View Full Version : Latest ISIS 'beheading' video - fake, fake, FAKE!!!

midnight rambler
20th February 2015, 11:10 AM
Yeah, right - a bunch of unsophisticated whacked out jihadists produce a pro grade video complete with 20-30 ft. high crane shots and then release through a known Israeli source (SITE). If you believe that I've got some superb waterfront recreational investment property available in southern Louisiana I'm just certain you'd love to own. LOW down payment, EZ terms!


midnight rambler
20th February 2015, 11:31 AM
On his wagon is painted "Sleight of Hand," (at 0:16) hinting at the fact that there is no real magic, only the masters in the art of illusion and deception, which the priests of Isis and Osiris were. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." Focus only on the Wizard.


midnight rambler
20th February 2015, 11:36 AM
In case you haven't seen the actual video, Hollyweird couldn't have done it better. Talk about choreographed! How do you get all your 'captives about to die a horrible death' to kneel in unison on que?? ??? lol And ISIS has the resources to get a fucking crane (and quite possibly using a steadicam as well) for the camera to the beach in LIBYA. lol Additionally the swells are NOT the same when the ringleader goes into his monologue (the swells are higher) as the swells are when they are marched onto the beach. Too fucking much.


midnight rambler
20th February 2015, 11:55 AM
The water at the end looks suspiciously like CGI.

20th February 2015, 12:59 PM
From Best Gore:

Yes, they wear beards, and they audio dub their videos with Nasheed music, but ISIS fighters have never fired a single bullet at a Jew. They readily behead Muslims and Christians, but send their wounded to Israel to receive treatment (http://www.bestgore.com/beheading/syria-soldier-beheading-islamic-state-deir-ez-zor-james-foley-style-video/) so they can return back to Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere to kill more Muslims and Christians. They may call themselves the Islamic State, but their Mossad affiliations are simply way too obvious to ignore.

Today, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service released a video titled “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross“. The video starts off with masked fighters clad in black, marching 21 captives wearing orange jumpsuits along Wilāyat Tarābulus, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near Tripoli, the capital of Libya.
After they make the captives kneel on the shore, it is revealed that they are the 21 kidnapped Egyptian Coptic Church followers who were vising Libya for work, and were captured there.
The chief executioner, distinguished from his all-black co-conspirators by wearing military fatigues and an olive-green balaclava, begins his speech. He speak English with an accent that I can’t quite pinpoint.
He begins by saying that this message is to show that the proxy fighters of Israel, (ie Islam), are ever nearer to the beaches of Rome, the Crusaders. He points out that the Isa of Islam is the Jesus of Christianity, suggesting that the “Crusaders” believe in the same prophet, only that Islam’s version of events is true, whereas the Christian’s is false.
The executioner then reveals himself as a dedicated Zionist by affirming the event everyone, but paid for shills, know has been fabricated – the dumping of Shaikh Usama bin Laden to the sea:
The sea that you have hidden Shaikh Usama in, we will mix it with your blood.

The language he uses to address Christians with is the same language one would find in The Talmud:
…breaking the cross, killing the swine, and abolishing jizya.

The video then lingers on the captives for a bit, showing that some of them were making their prayers before death. Then, the executioners appear to decapitate them all, although the act of decapitation is censored out James Foley style (http://www.bestgore.com/beheading/man-beheading-in-front-of-mosque-islamic-state-james-foley-style-video/) – the same way it has been in previous productions (http://www.bestgore.com/beheading/isis-beheading-three-murtadeen-apostates/).
After placing the captives’ heads on their bodies, it is revealed that this execution was revenge for Kamilia Shehata and her sisters.
The executioner then announces that the Islamic State will conquer Rome, proceeding to wash the dead captives’ blood into the sea, coloring it red.
The story of Kamilia Shehata is confusing with a lot of conflicting information. It is believed by some that she converted to Islam, but was then forcibly converted back to the Coptic Church, even tortured, and murdered. However there is no evidence that she was tortured, nor murdered for that matter, so the whole case is surrounded in nothing but controversy.
Through its proxy force cleverly nicknamed the Islamic State, Israel is finally getting their wholesome revenge on Christians they’ve wholeheartedly hated, and waited to square up with, for two millennia.


