View Full Version : Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered

11th February 2015, 05:56 AM
Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died


Health Impact News Editor Comments

In 2009, Bill Bowen released a trailer for a documentary film he was producing exposing the corruption within Child Protection Services across the United States. The film is called Innocence Destroyed. Bill Bowen died unexpectedly the next year, in 2010, reportedly from a heart attack, before he was able to finish the film.

The segments that were completed are now on YouTube, in three different videos. See below.

WARNING: Videos contain graphic content not suitable for children! For adults only.

Here is some information about Bill Bowen, including some quotes directly attributed to him, that we were able to find on the Internet.
About Bill Bowen

Bill Bowen was a former firefighter and federal investigator. He was also known for exposing the New York City Fire Department in a book, Radio Silence F.D.N.Y. The Betrayal of New York’s Bravest, which he coauthored with Battalion Chief John Joyce. The book describes how 125 New York City firefighters and numerous civilians lost their lives on 9/11 due to problems with their two-way radios.

While he had many irons in the fire, his top priority was finishing Innocence Destroyed as well as helping people initiate class action lawsuits against Child Protective Services agencies in all fifty states. (Source: Daniel Weaver – Albany CPS and Family Court Examiner, September 10, 2010.)
Why Bill Bowen Started the Innocence Destroyed Film Project


The following alleged quotes from Bill Bowen are from LukesArmy.com:

Four years ago I was approached by a father who was in the process of losing his children through a Termination of Parental Rights case against him, brought by the Department of Human Services in Klamath Falls, OR. He told me the official, certified transcript of his hearing had been altered to reflect admissions never made and evidence and testimony never given.

I honestly did not believe him, but agreed to look into the matter a little bit. What I found was like reading a horror story, the worst one I had ever read. His certified transcript had been changed from the original audio recordings made in the courtroom. Not one of the well over one thousand alterations in that transcript favored the parents. The changes made only favored CPS and those transcripts had been sent to the Court of Appeals in Salem, OR by the father’s indigent, court appointed attorney.

I took my findings and a lot of evidence to that attorney who refused to address it with the appeals court. Somehow, when the appeals court found out they gave that attorney four extra months to get and present that evidence but cautioned the attorney they only wanted to hear about the altered transcripts and no other issues. That attorney argued everything under the sun, weakly, when he submitted his new brief, EXCEPT for the altered transcripts and the court said they had no choice but to refuse to overturn the lower court.

It turns out the Office of Public Defender Services has a general counsel. His secretary has some relatives that wanted to adopt some blonde haired, blue eyed children and this fathers kids were that and extremely beautiful. Those three children were given to the family of the secretary and the judge, Roxanne Osborn by name, allowed them to be adopted before the appeals court ruled. The state then argued that it was too late and so sorry and that couple lost their three children.

By the way, the crime the father had been charged with was drinking two beers after he had been told he was off probation and it was admitted he was told that. Then the probation department revoked his probation and called it threat of harm and their three children were given to parents who were not even certified or in line to adopt. I was outraged, as was the local senator I took this case to and DHS/CPS thumbed their nose at that senator and just continued on.

I decided to investigate what appeared to be a criminal organization to me and that trafficked in the lives of children.

I found workers from inside CPS that would talk to me and I heard the worst stories you could imagine. I talked to state senators who told me each of them had on average 15 letters complaining about CPS abuses. I learned of the murder of little Adriana Cram, who was taken from her mother because the mother could not afford the special medicine for her daughter that prevented the little girl’s brain from drying out, which would cause her to become retarded.

I also have hair samples taken from the child’s grave in Mexico where she was tortured and murdered by the people CPS placed her with and those hair samples show that child never received the very medicine CPS took her away from her mom for not being able to afford. That little innocence girl, had bruises, cuts, and burns over most of her body when her body was examined after she was murdered. Not mentioned in my film but discovered during her autopsy was the fact that little four year old girl had callouses on her vagina.

She was four years old. She was tortured daily, she was being slowly starved, she was being sexually abused and was being kicked all over her tiny body by the man who wore pointed toed cowboy boots. Complaints were called back to the United States and repeatedly ignored by the trolls and ghouls that worked at CPS, known as DHS, in Oregon.

