View Full Version : That ISIS video of the Jordanian pilot being burned to death

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 11:39 AM
Anyone got a link to the original video? All I'm able to find are sanitized versions. One guy has a jootube video dissecting it as to how it's fake but he doesn't show any of the video ('cause it's jootube policy to shield us children from such evil). Couldn't find it on liveleak either.

From what little I've seen it's like one source regarded it: 'overproduced'. I think it's pure propaganda to whip the masses up into a frenzy.

If you've found a link kindly post it. TIA

4th February 2015, 11:45 AM
CNN hasn't really played anything but 3 second long snipets,

but their list of CIA actors and assets as informant guests is also approaching overproduction levels.

4th February 2015, 03:44 PM
will keep looking but seeing as no one was burned to death, finding the video of it is going to be difficult.

4th February 2015, 03:49 PM
will keep looking but seeing as no one was burned to death, finding the video of it is going to be difficult.

Video is out there, saw it and it was real, easy search, and no I will not post links. It was horrible.

4th February 2015, 04:25 PM
Video is out there, saw it and it was real, easy search, and no I will not post links. It was horrible.

the guy just standing there? Not moving? Given that all the previous ones were staged, I don't believe this one is real either. Same M.O. These are CIA MI5/6 Psyche warfare.

I've done the 1st 10 pages of google results and no video anywhere. 2 still shots of pre burning and thats it. It's all BS.

And they go and really killl 2 other people over this fakery. But that is the whole point. To kill as many people as possible.

4th February 2015, 04:30 PM
the guy just standing there? Not moving? Given that all the previous ones were staged, I don't believe this one is real either. Same M.O. These are CIA MI5/6 Psyche warfare.
Fire fuse or trail to cage then guy and ground catch fire, guy dances and dies, last part guy sitting with burnt flesh falling off him and then falls backward contorted, then front end loader dumps earth on cage to put flames out, looks like the cage comes apart also!

Horrible video.

4th February 2015, 04:52 PM
and thats all from in your head is it?

Still no sign of a video. i'll keep looking though.

4th February 2015, 04:54 PM
and thats all from in your head is it?

Still no sign of a video. i'll keep looking though.

Wonder if you up side peoples Internet has Nanny filters?

Others here probably will find and post the links, I had and saw enough. Fire to me is one of the worst ways to die.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 04:57 PM
Video is out there, saw it and it was real, easy search, and no I will not post links. It was horrible.

If no link of actual video, not real.

4th February 2015, 05:00 PM
Said I will not post it, for those too dam lazy to find it themselves!

It was real!

Nuff said on my part!

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:02 PM
Said I will not post it, for those too dam lazy to find it themselves!

It was real!

Nuff said on my part!

I spent 15 minutes searching, no ISIS video only sanitized stuff.

Why do you feel compelled to be a gatekeeper? (if the video actually exists anywhere except the dark web) We're all adults here.

4th February 2015, 05:03 PM
Yup, real. I found it and watched it. Not a good thing to see, it will just make you angry and want vengeance.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:07 PM
Yup, real. I found it and watched it. Not a good thing to see, it will just make you angry and want vengeance.

Well where's the link?

I'm calling more fake nonsense. The bits I've seen could very easily be faked.

4th February 2015, 05:13 PM
Well where's the link?

I'm calling more fake nonsense. The bits I've seen could very easily be faked.

There was no faking that. Pilot remained standing longer than I would have, tough man. RIP, what a rough way to go.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:14 PM
There was no faking that. Pilot remained standing longer than I would have, tough man. RIP, what a rough way to go.

No ISIS video = fake bullshit. Where's the link?

4th February 2015, 05:15 PM
Go to this link and scroll ahead to the 17:00 minute mark.


4th February 2015, 05:25 PM
looks too hollywood made to me

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:36 PM
Go to this link and scroll ahead to the 17:00 minute mark.


Lameass staged fake bullshit. That had to insert fake flame graphics to make the bullshit appear real. ANYONE who has used more than a gallon of gasoline to start a fire knows that is NOT how gasoline ignites (gasoline goes FOOM!, all of it all at once), and diesel would not be reliable enough to put on a good show or even be suitable for a 'fuse' line.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:37 PM
looks too hollywood made to me

No kidding. More mind control horseshit to get the rubes incited to the point of demanding war.

4th February 2015, 05:39 PM
Lameass staged fake bullshit. That had to insert fake flame graphics to make the bullshit appear real.

You really think that is fake? I'm not an expert on watching people burn to death, but that seems legit. You can see the guy's hands and head, with no protection from the flames.

I mean I hope it's fake. I know this whole world is one big fucking agenda/theater, but don't know about this thread.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 05:43 PM
You really think that is fake? I'm not an expert on watching people burn to death, but that seems legit. You can see the guy's hands and head, with no protection from the flames.

I mean I hope it's fake. I know this whole world is one big fucking agenda/theater, but don't know about this thread.

These days the prudent view EVERYTHING presented by the joosmedia as fake in some form or fashion - and then take it from there in trying to ascertain what is true.

It's easy to fake something when you edit the shit out of it with numerous camera angles and ZERO continuity.

4th February 2015, 05:49 PM
I got some questions too. Just standing there? Not trying to get out of the cage. A bullet would be better. Seems very odd to me. I wouldn't be just standing there quietly. I'd be given them the finger and calling them out too.

4th February 2015, 05:54 PM
Some would say dieing like a man and going to death not a coward. To be remembered he died like a man and not a coward and with honor, counts in some society's. Tho giving the finger would be cool, but in the Arab world is the gesture the same ?

No way they can escape, they know they are going to die. So go with bravery and honor because the end result will be the same.

But to under stand honor, one must have honor and live life with honor. They that do not will and can not understand the concept.

4th February 2015, 06:04 PM
I watched it.

If you are going to die, why stand there and take it? He could have pushed the cage over and got shot by one of them dust free and shiny ak's.

If you are trying to make a statement, why would they do the intro flicker images and all of the cutaways?

On the other hand, it looks like Jordan didn't take the video lightly.

Jordan's king vows 'relentless' war against ISIS after pilot burned alive (http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Jordans-king-vows-relentless-war-against-ISIS-after-pilot-burned-alive-389992)

Jordan carries out air strikes in Iraq, killing 55 IS militants (http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/middle-east/60008-150204-king-abdullah-lands-in-jordan-following-murder-of-pilot)

4th February 2015, 06:06 PM
Lameass staged fake bullshit. That had to insert fake flame graphics to make the bullshit appear real. ANYONE who has used more than a gallon of gasoline to start a fire knows that is NOT how gasoline ignites (gasoline goes FOOM!, all of it all at once), and diesel would not be reliable enough to put on a good show or even be suitable for a 'fuse' line.

