mick silver
15th February 2015, 08:40 AM
Introduction: James Jaeger is an award-winning filmmaker who co-founded Matrix Entertainment, which has partnered with Bill Van Alen, of Cornerstone Entertainment, and Constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira, Jr., to produce a series of feature-length political documentaries centering on the U.S. Constitution. One of the first documentaries -- "FIAT EMPIRE" about the Federal Reserve System, featuring Congressman Ron Paul -- garnered a Telly Award and went viral as the #1 film on the Internet for six months. Matrix Productions continues to develop, produce and market cutting-edge motion pictures and is currently in production on "MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law" featuring Ron Paul and other Freedom Movement celebrities.
Daily Bell: How are you?
James Jaeger: I'm fine. Been very busy with the production of MIDNIGHT RIDE.
Daily Bell: We haven't spoken to you for a while, so we'll ask you some general questions first and then some specific ones. Are things improving in terms of freedom and rights for the USA or for the West generally?
James Jaeger: I think the only place one can be truly free is in intergalactic space between the Laniakea and Virgo Superclusters for back on Earth, we still have governments. The more documentary films I make about the Constitution and limited government the more I wonder if this doesn't have something to do with the Fermi paradox. The Fermi paradox, for those who spend too much time reading history books, is the idea suggested in 1950 by physicist, Enrico Firmi, that, if the universe is packed with billions of stellar systems, where is everyone? In other words, maybe everyone is dead, because we have not a shred of physical evidence that there is "anyone out there." Inhabitants of this world should be asking themselves the question, if this is possible, what happened? My research into constitutional matters for the six political films I have made is leading me to wonder if "no one is out there." Maybe they all suffered from the effects of governments that could not be limited. In other words, is the state something that CAN be limited or is it ultimately the destroyer of worlds? Do we go out the same way possibly millions of other extraterrestrial civilizations have gone out in the past – through endless wars waged by high-tech, totalitarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1924/) governments?
To shed some light on these questions I have been reading some books by Lew Rockwell (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2010/), Murray Rothbard (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/957/), Larken Rose and Hans-Hermann Hoppe (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2074/). I'm not ready to become a card-carrying anarcho-capitalist (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1903/), but if the Rights we are all supposed to have pursuant to the Bill don't soon materialize, this is not a good omen.
Daily Bell: What are some issues you observe pertaining to the US?
James Jaeger: I see the main issue as the continued expansion of the welfare and warfare state. The national debt is now $16.8 trillion and it was about $8.5 trillion when I made FIAT EMPIRE in 2006. It looks like the bankers are winning.
I thus think the only way this debt is realistically going to get "paid down" is when the Federal Reserve System (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1855/) melts into a global pile of molten rubber. That's an issue. In fact, our new movie, MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law is all about this possibility. What would the power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/610/) do? How would they handle the situation? This will be my fifth movie with RON PAUL and most of the "expert cast" of MOLON LABE – our previous movie on the Militia System – will be in the new one.
Daily Bell: What's your take on Obamacare?
James Jaeger: All I can say about this is my neighbor signed up for it for $45 a month and suddenly the gov-insurance complex raised it to $125 a month. So this looks like your standard bait-and-switch scheme. As far as I'm concerned, when we abolish the Fed, we need to abolish all insurance companies as well. All insurance companies do for the most part is pervert the market because they obfuscate price discovery. How could it be otherwise when buyers and sellers are insulated by mercenary insurance companies?
My late father, who was a psychiatrist, always referred to it as "socialized medicine." I well remember him starting to complain about it when it started creeping in around the mid-1960s. Now the disease is all over and it will surely make us sick. But you MUST get rid of the insurance companies because they are parasitic middlemen that absolutely destroy free markets (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1942/) as much as fiat currency (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/803/) and endless regulations. Some very specialized forms of insurance MAY be okay, but there is NO WAY the citizen is going to experience the fruits of technological innovation in the medical universe when you have INSURANCE companies and the STATE screwing their way in there and twisting the market to hell.
Daily Bell: What about the upcoming US presidential elections? Jeb versus Hillary? Will Rand Paul (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/3312/) play a factor?
James Jaeger: After the production of SPOILER – How a Third Political Party Could Win I have been quite bored with elections. I mean really, what's new? The Dems and the GOP (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28313/) – like a 100-year old elephant and a 100-year old donkey still screwing. Very exciting.
All I can say is: No more Bush and no more Clinton, please. Rand Paul is the only interesting candidate, as far as I'm concerned – and he's much younger than 100 years. Of course, when John McCain told The New Yorker he would support Rand for president if he became the Republican nominee, I did a head spin. And then McCain preemptively says everything we were already thinking: That if 'Rand became Prez he could INFLUENCE him on national security' and, I presume, foreign policy. Really? I bet Rand's dad is horrified at this thought. I would not want to be at the dinner table for Thanksgiving in the Ron Paul (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/859/) residence.
Daily Bell: Any thoughts on Net neutrality?
James Jaeger: Well, no surprise – just like POLTERGEIST III, CISPA is back. I'm sure this is a payback for Snowden, as this third incarnation of CISPA wants to help the rape-n-pillage corporations better partner with their buddies at the federal government. Specifically, the new fascist (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1902/) regulation would allow the Department of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence and to share data with NO accountability. AND the whole seething mass would even be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28381/). Nice. Is Rothbard right: The state tends to be invasive and never stops growing until it destroys worlds?
