.
I'm merely questioning your absurd assumptions.
Yes you are attacking me.
It's up to you to break free of the mind control you are under...I can not break you free from it.
You will fight to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.
5 = half
1 is the bottom of the wave and 9 is the top
159+951 = 1110/2 = 555
You are slaves to your an animal...and your emotions are the strings or servants pulled by the invisible hand of the master mind to manipulate all you slave minds without your knowledge into doing the bidding of the master mind.
When I'm visible you all attack me since you log on to the internet seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.
A cherished delusion is a lie you believe is Truth or reasonable assumption that you have fallen in love with.
You will fight to the death to protect what you cherish from harm.
I annihilate lies and shatter delusions.
That is why you have all of a sudden popped up.
Because I'm harming your cherished delusion of grandeur.
You are an ignorance worshiping game player.
You do not even have a clue what numbers represent at all.
I'm not one of you...I look like one of you...but I'm not...sorry.
I'm not a worshiper of ignorance.
you are.
3rd February 2015, 07:52 AM
Do you even proof read what you write?
You posts TOTALLY lack any logical basis
You do not comprehend logic...sorry.
You are and have been committing suicide all your life.
You are asleep dreaming you are awake right now....really...not my fault if you cherish the delusion you are not...that is your problem to solve...not my problem to solve.
It's almost a comedy at this point...I have been watching you all for 17 years closely...Since the Internet allows me to study you all like bacteria...since bacteria are ignorant of Truth and follow the path of least effort...just like you all are ignorant of Truth and follow the path of least effort....and in that time the clocks have all ticked...but you all have made zero progress.
In fact you all have spent the past 17 years dumbing yourself down while cherishing the delusion you have been smartening yourselves up
You have used the tools given to you as play games with each other and me.
I just watch you commit suicide and die trying to convince me that is not what you are doing.
3rd February 2015, 08:06 AM
Yes you are attacking me.
5 = half
1 is the bottom of the wave and 9 is the top
159+951 = 1110/2 = 555
Again, you're paranoia is getting the better of you, I'm not attacking you, disagreeing sure, attacking? No
No, 5 is not a half, 0.5 is a half.
5 is half of ten sure, but thats not what you're trying to say with your ingnorant pigeon math is it?
You are and have been committing suicide all your life.
I hate to break it to you HT, suicide is a decisive act with finality, you can't commit suicide over a lifetime.
You can make poor lifestyle choices which end in death, like an alcoholic, but thats not the same as suicide no matter how much you would like to assert that it is.
3rd February 2015, 08:07 AM
"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"
The path of least can see what are called pathological curves in the two charts.
This chart ( drawn by mindless bacteria following the path of least effort.
This chart ( drawn by the population that supposedly is not mindless but is following the exact same pathological path of least effort as mindless bacteria.
Sorry...It's not my fault you are oblivious...It really does not matter...If you can not wake up...You will be forced to wake up at some point.
3rd February 2015, 08:10 AM
"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"
The path of least can see what are called pathological curves in the two charts.
This chart ( drawn by mindless bacteria following the path of least effort.
This chart ( drawn by the population that supposedly is not mindless but is following the exact same pathological path of least effort as mindless bacteria.
Sorry...It's not my fault you are oblivious...It really does not matter...If you can not wake up...You will be forced to wake up at some point.
No argument from me. I love me the base of a natural log.
Its refreshing to see you make sense for a change. :)
3rd February 2015, 08:15 AM
Again, you're paranoia is getting the better of you, I'm not attacking you, disagreeing sure, attacking? No
No, 5 is not a half, 0.5 is a half.
5 is half of ten sure, but thats not what you're trying to say with your ingnorant pigeon math is it?
I hate to break it to you HT, suicide is a decisive act with finality, you can't commit suicide over a lifetime.
You can make poor lifestyle choices which end in death, like an alcoholic, but thats not the same as suicide no matter how much you would like to assert that it is.
Yes you can...there is gradual absolute capitalism...and violent absolute capitalism.
All the cells in your animal body which is an anchor for your perspective or awareness of the Universe are absolute capitalistic...they take more power than they give to sustain their existence...more and more until their demand becomes greater than the supply then your body violently implodes to absolute 0 or back into thin air from where it came from.
your cells are ignorant of truth like you and they just follow the path of least effort.
You are not going to teach me a lesson...sorry.
I told you...I know more about everything than you know about anything.
I know how the entire system you were created out of thin air within and depend upon for life support actually works.
I'm sorry but the economics of reality is the supply of power to the demand for power by the economics of fantasy you believe to be reality.
3rd February 2015, 08:28 AM
No argument from me. I love me the base of a natural log.
Its refreshing to see you make sense for a change. :)
e = 5
e x e = 7.389
738/2 = 369/3 = 123/3 = 41
4+1 = 5
You are just a typical absolute capitalist drone that takes more power than you give following the path of least effort to the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.
The funny part is you think I'm your friend.
I'm not.
You are basically begging me to supply your demand for death and do not even know that is what you are doing.
You all have zero idea what weaklings you are.
There is no paranoia...You all have been trying to annihilate me since shortly after sweet lovable baby stage.
The Internet lowers me down and raises you up.
I assure you...This is charity work I'm doing...
Why do I post here?
Because the domain master has not pressed a button to cause a 1 to turn into a 0 or a 0 to turn into a 1 and close a logic gate or slam the door shut.
3rd February 2015, 08:42 AM
I looks like we have one of the lost ET's from Roswell posting here with us......... "Duna oquin dayava" = hello brother hahhahahhhaha
3rd February 2015, 08:44 AM
All the cells in your animal body which is an anchor for your perspective or awareness of the Universe are absolute capitalistic
your cells are ignorant of truth like you and they just follow the path of least effort.
You are not going to teach me a lesson...sorry.
I told you...I know more about everything than you know about anything.
Your cells are exactly the same as everybody elses in regards to function and form.
e = 5
e x e = 7.389
The funny part is you think I'm your friend.
e =/ 5
e ~ 2.71828
Come on HT, wheres the consistency, you're starting to slip up again...
And no, I don't think you're my friend. Your just trying to flatter yourself, which is the sign of an egomaniac.
What is the derivative of ex, thats right its ex.
How about some calculus HT, this pigeon math of yours is boring and mundane...
3rd February 2015, 08:46 AM
The DOW just now...significant to you?
The low yesterday was 17,038
It's up almost 400 points.
You all would be better off figuring out how to milk the world.
the top was way back on boxing day...18,103
To yesterday at 17,038 was a total of 1065 points.
I was pointing it out back then to anyone that was interested...
1065 = 3 x 5 x 71
500th prime = 3571
My birthday is 3/5/71
3rd February 2015, 08:51 AM
The DOW just now...significant to you?
The low yesterday was 17,038
It's up almost 400 points.
You all would be better off figuring out how to milk the world.
the top was way back on boxing day...18,103
To yesterday at 17,038 was a total of 1065 points.
I was pointing it out back then to anyone that was interested...
1065 = 3 x 5 x 71
500th prime = 3571
My birthday is 3/5/71
No, not really. I'm more interested in rates of change because we don't live in th static universe you portray with your pigeon math.
WOW, you're almost exactly the same age as me! Give or take a few units of singnificance? lol
Is this Significant?
Maybe for you, but not for me. hahaha ;)
3rd February 2015, 08:53 AM
Your cells are exactly the same as everybody elses in regards to function and form.
e =/ 5
e ~ 2.71828
Come on HT, wheres the consistency, you're starting to slip up again...
And no, I don't think you're my friend. Your just trying to flatter yourself, which is the sign of an egomaniac.
What is the derivative of ex, thats right its ex.
How about some calculus HT, this pigeon math of yours is boring and mundane...
I'm not here to supply you with anything other than what you need.
The universe is perfectly fair, all and everything in the universe is supplied with what all and everything needs or deserves, and there is no hope.
If you find what I post boring an mundane...Then that is what you deserve.
You are never supplied with what you want...but you are always supplied with what you need...
The only way you can obtain what you want is when what you need and want are the same.
It is impossible for you to refuse to supply me with what I need.
No matter how hard you try to avoid supplying me with what I deserve.
I told you...I can play the I'm not playing the game you are attempting to play with me...forever.
Look up the meaning of see how long I will continue supplying your demands for YES or Victory with NO or defeat.
3rd February 2015, 09:02 AM
No, not really. I'm more interested in rates of change because we don't live in th static universe you portray with your pigeon math.
WOW, you're almost exactly the same age as me! Give or take a few units of singnificance? lol
Is this Significant?
Maybe for you, but not for me. hahaha ;)
Sorry I do not have a clue what you are taking about...I pointed out the top back around 12/26 and into 12/29...but you game players just keep trashing the threads.
Yes the universe is are continue attempting to play the game you are playing with me...which forces me to continue to not play the game you want me to play with you.
Due to your will continue humping the dog you have been humping for pages now...and I will be forced to continue watching you hump the dog.
Not much I can do about it.
3rd February 2015, 09:03 AM
I'm not here to supply you with anything other than what you need.
The universe is perfectly fair, all and everything in the universe is supplied with what all and everything needs or deserves, and there is no hope.
If you find what I post boring an mundane...Then that is what you deserve.
You are never supplied with what you want...but you are always supplied with what you need...
The only way you can obtain what you want is when what you need and want are the same.
It is impossible for you to refuse to supply me with what I need.
No matter how hard you try to avoid supplying me with what I deserve.
I told you...I can play the I'm not playing the game you are attempting to play with me...forever.
Look up the meaning of see how long I will continue supplying your demands for YES or Victory with NO or defeat.
I cant' hear you over the noise of the nonsense you're posting.
Forever has a mathematical symbol, you do know...right?
3rd February 2015, 09:06 AM
Sorry I do not have a clue what you are taking about...I pointed out the top back around 12/26 and into 12/29...but you game players just keep trashing the threads.
Yes the universe is are continue attempting to play the game you are playing with me...which forces me to continue to not play the game you want me to play with you.
Due to your will continue humping the dog you have been humping for pages now...and I will be forced to continue watching you hump the dog.
Not much I can do about it.
hahaha :cool:
You trash your own threads HT, I'm merely supplying you the power required for you to do that, lol:rolleyes:
3rd February 2015, 09:29 AM
I cant' hear you over the noise of the nonsense you're posting.
Forever has a mathematical symbol, you do know...right?
Yes and this is where 8 comes (
365/pi = 116
116+161+611 = 888
37 x 24 = 888
You are not going to school me...I told you...I know more than you will ever have the courage to dare to know.
You are just another ignorant game player...I've seen 100's of you come and go over the years.
All that I'm showing you was figured out and kept hidden from you for 1000's and 1000's of years now...well not really kept all are keeping it hidden from yourselves...because you worship ignorance as bliss.
or negative as positive
All that has happened forever and all that will happen forever occurs at the same point.
the figure 8 represents the hyperlink
the hyperlink leads to and away from Hypertiger.
Hypertext mark up language.
You do not have a clue what is going on Aeondaze.
You have no idea what a fool you are.
3rd February 2015, 09:50 AM
you are to why you all and me exist at the end of the 1944 Bretton woods globalist master system...I do not know...But what I do know...the collapse of everything is due to choosing to take more power than you sustain your continued existence.
the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to show me how smart you are....and you will look long as the trees do not run out...then you will look dumb.
You employ absolute self indulgent reason.
I employ responsible altruistic logic.
I share power as equally as possible with all and everything in the Universe to sustain existence as opposed to absolute self indulgent reason which takes more power than it gives from all and everything in the universe to sustain existence.
Responsible altruistic logic is the same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to prove how smart I am.
Since the trees never run out...there is no logical conclusion...I'm never proven dumb.
Celtic Rogue
3rd February 2015, 10:08 AM
I'm not posting for you or aeondaze.
I have no idea why you think I care about any of you in the slightest...I watch you all die...It's what you want to do...I try to help you avoid dying...but you all are stubborn...It's your programing...the more I try to prevent you from committing suicide...the harder you try to.
LOL Nice deflection! You suffer from delusions! Tell me this... Why do you feel that you are so superior to EVERYTHING else? When in reality even a blind man could see right through your pseudo intellectual bogus posts! As I stated before... Why post if nobody understands what you are trying to conveigh! Why not just post using note pad on your computer? LOL its like you think you have some secret knowledge that nobody but you can understand.... So do a lot of mental patients
Camp Bassfish
3rd February 2015, 10:46 AM
Admit it...... He must be a hoot at cocktail parties.
....for about 10 seconds.
3rd February 2015, 12:15 PM
from August 10th, 2013 where Roar was released.
"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years). There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."
The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792"
February 1st, 2014
"February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year"
Is 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day
1531+1351 = 2882
from there to March 5th my birthday where I turn 44 is 32 days
Feb 1s is the 32nd day
32nd prime is 131 = Hypertiger
+ 32 is 64
64th day is March 5th or 35 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
64th prime is 311
August 10th = 222nd day
Feburary 1 has 333 days remaining
222+333 = 555
1531+1351 = 2882
I turn 44 on march 5th
The 44th prime number is 1171
1171+1711 = 2882
5th prime = 11
20th prime = 71
5+20 = 25 or 5x5
Or 52
Patriots = 28/9 = 3.11
Seahawks = 24
28+24 = 52
Skull and bones.
Bush was a bonesman...At Yale
Yale = their coat of arms (
Motto אורים ותמים (Hebrew) (Urim V'Thummim)
Lux et veritas (Latin)
Motto in English-Light and truth
"In the Hebrew Bible, the Urim and Thummim (Hebrew: האורים והתומים, Standard haʾUrim vəhaTummim Tiberian hāʾÛrîm wəhatTummîm) are associated with the hoshen (High Priest's breastplate)"
Like on this high priest...
Hyper = 72
72 x 6 = 432
432 play time on the video
432+234 = 666
"Katy Perry On Super Bowl Halftime Show: ‘Jaws Will Drop And Faces Will Melt’"
"3-yarder to Julian Edelman with 2:02 remaining Sunday night:"...The game winner
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
2 x 60 = 120+2 = 122
202/2 = 101
101 = 26th prime
26 = GOD
3 yarder
By Number 11
March 5th is the 64th day
64th prime = 311
3rd prime = 5
11 = 5th prime
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
Age 28
28/9 = 3.11
"More recently on a NFL Network interview, Edelman stated that he is Jewish"
The half time show began with ROAR and ended with FIREWORK
ROAR was the 1st song on the Prism album
FIREWORK was the 4th song on the Teenage dream album.
14 but since FIREWORK came out for ROAR 41
ROAR was released on august 10th.
"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years). There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
"May 22 is the 142nd day of the year (143rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 223 days remaining until the end of the year."
from august 10th, 2013 release date of ROAR to Feb 1, 2015 is...
1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day
1531+1351 = 2882
28/9 = 3.11
82/9 = 9.11
311+113+131 = 555
911+119+191 = 1221
2882/2 = 1441
I'm not making any of this up...It's all facts.
there is massive documentation to back this all up.
3rd February 2015, 12:56 PM
The master of mathematics rules the slaves of mathematics.
The master of calculation rules the slaves of calculation
The master of responsible altruistic logic rules the slaves of absolute self indulgent reason
Me = master
You all = slaves
I'm trying to help you since you all claim to want liberty.
But you all love being enslaved by the tyranny of the cherished delusion of liberty.
It's funny how you ask stupid questions like...Is Katy Perry part of the illuminati?
You all are part of the illuminati.
The illuminati master minded the American and French and Russian revolutions.
A Gigahertz processor can perform 1 billion operations, calculations, or American, French, and Russian revolutions a second.
you all are oblivious of the invisible order or reality of the 100's of millions of calculations, operations, revolutions a second taking place in the background which powers the evolution of the graphical user interface of fantasy promoted as and ultimately believed to be reality in the foreground...
Just rabbits dazzled by the headlights or light matter of the bright glorious future...blissfully unaware of the dark matter hidden behind it getting closer and closer.
Until you reach the logical conclusion of defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
The lifting of the veil on the wedding dress of the abyss to receive the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.
You all are slaves to your emotions which are the strings or servants pulled by invisible hand of the master mind to manipulate all you slave minds without your knowledge into doing the bidding of the master mind.
The last time I was taken in and test me...
I was asked the first question.
"When you were a child how did your mother treat you?"
My reply was...
"Manipulating people without their knowledge is evil."
The trained professional began polarity shifting from an angel into a demon and then back again real quick.
Because the only way to win at that point would have been to kill me...but they were powerless.
You all are weaklings that pretend you are bad ass.
I am bad ass.
When I was in the military...I was in rooms full of psychopaths that feared me...Because I do not torture...I kill as instantaneously as possible.
The quicker the better.
I'm humane...not inhumane
I know the difference between a Human and an Animal.
Your bodies are composed of Trillions of absolute capitalist or animal are not a human being at the instant of conception or birth and what you see when you look into a mirror is not a human being.
The propose of training/socially engineering/programing you all to embrace the master lie believed to be Truth or that you are human beings...
Is the master lie is the one lie to rule them all...
When you supply power or buy/believe the master lie promoted or sold as truth...All the slave lies that depend upon the master lie are empowered.
"Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware""
I've been hand cuffed, had leg chains on, and been thrown naked into cages...and walked out and innocent and innocent gets.
Because I'm surrounded by weaklings that piss their pants with fear when I polarity shift from a dying daydream into a living nightmare.
You all are not resisting at all...
The only thing you are resisting is waking up from the daydream you are enjoying you are awake
Sheep counting sheep to remain asleep to rest in peace.
Yes behind the masters back you all are fomenting revolution...But in front of the master you are on your knees gobbling like champions.
3rd February 2015, 01:20 PM
I'm impervious to mind control.
it's impossible to convince me you are right when you are wrong...
The entire history of the USA was financed by credit created out of thin air...The American and French revolutions were financed by the city of London creating millions of pounds of sterling silver out of thin air.
It's basically pure hilarity how absolutely dumb and wrong you all are but how absolutely smart an right you think believe and have faith you are.
The information is not hidden at all...You all just are not looking because you think believe and have faith that your eyes are open...but if your eyes are closed...Because you are asleep dreaming your eyes are open...You will never see what is right in front of your eyes...Because you are at a drive in movie being projected onto the inside of your eye lids....
3rd February 2015, 01:49 PM
day low on the DOW or the open 17.370
37 x 5 = 185 x 2 = 370
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year.
The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
like flight 370 that flew into the event horizon of the black hole and sucked you all from where you were to where you are now...reading this...I'm not your friend...So it's flight or flight...
This is not a cocktale party.
"Thomas Jefferson became the first to be sworn in as president in Washington, D.C., which officially became the federal capital only on June 11, 1800"
"The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. This Declaration committee operated from June 11, 1776 until July 5, 1776, the day on which the Declaration was published."
8765 days from 6/11/1776 to 6/11/1800
5 x 1753 = 8765
1753 reverse is 3571
3571 = 500th prime
My birthday is 3/5/71
The inauguration of the president of the United States is a ceremonial event marking the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States. The day a presidential inauguration occurs is known as "Inauguration Day" and occurs on January 20 (or 21st if the 20th is a Sunday). (Prior to the Twentieth Amendment, the date was March 4, the day of the year on which the Constitution of the United States first took effect in 1789; the last inauguration to take place on the older date was Franklin D. Roosevelt's first one on March 4, 1933.) The most recent public presidential inauguration ceremony, the swearing in of President Barack Obama to begin his second four-year term in office, took place on Monday, January 21, 2013.
XX = 20th amendment
20 prime = 71
January 20th is the 20th day
"January 20 is the 20th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 345 days remaining until the end of the year"
"In the ancient astronomy, it is the cusp day between Capricorn and Aquarius. In some years it is Aquarius, but others Capricorn. It depends on the year."
1/20 = illuminati
345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
"The term Congress can also refer to a particular meeting of the legislature. A Congress covers two years; the current one, the 114th Congress, began on January 3, 2015, and would end on January 3, 2017. The Congress starts and ends on the third day of January of every odd-numbered year. Members of the Senate are referred to as senators; members of the House of Representatives are referred to as representatives, congressmen, or congresswomen."
"January 3 is the third day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 362 days remaining until the end of the year (363 in leap years)."
"Perihelion, the point during the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun, occurs around this date."
363/3 = 121
121 = Star number (
May = 39
day = 30
39+30 = 69 or 5+5+5
May day = May 1st
Michael = 51
I was born March 5th or 3 x 5 = 5+5+5
121 days from July 4th.
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
You are mind controlled drones...when I attack the lies you slave minds have been trained/socially engineer or programed to believe are Truth...You turn into antibodies...and try to kill me or the threat to the lie you worship as Truth.
You are tools.
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
Camp Bassfish
3rd February 2015, 01:58 PM
So what's your take on red meat consumption? I'm guessing you're a nuts and berries kinda guy, as you've not accepted any offers of rabbit hunting.
3rd February 2015, 02:04 PM
Gold 1261
12 x 61 = 732 + 237 = 969
"Methuselah (Hebrew: מְתֿוּשֶלַח / מְתֿוּשָלַח, Modern Mətušélaḥ / Mətušálaḥ Tiberian Məṯûšélaḥ / Məṯûšālaḥ ; "Man of the dart/spear", or alternatively "his death shall bring judgment") is the man in the Hebrew Bible reported to have lived the longest. Extra-biblical tradition maintains that he died at the age of 969"
732/6 = 122
Michael = 51
leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
122 x 2 = 244
122 x 3 = 366 or the number of days in a quantum leap year.
1261 -16 -1.25
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
1+6 = 7
Lamech in the Bible lived 777 years.
3 x 7 = 21
37 x 21 = 777
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
Lamech is Methuselah's son.
Lamech = 42
42 x 37 = 1554/2 = 777
gold atomic number 79
9 x 79 = 711
7 x 11 = 77
The so called elites...
They watch you all pathetically struggle to commit suicide as slowly as possible...or as fast as possible when you can stand commit suicide as slow as possible any longer.
3rd February 2015, 02:08 PM
So what's your take on red meat consumption? I'm guessing you're a nuts and berries kinda guy, as you've not accepted any offers of rabbit hunting.
Unless you are going to be a rabbit rancher and fatten them up...rabbits are too lean to survive on...gophers as well...It's why Sitting bull came staving out of Canada and surrendered once all the Buffalo were blown away by the US Government to annihilate the food supply of the plains Indians.
3rd February 2015, 02:11 PM
17,666 +305
305/5 = 61
61 x 2 = 122
Skull and bones.
Bush was a bonesman...At Yale
Yale = their coat of arms (
Motto אורים ותמים (Hebrew) (Urim V'Thummim)
Lux et veritas (Latin)
Motto in English-Light and truth
"In the Hebrew Bible, the Urim and Thummim (Hebrew: האורים והתומים, Standard haʾUrim vəhaTummim Tiberian hāʾÛrîm wəhatTummîm) are associated with the hoshen (High Priest's breastplate)"
Like on this high priest...
Hyper = 72
72 x 6 = 432
432 play time on the video
432+234 = 666
"Katy Perry On Super Bowl Halftime Show: ‘Jaws Will Drop And Faces Will Melt’"
3rd February 2015, 09:12 PM
"3-yarder to Julian Edelman with 2:02 remaining Sunday night:"...The game winner
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
2 x 60 = 120+2 = 122
202/2 = 101
101 = 26th prime
26 = GOD
3 yarder
By Number 11
March 5th is the 64th day
64th prime = 311
3rd prime = 5
11 = 5th prime
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
Age 28
28/9 = 3.11
"More recently on a NFL Network interview, Edelman stated that he is Jewish"
Julian = 67
67th prime = 331
Katheryn Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson (born October 25, 1984)
October 25 is the 298th day of the year (299th in leap years). There are 67 days remaining until the end of the year.
Fire = 38
work = 67
3/8 = march 8th or the 67th day
When flight 370 flew into the black hole and sucked you all from where you were to where you are now...reading this.
"February 3 is the 34th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 331 days remaining until the end of the year:
"This day marks the approximate midpoint of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and of summer in the Southern Hemisphere (starting the season at the December solstice)"
I posted on the other two threads thread that was trashed by the troglodytes that I had a dream about FEB 3 being spring.
Julian = 67
Edelman = 54
67+54 = 121 = Star number (
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
I was born the 64th day
67+64 = 131
Hypertiger = 131
Julian Edelman (born May 22, 1986)
May 22 = 522/4 = 130.5 = 131
"Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Entire Oil Collapse Is All About Crushing Russian Control Over Syria"
No the 1944 Bretton woods global trade system is collapsing to oblivion...All the rest of what you all are being fed is the cover story.
All the sanctions being imposed and revolutions ignited are all do not have a clue what is going on...
Why are the numbers showing up?