20th February 2015, 01:09 PM
yeah not even one or a couple of them try to run away... completely theatrical... the speech and the music.... the militants wearing brand new gear.... ROFLOL

In case you haven't seen the actual video, Hollyweird couldn't have done it better. Talk about choreographed! How do you get all your 'captives about to die a horrible death' to kneel in unison on que?? ??? lol And ISIS has the resources to get a fucking crane (and quite possibly using a steadicam as well) for the camera to the beach in LIBYA. lol Additionally the swells are NOT the same when the ringleader goes into his monologue (the swells are higher) as the swells are when they are marched onto the beach. Too fucking much.


mick silver
20th February 2015, 01:12 PM
dam I have a beard does this make me a bad guy now also I have been wearing a face hood does this also make me a boogie man

midnight rambler
20th February 2015, 01:32 PM
IF someone who's INTENT on getting 'the message' (rather than going for the maximum emotional response with a FAKE presentation) across to those who they consider reprobates/non-believers/infidels, then I would think that there would be an effort to extract every last bit of gore out of the moment as opposed to the cutaways and *flashes* of (what is made to APPEAR as) gore. Why cutaway from the action just as it's getting 'good'?? ??? (rhetorical question...'cause it's FAKE)

Shit, the Mexican cartels make FAR better gore videos which are the real deal. Compared to the Mexican cartels Izzy's ISIS is a bunch of pussys.

midnight rambler
21st February 2015, 09:05 AM
I assert that this latest Death Cult video production is ritualistic, that it was completely choreographed a certain way to be ritualistic, that the number '21' comes into play in this ritualistic stuff, and that there would have been a completely different effect (i.e. not been ritualistic) had the video been of all captives graphically beheaded without cutaways (to establish continuity of what's *really* going on) and flashes of (fake) violence in a series one after another (like the Mexican drug cartels' videos).

And WHY should a bunch of unsophisticated whacked out jihadists care about production values of a video anyway? Why the need for making a big production out of it??

That fancy graphic at the very beginning is a dead giveaway as to the mastery of the video's producers.

7th trump
21st February 2015, 10:58 AM
Have to bump your own thread to get any attention.
Goes to show that not many people are taking much credence to it.

21st February 2015, 11:28 AM
I just getting tired of the same tire old propaganda shoveled at us so I'm not commenting on the fake video.

7th trump
21st February 2015, 11:54 AM
I just getting tired of the same tire old propaganda shoveled at us so I'm not commenting on the fake video.

The deaths are real.
The heads after they sliced them off are real...(watch the video)
One executioner has a hard time slicing the head off.
Back ground maybe faked with green screen (as every article midnight posts is to conceal location), but the beheading executions are real.

The orange jumps suits are for a reason (its psychology)......think Guantanamo.
We put the terrorists in orange jump suits because that's what America associates criminals in detention facilities wear.
Its reverse psychology to make all Christians as criminals...just as the koran accuses them as.

Don't forget who was at Guantanamo that was released by obama and is the leader of ISIS...he was in an orange jump suit...hes learned some psychology tricks

21st February 2015, 12:10 PM
None of it is real. It's all propaganda. It's all media BS designed to instill fear.

Oh, I do believe the Quran is followed and we all must die so they can take over the earth. I just smell a rat with this bs.

I can't explain it, there's an agenda hidden with all this fear based media.

midnight rambler
21st February 2015, 12:43 PM
What real beheadings look like (warning extremely graphic)


midnight rambler
21st February 2015, 12:45 PM
The deaths are real.
The heads after they sliced them off are real...(watch the video)
One executioner has a hard time slicing the head off.
Back ground maybe faked with green screen (as every article midnight posts is to conceal location), but the beheading executions are real.

The orange jumps suits are for a reason (its psychology)......think Guantanamo.
We put the terrorists in orange jump suits because that's what America associates criminals in detention facilities wear.
Its reverse psychology to make all Christians as criminals...just as the koran accuses them as.

Don't forget who was at Guantanamo that was released by obama and is the leader of ISIS...he was in an orange jump suit...hes learned some psychology tricks

It is abundantly clear that there is NO love in your heart, ONLY fear, and through that fear you are very easily manipulated to serve your lords in the Death Cult.

7th trump
21st February 2015, 02:39 PM
It is abundantly clear that there is NO love in your heart, ONLY fear, and through that fear you are very easily manipulated to serve your lords in the Death Cult.

Its abundantly clear you have a one sided agenda!

You're confusing my discernment (critical thinking) with trying to persuade the forum that I'm on the death cult side?
You're not honest midnight, but deceitful.

So far none of your links say the beheadings aren't faked. Your links suggest the background appears faked and most likely faked to conceal location.
I'm looking at your links and what you say in a trial setting.....and so far you have nothing that says these beheadings aren't faked...just the back ground.

You got nothing again midnight....no evidence the beheadings aren't faked.

Think about it silly boy.....if you believe the beheadings are faked...wouldn't you think there would be better CG than whats shown?
I do!

7th trump
21st February 2015, 02:45 PM
It is abundantly clear that there is NO love in your heart, ONLY fear, and through that fear you are very easily manipulated to serve your lords in the Death Cult.

I knew that pic would piss you off....that's why I posted it.
I knew it would because what I said about the orange jump suits is exactly what is happening....its psychology...and its working.
I think you forgot that theres a lot of people coming from all over the globe who are trained and educated in all aspects of life and are using what ever they've learned as a tool in the muslim cause....heck there was even a chemist...what makes you think there wouldn't be any programmers in this digital day and age.

