View Full Version : Britain’s former Nato chief: Ukraine crisis could spiral into ‘total war’

8th February 2015, 03:04 AM
really Orwell playing right in front of our very eyes... even if no wars isnt really started.
‘The crisis in Ukraine could lead to ‘total war’, Britain’s former Nato chief warned yesterday.

His stark warning came as the French and German leaders flew to Moscow to thrash out a peace deal – without David Cameron.

General Sir Richard Shirreff also criticised Mr Cameron for not doing enough to persuade Vladimir Putin to pull back from Russia’s intervention in the country, saying he risked becoming a ‘foreign policy irrelevance’.

His comments came as the Defence Secretary said Moscow’s aggression proved the need to update Britain’s nuclear capability.’


French President Francois Hollande called for “quite strong” autonomy for Ukraine’s eastern regions while speaking on France 2 TV. He also revealed part of the joint plan discussed in Moscow on the conflict’s solution.

On Saturday, Hollande said that the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk need “rather strong” autonomy from Kiev.

“These people have gone to war,” Hollande explained. “It will be difficult to make them share a common life [with Kiev].”‘



Remember Stalingrad: Russian Veterans Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel About NATO’s New War
‘Six Russian veterans of the Battle for Stalingrad have written an open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel concerning NATO and Washington DC’s current drive to ramp-up a proxy war between The West and Russia which is cynically using the Ukraine as their 21st century battleground to gain geopolitical dominance over the Eurasian heartland.’


8th February 2015, 02:40 PM
the bald face lies are just astounding. And no one knows they are lies.

Like this one for instance. Russia is intervening in the Country? Russia has expansionist plans? Russia is the aggressor?

General Sir Richard Shirreff also criticised Mr Cameron for not doing enough to persuade Vladimir Putin to pull back from Russia’s intervention in the country, saying he risked becoming a ‘foreign policy irrelevance’.

It leaves me speechless that they just out and out lie. It also saddens me because it's just another nail in the coffin of this system.