Daily Bell: How about the issue of Gun rights? Are you still concerned about this?
James Jaeger: For those of your readers who may not be aware of my last film, MOLON LABE – How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom – featuring Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Edwin Vieira (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2050/) and Pat Buchanan (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2938/) – gun rights are often abused. The Left is always trying to TAKE away guns because someone got shot, and the Right is always trying to GIVE everyone guns to keep their buddies in the military-industrial complex (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1864/) fat and happy.
As I said in my previous interview with you, there are probably five reasons WE THE PEOPLE have the inalienable right to "keep and bear" weapons: 1) target shooting, 2) hunting for food, 3) self-defense, 4) deterrent against tyranny and 5) our role in state militias per the U.S. Constitution.
Unfortunately, the gun-control lobby seems to specialize in ignoring 1 to 5 even though over 169 million people were murdered by their governments in just the past century. This includes over 61,000,000 murdered by the Soviet State, 35,000,000 murdered by the Communist Chinese State and 21,000,000 murdered by the Nazi State.
Daily Bell: Secession and land issues? Any improvement? The US is still involved in numerous overseas wars. Will this change?
James Jaeger: As far as secession, I am getting some interesting new points of view on this from Lew Rockwell's recent book, Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto. Lew makes a case for the South having the right to secede from the Union but I still haven't formed an opinion on this. I consider myself a libertarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2593/) who supports the U.S. Constitution and not an anarcho-capitalist, but I think Lew is right when he says that a discussion of the utility of the state may be the most important intellectual conversation we all could be having at this time. Lew maintains that the problems we are having arise from the nature of government itself, not only from politics and the Constitution. The "governing" consideration (if you will excuse the pun) is this: CAN THE STATE LIMIT THE GROWTH OF THE STATE?
I am in hopes that before we all decide to replace the Government with a Private Protectorate (my new term added to Ed Griffin (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2101/)'s new term), we can return the "power of the purse" and the "power of the sword" to WE THE PEOPLE. This means we must revitalize the Militia of the Several States, as discussed in MOLON LABE, and we must end the Fed, as discussed in FIAT EMPIRE. If we cannot regain these two powers, it means that human civilization may be subject to the unlimited expansion of the state and this will probably manifest itself as a global totalitarian government.
And given that the American public seemed to like AMERICAN SNIPER, they will probably love the global totalitarian government. They will also continue to love other cowardly forms of warfare, like sniping with drones and "legal" torture. So, for anyone here that thinks drones are cool, I dare you to watch a movie called DRONES. The trailer is on YouTube (http://youtu.be/z02e6H44CMY) and the movie, which WAS on YouTube, is now only available on Netflix.
I actually agree with Michael Moore that a sniper is a coward and I wrote an article called, "AMERICAN COWARD – Snipers, Drone Operators & Back-Stabbers." When someone hides over 1,000 feet away and then sneaks a bullet into your head, this is anything but a courageous act, and I don't care what the "justification" is or whose ideology they are serving. All this is "ends justifies the means" crap. In fact, every president, king and head-of-state would agree with me on the idea of snipers, for there is a UNIVERSAL ban on the assassination of world leaders by other world leaders. That's right. All the heads of the 195 governments on the planet have agreed NOT to assassinate each other with snipers – but it's perfectly okay for their SUBJECTS to be assassinated by any and all of their snipers. So what we did to Osama bin Laden – assassinate him without any due process – was also cowardly, disgusting and against all the principles of a country claiming an ethics presence that the world should respect.
If anyone wants to read the article, it's here (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/coward.htm).
Daily Bell: What about the situation in Syria and Iraq with the Islamic State? How will that progress?
James Jaeger: I also wrote an article (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/conflict.htm) entitled, "THE MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT – Is There a Solution?" and I really got attacked. Hey, even Henry Kissinger arguably stated that "In 10 years, there will be no more Israel." How can 6.2 million Jews deal with 1.6 billion Muslims and have the American Taxpayer continue to supply money, weapons and nukes forever? It makes no sense. Let the Jews move to America and let the American Taxpayer help them out with the re-location expenses.
So, why is the U.S. military in the Middle East? Two simple reasons: 1) to help guard Israel and 2) to help guard the oil. One could be remedied by simply moving all the Jews out of there and recycling their 60 nukes into fuel for reactors. And Two could be remedied by simply converting the world's energy platform to FUSION and SOLAR. See my article (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/mars_city.htm) "MARS CITY – Is Plasma Fusion Finally Here?" where I make the claim that we have reached "ignition" and the powers that be are still keeping it quiet.
Daily Bell: The situation with Ukraine is complicated. Do you see that leading to a larger war?
James Jaeger: Complication is a sign of obfuscation and it's all designed to trump up more business for the military-industrial complex. I don't want a war with the Russians. I like Putin. Hey, he's a gymnast. Besides, the Soviet threat was WAY over-played and so will be all threats in connection with this current situation. "Duck and cover"? Please!
Daily Bell: Europe will struggle if Russia deprives it of oil and gas. Will this force further tensions?