What is the significance?
time stamp of this post is 9:12
912+219 = 1131
11th prime = 31
Hypertiger = 131
11 x 31 = 341
3 x 41 = 123 x 3 = 369 + reverse or 963 = 1332
"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”--Mark 13:32
13:32 = 1:32
132/2 = 66
66th prime = Michael = 51
It's called math...It's a discovery...not an invention...and all this was figured out 1000's and 1000's and 1000's of years ago.
3rd February 2015, 09:54 PM
Katheryn Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson (born October 25, 1984)
October 25 is the 298th day of the year (299th in leap years). There are 67 days remaining until the end of the year.
Oct 25 = 1025
3rd prime = 5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = 2st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
30th prime = 113 = 4th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd prime = 131 = 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
64th prime = 311 = 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
79th prime = 401 = 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
"the most commonly cited and remembered sequence is Newton's sevenfold red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, remembered by the mnemonic, Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain (ROYGBIV)."
"In a primary rainbow, the arc shows red on the outer part and violet on the inner side. This rainbow is caused by light being refracted (bent) when entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it.
"In a double rainbow, a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed, red facing toward the other one in both rainbows. This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets."
Kathryn = 102/2 = 51
Michael = 51
102+51 = 153 reverse is 351 the play time of the below.
3 x 51 = 153
12th song on prism...double rainbow 12th sign is Pisces
Atomic number of gold = 79
I was born on the 64th day of 1971 or the 71st year of the 20th century
20th prime = 71
64/9 = 7.11
1971 was where the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century was.
9 x 79 = 711
64 = 8 x 8
march 5th is 35 or 3+5 = 8
8+8 = 16
88+88 = 176
79+97 = 176
888+888 = 1776
1234567 obverse or primary rainbow +7654321 reverse or secondary rainbow = 8888888 x 2 = 17777776
3rd prime = 5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = 2st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
30th prime = 113 = 4th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd prime = 131 = 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
64th prime = 311 = 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
79th prime = 401 = 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
Katheryn Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson (born October 25, 1984)
Oct 25 = 1025
5+23+41+113+131+311+401 = 1025
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."
125 + 1 = 126
113+131+311 = 555
30+32+64 = 126
126/9 = 14
1+4 = 5
5+23+41+113+131+311+401 = 1025
5 x 5 = 25
25 x 41 = 1025
K= 11
E = 5
Y = 25
11+5+25 = 41 = Key
4+1 = 5
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
5 = e
369 x 2 = 738
"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"
".exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (the main execution point of a computer program). Besides the executable program, many .exe files contain other components called resources, such as bitmap graphics and icons which the executable program may use for its graphical user interface."
The invisible order or reality of the basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the graphical user interface or fantasy believed to be reality in the forground.
exe = 7.389
738/2 = 369
7.389 = 7.39
739 = 131st prime
739/2 = 369.5 = 370
Like flight 370 that flew into the black hole...and sucked you all from where you were to where you are now reading this.
4+1 = 5
41 = Key
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--Tesla
3rd prime = 5
6th prime = 13
9th prime = 23
5+13+23 = 41
41 = Key
3rd prime = 5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = 2st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
123/3 = 41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
5+23+41 = 69
6+9 = 15 = 5+5+5
9/6 = 1.5 or 0.5+0.5+0.5
Michael = 51
69 = archangel
69+51 = 120
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
reverse of 201 is 102/2 = 51 = Michael the angel
Illuminati = 120
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
may = 39
day = 30
39+30 = 69 = mayday or May 1st
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
Michael = 51 or 5/1 or may 1st
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
3553/2 = 1776.5
You know why you are losers that cherish the delusion you are winners?
You decided to accept and follow the reasonably assume you are a winner but are really a loser program to the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
If I'm not around to point out the obvious to the oblivious...who or what will?
4th February 2015, 05:08 AM
Rand Paul Clarifies Vaccine Stance, Rips Liberal Media ‘Misreporting’
by Josh Feldman ( | 6:43 pm, February 3rd, 2015 119 (
Senator Rand Paul today issued a statement clearing up his views on vaccines and his offhand comment yesterday about a connection between vaccines and “profound mental disorders.” Paul made the remark during his contentious CNBC interview yesterday (, in which he defended his belief that vaccines should be a choice, not mandated by the state.
The link between vaccines and mental disabilities has been widely disproven, and CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta ( classified Paul’s “pandering” as “dangerous” ( earlier today.
Paul issued this statement today clarifying his views:
I did not say vaccines caused disorders, just that they were temporally related — I did not allege causation. I support vaccines, I receive them myself and I had all of my children vaccinated,” Paul said in a statement. “In fact today, I received the booster shot for the vaccines I got when I went to Guatemala last year.
And in tandem with that statement, Paul posted this photo on Twitter, taking a shot (ba-dum-tss) at the media for coverage of his views:
[image via Gage Skidmore]
Camp Bassfish
4th February 2015, 05:33 AM
Unless you are going to be a rabbit rancher and fatten them up...rabbits are too lean to survive on...gophers as well...It's why Sitting bull came staving out of Canada and surrendered once all the Buffalo were blown away by the US Government to annihilate the food supply of the plains Indians.
Ahh....yes, but cowboys and indians aside, what about red meat in general? I'm curious about the diet of our master....
4th February 2015, 05:47 AM
Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims
Posted: 09/25/2014 5:29 pm EDT Updated: 11/27/2014 5:59 am EST
Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, is facing a slew of controversies over its Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine following numerous allegations of wrongdoing from different parties in the medical field, including two former Merck scientists-turned-whistleblowers. A third whistleblower, this one a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control, also promises to bring Merck grief following his confession of misconduct involving the same MMR vaccine.
The controversies will find Merck defending itself and its vaccine in at least two federal court cases after a U.S. District judge earlier this month threw out Merck's attempts ( at dismissal. Merck now faces federal charges of fraud from the whistleblowers, a vaccine competitor and doctors in New Jersey and New York. Merck could also need to defend itself in Congress: The staff of representative Bill Posey (R-Fla) -- a longstanding critic of the CDC (,0, interested in an alleged link between vaccines and autism -- is now reviewing some 1,000 documents that the CDC whistleblower turned over (,0, to them.
The first court case, United States v. Merck & Co (, stems from claims by two former Merck scientists that Merck "fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act]."
According to the whistleblowers' court documents, Merck's misconduct was far-ranging: It "failed to disclose that its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck represented, (ii) used improper testing techniques, (iii) manipulated testing methodology, (iv) abandoned undesirable test results, (v) falsified test data, (vi) failed to adequately investigate and report the diminished efficacy of its mumps vaccine, (vii) falsely verified that each manufacturing lot of mumps vaccine would be as effective as identified in the labeling, (viii) falsely certified the accuracy of applications filed with the FDA, (ix) falsely certified compliance with the terms of the CDC purchase contract, (x) engaged in the fraud and concealment describe herein for the purpose of illegally monopolizing the U.S. market for mumps vaccine, (xi) mislabeled, misbranded, and falsely certified its mumps vaccine, and (xii) engaged in the other acts described herein to conceal the diminished efficacy of the vaccine the government was purchasing."
These fraudulent activities, say the whistleblowers, were designed to produce test results that would meet the FDA's requirement that the mumps vaccine was 95 per cent effective. To the whistleblowers' delight, the judge dismissed Merck's objections to the case proceeding, finding the whistleblowers had plausible grounds on all of the claims lodged against Merck.
If the whistleblowers win, it would represent more than a moral victory (they repeatedly tried to stop Merck while still in its employ). Under the False Claims Act, the whistleblowers would receive a share -- likely 25 per cent to 30 per cent -- of the amount the government recovers. Previous settlements involving extensive fraud by pharmaceutical companies under the False Claims Act have run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, and in some cases such as against GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, into the billions (
The second court case, Chatom Primary Care v. Merck & Co ( relies on the same whistleblower evidence. This class action suit claims damages because Merck had fraudulently monopolized the mumps market. Doctors and medical practices in the suit would be able to obtain compensation for having been sold an overpriced monopolized product, and a defective one to boot, in that the mumps vaccine wasn't effective (indeed, the suit alleged that Merck expected outbreaks to occur ( and, as predicted, they did -- mumps epidemics occurred in 2006 in a highly vaccinated population and again in 2009-2010).
"Plaintiffs have argued sufficient facts to sustain a claim for proximate causation, detailing the significant barriers that other companies would face to enter the mumps vaccine market," the court ruled.
The third whistleblower -- a senior CDC scientist named William Thompson -- only indirectly blew the whistle on Merck. He more blew it on himself and colleagues at the CDC who participated in a 2004 study involving the MMR vaccine. Here, the allegations involve a cover-up of data pointing to high rates of autism in African-American boys after they were vaccinated with MMR. In what could be high-profile House hearings before Congressman Posey's Science Committee -- hearings made all the more explosive given the introduction of race into the mix -- Merck could find itself under unprecedented scrutiny. The CDC still stands by its study ( although Frank DeStefano, the CDC's Director of Immunization Safety and a co-author in the CDC study, also stated that he plans to review his notes ( with an eye to reanalyzing the data.
Some say all publicity is good. In Merck's case, regardless of the ultimate merits, the publicity will be all bad.
4th February 2015, 05:49 AM
Ahh....yes, but cowboys and indians aside, what about red meat in general? I'm curious about the diet of our master....
I suspect it would be carrion no less.
You know, there is nothing like the smell of putrefying week old unctuous meat, fresh red meat is so gauche.
Besides who wants to have to go to all that trouble of chasing down prey like a commoner, best to just steal it from those lower down the social ladder :rolleyes:
4th February 2015, 05:52 AM
I suspect it would be carrion no less.
You know, there is nothing like the smell of putrefying week old unctuous meat, fresh red meat is so gauche.
Besides who wants to have to go to all that trouble of chasing down prey like a commoner, best to just steal it from those lower down the social ladder :rolleyes:
There is just no math in that.
7th trump
4th February 2015, 06:55 AM
I'm impervious to mind control.
it's impossible to convince me you are right when you are wrong...
The entire history of the USA was financed by credit created out of thin air...The American and French revolutions were financed by the city of London creating millions of pounds of sterling silver out of thin air.
It's basically pure hilarity how absolutely dumb and wrong you all are but how absolutely smart an right you think believe and have faith you are.
The information is not hidden at all...You all just are not looking because you think believe and have faith that your eyes are open...but if your eyes are closed...Because you are asleep dreaming your eyes are open...You will never see what is right in front of your eyes...Because you are at a drive in movie being projected onto the inside of your eye lids....
Thats a lie right there.
You are pervious to mind control........dipshit.
You are controlled to only post in threads you started.....thats mind control otherwise you wouldnt mentally heed (mind control) the instructions to only post in your own threads.
You ever read what you say before posting it?
You're not that intelligent if you cant see this fact.
4th February 2015, 09:41 AM
Thats a lie right there.
You are pervious to mind control........dipshit.
You are controlled to only post in threads you started.....thats mind control otherwise you wouldnt mentally heed (mind control) the instructions to only post in your own threads.
You ever read what you say before posting it?
You're not that intelligent if you cant see this fact.
You are pervious because you became visible to spew.
7th trump
4th February 2015, 09:48 AM
You are pervious because you became visible to spew.
Visible to what?
And what I say about you being confined to your threads is indeed fact and truth. You are indeed mind controlled to only post in those is this spew?
Truth equals God and you cannot control God or HE will destroy you....and you know now your caught in your own corner and your gonna ave to accept it or become what you accuse everyone else of.
Ever think about what you are saying before posting it?
Your level of thinking at times is illogical of common sense.
4th February 2015, 09:50 AM
17744 high so far today on the DOW
low today 17604
141 points in between
"In finance, the rule of 72 and 69 are methods for estimating an investment's doubling time."
72+69 = 141
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
37 x 15 = 555
March 5th is the 64th day
64th prime = 311
3 = C
11 = K
141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin
141+414 = 555
141.414 x Pi = 444.2651
26 = GOD
51 = Michael
26+51 = 77
77 = Christ
74 = Jesus
74+77 = 151
The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts.
Christian religions consider 7 to be a Holy Number because in Genesis the first book of the Bible it says that God rested on the 7th day and man was created on the 6th day, therefore 777 is thought to be the antithesis of 666.[4] Because God rested on the 7th day, that is the reason for the observance of the Hebrew Sabbath on the last day of the week. The 7th day of the week is indicated on the Hebrew Lunar calendar containing 13 months of four weeks each. According to the American publication, the Orthodox Study Bible, 777 represents the threefold perfection of the Trinity
151+511+115 = 777
4th February 2015, 09:51 AM
Visible to what?
Visible to me to see you make fool of yourself.
The Universe always gives me what I need
7th trump
4th February 2015, 10:03 AM
Visible to me to see you make fool of yourself.
The Universe always gives me what I need
Hahahahahaha....and your a nobody with a load ass mouth yapping a bunch of nonsense about prime numbers that you dont even understand.
I have to ask....whats the nonsense reason behind a prime number and then reversing that number and adding it to the prime number?
What significants is it other than you attempting to make sense out of nonsense?
As a young lad ...I made a fool of myself in front of a lot of people growing up. Thats what makes youth so innocent (had fun doing it too)............what makes you think your anybody special?
Heck you make a fool of yourself in front of whats the big ass deal?
Unless you can make lightning come down out of the sky right next to me..............shut your sensless mouth....wanttabe!
Camp Bassfish
4th February 2015, 12:22 PM
Serious question for you HT.... do you walk to work, or do you take your lunch?
4th February 2015, 01:22 PM
The Bad Argument Behind the FCC’s Move to Regulate the Internet Like a Utility ( Peter Suderman (|Feb. 4, 2015 11:29 am
Email (?subject=The%20Bad%20Argument%20Behind%20the%20FC C%27s%20Move%20to%20Regulate%20the%20Internet%20Li today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler proposed ( reclassifying broadband Internet service from a Title I "information service" to a Title II "telecommunications service"—essentially declaring that the FCC plans to regulate the Internet as a public utility.
It has been clear for at least a month that Wheeler planned to take some version of this approach. At a tech conference in early January, Wheeler, who had long resisted reclassification, said he had an "aha moment" when he looked at the regulatory treatment of wireless phone networks. Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, wireless companies were officially regulated under Title II, but were not subject from some of its requirements, like rate regulation. "Under that for the last 20 years, the wireless industry has been monumentally successful," Wheeler said (
In an op-ed for Wired today announcing ( the Title II proposal, he reiterated the argument, saying that "over the last 21 years, the wireless industry has invested almost $300 billion under similar rules, proving that modernized Title II regulation can encourage investment and competition."
The problem with that bit of reasoning, as Jon Healey of the Los Angeles Times pointed out at the time (, was that in 2007, wireless data networks—which account for a significant portion of wireless industry investment and innovation—were exempted from Title II.
Wheeler is now pointing specifically to the voice component of the wireless industry as an example of a success. This seems at least a little odd: It’s hard to imagine most people pointing to the voice component of the mobile industry as being particularly innovative or interesting over the last several years. In recent years, the mobile industry has seen voice use flatline and mobile data surge ( That’s not likely to reverse; data usage is growing not only because of new connections, but because each connection is using more data ( So if anything, the voice component of wireless is on track to become far less relevant.
Yet the Times reports that Wheeler is not only planning to circulate a proposal that reclassifies broadband as a utility, he "may also suggest putting wireless data services under Title II and adding regulations for companies that manage the backbone of the Internet."
Wheeler, in other words, plans to significantly increase the regulatory burden on the fastest growing and most innovative segment of the industry he initially said was the model of a Title II success.
No doubt Wheeler and his backers would argue that the continuing growth and importance of wireless data service is the reason for changing the way it is regulated; the more important it is, the more oversight it requires. According to the FCC, mobile data now accounts for more than half of online traffic.
But that growth, and the relative stagnation of mobile voice usage, undermines Wheeler's argument about how the success of the wireless industry makes the case for Title II. Instead, it suggests that Wheeler wants to pursue reclassification not because the wireless sector has been successful under Title II, but because of the service that has been successful without it.
It’s possible that the argument doesn’t hold up because Wheeler’s story is better understood as cover for succombing to political pressure. It’s more likely that Wheeler’s original "aha" moment came not when he looked at the path of the wireless industry, but in November, when President Obama announced ( support for "the strongest possible rules" in service of net neutrality.
The Title II switch would give the FCC more power over the Internet broadly, and thus make it more likely that any net neutrality rules would pass legal scrutiny. Previous attempts by the FCC to set up net neutrality requirements have been thrown out in court.
Wheeler’s proposal isn't officially available for the public to see immediately, but Wheeler spells out the basics ( of the plan in an op-ed for Wired. The five member commission will vote on the proposal on February 26.
What seems clear enough, though, is that the FCC, technically an independent agency, is bent on radically overhauling the way it regulates Internet service after prodding from the White House. The weakness of its case for making the shift apparently matters less than the political pressure to make the change.
(Updated to note details of Wheeler's proposal.)
7th trump
4th February 2015, 01:23 PM
Just as I nothing!
Apparently hyperkitty has been neutered and didnt know it.
I was hoping for a video of him and his crystal ball showing me get zapped.
4th February 2015, 03:26 PM
Just as I nothing!
Apparently hyperkitty has been neutered and didnt know it.
I was hoping for a video of him and his crystal ball showing me get zapped.
No I went to a presentation with a perspective employer...At 333 7th Ave S.W.
333 x 7 = 2331
3 x 37 = 111
6 x 37 = 222
9 x 37 = 333
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” -Tesla
4+1 = 5
5 = 3rd prime
I was born march 5th
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
2331 reverse is 1332
4 x 333 = 1332
"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."--Mark 13:32
You are an idiot 7th
When demons kill people they can be caught because there is evidence tying them to it
When angels kill you...there is no evidence.
Why do you think angels are angels and demons are demons.?
Quit demanding I supply your dead wishes with what they want...
Like the careful what you wish just may get it...even if you have no clue what you are wishing for.
"If you wanna be a clown, at least post a pic with a red rubber nose"
See my picture.
You think I'm a idiot...harmless
You can be mind controlled easy.
Because I'm mind controlling you...and you do not even know it...
Even if I tell you I'm mind controlling will reject that claim.
I'm not trying to mind control you...but when I'm visible...I begin to directly mind control you...
7th trump
4th February 2015, 04:51 PM
No I went to a presentation with a perspective employer...At 333 7th Ave S.W.
Woooooo....back the bus up!
Did hypertiger just admit he chops more trees down than they grow?
How many times have you hypertiger accused members of this forum of cutting down more trees than they grow just because they had a job!
Looking for a job where you cut down more trees than they can grow huh!
Get the fuck out of town're an asshole!
So much for you mind controlling fucked up and let the cat out of the bag.
4th February 2015, 05:14 PM
"Is It Socialism Or Just Failure?"
It is absolute capitalism.
Absolute capitalism
Absolute capitalism takes more power than it gives from all and everything in the Universe to sustain it's continued existence...
The same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence.
It does not matter what you claim absolute capitalism to be...communism socialism capitalism insert word here...
As long as there are trees to chop down or power or reality to supply the fantasy...It will be positive.
But when the trees or power or reality supply runs dry...the fantasy begins to die...
When what is being called capitalism begins to polarity shift from positive to negative...the solution promoted is communism.
When what is being called communism begins to polarity shift from positive to negative...the solution promoted is capitalism.
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite."--John Kenneth Galbraith
Absolute capitalism or taking more power than is given from all and everything in the universe to sustain existence = antisocialism.
Responsible capitalism.
Responsible capitalism shares power as equally as possible with all and everything in the universe to sustain existence.
The same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow sustain existence.
Since the trees or power or fractional reserve of reality never runs out...the created out of thin air fantasy never dies
That is socialism.
What is called socialism now is where people chop down trees faster than they regrow...more and more and more....and they are taxed to the point where they barely have enough firewood to sustain themselves...and all that is taxed from them is supplied to people that have no fire wood...
It works great...until the trees run out...and then what is called socialism implodes to oblivion.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” ― Margaret Thatcher
The problem with absolute capitalism is that you eventually run out of other peoples firewood...when the trees run out.
You all do not seem to get it...You trained chimps have no clue what you are grunting about to each other.
I'm a master mind...not a slave mind.
4th February 2015, 05:20 PM
Woooooo....back the bus up!
Did hypertiger just admit he chops more trees down than they grow?
How many times have you hypertiger accused members of this forum of cutting down more trees than they grow just because they had a job!
Looking for a job where you cut down more trees than they can grow huh!
Get the fuck out of town're an asshole!
So much for you mind controlling fucked up and let the cat out of the bag.
I share power as equally as possible with those that take more power than they give...and when it's time to stop supplying them with power...I cut them off...but if the tyrant will not take NO supply to their demand for YES.
I CHOP THEM THE FUCK DOWN...Thanks for showing up to planet
“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”-- Thomas Jefferson
I'm like a tree and all you all absolute capitalist drones or axemen are contstantly trying to chop me down and burn me to warm your candy asses...
Unfortunately I can move around...real quick...It's why my name is Hypertiger...But of course sometimes you ignorant giggling game playing scum bags catch up with me...
Then you find out my bite is way worse than my bark.
4th February 2015, 05:36 PM
Ribonucleic acid freak out, the power of prayer.
Long halls of science and all the lunatics committed there.
Robot Lords of Tokyo, SMILE TASTE KITTENS!
Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are always forbidden?
Are you rolling tape now? Bits and pieces large and small
Sector, vector, eat them all.
It’s already in the rice!
Among the mental ones a messenger will soon arrive.
Periodic table with a center piece of mind.
Periodic table with a center piece of mind.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
Ain’t nothing you can do about it. Gonna be a big brawl over it
Like them little bitty babies in the king cakes.
Bonnie & Clyde the whole dome,
The shackles of automaton will shatter like their bones.
Periodic table with a center piece of mind.
Periodic table with a center piece of mind.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
Ribonucleic acid freak out, the power of prayer.
Long halls of science and all the lunatics committed there.
Robot Lords of Tokyo, SMILE TASTE KITTENS!
Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are always forbidden?
Half a mind to double up, baby. Three times is jive.
Half a mind to double up, baby. Three times is jive.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don’t come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.
4th February 2015, 05:41 PM
4th February 2015, 05:41 PM
17,673 DOW close
I created Hypertiger in 1988
My first name is Michael = 51
My last name is Leopard = 71
I have
two middle names
Randal = 50
David = 40
Hypertiger = 131
Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59
72/59 = 1.22
First = 51 + last = 71 = 122
First = 51 + 1st middle = 50 + 2nd middle = 40 + last = 71 = 212
122 reverse = 221
122+221 = 343
Hypertiger = 131
343 - 131 = 212
I created Hypertiger in 1988
The first 33 primes add up to 1988
The 33rd prime = 137
3 x 43 x 137 = 17,673
3 = 2nd prime
43 = 14th prime
137 = 33rd prime
3+43+137 = 366 the number of days in a quantum leap year
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122 x 2 = 244
122 x 3 = 366
1776 was a leap year
Michael = 51 or 5/1 = May 1st
May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.
2+14+33 = 47
"We are told that Euclid, (the Father of Geometry), who lived several hundred years after Pythagoras, worked long and hard to solve the 3:4:5: ratio puzzle. It is said by some that he then sacrificed a hecatomb (a sacrificial offering to God of up to 100 oxen or cattle). However, historically, it is believed that the Egyptians and Babylonians understood the mathematical usefulness of the 3:4:5 ratio long before Euclid."
"The math is the key to understanding this symbol's broader and universal meaning."
The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid ( or 3:4:5:
47 = 15th prime
15 = 5+5+5
May = 39
Day = 30
may day = may 1st
39 + 30 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345
345+543 = 888
888 x 2 = 1776
When demons kill people they can be caught because there is evidence tying them to it
When angels kill you...there is no evidence.
Demons want...and when they want you to die...they will kill you...and leave all sorts of evidence behind that ties them to you
Angels need...and when you need to will...and there is no evidence left behind that ties them to you
Demons hate waiting...They want instant gratification
Angels love waiting...They need instant gratification
Good things come to those who wait.
4th February 2015, 05:45 PM
It's funny how you all think you have a clue.
When demons kill people they can be caught because there is evidence tying them to it
When angels kill you...there is no evidence.
Demons want...and when they want you to die...they will kill you...and leave all sorts of evidence behind that ties them to you
Angels need...and when you need to will...and there is no evidence left behind that ties them to you
Good things come to those who wait.
Demons hate waiting...They want instant gratification
Angels love waiting...They need instant gratification
Good things come to those who wait.
I'm always am supplied with what I need.
4th February 2015, 05:54 PM
You all have zero clue...There is no way to convince me to change into one of you...unless you have a gun up to my head...but you might as well just pull the trigger...because as soon as the gun is not at my are dead.
The only reason I'm visible now...Is you can not attempt to touch me...which will force me to electrocute you.
It never ceases to amaze me what ignorant assholes you are...and you demand me to respect supply you with what you do not deserve...what sickening tyrants.