You're losing this argument. An argument with me is what you wanted and the main reason you started this thread...but you weren't counting on me out smarting you.
You're not very intelligent.
You got nothing saying the beheadings weren't faked....just the background.

midnight rambler
22nd February 2015, 01:30 AM

22nd February 2015, 04:24 AM
^ from that link:
Egypt is calling the West’s bluff over its phony war on ISIS

Western states are trumpeting ISIS as the latest threat to civilisation, claiming total commitment to their defeat, and using the group’s conquests in Syria and Iraq as a pretext for deepening their own military involvement in the Middle East.

Yet as Libya seems to be following the same path as Syria – of‘moderate’anti-government militias backed by the West paving the way for ISIS takeover – Britain and the US seem reluctant to confront them there, immediately pouring cold water on Egyptian President Sisi’s request for an international coalition to halt their advances. By making the suggestion – and having it, predictably, spurned – Sisi is making clear Western duplicity over ISIS and the true nature of NATO policy in Libya.

On August 29, 2011, two months before the last vestiges of the Libyan state were destroyed and its leader executed, I was interviewed on Russia Today about the country’s future. I told the station: “There’s been a lot of talk about what will happen [in Libya after the ouster of Gaddafi] – will there be sharia law, will there be a liberal democracy? What we have to understand is that what will replace the Libyan state won’t be any of those things, what will replace the Libyan state will be the same as what has replaced the state in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is a dysfunctional government, complete lack of security, gang warfare and civil war. And this is not a mistake from NATO. They would prefer to see failed states than states that are powerful and independent and able to challenge their hegemony. And people who are fighting for the TNC, fighting for NATO, really need to understand that this is NATO’s vision for their country.” Friends at the time told me I was being overly pessimistic and cynical. I said I hoped to God they were right. But my experiences over a decade following the results of my own country (Britain)’s wars of aggression in places like Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq long after the mainstream media had lost interest, led me to believe otherwise.

Of course, it was not only me who was making such warnings. On March 6, 2011, several weeks before NATO began seven months of bombing, Gaddafi gave a prophetic interview with French newspaper Le Monde du Dimanche, in which he stated: “I want to make myself understood: if one threatens [Libya], if one seeks to destabilize [Libya], there will be chaos, Bin Laden, armed factions. That is what will happen. You will have immigration, thousands of people will invade Europe from Libya. And there will no longer be anyone to stop them. Bin Laden will base himself in North Africa and will leave Mullah Omar in Afghanistan and Pakistan. You will have Bin Laden at your door step.”
He specifically warned that Derna, a town that had already provided large numbers of suicide bombers to Iraq, would become an “Islamist emirate” on the Mediterranean. Gaddafi’s warnings were mocked in the Western media (although many intelligence experts, in under-reported comments, backed his assertions), and few in Europe had ever heard of Derna. Until November 2014, that is – when ISIS announced their takeover of the city, the first of three in Libya now under their control. Their most recent conquest, Sirte, Gaddafi’s hometown, was heralded by the posting onto youtube of the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians they had captured there last December. They are widely believed to have been immigrant workers from one of the poorest parts of Egypt.

Sirte had been a pro-government stronghold during NATO’s onslaught in 2011, and one of the last cities to fall – the result of its ferocious resistance and zero support for the ‘rebels’. It was subjected to a massive siege and became the scene of some of the worst war crimes of the war (http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/09/liby-s29.html), both by NATO and their allies on the ground. Now that the people of Sirte have been forced to live – and die – under the latest incarnation of NATO’s ‘heroic freedom fighters’ – it is becoming ever clearer why they fought so hard to keep them out in the first place. Yet even this massacre is eclipsed by the almost 600 Libyan National Army soldiers killed by ISIS and their allies in their battle to take Benghazi over the last three years.

This is the state of affairs NATO bequeathed to Libya, reversing the country’s trajectory as a stable, prosperous pan-African state that was a leading player in the African Union and a thorn in the side of US and British attempts to re-establish military domination. And it is not only Libya that has suffered; the power vacuum resulting from NATO’s wholesale destruction of the Libyan state apparatus has dragged the whole region into the vortex. As Brendan O Neill has shown in detail (http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/how-the-wests-war-on-libya-boosted-boko-haram/15009#.VOIqXuasUlc), the daily horrors being perpetrated in Mali, Nigeria and now Cameroon are all a direct result of NATO’s bloodletting, as death squads from across the entire Sahel-Sahara region have been given free reign to set up training camps and loot weapons across the giant zone of lawlessness which NATO have sculpted out of Libya.