How does jet fuel burn? What was the powder they used to ignite from a distance?

4th February 2015, 06:08 PM
looks too hollywood made to me

Agreed, same if not better computer generated flames than jews in Hollywood put together.

4th February 2015, 06:12 PM
How many cameras did they use? At least 5. Why didn't the torch bearer where black? Does the camo uniforms they were wearing look familiar?

4th February 2015, 06:12 PM
The thing that kills the battle or fight for life is despair. This is what kills most people, despair. Total loss of all hope. This is what Satan seeds the world with. He picks up a lot of souls this way, suicide and so on.

I sometimes wonder what the tally must look like. How many souls Satan has captured compared to how many have not been captured. I get the feeling that one Army is much much bigger than the other one at the moment.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 06:15 PM
How does jet fuel burn? What was the powder they used to ignite from a distance?

Jet fuel is simply kerosene so it burns like kerosene/fuel oil (diesel). Have no idea what the line of powder (dirt) was for, I'm thinking it was for effect, could have simply poured a good sized line of gasoline on the ground. A gasoline fueled fire moves FAST. Had that 'fuse' line and dirt inside the cage been gasoline the entire cage would have been alight within about a second or two of ignition.

4th February 2015, 06:17 PM
Maybe the reason u have a hard time finding on youtube,.

is that those same forces that keep the Hollywood productions off of youtube, are keeping this one off of it.

4th February 2015, 06:19 PM
isis militants were really modeling and my gosh the music... the victim wasnt even crying, death by fire is eerily painful whereas beheading isnt when done professionally so to speak. too much theatrical. IMHO.


Agreed, same if not better computer generated flames than jews in Hollywood put together.

4th February 2015, 06:29 PM
A gasoline fueled fire moves FAST. Had that 'fuse' line and dirt inside the cage been gasoline the entire cage would have been alight within about a second or two of ignition.

Good point, could have been diesel fuel though.

4th February 2015, 06:34 PM
yes I figured the fuel for Diesel. The speed of it and the smoke was appropriate. Diesel is not super easy to light though. It needs a bit of heat to get it going. Could have been a mix of gasoline and engine oil/sump oil.

Maybe there is something that burns bright orange but has low heat. I'm no pyro expert but remember there have been many firewalkers or what ever you want to call them. I've seen stunt guys get set on fire. In the old days the clothing cover was very heavy but with new fire resistant materials.

Then it just comes down to keeping the air flow up while the flames burn.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 06:38 PM
Good point, could have been diesel fuel though.

I assert that fuel oil/diesel would not be reliable enough to put on such a display. I've started brush fires with both gasoline and diesel, and diesel starts off fires really slow. It takes a lot to light fuel oil whereas you get a match close to just gasoline vapor and you get an instant flash.

4th February 2015, 06:40 PM
Diesel is not super easy to light though. It needs a bit of heat to get it going.

That big flaming torch in the video put out a bit of heat. Added with sawdust, and perhaps like you suggested some petrol as well.

Those bastards knew what they were doing. This is a morbid topic to discuss.

midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 06:46 PM
Those bastards knew what they were doing.

Yeah, they knew they were staging a fake execution.

This is a morbid topic to discuss.

How is fake shit morbid?? ???

4th February 2015, 06:48 PM
Yeah, they knew they were staging a fake execution.

How is fake shit morbid?? ???

I think it's real midnight. Those assholes don't have the technology to fake something like that, imo. Not that real. But, that's my opinion. I also wouldn't put it past them to do that to begin with either.

4th February 2015, 06:50 PM
That big flaming torch in the video put out a bit of heat. Added with sawdust, and perhaps like you suggested some petrol as well.

Those bastards knew what they were doing. This is a morbid topic to discuss.

The cut frame to the seventh high definition film camera from above,

where it shows the flames spread ever so slowly thru the front portion of the cage, so as to build the drama

is all you need to see.

Also you'll hear from many an American Veteran that Haji cannot hit a broad side of a barn with an Ak,

but his ability to center stage capture every perfectly clean suit in this film was unequaled and without measure.

4th February 2015, 07:08 PM
The CIA has unlimited budget. I think they have plenty of resources.

4th February 2015, 08:05 PM
obviously disrobing of gas soaked clothing (because your hands are free), then clinging to the top of the cage

may have increased the chances of surviving.

Sorry no cigar for him...


midnight rambler
4th February 2015, 11:37 PM
Those assholes don't have the technology to fake something like that

lol You really think some ragheads put that fake shit together??

Do you *really* think that 'ISIS'/IS is organic??

Hatha Sunahara
5th February 2015, 01:18 AM
Ever since I watched the videos of the planes flying into the WTC buildings in New York on 9/11/2001, and repeated hunreds of time, if not thousands of times on the following days, I have been very wary of propaganda films. Particularly of graphic violent atrocities. The repetition is a dead giveaway of the purpose of the video. The 911 plane videos and the Tall buildings disintegrating were repeated endlessly for Americans--the intended audience--to make us hate the alleged perpetrators. We don't get the same amount of repetition of these ISIS atrocities, but I'll bet the Jordanians got to see it endlessly for the last 24 hours. I'll bet the Japanese got to see a video of their guys getting beheaded endlessly. Let's hate the perpetrators, even though we know nothing about them because they are so mysterious and secretive, and came quickly out of nowhere. All we know about them is what our ministry of propaganda tells us, and they all pretend this bunch is real and dangerous. You have to be a moron to believe that kind of bullshit.

When I watch special effects on TV--particularly in advertisements, it serves as a constant reminder that what is projected on the screen isn't real. It's what somebody wants you to see, and it's accompanied by a narrative that they want you to hear because it is all calculated to get you to believe what they want you to believe. It's always something fake, too often a 'big lie' and that's why it's repeated so often--because enough people drop their defenses and accept it as the truth. When that happens, no one can challenge the lie without it costing them something. I watched it here on this forum. One sheep says it's real, and the other sheep are willing to entertain the validity of it. Those who still think it's a lie are forced to fight against the current that will sweep them away. The video is, like all the other ISIS videos, and all the Bin Laden videos, and all the Al-Qaeda videos --a big lie. It's a slick production--but it's faked. The burning guy is a computer generated figure--so are the flames and the cage. Why do we not hear any screams? Being burned is very painful, even the most stoic person would let out big screams. Why did they not record the screams--the sound of a guy burning to death? Because it's fake. Isis is fake. It's all there to cash in on the power of nightmares. I pity all the sheep who believe this is real.