You all are dead as far as I'm concerned...I'm not going to sacrifice myself to protect what does not deserve protection.
Your love Hitler hate Jews DOA with me.
4th February 2015, 06:04 PM
Park Forest police Officer Craig Taylor was acquitted Wednesday of reckless conduct for firing five beanbag rounds in rapid succession at a knife-wielding World War II veteran who died hours later.
Reading his lengthy written ruling aloud in court, Cook County Associate Judge Luciano Panici said the force used on John Wrana Jr., 95, “was not excessive.”
"There was nothing criminal about his actions,” the judge said in a Markham courtroom packed with a couple of dozen police officers from surrounding south suburbs who were there to support Taylor.
After the court hearing, Taylor smiled, stood and embraced his wife. He had faced anywhere from probation up to three years in prison if convicted. ( Wrana case: An unlikely place for a fatal encounter with police (
Relatives of Wrana’s family sobbed in the front row of the courtroom gallery and were escorted out the back of the courtroom. They left the courthouse without comment.
State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez defended bringing the criminal charges against Taylor, saying she truly believed his actions were reckless.
“I really think other actions could have been taken and more restraint shown," she told reporters after attending an unrelated sentencing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building.
Alvarez said prosecutors considered charging the officer's supervisor as well but ultimately decided against it after a "legal analysis of accountability."
lRelated ( ( Breaking News ( columns: The death of John Wrana ( all related (
8 (
"Based on the facts and the law, we felt that the charges should only be brought against the officer who actually took the actions," she said.
Taylor’s lawyer, Terry Ekl, told reporters it was a “shame” that Taylor had to go through the trauma of being arrested, handcuffed and brought to court.
“I think it is absolutely crystal clear that Craig Taylor did absolutely nothing wrong,” he said.
Asked how the indictment had impacted Taylor, Ekl said, “He has not had a good night’s sleep since the day he found out he was being indicted. He wakes up in the middle of the night. It’s had a terrible effect on him emotionally.” Caption Lunch break Zbigniew Bzdak, Chicago Tribune
Park Forest police Officer Craig Taylor leaves the Markham courthouse for lunch Jan. 16, 2015, the fourth day of his trial on a reckless conduct charge in the death 95-year-old John Wrana.
Caption Craig Taylor trial Chuck Berman, Chicago Tribune
Park Forest police Officer Craig Taylor, center, walks to the Markham courthouse with Park Forest Deputy Chief Peter Green on Jan. 15, 2014. Taylor is on trial for reckless conduct in the death 95-year-old John Wrana.
Caption John Wrana case Alicia Fabbre, for the Tribune
John Wrana's stepdaughter Sharon Mangerson speaks to the news media at the Markham courthouse after an April 2014 hearing at which Park Forest police Officer Craig Taylor pleaded not guilty to felony reckless conduct in Wrana's death.
Caption Craig Taylor trial Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune
Park Forest police Officer Craig Taylor, left, arrives at the Markham courthouse Jan. 14, 2015, for his trial in the death of World War II veteran John Wrana.
Caption John Wrana case A memorial card for veteran John Wrana, provided by the John H. Blakey Center for Seniors in Glenwood.
Taylor, who has been on desk duty since being charged last April, hopes to return to active duty, but he still faces a multimillion-dollar wrongful-death lawsuit by Wrana’s family. Ekl said he would not let Taylor publicly comment on his acquittal because of the pending lawsuit.
Taylor, 44, fired the beanbag rounds after Wrana struck a paramedic with a cane and refused police orders to drop a filleting knife in July 2013 at the Victory Centre complex. Wrana died at a hospital hours later of internal bleeding.
Prosecutors argued at trial that Taylor — a 10-year veteran of the force — and four other officers had rushed to judgment the night they were called to Wrana's room, deciding within minutes to employ a "violent extrication" that led to Wrana's death.
Taylor fired beanbag rounds from a shotgun from a much closer range than called for during training, prosecutors said.
cComments (
Are they rioting and looting in Winnetka tonight? No, I didn't think so.
at 6:42 PM February 04, 2015
Add a comment ( See all comments (
169 (
But in the trial's emotional highlight, Taylor testified that he feared for his life and those of his fellow officers when Wrana took a shuffling step forward with the knife raised. Taylor said that after the first shot or two failed to stop Wrana, he thought he had the authority to use lethal force — opening fire with his handgun — but chose not to, in part because of Wrana's advanced age.
Ekl maintained there was not a shred of evidence that Taylor had acted recklessly, which by law is defined as deliberately or consciously disregarding Wrana's safety or well-being.
Ekl also traded barbs in court with a prosecutor, complaining to Panici that she was "just playing to the media" by repeatedly bringing up Wrana's war service. ( PDF: The case against police officer (
"I've heard enough about World War II," Ekl said. "It's nothing but an attempt to create more sympathy for Mr. Wrana."
Meanwhile, outside the courtroom, Wrana's family took shots at Ekl for "disparaging our grandfather under the cloak of providing the best defense."
According to trial testimony, officers had twice gone into Wrana's room, only to retreat after he threatened them — first with a long, red-handled shoehorn and his black metal cane, later with a filleting knife with a 7-inch blade.
Cmdr. Michael Baugh conferred outside Wrana's apartment with Cpl. Lloyd Elliot, then instructed the group to form a "stack" — a staggered, single-file line — to enter Wrana's home, with Baugh in the lead carrying a shield and Taser, according to testimony.
Baugh ordered Wrana to drop the knife. When he didn't, the commander fired the Taser, but its prongs missed.
Taylor, who was second in the line, twice ordered Wrana to drop the knife and then fired five beanbag rounds. Four rounds struck Wrana, who dropped the knife into a small plastic garbage can after being struck in the hand by the final round.
Wrana died five hours later after refusing surgery to repair an intestine that was torn and other injuries that caused massive internal bleeding.
The prosecution's case rested heavily on Francis Murphy, a former Secret Service supervisor who testified that the officers had other options and escalated the confrontation by storming Wrana's room instead of giving him time to cool off.
But the defense called Steven Ijames, a national expert on the use of less-lethal force who said the officers used admirable restraint.
4th February 2015, 06:13 PM
The decimal expansion of 1/131 repeats the digits 00763358778625954198473282442748091603053435114503 816 79389312977099236641221374045801526717557251908396 94656488549618320 6106870229 indefinitely.
252/2 = 126
30th prime = 113
32nd prime = 131
64th prime = 311
113+131+311 = 555
125 = 5 x 5 x 5
125+1 = 126
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."--Luke 18:19
Timothy Dalton
Timothy = 110
Dalton = 66
110/2 = 55
37+73 = 110
Satan = 55
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51
51 = Michael
Timothy Dalton = 176
8+8 = 16
88+88 = 176
888+888 = 1776
I was born 1971 march 5th
3553/2 = 1776.5
or 1777
5 x 55 = 275
275t prime = 1777
7 x 7 x 7 = 343
122 + 221 = 343 see post #110 above.
353 = 71st prime
353/2 = 176.5 or 177
17 x 7 = 119
11/9 = 1.222222222
Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59
73/59 = 1.22
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
71st year of the 20th century was when I was born
20th prime = 71
1971 was the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century
3/5 = March 5th
the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
People that attack me...suffer a horrible fate...eventually instantly
4th February 2015, 06:33 PM
I try to avoid entanglements with trained chimps in black robes you claim are judges...
But you all seem to love wandering around pretending to be innocent monkeys to avoid being proven guilty...In a kangaroo court of so called LAW
Unfortunately people have no power to make or break LAW
People only have the power to make and break rules and to claim that rules are LAW
But if a rule attempts to break LAW
LAW will break the rules.
I do what I need to do when I need to...and the rules or scribbles on paper you cliam are LAW or GOD.
I eat them and fart the ashes in your face.
It's not my fault you all are ignorant of Truth or GOD.
Now I'm not I need a passport to roam around in the USA...Unless I break the rules.
And as soon as I am in the USA and people find out I'm not a US citizen...that is more than enough of an excuse to kill me...
You all are American citizens...I have no idea why you are posting these articles in here...Get up off your candy asses and stand on your own two feet.
Posting articles and then mashing your keyboards to transform the grunts you dream up into posts on the internet for me to accomplishing what?
virtually nothing...except filling up hard drives with electromagnetic polarity differentials...which in turn leads to an increase in demand for storage ...from the hard drive manufacturing keep them employed.
I have been reading the product of your keyboard mashing for 17 years now.
Are you candy asses ever going to do more than sit around and bawl like babies with soiled diapers?
The messiah?
That would be the entity that looks at you...and you turn to ash and blow away.
You all do not deserve salvation and there is no salvation from Satan for Michael.
The fight never ends for me...there is no rest...when I do sleep...I don't wake up refreshed...because Satan does not sleep.
Where the sun is shining...all those slaves and servants are supplying Satan with power...while where the sun is not shining the slaves and servants of Satan are resting until the sun starts shining and it's back to work.
242/2 = 121
4th February 2015, 06:46 PM
4th February 2015, 06:47 PM
You Look So Good While You're Riding
On Your Pterodactyl
Storming Castles With Abandon
And Rainbows By Fistfuls
Now Lets Go Dancing Madly Backwards
While On A Sea Of Air
Everyone I Hear Is Saying
Captain Beyond Will Be There
When We Go Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
And We Will Not Obey
Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
Now We Will Have Our Way
Was It I? Or Was It Shadow?
A Trick Of Light In Play
Leaving Me To See That I Saw
The Garden From Whence We Came
But I'm Not Saying Anything
That Hasn't Been Said Before
You May Hear It Now If You Wish To
Put An Ear Against The Floor
Then We Go Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
And We Will Not Obey
Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
Now We Will Have Our Way
Now We Will Have It!
On The Heels Of Charming Dragons
There Is Snow Falling Everywhere
Sorceress, You Bring A New Sun
And We Will Soon Be There
Then We Go Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
And We Will Not Obey
Carelessly Careening Quickly
Screaming All The Way
Gravity Is Such A Drag
Now We Will Have Our Way
Now We Will Have It!
4th February 2015, 07:01 PM
7th trump
4th February 2015, 07:05 PM
I've fished that exact spot....lived about 6 miles to the south at pebble bay in Vero Beach.
4th February 2015, 07:09 PM
Small world huh? Just picked it out of the blue like this one, tell me you were there too... lol
4th February 2015, 07:10 PM
71st year of the 20th century was when I was born
20th prime = 71
1971 was the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century
3/5 = March 5th
the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
My full name = 212
2+1+2 = 5
6+4 = 10/2 = 5
I went to a presentation with a perspective employer...At 333 7th Ave S.W.
212+121 = 333
March 5th is 3/5 64th day
64th prime = 311
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years).
George Washington's birthday
311+313 = 624/2 = 312
3553/2 = 1776.5
64+53 = 117
117 reverse is 711
Me and George Washington are Pisces.
the 12th 12 o clock.
March 1st used to be the start of the new year a few 100 years called Christians celebrated the new year on March 1st for centuries before it was changed.
"Pisces (♓) (Ancient Greek: Ἰχθύες, "Ikhthues") is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Pisces constellation. It spans the 330° to 360° of the zodiac, between 332.75° and 360° of celestial longitude."
Symbol = Click (
Double rainbow is 12th song
332.75 = 333
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive."
4th February 2015, 07:19 PM
Lingcod. The beast of the deep.
4th February 2015, 07:26 PM
Hole ey shyt!
4th February 2015, 07:26 PM
Small world huh? Just picked it out of the blue like this one, tell me you were there too... lol
You are an oblivious moron with no clue that connected to the internet which you do not understand using tools you were given that you play with to toy with me.
I am the connection bwtwwen the top and the bottom of the hierarchy.
Those at the top...can not stand your ignorance...your ignorance makes them sick.
but there is the ignorance at the top and the ignorance at the bottom.
and the knowledge in the middle...
you both make me sick.
I can pretend to be one of you for a limited amount of time until I get sick and I can pretend to be one of them for a limited amount of time until I get sick
I can pretend to me forever...because I do not have to pretend to be me...and I know more than any of you...because I can exist in two places at once.
Or in superposition.
It never fails to amaze me how you all think I have to supply you with what you want or believe you deserve.
I supply you with what you need or deserve...and if it is not what you want or believe you deserve.
Too bad for you.
You never are supplied with what you want...but are always supplied with what you need.
The only way you can obtain what you when what you need and want are the same or in super position.
I assure you all that your plight is your plight...not my plight.
4th February 2015, 07:27 PM
Fat people are weak...
4th February 2015, 07:30 PM
You still do not get it...
In here you can make fools of yourselves and I have no ability to stop you...out of here...I can and will and do stop you...all the time...
In here I'm made weak and you are made powerful....I'm lowered down and you are raised up...I'm a domain slave at the mercy of the tyranny masquerading as liberty that rules this domain.
Out of here...mosquitos are more of a threat to me than any of you keyboard mashing jokes.
4th February 2015, 07:38 PM
Fat people are weak...
That guy is a consumer of power...
I'm a supply of power
I supply power to the master lie or Satan worshiped as truth or GOD that you all are dependent upon to hold yourselves up.
If I could cut off the power so that I was not supporting morons...then that video would not exist...but I have no way to cut off the power selectively.
So I have to hold you all up.
It's funny how you morons think you are productive members of society...but in reality the vast majority of you are net consuming parasites that live off the net producers of society or hosts.
Of course the hosts are ignorant they are hosts and the parasites are ignorant they are parasites.
I'm not ignorant of Truth.
4th February 2015, 07:44 PM
deadlift 1117 pounds
117 reverse is 711
1117+7111 = 8228
82/9 = 9.11
28/9 = 3.11
911+119+191 = 1221
311+113+131 = 555
1221+555 = 1776
12+21+3+11 = 47
"We are told that Euclid, (the Father of Geometry), who lived several hundred years after Pythagoras, worked long and hard to solve the 3:4:5: ratio puzzle. It is said by some that he then sacrificed a hecatomb (a sacrificial offering to God of up to 100 oxen or cattle). However, historically, it is believed that the Egyptians and Babylonians understood the mathematical usefulness of the 3:4:5 ratio long before Euclid."
"The math is the key to understanding this symbol's broader and universal meaning."
The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid or 3:4:5:
47 = 15th prime
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 1776
You and they all are living in a fantasy believed to be reality...
You think I'm one of you and they think I'm one of them
I'm not one of you or a poor absolute capitalist and I'm not one of them or a rich absolute capitalist.
I'm a responsible capitalist...poor and rich does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them.
4th February 2015, 07:49 PM
4th February 2015, 07:58 PM
Poor and rich does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them.
black an white does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them.
Male and female does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them.
Slave and master does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them
Gentile and Jew does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them
Non US citizen and US citizen does not mean anything to me...It means everything to you and them
Of course in order to fit in with you and them...I have to cause you and them to believe that what you and them believe means everything to you and them means everything to me.
For a limited time of course since eventually I'm sickened by the lies you believe are Truth and pound the table demanding me to believe are Truth.
4th February 2015, 08:03 PM
I do not believe GOD exists...I know Truth exists.
I do not want daily affirmations...
I need them...and since it is impossible to resist being supplied with what is needed...I'm always supplied with what I need.
I avoid wanting...since wanters eventually lose their minds when they do not get what they want.
4th February 2015, 08:05 PM
Fat people are weak...
I'm not sure what day God created the deadlift, and gave this gift to mankind. He blessed us, with the Deadlift.
Here's a not fat guy deadlifting 800 lbs. He bleeds through the nose at the end of the video.
What a prayer. Deadlifting brings man closer to God, imo.
4th February 2015, 10:54 PM
Here's a real deadlift
Taiwan TransAsia flight 235
T = 20
T = 20
A= 1
2020+1 = 2021
Generation X = 1961 to 1981
Generation Y = 1981 to 2001
Generation Z = 2001 to 2021
20+20+1 = 41
41 = Key
K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25
11+5+25 = 41
4+1 = 5
41 = Key
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--Tesla
3rd prime = 5
6th prime = 13
9th prime = 23
5+13+23 = 41
41 = Key
41 x 3 = 123
3rd prime = 5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = 2nd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
3+9+13 = 25 or 5 x 5
123 x 3 = 369
123/3 = 41
1st prime = 2
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
1+2 = 3
2+3 = 5
3/5 = March 5th
Flight 235
235/5 = 47
47 = 15th prime
"We are told that Euclid, (the Father of Geometry), who lived several hundred years after Pythagoras, worked long and hard to solve the 3:4:5: ratio puzzle. It is said by some that he then sacrificed a hecatomb (a sacrificial offering to God of up to 100 oxen or cattle). However, historically, it is believed that the Egyptians and Babylonians understood the mathematical usefulness of the 3:4:5 ratio long before Euclid."
"The math is the key to understanding this symbol's broader and universal meaning."
"The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid or 3:4:5:
47 = 15th prime
15 = 5+5+5
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345
345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
flight 370 + flight 17 + flight 8501 = 8888 x 2 = 17776
5 weeks from flight 8501
5 x 7 = 35
flight 235 goes down
8888+235 = 9123
There is 123
9123/3 = 3041
30+41 = 71
I was born the 71st year of the 20th century.
20th prime = 71
born the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
1971 was the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century
9 x 123 = 1107
reverse is 7011
"Flight controllers lost contact with the flight 235 at 10:55 local time"
10 x 60 = 600+55 = 655
655/5 = 131
Hypertiger = 131
Thanking god for deadlifting morons is mornic.
and if I hurt your feelings
That is what Angels do to Satan worshiping morons.
Satan wants morons to worship Satan and supply Satan with as much of the power of GOD Satan can get from the morons Satan fools into worshiping Satan or the lie masquerading as GOD or Truth.
Because GOD does not supply Satan with power
Morons ignorant of GOD or Truth do.
That is why Satan makes sure all you morons hate and fear Truth or GOD...
So you all love and embrace a lie or Satan believed to be GOD and supply power to Satan to fight against GOD.
Don't worry are just the latest duped moronic Satan worshiper...You all have been at this for all of recorded history now...totally oblivious...
Trained by Satan or the lie worshiped as Truth or GOD to throw your lives away for nothing believed to be something.
4th February 2015, 11:08 PM
Really Hitch...I do not see how you can expect me to respect you...When you are deluded moron.
Now real work...productive labour...that brings you closer to GOD
Unproductive lifting weights to be a freak show act that is jacked off to by other deluded morons...that brings you closer to Satan.
It's too bad you are a clueless deluded moron.
Really that is what you are...
But of course clueless deluded morons do not know they are clueless deluded morons...if they did become aware...they would stop...but as long as they are obedient worshipers of ignorance or Satan believed to be bliss or GOD...they just keep going.
Total game playing tools of Satan.
Which is actually good come to think of it...It's what sustains the economic system or master lie you all worship as Truth.
If you stopped being clueless morons...
The war machine of Satan fighting against GOD, trying to defeat GOD, to become GOD and obtain absolute power over all and everthing...would stop...and implode to oblivion...and all the Satan worshiping morons...would die in mass numbers.
But eventually the demand by the master lie or Satan you all worship as GOD or truth demands more power to fight GOD from you all than you all can supply...then the lie you all worship as truth...collapses and dies.
Killing all of you.
That is what deluded game playing morons you are.
It's a paradox.
there is a time and a place where you can escape it.
at the end and the beginning.
it's a wave...with the end of the old wave connected to beginning of the new wave.
The singularity point.
That is where you have to choose to not do over again what got you to that point again.
If you do will do it all over again...forever and ever
you all must like dying in a fit of agony over and over again.
It never ceases to amaze me how dumb you are.
4th February 2015, 11:32 PM
"Members of the House Armed Services Committee met with Jordan's King Abdullah Tuesday not long after news broke that ISIS had burned to death a Jordanian pilot captured in the fight against the terrorist group. In a private session with lawmakers, the king showed an extraordinary measure of anger — anger which he expressed by citing American movie icon Clint Eastwood."
"He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn't seen,"
"Wed March 20, 2013"
320/5 = 64
That is my birthday
320/10 = 32
32 prime is 131 = Hypertiger
3+2 = 5
3rd prime is 5
3/5 = march 5th
32nd degree is Sublime prince or the royal secret.
Jordanian king's controversial interview sparks uproar--"Wed March 20, 2013"
686 days ago
343 x 2 = 686
Hey...there is that number again...see post 110 for explanation of 343
64+46 = 110
or 22 months 2 weeks and 1 day ago
2221 reverse is 1222
I was born the 64th day
reverse is 46
46/9 = 5.11
64/9 = 7.11
5.11+7.11 = 12.22
Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59
72/59 = 1.22
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
"Controversial remarks made by the Jordanian ruling monarch to an American magazine triggered a domestic media uproar and denials from the royal palace, just days before the U.S. president was scheduled to visit Jordan."
"In an article published this week in The Atlantic, Jordan's King Abdullah was quoted calling the opposition Muslim Brotherhood a "Masonic cult."
"Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent...states in his report on Iran's Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by "the great names of British Middle East intelligence"...and that their mission was to "keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted."
"With his first-hand knowledge of Syria, the Levant, and Mesopotamia (not to mention having already worked as a part-time civilian army intelligence officer), on his formal enlistment in 1914 Lawrence was posted to Cairo on the Intelligence Staff of the GOC Middle East. The British government in Egypt sent Lawrence to work with the Hashemite forces in the Arabian Hejaz in October 1916. There he met and worked with Herbert Garland"
"Garland, who spoke Arabic, was assigned to British Intelligence's Arab Bureau and was posted to Hejaz in September 1916. There he applied his practical knowledge of explosives to developing mines, teaching T. E. Lawrence and the Arab rebels to use them during their guerilla campaign and contributing to the British capture of Damascus and the eventual downfall of the Ottoman Empire"
"The Arab Bureau of Britain's Foreign Office conceived a campaign of internal insurgency against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. The Arab Bureau had long felt it likely that a campaign instigated and financed by outside powers, supporting the breakaway-minded tribes and regional challengers to the Turkish government's centralised rule of their empire, would pay great dividends in the diversion of effort that would be needed to meet such a challenge. The Arab Bureau had recognised the strategic value of what is today called the "asymmetry" of such conflict. The Ottoman authorities would have to devote from a hundred to a thousand times the resources to contain the threat of such an internal rebellion compared to the Allies' cost of sponsoring it."
You do realize I know more about how the world works...Then most of the installed puppets or servants you slaves of followers call leaders.
It's so funny how you all think I'm one of you.
I would require a lobotomy to be one of you.
4th February 2015, 11:56 PM
"March 20 is the 79th day of the year. There are 286 days remaining until the end of the year."
"Typically the March equinox falls on this date, marking the vernal point in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal point in the Southern Hemisphere, when both day and night are of equal length."
3rd prime = 5 = 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = 2st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
30th prime = 113 = 4th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd prime = 131 = 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
64th prime = 311 = 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
79th prime = 401 = 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13 x 22 = 286
22nd prime = 79
Atomic number of Gold = 79
13th prime = 41
41 = Key
C = 3
E = 5
35 = March 5th
L = 12
U = 21
311 is a twin prime with 313
March 5 = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
64th day
64th prime = 311
March 6th = 3/6 or 3 x 6 = 18 or 6+6+6
37 x 18 = 666
65th day
65th prime = 313
555+666 = 1221
12th prime = 37
21st prime = 73
37+73 = 110/2 = 55
12+21 = 33
37 x 33 = 1221
C = 3
L = 21
U = 12
E = 5
3+21+12+5 = 41
You all do realize that English is a high level programing language.
It is at the highest level of abstraction.
numerical machine code is down at the lowest level
Reason is complex or at the highest level of abstraction or visible chaos
Logic is simple or at the lowest level of abstraction or invisible order
The invisible order or reality/logic of the basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the graphical user interface or reason/fantasy believed to be logic/reality in the foreground.
You think the absolute capitalist drone production facility you call schools and universities you are the products of were set up by GOD?
5th February 2015, 01:06 AM
The DOW opened 17603 and the high today was 17782
179 points
it shot up to 17744 or 141 before I left for the day.
179 Is the 41st prime
41 = Key
41 x 3 = 123
179 x 3 = 537
5 x 37 = 185
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
41 = Key
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 then you would have a key to the universe.--Tesla
41st prime = 179
179 x 3 = 537 x 3 = 1611
"Posted on March 5, 2014 ("
Reading the Bible was banned for 1230 years 1230 x 3 = 3690
The Church banned the reading of the Bible by laity. Penalties included being stoned to death or being burned at the stake after confiscation of real and personal property.
Reading of the Bible was banned for 1230 years, starting with the First Council of Constantinople in 381 (attended by Pope Damasus).
After he suppressed the Bible, Damasus (Pope from 366-384) created an array of formidable penances and additional anathemas ‘designed to keep the curious at bay’5, the chief tendency of the priesthood was to keep the Bible away from people and substitute Church authority as the rule of life and belief.