The result? African states that in 2010 were forging ahead economically, greatly benefitting from Chinese infrastructure and manufacturing investment (http://www.realclearworld.com/2009/12/10/africa_getting_a_good_deal_from_china_106976.html) , moving away from centuries of colonial and neo-colonial dependence on extortionate Western financial institutions, have been confronted with massive new terror threats from groups such as Boko Haram, flush with new weaponry and facilities courtesy of NATO’s humanitarianism. Algeria and Egypt, too, still governed by the same independent-minded movements which overthrew European colonialism, have seen their borders destabilised, setting the stage for ongoing debilitating attacks planned and executed from NATO’s new Libyan militocracy. This is the context in which Egypt is launching the regional fightback against NATO’s destabilisation strategy.

Over the past year in particular, Egyptians have witnessed their Western neighbour rapidly descending down the same path of ISIS takeover as Syria. In Syria, a civil war between a Western-sponsored insurgency and an elected secular government has seen the anti-government forces rapidly fall under the sway of ISIS, as the West’s supposed ‘moderates’ in the Free Syrian Army either join forces with ISIS (impressed by their military prowess, hi-tech weaponry, and massive funding) or find themselves overrun by them. In Libya, the same pattern is quickly developing. The latest phase in the Libyan disaster began last June when the militias who dominated the previous parliament (calling themselves the ‘Libya Dawn’ coalition) lost the election and refused to accept the results, torching the country’s airport and oil storage facilities as opening salvos in an ongoing civil war between them and the newly elected parliament. Both parliaments have the allegiance of various armed factions, and have set up their own rival governments, each controlling different parts of the country. But, starting in Derna last November, areas taken by the Libya Dawn faction have begun falling to ISIS. Last weekend’s capture of Sirte was the third major town to be taken by them, and there is no sign that it will be the last. This is the role that has consistently been played by the West’s proxies across the region – paving the way and laying the ground for ISIS takeover. Egyptian President Sisi’s intervention – airstrikes against ISIS targets in Libya – aims to reverse this trajectory before it reaches Iraqi-Syrian proportions.

Source and full piece: Dan Glazebrook, Russia Today (http://rt.com/op-edge/233787-egypt-west-isis-mideast-libya/), 19 February 2015

22nd February 2015, 04:57 AM
^Yes that was the purpose with the 'Arab Spring' to destabilize the entire middle east. End result shows it had nothing to do with toppling dictators to set up democraticly elected leaders, the purpose was to destabilize stable countries, set them up with dysfunctional governments and let chaos reign supreme, and breed extreme Islamic fanaticism to have an excuse to bomb the shit out of them!

midnight rambler
26th February 2015, 08:06 PM
Thanks to Celtic Rogue who posted this video on another thread.

The bad guys are fucking SEVEN FEET TALL?? WTF?? ???


7th trump
26th February 2015, 08:17 PM
Thanks to Celtic Rogue who posted this video on another thread.

The bad guys are fucking SEVEN FEET TALL?? WTF?? ???


No not really....look towards the back of the line. One guy in orange is taller than his murderous captives.
You always this blatantly dishonest?
Whats the average size of that ethnicity?
Then you have caucasians joining ISIS....a lot of variables you willfully ignore or ignorantly don't take into consideration.

They are saying this video was edited in the US by a nongovernment entity (muslim ties) who have since been arrested.
Bet you already knew this though and explains the editing looking Americanized production...I bet you didn't want this to come out as it really makes you look dishonest.

26th February 2015, 10:31 PM

26th February 2015, 10:44 PM
Don't Panic. There will be good old US souldiers on the ground boots and all very soon.

The Stage Is Set For The Syrian Invasion

One week ago, when reporting on the latest bizarre plan presented (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-17/obama-allow-moderate-syrian-rebels-call-b1-b-bombers-air-support)by the Pentagon, namely providing Syrian rebels (but only the moderate ones, not the jihadists like al Nusra, or, well, ISIS) with B-1B Bomber air support in their attacks on ISIS, when we wrote that this "means in the coming weeks and months look forward to a surge in false flag "attacks" blamed on the Assad regime, aiming to give Obama validation to expand the "War against ISIS" to include Syria's regime as well."

We didn't have long to wait: in an entirely unsourced Time article written today by Aryn Baker, the Middle East Bureau Chief, the stage for the second attempt at invading Assad regime is finally set.
The article, titled "Why Bashar Assad Won’t Fight ISIS (http://time.com/3719129/assad-isis-asset/)" is essentially an essay that, as the title suggests "proves" that the Syrian leader is, in fact, quite close with ISIS and derives strategis benefits from his relationship, which is why he won't attack them, and thus by implication is just as bad as ISIS and worthy of America's wrath.
How does Baker build up her propaganda? First, she cits a "Sunni businessman who is close to the regime but wants to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions from both ISIS supporters and the regime" and who "trades goods all over the country so his drivers have regular interactions with ISIS supporters and members in Raqqa, the ISIS stronghold in Syria, and in ISIS-controlled areas like Dier-ezzor." According to this Syrian version of Amazon:

The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has long had a pragmatic approach to the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria. Even from the early days the regime purchased fuel from ISIS-controlled oil facilities, and it has maintained that relationship throughout the conflict. “Honestly speaking, the regime has always had dealings with ISIS, out of necessity.”