She was a US citizen sent by CPS to live and be tortured in a foreign country where it would be difficult for anybody to report the abuse they could see she was being forced to undergo. She was a special needs child, in CPS lingo, meaning she was worth over $6,000 per month to CPS in Oregon in federal funds. CPS Oregon continued drawing that $6,000 plus per month long after that child was dead.

CPS never sent the people they placed that child with in Mexico the $400 per month they promised them for taking the child off their hands. The woman involved in the murder says that was one reason her husband was so mad and he took it out on little Adriana.

Further investigating CPS I learned about Daniael Kelly, who was 12 years old in Philadelphia, PA and she had cerebral palsy and how she was strapped to the floor on a mattress and left starving there without ever changing her bed clothes or picking up after she made the inevitable mess a strapped down person will make and so that little child lived in her own feces.

It was so caked on you can see it in the picture of her one day after she died, in the film, Innocence Destroyed. That child was placed in the care of her unbalanced biological mother who started torturing that little girl the day she received her. She took the curtains off the windows and Danieal laid there in heated room in Philadelphia with no curtains or air conditioning, in the middle of the summer. The mother encouraged other children to go into that room and torture and tease little Daniael.

What you won’t see in the film is that the workers and supervisors with CPS on this case deserved to go to prison because since they hadn’t visited her in almost six months while she was being tortured and murdered, when they learned she had died, the caseworker and the supervisor of CPS there got together and signed and notarized documents that they had visited and inspected Danieal just two weeks before she died and they saw no visible signs of abuse.

Look at the picture of little Daniael again in the second part of the film and see if anybody could have thought that child was okay two weeks before her tiny body gave out and she died? Also not widely known is the fact that when the police investigated the CPS caseworker they found a box under that worker’s desk full of candy and chip wrappers and underneath those at the bottom were 7 letters from people begging CPS to go out and investigate the fact that little Daniael was being tortured. All of those letters were unopened. While that worker snacked on chips and candy, Daniael Kelly was starving to death and her sheets were becoming interwoven with her skin and muscle.

I learned about five year old Logan Marr an absolutely beautiful little child. Her foster mom used to duct tape her to the bed so she didn’t have to deal with her. Then one day that foster mom wanted to watch her favorite cooking show so she duct tapped little Logan into a high chair in the basement so she wouldn’t have to hear her cry. Logan died from asphyxiation. Why didn’t CPS investigate or do anything about this horrible foster mother? What is again not widely known is that the foster mother WAS A CPS CASEWORKER and a rather highly regarded one back in Maine. Just picking up a little extra money taping up kids I guess. No doubt operating in the, “Best interest of the children.”

If you wonder why I am bringing all of this up and making you uncomfortable, the reason is two-fold.

It was the same set of circumstances as I have just described above that set me off to do something about what someone was doing to children in my country. I realized that those few seconds of discomfort I experienced was nothing compared what those children had to have undergone, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day for months and months. While it is true I didn’t know about it back then, that didn’t change the fact that had I looked, had I learned what these horrible monsters were doing to children years before maybe I could have done something to stop it. To me, unawareness was not an excuse I could accept and so, here I sit today writing this, trying to get those who understand what responsibility is to come take some and we can change this.

I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion.

This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the “protection and control” of CPS. The most active opponent to all of this was former State Senator Nancy Schaefer, GA, who was murdered. THAT she was murdered is not in question, the only question that remains is who murdered her and the official story is very hard to swallow if any of the facts about her assassination are known.

We are looking at a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge amounts of money going to the various states so they don’t change this corrupt system. Drug companies make billions of the full priced non generic drugs they sell to CPS and which are forced on these small children whose biggest upset is that they can’t live with their mommies anymore.

First you take the child away from their parents and when they cry about it you get some unlicensed mental health worker to diagnose that child as being “DEPRESSED.” Gee, ya think? Well, that and the fact that the big man sometimes into their room at night and does horrible things to them and child sexual abuse is a lot more rampant than CPS would ever want anyone to know about.