Owning a Bible was a criminal offence
In 860, Pope Nicholas I, sitting high on a throne built specially for the occasion in the town square, pronounced against all people who expressed interest in reading the Bible, and reaffirmed its banned public use (Papal Decree). In 1073, Pope Gregory supported and confirmed the ban, and in 1198, Pope Innocent III declared that anybody caught reading the Bible would be stoned to death by ‘soldiers of the Church military’ (Diderot’s Encyclopedia, 1759). In 1229, the Council of Toulouse, ‘to be spoken of with detestation’, passed another Decree ‘that strictly prohibits laics from having in their possession either the Old or New Testaments; or from translating them into the vulgar tongue’. By the 14th Century, possession of a Bible by the laity was a criminal offence and punishable by whipping, confiscation of real and personal property, and burning at the stake.
With the fabricated Christian texts safely hidden from public scrutiny by a series of Decrees, popes endorsed the public suppression of the Bible for twelve hundred and thirty years, right up until after the Reformation and the printing of the King James Bible in 1611.
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 = 51 = Michael the angel
145/9 = 16.11
"At 1:45am on September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection"
145 = 105 minutes
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
3 x 5 x 7 = 105
145/9 = 29
from the December 7th, 1941 false flag of pearl Harbor to the September 15th, 2008 controlled demolition of Lehman's...was 66.7 years if use 365.25
24389 days/365.25
66.6 years if you use 366
My fist name = Michael = 51
My last name = Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122 x 3 = 366 = the number of days on a quantum leap year.
but using 365.25 is more accurate.
It works out to 66 years 9 months 1 week and 1 day.
See click (
Ok where is the 29?
29 x 29 x 29 = 24389 days.
It's the 10th prime
10 x 10 x 10 = 1000
"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,"--Revelation 20:7
I was born march 5th, 1971
the 64th day
I turn 44 this year 2015
2015+5102 = 7117
64th prime is 311
3 = C
11 = K
444 Celsius = 717 Kelvin.
Revelation 20:7
20th prime = 71
7th prime = 17
Just more insignificant total random numbers that monkeys can not comprehend.
Harbinger--A person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald.
King = 41
Hey there is 343 again
Newborn King
Newborn = 91
A pregnant female is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."
5 x 5 = 25
25 x 37 = 925
Or 9 months a 1 week
7 months with 31 days
31 x .25 = 7.75
8 days
So 9 months 1 week and 1 day.
See how math really works?
reverse is 137
137 is the 33 prime
I created Hypertiger in 1988
the first 33 primes add up to 1988
13 x 7 = 91 = newborn
The DOW closed today at 17,673
or 3 x 43 x 137
Hypertiger = 131
newborn = 91
king = 41
91+41 = 132/2 = 66
66th prime is 317
31 days 7 months
3 x 17 = 51
51 = Michael.
You all do realize that English is a high level programing language.
It is at the highest level of abstraction.
numerical machine code is down at the lowest level
Ok when I blow this all run into the machine guns to prove you are not cowards...because if you do not...that means you are a coward...and the penalty for cowardice is...death by firing squad.
You all do realize you are stupid animals
But not too stupid...
You all can be trained to think you are Human beings. won't believe me....but this is post 137 = 33rd prime
1:06 am time stamp.
66 minutes
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
137+317 = 454
26 = GOD
26th prime = 101
454+101 = 555
Michael = 51
Satan = 55
51+55 = 106
106 x 2 = 212
my 1st name = Michael = 51
my 2nd name = Randal = 50
my 3rd name = David = 40
my 4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
5th February 2015, 03:29 AM
From the release date of Roar august 10th, 2013 to Super bowl Sunday February 1st 2015 was...1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day
1531 reverse is 1351
1351 is the last 4 of my phone number.
13 x 51 = 663/3 = 221
221 reverse is 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
122+221 = 343
343-131 = 212
Whitney Huston born August 9th
Michael brown died August 9th
August 9 is the 221st day of the year (222nd in leap years)
"On January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown (born March 4, 1993) was found face down in a bathtub in her Georgia home" she is 21
That is 1/31
1993 = 301 prime
March 5th or my birthday is the 64th day with 301 days remaining
Hypertiger = 131
Whitney Huston died on February 11th, 2012 in a bathtub
Or 2/11 and 2 years and 11 months later her daughter was found almost dead in a bathtub
August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years) There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year"
"The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792, the effective end of the French monarchy"
The release date of Roar August 10th.
"February 1 or 2/1 is the 32nd day of the year. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year"--super bowl and Katy for the half time show.
32nd prime is 131
222 from august 10th + 333 from February 1 = 555
March 5th is 5/3 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
32 from February 1 + 143 from August 10th = 175
175/5 = 35 = March 5th
211 is the 47th prime
"We are told that Euclid, (the Father of Geometry), who lived several hundred years after Pythagoras, worked long and hard to solve the 3:4:5: ratio puzzle. It is said by some that he then sacrificed a hecatomb (a sacrificial offering to God of up to 100 oxen or cattle). However, historically, it is believed that the Egyptians and Babylonians understood the mathematical usefulness of the 3:4:5 ratio long before Euclid."
"math is the key to understanding this symbol's broader and universal meaning."
"The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid or 3:4:5:
47 = 15th prime
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
"Euclid (300 BC), sometimes called Euclid of Alexandria to distinguish him from Euclid of Megara, was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". He was active in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy I (323–283 BC). His Elements is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics (especially geometry) from the time of its publication until the late 19th or early 20th century"
February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)...George Washington's birthday.
TransAsia flight 235
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
2+3 = 5
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive
222 + 333 = 555
The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander-in-chief of the early Continental Army and the first American president. Standing due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial, the monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5 1⁄8 inches tall"
555 feet x 12 = 6660
37 x 36 = 1332 x 5 = 6660
1332/2 = 666
"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”--Mark 13:32
555 feet x 12 = 6660
+ 5 inches = 6665
66+65 = 131
131 = hypertiger
the 1/8 of an inch?
1/8 = 0.125
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
35 or 35 = 243
243+125 = 368
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."--Luke 18:19
18+19 = 37
368+1 = 369
36.9 = 37
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”-Tesla
18 x 19 = 171
64th day was when I was born
64/9 = 7.11
1971 or the 71st year of the 20th the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century
20th prime = 71
711+117 = 828+171 = 999
37 x 9 = 333
37 x 18 = 666
37 x 27 = 999
9+18+27 = 54
6 x 9 = 54
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
54 = love
333+666+999 = 1998
1998 was where the end of the 9th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century was.
see what happened then that you all are oblivious (
54 = love
In Canada we have social insurance numbers or SIN's
in the form xxx-xxx-xxx
my mate's adds up to 1998
I was born March 5th, 1971
the 64th day
64th prime is 311
she was born November 7th, 1971
or 11/7/71
117+711 = 828
"November 7 is the 311th day of the year (312th in leap years). There are 54 days remaining until the end of the year."
54 = Love
"This day marks the approximate midpoint of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and of spring in the Southern Hemisphere (starting the season at the September equinox)."
March 5th is the 64th day with 301 days remaining.
311+64 = 375
301+54 = 355
375+355 = 730
"Preparing to rebuild the international economic system while World War II was still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, also known as the Bretton Woods Conference. The delegates deliberated during 1–22 July 1944, and signed the Bretton Woods agreement on its final day. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, these accords established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which today is part of the World Bank Group. The United States, which controlled two thirds of the world's gold, insisted that the Bretton Woods system rest on both gold and the US dollar. Soviet representatives attended the conference but later declined to ratify the final agreements, charging that the institutions they had created were "branches of Wall Street." These organizations became operational in 1945 after a sufficient number of countries had ratified the agreement."
Well in 2008 the USA reached maximum potential inflation...after 64 years of exponential growth.
2 doubled 4 doubled 8 doubled 16 doubled 32 doubled 64 doubled.
Hancock = 55
run time of the video = 145
July 2, 2008
"The Bank of New York was a global financial services company established in 1784 by the American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. It existed until its merger with the Mellon Financial Corporation on July 2, 2007"
one year fact leading to 1:45am on September 15, 2008...where Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc....filed for chapter 11...C11 311.
bank mergers was happening like preparation for the main event...the controlled demolition...of Lehman Brothers Holdings
"A bad bank is a corporate structure created by a troubled bank to isolate illiquid and high risk securities. A bank may accumulate a large portfolio of debts or other financial instruments which unexpectedly increase in risk, making it difficult for the bank to raise capital, for example through sales of bonds. In these circumstances, the bank may wish to segregate its "good" assets from its "bad" assets through the creation of a bad bank."
"In U.S. financial slang, a bagholder is a shareholder left holding shares of worthless stocks"
"The word is derived by combining shareholder with the expression "left holding the bag."
"July 2 is the 183rd day of the year (184th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 182 days remaining until the end of the year."
"This day is the midpoint of a common year because there are 182 days before and 182 days after it in common years, and 183 before and 182 after in leap years. The exact time of the middle of the year is at noon."
360/5 = 72
Hyper = 72
rule of 72
From July 2nd..when Hancock came September 15th, 2008 where the controlled demolition took place.
was 2 months, 1 week, 6 days
216+612 = 828
711+117 = 828
75 days
75/5 = 15
Prism = 75
75+57 = 132/2 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51
51 = Michael.
I can see what others can not.
Hancock is interesting for another reason.
My mate...almost killed me leading up to 2008...Just by thinking me dead...I did not know she was...until I began dying...and then when I trace the cause...It was just her negative thoughts ultimately.
Just like in the movie...
It was released June 16th in Paris.
"666 is generally believed to have been the original Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. In 2005, however, a fragment of papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original.[4] One possible explanation for the two different numbers is that they reflect two different spellings of Emperor Nero/Neron's name, for which (according to this theory) this number is believed to be a code"
167th day with 198 days remaining
9+9 = 18
99+99 = 198
999+999 = 1998
167 is the 39th prime
3 x 13 = 39
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
Paris = 67
67+76 = 143
"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792, the effective end of the French monarchy"
1998-222 = 1776
Hancock made $624 million according to Wikipedia at the Box office
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
311+313 = 624
6th prime = 13
2nd prime = 3
4th prime = 7
"Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters"
Elite = 51
Michael = 51
It was 92 minutes long
92/ 2 = 46
46/9 = 5.11
May 11th
May 11 is the 131st day of the year (132nd in leap years). There are 234 days remaining until the end of the year.
131 = Hypertiger
5 x 11 = 55
Hancock = 55
360/5 = 72
hyper = 72
rule of 72
July 2 = 7/2
72 x 6 = 432+234 = 666
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
132/2 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
5/1 = may 1
92+29 = 121
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
5th February 2015, 03:57 AM
"The Bank of New York was a global financial services company established in 1784 by the American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. It existed until its merger with the Mellon Financial Corporation on July 2, 2007"
2007-1776 = 223
"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792, the effective end of the French monarchy"
223 = 48th prime
17/76 = 0.223
2.23 = square root of 5
37 x 48 = 1776
1776 was a quantum leap year
reverse of 223 is 322
322 skull and bones.
"And the LORD (or lie believed to be GOD or Truth) said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"--Genesis 3:22
3 x 22 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
1776 and 51 or 5/1 or may 1st
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
Oh look 343 again
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122+221 = 343
343-131 = 212
2+1+2 = 5
Time stamp of this post is 3:57 am
Michael = 51
7 letter
7 x 51 = 357
3 x 60 = 180+57 = 237
2 x 37 = 74
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
"February 2 is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 332 days remaining until the end of the year (333 in leap years)."
212+121 = 333
212 = 5
121 = 4
6 x 9 = 54
5 x 9 = 45
69+59 = 128/2 = 64
August 25 is the 237th day of the year. There are 128 days remaining until the end of the year.
August 25, 357 – Battle of Strasbourg: Julian, Caesar (deputy emperor) and supreme commander of the Roman army in Gaul, wins an important victory against the Alemanni at Strasbourg (Argentoratum).
"The Romans under Nero Claudius Drusus established a military outpost belonging to the Germania Superior Roman province close to a Gaulish village near the banks of the Rhine, at the current location of Strasbourg, and named it Argentoratum. The name "Argentoratum" was first mentioned in 12 BC and the city celebrated its 2,000th birthday in 1988"
the year I created hypertiger...the first 33 primes add up to 1988
137 = 33 prime
Dow close yesterday = 3 x 43 x 137 = 17,673
August 25, 1653 – New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated.
"The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City occurred on the 254th day of the year. 1609 is the 254th prime number. Note that explorer Henry Hudson first came across the island of Manhattan on 9/11/1609."
"September 11 is the 254th day of the year (255th in leap years). There are 111 days remaining until the end of the year.
It is usually the first day of the year in the Coptic calendar"
"The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and still used in Egypt."
George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton the first US treasury secretary on September 11, 1789
16 x 53 = 848/4 = 212
825/5 = 165
11+22+33+44+55 = 165/5 = 33
New = 42
York = 69
42+69 = 111
London = 74
TransAsia flight 235
2+3 = 5
2 x 37 = 74 = London
3 x 37 = 111 = New York
5 x 37 = 185
74+111 = 185
July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
There is a book called...Secrets of the Federal Reserve...The London connection...It what the creature from Jekyll island is based off of.
remember how I pointed out December 7th, 1941 or pearl harbor to September 15th, 2008 or the controlled demolition of Lehman's.
was 66 years 9 months 1 week and 1 day
or 24389 days
29 x 29 x 29 = 24389
Or 293
293rd prime = 1913
1913-1776 = 137
13 x 7 = 91
newborn = 91
A pregnant female is considered full term after 37 weeks...or 9.25 months
Or 9 months 1 week and 1 day
August 25, 357 – Battle of Strasbourg: Julian, Caesar (deputy emperor) and supreme commander of the Roman army in Gaul, wins an important victory against the Alemanni at Strasbourg (Argentoratum).
"The Romans under Nero Claudius Drusus established a military outpost belonging to the Germania Superior Roman province close to a Gaulish village near the banks of the Rhine, at the current location of Strasbourg, and named it Argentoratum. The name "Argentoratum" was first mentioned in 12 BC and the city celebrated its 2,000th birthday in 1988"
first 33 primes add up to 1988
Where I created Hypertiger
1988-1776 = 212
argentum = silver
5 x 5 = 25
25 x 37 = 925
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."
atomic number of silver = 47 = 15th prime
The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid or 3:4:5:
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
345 play time
5th February 2015, 05:13 AM
Atomic number of Gold = 79
Atomic number of silver = 47
Atomic number of copper = 29
March 5th = 64th day
64th prime is 311
3rd prime = 5
11th prime = 31
29+47+79 = 155
5 x 31 = 155
"Children of the Atom is a 1953 science fiction novel by Wilmar H. Shiras, which has been listed as one of "The Most Significant SF & Fantasy Books of the Last 50 Years, 1953-2002."[1] The book is a collection and expansion of three earlier stories, the most famous of which is the novella "In Hiding" from 1948, which appeared on several "Best SF" lists. The book's plot focuses on superhuman children with immeasurably high intelligence who have to hide their youth, and work from hiding in order to get along in the less-intelligent world."
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
"As "311" or "3/11", typically pronounced "three-eleven" by analogy with "9/11", it is commonly used to refer the calendar dates November 3 or March 11, depending on which date notation is used. The latter usage may refer to the March 11, 2011, Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan"
2011+1102 = 3113
It's also my sisters birthday.
"Off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 JST"
14 x 60 = 840+46 = 886/2 = 443
"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"
e = 5
"Due to the top secret nature of the work, Los Alamos was isolated. In Feynman's own words, "There wasn't anything to do there". Bored, he indulged his curiosity by learning to pick the combination locks on cabinets and desks used to secure papers. Feynman played many jokes on colleagues. In one case he found the combination to a locked filing cabinet by trying the numbers he thought a physicist would use (it proved to be 27–18–28 after the base of natural logarithms, e = 2.71828"
999/369 = 2.71
271+172 = 443
4 x 43 = 172 + 271 = 443
311+131 = 442
17th prime = 59
76th prime = 383
59+383 = 442
reverse is 244/2 = 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
172/9 = 19.11
That is where the 1st solar cycle of 11 years ended...111 on 1911
"The nucleus is the very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom. It was discovered in 1911 as a result of Ernest Rutherford's interpretation of the 1909 Geiger–Marsden gold foil experiment."
"tickling the dragon's tail ("
Camp Bassfish
5th February 2015, 05:48 AM
Couple more question HT..... what are your thoughts on protecting nearly extinct animals at the cost of preventing development of large tracts of prosperous lands?
And you're about the same age as me.... you clearly remember grocerie bags before plastic? I'd say a solid 30 years have gone by since the plastic bags introduction to the grocery store.....I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether you think they were a good idea?
7th trump
5th February 2015, 07:35 AM
Couple more question HT..... what are your thoughts on protecting nearly extinct animals at the cost of preventing development of large tracts of prosperous lands?
And you're about the same age as me.... you clearly remember grocerie bags before plastic? I'd say a solid 30 years have gone by since the plastic bags inrtroduction to the grocery store.....I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether you think they were a good idea?
Why bother HT?
He's is to busy chopping down trees more than they can grow......he's looking for a job you know.
Mommy must have told him to get a job and pay for his interent and electricity or get out of her basement.
I'm surprised HT doesnt go to work for the communist party...hes such a socialist.
And I've never seen social you know what his mental capacity of Westeners are.
He'll take the athiest communist side in a heart beat.
He's already said hes doesnt beleive in his creator.
And he admits he wants to destroy capitalism.
Doesnt take a tire inflater to figure out what he is.
He'd rather see the communist flag flying over Washington with the masses standing in front of firing squads like you seen in the Soviet take over of Russia.
5th February 2015, 12:44 PM
5th February 2015, 02:38 PM
Dow close
17,885 +212 1.20%
March 5th is when I was born that is 3/5 the 64th day
reverse of 64 is 46
46/9 = 5.11
35 x 511 = 17,885
First name = Michael = 51
second name = Randal = 50
third name = David = 40
last name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
Michael = 51 or 5/1 = May 1st
march 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
May = 39
Day = 30
39+30 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
69 = archangel
Michael = 51
69+51 = 120
Illuminati = 120
35 reverse is 53
3553/2 = 1776.5
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
The illuminati is not trying to take over
You all are enslaved by the tyranny of the cherished delusion of liberty.
you all are in absolute denial.
A lie you believe is Truth is a reasonable assumption.
When you fall in love with a lie you believe is truth or a reasonable assumption it transforms into a cherished delusion.
You will fight to the death to protect what you cherish from harm.
The belief that the New world order is taking over and you are resisting it.
Is a mass delusion all of you cherish.
It is the master you all are slaves of.
When I begins to harm it...
It is the master you all are the servants of.
100% free labor...and you are clueless.
That is the secret of free energy you all have been socially engineered into thinking is suppressed.
There is no supersession as far as I can tell.
5th February 2015, 02:39 PM
Couple more question HT..... what are your thoughts on protecting nearly extinct animals at the cost of preventing development of large tracts of prosperous lands?
And you're about the same age as me.... you clearly remember grocerie bags before plastic? I'd say a solid 30 years have gone by since the plastic bags introduction to the grocery store.....I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether you think they were a good idea?
Please...I'm not your master or slave.
I'm not a magic 8 ball you can shake until you receive the answer you want.
5th February 2015, 02:45 PM
Why bother HT?
He's is to busy chopping down trees more than they can grow......he's looking for a job you know.
Mommy must have told him to get a job and pay for his interent and electricity or get out of her basement.
I'm surprised HT doesnt go to work for the communist party...hes such a socialist.
And I've never seen social you know what his mental capacity of Westeners are.
He'll take the athiest communist side in a heart beat.
He's already said hes doesnt beleive in his creator.
And he admits he wants to destroy capitalism.
Doesnt take a tire inflater to figure out what he is.
He'd rather see the communist flag flying over Washington with the masses standing in front of firing squads like you seen in the Soviet take over of Russia.
Taking more power than you give.
That is what you all are doing to sustain existence...You all are absolute capitalist drones.
I use trees because it is simple to comprehend
The table of elements is the supply or fractional reserve of reality and you all are the created out of thin air fantasy or demand powered by the supply of reality.
When the demand of the created out of thin air fantasy becomes greater than the fractional reserve of reality or supply...
The created out of thin air fantasy begins to cry and then die.
When I say you are is not an opinion...It is a fact.
If a fact is a personal attack...Then have fun dying in a fit of exquisite agony.
I just point out the obvious to the oblivious.
When the power runs out to sustain the explosion of the liberal daydream up to absolute 1...the liberal daydream of fantasy collapses or implodes into the conservative nightmare of reality down to absolute 0....
The violent absolute capitalists or conservatives take over from the gradual absolute capitalists or liberals...Then liquidate all you useful idiots or fundable assets that transform into unfundable liabilities or useless idiots.
Once the violent absolute capitalists gain power over are no longer needed...and are eliminated.
They require you to get them into position...They do not require you to sustain them there once they are in superposition.
You all never fail to amaze me what brain dead tools you are.
Camp Bassfish
5th February 2015, 03:51 PM
Please...I'm not your master or slave.
I'm not a magic 8 ball you can shake until you receive the answer you want.
I ask you as my peer. Nothing more >, nothing less <
5th February 2015, 05:14 PM
Please...I'm not your master or slave. %2F2013%2F09%2Fisrael-gay_men_of_israel.jpeg%3Fw%3D584%26h%3D343&ei=QwfUVOqJKc-wsAS0r4F4&psig=AFQjCNGnqM9yQScFawSb0QhavRa67_Y5Aw&ust=1423268035767811
5th February 2015, 09:04 PM
I ask you as my peer. Nothing more >, nothing less <
Your question is a symptom.
You believe the question you asked deserves an answer you want.
I only have the answers you need...
the only way you can acquire the answers you want from me is when the answer you need and the answer you want are the same.
5th February 2015, 10:10 PM
Finger = 59
Prince = 65
The invisible hand wears gloves so that there are no fingerprints...but the effects or visible chaos that hides the invisible order or cause can not be hidden.
59+65 = 124/2 = 62
62 = Elohim
"Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language."
You think that GOD or Jesus or something you were trained to read on a piece of paper gives you justification for your actions.
You all are the supply of my demand for justification.
You are a doomed bonehead.
59th prime = 277
65th prime = 313
277+313 = 590
5/9 = 0.5555555555555555555555
590/5 = 118 reverse is 811
13:31 = 13 x 60 = 780+31 = 811
"Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on 15 March said that the last signal from flight 370 was received at 08:11 Malaysian time."
37 x 5 = 185
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
180 feet = 55 meters
185 x 2 = 370
3 x 185 = 555
37 x 15 = 555
July 4th = 7/4
2 x 37 = 74
Jewish = 74
"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."
"Lamech in the Bible lived 777 years."
Lamech = 42
42 x 37 = 1554
15+54 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
1554/2 = 777
3 x 7 = 21
37 x 21 = 777
Yesterday was 2/1 or the 32nd day
3+2 = 5
32nd prime = 131
Hypertiger = 131
131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
811+118+181 = 1110/2 = 555
73/9 = 8.11
37/9 = 4.11
"4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada."
"4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as "D.A.", "Directory Assistance", or "Information"."
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
born march 5th or 3/5
3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
1st name = Michael = 51 = 151
2nd name = Randal = 50 = 250
3rd name = David = 40 = 340
4th name = Leopard = 71 = 471
151+250+340+471 = 1212
"In 1962 direct-dialed long-distance directory assistance became available. The number in cities with panel and crossbar switching equipment was area code-555-1212, whereas in cities with step-by-step equipment the number was 1-555-1212 (or 112-555-1212) for numbers not local but in the same area code and 1-area code-555-1212 (or 112-area code-555-1212) for numbers in other area codes. In some area codes, the directory assistance center was able to serve the entire area code, but in many, the operator in the principal city of the area code you dialed would connect you onward to a more local directory assistance center for the most up-to-date information."
"51 is a pentagonal number as well as a centered pentagonal number (one of the few numbers to be both)"
Like a star
The atomic number of antimony = 51
is like anti money
total time is 444
March 4th was the original inauguration date of the 1789 US constitution.
3/4 or 3 x 4 = 12 or 4+4+4
37 x 12 = 444
March 4th is 4 months from July 4th
Or 122 days
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
"Preterist theologians typically support the numerical interpretation that 666 is the equivalent of the name and title, Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor from 54-68)"
54+68 = 122
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
122 x 2 = 244
122 x 3 = 366 = number of days in a quantum leap year...1776 was a leap year.
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
121 days?
From march 5th to July 4th is 121 days.
March 4th, 51 BC - Nero, later to become Roman Emperor, is given the title princeps iuventutis (head of the youth).
"Princeps (plural: principes) is a Latin word meaning "first in time or order; the first, chief, the most eminent, distinguished, or noble; the first man, first person."