"Honestly speaking" of course being used quite loosely, considering that it is by now no secret that ISIS, in the words of General Wesley Clark, "got started through funding from our friends and allies (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-18/wesley-clark-isis-got-started-through-funding-our-friends-allies)", most notably Qatar (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-25/if-you-see-terrorist-say-something-fbi-says-after-busting-isis-threat-kill-president)and Saudi Arabia (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-03/another-conspiracy-theory-becomes-fact-entire-oil-collapse-all-about-crushing-russia), and according to some even the CIA is involved (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/21/world/middleeast/suspicions-run-deep-in-iraq-that-cia-and-the-islamic-state-are-united.html)so, no: honestly speaking, if anything, the Assad regime has been doing its best to stay away from ISIS, which at least on paper, was created as a result of extremist Al Nusra factions, who were fighting Assad in 2013, and were funded and weaponized by the US.
Of course, none of that is mentioned. What is, however, duly emphasized is the goalseeked conclusion that Assad and the Islamic State are like two peas in a pod:

Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, the businessman says. “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”

Actually, the "Americans" see ISIS as the perfect false flag placeholder to build up yet another case about invading Damascus, after the humiliation of the bumbled attempt to use a doctored YouTube clip showing paid actors following what the CIA guaranteed was an Assad "chemical weapon" attack as a pretext to launch an invasion on Syria in the first attempt to topple Assad. It took an escalation that involved numerous Russian ships side by side with US cruisers in the Mediterranean before John Kerry realized that building Qatar's nat gas pipeline to Europe is not worth rising World War III over, and promptly backed off.
This time, ISIS is the bait.
Back to the Time article, where next we get the next "source" of information:

A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”

Actually, according to that logic, the "international community" will choose both Damascus and the "black flags", in fact the community will be delighted to have the "flags" as a cover in an invasion, both air, sea and ground, toppling Assad and replacing him with yet another US-puppet regime (whose fate, following such sterling examples as Egypt, Libya and Iraq will be just spectacular), one which will be glad to accept Qatar and Syria hush money, while thousands of kilometers of pipes are laid under the territory in attempt to dethrone Gazprom as the provider of first and last resort to Europe... which as a reminder is what it is all about.
The anonymous "western diplomat" continues:

... by ignoring the conflict between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime to focus purely on ISIS may solve problems in the short term, says the diplomat, “but there will be more problems to come. These are the ingredients for a further escalation of the conflict — alienating large parts of the Sunni population, so that they have no choice but to join ISIS. Not for ideological reasons, but because they will do whatever it takes to overthrow the regime in Damascus.” Not only that, it will widen the geographical boundaries of the conflict by making this a fight of all Sunnis. “It’s a clear recipe for further escalation well beyond the geographical boundaries of the current conflict.”

Which is why in order to prevent further escalation in the future, the US will be delighted to provide much more escalation right now.
And here is the piece de resistance of the article that may as well have been written by a 6th grader who is about to flunk propaganda class:

Damascus believes that once it has neutralized most of the opposition, it can then defeat ISIS with ease. “ISIS alone, the regime can deal with them. What Assad wants is international recognition of his legitimacy as Syria’s President,” says the businessman. “When the war is over, he can easily handle ISIS with the help of Hizballah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.”

So let's get this straight:

A "terrorist" group which was created and funded by US allies in the middle east (there are many) is fighting a war on behalf of a regime that the US and its allies in the middle east are desperately trying to topple; a "terrorist" group which until recently did not exist and which, inexplicably according to the author, Assad refuses to fight because.... unlike the US he has not seen the dreadful beheading movies which lead to so much daily water cooler talk across the US?
Ths US now believes that "ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad" and that the moderate (this distinction is key: their flag has a pink skull and crossbones as opposed to the red one used by the "non-moderate") opposition which spawned ISIS in the power vacuum following the incomplete first US invasion of Syria in the symmer of 2013, is about to be destroyed by the same ISIS.
Assad is confident he can "defeat ISIS with ease" once he has destroyed his so-called moderate enemies; the same ISIS which the US has been "fighting" now for half a year, and achieved absolutely nothing.
We know all those due to an essay of amateur propaganda caliber, which derives its entire narrative and conclusions based on two anonymous sources.