5th February 2015, 03:12 AM
Hatha, I think you hear some screams but I just wont buy the stoicism of the victim, there is no atrocious fear in his gaze nor body language. Also, how the whole thing is shot, too many camera angles

Did Jordan Train The ISIS Fighters Who Burned Their Pilot Alive?

mick silver
5th February 2015, 09:03 AM
all the isis member are wearing the same cloth , same face mash boots just were are they getting the army cloths from and did you see how he just walk to the cage yep right , you will be dragging me ass are shooting me as I run off . I would of been fighting with every thing I have in me biting kicking pulling your fucking hair but I am not walking into the cage without a lot of help to get me there

mick silver
5th February 2015, 09:15 AM
Islamic State burning of Jordanian pilot: A page from Hussein, Assad regimes?The burning of the Jordanian pilot, experts say, shows that IS has learned its methods from the vile tactics employed by Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad. It may also signal that the group is beginning to rot from within.http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/p/csm_logo_115.jpg (http://www.csmonitor.com/) By Howard LaFranchi 32 minutes ago

The execution-by-burning of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh by Islamic State terrorists has prompted widespread observations that the group has descended to new levels of depravity.
Related Stories

Jordan ready to swap terrorist for pilot held by Islamic State (http://news.yahoo.com/jordan-ready-swap-terrorist-pilot-held-islamic-state-140853604.html) Christian Science Monitor
Jordan Executes Two Convicted Terrorists (http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=A33311A3-63DC-49B4-BA60-09755D65EF04&siteid=yhoof2) MarketWatch
Obama: Video Showing Apparent Execution Of Jordanian Pilot Shows ISIS's Ideology Is Bankrupt (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/03/obama-isis-execution-jordanian-pliot_n_6606002.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592) Huffington Post
Islamic State kills 50 captives in Syria this year: Syria monitor (http://news.yahoo.com/islamic-state-kills-50-captives-syria-syria-monitor-120734593.html) Reuters
Jordan says IS can be defeated; uproar over burn video (http://news.yahoo.com/jordan-executes-2-al-qaida-prisoners-kills-pilot-074157038.html) Associated Press

Yet while the public display through Internet videos of the cruel acts the terrorist group is employing may be new, the acts themselves, it appears, are not.
The inhumane methods appear to come largely from the prisons and torture chambers of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (http://www.csmonitor.com/csmlists/topic/Saddam+Hussein) and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (http://www.csmonitor.com/csmlists/topic/Bashar+Assad).
Recommended: How much do you know about the Islamic State? (http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2014/0923/How-much-do-you-know-about-the-Islamic-State)
Saddam Hussein ruled through fear, making sure Iraqis knew just enough about the vicious methods of torture and execution he used against anyone who dared challenge him.
Today, some of the top army commanders and Iraqi Mukhabarat or intelligence officials who enforced that system are now in the top rungs of the Islamic State (IS) leadership.
Syria’s Mr. Assad, like his father before him, has used torture against the regime’s domestic enemies for decades as a means of building fear and maintaining control. But a number of former IS fighters (and one-time captives in Assad’s notorious prisons) who have defected from IS over its extreme violence report that the same methods of torture and execution they saw employed by the Assad regime – including burning prisoners alive – are now being used by IS.
In the aftermath of Lt. Kasasbeh’s immolation, some officials and counterterrorism experts insisted the inhumanity of the public murder suggested the group had gone too far and would begin to lose whatever public support it enjoys. At least one expert says it also may signal that the group is beginning to rot from within. A key difference with this atrocity, experts say, is that it is not another beheading of a Westerner, or mass execution of minority Christians, or enslavement of women, but a murder of a Sunni Muslim presumably by other Sunni Muslims. The Islamic State hasn’t hesitated to kill Muslims before now, but the group has justified their mass executions and beheadings by saying their victims were from other sects.
Kasasbeh, his orange jumpsuit drenched in a flammable liquid before he was placed in a cage to be set afire, was “a devout Muslim, one of eight children, just months into married life, with the hopes of his own family in front of him,” said Secretary of State John Kerry (http://www.csmonitor.com/csmlists/topic/John+Kerry), to underscore why he thought this murder would tip even more Muslims to revulsion of IS.
The terrorist group “places no value on life, including that of fellow Muslims,” Kerry said.
Noting that IS is “primarily engaged in the wanton killing of fellow Muslims,” Matthew Levitt, director of counterterrorism and intelligence at the Washington Institute, says Kasasbeh’s murder “may turn [the] tide” of support for the group from outside donors and foreign fighters.
On Wednesday, Jordan’s King Abdullah said in a statement that Kasasbeh died defending his “faith, country and nation,” while IS is at war against “noble Islam.”
But the long reigns of terror of Hussein and Assad, during which these acts of torture were perfected – and used primarily against other Muslims – may suggest that IS has some period of its own reign of terror before it.
Where Mr. Levitt may be right is in his prediction that IS may have crossed the threshold of “the beginning of the end” with an atrocity committed against a fellow Muslim that will place a spotlight on IS as, more than anything else, an oppressor and executioner of other Muslims.
Kasasbeh’s public execution was so horrendous, Levitt says, that it may indeed suggest the group is “beginning to decay from within” and will do itself in. He says reports out of IS-held territory increasingly chronicle the disenchantment of local populations suffering growing abuse at the hands of IS militants, while evidence is also mounting of foreign fighters refusing to go into battle – and in some cases being executed as a result.
While readily employing the methods used by Hussein and Assad before it, IS may now have gone too far in displaying for the world instruments of fear that other practitioners kept behind closed doors.
Related stories

How much do you know about the Islamic State? (http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2014/0923/How-much-do-you-know-about-the-Islamic-State/prime-source)
US uses Kobane defeat in 'counter-message' against Islamic State. Can it work? (+video) (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2015/0128/US-uses-Kobane-defeat-in-counter-message-against-Islamic-State.-Can-it-work-video)
Five global front lines that could define Obama's final two years (+video) (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2015/0121/Five-global-front-lines-that-could-define-Obama-s-final-two-years-video)
Yemen chaos puts uncertainty into Obama terror fight – or does it? (+video) (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2015/0122/Yemen-chaos-puts-uncertainty-into-Obama-terror-fight-or-does-it-video)

Read this story at csmonitor.com (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2015/0205/Islamic-State-burning-of-Jordanian-pilot-A-page-from-Hussein-Assad-regimes)
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View Comments (1)

5th February 2015, 09:30 AM
Russell Brand is chiming in...