"Princeps (in this sense usually translated as "First Citizen") was an official title of a Roman Emperor as the title determining the leader in Ancient Rome at the beginning of the Roman Empire. It created the principate Roman imperial system"
"It was first given as a special title to Caesar Augustus in 27 BC, who saw that use of the titles rex (king) or dictator would create resentment amongst senators and other influential men, who had earlier demonstrated their disapproval by supporting the assassination of Julius Caesar. While Augustus had political and military supremacy, he needed the assistance of his fellow Romans to manage the Empire."
Satan/evil is not going to claim Satan/evil is Satan/evil...Satan/evil is going to pretend to be GOD/good...Because you all will refuse to worship or Supply power to Satan/evil....But because you all are ignorant of Truth or GOD/good...Satan/evil can pretend to be GOD/good and fool you into supplying power to Satan/evil masquerading as GOD/good.
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."--Luke 18:19
You know that saying..."all good things come to an end"...
Actually good never comes to an end...but evil pretending to be good does.
Because you all would not want Satan or evil masquerading as GOD or Good to die...
oh dear me oh my...then what would we do?
It is impossible to harm GOD.
It's not my fault you all have worshiped a lie believed to be Truth all your lives.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say with all of this....
5th February 2015, 11:44 PM
Dow 17,885 +212 +1.20%
Nasdaq 4,765 +48 1.02%
S&P 500 2,063 +21 1.05%
First name = Michael = 51
Second name = Randal = 50
Third name = David = 40
Last name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
69 = Archangel
51 = Michael
69+51 = 120
102/2 = 51 = Michael
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
3 x 7 x 5 = 105
Nasdaq + DOW
4765+17885 = 22650 = 50 x 453
4 x 53 = 212
150 x 151 = 22650
GOD = 26
Michael = 51
26+51 = 77
Christ = 77
Jesus = 74
74+77 = 151
S&P 500
S = 19
P = 16
19+16 = 35 = March 5th
500th prime is 3571
3/5/71 = March 5th, 1971...My birthday
It is the 64th day
64th prime is 311
311th prime is 2063
311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131.
113+131+311 = 555
313+131 = 444
113+311 = 424/2 = 212
311 can be expressed as a sum of consecutive primes in four different ways: as a sum of three consecutive primes (101 + 103 + 107), as a sum of five consecutive primes (53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71), as a sum of seven consecutive primes (31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59),and as a sum of eleven consecutive primes (11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47).
3571 = 500th prime
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7
5th prime = 11
2345+5432 = 7777
13 x 41 x 67 = 35711
13+41+67 = 121 = star number (
Unique among the star numbers is 35113, since its prime factors (i.e. 13, 37 and 73) are also consecutive star numbers.
212+121 = 333
13 x 37 x 73 = 15113
13+37+73 = 123/3 = 41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
"The number of the original states of the United States, 13, is a star number. This is used in the design of the Great Seal of the United States, the obverse of which features a six-pointed star formed by an arrangement of 13 smaller stars."
"Over its head there appears a "glory" with 13 stars on a blue field. In the current (and several previous) dies of the great seal, the 13 stars above the eagle are arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star."
14341 = 1682 prime
212+121 = 333
13+37+73 = 123
123/3 = 41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive. Construction began in 1922, the building was dedicated in 1932, and the interior finally completed in 1969"
22+32+69 = 123 + 321 = 444 x 4 = 1776
14341 = 1682 prime
212+121 = 333
1682+333 = 2015
From march 5th to July 4th is 121 days
From march 4th the original inauguration date of the 1789 Constitution to July 4th is 122 days.
1776 was a leap year.
May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years). There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.
"Over its head there appears a "glory" with 13 stars on a blue field. In the current (and several previous) dies of the great seal, the 13 stars above the eagle are arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star."
14341 = 1682 prime
From March 5th to July 4th is 3 months 4 weeks a 1 day
3 x 41 = 123 x 3 = 369
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--Tesla
From March 4th to July 4th is 4 months.
Or 444 x 4 = 1776
the New world order is not trying to take over.
Who or what do you think created and owns the Internet?
The master or dealer supplied you all with the Internet or drug/servant at the start for free to get all you slaves addicted or hooked.
It was checkmate over 20 years ago.
5th February 2015, 11:45 PM
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say with all of this....
It's not my fault you all have worshiped a lie believed to be Truth all your lives.
Can you see what I posted above?
6th February 2015, 01:35 AM
I had the same conversation over and over again over the all think there is a positive solution to the take more power than is given equation.
There is not...
The final solution of the take more power than you give delusion or the logical conclusion of the absolute capitalist equation is always total annihilation.
"While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a standstill - little better understood, little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago."--John Adams
"The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. This Declaration committee operated from June 11, 1776 until July 5, 1776, the day on which the Declaration was published."
"On June 11, the members of the Committee of Five were appointed; they were: John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Livingston of New York, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia"
"Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in immoral acts, and the members were often very involved in politics."
"A rake, short for rakehell (analogous to "hellraiser"), is a historic term applied to a man who is habituated to immoral conduct"
"At the time of the London gentlemen's club, where there was a meeting place for every interest, including poetry, philosophy and politics, Philip, Duke of Wharton's Hell-Fire Club was, according to Blackett-Ord, a satirical "gentleman's club" which was known to ridicule religion, catching onto the then-current trend in England of blasphemy. The club was more a joke, meant to shock the outside world, than a serious attack on religion or morality. The supposed president of this club was the Devil, although the members themselves did not apparently worship demons or the Devil, but called themselves devils"
"According to at least one source, their activities included mock religious ceremonies and partaking in meals containing dishes like Holy Ghost Pie, Breast of Venus, and Devil's Loin, while drinking Hell-fire punch. Members of the Club supposedly came to meetings dressed as characters from the Bible"
"The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais' fictional abbey at Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley."
"Benjamin Franklin is known to have occasionally attended the club's meetings during 1758 as a non-member during his time in England. "
"The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations."--John Adams
"The Declaration of Independence I always considered as a theatrical show. Jefferson ran away with all the stage effect of that... and all the glory of it."--John Adams
John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States (1789-1797).
"The Boston Massacre, known as the Incident on King Street by the British, was an incident on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others."
"The Boston Massacre is considered one of the most important events that turned colonial sentiment against King George III and British Parliamentary authority. John Adams wrote that the "foundation of American independence was laid" on March 5, 1770"
March 5th is the 64th day
64th prime is 311
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
from March 5th 1770 to July 4th 1776 is...
2313 days
6 years, 3 months, 4 weeks, 1 day...6341+1436 = 7777
July 4th = 7/4 or 74
6341 = 17 x 373
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
2 x 37 = 74
373 = 74th prime.
K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25
11+5+25 = 41
4+1 = 5
3 x 41 = 123
6 x 123 = 738
"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"
41= Key
4+1 = 5
e x e = 7.389
738/2 = 369/3 = 123/3 = 41 = Key
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--Tesla
233 = 51 = Michael
e x e = 7.389 rounded = 7.39
739 = 131st prime
131 = Hypertiger
201 years before my birthday March 5th, 1971
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 - 51 = Michael the angel.
201st prime?
December 29th, 2014 the DOW closed at 18038
I was pointing this out back then...but the thread trashers and game players...were not interested.
Of course 12/28, 2014 is when flight 8501 vanished.
flight 370 + flight 17 + flight 8501 = 8888 x 2 = 17776
Feburary 2 or 22...the day after superbowl XLIX
22 = letter V or roman for 5
February 2 is the 33rd day of the year. There are 332 days remaining until the end of the year (333 in leap years).
3 x 37 = 111
6 x 37 = 222
9 x 37 = 333
111+222+333 = 666
The DOW hit bottom at 17038
1000 points
1 month, 4 days or 1+4 = 5
14 reverse is 41 = Key
35 days.
3/5= March 5th
3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
Feburary 2 or 2/02
"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a 1000 years,"--Revelation 20:2
202/2 = 101
26th prime = 101
GOD = 26
February 2 is the 33rd day of the year. There are 332 days remaining until the end of the year (333 in leap years).
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive"
and from there up to 17,885 +212 +1.20
Dow close
17,885 +212 1.20%
March 5th is when I was born that is 3/5 the 64th day
reverse of 64 is 46
46/9 = 5.11
35 x 511 = 17,885
First name = Michael = 51
second name = Randal = 50
third name = David = 40
last name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
Michael = 51 or 5/1 = May 1st
march 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
May = 39
Day = 30
39+30 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
69 = archangel
Michael = 51
69+51 = 120
Illuminati = 120
35 reverse is 53
3553/2 = 1776.5
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
A total of 1847 points
1847+7481 = 9328
9328 = 121
9328/2 = 4664
"The Apotheosis of Washington is the fresco painted by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building. The fresco is suspended 180 feet (55 m) above the rotunda floor and covers an area of 4,664 square feet "
22 = V or roman for 5
22 x 212 = 4664
"The Apotheosis of Washington depicts George Washington sitting amongst the heavens in an exalted manner, or in literal terms, ascending and becoming a God (apotheosis) deifying the human being."
"The Pet Goat" is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1, by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner (ISBN 0026863553). The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the direct instruction teaching style."
March 5th = 3/5
3553/2 = 1776.5
17 x 557 x 2837 = 26863553
17 = 7th prime
557 = 102th prime
2837 = 412th prime
102/2 = 51 = Michael
7+102+412 = 521
5 x 21 = 105
Michael = 51
7 letters
51 x 7 = 357
3 x 5 x 7 = 105
521 reverse is 125 = 5 x 5 x 5
412+214 = 626/2 = 313
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
64th day
64th prime = 311
311 is a twin prime with 313
311+313 = 624/2 = 312
February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)...George Washington's birthday
"The story gained notoriety because U.S. President George W. Bush, as part of a photo op, was reading it with Florida schoolchildren at the time he was informed of the September 11, 2001 attacks by then White House chief of staff, Andrew Card."
"In modern Satanic theology, the pentagram is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption with the divine- where some traditions advocate the sublimation of the ego or submission to god, Satanism exalts and glorifies it, deifying the human being (apotheosis). The symbol most commonly associated with Satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes pentacle, often confused with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend"
Baphomet ( click
"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, Sabbatic Goat, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat"--The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, Book of Belial (earth): The Satanic Ritual, pp136
"The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16. The word also refers, in modern parlance, to one who is blamed for misfortunes, often as a way of distracting attention from the real causes."
"Two very similar-appearing male goats were brought into the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur as part of the Holy Service of that day. The high priest cast lots for the two goats. One goat was offered as a burnt offering, as was the bull. The second goat was the scapegoat. The high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and confessed the sins of the people of Israel. The scapegoat was led away and let go in the wilderness according to Leviticus 16:22, although the Talmud adds that it was pushed over a distant cliff."
"In modern Hebrew Azazel is used derogatorily, as in lekh la-Azazel ("go to Azazel"), as in "go to hell"."
"Azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل Azazil) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures, possibly referring to a fallen angel or Satan. The word's first appearances are in Leviticus 16, when in the ritual for Yom Kippur the scapegoat is to be taken to Azazel and cast into the wilderness, but this text by itself is unclear as to the actual identity of Azazel.
The Talmud (Yoma 67b) and later commentators maintain Azazel was the name of the precipitous cliff where the goat met its end."
"The Sigil of the Baphomet: This is a pentacle form (The goats head in the circle), with two points pointing upwards, one downwards, and one to each side. This is an upturned or inversed pentacle."
The scapegoat of the NEW WORLD ORDER lives in the Whitehouse ( click
131 = Hypertiger
131 = 32nd prime
131 = 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd degree is Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (
time stamp 1:35
135+531 = 666
Post 153 reverse is 351
3 x 51 = 153/3 = 51 = Michael
6th February 2015, 02:48 AM
March 5th was when I was born...64th day
reverse is 46
First name = Michael = 51
46/9 = 5.11
Last name = Leopard = 71
64/9 = 7.11
51+71 = 122/2 = 61
5.11+7.11 = 12.22/2 = 6.11
46+64 = 110/2 = 55
55/9 = 6.11
64th prime is 311
November 6 or 11/6 is the 310th day of the year (311th in leap years). There are 55 days remaining until the end of the year.
365/Pi = 116
116+611+161 = 888 x 2 = 1776
November 6, 2009 is the release date of The Men who Stare at Goats.
2:23 play time
223 = 48th prime
17/76= 0.223
37 x 48 = 1776
2.23 = square root of 5
223 reverse is 322 or skull and bones.
"And the LORD (Or lie believed to be Truth or GOD) said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"--Genesis 3:22
3 x 22 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
May 24 is the 144th day of the year (145th in leap years). There are 221 days remaining until the end of the the release date of this.
5 x 24 = 120
Archangel = 69
Michael = 51
69+51 = 120
Illuminati = 120
12 x 12 = 144
145+541 = 686/2 = 343
First name = Michael = 51
Last name = Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122 reverse = 221
122+221 = 343
Hypertiger = 131
343-131 = 212
7 x 29 = 203
203rd prime = 1237
12 x 37 = 444 x 4 = 1776
Goat = 43
43 = 14th prime
1+4 = 5
4 x 3 = 12 x 37 = 444 x 4 = 1776
March 4th is the original inauguration date of the 1789 US Constitution.
Bobbi Kristina Brown (born March 4, 1993)
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012) was an American singer, actress, producer, and model
died 2/11 in a bathtub
2 years an 11 months later her daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown was found face down in a bathtub...on January 31, 2015
or 1/31
131 = Hypertiger.
Bobbi Kristina Brown = 203
203rd prime = 1237
12 x 37 = 444
March 4th = 3/4 or 3 x 4 = 12 or 4+4+4
1993 = 301st prime
March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years). There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year.
First name = Michael = 51
second name = Randal = 50
third name = David = 40
last name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
64/301 = 0.212
1993-1776 = 217+712 = 929
"Michaelmas /ˈmɪkəlməs/, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September"--929
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand"..Revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 = 51 = Michael the angel
20th prime = 71
20:1 = 71:1
September 11th is 911
but in the roman calendar September is the 7th month
or 711
with tower 7 and the twin towers or 11 collapsing
1st prime is 2
So 20:1 = 71:2
Tower 7, tower 1, and tower 2.
tower 7 = 47 stories
tower 1 = 110
tower 1 = 110
2+6+7 = 15 or 5+5+5
267 total
267+762 = 1029 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 7
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
1029/3 = 343
Hypertiger = 131
343-131 = 212
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 05:22 AM
Your question is a symptom.
You believe the question you asked deserves an answer you want.
I only have the answers you need...
the only way you can acquire the answers you want from me is when the answer you need and the answer you want are the same.
Umm??? Okay?
What about icefishing then? Ever do any of that? I find that it's best to let the fish run with the bait until the line stops, give them a few seconds to turn the bait and eat it before setting the hook. There are others that say to set the hook right away.
This has been a quandry of mine for some time. Certainly an answer I need.....
6th February 2015, 05:35 AM
Umm??? Okay?
What about icefishing then? Ever do any of that?
I've never tried icefishing, but it looks like a blast. Do you have one of those huts to stay in, to keep out of the weather? I've always thought that would be cool, hang out in one, fish, drink a few beers and have a few laughs. Anything productive you can do while relaxing and drinking beer is a gift. What kind of fish do you catch?
Fishing is therapeutic. If anyone gets grumpy enough to insult others on an internet forum, they need to go fishing.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 05:51 AM
I've never tried icefishing, but it looks like a blast. Do you have one of those huts to stay in, to keep out of the weather? I've always thought that would be cool, hang out in one, fish, drink a few beers and have a few laughs. Anything productive you can do while relaxing and drinking beer is a gift. What kind of fish do you catch?
Fishing is therapeutic. If anyone gets grumpy enough to insult others on an internet forum, they need to go fishing.
Sometimes we bring a portable shanty out with us, sometimes not. really depends on the weather and what were are going after. If we're jigging panfish (Crappie&Perch) you're pretty much on the go most of the time. If we're using tip-ups for Walleye, Salmon, and Lake Trout then it's more of a "drink a few beers" and wait kind of thing.
We've had some epic cookouts out on the ice too...... everything taste better off the grill when you're standing on hard water.
6th February 2015, 05:54 AM
I would love to go ice fishing, but the weather here is just no good for it.
Do you use different poles and such. What about tackle, is it different?
What we do here is about 180o from ice fishing so it would be really awesome to try it!
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 05:55 AM
Here's a Walleye a buddy of mine caught yesterday. 32" 12 pounds. And some salmon I got a few years back.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 06:01 AM
I would love to go ice fishing, but the weather here is just no good for it.
Do you use different poles and such. What about tackle, is it different?
What we do here is about 180o from ice fishing so it would be really awesome to try it!
Much different gear... these are tip ups that you use for larger fish. The flag pops up when the fish takes the bait. For jigging they make a very small "jigging" rod. Ice fishing is a light tackle thing...usually no more than a 4-6 pound test line is used. Lots of fun!
6th February 2015, 06:03 AM
Is it good eating, did you get to try it?
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 06:20 AM
Is it good eating, did you get to try it?
Walleye is arguably the best fish out there, with salmon a close second. Dip the filets in some egg batter of even just some white milk, bread them with Panko and sear them in a pan. You'd not be disappointed.
6th February 2015, 06:24 AM
Walleye is arguably the best fish out there, with salmon a close second. Dip the filets in some egg batter of even just some white milk, bread them with Panko and sear them in a pan. You'd not be disappointed.
Walleye is better than salmon? Wow, I always thought salmon was the top in taste. Out here on the west coast, salmon commands a high dollar per pound.
I'm waiting for rock fish season to start. Rock fish tacos, the best!
6th February 2015, 06:45 AM
Walleye is arguably the best fish out there, with salmon a close second. Dip the filets in some egg batter of even just some white milk, bread them with Panko and sear them in a pan. You'd not be disappointed.
I love me some cold water fish and that Walleye looks tasty.
I don't know what it is about the cold water that makes the seafood so sweet. The closest I get to eating it is in south island NZ. Tasmanian seafood is too expensive and besides the best stuff just gets shipped overseas anyway, sigh...
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 06:47 AM
Walleye is better than salmon? Wow, I always thought salmon was the top in taste. Out here on the west coast, salmon commands a high dollar per pound.
I'm waiting for rock fish season to start. Rock fish tacos, the best!
Around here you can't sell Walleye commercially, so it has to be self caught. Just a quick Google search for a few recipes.
7th trump
6th February 2015, 07:32 AM
I'll take crappe over walleye and walleye over blue gill in that order of taste. Salmon is in a different catagory of taste.
And a Northern properly smoked and deboned is hard to has to be smoked in a certain brine for best flavor.
All time best tasting fish was Snook caught in season when I lived in Florida.
6th February 2015, 07:43 AM
I'm curious if any of you folks have tried sand dabs. They are a flat fish, like a flounder, but somewhat of a delicacy do to their mild, almost sweet, taste.
They are not commercially fished, very much like walleye, but if they end up on a menu at a restaurant, folks order them up quick. They are usually a locally caught, seasonal, catch.
Sand dabs are plentiful here, as much as you can catch, but most are small, under 12 inches.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 07:56 AM
I've never tried them, nor had the opportunity. Flounder and Fluke are abundant out on the "Island" though.
6th February 2015, 09:27 AM
17,951 DOW high
There is 51 again.
from the open at 17868 to there is 83 points...
83+38 = 121
38 = March 8th where flight 370 flew into the event horrorzion of the black hole and sucked all of you from where you were to where you are now...reading this.
I always get what I need.
There is no way to connect me to your deaths.
It always looks like natural causes or so call human error.
You think the police and military work for you against me.
But in the end...because Michael is the patron saint of police officers and soldiers...They begin working for me against you.
There is no way to stop me.
Just like there is no way to stop time.
17951 = 29 x 619
619 = 114th prime
reverse is 411
37/9 = 4.11111111
4 x 37 = 148
11 x 37 = 407
148+407 = 555
"4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada."
"4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as "D.A.", "Directory Assistance", or "Information"."
"Approximately 6 billion calls are made to 4-1-1 within the United States every year."
Born march 5th or 3/5
3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
6+9 = 15
69 = Archangel
First name = Michael = 51
Second name = Randal = 50
Third name = David = 40
Last name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
151+250+340+271 = 1212
"In 1962 direct-dialed long-distance directory assistance became available. The number in cities with panel and crossbar switching equipment was area code-555-1212, whereas in cities with step-by-step equipment the number was 1-555-1212 (or 112-555-1212) for numbers not local but in the same area code and 1-area code-555-1212 (or 112-area code-555-1212) for numbers in other area codes. In some area codes, the directory assistance center was able to serve the entire area code, but in many, the operator in the principal city of the area code you dialed would connect you onward to a more local directory assistance center for the most up-to-date information."
112 reverse is 211
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012)
That is dead on a bathtub
Then 2 years and 11 months later...her daughter was found floating in a bathtub...face down.
on 1/31
Hypertiger = 131
there are 131 days in-between Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and Malaysia Airlines flight 17
M = 13
A = 1
Then there is Indonesia AirAsia flight 8501 that vanished on 12/28.
I = 9
A = 1
A = 1
370+17+8501 = 8888 x 2 = 1776
6th February 2015, 09:40 AM
Dow high 17951 = 29 x 619
619+916 = 1535
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7
3+7 = 10/2 = 5
29 is the 10th prime
15+35 = 50
"In Euclidean geometry, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron with congruent faces of regular polygons and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Five solids meet those criteria, and each is named after its number of faces."
"Geometers have studied the mathematical beauty and symmetry of the Platonic solids for thousands of years. They are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids"
Tetrahedron (four faces)
Cube or hexahedron (six faces)
Octahedron (eight faces)
Dodecahedron (twelve faces)
Icosahedron (twenty faces)
4+6+8+12+20 = 50
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."--Luke 18:19
18+19 = 37
50+1 = 51
51 = Michael
"51 is a pentagonal number as well as a centered pentagonal number (one of the few numbers to be both)"
360/5 = 72
like a star ( click
51 = atomic number of antimony
Like Anti money
18+19 = 37
6th February 2015, 09:41 AM
619 = 114th prime
6 x 19 = 114
This post time stamp is 9:41
9 x 41 = 369
Key = 41
K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25
11+5+25 = 41
4+1 = 5
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”-Tesla
3rd prime = 5
6th prime = 13
9th prime = 23
5+13+23 = 41 = Key
4+1 = 5
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 = 51
51 = Michael the angel.
It is post 171
9 x 19 = 171
"September 19 is the 262nd day of the year. There are 103 days remaining until the end of the year."
262/2 = 131
131 = Hypertiger
103 reverse is 301
"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."
64th day
64/9 = 7.11
711+117 = 828
82/9 = 9.11
28/9 = 3.11
64th prime is 311
911+119+191 = 1221
L = 12
U = 21
C = 3
K = 11
1221 311
311+113+131 = 555
1221+555 = 1776
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 09:48 AM
Set the hook quickly? Or let them run the bait?
6th February 2015, 10:10 AM
Set the hook quickly? Or let them run the bait?
I find out where lies masquerading as Truth are and then I concentrate on their annihilation until some horrible fate begins unfolding upon them.
Once this happens...They have no more control over their fate than a leaf caught in a maelstrom.
the all seeing eye of the hurricane is where the angel in the whirlwind resides.
"The inauguration of the president of the United States is a ceremonial event marking the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States. The day a presidential inauguration occurs is known as "Inauguration Day" and occurs on January 20 (or 21st if the 20th is a Sunday). (Prior to the Twentieth Amendment, the date was March 4 or 444, the day of the year on which the Constitution of the United States first took effect in 1789; the last inauguration to take place on the older date was Franklin D. Roosevelt's first one on March 4, 1933.) The most recent public presidential inauguration ceremony, the swearing in of President Barack Obama to begin his second four-year term in office, took place on Monday, January 21, 2013."
"January 20 is the 20th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 345 days remaining until the end of the year"
"In the ancient astronomy, it is the cusp day between Capricorn and Aquarius. In some years it is Aquarius, but others Capricorn. It depends on the year"
may = 39
day = 30
may day = May 1st
Michael = 51 or 5/1 = may 1st
39+30 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345
345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
69 = archangel
69+51 = 120
1lluminati = 120
My first name = Michael = 51
my last name = Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
122 x 2 = 244
122 x 3 = 366 or the number of days in a leap year...1776 was a leap year.
May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years). There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.
121 = Star number (
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
"The Angel in the whirlwind...resides in the all seeing eye of the vortex...You all have about as much control over you leaves blowing around in a maelstrom."
Bush's January 20th, 2000 inauguration speech.
153 play time
153/3 = 51 = Michael
153 reverse is 351
3 x 51 = 153
Listen carefully
"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."--Ecclesiastes 9:11
Then on September 11, 2001...911.
