View Full Version : JPMorgan profits from the food stamp scam

7th February 2015, 06:42 AM
JPMorgan profits from the food stamp scam while Americans are fed disease-promoting junk food
Friday, February 06, 2015

(NaturalNews) When the food stamp program was first created, the idea was to help struggling Americans stay afloat while they sought employment or other means of subsistence. But today, the program is essentially run by the banking cartel, which profits heavily from enrollees who more often than not purchase disease-promoting junk food that eventually lands them into welfare health programs, which in turn support the pharmaceutical cartels.

............. Banking elite wildly profiting from widespread poverty that they caused
It is an utterly sick scam that if more Americans understood what was actually going on, they would organize with one another to drive out these treasonous, usurious banking criminals and take their country back. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be happening, at least not within the current illusory paradigm, and most likely not until things become so difficult socially and economically that people finally stand up to expose the emperor as having no clothes.

What's worse is the many millions of food stamp recipients that are using their JPMorgan debit cards to purchase disease-promoting junk foods on the taxpayers' dime. Many of these folks fail to realize that they are being herded into a corrupt healthcare system by toxic food products that will leave them chronically ill and obese.

In many of the neighborhoods where food stamp recipients shop, there is a dearth of available health food stores, or even full-service grocery stores for that matter. As a result, many food stamp recipients use their cards at convenience and liquor stores, which almost never stock nutritious foods that will actually help the poor stay nourished.

"Due to the additional risk factors associated with poverty, food insecure and low-income people are especially vulnerable to obesity," explains the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). "More specifically, obesity among food insecure people -- as well as among low-income people -- occurs in part because they are subject to the same influences as other Americans... but also because they face unique challenges in adopting healthful behaviors."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048527_food_stamps_JP_Morgan_junk.html#ixzz3R4AtVf tt