View Full Version : Gray State Psyop- the "Go Fund Me" Caper

MC Slave
5th February 2015, 07:31 PM
Latest take on Grey State

http://blindlight.org/index.php/component/fpss/track/12/L2luZGV4LnBocC9jb21wb25lbnQvazIvaXRlbS81MC1ncmF5LX N0YXRlLXBzeW9wLXRoZS1nby1mdW5kLW1lLWNhcGVy

5th February 2015, 07:41 PM
Did you join the board just to pimp your own site? I visited your site once. It sucks.

My opinion might be frank, but it is the truth.

5th February 2015, 07:44 PM
Did you join the board just to pimp your own site? I visited your site once. It sucks.

My opinion might be frank, but it is the truth.

Seems likely.

Every other post he makes has links to his site, and just teasers posted here.


You beat me, first thought was his pimping his site.

5th February 2015, 07:54 PM
Seems likely.

Every other post he makes has links to his site, and just teasers posted here.


You beat me, first thought was his pimping his site.

The sad part is that there are at least three other threads on the AJ clone movie. A 4th or 5th isn't going to sway an opinion on this board.

MC Slave
10th February 2015, 02:18 PM
Gee, the article is on my site so the link has to be read there. EZ to throw tomatoes when you do fuck all.Is this a false flag site? I posted what I believe is a false flag article, I didn't post a how to get rich quick spam post, dumbasses, lol! Why don't you respond to the article or walk on by

10th February 2015, 02:23 PM
Gee, the article is on my site so the link has to be read there. EZ to throw tomatoes when you do fuck all.Is this a false flag site? I posted what I believe is a false flag article, I didn't post a how to get rich quick spam post, dumbasses, lol! Why don't you respond to the article or walk on by


Bit touchy!


MC Slave
10th February 2015, 02:27 PM
It's been a rough week but tell me, my thoughts are in my article, What is so evil about linking the article and then you give your thoughts and I respond? Ppl do it on Facebook all the time

10th February 2015, 02:36 PM
It's been a rough week but tell me, my thoughts are in my article, What is so evil about linking the article and then you give your thoughts and I respond? Ppl do it on Facebook all the time

Mainly because it DID seem you were promoting your blog/site when you would just post a teaser and then a link to your site.

New members are sorta watched, but the forum Is equal opportunity, going at new and older members here, ( we eat our own)

More posts and less links back to your site would be telling!

Just saying.

MC Slave
10th February 2015, 02:39 PM
I will keep that in mind, thanks!

MC Slave
10th February 2015, 02:43 PM
Did you join the board just to pimp your own site? I visited your site once. It sucks.

My opinion might be frank, but it is the truth.

Thanks for your opinion. My site doesn't look all that good on Windows '95- maybe upgrade to Windows 8.1, learn to use "scroll- control" and get the site looking like my pic example. Now maybe you don't like Jew-wise content and it was your way to complain-Jews certainly complain like that72667266

MC Slave
10th February 2015, 02:44 PM
now look at that pic and tell me what's wrong with it rather being a fucktard!

10th February 2015, 02:50 PM
There you go again,

Not many want to be forced to resize their screens and then mess with text sizes. Hell some here would rather you present your info here than to follow a link or god forbid doing any research on their own..

Your site is different than most because it does look like 50lbs of sausage meat stuffed into a one pound skin.

Edit: Showing some true color, by name calling already to a respected member here? He was calling it like he and others here saw it.

Looking at my crystal ball, if you keep up this kind of attitude here you will last not as long as the dodo bird at this forum.

My dos pesos of thought.

10th February 2015, 03:45 PM
now look at that pic and tell me what's wrong with it rather being a fucktard!

So I said your site sucks and now I'm a fucktard?

Suck it newbie.