5th February 2015, 10:35 AM
Go to this link and scroll ahead to the 17:00 minute mark.


at the 17:45 mark

all of a sudden he raises his head

close ups / him gripping the bars

dramatic effect


5th February 2015, 10:38 AM
lol You really think some ragheads put that fake shit together??

Do you *really* think that 'ISIS'/IS is organic??

maybe a little help from " friends "


Hatha Sunahara
5th February 2015, 10:40 AM
Here's more weight to add to the 'fake video' argument:




My inclination is to believe--When in doubt, it's safe to assume that what you are seeing in the media is either fake or a lie. It's dangerous or stupid to believe you're being told the truth by the media or the government.


midnight rambler
5th February 2015, 10:48 AM
What's especially noteworthy is the timing of this staged video. Supposedly the 'execution' took place in early January yet 'ISIS' then supposedly sat on it for a month before releasing it?? WTF.

I assert it's an attempt at diverting attention from the Ukraine situation, amongst other things currently. Plus it's probably an opportune time to whip up the blood lust for war in conjunction with Eastwood's film 'American Sniper' peaking.

7th trump
5th February 2015, 12:10 PM
What's especially noteworthy is the timing of this staged video. Supposedly the 'execution' took place in early January yet 'ISIS' then supposedly sat on it for a month before releasing it?? WTF.

I assert it's an attempt at diverting attention from the Ukraine situation, amongst other things currently. Plus it's probably an opportune time to whip up the blood lust for war in conjunction with Eastwood's film 'American Sniper' peaking.
Dumbest thing I ever heard.....cant think for yourself huh...just go with the flow...blend in with the conspiracy nutballs.

As if all the muslim are stage actors in the last 30 years of terrorism......Bahahahahahahaha......!

midnight rambler
5th February 2015, 12:20 PM
Dumbest thing I ever heard.....cant think for yourself huh...just go with the flow...blend in with the conspiracy nutballs.

As if all the muslim are stage actors in the last 30 years of terrorism......Bahahahahahahaha......!

Dumbest thing I've ever seen posted....you lack common sense...just go with the psyops...blindly accept what the joosmedia tells you.

As if all the stage actors aren't working for the originators of all terror, intel agencies, governments, and the Chosenites back into antiquity.

Gawd I love irony.

5th February 2015, 03:53 PM

How to Make Realistic Fire effects for your videos!

from the 1st link
good article by the way

Here's more weight to add to the 'fake video' argument:




My inclination is to believe--When in doubt, it's safe to assume that what you are seeing in the media is either fake or a lie. It's dangerous or stupid to believe you're being told the truth by the media or the government.


5th February 2015, 04:55 PM

5th February 2015, 05:42 PM
I got some questions too. Just standing there? Not trying to get out of the cage. A bullet would be better. Seems very odd to me. I wouldn't be just standing there quietly. I'd be given them the finger and calling them out too.

Haven't read the whole thread, but these guys, mostly Canadian I gather, are pretty cautious about calling out tptb's recent array of hoaxes.

I was listening to their periodic "We Do It Live! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoOfGCCqO0g)" roundtable, and they discussed this. General consensus was, yes overproduced, but let's wait a few days and see if the joozmedia keeps banging on it. That would be confirmation.

I say, since ISIS themselves are fake, a western intel agency creation/asset (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id684.html), it follows that their various video propaganda stunts seeking to horrify western audiences & incite "war" (against Assad and whoever's next on the zio hit list); are also all fake. But this one needs a few days, wait & see!

5th February 2015, 05:48 PM
It's a Jordanian production...

5th February 2015, 08:26 PM
Haven't read the whole thread, but these guys, mostly Canadian I gather, are pretty cautious about calling out tptb's recent array of hoaxes.

I was listening to their periodic "We Do It Live! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoOfGCCqO0g)" roundtable, and they discussed this. General consensus was, yes overproduced, but let's wait a few days and see if the joozmedia keeps banging on it. That would be confirmation.

I say, since ISIS themselves are fake, a western intel agency creation/asset (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id684.html), it follows that their various video propaganda stunts seeking to horrify western audiences & incite "war" (against Assad and whoever's next on the zio hit list); are also all fake. But this one needs a few days, wait & see!

Yes I have been waiting for the Internet to expose what they did here. I have no doubts who is behind them. It think it's mostly out in the open that it is an operation run by Western and some other governments. The chain of pictures is good. When I first saw the "ISIS" guys, I figured them for some country's military. Too well dressed and equipped.

5th February 2015, 08:45 PM
[QUOTE=Glass;758294]Yes I have been waiting for the Internet to expose what they did here. I have no doubts who is behind them. It think it's mostly out in the open that it is an operation run by Western and some other governments. The chain of pictures is good. When I first saw the "ISIS" guys, I figured them for some country's military. Too well dressed and equipped.[/QSo

So it is very sad or as you guys post " just a mirage " maybe it was the Mosaad or maybe some guy just died in a flame, sad.

I do think just a guy died in very sadistic way, how sad, burned alive..

5th February 2015, 10:35 PM
more from Mike King, tomato bubble:

THE ISIS CONSPIRACY EXPLAINED (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id653.html)

MORE PROOF THAT ISIS IS CIA-MOSSAD (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id661.html)

MEET THE REDHEADS & WHITEBOYS OF 'ARAB' ISIS (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id694.html)

Hatha Sunahara
6th February 2015, 12:57 AM
[QUOTE=Glass;758294]Yes I have been waiting for the Internet to expose what they did here. I have no doubts who is behind them. It think it's mostly out in the open that it is an operation run by Western and some other governments. The chain of pictures is good. When I first saw the "ISIS" guys, I figured them for some country's military. Too well dressed and equipped.[/QSo

So it is very sad or as you guys post " just a mirage " maybe it was the Mosaad or maybe some guy just died in a flame, sad.

I do think just a guy died in very sadistic way, how sad, burned alive..