James Jaeger: All these little "political" games are a bunch of crap. All is solved if we transition to FUSION. Controlled nuclear fusion expands humanity's potential energy resources indefinitely. One gallon of seawater contains enough deuterium that, when fused, has the energy-content obtained by burning 350 gallons of gasoline. This means that Earth's fusion resources are 500,000 times greater than its fission resources and 100 million times greater than its known fossil-fuel resources. Bear in mind that, once we have controlled fusion, we will also be able to make as much liquid fuel – methanol, for instance – as we want. And by using the intense heat generated in the fusion reaction (100 million degrees Celsius) we will be able to "flash" any kind of rock, scrap or waste into its constituent elements which can then be re-assembled into any material object desired. The latter alone would put an end to the possibility of exhausting any of Earth's resources and thus remedy the problem of scarcity, along with all conflict associated with same.
Daily Bell: Could it sabotage the European recovery? Is there a recovery? Will Greece be expelled from the euro and the EU? Can the EU last at this point? There are many problems.
James Jaeger: How can there be a recovery when the debt keeps piling up by some countries more than other countries in the Union? Today it's Greece; tomorrow, who's next? The Eurogroup is meeting now and next week to try and get a deal with Greece but to the degree a country is accustomed to free government handouts, how will such a country ever be able to impose austerity or fiscal responsibility on itself? The EU is probably on its way out due to its love affair with socialism and Keynesian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/831/) economics. The central banks (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2958/) can only devalue the currency for so long and the population can only drink so much beer to hide their woes.
The central problem with Europe, like the U.S., is they both rely on fiat currency. In other words, they are relying on a multi-trillion dollar, 100-year, international Ponzi scheme (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2543/) to "solve" their problems.
Daily Bell: What about Japan and China? Problems there as well? Especially economically?
James Jaeger: Of course, there will always be problems as long as people and countries engage in perpetual wars, perpetual debt, support governments that are more and more parasitic and suppress or hide technological advances, such as the ignition of plasma fusion.
Daily Bell: Is the US really recovering economically? Does any of this central bank stimulation around the world work at all? We've had six years of it ...
James Jaeger: I don't see that much has changed except that the Federal Reserve pumped $3 trillion into stimulating the nation's economy. So now the Fed's balance sheet has $4 trillion worth of IOUs and the resultant cash has – as Anthony Wile (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2012/) correctly predicted – caused a big bash on Wall Street and a huge number of IPOs. This is all great, but as soon as all the green blow is gone, I suppose we will go right back to normal. And "normal" for a country strung out on fiat currency is depression, unemployment, crashing stocks, terrible balance-of-trade, endless mal-investment and the "revolving door," spinning like the Linda Blair's head in THE EXORCIST.
To counter this "normal" I think we need to have some legislation added, changed and deleted. But in order to get this done in accordance with the wishes of WE THE PEOPLE – rather than WE THE CORPORATIONS or WE THE WEALTHY or WE THE GOV – the entrenched Congress needs to be changed. Since the majority of voters seem to like THEIR congressman but hate everyone ELSE'S congressman, I don't see how the Congress is going to be changed unless term limits are imposed. So, if WE THE PEOPLE were to unify on just this one issue – TERM LIMITS – progress on every other issue could be made because you obviously don't get ANYTHING rational done with a Bozo Congress, bought and paid for by other masters.
Daily Bell: Is it a good time to buy gold and silver (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/804/)?
James Jaeger: It's always a good time to buy gold and silver. Buy exactly X dollars worth of gold and silver ever Y weeks or months so no matter what its cost, you will get the best deal. This is known as "dollar cost averaging" in the equity world, but there's no reason it wouldn't work in the hard asset world as well.
Daily Bell: What about stocks?
James Jaeger: Well, investors are concerned about how the talks involving Ukraine and Greece are going to go. Also, now that the QEs have stopped, the market is concerned about how stock prices will react. Interest rates are low because of all the QE infusions and so this money has wandered into the stock markets seeking returns due to artificially low interest rates. But, as that $3 trillion leaks out via IPOs, other startups, bank loans and/or when the central bank tries to sell some of its QE-assets on their balance sheet, interest rates and price inflation may soar, choking off any recovery.
Daily Bell: We believe the cannabis industry is promising. You had some thoughts there last time.
James Jaeger: The government should be out of regulating drugs, gambling and prostitution. However, people that smoke too much dope are overly forgetful. People that drink excessively – defined as more than once per month – are depressed and hateful and people that gamble, especially state lotteries, are validating a non-productive society and get-rich-quick schemes. Also, it's shameful that the state would sponsor gambling – but, given they also sponsor theft (taxation), ritualized murder (war) and slavery (conscription), I guess it's just par for the course.
Daily Bell: What's the end game, do you think? More centralization?
James Jaeger: The state always grows. It never shrinks unless it is destroyed by wars, meteorites or volcanoes. And with growth comes greater centralization. F.A. Hayek (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/939/) points out that to the degree the state is large it has to be more totalitarian. More totalitarian means more centralized. What is the end game? Total and complete annihilation is one end game, a possible reason for the Fermi paradox. The US Global Empire isn't going to go away unless it rots itself out from within the core – another end game. This would be a Roman Empire-type end game.
