View Full Version : The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary (anything goes)

11th February 2015, 04:35 PM
Just posting this for fun, something to watch to take off the pressure of the crazy world we live in
Published on Dec 19, 2014

In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence that we are living on a motionless, flat Earth. Please take the time to do yourself and humanity a favor by watching this most important, mind-blowing and entertaining film! Please also like, share and spread this video around to help raise awareness of this highly taboo, suppressed, and ridiculed truth. To learn even more about the ball-Earth deception and fully discover the depths of this five-century running indoctrination, be sure to read my new 252-page book, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy," the first flat-Earth book published in over 40 years, available in paperback, eBook, and ePub:


12th February 2015, 06:13 PM
Kinda like living below a huge grinder, we are just on slow speed. Your whole life can flash in an instant.

12th February 2015, 06:46 PM
When I first heard of the "concave earth" theory, I thought the theory was insane, but upon further investigation & research, it was learned that even the physicists dont even know 100% that the earth is a sphere! Needless to say, I was shocked to read this admission that is buried deeply in an academic published paper by a major university....

Video: Concave Earth (about 1.4 minutes)


12th February 2015, 06:51 PM
When I first heard of the "concave earth" theory, I thought the theory was insane, but upon further investigation & research, it was learned that even the physicists dont even know 100% that the earth is a sphere! Needless to say, I was shocked to read this admission that is buried deeply in an academic published paper by a major university....

Video: Concave Earth (about 1.4 minutes)


Umm No. That's too fukt to even try to think about.

12th February 2015, 09:23 PM
Remove all the space from all matter on Earth and everything on earth including the planet itself fits on the head of a pin.

12th February 2015, 10:34 PM
Remove all the space from all matter on Earth and everything on earth including the planet itself fits on the head of a pin.


13th February 2015, 12:28 AM
interesting story. How does it work with the curved horizon? When I am flying it looks like the earth curves away.....

13th February 2015, 12:55 AM
Nasa broke the sky by sending up rockets and poking holes in it.


intriguing ideas. The atmosphere will collapse and fall down from the glass sky. This maybe what they are preparing for. The chemtrails are supposed to counter the heat buildup of the holes they poked?? not sure I got that understood.

13th February 2015, 01:06 AM
Nasa broke the sky by sending up rockets and poking holes in it.


intriguing ideas. The atmosphere will collapse and fall down from the glass sky. This maybe what they are preparing for. The chemtrails are supposed to counter the heat buildup of the holes they poked?? not sure I got that understood. I wonder if I dig a hole deep enough will I find the other side, seems logical if you have a up, there has to be a down, Or will I fall down into space ?


13th February 2015, 07:50 AM
wow this is a rabbit hole I haven't been down before. intriguing arguments and thoughts going on here.

Concave earth theory

ISS is fake. Footage is simulated in aircraft or in front of green screen with harnesses. Compelling in some areas. The green screen segments do actually look like they are now its been mentioned.


The space walks being done in a pool, which is where they train anyway and the air bubbles escaping and also the scuba diver in the space station hatchway. Clearly visible yet they claimed it was a real EVA.

This video cracks me up. Bogus re-entry vehicles:


Stay with him, it's worth it.

3rd April 2015, 12:52 PM
sorry glass, had completely forgotten about this thread until coming across the interviews below 20mins ago.

Good job aussie man finding more fringy rabit holes. will watch later as I am just passing by some cyber cafe now

I really dont believe in the flat earth, but rather find very odd that such a theory has become a controlled opposition

Eric Dubay Real Flat Earther Interview


Flat Earth Podcast with Eric Dubay and Mark Knight

Eric Dubay | The Flat Earth Theory & The Masonic Matrix Manipulators

well at least this weekend I will have some fun.

3rd April 2015, 06:01 PM
well I watched it and cannot say it is convincing... not to mention that he calls himself Lord Steven Christ

Nasa broke the sky by sending up rockets and poking holes in it.


intriguing ideas. The atmosphere will collapse and fall down from the glass sky. This maybe what they are preparing for. The chemtrails are supposed to counter the heat buildup of the holes they poked?? not sure I got that understood.