Zap, it's just a big hoax. Propaganda--designed to scare people who believe it's true. Pat Colo called it correctly IMHO. ISIS itself is a fake, so anything it 'produces' is also a fake. Nobody died. Nobody got burned to death, nobody got beheaded in earlier videos. Sometime, when you're watching TV, pay attention to the special effects--particularly in advertisements. They can make anything they want happen on screen--so realistic that you have to pinch yourself to be sure you're not imagining what you are seeing on the tube. We live in an age of advanced special effects and illusions on video. It's an art. One of the most common uses for this video artistry is to create fake news--and that's what we've been given here. The spooks who are presenting this fake news want the whole world to believe it--but they usually have a target audience who have to have large numbers believing it. This particular video is aimed at Jordanians specifically, and Arab speakers in general. It would be interesting to have some statistics on how many times the Jordanian media has played this on TV in the last day or two--because repetition always creates widespread belief. If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Adolph Hitler is credited as the author of this principle. But he was describing in his Book Mein Kampf what he had observed being done by Jews--whom he attributes with the invention of the 'big lie'. Believing the big lie is the path of least resistance. It takes a lot of energy to keep it firmly in your mind that what you've been told, and what 'most' people believe is a big lie. You have a choice about believing what they are telling you. You don't have to believe it. If you believe it, then they will take that as support for whatever they have in mind to deal with the 'fake' problem you believe they have. Do you want to support another war? Then don't question this big lie. Just fill yourself up with hatred for terrorists and tell Obama he can do whatever he sees fit with your blessings.


6th February 2015, 02:54 AM
We'll Do it LIVE is an excellent podcast by the way, still listening... 2 thumbs up!

Haven't read the whole thread, but these guys, mostly Canadian I gather, are pretty cautious about calling out tptb's recent array of hoaxes.

I was listening to their periodic "We Do It Live! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoOfGCCqO0g)" roundtable, and they discussed this. General consensus was, yes overproduced, but let's wait a few days and see if the joozmedia keeps banging on it. That would be confirmation.

I say, since ISIS themselves are fake, a western intel agency creation/asset (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id684.html), it follows that their various video propaganda stunts seeking to horrify western audiences & incite "war" (against Assad and whoever's next on the zio hit list); are also all fake. But this one needs a few days, wait & see!

6th February 2015, 03:31 AM
^ yeah they've got a good eye for hoaxes/FFs; make pretty good videos (YT keeps closing their channel, so they maintain backups!); and they also keep it light, lots of laughs. Several of them collaborated in making the 3+ hour "We've Got To Talk About Sandy Hook" docu.

edit: Come to think of it, now I'm not sure if their 'caution' in calling hoax, was about the pilot, or the Taiwan crash a couple days ago? Here's their vid calling the Jordan pilot thing a hoax! Haven't watched,

Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive - ISIS Phoney Fake Show - World Tour - Katy Perry (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/02/jordanian-pilot-burned-alive-isis.html)



Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive - ISIS Phoney Fake Show - World Tour - Katy Perry

Free Radio Revolution's You Tube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xHAfZZqbMMWjc1ed1ajow)

A View from the Bog (http://outsideradio.blogspot.ie/)

Posted by delcroix (http://www.blogger.com/profile/04838891459471113991) at 12:15 PM 5 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6010528744895186556)

mick silver
6th February 2015, 08:44 AM
Lawmakers expect resistance to granting Obama war powers WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress will face some resistance to a vote to authorize President Barack Obama's war against Islamic State militants despite international outrage over video of militants beheading their captives and burning one alive.
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Bill would grant war powers to fight Islamic State militants (http://news.yahoo.com/bill-grant-war-powers-fight-islamic-state-militants-051406357.html) Associated Press
Obama poised to ask Congress for new war authorization (http://news.yahoo.com/pelosi-talks-focus-3-ok-force-against-militants-165112675--politics.html) Associated Press
Bucking Obama, senior Democrat seeks limits on war against Islamic State (http://news.yahoo.com/bucking-obama--senior-democrat-seeks-limits-on-war-against--islamic-state-232820045.html) Yahoo News
White House Readies Congressional Push in Islamic State Fight (http://online.wsj.com/articles/white-house-readies-congressional-push-in-islamic-state-fight-1423177883?ru=yahoo?mod=yahoo_itp) The Wall Street Journal
Obama to seek new authority for force against Islamic State next week: congressional aides (http://news.yahoo.com/obama-seek-authority-force-against-islamic-state-next-222729083.html) Reuters

War authorizations are among the most difficult issues to confront members of Congress. Several Democrats will be reluctant to approve new war powers unless there is a clear deadline or some way to pay for the military operation. Some Republicans, strong foes of the president, will object to giving Obama the authority.
Obama is poised in coming days to ask Congress for new authority to use U.S. military force against IS, the White House said Thursday. But the top House Republican warned it won't be easy to pass the measure. Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said it will be up to the president to rally support from lawmakers and the public.
"His actions are going to be an important part of trying for us to get the votes to actually pass an authorization," Boehner said Thursday. "This is not going to be an easy lift."
In the U.S. battle against IS, Obama has been relying on congressional authorizations that President George W. Bush used to justify military action after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Critics say the White House's use of post-9/11 congressional authorizations is a legal stretch at best.
Obama has insisted that he had the legal authority to send U.S. troops to train and assist Iraqi security forces, and to launch airstrikes since September against targets in Iraq and Syria. Now, the administration wants to get a new so-called Authorization for the Use of Military Force, or AUMF, with bipartisan support from Congress.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/house-speaker-john-boehner-ohio-gestures-during-news-photo-170817674.html)House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio gestures during his news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington …

"The president believes it sends a very powerful signal to the American people, to our allies, and even to our enemies, that the United States of America is united behind this strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, using an acronym for the Islamic State group.
Republicans generally want a broader authorization of military action against the militants than Democrats have been willing to consider. Obama has said he does not intend to deploy U.S. combat troops, though many Republicans believe that option ought to be available.
"I have always believed that when it comes to fighting a war that Congress should not tie the president's hands," Boehner said.
Currently, there are 2,378 U.S. forces in Iraq conducting training, advising and assisting Iraqi forces at the brigade and headquarters levels and doing security.
Earnest declined to discuss specific provisions being considered, such as how long the authorization will last, what geographical areas it will cover and whether it will allow for ground troops. He said details are still being worked out with lawmakers from both parties.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/islamic-state-extremists-slideshow/)A screen shot taken on September 23, 2014, allegedly shows Islamic State group recruits riding in ar …