But there are two more end games that Humanity has never experimented with, what could be called ZERO STATE and SINGLETON STATE, both dependent upon "superintelligent" management.
The Zero State option – what could be called "private government" – is operated by a massive supercomputer that simultaneously processes trillions of HUMAN instructions per second (MIPS) and sets prices for every product, service, security and commodity on the planet. This supercomputer – which is even capable of pricing out national defense, personal security and justice – is also known as the "global market."
The Singleton State option – what could be called "computerized government" – is operated by a massive supercomputer that simultaneously processes trillions of MACHINE instructions per second (MIPS) and is capable of performing not only all of the functions of a "private government" AND the "global market," but all of the functions performed by the entire Human race as well!
Either of these two end games are probably better than an existential event. In fact, given that we have probably accomplished "ignition" we will probably hit "take off" for AI soon. Take off is the beginning of what's also called, the "busy child" – the time when some group, or some individual comes up with a "learning kernel" that undergoes strong, recursive self-improvement. In other words, it's a machine that becomes exponentially smarter, living and experiencing subjective eons for every one of our objective years. Combine this with unlimited fusion power to provide the electricity and we will have a management "team" – the singleton – that will have the ability to either massively serve humankind, destroy humankind or ignore humankind. I maintain it will serve and partner with humankind.
If, on the other hand, the power elite gets through the five stages of take off – human baseline, crossover, all human brains, strong AI and then superintelligent AI – there is very little guarantee that they will be able to maintain their positions of power. Remember, Superintelligent AI (SAI) is not only much more powerful than they, but it's totally autonomous – by definition. This means DARPA cannot keep SAI as their pet. It means that SAI will unilaterally decide what its utility functions are and then act accordingly. From a person-affecting perspective this may be uncomfortable. However, from an impersonal perspective it may be rational, if not the most ethical actions for a world. So, there are some end games to think about in the next 20 to 50 years.
Daily Bell: What's going on with this immigration issue? Are Mexico and the US involved in a de facto merger?
James Jaeger: People should be able to wander around the planet with no passports, no borders, no checkpoints, no drivers licenses and no identification of any kind. And certainly without NSA-type, gov-lapdogs tracking them all over the place by cell phone. Get a Tesla Peer-Comm Walkie Talkie Phone, when available (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/walkie-talkie.htm), to remedy your cell-phone problems.
I do not use cell phones and advise everyone else to toss them in the toilet. If you have something to say to someone, get on your bike and ride over to their house and say it. And where does the state get the idea that it has the right to interfere with the ambulation of human beings? You have to have a LICENSE to move your body around? Please. Only a Nazi in a wheelchair could have thought of this.
On the other hand, if millions stand in line and play by the rules to get into the US, should not the rest in Mexico do the same thing? Well it depends on how far you want to take it. First you have to decide whether you want to follow laws or not. Then you have to decide if you will follow ALL laws or only "good" laws. That established, you have to decide if the immigration laws are good or bad. If good, and you follow laws, then stand in line.
If good, and you do not follow laws, then stand in line or sneak in. If bad, and you follow laws, then stand in line. If good, and you do not follow laws, then sneak in. The irony is, if you are a Mexican, then U.S. laws don't apply to you; thus, if you sneak into the US you haven't broken any laws. Unless the mere presence of being in some state-delineated space means that you are subject to the laws of that state-delineated space, then you have not broken the law by crossing the border OR by being in the US. So, given these considerations, the term "illegal alien" has no meaning. If beings from other worlds were to land in the US, would they be breaking any law?
As one can see, the game the 195 countries around the world play is to sequester tax-paying slaves that will fight wars into their playpens. The more tax-paying slaves in the playpen, the "wealthier" that state is and the more it can flex its muscles against the other 194 states. I suppose one could call this competition, but if one is in favor of so-called "free trade," yet they call for either passports or drivers licenses, they are being inconsistent in their thinking. Libertarians have a much more logical and consistent political philosophy than either Democrats or Republicans. And fascists, Marxists and kingdoms are total dinosaurs.
Daily Bell: Is Homeland Security involved? Is Homeland Security even constitutional?
James Jaeger: The PATRIOT Act (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1943/)'s crowning jewel is the Department of Homeland Security. What most lumpin Americans, however, don't realize is that this department was modeled after Heinrich Himmler's RSHA, a system aimed at incorporating all Nazi police departments under the control of what they called the Department of National Security. The Department of Homeland Security was also known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt. Want me to spell that for you?
We go into this in the new movie, MIDNIGHT RIDE, but in short, the PATRIOT Act, originated by rogue politicians that have no respect for the U.S. Constitution, is transforming America, from a FREE state, into a POLICE state. And this POLICE STATE opens the door to something as radical as full-blown MARTIAL LAW unless enough Americans become aware of the situation and resist it BEFORE rogue politicians invoke some "necessity" in the name of "national security."
Daily Bell: How should people protect themselves? Should they find a second home offshore? More than one passport? How about farmland? Should people try to secure a supply of food nearby?
James Jaeger: Alex Jones offers a book called Strategic Relocation by Joel M. Skoussen. This book answers most of these questions. In the longer-term, people need to demand that their states reconstitute their militia. Local protection is what you want. You do not want protection for yourself and your family being provided by mercenary or distant forces. When the federal government militarizes your local police force it is, in essence, installing an alien force in your back yard. You have to terminate this in your communities.
- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/exclusive-interviews/36084/Anthony-Wile-James-Jaeger-Everything-You-Ever-Wanted-to-Know-About-Hollywood-Economics--and-More/#sthash.tL1vM2fw.dpuf
Daily Bell: How are you?
James Jaeger: I'm fine. Been very busy with the production of MIDNIGHT RIDE.
Daily Bell: We haven't spoken to you for a while, so we'll ask you some general questions first and then some specific ones. Are things improving in terms of freedom and rights for the USA or for the West generally?
James Jaeger: I think the only place one can be truly free is in intergalactic space between the Laniakea and Virgo Superclusters for back on Earth, we still have governments. The more documentary films I make about the Constitution and limited government the more I wonder if this doesn't have something to do with the Fermi paradox. The Fermi paradox, for those who spend too much time reading history books, is the idea suggested in 1950 by physicist, Enrico Firmi, that, if the universe is packed with billions of stellar systems, where is everyone? In other words, maybe everyone is dead, because we have not a shred of physical evidence that there is "anyone out there." Inhabitants of this world should be asking themselves the question, if this is possible, what happened? My research into constitutional matters for the six political films I have made is leading me to wonder if "no one is out there." Maybe they all suffered from the effects of governments that could not be limited. In other words, is the state something that CAN be limited or is it ultimately the destroyer of worlds? Do we go out the same way possibly millions of other extraterrestrial civilizations have gone out in the past – through endless wars waged by high-tech, totalitarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1924/) governments?
To shed some light on these questions I have been reading some books by Lew Rockwell (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2010/), Murray Rothbard (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/957/), Larken Rose and Hans-Hermann Hoppe (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2074/). I'm not ready to become a card-carrying anarcho-capitalist (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1903/), but if the Rights we are all supposed to have pursuant to the Bill don't soon materialize, this is not a good omen.
Daily Bell: What are some issues you observe pertaining to the US?
James Jaeger: I see the main issue as the continued expansion of the welfare and warfare state. The national debt is now $16.8 trillion and it was about $8.5 trillion when I made FIAT EMPIRE in 2006. It looks like the bankers are winning.
I thus think the only way this debt is realistically going to get "paid down" is when the Federal Reserve System (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1855/) melts into a global pile of molten rubber. That's an issue. In fact, our new movie, MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law is all about this possibility. What would the power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/610/) do? How would they handle the situation? This will be my fifth movie with RON PAUL and most of the "expert cast" of MOLON LABE – our previous movie on the Militia System – will be in the new one.
Daily Bell: What's your take on Obamacare?
James Jaeger: All I can say about this is my neighbor signed up for it for $45 a month and suddenly the gov-insurance complex raised it to $125 a month. So this looks like your standard bait-and-switch scheme. As far as I'm concerned, when we abolish the Fed, we need to abolish all insurance companies as well. All insurance companies do for the most part is pervert the market because they obfuscate price discovery. How could it be otherwise when buyers and sellers are insulated by mercenary insurance companies?
My late father, who was a psychiatrist, always referred to it as "socialized medicine." I well remember him starting to complain about it when it started creeping in around the mid-1960s. Now the disease is all over and it will surely make us sick. But you MUST get rid of the insurance companies because they are parasitic middlemen that absolutely destroy free markets (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1942/) as much as fiat currency (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/803/) and endless regulations. Some very specialized forms of insurance MAY be okay, but there is NO WAY the citizen is going to experience the fruits of technological innovation in the medical universe when you have INSURANCE companies and the STATE screwing their way in there and twisting the market to hell.
Daily Bell: What about the upcoming US presidential elections? Jeb versus Hillary? Will Rand Paul (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/3312/) play a factor?
James Jaeger: After the production of SPOILER – How a Third Political Party Could Win I have been quite bored with elections. I mean really, what's new? The Dems and the GOP (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28313/) – like a 100-year old elephant and a 100-year old donkey still screwing. Very exciting.
All I can say is: No more Bush and no more Clinton, please. Rand Paul is the only interesting candidate, as far as I'm concerned – and he's much younger than 100 years. Of course, when John McCain told The New Yorker he would support Rand for president if he became the Republican nominee, I did a head spin. And then McCain preemptively says everything we were already thinking: That if 'Rand became Prez he could INFLUENCE him on national security' and, I presume, foreign policy. Really? I bet Rand's dad is horrified at this thought. I would not want to be at the dinner table for Thanksgiving in the Ron Paul (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/859/) residence.
Daily Bell: Any thoughts on Net neutrality?
James Jaeger: Well, no surprise – just like POLTERGEIST III, CISPA is back. I'm sure this is a payback for Snowden, as this third incarnation of CISPA wants to help the rape-n-pillage corporations better partner with their buddies at the federal government. Specifically, the new fascist (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1902/) regulation would allow the Department of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence and to share data with NO accountability. AND the whole seething mass would even be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28381/). Nice. Is Rothbard right: The state tends to be invasive and never stops growing until it destroys worlds?
Daily Bell: How about the issue of Gun rights? Are you still concerned about this?
