View Full Version : 2 powerful cyclones to hit northern Australia

mick silver
19th February 2015, 02:28 PM
2 powerful cyclones to hit northern Australia NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team 7 hours ago Yahoo News

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Two powerful storms were on track to smash into northern Australia, where officials urged residents to flee coastal areas or take shelter in anticipation of drenching rains, fierce winds and possible flooding. The twin storms, dubbed the "cyclone sandwich" by locals, were both expected to hit remote areas when they make landfall early Friday, about 2,500 kilometers (1,500 miles) apart. Cyclone Lam was heading for a sparsely-populated stretch of the Northern Territory, while the more powerful Cyclone Marcia was expected to hit the eastern coast of Queensland state a few hours later with wind gusts up to 295 kilometers (180 miles) an hour.
The Bureau of Meteorology warned that Marcia had a "very destructive core," had intensified rapidly and could grow stronger before it strikes. The cyclone was likely to cause flooding in low-lying areas, the bureau warned. (AP)

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View Comments (7)

19th February 2015, 03:12 PM
All I can say is WOW.

I've never experienced anything like this in all my time in Queensland (you know I can hear you snickering mick)

Cyclones or even their tails rarely reach SEQ (south east Queensland) but it looks like Marcia is going to cross at a place called Yipoon and exit back out to sea where I live in SEQ

Already its absolutely pissing down, and we've got 2 more days of this {0}


mick silver
19th February 2015, 03:41 PM
its not funny here we are looking at 15 in of snow and more on the way sick of white stuff already

19th February 2015, 03:44 PM
its not funny here we are looking at 15 in of snow and more on the way sick of white stuff already

You keep safe Mick :cool:

19th February 2015, 06:21 PM
its not funny here we are looking at 15 in of snow and more on the way sick of white stuff already

You don't get much snow do you mick?

19th February 2015, 06:25 PM
You don't get much snow do you mick?

Not sure of snow, but I bet he sees a lot of blue grass !


19th February 2015, 06:31 PM
Not sure of snow, but I bet he sees a lot of blue grass !


No shit, we only got about 1/2 inch of freezing rain topped off with 2 inches of snow. Whole state is shut down. Cant climb up the side of a mountain in these conditions.

19th February 2015, 06:33 PM
No shit, we only got about 1/2 inch of freezing rain topped off with 2 inches of snow. Whole state is shut down. Cant climb up the side of a mountain in these conditions.

So you got the ice like I said in chat ?

Plus the storms I said that were heading your way from my area that center punched you !

HeHe !

Don't mess with Texas !

19th February 2015, 06:35 PM
All I can say is WOW.

I've never experienced anything like this in all my time in Queensland (you know I can hear you snickering mick)

Cyclones or even their tails rarely reach SEQ (south east Queensland) but it looks like Marcia is going to cross at a place called Yipoon and exit back out to sea where I live in SEQ

Already its absolutely pissing down, and we've got 2 more days of this {0}

You stay safe!

19th February 2015, 06:37 PM
No shit, we only got about 1/2 inch of freezing rain topped off with 2 inches of snow. Whole state is shut down. Cant climb up the side of a mountain in these conditions.

So you got the ice like I said in chat ?

Plus the storms I said that were heading your way from my area that center punched you !

HeHe !

Don't mess with Texas !

I was talking to a supplier in Nashville, they have been hit hard with the ice. Said it is nothing like he as seen before.


basically an act of god

19th February 2015, 06:44 PM
I was talking to a supplier in Nashville, they have been hit hard with the ice. Said it is nothing like he as seen before.


basically an act of god

I usually cruse areas of interest around the world with this program/link near everyday .

It has many layers that can be used and so far it has been dead on an accurate when using its for cast models.

Suggest all bookmark this link and learn how to use all of the options available.


19th February 2015, 06:45 PM
basically an act of god

No. Basically an act of mad men to thaw the arctic region so they can take more money. They pump warm moist air into the north to expand and shit down the USi. This is pretty constant if you have been watching. I have been watching it for years, which to them explains global warming and also global cooling. http://www.goes.noaa.gov/

19th February 2015, 06:47 PM
I usually cruse areas of interest around the world with this program/link near everyday .

It has many layers that can be used and so far it has been dead on an accurate when using its for cast models.

Suggest all bookmark this link and learn how to use all of the options available.


love wunderground. classic is my homepage. :D

19th February 2015, 06:54 PM
love wunderground. classic is my homepage. :D

Used to use their home page and still do for the rader and detail, But use the wundermap and its layers to get a better overview. It also makes up for the radar holes that the regular map does have.

Much better over all and one hell of more control , detail and time span choices.

mick silver
20th February 2015, 04:54 AM
not at once like thisbut what made it bad is the wind chill of 25 below
You don't get much snow do you mick?

20th February 2015, 03:29 PM
Dang, you guys be safe in that weather.

20th February 2015, 03:40 PM
love wunderground. classic is my homepage. :D

How do you get to classic? I didn't sign up just checking things out.

20th February 2015, 03:44 PM
How do you get to classic? I didn't sign up just checking things out.

Just Google weather underground, and hit the link!

It just shows USA rader station's only!

Wundermap is world wide in coverage.

Signing up let's you save your preference.