View Full Version : Scientists store data inside DNA that could last MILLIONS of years

18th February 2015, 05:31 AM
Yes I am at it again, because this could void the whole "race argument" , as I think that the current human species could very well be the result of genetic manipulations that have occurred prior the cataclysm which many alternative researchers assert to have happened 12K years ago or so.

However, the above assumption starts with a real question here: why are they doing this?
just another PROOF that academia cannot be trusted.
Nature mag published, heredity factors seem to be accurate between 5 and 10%...
here it is:
Personal genomes: The case of the missing heritability
2008. When scientists opened up the human genome, they expected to find the genetic components of common traits and diseases. But they were nowhere to be seen. http://www.nature.com/news/2008/081105/full/456018a.html

16 February 2015
Just one gram of DNA can store the equivalent of 14,000 Blu-ray discs.

Potential for DNA to be used for data storage has been discussed for years
But retrieving the data encoded in the genes has previously proved tricky
Inspired by fossils, researchers from Zurich encased DNA in a 'fossil shell'
They subjected these shells - or silica spheres - to extreme temperatures
This was carried out to mimic chemical degradation seen naturally on DNA
Despite the conditions, the DNA was extracted and decoded from the silica
And if preserved in freezing temperatures, the researchers said the data has the potential to last for 'millions of years' inside DNA

But although the potential for DNA as an alternative to hard drives has been known about for years, it is not the most reliable and secure way to keep data safe.

The latest breakthrough could be about to change that, however.

Chemists subjected spheres of DNA to extreme temperatures designed to mimic chemical degradation and found the material - and the data stored on it - could be successfully decoded.

The research was led by Robert Grass from ETH Zurich's Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences.

'DNA lends itself to this task as it can store large amounts of information in a compact manner,' said the researchers.

'Unfortunately, the data is not always retrievable error-free: gaps and false information in the encoded data arise through chemical degradation and mistakes in DNA sequencing.

'[We] have revealed how the long-term, error-free storage of information can be achieved, potentially for more than a million years.'

In 2013, researchers demonstrated that data could be saved and read from DNA, but during tests the time between 'writing' the information and reading, or sequencing it, was relatively short............ MORE


18th February 2015, 08:29 AM
If it can be stored in silica for a million years or more cqan that silica survive in space? If so can life be transported throughout the universe in silica?

18th February 2015, 02:59 PM
growing opinion and recognition that something is wrong with human history. when you criticize popular views, you get an outcry... a violent opposition for questioning the mainstream. Civilization is older than we thought...

Plato who endorsed knowledge secrecy, allegedly somewhat falsified the destruction of atlantis, according to Hanckok. The hindus, interestingly, too have a flood tale. In this vid hanckok admits that egytian pyramids are the work of a lost civilization @48:15

starts at 8mns.... if you want to skip into


New Evidence Lost Civilizations Really Existed
The Mind Unleashed
on 12 September, 2014
..... Until recently, the archaeological community has spread the view that the beginnings of human civilization started after the last Ice Age, which ended around 9,600 BC. All human ancestors prior to this time were recognized as primitive, uncivilized hunter-gatherers who were incapable of communal organization and architectural design. It was only after the Ice Age, when huge 2-mile deep ice caps that covered much of Europe and North America melted, that our human ancestors started to develop and perfect agriculture, forming more-complex economic and social structures around 4000 BC. Archaeologists believed that first cities started around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia and, shortly after, in Egypt. On the European continent, the oldest megalithic sites are dated around 3,000 BC, and the popular Stonehenge is dated between 2,400 BC and 1,800 BC....

The Greek philosopher Plato was also a believer that high civilization existed well into the last Ice Age. His recorded dialogs with other scholars of his time date Atlantis and its submergence by floods and earthquakes at around 9,000 BC, which is, coincidentally, in agreement with modern scientific knowledge about the rapidly rising sea levels towards the end of the Ice Age at 9,600 BC.

The question now arises: What happened to prehistoric civilizations? Why did they not survive the “Younger Dryas” period, which dates from 10,900 BC to 9,600BC? It is known that the Younger Dryas was a truly cataclysmic period on Earth, with immense climate instability and terrifying global conditions. Scientists have long debated the mystery behind this and the reasons for the massive extinction of North American megafauna such as short-faced bears and saber-toothed cats dated around 11,000 BC. Was the same mystery responsible for a massive human population decline and disappearance of advanced prehistoric societies?

New research conducted by geologists around the world, including James Kennett, professor emeritus in the Department of Earth Science at the University of California Santa Barbara, has linked the Younger Dryas period to a cosmic-impact event, possibly a comet collision with Earth. The international research team from 21 universities and 6 countries has identified a distribution of nanodiamonds of extraterrestrial nature at 32 sites in 11 countries, spanning an area of 50 million square kilometers across the Northern Hemisphere. Kennett comments:

“We conclusively have identified a thin layer over three continents, particularly in North America and Western Europe, that contain a rich assemblage of nanodiamonds, the production of which can be explained only by cosmic impact. We have also found YDB glassy and metallic materials formed at temperatures in excess of 2200 degrees Celsius, which could not have resulted from wildfires, volcanism or meteoritic flux, but only from cosmic impact.” (Source)


19th February 2015, 12:16 PM
lets call this thread dangerous sciences/knowledge/truths ... the elites know that the universe is a brain and otherwise, and that is precisely why all the focus is on it... those who control brains are the masters is proven even correct on a higher scale.

Your Brain Is the Universe - The Universe is A Brain

DARPA Developing Matrix-Like Brain Implant Powered From The Spine


‘The secretive US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a device that will plug directly into the brain and transmit images, bypassing the optical system altogether, according to reports.

Under the guise of developing a “cortical modem”, to enable blind people to see, DARPA researchers say that the device may also eventually replace all virtual and augmented reality technology.

Projects such as Google Glass and the Oculus Rift may be superceded by DARPA’s program which aims to create high-definition images directly within the human brain, according to researchers.

Much like in the action film, the Matrix, the device would be powered by a spinal implant.’