James Jaeger: For those of your readers who may not be aware of my last film, MOLON LABE – How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom – featuring Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Edwin Vieira (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2050/) and Pat Buchanan (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2938/) – gun rights are often abused. The Left is always trying to TAKE away guns because someone got shot, and the Right is always trying to GIVE everyone guns to keep their buddies in the military-industrial complex (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1864/) fat and happy.
As I said in my previous interview with you, there are probably five reasons WE THE PEOPLE have the inalienable right to "keep and bear" weapons: 1) target shooting, 2) hunting for food, 3) self-defense, 4) deterrent against tyranny and 5) our role in state militias per the U.S. Constitution.
Unfortunately, the gun-control lobby seems to specialize in ignoring 1 to 5 even though over 169 million people were murdered by their governments in just the past century. This includes over 61,000,000 murdered by the Soviet State, 35,000,000 murdered by the Communist Chinese State and 21,000,000 murdered by the Nazi State.
Daily Bell: Secession and land issues? Any improvement? The US is still involved in numerous overseas wars. Will this change?
James Jaeger: As far as secession, I am getting some interesting new points of view on this from Lew Rockwell's recent book, Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto. Lew makes a case for the South having the right to secede from the Union but I still haven't formed an opinion on this. I consider myself a libertarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2593/) who supports the U.S. Constitution and not an anarcho-capitalist, but I think Lew is right when he says that a discussion of the utility of the state may be the most important intellectual conversation we all could be having at this time. Lew maintains that the problems we are having arise from the nature of government itself, not only from politics and the Constitution. The "governing" consideration (if you will excuse the pun) is this: CAN THE STATE LIMIT THE GROWTH OF THE STATE?
I am in hopes that before we all decide to replace the Government with a Private Protectorate (my new term added to Ed Griffin (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2101/)'s new term), we can return the "power of the purse" and the "power of the sword" to WE THE PEOPLE. This means we must revitalize the Militia of the Several States, as discussed in MOLON LABE, and we must end the Fed, as discussed in FIAT EMPIRE. If we cannot regain these two powers, it means that human civilization may be subject to the unlimited expansion of the state and this will probably manifest itself as a global totalitarian government.
And given that the American public seemed to like AMERICAN SNIPER, they will probably love the global totalitarian government. They will also continue to love other cowardly forms of warfare, like sniping with drones and "legal" torture. So, for anyone here that thinks drones are cool, I dare you to watch a movie called DRONES. The trailer is on YouTube (http://youtu.be/z02e6H44CMY) and the movie, which WAS on YouTube, is now only available on Netflix.
I actually agree with Michael Moore that a sniper is a coward and I wrote an article called, "AMERICAN COWARD – Snipers, Drone Operators & Back-Stabbers." When someone hides over 1,000 feet away and then sneaks a bullet into your head, this is anything but a courageous act, and I don't care what the "justification" is or whose ideology they are serving. All this is "ends justifies the means" crap. In fact, every president, king and head-of-state would agree with me on the idea of snipers, for there is a UNIVERSAL ban on the assassination of world leaders by other world leaders. That's right. All the heads of the 195 governments on the planet have agreed NOT to assassinate each other with snipers – but it's perfectly okay for their SUBJECTS to be assassinated by any and all of their snipers. So what we did to Osama bin Laden – assassinate him without any due process – was also cowardly, disgusting and against all the principles of a country claiming an ethics presence that the world should respect.
If anyone wants to read the article, it's here (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/coward.htm).
Daily Bell: What about the situation in Syria and Iraq with the Islamic State? How will that progress?
James Jaeger: I also wrote an article (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/conflict.htm) entitled, "THE MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT – Is There a Solution?" and I really got attacked. Hey, even Henry Kissinger arguably stated that "In 10 years, there will be no more Israel." How can 6.2 million Jews deal with 1.6 billion Muslims and have the American Taxpayer continue to supply money, weapons and nukes forever? It makes no sense. Let the Jews move to America and let the American Taxpayer help them out with the re-location expenses.
So, why is the U.S. military in the Middle East? Two simple reasons: 1) to help guard Israel and 2) to help guard the oil. One could be remedied by simply moving all the Jews out of there and recycling their 60 nukes into fuel for reactors. And Two could be remedied by simply converting the world's energy platform to FUSION and SOLAR. See my article (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/mars_city.htm) "MARS CITY – Is Plasma Fusion Finally Here?" where I make the claim that we have reached "ignition" and the powers that be are still keeping it quiet.
Daily Bell: The situation with Ukraine is complicated. Do you see that leading to a larger war?
James Jaeger: Complication is a sign of obfuscation and it's all designed to trump up more business for the military-industrial complex. I don't want a war with the Russians. I like Putin. Hey, he's a gymnast. Besides, the Soviet threat was WAY over-played and so will be all threats in connection with this current situation. "Duck and cover"? Please!
Daily Bell: Europe will struggle if Russia deprives it of oil and gas. Will this force further tensions?