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California said talks with the administration are focusing on an authorization that would last three years, with other issues still being debated. Pelosi told journalists it will be a challenge for Democrats, the White House and Republicans to forge an agreement, but that she ultimately expects one to be reached.
"I'm not saying anybody's come to an agreement on it," Pelosi said. "I think it's going to be a challenge, but we will have it."
Pelosi said she hopes Congress will repeal the 2002 congressional authorization for the war in Iraq but retain the 2001 authorization for military action in Afghanistan. Earnest said the White House also supports repeal of the Iraq authorization replaced by the new authorization.
Late last year, Secretary of State John Kerry said whatever new authorization Congress passes should not limit U.S. military action to Iraq and Syria or prevent the president from deploying ground troops if he later deems them necessary. He also said that if the new authorization had a time limit, there should be a provision for it to be renewed.
Islamic State militants released a grisly video this week of a Jordanian Air Force pilot being burned alive inside a cage. Pelosi said that the U.S. should "move quickly" to steer military aid to Jordan, which has stepped up a campaign against the militants, including a series of airstrikes in Syria.
California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence panel, already introduced authorization legislation rather than wait for Obama's version. His bill would authorize the use of force against IS in Iraq and Syria for three years, but prohibit the use of ground forces in a combat mission in either nation. He has said if the president later decided to deploy ground troops, he could return to Congress to ask for new authority.
"It is my hope that the administration will be willing to accept important limits in a new authorization as well as the sunset or repeal of the old AUMFs, as this will be necessary to ensure strong bipartisan support and meet the goals the president set last summer of refining and repealing the prior authorizations," Schiff said in a statement Thursday.
Associated Press writer Deb Riechmann contributed to this report.
Follow Andrew Taylor at https://twitter.com/APAndrewTaylor and Nedra Pickler at https://twitter.com/nedrapickler

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mick silver
6th February 2015, 01:14 PM
ISIS / ISIL ‘Made in the USA’ by the CIA?Author TGP STAFF (http://www.greanvillepost.com/author/tgp-staff/) Date February 3, 2015 (http://www.greanvillepost.com/2015/02/03/isis-isil-made-in-the-usa-by-the-cia/)
(http://www.politisite.com/2014/06/22/isis-isil-made-usa-cia/)“Having armed, funded, and assisted ISIS into existence and into northern Iraq itself, the idea of America ‘intervening’ to stop ISIS is comparable to an arsonist extinguishing his fire with more gasoline…”
http://www.greanvillepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Iraqi_insurgents_with_guns-600x400.jpgA pair of armed anti-American insurgents in Iraq. (CC BY-SA 2.5)


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a creation of the United States and its Persian Gulf allies, namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and recently added to the list, Kuwait. The Daily Beast in an article titled, “America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/14/america-s-allies-are-funding-isis.html),” states:
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), now threatening Baghdad, was funded for years by wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, three U.S. allies that have dual agendas in the war on terror.

Despite the candor of the opening sentence, the article would unravel into a myriad of lies laid to obfuscate America’s role in the creation of ISIS. The article would claim:

The extremist group that is threatening the existence of the Iraqi state was built and grown for years with the help of elite donors from American supposed allies in the Persian Gulf region. There, the threat of Iran, Assad, and the Sunni-Shiite sectarian war trumps the U.S. goal of stability and moderation in the region.
However, the US goal in the region was never “stability” and surely not “moderation.” As early as 2007, sources within the Pentagon and across the US intelligence community revealed a conspiracy to drown the Middle East in sectarian war, and to do so by arming and funding extremist groups including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda itself. Published in 2007 – a full 4 years before the 2011 “Arab Spring” would begin – Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s New Yorker article titled, “”The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism? (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/03/05/070305fa_fact_hersh?currentPage=all)” stated specifically (emphasis added):

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.
The 9-page, extensive report has since been vindicated many times over with revelations of US, NATO, and Persian Gulf complicity in raising armies of extremists within Libya and along Syria’s borders. ISIS itself, which is claimed to occupy a region stretching from northeastern Syria and across northern and western Iraq, has operated all along Turkey’s border with Syria, “coincidentally” where the US CIA has conducted years of “monitoring” and arming of “moderate” groups.
In fact, the US admits it has armed, funded, and equipped “moderates” to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. In a March 2013 Telegraph article titled, “US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb’ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9918785/US-and-Europe-in-major-airlift-of-arms-to-Syrian-rebels-through-Zagreb.html),” it was reported that a single program included 3,000 tons of weapons sent in 75 planeloads paid for by Saudi Arabia at the bidding of the United States. The New York Times in its article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/25/world/middleeast/arms-airlift-to-syrian-rebels-expands-with-cia-aid.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&),” admits that the CIA assisted Arab governments and Turkey with military aid to terrorists fighting in Syria constituting hundreds of airlifts landing in both Jordan and Turkey.
The vast scale of US, NATO, and Arab aid to terrorists fighting in Syria leaves no doubt that the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007 was carried out in earnest, and that the reason Al Qaeda groups such as Al Nusra and ISIS displaced so-called “moderates,” was because such “moderates” never existed in any significant manner to begin with. While articles like the Daily Beast’s “America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/14/america-s-allies-are-funding-isis.html)” now try to portray a divide between US and Persian Gulf foreign policy, from Hersh’s 2007 article and all throughout the past 3 years in Libya and Syria, the goal of raising an army in the name of Al Qaeda has been clearly shared and demonstrably pursued by both the US and its regional partners.
The plan, from the beginning, was to raise an extremist expeditionary force to trigger a regional sectarian bloodbath – a bloodbath now raging across multiple borders and set to expand further if decisive action is not taken.
Iran Must Avoid America’s “Touch of Death” and Sectarian War at All CostsDespite an open conspiracy to drown the region in sectarian strife, the US now poses as a stakeholder in Iraq’s stability. Having armed, funded, and assisted ISIS into existence and into northern Iraq itself, the idea of America “intervening” to stop ISIS is comparable to an arsonist extinguishing his fire with more gasoline. Reviled across the region, any government – be it in Baghdad, Tehran, or Damascus – that allies itself with the US will be immediately tainted in the minds of forces forming along both sides of this artificially created but growing sectarian divide. Iran’s mere consideration of joint-operations with the US can strategically hobble any meaningful attempts on the ground to stop ISIS from establishing itself in Iraq and using Iraqi territory to launch attacks against both Tehran and Damascus.
Any Iranian assistance to Iraq should be given only under the condition that the US not intervene in any manner. Iran’s main concern should be portraying the true foreign-funded nature of ISIS, while uniting genuine Sunni and Shia’a groups together to purge what is a foreign invasion of Iraqi territory. Iran must also begin allaying fears among Iraq’s Sunni population that Tehran may try to use the current crisis to gain further influence over Baghdad.
While the US downplays the sectarian aspects of ISIS’ invasion of Iraq before global audiences, its propaganda machine across the Middle East, assisted by Doha and Riyadh, is stoking sectarian tensions. The ISIS has committed itself to a campaign of over-the-top sectarian vitriol and atrocities solely designed to trigger a wider Sunni-Shia’a conflict. That the US created ISIS and it is now in Iraq attempting to stoke a greater bloodbath with its already abhorrent invasion, is precisely why Tehran and Baghdad should take a cue from Damascus, and disassociate itself from the West, dealing with ISIS themselves (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/06/16/367163/militants-have-nowhere-to-hide-maliki/).