3rd April 2015, 06:18 PM
yes I think he has some voices going on maybe. Interesting theories though.

and interesting correlations with what they are saying about Van allen belt and this plasma belt thing at 7200 miles out. They (NASA) describe that as a Glass Plasma Belt. Protects Earth from incoming radiation.

Interesting that he and NASA are talking about a glass barrier or boundary

3rd April 2015, 07:37 PM
yeah I heard that but the concave earth or even flat (am listening to the 1st vid I posted) models leave me extremely perplex and skeptical. Now throw Nasa frauds, geocentrism and hollow earth, the holographic universe to name a few into the mix , it looks like a bottomless rabbit hole. This is the matrix side effect

have you seen this
NASA Mars Hoax - The Universe is a Tube - Adam Steltzner

yes I think he has some voices going on maybe. Interesting theories though.

and interesting correlations with what they are saying about Van allen belt and this plasma belt thing at 7200 miles out. They (NASA) describe that as a Glass Plasma Belt. Protects Earth from incoming radiation.

Interesting that he and NASA are talking about a glass barrier or boundary

3rd April 2015, 09:19 PM
the universe is a tube, a cube, a sphere we are living on the inside surface of, a pyramid. yes these rabbits have dug some deep holes.

I'm very curious about the moon waves. It looks like a screen refresh to me. Perhaps it is very slow at certain times of the year? Perhaps it is affected by frequency. I'm sitting here wondering about a few other seemingly unrelated things. Like orgone generators pointed up in the sky. Maybe it isn't just clouds being affected?

I've been going back to the 144 numbers and this NZ guy (Bruce Cathie) who also discovered the planet is covered by an energy grid. He is not the only guy to conclude this or draw maps of this suspected grid. He drew up what he figured it looked like. Using confirmed sightings of UFO. If he had several sightings of the one UFO he could sometimes plot course for them. Thus creating a grid of UFO trajectories which when extrapolated over the surface of the earth form a grid.

For people who haven't read his stuff or seen his maps, it's hard to visualize, but then you have posted information on the golden ration, the flower of life I think it's called. I would like to see how well that/your "diagram" fits with the map that Bruce did or if some of the anomalies he has in his map are ironed out when substituting the flower of life type map with his.

He has a couple of points on his map that are out on their own and he brings them into his map by saying they belong to secondary or tertiary grids which coincide with the primary grid at those points. They may do and the reasoning is plausible, given the work was done in the 60, 70 and 80's without the benefit of any PC's to assist in his calcs.

Anyway the book I picked up has the harmonic numbers in them of 144, 288 and some others but the calcs and main reasoning was done in an earlier book. he assumes you have read it and have it to hand. I do but I can't recall and need to go back and read it again. I think in light of these bits and pieces it could add another few useful ideas.

He makes a fair few assumptions about rounding up numbers and dropping 0's etc to get a number that matches a harmonic. Could easily be called sloppy work, However in numerology number compression you could get the idea he was knowledgeable of it but deliberately being sloppy so as not to provide solid conclusions of his work.

3rd April 2015, 11:41 PM
Just posting this for fun, something to watch to take off the pressure of the crazy world we live in...


I'll just leave this here for early morning Goldissima while she is sipping her first coffee...lol.


27th December 2015, 12:48 PM
bump, just in cased you missed the previous posting by Glass

28th December 2015, 10:06 AM
bump, just in cased you missed the previous posting by Glass

Can't have too many distractions troll?

28th December 2015, 11:48 AM
Today is the 15th anniversary of NASA's Space station TV show, featuring all inclusive ethnicities from all over the world "IN SPACE" continuing to push the spinning ball lie while sucking up over 1 trillion (tax "payers") dollars while doing so.
This time the PURE CGI is accompanied with a TOP NOTCH (no expense spared) Star trek "esk" sound trek


and the funny part??, they emphasize how much they have "learned" so...what did they learn? they don't say.
One idiot is quoted as saying he "FEELS" his HEART has BECOME beautiful

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?