James Jaeger: All these little "political" games are a bunch of crap. All is solved if we transition to FUSION. Controlled nuclear fusion expands humanity's potential energy resources indefinitely. One gallon of seawater contains enough deuterium that, when fused, has the energy-content obtained by burning 350 gallons of gasoline. This means that Earth's fusion resources are 500,000 times greater than its fission resources and 100 million times greater than its known fossil-fuel resources. Bear in mind that, once we have controlled fusion, we will also be able to make as much liquid fuel – methanol, for instance – as we want. And by using the intense heat generated in the fusion reaction (100 million degrees Celsius) we will be able to "flash" any kind of rock, scrap or waste into its constituent elements which can then be re-assembled into any material object desired. The latter alone would put an end to the possibility of exhausting any of Earth's resources and thus remedy the problem of scarcity, along with all conflict associated with same.
Daily Bell: Could it sabotage the European recovery? Is there a recovery? Will Greece be expelled from the euro and the EU? Can the EU last at this point? There are many problems.
James Jaeger: How can there be a recovery when the debt keeps piling up by some countries more than other countries in the Union? Today it's Greece; tomorrow, who's next? The Eurogroup is meeting now and next week to try and get a deal with Greece but to the degree a country is accustomed to free government handouts, how will such a country ever be able to impose austerity or fiscal responsibility on itself? The EU is probably on its way out due to its love affair with socialism and Keynesian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/831/) economics. The central banks (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2958/) can only devalue the currency for so long and the population can only drink so much beer to hide their woes.
The central problem with Europe, like the U.S., is they both rely on fiat currency. In other words, they are relying on a multi-trillion dollar, 100-year, international Ponzi scheme (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2543/) to "solve" their problems.
Daily Bell: What about Japan and China? Problems there as well? Especially economically?
James Jaeger: Of course, there will always be problems as long as people and countries engage in perpetual wars, perpetual debt, support governments that are more and more parasitic and suppress or hide technological advances, such as the ignition of plasma fusion.
Daily Bell: Is the US really recovering economically? Does any of this central bank stimulation around the world work at all? We've had six years of it ...
James Jaeger: I don't see that much has changed except that the Federal Reserve pumped $3 trillion into stimulating the nation's economy. So now the Fed's balance sheet has $4 trillion worth of IOUs and the resultant cash has – as Anthony Wile (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2012/) correctly predicted – caused a big bash on Wall Street and a huge number of IPOs. This is all great, but as soon as all the green blow is gone, I suppose we will go right back to normal. And "normal" for a country strung out on fiat currency is depression, unemployment, crashing stocks, terrible balance-of-trade, endless mal-investment and the "revolving door," spinning like the Linda Blair's head in THE EXORCIST.
To counter this "normal" I think we need to have some legislation added, changed and deleted. But in order to get this done in accordance with the wishes of WE THE PEOPLE – rather than WE THE CORPORATIONS or WE THE WEALTHY or WE THE GOV – the entrenched Congress needs to be changed. Since the majority of voters seem to like THEIR congressman but hate everyone ELSE'S congressman, I don't see how the Congress is going to be changed unless term limits are imposed. So, if WE THE PEOPLE were to unify on just this one issue – TERM LIMITS – progress on every other issue could be made because you obviously don't get ANYTHING rational done with a Bozo Congress, bought and paid for by other masters.
Daily Bell: Is it a good time to buy gold and silver (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/804/)?
James Jaeger: It's always a good time to buy gold and silver. Buy exactly X dollars worth of gold and silver ever Y weeks or months so no matter what its cost, you will get the best deal. This is known as "dollar cost averaging" in the equity world, but there's no reason it wouldn't work in the hard asset world as well.
Daily Bell: What about stocks?
James Jaeger: Well, investors are concerned about how the talks involving Ukraine and Greece are going to go. Also, now that the QEs have stopped, the market is concerned about how stock prices will react. Interest rates are low because of all the QE infusions and so this money has wandered into the stock markets seeking returns due to artificially low interest rates. But, as that $3 trillion leaks out via IPOs, other startups, bank loans and/or when the central bank tries to sell some of its QE-assets on their balance sheet, interest rates and price inflation may soar, choking off any recovery.
Daily Bell: We believe the cannabis industry is promising. You had some thoughts there last time.
James Jaeger: The government should be out of regulating drugs, gambling and prostitution. However, people that smoke too much dope are overly forgetful. People that drink excessively – defined as more than once per month – are depressed and hateful and people that gamble, especially state lotteries, are validating a non-productive society and get-rich-quick schemes. Also, it's shameful that the state would sponsor gambling – but, given they also sponsor theft (taxation), ritualized murder (war) and slavery (conscription), I guess it's just par for the course.
Daily Bell: What's the end game, do you think? More centralization?
James Jaeger: The state always grows. It never shrinks unless it is destroyed by wars, meteorites or volcanoes. And with growth comes greater centralization. F.A. Hayek (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/939/) points out that to the degree the state is large it has to be more totalitarian. More totalitarian means more centralized. What is the end game? Total and complete annihilation is one end game, a possible reason for the Fermi paradox. The US Global Empire isn't going to go away unless it rots itself out from within the core – another end game. This would be a Roman Empire-type end game.
But there are two more end games that Humanity has never experimented with, what could be called ZERO STATE and SINGLETON STATE, both dependent upon "superintelligent" management.
The Zero State option – what could be called "private government" – is operated by a massive supercomputer that simultaneously processes trillions of HUMAN instructions per second (MIPS) and sets prices for every product, service, security and commodity on the planet. This supercomputer – which is even capable of pricing out national defense, personal security and justice – is also known as the "global market."