CPS investigates allegations of the sexual abuse of the children in their care and a finding of substantiated would result in a successful civil action being brought against them by the parents. So, virtually every investigation conducted by CPS into the sexual molestation of children comes back as unfounded, thus saving them millions in lawsuits and after all to CPS workers it is only the molestation of some dirt bag mother’s child, so who really cares? Besides if the child is unhappy they can always just put them on a fistful of anti-depressants and they will shut up. Those drugs don’t help them but they sure shut them up.

Well, at least until that child is 18 and a basket case from taking those drugs and then CPS cuts them off because the child has “timed out” and is no longer worth anything to CPS because they don’t receive any more money per month for that child and now the child has no value. OF course now that messed former CPS child will make a lot of mistakes and their children become CPS bait in the future. Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children. Wow, what a legacy CPS is creating eh?

What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it.

That can be done and to that end I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day.

However, Bill Bowen died in 2010, and his work stopped.

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=48YF1uEuCUA

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vhGz5NEPoGs

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ih0D85vhY-M


11th February 2015, 06:25 AM
nothing can save this system

11th February 2015, 07:23 AM
nothing can save this system

Not with the negative attitude you are displaying.

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11th February 2015, 08:25 AM
because you think it is not the opinion of many? Or perhaps are you burying your head in the sand?

there is nothing negative stating this: it is FACT.

get more thank you from dogman, who havent yet answered the implosion theory for engines because he knows I proved him wrong..

your comment is absolutely meaningless. Solutions always lies in new approaches and let go models that do not work.

nothing can rescue the system but one individual at the time seeing the light and willing to let the system go... sure it isnt encouraging but thats the only way out of this lethal matrix.

Not with the negative attitude you are displaying.

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11th February 2015, 08:34 AM
Not with the negative attitude you are displaying.

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Not really negativity, just stating as a matter of fact. This system (CPS) is setup for child exploitation under the guise of doing "good". When evidence points to the contrary it gets covered up and glossed over by the CPS who investigate themselves, or the courts who profit from both ends.

midnight rambler
11th February 2015, 08:36 AM
Not really negativity, just stating as a matter of fact. This system (CPS) is setup for child exploitation under the guise of doing "good". When evidence points to the contrary it gets covered up and glossed over by the CPS who investigate themselves, or the courts who profit from both ends.

CPS is the vehicle that the Satan worshipers put into place to channel children into the hands of those who wish to harm them and/or offer them up as burnt offerings.

11th February 2015, 08:40 AM
Here CPS types have way too much power, almost on par with game wardens. They can get away with crap that regular cops can not do with out a search warrant.

All it takes is a stranger reporting you and they will be on you like ants on sugar.

11th February 2015, 03:21 PM
because you think it is not the opinion of many? Or perhaps are you burying your head in the sand? there is nothing negative stating this: it is FACT. get more thank you from dogman, who havent yet answered the implosion theory for engines because he knows I proved him wrong.. your comment is absolutely meaningless. Solutions always lies in new approaches and let go models that do not work. nothing can rescue the system but one individual at the time seeing the light and willing to let the system go... sure it isnt encouraging but thats the only way out of this lethal matrix.

Your comment seemed to be saying we are struck with a system that can't be saved (fixed). The fact is it is an evil, unnecessary system in need of eradication, not in need of saving.

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11th February 2015, 03:41 PM
we are saying the same thing, just depends on looking at glass half-empty/full.

I think I have posted enough data on here that agrees on the great evil going on and portrayed myself as an advocate of voluntaryism because of that.

I repeat, this system cannot be saved = LET SINK and SELF-DESTROY.

and I am not negative, just very lucid and depolarized.

Your comment seemed to be saying we are struck with a system that can't be saved (fixed). The fact is it is an evil, unnecessary system in need of eradication, not in need of saving.

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mick silver
11th February 2015, 04:57 PM
gang of criminal nothng more an nothing less . and yet we go to war around the world for whole lot less http://www.thedailybell.com/images/library/express.jpg

12th February 2015, 02:26 AM
From the article:

Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children.

I wonder if this is really true. I have met a couple of guys who were foster kids and they were very negative about the whole system. One deemed it slavery. He said he was used like a slave by the family that 'adopted' him. He was a felon also. Got nabbed for stealing a semi.