Read More – ISIS CIA Connection - ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region (http://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-made-in-usa-iraq-geopolitical-arsonists-seek-to-burn-region/5387475)

6th February 2015, 04:49 PM
In stead of saying the "US" did this and the "US" did that they should have said "The Jews did this" and the "Jews did that". Sob's

mick silver
7th February 2015, 06:51 AM
why are they covering their faces

Hatha Sunahara
7th February 2015, 09:02 AM
I'm waiting for the "Baghdad Bob" moment. When everybody can see the truth while the liars continue to present their lies as if nothing is unusual about it.


7th February 2015, 09:09 AM
In stead of saying the "US" did this and the "US" did that they should have said "The Jews did this" and the "Jews did that". Sob's


8th February 2015, 07:24 AM
What an interesting reaction to the video. Who would of thought?

Video Appearing to Show Jordanian Pilot's Burning Death 'Absolutely' Backfired Against ISIS (http://news.yahoo.com/video-appearing-show-jordanian-pilots-burning-death-absolutely-141307487--abc-news-topstories.html)

"The ISIS (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/world/isis.htm) video appearing to show a Jordanian pilot being burned alive “absolutely” backfired on the terror group, retired Marine Corps (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/marine-corps.htm) General John Allen (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/general-john-allen.htm) told ABC News in an exclusive interview.

“It will be one of these moments that created a unity of purpose and a unity of effort among the nations [of the world,]" Allen, the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, said from Amman, Jordan (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/jordan-jordanian.htm)."

8th February 2015, 09:05 AM
What an interesting reaction to the video. Who would of thought?

Video Appearing to Show Jordanian Pilot's Burning Death 'Absolutely' Backfired Against ISIS (http://news.yahoo.com/video-appearing-show-jordanian-pilots-burning-death-absolutely-141307487--abc-news-topstories.html)

"The ISIS (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/world/isis.htm) video appearing to show a Jordanian pilot being burned alive “absolutely” backfired on the terror group, retired Marine Corps (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/marine-corps.htm) General John Allen (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/general-john-allen.htm) told ABC News in an exclusive interview.

“It will be one of these moments that created a unity of purpose and a unity of effort among the nations [of the world,]" Allen, the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, said from Amman, Jordan (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/jordan-jordanian.htm)."

"Who would of thought", are none other than the USraeli spooks who created the video... as pretext for the "unity against 'It's Still Israel Stupid' (ISIS)" yada yada which Allen dutifully recited to that joozmedia organ.

How being burned alive can be faked (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/02/how-being-burned-alive-can-be-faked.html)


Posted by WHOOLI (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 4:54 PM 2 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=989360225740843286)

midnight rambler
8th February 2015, 11:13 AM

What an interesting reaction to the video. Who would of thought*?

Video Appearing to Show Jordanian Pilot's Burning Death 'Absolutely' Backfired Against ISIS (http://news.yahoo.com/video-appearing-show-jordanian-pilots-burning-death-absolutely-141307487--abc-news-topstories.html)

"The ISIS (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/world/isis.htm) video appearing to show a Jordanian pilot being burned alive “absolutely” backfired on the terror group, retired** Marine Corps (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/marine-corps.htm) General John Allen (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/general-john-allen.htm) told ABC News*** in an exclusive interview.

“It will be one of these moments that created a unity of purpose and a unity of effort among the nations [of the world,]" Allen, the Special Presidential Envoy**** for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, said from Amman, Jordan (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/jordan-jordanian.htm)."

*I suspect part of the plan all along, seeing how that video is so fucking fake

**'retired', as in still useful to the propaganda purposes of the Death Cult

***selected Death Cult propaganda channel designated 'ABC'

****CONFIRMED 'official' spokesman for the Death Cult

8th February 2015, 11:47 PM
"Who would of thought", are none other than the USraeli spooks who created the video... as pretext for the "unity against 'It's Still Israel Stupid' (ISIS)" yada yada which Allen dutifully recited to that joozmedia organ.

How being burned alive can be faked (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/02/how-being-burned-alive-can-be-faked.html)

ISIS is NOT ‘Blowback’ from Western Foreign Policy; It is Western foreign policy (https://therearenosunglasses.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/isis-is-not-blowback-from-western-foreign-policy-it-is-western-foreign-policy/)

http://therearenosunglasses.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/wahhabi.jpg (http://therearenosunglasses.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/wahhabi.jpg)

Western and “Israeli” intelligence has historically effected deep infiltration of ‘jihadist’ terror cells throughout the Arab world and the West; these groups are used literally as foot-soldiers (see Afghanistan throughout the 1980s) to achieve Western and “Israeli” military and strategic objectives. The “blowback” theory distracts from this key fact.
ISIS aren’t retaliating against Western foreign policy; they are Western foreign policy. These very people were mobilized against Muammar Gaddafi in Libya’s bogus ‘revolution’ of 2011, as with Syria in the same year.

***Read full article here*** (https://therearenosunglasses.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/isis-is-not-blowback-from-western-foreign-policy-it-is-western-foreign-policy/)

*More information links found here (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/01/us-war-against-isil-is-total-fraud.html)

8th February 2015, 11:56 PM
from 21st Century Wire

MISFIRE: The Burning of Captured Pilot Kasasbeh, Staged Propaganda & Coalition Airstrikes

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire (http://wp.me/p3bwni-aAQ)

We’ve been told that Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh has been burned alive by members of ISIS. However, upon closer review, the latest heavily produced ISIS ‘death scene’ is once again tailor-made for Western audiences – revealing a carefully engineered narrative in its wake…

The apparent burning of captured Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, should be treated with suspicion (http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/02/04/did-jordan-train-the-isis-fighters-who-burned-their-pilot-alive/), as his death has all the signs of being a choreographed event. Along with other high-profile ISIS killings, the ‘fiery death’ of Kasasbeh, appeared to depict a very stylized affair, one with multiple camera angles, modern Hollywood-like editing, all packaged in a gripping social media campaign, complete with ISIS members being clothed in pristine military outfits, holding weapons that look as though they’ve never been fired.