The Singleton State option – what could be called "computerized government" – is operated by a massive supercomputer that simultaneously processes trillions of MACHINE instructions per second (MIPS) and is capable of performing not only all of the functions of a "private government" AND the "global market," but all of the functions performed by the entire Human race as well!
Either of these two end games are probably better than an existential event. In fact, given that we have probably accomplished "ignition" we will probably hit "take off" for AI soon. Take off is the beginning of what's also called, the "busy child" – the time when some group, or some individual comes up with a "learning kernel" that undergoes strong, recursive self-improvement. In other words, it's a machine that becomes exponentially smarter, living and experiencing subjective eons for every one of our objective years. Combine this with unlimited fusion power to provide the electricity and we will have a management "team" – the singleton – that will have the ability to either massively serve humankind, destroy humankind or ignore humankind. I maintain it will serve and partner with humankind.
If, on the other hand, the power elite gets through the five stages of take off – human baseline, crossover, all human brains, strong AI and then superintelligent AI – there is very little guarantee that they will be able to maintain their positions of power. Remember, Superintelligent AI (SAI) is not only much more powerful than they, but it's totally autonomous – by definition. This means DARPA cannot keep SAI as their pet. It means that SAI will unilaterally decide what its utility functions are and then act accordingly. From a person-affecting perspective this may be uncomfortable. However, from an impersonal perspective it may be rational, if not the most ethical actions for a world. So, there are some end games to think about in the next 20 to 50 years.
Daily Bell: What's going on with this immigration issue? Are Mexico and the US involved in a de facto merger?
James Jaeger: People should be able to wander around the planet with no passports, no borders, no checkpoints, no drivers licenses and no identification of any kind. And certainly without NSA-type, gov-lapdogs tracking them all over the place by cell phone. Get a Tesla Peer-Comm Walkie Talkie Phone, when available (http://www.jaegerresearchinstitute.org/articles/walkie-talkie.htm), to remedy your cell-phone problems.
I do not use cell phones and advise everyone else to toss them in the toilet. If you have something to say to someone, get on your bike and ride over to their house and say it. And where does the state get the idea that it has the right to interfere with the ambulation of human beings? You have to have a LICENSE to move your body around? Please. Only a Nazi in a wheelchair could have thought of this.
On the other hand, if millions stand in line and play by the rules to get into the US, should not the rest in Mexico do the same thing? Well it depends on how far you want to take it. First you have to decide whether you want to follow laws or not. Then you have to decide if you will follow ALL laws or only "good" laws. That established, you have to decide if the immigration laws are good or bad. If good, and you follow laws, then stand in line.
If good, and you do not follow laws, then stand in line or sneak in. If bad, and you follow laws, then stand in line. If good, and you do not follow laws, then sneak in. The irony is, if you are a Mexican, then U.S. laws don't apply to you; thus, if you sneak into the US you haven't broken any laws. Unless the mere presence of being in some state-delineated space means that you are subject to the laws of that state-delineated space, then you have not broken the law by crossing the border OR by being in the US. So, given these considerations, the term "illegal alien" has no meaning. If beings from other worlds were to land in the US, would they be breaking any law?
As one can see, the game the 195 countries around the world play is to sequester tax-paying slaves that will fight wars into their playpens. The more tax-paying slaves in the playpen, the "wealthier" that state is and the more it can flex its muscles against the other 194 states. I suppose one could call this competition, but if one is in favor of so-called "free trade," yet they call for either passports or drivers licenses, they are being inconsistent in their thinking. Libertarians have a much more logical and consistent political philosophy than either Democrats or Republicans. And fascists, Marxists and kingdoms are total dinosaurs.
Daily Bell: Is Homeland Security involved? Is Homeland Security even constitutional?
James Jaeger: The PATRIOT Act (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1943/)'s crowning jewel is the Department of Homeland Security. What most lumpin Americans, however, don't realize is that this department was modeled after Heinrich Himmler's RSHA, a system aimed at incorporating all Nazi police departments under the control of what they called the Department of National Security. The Department of Homeland Security was also known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt. Want me to spell that for you?
We go into this in the new movie, MIDNIGHT RIDE, but in short, the PATRIOT Act, originated by rogue politicians that have no respect for the U.S. Constitution, is transforming America, from a FREE state, into a POLICE state. And this POLICE STATE opens the door to something as radical as full-blown MARTIAL LAW unless enough Americans become aware of the situation and resist it BEFORE rogue politicians invoke some "necessity" in the name of "national security."
Daily Bell: How should people protect themselves? Should they find a second home offshore? More than one passport? How about farmland? Should people try to secure a supply of food nearby?
James Jaeger: Alex Jones offers a book called Strategic Relocation by Joel M. Skoussen. This book answers most of these questions. In the longer-term, people need to demand that their states reconstitute their militia. Local protection is what you want. You do not want protection for yourself and your family being provided by mercenary or distant forces. When the federal government militarizes your local police force it is, in essence, installing an alien force in your back yard. You have to terminate this in your communities.
- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/exclusive-interviews/36084/Anthony-Wile-James-Jaeger-Everything-You-Ever-Wanted-to-Know-About-Hollywood-Economics--and-More/#sthash.tL1vM2fw.dpuf