At this point we probably speak for everyone when we say: just invade Syria already, and let's proceed to the inevitable, and quite understandable, Russian retaliation, because frankly this endless propaganda and false-flaggery is now as obvious and pathetic as the Greek default which is also about 5 years overdue.
* * *
P.S. from Aryn Baker's LinkedIn profile (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/aryn-baker/66/669/64b):

Producing breaking news, features, analysis and investigative stories from the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan for the world’s most influential English language weekly newsmagazine.
Frequent reporting travel to countries affected by the changes of the Arab Spring, from Syria to Saudi, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, and Libya, as well as continued reporting in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which I have been covering since 2003.
Managing a widespread network of stringers, fixers and translators to enable thorough coverage of a rapidly changing region for both the magazine and the associated website.
Maintaining contacts with diplomats, politicians, think tanks, influential actors, activists and intelligence sources in all regions in order to provide context and analysis for on-the-ground reporting.
Working with world-renowned photojournalists on story development and logistics.

Among her previous articles one can find "The YouTube War (http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2143557,00.html)"

ZeroHedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-26/stage-set-syrian-invasion)

27th February 2015, 04:00 PM

wow it took me a while to get the pic. I was wondering and wondering what you meant by it BUT by mecca I got it.

27th February 2015, 05:42 PM
Red Ice, 1st hour only:

Ole Dammegard - Hour 1 - Templates of False Flag Operations: Paris & Copenhagen (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/02/RIR-150223.php)
Febuary 23, 2015

Ole Dammegård, is an author, investigator, former journalist, and the creator of the website Light On Conspiracies. Ole returns to the program to discuss the recent events in Paris and Copenhagen, along with the patterns of many other false flag operations and how they tie together.

Ole begins by breaking down the themes and elements of major false flags operations and the reasons why the Global Elites are using this mechanism to create chaos, instill fear and take control. We'll look at the tactics of these high level, hidden criminals and who could be benefitting from these sinister plots. Ole explains the components of filmmaking and how to decipher the telltale signs of the propaganda machine working behind the scenes of the corrupt events we're seeing take place across the globe.

Then, he takes us step by step through the recent shooting events in Paris, pointing out unmistakable clues of staged scenes. We talk about the media's use of repeating and looping to pump the details of these 'attacks' into our subconscious as a means for conditioning the acceptance and even the desire for a more controlled, policed, militarized and surveilled world.

In the members' hour, Ole draws a clear analysis of the latest false flag event in Copenhagen, highlights clues of an impending 'event' that were placed in plain sight, and makes comparisons of the logistical pieces of the puzzle that have been echoed in similar past events. We'll look at the many identical elements that show up in these very connected events. We conclude by exploring how we can take our power back as a united, sovereign human race by becoming more aware of and alert to these trends. We discuss what can be done to disrupt the important timelines of these highly orchestrated crimes to derail these evil games and bring peace and healing to our war torn world.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150223-oledammegard-hr1.mp3)

27th February 2015, 06:04 PM
Its a good listen there Pat, caught it a couple days ago. Well worth the listen. there is a lot of stuff in there I didn't know. I saw the cop shooting, the shoe on the road and I heard about the staging area being a few doors down from the Hedbo office. That was enough for me to decide but he has a lot more stuff that I might have heard about if I kept up with the debunking. Lots of good info.

28th February 2015, 09:23 AM
wow it took me a while to get the pic. I was wondering and wondering what you meant by it BUT by mecca I got it.

I'm a little slow. Explanation?

mick silver
28th February 2015, 09:43 AM
working on Russia to get them out of the way so the Invasion of Syrian can get underway once we have bomb them back to the stone age

midnight rambler
28th February 2015, 09:45 AM
I'm a little slow. Explanation?

The Muslim religion dictates that when praying the adherents of Islam are to face Mecca, this group is facing two different directions hence they're fake Muslims (similar to fake Christians and fake Jews).

7th March 2015, 07:39 AM
See hour 2 with Martinez (former ZionCrimeFactory):

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.03.06 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/03/truth-jihad-radio-with-kevin-barrett_7.html)

http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg (http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg)
Dmitry Orlov on collapse, Brandon Martinez on "The ISIS Conspiracy"

First hour: Dmitri Orlov of ClubOrlov (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/) is the author of Societies that Collapse (https://www.createspace.com/4942819) and Communities that Abide (https://www.createspace.com/4936779) as well as the award-winning Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects (http://astore.amazon.com/crealm/detail/0865716064).

"Born in Russia, he moved to the US while a teenager, and has traveled back repeatedly to observe the Soviet collapse during the late eighties and mid-nineties. He is an engineer who has worked in many fields, including high-energy Physics research, e-commerce and Internet security. Recently, he has been experimenting with off-grid living and renewable energy by giving up the house and the car. Instead, he has been living on a sailboat, sailing it up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and commuting by bicycle."