"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."--Revelation 9:11
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 10:23 AM
Set the hook quickly? Or let them run the bait?
Did I miss the answer? Jeesh, I'm just looking for the wisdom of a self proclaimed master..... shouldn't have to be like pulling teeth.
6th February 2015, 10:31 AM
I put ends to games of tyranny masquerading as liberty.
Liberty is like the drugs you see on TV...
liberty has a side effect...tyranny
You all having fun making fools of yourselves?
I do not need to be visible to annihilate a lies...or shatter cherished delusions
I do not even have to try.
Lies and delusions that come into contact with me...cry and then die.
What do you think funeral parlors are for?
I'm like a fish that jumps into your boat...and catches you.
I am Pisces.
So was George Washington.
"Pisces (♓) (/ˈpaɪsiːz/, pis'eez; Ancient Greek: Ἰχθύες, "Ikhthues") is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Pisces constellation. It spans the 330° to 360° of the zodiac, between 332.75° and 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac the sun transits this area on average between February 19 and March 20"
332.75 rounded is 333
"February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year"
32nd prime = 131 = Hypertiger
5 is the 3rd prime
"February 22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)."
333 = 555
Siperbowl XLIX was on Feb 1
LI = 51
XX = 20
20th prime is 71
I was born on the 64th day or march 5th 3/5 of the 71st year of the 20th century
with 1971 being the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century.
64/9 = 7.11
64th prime = 311
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
"February 22 is the 53rd day of the year. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)."--George Washington's birthday
311+313 = 624/2 = 312
6th prime = 13
2nd prime = 3
4th prime = 7
"Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters."
Elite = 51
Michael = 51
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt.The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill)at 101 Callahan Drive."
Some times no matter how hard you try to not step on do...tisk
When the game playing ants just will not stop trying to play games with you because they are ignorant of Truth or GOD...and no matter how hard you try to help them become knowledgeable of Truth or GOD...
You eventually have to stomp on them...Tisk
6th February 2015, 10:37 AM
I love me some cold water fish and that Walleye looks tasty.
I don't know what it is about the cold water that makes the seafood so sweet. The closest I get to eating it is in south island NZ. Tasmanian seafood is too expensive and besides the best stuff just gets shipped overseas anyway, sigh...
I think the reason is that anything growing in a colder environment just take longer time to mature, and thus gets more flavor packed in. Greenland shrimps are much more tasty than Mediterranean or Indian Ocean shrimps, they are much smaller too. Same experience with Swedish Strawberries or Potatoes vs Mediterranean...
6th February 2015, 10:43 AM
Did I miss the answer? Jeesh, I'm just looking for the wisdom of a self proclaimed master..... shouldn't have to be like pulling teeth.
Demons hate work and love play
Logic dictates...
play = negative = demand for power = nothing or fantasy that wants to be something or reality.
Work = positive = supply of power = something or reality that needs to be something or reality.
Something infinite or Truth needs to supply power to the demand for power by nothing or a lie that wants to become truth and never die
Angels love play and work...To them it's virtually the same since they have to balance the equation between work and play to sustain play...Because work or reality is the supply of power to the demand for power by play or fantasy.
demons are ignorant of Truth or GOD and employ absolute self indulgent reason...or take more power than they give from all and everything in the Universe to sustain their existence = unbalanced
Angels are knowledgeable of Truth or GOD and employ responsible altruistic logic...or share power as equally as possible with all and everything in the universe to sustain their continued existence = balanced
Truth or GOD helps those who help themselves.
I make demons work which they hate since they claim it is negative.
Demons want to play because they love it and claim it is positive.
Demons are like animals...ignorant of Truth or GOD.
I can only supply demons masquerading as angels with what they need...not what they want.
The only why demons can obtain what they want from me is when what they need and want are the same or in superposition.
6th February 2015, 10:47 AM
The equation of time...during the summer the clocks move faster and during the winter the clocks move slower.
Want to move forward in time faster...start running...and you will arrive at a future point in time and space faster than someone that is walking.
I sent this message to you all from the future to read in the past which is your present from me to you.
6th February 2015, 10:53 AM
Not my fault you are content consumers...or fish....and Rense and drudge etc...are fishermen...that supply content or lies promoted or sold as the content consumers or ignorant fish to buy or believe are truth.
To hook them.
The barrel on the boat with all the fish swimming in it that the fishermen have like an echo chamber...
It's no problem catching fish in a barrel...they are already caught.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
"Caveat emptor /ˌkævɛɑːt ˈɛmptɔr/ is Latin for "Let the buyer beware""
The saying is...when in as the Romans.
When in Rome do as the morons.
6th February 2015, 10:56 AM
Really Hitch...I do not see how you can expect me to respect you...When you are deluded moron.
Now real work...productive labour...that brings you closer to GOD
Unproductive lifting weights to be a freak show act that is jacked off to by other deluded morons...that brings you closer to Satan.
Your labor, how valuable do you consider it? Do you do anything apart from posting to us morons, where none of us gets it? Are you productive, or do you work for Satan?
6th February 2015, 10:58 AM
time stamp is 10:58
Or 658 seconds
Which is 14 x 47
1+4 = 5
47 = 15th prime or 5+5=5
You think you all are the only people that play games with me...i'm surrounded by millions and ultimately billions of game players that want to win.
I will certainly supply what they want or victory.
as long as what they need and want are the same.
If they need victory...They will be supplied with victory or YES
If they do not need victory...they will be supplied with defeat or NO
You are never supplied with what you want but you are always supplied with what you need.
The universe is perfectly fair, All and everything in the universe is supplied with what all and everything in the universe needs or deserves, and there is no hope.
Listen to what is said at the start.
see the total time...221.
221 reverse is 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
Whitney Huston was born August 9th
Michael Brown was blow away August 9th
August 9 is the 221st day of the year (222nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 144 days remaining until the end of the year.
12 x 12 = 144
Pisces = 12th sign
60/5 = 12
like a clock
221 reverse is 122
122+221 = 343
343 - 131 = 212
212 = my full names added up.
Michael brown = 123
123/3 = 41
41 = key
4+1 = 5
41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--tesla
My daughter was born the same day as Michael brown.
May 20th
Victoria day in Canada...a rare the peak of the 9th solar cycle or 11 years of the 20th century.
a pregnant female is considered full term after 37 weeks
37 weeks = 9.25 months
Or 9 weeks and 1 month
New = 42
Born = 49
42+49 = 91
Newborn = 91
actually 37 weeks is 9 months 1 week and 1 day
5 x 5 = 25
25 x 37 = 925
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."
Michael brown was born may 20th, 1996 and was blown away august 9th, 2014
6655 days
6655+5566 = 12221
5 x 11 x 11 x 11 =6655
I was born march 5th, 1971...the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11111111111111111
reverse is 46
46/9 = 5.111111111111111111
Michael = 51
My last name is Leopard = 71
march 5th 1971 = 3/5/71
3571 = 500th prime
3571+1753 = 5324/4 = 1331
64th prime is 311
3 11
reverse is 113
11 x 11 x 11 = 1331
or 113
1331 x 5 = 6655
My mates first name adds up to 66 and here last name adds up to 55
66+55 = 121
WW1 ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
or 11/11
11 x 11 = 121
"November 11 is the 315th day of the year (316th in leap years). There are 50 days remaining until the end of the year."
11 x 11 = 121
315+513 = 828
64th day
64/9 = 7.11
711+117 = 828
316+613 = 929
"Michaelmas /ˈmɪkəlməs/, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September"...9/29
You all have been attacking me for decades...calling me avery name in the book...moron being one of them.
I have no idea why you all continue to try to convince me you are innocent.
I'm not a police officer or a judge...etc.
They are governed by rules or lie believed to be Truth or LAW.
I'm governed by GOD or LAW
LAW dictates what I need to do.
Not rules game you all demand I believe are unbreakable LAW.
I take them into consideration of course...But I do not believe rules are LAW
Rules a lies promotes as Truth or LAW.
They are not LAW
People have no power to make or break LAW
All that people have the power to make of break are rules and to claim rules are LAW
But if a rule attempts to break LAW
LAW will break the rule.
6th February 2015, 11:10 AM
Your labor, how valuable do you consider it? Do you do anything apart from posting to us morons, where none of us gets it? Are you productive, or do you work for Satan?
What needs to be done needs to be done...value is a secondary consideration...certainly you must acquire more calories than you burn working...Or your body will eventually exconetially decay down to absolute 0 and return back into thin air from where it came from...and then you will not have to worry about considering any more.
You are not the only one that reads my posts.
You employee absolute self indulgent think I'm communicating with you.
This is the world wide web...I'm communicating with everyone connected to it.
Power plants work
Light bulbs play a game with me...They try to convince me that they are working...when they are playing.
Because when I cut off the power I'm supplying to them...
They stop playing the game of try to convince me they are working.
The masters of logic rule the slaves of Reason.
It's the way the universe works.
You all do not know how the universe works...but you all know how the universe plays.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 11:49 AM
I like how you've worked in some "fish" analogies, but you still have answered the question that I NEED. If this is an area where you lack expertise, then just say as much.
6th February 2015, 12:26 PM
I like how you've worked in some "fish" analogies, but you still have answered the question that I NEED. If this is an area where you lack expertise, then just say as much.
No you want...
You are never supplied with what you want...but you always are supplied with what you need...always.
I have already supplied you with what you need...but unfortunately it is not what you want.
The way your post is constructed proves you guilty not innocent.
"If this is an area where you lack expertise, then just say as much."
You lack the expertise to communicate with me...sorry.
you do not know your asshole from a hole in the ground.
I already answered to your question.
Antisocialists like you refuse to take what is given to you or what you need and move the next victim.
You will continue playing your game until you get what you want...or are exhausted and have to rest or recharge.
It's funny what pathetic creatures you are...
Wandering around begging for your death wishes to be fulfilled cherishing the delusion you are trying to have you life wishes fulfilled.
You all have to realize that without the internet to protect you from me...It's to dangerous for you to communicate with any of you in offline...because off line you can attempt to touch me.
If you attempt to touch me when you should not will experience a fate worse than an infant grasping a white hot bar of Iron.
I have will power beyond your abilities comprehend.
What do I WANT expertise for...there are millions and billions of slave minds with expertise to manipulate when I NEED to.
give a man a fish feed him for a day...tesh a man to fish and fee him for the rest of his life.
but make sure that man agres to pay for his education...eget him to sign a that he owes you 2 of every 3 fish caught for a year.
that is how the absolute capitalist exchange for mutual benefit works.
Is it really that are infants in a play pen...and I'm spoiling play time?
"Infants masquerading as adults soiled their diapers again." of the thread.
you are toilet trained...right?
My daughter came up with one.
Built a man a fire and warm him for a night
Light a man on fire and warm him for the rest of his life.
Already told you I'm not a magic 8 ball that a monkey can shake until what the monkey wants pops out.
6th February 2015, 12:35 PM
I'm a expert at supplying NO to the demand for YES by Satan and Satan's worshipers.
It's just you use the word expertise.
I tell people with masters degrees that they are laughable fuck heads when they tell me that Universities are the supply of power and the Universe is the demand for power.
The Universe is the supply of power and the Universities are the demand for power.
Reality that needs to be reality is the supply of power to the demand for power by fantasy that wants to be reality
You all are just trained chimps chasing monkey chow till the day you exponentially decay or implode down to absolute 0 or back into what you exponentially grew or exploded up to absolute 1 out play your monkey games with me.
Time stamp is 1235
1234+4321 = 5555
1235+5321 = 6556
65+56 = 121
post 185
3 x 5 = 185
From march 5th to July 4th is 121 days
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
186th on quantum leap years?
186,282 = speed of light in miles per second.
2 x 3 x 3 x 79 x 131
131 = Hypertiger
233 = 51st prime
Michael = 51
22nd prime
22 = V or roman for 5
79th prime = 401 = the 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
79 x 9 = 711
186282/711 = 262
262/2 = 131 = Hypertiger
32nd prime = 131 = 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32 x 2 = 64
64th prime = 311 = 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
5th 6th and 7th
567+765 = 1332
"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”--Mark 13:32
When you are going to realize I'm not playing a variable or uncertain.
That you will realize I'm not playing a game is constant...or certain
64/9 = 711
711+117 = 828
828+282 = 1110/2 = 555
March 5th is 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
555/3 = 185
185 x 2 = 370
Like flight 370 that flew into the event horizon of the black hole and sucked all of you from where you where you are now...reading this.
82/9 = 9.11
28/9 = 3.11
911+119+191 = 1221
311+113+131 = 555
1221+555 = 1776
The game you are attempting to play with me was over before you even began attempting to play it with me.
In the end or at the logical conclusion of the antisocialist take more power than you give delusion or game...
You all annihilate each other attempting to acquire what you never had to begin with or acquire what you never will.
Freedom from Truth
Freedom from GOD
6th February 2015, 01:37 PM
17951 DOW high
179+51 = 230
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
"May 15 is the 135th day of the year. There are 230 days remaining until the end of the year."
911+119 = 1130/2 = 515 = Zero point
GOD = 26
Michael = 51
26+51 = 77
Christ = 77
Jesus = 74
2 x 37 = 74
74+77 = 151
515+151 = 666
135 + 531 = 666
37 x 18 = 666
666+666 = 1221
12th prime = 37
21st prime = 73
12+21 = 33
37 x 33 = 1221
37+73 = 110
Each of the twin towers were 110 stories tall.
May 15th, 2014--First Family Barack and Michelle Obama and numerous political figures visit and dedicate the memorial with the victims on Ground Zero point.
"In a vast underground hall beside twisted and graffiti-adorned steel remnants of New York’s twin towers, President Obama and other dignitaries joined rescue workers and families of Sept. 11 victims Thursday to dedicate the new National September 11 Memorial Museum."
"Flags outside were at half-staff on the World Trade Center memorial plaza, where bronze panels bear the engraved names of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in New York, Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania in 2001, and in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993."
1993 = 301st prime
March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years). There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year.
"About 700 guests attended the somber ceremony held in the museum’s Foundation Hall, 70 feet beneath ground level at bedrock. As some audience members wiped tears from their faces, or held on to family members, elected officials, survivors and rescue workers rose one by one to talk about the victims and what was left behind."
22 = V or roman for 5
22 x 35 = 770
3/5 = March 5th.
"President Obama with his wife, Michelle; former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; Hillary Rodham Clinton; and former President Bill Clinton on Thursday at the National September 11 Memorial Museum."
“No act of terror can match the strength or the character of our country,” President Obama told the crowd during the one-hour dedication ceremony. “Like the great wall and bedrock that embrace us today,” he added, “nothing can ever break us.”
the reverse of 5/15?
"August 18 or 8/18 is the 230th day of the year. There are 135 days remaining until the end of the year."
135+531 = 666
181+818 = 999
666+999 = 1665
111+222+333+444+555 = 1665/5 = 333
"September 11 is the 254th day of the year. There are 111 days remaining until the end of the year.
"It is usually the first day of the year in the Coptic calendar"
1665+111 = 1776
37 x 3 = 111
new = 42
York = 69
42+69 = 111
"The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City occurred on the 254th day of the year. 1609 is the 254th prime number. Note that explorer Henry Hudson first came across the island of Manhattan on 9/11/1609."
"The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and still used in Egypt"
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive"
British east India company asset George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton, new York Banker and city of London asset, the first US treasurey secretary on September 11 1789
Pi x Pi = 9.869
Rounded is 987+789 = 1776
5 x 15 = 75
8 x 18 = 144
75+144 = 219
Or 3 x 73
219+912 = 1131
11th prime = 31
"As "311" or "3/11", typically pronounced "three-eleven" by analogy with "9/11", it is commonly used to refer the calendar dates November 3 or March 11, depending on which date notation is used. The latter usage may refer to the March 11, 2011, Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan or the March 11, 2004, Madrid train bombings."
March 5th = 64th day
64th prime = 311
My sisters birthday.
from September 11th, 2001 to March 11th, 2004 was...
912 days
2 years and 6 months
26th prime = 101
GOD = 26
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive"
2 years and 6 months = 30 months
30 x 37 = 1110/2 = 555
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 01:47 PM
Whoa whoa ..... Back up a second. You have a daughter? That means somewhere along the line you must have fornicated with a slave. What was that like? Tell us more? Does your daughter posses the same super human capabilities as you, or is she like the rest of us game players?
6th February 2015, 01:50 PM
The above post has time stamp of 1:37
post 186...see 185 for 186
"The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City occurred on the 254th day of the year. 1609 is the 254th prime number. Note that explorer Henry Hudson first came across the island of Manhattan on 9/11/1609."
"The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and still used in Egypt"
"September 11 is the 254th day of the year. There are 111 days remaining until the end of the year.
"It is usually the first day of the year in the Coptic calendar"
82/9 = 9.11
A pregnant woman is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months
or 9 months and 1 week
13 x 7 = 91
New = 42
Born = 49
49+42 = 91
I created Hypertiger in 1988 to run around in the matrix...or fantasy you all believe to be reality.
137 is the 33 prime and the first 33 primes add up to 1988
5 x 5 = 25
37 x 25 = 925
"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."
7.5 x 2 = 15 or 5+5+5
Atomic number of silver is 47 which is the 15th prime or 5+5+5
37 weeks = 9.26 months
there are 7 months with 31 days
317 = 66th prime
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
31 x .25 = 7.75
Or 8 days
So 37 weeks is 9 months 1 week and 1 day
6th February 2015, 01:54 PM
Whoa whoa ..... Back up a second. You have a daughter? That means somewhere along the line you must have fornicated with a slave. What was that like? Tell us more? Does your daughter posses the same super human capabilities as you, or is she like the rest of us game players?
That means after that are dead.
You just killed yourself.
"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”--Mark 13:32
Thank you...
It was even your 333rd post.
Yes she and my mate and all of you are game all are ignorant of Truth or GOD.
You all commit suicide fighting to the death against me attempting to convince me that is not what you are doing.
So long ignorant shit stain...Have fun dying in a fit of exquisite agony.
6th February 2015, 02:04 PM
camp bassfish = Infant masquerading as an adult that soiled his diapers again.
7th trump
6th February 2015, 02:12 PM
Has anyone experienced this "exquisite agony" of death yet?
I feel tired every night before going to sleep.....but nothing of this "exquisite agony" we are experiencing.
heck maybe I'll experience this "exquisite agony" when he can make lightning come from the sky and strike me at the snap of his fingers.
Ohh-hummm.....we'll see I guess.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 02:12 PM
camp bassfish = Infant masquerading as an adult that soiled his diapers again.
No. Camp Bassfish giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying to understand your sermon, but at the same time, asking questions about contradictions and curiosity. Clearly I touched a nerve. Take a nap, drink a beer, tell someone...... Anyone that they are doing a good job. You'll feel better for it.
6th February 2015, 02:22 PM
Dow close 17,824 -61
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 557 = 17824
25 x 557 = 17824
25 x 37 = 925
but now you all know what 9 months 1 week and 1 day is.
full term.
female horses are called mares...and they are pregnant for 11 months
9 = dark = night
11 = horse = mare
Darkhorse = Nightmare = 911
Song 6 from Prism
play time = 345
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
Since 216 = 33 + 43 + 53 = 63, it is the smallest cube that's also the sum of three cubes (Plato was among the first to notice this, and mentioned it in Book VIII of Republic)
Prism = 75+57 = 132/2 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
that is the 102nd prime
102/2 = 51
Michael = 51
Reverse of 102 is 201
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1
Scientists can not see dark matter.?
Because they are playing the just think/embrace positive (ignorance/fantasy believed to be reality) ignore/reject negative (knowledge/reality that is reality) game you all are playing for fun and profit...till the day you implode back onto thin air from where you came from.
Out of sight and out of mind is the one true religion of the blind.
You want to escape?
Pray for the Internet and basically the entirety of what is called technologically advanced be annihilated.
The sun of GOD can blow out all you ignorance or Satan believed to be GOD or Truth worshipers like a candle...
That is the Messiah that is coming...
To lift the veil of the wedding dress of the abyss to supply you with the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.
I'm just a harbinger.
Harbinger - a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald.
- 61 points
61 x 2 = 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
6th February 2015, 02:26 PM
No. Camp Bassfish giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying to understand your sermon, but at the same time, asking questions about contradictions and curiosity. Clearly I touched a nerve. Take a nap, drink a beer, tell someone...... Anyone that they are doing a good job. You'll feel better for it.
You are dead to me after what you posted...
That is the other part I do not like about the Internet...dead people that are not yet dead mashing their keyboards...just more cries of the damned to add to rest.
It's too bad you all used the Internet or tool as toy to goof off an play with your entire lives.
It was like handing matches made in heaven to children and all they did was burn down everything to hell.
Camp Bassfish
6th February 2015, 02:58 PM
Umm??? Okay?
What about icefishing then? Ever do any of that? I find that it's best to let the fish run with the bait until the line stops, give them a few seconds to turn the bait and eat it before setting the hook. There are others that say to set the hook right away.
This has been a quandry of mine for some time. Certainly an answer I need..... apparently the answer is let them run and then set the hook. Have a great weekend HT, you're doing a great job!
6th February 2015, 07:34 PM
Yeah, so what? Anyone with lots of time on their hands can assemble/manoeuver a bunch of numbers like that and come up with anything they wanted. Next.
6th February 2015, 07:56 PM
Yeah, so what? Anyone with lots of time on their hands can assemble/manoeuver a bunch of numbers like that and come up with anything they wanted. Next. There are a huge bunch of religious leaders that have done just that ! Cherry pick through the books and run with with it. Televangelists are particularly good at it, to get the faithful to send them money for this or that reason. And never mind the rings and bling said preachers wear or the estates they are living in, and the cars they have.
Anyone of middle age or older can remember the ones I am talking about, late night tv and some am and some radio stations.
Was a tad off topic but not really, just making a point built off steyr_m's post.
I like hyper kitty, he has been around a long long time, and does have a way to get one to look at things in a 'out of the box' way.
There is another poster here, that makes one think but in 'cosmic' ways that I really think the two need to meet it would be a match of universal proportions.
Said with 'tongue in cheek' sorta way..
Match made in a cosmic way !
6th February 2015, 08:25 PM
If you look at the times of HT posts you can derail a bunch more.
6th February 2015, 08:48 PM
Hyper kittys post are pure derail.
Not necessarily a bad thing.
6th February 2015, 09:32 PM
Hyper kittys post are pure derail.
Not necessarily a bad thing.
It's funny watching the doomed speculate.
You all are in denial.
You can not even comprehend the information I'm posting you are so dumbed down.
That is what you have done since the Internet or drug was supplied to all you slave minds by the master mind for free at the start to get you all hooked.
you have positively reinforced your ignorance and dumbed yourselves down to puss for brains.
I'm not manipulating the numbers.
GOLD...1,233 -31.2 -2.35%
9 x 137 = 1233
3 x 411 = 1233
137 = 33rd prime
The first 33 primes add up to 1988...where I created Hypertiger.
233 = 51st prime
51 = Michael
born march 5th or the 64th day
64th prime = 311
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
31.1+31.3 = 62.4/2 = 31.2
1st prime = 2
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
1+2 = 3
2+3 = 5
I was trying to point out the collapse in the DOW way back on 12/29
You kissed 1000 points goodbye with your ignorant game playing distractions.
It was a simple operation to sell back at the top of the wave 12/29...and then buy at the bottom of the wave...on 2/2
But you all are ignorant of logic
You all employ absolute self indulgent reason.
You all do not even have a reduimentry knowledge of your own history in the all are totally oblivious that you did not gain independence.
There is absolutely zero evidence that the USA ever gained independence from the city of London.
You all are mind controlled posts are the product produced by mind controlled drones.
Your programing has you all fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.
You all are not resisting your masters at are either slaving for the master lie believed to be Truth or serving the master lie believed to be truth.
Millions and ultimately billions of you...None of you can fool me into thinking you are any different at a basic level than any of the other millions and billions of drones.
Your responses are variable...but they are all powered by a constant...which at the basic level is no different than any other absolute capitalist all are following the master program of lie believed to be Truth...taking more power than you give to reach the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
I'm at the logical conclusion or judgment day waiting for all you doomed worshipers of ignorance or Satan to arrive and be forced to worship knowledge or GOD
I'm sorry but everything you know about Truth was taught to you by lies believed to be Truth.
It's not my fault you are hard core stupidity addicts.
It's not my fault you looked at the losers below you and compared yourselves with them and deceived yourselves into thinking you are winners.
I'm above all the people you look up to and believe are winners.
The people at the top of the hierarchy that you can see are just as ignorant of Truth or GOD as the people at the bottom of the hierarchy you can see.
You all are morons...millions and billions of ignorant as monkeys.
6th February 2015, 10:51 PM
Brian Douglas Williams (born May 5, 1959)
Age 55
"May 5 is the 125th day of the year There are 240 days remaining until the end of the year."