As this report progresses we’ll discuss some of the most telling aspects surrounding the newly emerged ISIS firebrand…

Some discussion on the burning video for a paragraph or two, then


This picture of the Japanese man holding a picture of the Jordanian pilot who is already in the Death Burning Cage. Because the pilots death was known about for 1 month or something before they announced it.

Then SITE comes out with the video AND they beat the actual "terrorists" who made the video to the punch in publishing the video. So they had it before the terrorists.


21st Century Wire Link (http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/02/08/misfire-the-burning-of-captured-pilot-kasasbeh-staged-propaganda-coalition-airstrikes/)

Hatha Sunahara
9th February 2015, 12:44 AM
More on Rita Katz



midnight rambler
9th February 2015, 03:05 AM

Holy cow, the beak on that shitbird.

25th February 2015, 04:36 PM
I found this story looking at VT for another story. This is from the source link. Never heard of the website before. Granted this is kind of rich considering Izzy harbours ISIS.

ISIS 'Held Public Screenings' of Pilot Being Burned to Death (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190910)

Activists say Islamic State used projectors and screens to play gruesome execution of Jordanian pilot 'over and over again' in Raqqa.

The Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) reportedly broadcast footage of its fighters burning alive a Jordanian pilot in public areas throughout its de-facto capitol of Raqqa in northern Syria.

"Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently" - a group made up of anonymous activists who risk their lives to expose ISIS atrocities in areas under its control - first reported news of the gruesome spectacle, which played out throughout the city following the release of the video Tuesday.

"Using large viewing screens and Movie projectors across the City of al Raqqa, #ISIS Played the Burning of the #JordanianPilot... Mouaz Al Kasasbeh for the public to watch over and over again..." the group said in a series of Twitter posts.

ISIS regularly publicizes its executions and other forms of brutal punishments as a way of instilling fear in local populations and discourage them against rebelling despite their desperate conditions. In Raqqa - once a hub of relative modernity in Syria - residents say they have suffered greatly since ISIS took over and implemented its authoritarian Islamic law, with food shortages and regular power outages compounding their misery.

The video (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190877) is possibly the most gruesome yet by ISIS, which has tended to behead previous hostages.

In the slick, high-quality production, al-Kassasbeh is first seen sitting behind a desk addressing the camera and condemning coalition strikes against ISIS. After that, he is shown walking past rows of masked terrorists into a metal cage, while doused in petrol; once inside, one of the terrorists lights a fuse leading into the cage, and he is engulfed in flames. A tractor is then used to bury his charred body in rubble.

In revenge for the killing, Jordan announced it would be executing (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190880) a number of ISIS-linked terrorists held in its prisons - a threat it carried (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190898) out swiftly early Wednesday morning.

Despite only releasing the video yesterday, it soon emerged that ISIS had in all likelihood killed al-Kassasbeh a month ago, with Jordanian state TV reporting his execution took place on January 3rd.

And a tweet on January 8 by the head of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, who writes under the pseudonym "Abu-Ibraham al-Raqqawi", had detailed a conversation between ISIS fighters in which they gloated of having burned the Jordanian airman to death.

The Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) reportedly broadcast footage of its fighters burning alive a Jordanian pilot in public areas throughout its de-facto capitol of Raqqa in northern Syria.

"Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently" - a group made up of anonymous activists who risk their lives to expose ISIS atrocities in areas under its control - first reported news of the gruesome spectacle, which played out throughout the city following the release of the video Tuesday.

"Using large viewing screens and Movie projectors across the City of al Raqqa, #ISIS Played the Burning of the #JordanianPilot... Mouaz Al Kasasbeh for the public to watch over and over again..." the group said in a series of Twitter posts.

ISIS regularly publicizes its executions and other forms of brutal punishments as a way of instilling fear in local populations and discourage them against rebelling despite their desperate conditions. In Raqqa - once a hub of relative modernity in Syria - residents say they have suffered greatly since ISIS took over and implemented its authoritarian Islamic law, with food shortages and regular power outages compounding their misery.

The video (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190877) is possibly the most gruesome yet by ISIS, which has tended to behead previous hostages.

In the slick, high-quality production, al-Kassasbeh is first seen sitting behind a desk addressing the camera and condemning coalition strikes against ISIS. After that, he is shown walking past rows of masked terrorists into a metal cage, while doused in petrol; once inside, one of the terrorists lights a fuse leading into the cage, and he is engulfed in flames. A tractor is then used to bury his charred body in rubble.

In revenge for the killing, Jordan announced it would be executing (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190880) a number of ISIS-linked terrorists held in its prisons - a threat it carried (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190898) out swiftly early Wednesday morning.

Despite only releasing the video yesterday, it soon emerged that ISIS had in all likelihood killed al-Kassasbeh a month ago, with Jordanian state TV reporting his execution took place on January 3rd.

And a tweet on January 8 by the head of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, who writes under the pseudonym "Abu-Ibraham al-Raqqawi", had detailed a conversation between ISIS fighters in which they gloated of having burned the Jordanian airman to death.

Abu-Ibrahim al-Raqqawi's tweet

Meanwhile, the fate of al-Kassasbeh appears to have had an effect on at least one member of the international coalition against ISIS, as reports surfaced that the United Arab Emirates pulled out of the air campaign against the so-called Islamic State after the pilot's capture in late December.

The UAE suspended air strikes after the capture due to fears over the safety of its own pilots, according to the New York Times.

The United Arab Emirates want the US to improve its search-and-rescue efforts, including the use of V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, in northern Iraq, closer to the battleground.

As it stands, the US-led mission is based in Kuwait, administration officials said, according to the Times.

It said UAE pilots will not rejoin the fight until the Ospreys - which take off and land like helicopters but fly like planes - are deployed in northern Iraq.

Al-Kassassbeh was captured by ISIS terrorists within minutes of his plane crashing in December near Raqqa, Syria, but UAE officials questioned if American military rescue teams would have been able to reach the pilot even if there had been more time for a rescue effort, administration officials said.

UAE's Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan asked Barbara Leaf, the new US ambassador, why the United States had not put proper resources in northern Iraq for rescuing downed pilots, a senior administration official said, according to the Times.

Several rescue efforts do indeed appear to have been made to save the Jordanian pilot, including one on January 1st (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/189441) - just days before he was likely executed.

But that operation failed after special forces were forced to withdraw under heavy fire.