Second hour: Brandon Martinez, author of the new book The Isis Conspiracy (http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2015/03/new-book-by-brandon-martinez-the-isis-conspiracy-available-now/).

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JrbXed6J0a8/VPpES6hG9CI/AAAAAAAACPw/zI-X5J1fo7A/s1600/isis-cons.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JrbXed6J0a8/VPpES6hG9CI/AAAAAAAACPw/zI-X5J1fo7A/s1600/isis-cons.jpg)Brandon is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. His articles and analysis have appeared on Press TV, Veterans News Now, Media With Conscience News, Whatsupic, Intifada Palestine, Information Clearing House, What Really Happened, and other alternative media outlets. He is the co-founder of Non-Aligned Media and the author of the 2014 book Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1615778411/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1615778411&linkCode=as2&tag=veteranstoday-20&linkId=UNPHHZUWIZCM4SBZ).

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
Freedom Slips.com (http://www.freedomslips.com/)

32k CF Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/bkv5ng7deu/Truth_Jihad_radio_with_Kevin_Barrett_2015.03.06.Or lov.ZCF.mp3)

11th March 2015, 09:35 AM
another hollywood montage

Does latest ISIS video REALLY show a child shooting a man dead? Boy’s face cannot be seen when ‘Israeli spy’ is killed … and gunman’s hand looks to be a man’s, not a ten-year-old’s


7th April 2015, 05:50 PM
This is interesting:


7th April 2015, 10:26 PM
This is interesting:


Yep, pretty good.

21st April 2015, 07:47 AM
Brandon Martinez (ZCF) on Red Ice; first 'free' hour only:

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150417-brandonmartinez-hr1.mp3)

Brandon Martinez on Red Ice Radio (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2015/04/brandon-martinez-on-red-ice-radio/)

Brandon Martinez (http://nonalignedmedia.com/author/bmar999/) April 21, 2015 Interviews (http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/interviews/), Radio (http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/radio/)

Red Ice’s description (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/04/RIR-150417.php) of the show:

Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. He is the author of Grand Deceptions, Hidden History and The ISIS Conspiracy. Brandon is with us to give his take on the ISIS conspiracy and the array of terrorism plots that have been used to manipulate the masses and shape foreign policy.

We begin with a look at the state of mainstream journalism today and the opinions of popular culture that are defined by reporting that sticks to largely unchallenged official narratives. We consider how the powers that be are able to maintain protected status and convince society to relinquish freedoms via manipulating language and demonizing criticism of authority.

Brandon takes us through the history of recent wars that have been predicated on fabricated terrorist attacks, and he outlines the backdrop of lies and guilt on which the state of Israel has been built. Martinez details the fine points in the hidden story behind the World Wars, and explains how Hitler and Germany was pushed and consequently used in order to justify the creation of Israel.

In the second segment, we move forward to the history and origins of Al Qaeda, with a ‘terrorist’ agenda contrived by the CIA, backed up by the Saudi Wahhabi regime and brought to fruition through Pentagon propaganda. Brandon expounds how the US has managed to justify continued occupation in Iraq while instigating a major regime change in Libya, leading to conflict in the Muslim world and eventually giving birth to the ISIS movement.

Further, he gets into the Globalist-Zionist destabilization agenda that has been exported to the Middle East and northern Africa, designed to divide and conquer countries that refute western imperialism. We chew over the many indications that ISIS is a proxy force acting out a series of fabricated ‘terror events’ staged for the purpose of implementing an Orwellian police state across Western countries.

Our discussion ends with some thoughts on the major contradictions in government that are casting light on the illegitimacy of democracy and the psychopathic power elite, setting the stage for a major paradigm shift in the ruling structure of our world.

22nd April 2015, 02:09 AM
laughable... look at how tall they are for arabs

The Daily Mail
A shocking new video appearing to show at least 30 Christians being beheaded and shot by ISIS in Libya has been released.


STAGECRAFT: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake
April 20, 2015 By Shawn Helton 4 Comments
Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

A newly released ISIS video allegedly depicts some 30 Ethiopians being ‘executed’ in two separate locations in Libya.

However, one should take note, that this highly produced propaganda video – fails to provide any conclusive, or remotely credible evidence of a crime scene.

The terror installment said to have been carried out by ISIS militants entitled, “Until There Came to Them Clear Evidence,” was reportedly released by Al-Furqan Media, a media arm linked to the notorious Al-Hayat Media Center, the official media outlet for all sanctioned ISIS propaganda.

Once again, we see a terror motion picture which has been produced for dramatic effect, another work of deception – designed to create an emotional response within the viewer, rather than a rational one.

12th July 2015, 06:32 AM
Caught this on another board.

Is this footage of the green screen takes?



12th July 2015, 07:12 AM
The terrain itself would be hard to duplicate if it was fake. If there is a way to compare this to the video that was originally released, that might give an indication to its authenticity.