"This day marks the approximate midpoint of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere (starting the season at the March equinox)."
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
240/2 = 120
Illuminati = 120
The masters or employers of the market do all the buying/hiring and selling/firing.
All of you slaves or employees follow along and speculate.
It's been like this for all of recorded history.
How you all think the markets work and what is taught in an absolute joke...pure hilarity.
The markets have never ever worked that way you all think they do.
And never will.
55/9 = 6.11
Brian Douglas Williams = 221 reverse is 122
I was born the 64th day or March 5th
reverse is 46
64+46 = 110/2 = 55
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122/2 = 61
May 5th is 61 days from March 5th
6th February 2015, 11:35 PM
There are a huge bunch of religious leaders that have done just that ! Cherry pick through the books and run with with it. Televangelists are particularly good at it, to get the faithful to send them money for this or that reason. And never mind the rings and bling said preachers wear or the estates they are living in, and the cars they have.
Anyone of middle age or older can remember the ones I am talking about, late night tv and some am and some radio stations.
Was a tad off topic but not really, just making a point built off steyr_m's post.
I like hyper kitty, he has been around a long long time, and does have a way to get one to look at things in a 'out of the box' way.
There is another poster here, that makes one think but in 'cosmic' ways that I really think the two need to meet it would be a match of universal proportions.
Said with 'tongue in cheek' sorta way..
Match made in a cosmic way !
I like the guy too, but throwing all these numbers around seemingly at random. I don't really care about how you're analyzing these numbers about the past... How about looking at some numbers and tell me something about the future -- if it comes true, then I'll be impressed.
7th February 2015, 01:03 AM
Darkhorse was released...December 17th, 2013
"December 17 is the 351st day of the year. There are 14 days remaining until the end of the year."
1217 = 199th prime
March 5th has 301 days remaining
199+301 = 500
500th prime is 3571
3/5/71 = March 5th 1971
64th day = march 5th
64th prime = 311
reverse is 46
46th prime = 199
311+199 = 510
Michael = 51
12 x 17 = 204/4 = 51 = Michael
1+4 = 5
3 x 51 = 153 reverse is 351
Kathryn = 102/2 = 51
Michael = 51
102+51 = 153 reverse 351
December 12th, 497 B.C--"The first Saturnalia festival was celebrated in ancient Rome."
"Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn, held on the 17th of December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to the 23rd of December"
"The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days.""
"The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days.""
On the fifth day of Christmas my true haters gave to me...5 golden ignorant shit stains.
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
December 23 is the 357th day of the year"
first name = Michael = 51
last name = Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
12/23 = 1223 = 200th prime
122 x 3 = 366 = number of days in a leap year.
I'm not manipulating numbers.
"Dark Horse" was nominated for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards"
57+75 = 132
Prism = 75
5 x 15 = 75
132/2 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
The 57th Annual Grammy Awards will be held on February 8, 2015, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The show will be broadcast live by CBS at 5:00 p.m. PST. Rapper LL Cool J will host the show for the fourth consecutive time. In all, 83 Grammy Awards will be presented, one more than in 2014.
83+38 = 121
Michael = 51 or 5/1 = May 1
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
LL = 1212
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
151+250+340+471 = 1212
Cool J = 92/2 = 46
46/9 = 5.11
February 8th = 2/8
March 5th = 64th day
64th prime = 311
28/9 = 3.11
"February 8 is the 39th day of the year. There are 326 days remaining until the end of the year"
3 x 13 = 39
"311 is a twin prime with 313"
25 days until my birthday.
5 x 5 = 25
311+313 = 624/2 = 312
from February 8th 2015 to December 17th, 2015 the 2 year anniversary of the release of Darkhorse is...
10 months 1 week and 2 days
Or 312 days
1012+2101 = 3113
I turn 44 this year.
2 years from December 17th, 2013 is 730 days
"Preparing to rebuild the international economic system while World War II was still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, also known as the Bretton Woods Conference. The delegates deliberated during 1–22 July 1944, and signed the Bretton Woods agreement on its final day. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, these accords established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which today is part of the World Bank Group. The United States, which controlled two thirds of the world's gold, insisted that the Bretton Woods system rest on both gold and the US dollar. Soviet representatives attended the conference but later declined to ratify the final agreements, charging that the institutions they had created were "branches of Wall Street." These organizations became operational in 1945 after a sufficient number of countries had ratified the agreement."
from July 22, 1944 to march 5th is...26 years, 7 months, 1 week, 4 days
26714 = 722 x 37
July 22 = 7/22
22/7 = 3.14
"Pi Approximation Day is observed on July 22 (or 22/7 in the day/month date format), since the fraction 22⁄7 is a common approximation of π, which is accurate to three decimal places and dates from Archimedes"
2015-1944 = 71
The year I was born.
March 5th = 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
so I turn 44 in 2015
2015+5102 = 7117
64th prime = 311
3 = C
11 = K
444 Celsius = 717 Kelvin
Katy Perry "By the Grace of God"
It is the 13th song on the prism album.
GOD = 26/2 = 13
262/2 = 131
131 - Hypertiger
It corresponds to January.
mentions Saturn.
and Iron mountain.
The report from iron mountain.
"The Report from Iron Mountain is a book published in 1967 (during the Johnson Administration) by Dial Press which puts itself forth as the report of a government panel. The book includes the claim it was authored by a Special Study Group of fifteen men whose identities were to remain secret and that it was not intended to be made public. It details the analyses of a government panel which concludes that war, or a credible substitute for war, is necessary if governments are to maintain power"
Basically wars would be staged managed...dividend and conquered slave minds in opposition ruled by one master you see now...the polarization.
monkey vs monkey.
the song for this month is 14
Feb 1st was when it became relavant
The song for march is...
Mercury is has been retrograde since January 21 to February 11
Or from 1/21 to 2/11
January 21 is the 21st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 344 days remaining until the end of the year (345 in leap years).
345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
121 = may 1st
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
211 = the 47th prime
"We are told that Euclid, (the Father of Geometry), who lived several hundred years after Pythagoras, worked long and hard to solve the 3:4:5: ratio puzzle. It is said by some that he then sacrificed a hecatomb (a sacrificial offering to God of up to 100 oxen or cattle). However, historically, it is believed that the Egyptians and Babylonians understood the mathematical usefulness of the 3:4:5 ratio long before Euclid."
"math is the key to understanding this symbol's broader and universal meaning."
"The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid or 3:4:5:"
47 = 15th prime
15 = 5+5+5
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
"February 11 is the 42nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 323 days remaining until the end of the year"
211+112 = 323
It's also the day Whitney Huston died in a bathtub...2012...and then 2 years and 11 months later on 1/31 Her daughter was found face down in a bathtub.
7th February 2015, 01:18 AM
I like the guy too, but throwing all these numbers around seemingly at random. I don't really care about how you're analyzing these numbers about the past... How about looking at some numbers and tell me something about the future -- if it comes true, then I'll be impressed.
Please...Two threads have already been flushed from all you game players...
I was pointing out the collapse from 12/29 to 2/2...way back around 12/29
but you game players keep chimping out and trashing threads when I post information that flushes your cherished delusions of grandeur down the toilet.
The universe is a construct of logic...not's not my fault you have been dumbed down to the point that 2000 year old knowledge makes your head hurt.
and try to quit babbling with each other in these you are contemplating my fate.
or I will start contemplating yours.
7th February 2015, 01:27 AM
1970 – The North Tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York, New York is topped out at 1,368 feet (417 m), making it the tallest building in the world.
417+714 = 1131
13 x 68 = 884
884/2 = 442
311+131 = 442
64th prime + 32nd prime = 96
17th prime = 59
76th prime = 383
59+383 = 442
442 reverse is 244
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
244/2 = 122
My first name = Michael = 51
My last name = leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
122 x 3 = 366 or the number of days in a leap year...1776 was a leap year
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
"They" are not trying to take over
"They" took over before any of "you" were born.
"They" taught "you" all how to read, write, do math, and how to think.
I have no idea whan you are going to wake up from the dream you are awake.
Because you all have been asleep dreaming you are awake for all of recorded history as far as I can tell...absolutely blissfully ignorant...
Camp Bassfish
7th February 2015, 06:26 AM
I like HT too, but he seems a little thinned skinned when questioned about contridictions. Oh well, no one is perfect. Time to strap the snowshoes on for a bit and go check out a few frozen waterfalls in the area. Got another foot or more on the way tomorrow too.
7th February 2015, 09:13 AM
I like HT too, but he seems a little thinned skinned when questioned about contridictions. Oh well, no one is perfect. Time to strap the snowshoes on for a bit and go check out a few frozen waterfalls in the area. Got another foot or more on the way tomorrow too.
Yeah, and the way he talks here reminds me of the guy saying this...
" Even if I told you all, even if I provided step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations and a well-composed FAQ and I went red-ring, the cure would still die with me. "
"I ain't slayin' a lion anytime soon. I wouldn't be placin' any wagers on seein' me dispatching a thousand Philistines with a jawbone of an ass. "
7th February 2015, 10:39 AM
Yeah, and the way he talks here reminds me of the guy saying this...
" Even if I told you all, even if I provided step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations and a well-composed FAQ and I went red-ring, the cure would still die with me. "
"I ain't slayin' a lion anytime soon. I wouldn't be placin' any wagers on seein' me dispatching a thousand Philistines with a jawbone of an ass. "
"That ISIS video of the Jordanian pilot being burned to death"
Where's all the video footage of all the men, women, and children the USA and it's ignorance is bliss worshiping population cause death, tyranny, and misery in and day out...To supply the demand by all of you for life liberty and happiness?
You all are ignorance worshiping game players
The cure to being asleep is to wake up...
But to do that you have to take responsibility...and you all do not want to take responsibility.
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain."--Carl Jung
You all want to continue pretending you are irresponsible to avoid being proven responsible
You all want to continue pretending you are ignorant to avoid being proven knowledgeable
You all want to continue pretending to be innocent to avoid being proven guilty.
You all want to continue pretending to be positive to avoid being proven negative.
You all want to pretend to be conscious to avoid the pain of waking up.
Sorry...The Internet is an interesting tool...It allows the those that are awake to connect with those asleep...and for those asleep to connect with those awake.
To me it's a baby monitor...I can hear the cries...but I can not supply the bawling babies with what they want...their diapers to be changed or a booby to suck on.
It's not my fault you have basically a terminal illness.
because as long as you all think you do not have a will continue to supply your addiction to ignorance with more and more positive reinforcement.
I supply negative reinforcement to the demand of ignorance...
7th February 2015, 10:40 AM
I like HT too, but he seems a little thinned skinned when questioned about contridictions. Oh well, no one is perfect. Time to strap the snowshoes on for a bit and go check out a few frozen waterfalls in the area. Got another foot or more on the way tomorrow too.
Point out the contradiction...otherwise...You are just making false claims...also known as lies.
7th February 2015, 11:39 AM
The information session I went to at 800 or floor 8
800/5 = 160/5 = 32
32nd prime = 131
131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
3+2 = 5
333 7th Ave
333 x 7 = 2331 reverse 1332
All the numbers
At the end of the presentation...they said...if you can put a dollar sign in front of it...they can make it happen
4 = $
4 x 333 = 1332
1332 in half = 666
133.2 x 5 = 666
5 = %
5 = half
333 in half = 166.5
111+222+333+444+555 = 1665
notice the % symbol.
You want predictions of the future.
I can see ultimate defeat and ultimate victory
Absolute 1 and absolute 0
1+0 = 1
1 in half = 0.5
"if you can put a dollar sign in front of it...they can make it happen"
look at the looks like a dollar sign (
From 0 to 1 to 0 is the path of least effort or ignorant path.
5 is the path of most effort or knowledgeable path.
You only follow the path of least effort when it becomes impossible to follow the path of most effort.
you all are not even following the path of most effort...Because it requires too much effort...
I can not supply change you diaper or breast feed you over the Internet.
and I'm not here to supply your demand for entertainment...or positively reinforce your cherished delusions, the lies you believe are truth which are reasonable assumptions, that you have fallen in love with.
You never are supplied with what you want
You are always supplied with what you need
A logical conclusion does not = a reasonable assumption
A reasonable assumption does not = a logical conclusion.
Unless what you need and want are the same or in superposition.
like rolling dice.
Prior to your reasonably assume you are going to win or want to win...and at the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption you are supplied with want you need.
If the roll is a wining roll...Then what you need and want are the same or in superposition...and the reasonable assumption appears to be a logical conclusion.
You are always supplied with what you need when you roll the dice...but you are never supplied with what you want.
When you do obtain what you want...a winning roll
That is just an illusion that you are deceived by when what you need and want are the same or in superposition.
7th February 2015, 12:31 PM
I constructed a computer poker program and the key to it was a random number generator.
How do you ultimately generate a random number?
You ask GOD to supply your demand.
In a computer...there is what is called a pseudorandom number generator...It is an equation that demands input from the output of the timing chips that keeps track of time.
there are two chips...a tick chip and a tock chip.
the output is a number that cycles from 0 back to 0 again.
Like lets say you have a 1 Gigahertz processor.
That works out to 1 Billion cycles a second.
so chop up a second into a billion pieces.
the output or the supply from the clock to the input or demand of the pseudorandom number equation is one of those chunks.
Basically at a simplistic's an enigma machine.
Feb 22 or 2/22 is George Washington's birthday.
He was Pisces like me.
"Pisces (♓) (/ˈpaɪsiːz/,[1] pis'eez; Ancient Greek: Ἰχθύες, "Ikhthues") is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Pisces constellation. It spans the 330° to 360° of the zodiac, between 332.75° and 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac the sun transits this area on average between February 19 and March 20"
"The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt. The 333-foot (101 m) tall memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill (also known as Shuter's Hill) at 101 Callahan Drive"
It's also where the 87th academy awards are.
this is one of the contenders for best picture.
it's release date...
November 28 is the 332nd day of the year (333rd in leap years). There are 33 days remaining until the end of the year.
87+78 = 165
11+22+33+44+55 = 1665/5 = 333
11+22+33+44+55 = 165/5 = 33
1+2+3+4+5 = 15/3 = 3
1+0 = 1
1/2 = 0.5
101/2 = 50.5
rounded = 51
51 = Michael
101 = 26th prime
GOD = 26
26/2 = 13
M = 13 the first letter of my name.
262 in half is 131
131 = Hypertiger
Michael is the invisible order or reality behind the visible chaos or fantasy believed to be the reality of Hypertiger
"Morpheus is a god of dreams who appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Morpheus has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams. His true semblance is that of a winged daemon"
"According to Jungian approach of psychology, some highly developed elements of the collective unconscious are called "archetypes". Carl Jung developed an understanding of archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct They are autonomous and hidden forms which are transformed once they enter consciousness and are given particular expression by individuals and their cultures."
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."--Carl Jung
"The words "dæmon" and "daimōn" are Latinized versions of the Greek "δαίμων" ("godlike power, fate, god"), a reference to the daemons of ancient Greek religion and mythology"
"In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user"
Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל).
"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament. In the Book of Daniel it is the name of the "prince" of the people of Israel. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"."
"A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, "having learned much") is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. The term was first used in the seventeenth century"
GOD = Truth/reality that needs to be Truth/reality = Absolute 1 that needs to be absolute 1 = something that needs to be something = supply of power
Satan = lie/fantasy that wants to be Truth/reality = Absolute 0 that needs to be absolute 1 = nothing that wants to be something = demand for power
Michael = slave to something, the jack of all trades, and master of nothing.
Expertise = 121
The play time of the video clip above is 231
231 reverse is 132
132/2 = 66
66th prime = 317
3 x 17 = 51 = Michael
131 + 1 = Hypertiger
Take a byte of the hidden fruit of logic and gain awareness of none and one.
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."
231+132 = 363/3 = 121
May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.
Make no mistake...whatever you are thinking...your rationalization of this.
Is wrong
Lies believed to be Truth = rational
Truth = irrational
In science when the effect of Truth is found or discovered like Pi
It is considered irrational or unreasonable.
It is renormalized or rounded or rationalized into a lie promoted as an ultimately believed to be Truth.
Pi = 3.14
Which is close enough
Or 3.1415 which is close enough to better than close enough to be better than close enough.
7th February 2015, 12:54 PM
Above the time stamp is 12:31
1231 = 202nd prime
post 211 is the 47th prime
202+47 = 249
249/2 = 124.5 or 125
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
or 53
"February 22 is the 53rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)."--George Washington's birthday.
The Imitation game
Running time 114 minutes
114+411+141 = 666
114-60 = 54 or 1:54
154+451 = 605/5 = 121
605+506 = 1111
Box office $134.6 million = 135+531 = 666
Polymath = 110
I was born the 64th day
reverse is 46
first name = Michael = 51
46/9 = 5.11
last name = Leopard = 71
64/9 = 7.11
51+71 = 122
5.11+7.11 = 12.22
46+64 = 110
7th February 2015, 01:42 PM
"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."
Its 3 x 7 = 21
2+1 = 3
37 x 21 = 777
"In Unix's chmod, the value 777 grants all file access permissions to all user types."
"In Unix-like operating systems, chmod is the command and system call which may change the access permissions to file system objects (files and directories). It may also alter special mode flags. The request is filtered by the umask. The name is an abbreviation of change mode"
"Lamech in the Bible lived 777 years"
Lamech = 42
42 x 37 = 1554/2 = 777
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
"John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States (1789-1797). An American Founding Father"
"The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations."--John Adams
Post 212
4 x 53 = 212
453 = 3 x 151
GOD = 26
Michael = 51
26+51 = 77
Christ = 77
Jesus = 74
2 x 37 = 74
74+77 = 151
"March 4 is the 63rd day of the year (64th in leap years). There are 302 days remaining until the end of the year."
3 x 3 x 7 = 63
The original inauguration date of the 1789 US constitution.
789+987 = 1776
3 x 4 = 12 or 4+4+4
From March 4th to July 4th is 4 months or 444
122 days
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
1776 was a leap year
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
March 4th is the 63rd day
63rd prime = 307
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50=40+71 = 212
2+1+2 = 5
My first name = Michael = 51
my last name = Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
2+2+1 = 5
I was born march 5th
3 prime = 5
64th day
64th prime = 311
3+1+1 = 5
151+250+340+471 = 1212
63rd prime = 307
64th prime = 311
307+311 = 618
618+816 = 1434/2 = 717
March 4th = 444
3 = C
11 = K
444 Celsius = 717 kelvin
618/2 = 309
309+903 = 1212
121+212 = 333
"Pisces (♓) (/ˈpaɪsiːz/, pis'eez; Ancient Greek: Ἰχθύες, "Ikhthues") is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Pisces constellation. It spans the 330° to 360° of the zodiac, between 332.75° and 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac the sun transits this area on average between February 19 and March 20"
332.75 = 333
There are 302 days remaining until the end of the year on march 4th
302/2 = 151
GOD = 26
Michael = 51
26+51 = 77
Jesus = 74
2 x 37 = 74
77+74 = 151
Post 212
4 x 53 = 212
453 = 3 x 151
"February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)."--George Washington's birthday.
3 x 74 = 222
6 x 37 = 222
22 = V or roman for 5
212 x 22 = 4664
"Apotheosis (from Greek ἀποθέωσις from ἀποθεοῦν, apotheoun "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine"; also called divinization and deification) is the glorification of a subject to divine level"
"In theology, apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature"
"The Apotheosis of Washington is the fresco painted by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building. The fresco is suspended 180 feet (55 m) above the rotunda floor and covers an area of 4,664 square feet"
"This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God. Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible."
"Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל, transliterated Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl)."
"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament.[1] In the Book of Daniel it is the name of the "prince" of the people of Israel. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"."
March 4th = 444
3 = C
11 = K
444 Celsius = 717 kelvin
141 Celsius = 414 kelvin.
141+414 = 555
march 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
555 Celsius = 828 kelvin.
The Telluride Film Festival is a film festival in Telluride, Colorado, began in 1974
1974/2 = 987
29 August is where Imitation game was first shown.
that is 829...the day after 828
828/2 = 414
141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin
141.414 x Pi = 444.2651
26 = GOD
51 = Michael
444 x 4 = 1776
444.2651 x 4 = 1777.0604
1777 = 275th prime
5 x 55 = 275
P = 16
I = 9
16/9 = 1.77777777777777777777777777
Pi x pi = 9.869 or 9.87
987+789 = 1776
7th February 2015, 01:51 PM
predicting the future is hard...because it is inevitable that you will wake up.
This is constant or certain.
is variable of uncertain.
even If I was standing next to you.
I have strangleg game players...and they still do not have a clue why they are being strangled...because in their does not add up...because they did not calculate that when they reached the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
that they would be defeated.
and they are still in denial.
I'm sorry...but the only person that has the power to wake you you.
I try...and you will eventually begin fighting me to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.
It's your programing.
You are not following a program to the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory?
If you are reading this you certainly are following that program.
taking more power than you arrive at the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.
I'm already at judgment day...waiting for you all to catch up.
When you arrive is variable of uncertain.
That you will arrive is constant or certain
When YES and NO are in superposition they equal MAYBE
Maybe eventually becomes a certainty since there is no escape from eternity.
7th February 2015, 02:48 PM
look at the above post.
I see a time stamp of 1:51 and post 214
August 2 is the 214th day of the year. There are 151 days remaining until the end of the year.
May 31 is the 151st day of the year. There are 214 days remaining until the end of the year.
August 2 = 82
May 31 = 531
82+531 = 613
the 112th prime
112+211+121 = 444
March 4th
There is 63 days in between the 2 dates
63rd day = March 4th
613+316 = 929
"Michaelmas /ˈmɪkəlməs/, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September"...9/29
Dark matter = dark side of the force
Jedi = Jesus disciple
Release date May 19, 1999
total play time = 1:55
5 x 31 = 155
May 19 is the 139th day of the year (140th in leap years). There are 226 days remaining until the end of the year.
140/5 = 28/9 = 3.11
519+915 = 1434/2 = 717
13 x 9 = 117 reverse is 711
226/2 = 113 reverse is 311
I was born the 64th day
64/9 = 7.11
64th prime = 311
7 x 31 x 37 = 8029 days from release of Star wars in 1977 to release of Phantom menace in 1999
1977-1776 = 201
1999-1776 = 223
223 = 48th prime
17/76 = 0.223
37 x 48 = 1776
2.23 = Square root of 5
201+223 = 424/2 = 212
star wars was released on...
May 25 is the 145th day of the year. There are 220 days remaining until the end of the year.
5 x 25 = 125
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
525/5 = 105
Michael = 51
7 letters
7 x 51 = 357
3 x 5 x 7 = 105
I was born march 5th or 3/5
3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
64th day reverse is 46
64+46 = 110 x 2 = 220
145+541 = 686/2 = 343
343- 131 = 212
Running time of Star wars = 121 minutes.
Running time of the phantom menace = 133 minutes
Michael = 51
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
5/1 = May 1st
5.01 x 133 = 666
37 x 36 = 1332
666/5 = 133.2
Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan 6...born 1911.
Installed 1981
Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan 6 was born 1911.
He was installed as president in 1981...right at the top of the hyperinflation or explosion of yield rates up to absolute 1...where yield rates peaked...since 1981 to now...or 33 years...yield rates have been hyperdeflating or imploding down to absolute 0
"On March 30, 1981, only 69 days into the new administration, Reagan, was struck by gunfire from would-be assassin John Hinckley, Jr., outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. Although "close to death" upon arrival at George Washington University Hospital, Reagan was stabilized in the emergency room, then underwent emergency exploratory surgery. He recovered and was released from the hospital on April 11, becoming the first serving U.S. President to survive being shot in an assassination attempt. The attempt had great influence on Reagan's popularity; polls indicated his approval rating to be around 73%. Reagan believed that God had spared his life so that he might go on to fulfill a greater purpose"
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."--Revelation 13:3
133 x 5 = 665
may 1st = 5.01 x 133 = 666
311+133 = 444 x 4 = 1776
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
"The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was proposed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983"
"The ambitious initiative was widely criticized as being unrealistic, even unscientific, as well as for threatening to destabilize MAD and re-ignite "an offensive arms race". SDI was derided, largely in the mainstream media, as "Star Wars", after the popular 1977 film by George Lucas. In 1987, the American Physical Society concluded that a global shield such as "Star Wars" was not only impossible with existing technology, but that ten more years of research was needed to learn whether it might ever be feasible"
SDI = 32
32nd prime = 131
Hypertiger = 131
1983 = 3 x 661
661 = 121st prime
March 23 is the 82nd day of the year. There are 283 days remaining until the end of the year.
82/9 = 9.11
3 x 23 = 69
69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776
211+112 = 323 + 121 = 444
283 = 61st prime
61 x 2 = 122
"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."
1776 was a leap year
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."
Why is dark matter invisible?
because you all are devout worshipers of the just/think positive (fantasy/lie believed to be Truth) ignore/reject negative (reality/Truth) religion.
out of sight and out of mind is the one true religion of the blind.
The master mind at the top of the hierarchy has all you divided and conquered and playing cowboys and Indians
capitalists and communists or is it communists and capitalists?
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite."--John Kenneth Galbraith
7th February 2015, 03:33 PM
1977 = 3 x 659
Michael = 51
5/1 = may 1st
May = 39
Day = 30
may day = may 1st
39+30 = 69
6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
Archangel = 69
69+51 = 120
Illuminati = 120
659 = 120th prime
"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776"
1999 = 303rd prime
"October 30 is the 303rd day of the year. There are 62 days remaining until the end of the year."
GOD = 26
Elohim = 62
262/2 = 131 = Hypertiger
"The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.--John Adams
"John Adams (October 30 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States (1789-1797). An American Founding Father"
"Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809)."
I was born march 5th, 1971
"The Boston Massacre, known as the Incident on King Street by the British, was an incident on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others. British troops had been stationed in Boston, capital of the Province of Massachusetts Bay"
1977-1776 = 201
1971-1770 = 201
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--revelation 20:1
201 reverse is 102/2 = 51 = Michael...the angel.
"John Adams wrote that the "foundation of American independence was laid" on March 5, 1770"
17 x 7 = 119 reverse is 911.
"The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. This Declaration committee operated from June 11, 1776 until July 5, 1776, the day on which the Declaration was published."
From march 5th 1770 to June 11th 1776 is.
6 years, 3 months, 6 days
636/3 = 212
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
1776+212 = 1988
the first 33 primes add up to 1988...The year I created Hypertiger.
137 = 33rd prime.
"On June 11, the members of the Committee of Five were appointed; they were: John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Livingston of New York, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia."
John Adams =2nd president
Thomas Jefferson = 3rd president
23 or 32
32nd prime = 131 = hypertiger
From June 11 or 6/11, 1776 to July 5th or 7/5, 1776 is...
24 days
3 weeks and 3 days
From June 11 or 6/11, 1776 to July 4th or 7/4, 1776 is...
24 days
3 weeks and 3 days
611+74 = 685
685/5 = 137
1776+212 = 1988
the first 33 primes add up to 1988...The year I created Hypertiger.
On July 4, at ten minutes before one o'clock in the afternoon, Thomas Jefferson died at the age of 83.16, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and a few hours before John Adams, whose own last words were, "Independence forever," and "Thomas Jefferson survives. died at the age of 90.66"
125 = 5 x 5 x 5
12:50 = 770 minutes
83.66+90.66 = 173.82
82/9 = 9.11
28/9 = 3.11
911+119+191 = 1221
311+113+131 = 555
1221+555 = 1776
"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."
173.82 + 137 = 310.82 rounded 311
7th February 2015, 03:34 PM
I love the time stamp of the above...3:33
Make no mistake...I'm not even trying...
7th February 2015, 05:09 PM
12:50 = 770 minutes
flight 17 was shot down July 17th, 2014
131 days from where flight 370 vanished into the black hole and sucked you all from where you where you are now...reading this.
3rd prime = 5 = the 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = the 2nd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = the 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
30th prime = 113 = the 4th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd prime = 131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
3+9+13+30+32 = 87
8+7 = 15 or 5+5+5
5+23+41+113+131 = 313
"311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131."
64th prime = 311 = the 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
march 5th = the 64th day
July 17th = 717 + 313 = 1030/2 = 515 or the zero point
7 x 17 - 119+911 = 1030 /2 = 515 or the zero point
515 = May 15 or the zero point
"May 15 is the 135th day of the year"
135+531 = 666
515+151 = 666
"First Family Barack and Michelle Obama and numerous political figures visit and dedicate the memorial with the victims on Ground Zero"
"In a vast underground hall beside twisted and graffiti-adorned steel remnants of New York’s twin towers, President Obama and other dignitaries joined rescue workers and families of Sept. 11 victims Thursday to dedicate the new National September 11 Memorial Museum."
"Flags outside were at half-staff on the World Trade Center memorial plaza, where bronze panels bear the engraved names of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in New York, Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania in 2001, and in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993."
1993 = 301st prime
"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."
"About 700 guests attended the somber ceremony held in the museum’s Foundation Hall, 70 feet beneath ground level at bedrock. As some audience members wiped tears from their faces, or held on to family members, elected officials, survivors and rescue workers rose one by one to talk about the victims and what was left behind."
770 22 = V or roman for 5
22 x 35 = 770
3/5 = March 5th
"President Obama with his wife, Michelle; former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; Hillary Rodham Clinton; and former President Bill Clinton on Thursday at the National September 11 Memorial Museum."
“No act of terror can match the strength or the character of our country,” President Obama told the crowd during the one-hour dedication ceremony. “Like the great wall and bedrock that embrace us today,” he added, “nothing can ever break us.”
1030 = October 30th
"John Adams (October 30 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States (1789-1797). An American Founding Father"
2014 the pattern was
3/13 = Thursday or 4
4/14 = Monday or 1
5/15 = Thursday = 4
6/16 = Monday = 1
7/17 = Thursday = 4
8/18 = Monday = 1
9/19 = Friday = 5
10/30 = Thursday or 4
444 x 4 = 1776
414+141 = 555
9/19 = Friday = 5
September 19 is the 262nd day of the year (263rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 103 days remaining until the end of the year.
262/2 = 131 = Hypertiger
103 reverse is 301
"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."
I pointed this all out before...but on this site you believe the pinnacle of intelligence is whacking off to swastikas and Jew hate porn.
Or strife, stupidity, and the pursuit of crappiness.
Camp Bassfish
7th February 2015, 06:01 PM
Point out the contradiction...otherwise...You are just making false claims...also known as lies.
Haven't worked in 20 years? (Prospective job). No use for useless slaves (father of a daughter.... I admire you for that). I saw 5 deer today on my snowshoe trek. The snows' so deep it made me ponder how they survive. What are you empathetic to? Other than our wasted souls?
Camp Bassfish
7th February 2015, 06:06 PM
Cute little guy eh?
7th February 2015, 06:52 PM
The time stamp of the above is 5:09
17 x 60 = 1020+9 = 1029
1030 would be 510
199 = 46th prime
311 = 64th prime
46/9 = 5.11
64/9 = 7.11
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
5.11+7.11 = 12.22
199+311 = 510
back to 1029
3rd prime = 5 = the 1st prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
9th prime = 23 = the 2nd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
13th prime = 41 = the 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
30th prime = 113 = the 4th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
32nd prime = 131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
64th prime = 311 = the 6th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
79th prime = 401 = the 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5
5+23+41+113+131+311+401 = 1029
3 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 1029
1029+9201 = 10230/2 = 5115
3 x 343 = 1029
My first name = Michael = 51
My last name = leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
122 reverse is 221
122+221 = 343
Hypertiger = 131
343-131 = 212
What does this mean?
It means you are slaves to your emotions which are the invisible servants or strings pulled by the master mind to manipulate all you slave minds without your knowledge into doing the bidding of the master mind.
The first line of defense...a wall of meat shields that the lie you worship as Truth or GOD is hiding behind.
Daniel "Dan" Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction who is best known for the 2003 bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code.
Brown = 72
Dan = 4114
or 4+1+14 = 19
72+19 = 91
Newborn = 91
or 117 using Daniel
3 x 3 x 13 = 117
June 22 = 622/2 = 311
311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131.
Chapter 131 of his book "the Lost Symbol" is on the opposite page to 488.
488/4 = 122
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
It starts out..."The winding staircase that descends the spine of the Washington monument consists of 896 steps."
Robert Langdon = 145
145+541 = 686 = 343-131 = 212
892 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7
277 = 59th prime
359 = 72nd prime
72+59 = 131
277+359 = = 636/3 = 212
"The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander-in-chief of the early Continental Army and the first American president. Standing due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial, the monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5 1⁄8 inches tall"
555 feet x 12 = 6660 inches.
37 x 36 = 1332/2 = 555
1332 x 5 = 6660
+5 inches = 6665
66+65 = 131
1/8th or an inch = 0.125
125 = 5 x 5 x 5
The completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885
1885/5 = 377
3 x 7 x 7 = 147
147+741 = 888 x 2 = 1776
February 21 is the 52nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 313 days remaining until the end of the year
221 reverse is 122
Michael = 51
leopard = 71
51+71 = 122
The day before George Washington's birthday
1885-1732 = 153
153/3 = 51 x 3 = 153 reverse is 351
3 x 51 = 153
Yes I know it's all too complicated...
yes on the day they were handing out thought they said heil Hitler.
much easier to jack off to swastikas and Jew hate porn...till the day you a fit of agony.
Good thing the internet was invented so that morons of a feather can share puss for brains together.
7th February 2015, 07:04 PM
Good thing the internet was invented so that morons of a feather can share puss for brains together.
Hmm, this insult rhymes. You should write children's books! I can see it now..."Dad, Uncle Hypertiger scared me again and I can't sleep"
"Son, it's OK. When you grow up, you will see the truth and thank uncle Kitty."
"Thanks Dad, I will go to bed now and have nice dreams. By the way, Uncle Hyper said you are a moron who deserves to die because you are too ignorant to see the truth, and you've become visible to him, and he will find you and you will not know it's him and you'll die."
7th February 2015, 07:15 PM
Satan gives you what you want as long as you supply Satan with what Satan wants first
You all call it an exchange for mutual benefit.
GOD gives you what you need and does not require anything
Free energy?
It's not being suppressed.
Satan takes more power than Satan gives from all and everything in the Universe to sustain the existence of Satan
GOD shares power with all and everything in the universe to sustain the existence of all and everything in the universe.
You know what you are taught in university or Sunday school?
what Satan wants you to you can slave and serve the master lie or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD better.
You all are asleep...sorry.
what is the solution?
the solution to the problem of being asleep is to wake up.
The Washington monument officially opened October 9, 1888. Upon completion, it became the world's tallest structure.
55 = Satan
51 = Michael
55+51 = 106
18+88 = 106
October 9 is the 282nd day of the year (283rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 83 days remaining until the end of the year.
888/88 = 10.09
Oct 9 = 10/09
83+38 = 121
10 divided by 9 = 1.11111111111111111
111/2 = 55.5
55.5 doubled is 111 doubled is 222 doubled is 444 doubled is 888 doubled is 1776
1776/55.5 = 32
32nd prime = 131
32nd degree = Sublime prince of the royal secret.
The Washington monument officially opened October 9, 1888. Upon completion, it became the world's tallest structure.
282/2 = 141
828/2 = 414
282+828 = 1110/2 = 555
I was born the 64th day
Zion = 64
Israel = 64
64th prime = 311
3 = C
11 = K
141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin
141+414 = 555
141 x 2 = 282
414 x 2 = 828
64/9 = 7.11
711+117 = 828
March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5
37 x 15 = 555
555 Celsius = 828 Kelvin
828-51 = 777
7 x 7 x 7 = 343
343 - 131 = 212
1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71
51+50+40+71 = 212
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71
51+71 = 122+221 = 343
7th February 2015, 07:28 PM
Hmm, this insult rhymes. You should write children's books! I can see it now..."Dad, Uncle Hypertiger scared me again and I can't sleep"
"Son, it's OK. When you grow up, you will see the truth and thank uncle Kitty."
"Thanks Dad, I will go to bed now and have nice dreams. By the way, Uncle Hyper said you are a moron who deserves to die because you are too ignorant to see the truth, and you've become visible to him, and he will find you and you will not know it's him and you'll die."
You are a moron hitch...It's not an is a fact.
There is no way out of this...There is no way to not insult you.'s not my fault you are a monumental ignorant moron with no clue.
there is no escape from are a useless parasite...
I'm sure you cherish the delusion you are gainfully employed like all the rest of the millions an billions...but you are not.
"Uncle Hyper said you are a moron who deserves to die because you are too ignorant to see the truth"
The universe is perfectly fair, all and everything in the universe is supplied with what all and everything needs or deserves, and there is no hope.
Sorry moron...there is no such thing as "the" Truth.
I have never ever said what you are saying I can not see "the truth" in any of my posts....there is only Truth.
That is how I know you are ignorant of Truth or GOD
because if you were knowledgeable of truth or would never use "the" with Truth.
Really are an ignorant moron...just like ahcholics do not think they have a problem.
neither do you...because you are surrounded by ignorant morons and you all positively reinforce each others ignorant moronism.
This is the world wide web...not the jerk water USA network.
the lie you worship as Truth is insulted by Truth
that is what I do...I annihilate lies and shatter delusions.'s not my fault you are an ignorant meadtshield of satan begging to have your death wish fulfilled.
that is what you are the fist line of are insulted...and bawl like a baby...and attract more poor unforntunate souls to their doom.
you are just an individual absolute capitalist cell in the body of the great Satan...and when there is a turn into an antibody.
You think you are the first monumental moron I have bumped into?
The surface of the planet has 7 billion of you according to estimates.
7th February 2015, 07:36 PM's not my fault....
Ah. I see now. What exactly IS your fault?
If you repeatedly state "it's not my fault...". something is your fault. I just finally figured this out. Innocent folks, don't project their innocence. They are, and have no need to prove it to anyone.
You Sir, are one guilty motherfucker, aren't you? But...what is it you are guilty of? False lies and BS numbers on an internet forum.
I hope it's only that. That's at least human. Your evil seems beyond that however.
7th February 2015, 07:44 PM
I annihilate lies and shatter delusions...the entire global system is being exponentially decayed trying to annihilate me...and the others...there are 1000's like me...each one of us is powerful enough to blow the entire global system or master lie you all worship as Truth or GOD out like a candle.
Why don't we?
We are.
Being imploded to absolute 0 by all you parasites that cherish the delusion you are productive members of takes more than turning tricks for monkey chow to be a productive member of society.
The yield rates have been dropping for 34 years now...because the demand by all of you parasites is greater than the hosts can supply.
When we reach the absolute 0 point...that is where our finite supply of love to your infinite demand for love...for contempt in return...runs out.
then all we will have to supply is infinite hate at that that point...retribution...vengeance...
There will not be enough left of the world to fill an ash tray.
I just point out the obvious to the oblivious.
There is no happy ending.
Yes you can imagine there is a happy ending..Until you arrive at the logical conclusion or defeat of the cherished delusion of victory.
like rabbits caught in the headlights of light matter of the bright glorious delusion...oblivious of the dark matter getting closer faster and faster.
The lifting the veil on the wedding dress of the abyss to receive the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.
7th February 2015, 07:46 PM
Ah. I see now. What exactly IS your fault?
If you repeatedly state "it's not my fault...". something is your fault. I just finally figured this out. Innocent folks, don't project their innocence. They are, and have no need to prove it to anyone.
You Sir, are one guilty motherfucker, aren't you? But...what is it you are guilty of? False lies and BS numbers on an internet forum.
I hope it's only that. That's at least human. Your evil seems beyond that however.
I made a free will choice to register at this message become visible to you...that is my fault.
7th February 2015, 08:01 PM
It's free to be dumb...that is why it is called free dumb...because it costs to be smart...
7th February 2015, 08:02 PM
I made a free will choice to register at this message become visible to you...that is my fault.
Do you regret that decision?
In short, calling me a moron, along with others, does that fulfill your purpose?
7th trump
7th February 2015, 08:22 PM
I made a free will choice to register at this message become visible to you...that is my fault.
Became visible to us huh?
You act as though we knew you before you became visible to us and we cant figure out how you become visible and invisible.
It seems you became visible to us because you need us.
And if you became invisible to us.....none of us would really give a shit and forget all about you.
So're really nothing to us to begin with.
7th February 2015, 08:23 PM
That is how you are ruled...your are slaves to them just like animals
Your bodies are composed of trillions of absolute capitalist of animal cells...they all take more power than they all are trained/socially engineered/programmed to believe you are human beings.
You are not a human being at the instant of conception...or at the instant of birth...and what you see when you look into the mirror is not a human being.
I annihilate lies and shatter delusions.
7th February 2015, 08:28 PM
I annihilate lies and shatter delusions.
Yet you FAIL to answer any questions. Go figure. You should run for office. You would make a successful politician.
7th February 2015, 08:32 PM
Well, if there's one thing I got out of this thread -- ignore anymore like it.
He never mentions how or why all these numbers are thrown around -- just calls people ignorant for not seeing it.
So many things are US-centric. [Like as if everything in the world revolves around the US]. One exammple is he uses a date -- mm/dd/yy. Most of the rest of the world uses dd/mm/yy.
Again, anyone can pull up any number from the past and mould them any way they want.
As far as this thread is concern.... /ignore
7th February 2015, 08:32 PM
Became visible to us huh.
You act as though we knew you before you became visible to us and we cant figure out how you become visible and invisible.
Become invisible so we can forget all about you and can careless about you..
that is what you want
You are never supplied with what you want.
you are always supplied with what you need.
you can only obtain what you want when what you need and want are the same.
I can only supply what you need...not what you want.
you want me to turn invisible.
Because you are a just think/embrace positive (fantasy/lie believed to be Truth) ignore/reject negative (reality/Truth) drone.
Out of sight and out of mind is the one true religion of the blind.
You want to go back to the good old days...where you could gang rape the opposition into submission.
7th trump
7th February 2015, 08:37 PM
that is what you want
You are never supplied with what you want.
you are always supplied with what you need.
you can only obtain what you want when what you need and want are the same.
I can only supply what you need...not what you want.
you want me to turn invisible.
Because you are a just think/embrace positive (fantasy/lie believed to be Truth) ignore/reject negative (reality/Truth) drone.
Out of sight and out of mind is the one true religion of the blind.
You want to go back to the good old days...where you could gang rape the opposition into submission.
Seriously.......its not what you think....leave and nobody is going to give a rats ass.
heck you're making it that nobody gives a shit if you stay....they'll just put you on ignore.
You fucked yourself....and you did it all by yourself.
7th February 2015, 08:41 PM
Well, if there's one thing I got out of this thread -- ignore anymore like it.
He never mentions how or why all these numbers are thrown around -- just calls people ignorant for not seeing it.
So many things are US-centric. [Like as if everything in the world revolves around the US]. One exammple is he uses a date -- mm/dd/yy. Most of the rest of the world uses dd/mm/yy.
Again, anyone can pull up any number from the past and mould them any way they want.
As far as this thread is concern.... /ignore
yes...if all else fails...ram your head up your ass.
Not my fault that 2000+ year old knowledge is beyond your abilities to fathom.
It's a case where you can not teach new dogs old tricks.
7th February 2015, 08:48 PM
Seriously.......its not what you think....leave and nobody is going to give a rats ass.
heck you're making it that nobody gives a shit if you stay....they'll just put you on ignore.
You fucked yourself....and you did it all by yourself.
You can leave this thread and I will not give a rats ass...stay and I will not give a rats ass.
if you are reading this you are giving me what I need....if you are not reading this you are giving me what I need.
You are WANTERS...
I avoid wanting.
Because you always are supplied with what you are never supplied with what you want.
When you do get what you is because what you need and want are the same.
You all do not even know the difference between want and need.
you all are just writhing around in one huge orgy of stupidity...wallowing in ignorance and happy as pigs in their own crap
7th trump
7th February 2015, 08:49 PM
yes...if all else fails...ram your head up your ass.
Not my fault that 2000+ year old knowledge is beyond your abilities to fathom.
It's a case where you can not teach new dogs old tricks.
No...its not a case of you can't teach old dogs new tricks...that's a pathetic excuse.
Its a case of you posting complete delusional garbage that you cant even explain.
Its just random bullshit wrapped around your buzz word of "prime numbers" as its core.
Basically its just a turd falsely glorified.
Get your mental disorder cut trees down faster than they grow....all forms of society are capitalistic....even communism.
Communism is just capitalism for a select few.
7th trump
7th February 2015, 08:51 PM
You can leave this thread and I will not give a rats ass...stay and I will not give a rats ass.
if you are reading this you are giving me what I need....if you are not reading this you are giving me what I need.
You are WANTERS...
I avoid wanting.
Because you always are supplied with what you are never supplied with what you want.
When you do get what you is because what you need and want are the same.
You all do not even know the difference between want and need.
you all are just writhing around in one huge orgy of stupidity...wallowing in ignorance and happy as pigs in their own crap
I'm not giving you anything....I'm telling you that you fucked yourself and you did it all by yourself.
7th February 2015, 08:54 PM
Yes they will put me on ignore and then click on the thread to fool me into thinking they are reading my posts.
You are liars...
liars love to play and hate to work.
With me around...I make liars do what they hate.
I have been following the path of most effort for so long it is like the path of least effort to me.
But to all of you that have been following the path of least effort for so long
The path of most death to you.
7th February 2015, 08:57 PM
I'm not giving you anything....I'm telling you that you fucked yourself and you did it all by yourself.
Yes you give me what I cease to exist you give me what I need.
You are the fucked one that thinks you can convince me I'm fucked.
You will have a greater chance of convincing a rock you find on the ground that it is fucked than you have a hope in hell of convincing me that I'm fucked.
7th February 2015, 09:04 PM
It is impossible to refuse to supply me with what I need.
It is possible to refuse to supply me with what I want.
That is why I avoid wanting anything from anyone.
7th trump
7th February 2015, 09:05 PM
Yes you give me what I cease to exist you give me what I need.
You are the fucked one that thinks you can convince me I'm fucked.
You will have a greater chance of convincing a rock you find on the ground that it is fucked than you have a hope in hell of convincing me that I'm fucked.
Don't have to convince you are know you fucked yourself.
Everyone here knows you fucked yourself. You cant convince anyone of fucked your credibility all to hell.
You really don't have any respect...they are making fun of you.
And you can believe it or not...I don't care.....but you fucked yourself
7th trump
7th February 2015, 09:06 PM
It is impossible to refuse to supply me with what I need.
It is possible to refuse to supply me with what I want.
That is why I avoid wanting anything from anyone.
7th trump
7th February 2015, 09:07 PM
You ONLY supply everyone with laughter as you're the resident clown.
7th February 2015, 09:07 PM
yes...if all else fails...ram your head up your ass.
Not my fault that 2000+ year old knowledge is beyond your abilities to fathom.
It's a case where you can not teach new dogs old tricks.
Like I said before. You're just pulling numbers all over the place.
Never why or how you went with them. Never explain why everything is centred around the US/English. I'm not American -- so I don't give a crap. Why not something revolved around Iraq? Ancient Mexico. Heck -- why not Angkor Wat?
Then you say, "Hey you dummies -- can't you see?". I don't care. How does help me with anything?
7th February 2015, 09:08 PM
I'm fucked.
Got this:
7th February 2015, 10:03 PM
From the 2001 page--"2,997 people are killed in the September 11 attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia and in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 are hijacked and crash into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, American Airlines Flight 77 is hijacked and crashes into the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 is hijacked and crashes into grassland in Shanksville, due to the passengers fighting to regain control of the airplane."
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 37 = 2,997
flight 175+flight 11 = 186
1776 was a leap year.
"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."
175+11+77 = 263
263/2 = 131.5
263/3 = 87.6
876+678 = 1554
15+54 = 69
1554/2 = 777
"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."
Lamech in the Bible lived 777 years
Lamech = 42
42 x 37 = 1554/2 = 777
Prism limited edition has 16 songs
"Christian religions consider 7 to be a Holy Number because in Genesis the first book of the Bible it says that God rested on the 7th day and man was created on the 6th day, therefore 777 is thought to be the antithesis of 666.[4] Because God rested on the 7th day, that is the reason for the observance of the Hebrew Sabbath on the last day of the week. The 7th day of the week is indicated on the Hebrew Lunar calendar containing 13 months of four weeks each. According to the American publication, the Orthodox Study Bible, 777 represents the threefold perfection of the Trinity"
666+777 = 1443
14.1554 this is the song we are at now.
This was the super bowl song.
"February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining until the end of the year."
32nd prime = 131
"The broadcast of Super Bowl XLIX on NBC broke the record for the most-watched program in American television history"
15.1665 this is where my birthday is...
111+222+333+444+555 = 1665/5 = 333
7th February 2015, 10:15 PM
Got this:
See what a worthless coward you are?
You misquote me.
It's so funny how you pathetic weaklings are constantly begging for your death wishes to be fulfilled...and they never must be so frustrating.
It's not my fault you all are liars or ignorant and doomed.
Not my fault you are just Jew hate porn addicts...and you infest the internet and turn everything you touch into puss.
All you morons are ultimately is uncompensated propaganda rebroadcasters.
It's so funny...The master or owners of the internet or drug/servant supplied it to all you slaves or addicts at the start for free to get you hooked.
Sorry...I annihilate lies and shatter delusions.
what did you think?
you had a clue all these years?
In the end you all will wish you died before you were born.
7th February 2015, 10:17 PM
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