12th July 2015, 07:25 AM
Thanks to Celtic Rogue who posted this video on another thread.

The bad guys are fucking SEVEN FEET TALL?? WTF?? ???


Nope, ISIS is fighting a bunch of midgets.

12th July 2015, 07:29 AM
do we know which pretend-beheading that was? the hostage-actor looks like the bald guy in the first one they rolled out, with the guy who was smirking then the ISIS actor put the plastic McDonalds knife to his throat, then they just provided a photo purportedly showing baldee's severed head on the back of the headless, bloodless belly-down body?

12th July 2015, 09:37 AM
do we know which pretend-beheading that was? the hostage-actor looks like the bald guy in the first one they rolled out, with the guy who was smirking then the ISIS actor put the plastic McDonalds knife to his throat, then they just provided a photo purportedly showing baldee's severed head on the back of the headless, bloodless belly-down body?

I haven't found which fake video this is purported to be.

However, the claim is that the video was hacked from John McCain's phone while in Ukraine.

18th July 2015, 09:50 AM
found this nifty little animated gif @ memoryholeblog,

SITE Intelligence Now Wagging Chattanooga Shooting Doggie (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/site-intelligence-now-wagging-chattanooga-shooting-doggie/)


midnight rambler
18th July 2015, 11:11 AM
found this nifty little animated gif @ memoryholeblog,

SITE Intelligence Now Wagging Chattanooga Shooting Doggie (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/site-intelligence-now-wagging-chattanooga-shooting-doggie/)



18th July 2015, 11:26 AM

Indeed... the only inconsistency I see is that the guy on set quits his move prior to the one in the produced video...

midnight rambler
18th July 2015, 11:31 AM
Indeed... the only inconsistency I see is that the guy on set quits his move prior to the one in the produced video...

Also, note that the knife guy is standing closer to the dummy (it does appear to be a dummy in the green screen view) and therefore his right arm is at a different angle than in the alleged 'real' shot.

Just goes to show you can't trust your own eyes when viewing videos.

18th July 2015, 05:14 PM
found this nifty little animated gif @ memoryholeblog,

SITE Intelligence Now Wagging Chattanooga Shooting Doggie (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/site-intelligence-now-wagging-chattanooga-shooting-doggie/)

Ah yes, the Chattanooga Katz

First thing I thought when I saw the twitter of Jihad Johnny brandishing a knife and saying they are taking it to America. another FF ISJ.

18th July 2015, 05:33 PM
Indeed... the only inconsistency I see is that the guy on set quits his move prior to the one in the produced video...

Also, note that the knife guy is standing closer to the dummy (it does appear to be a dummy in the green screen view) and therefore his right arm is at a different angle than in the alleged 'real' shot.

Just goes to show you can't trust your own eyes when viewing videos.

The knife "nod" isn't as high in the leaked video.

18th July 2015, 06:27 PM
The knife "nod" isn't as high in the leaked video.


18th July 2015, 07:06 PM
The leaked video doesn't purport to be the same "take" as the final produced version. It appears to have been just one of the takes.

Latest FFWN touches on this video in the first half somewhere, and there's also be a link about it below the YT player console. Fetzer said something about, the story being that the vid as purported to have been hacked off john mccain's 'puter... ??
07/16/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer (http://noliesradio.org/archives/101470)

i just noticed this at memoryholeblog,

July 18, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/isis-fraud-exposed-leaked-video-appears-to-show-staged-killing-of-james-foley/)
ISIS Fraud Exposed! Leaked Video Appears to Show Staged Killing of James Foley (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/isis-fraud-exposed-leaked-video-appears-to-show-staged-killing-of-james-foley/) 8 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/isis-fraud-exposed-leaked-video-appears-to-show-staged-killing-of-james-foley/#comments) by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Guest Posts (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/guest-posts/) • Tags: news media analysis (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/news-media-analysis/), propaganda (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/propaganda/), public opinion (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-opinion/), war on terror (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/war-on-terror/)
James Robertson
Crimes of Empire (http://crimesofempire.com/2015/07/16/isis-fraud-exposed-leaked-video-appears-to-show-the-staged-killing-of-james-foley/)

CyberBerkut (http://cyber-berkut.org/en/) (Google Translation):

We CyberBerkut received at the disposal of the file whose value can not be overstated!
Dear Senator McCain! We recommend you next time in foreign travel, and especially on the territory of Ukraine, not to take confidential documents.
On one of the devices of your colleagues, we found a lot of interesting things. Something we decided to put: this video should become the property of the international community!
More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/18/isis-fraud-exposed-leaked-video-appears-to-show-staged-killing-of-james-foley/#more-18494)

19th July 2015, 05:20 AM

He raises the knife and nods his head prior to the cutting the neck take.