View Full Version : What is your best "I quit" job story?

21st February 2015, 08:22 PM
Met a fellow ex cop today, like myself. Also, ex fireman, like myself. We hit it off.

He was a cop for 7 months. He quit when he shot a guy on pcp 4 times in the chest, center mass, with a 45 acp. The guy still kept attacking after that, pcp.

The sergeant patted him on the back and said great job.

He looked at that sergeant, and said "I quit".

22nd February 2015, 12:16 PM
Working for a concrete company for a week, realizing I was nothing more than a shoveler the boss mentioned to me his grandson will be coming to work for him later in the summer. I looked him right in the eyes and said I stand down. He replied what? I repeated and he asked what does that mean? I replied "I quit", took my check and left. Instead of him letting me go later I saved him the trouble. He had a few tight months without me though.

22nd February 2015, 12:25 PM
Comedian Doug Walker quitting his last job where he worked for someone else:



22nd February 2015, 03:44 PM
I've never quit a job but I've really been happy once when I was laid off. The boss kept trying to be a nice guy but he just wasn't capable of it. It was sad, really.

22nd February 2015, 04:39 PM
My story is funny now, but wasn't at the time. First job out of college, I was 23 years old.

I challenged my boss's boss, the vp, to a fight outside the office after work.

I don't recommend doing that, as it is a very career limiting move. I ended up quitting a couple of weeks later, along with my coworker, and my boss who was a great guy. The challenge though, was very well deserved, and I get a chuckle thinking back on the look on that guy's face.

If I was smarter and less naive, I probably could have sued for millions because of harassment.

22nd February 2015, 05:07 PM
Working on shore out of bayou vista La next door to Morgan city as a fitter welder in the mid to late 70's, was a hoot because welders/fitter were in great demand and we could pick and dam near choose where we wanted to work.

At the time I was working for a shell dredging co. called Radcliff materials based in calumet la that ran two shell dredges that were working the Atchafalaya River bay dredging oyster shells. Old timers probably could remember the large mountains of oyster shells off hw 90 in calumet near 15 mile? cut.

My only transportation at the time was a motorcycle and over night the worst cold front that locals could remember came through, I have not a clue what the temp was that morning, I do know that being in south La, one does not think of cold weather much.

That morning it was ice cold hell, and all I had was a thin jacket and welders gloves to make the close to 8 mile ride to the job site. Made it to the job frozen to my bike. And when I went into the shack to get a very needed cup of coffee, the foreman barked at me to forget it because the clock was up and down start work time. That day we were scheduled to go out to the Gull which is the name of one of the dredges, the other dredge was named the albatross.

No drinking coffee while not on break or lunch, were the rules, I looked at that coonasscajon and said to him, screw it! Got my frozen ass back on my bike, and headed back home, but on the way I stopped at a job shop in Patterson and got hired on within 15 minuets of quitting my job at radcliff.

I quit over a cup of coffee !

And did better for it over all, the new job offered me way better wages + got me started doing offshore rig moves!


22nd February 2015, 05:12 PM
Back when I worked for a pizza joint, one of our drivers, a small short dude, came back from a run with broken glasses and a missing wallet. He had been jumped trying to deliver the pizzas. He threw the hot bag down on the ground, said "fuck this, I quit." I was the manager that day, so I took his money bag, paid him his money, and wished him the best.

22nd February 2015, 05:25 PM
lol madfranks, that's a great story. I paid for college delivering pizzas, what a riot.

Dogman, your story is awesome too! :)

22nd February 2015, 10:09 PM
This is an add on to my post on I quit..

when working the shell dredges, one of the big bosses kids was put to work on one of the dredges, albatross I think as a ? cooks helper, cook? anyway after less than a week, (they worked two weeks on and two weeks off on the dredges) he got tired of what he was doing. What I can remember is he tried to get into something else job wise, he hated anything cooking. But dad says no, understand the dad did have the stroke to make anything happen.

So the kid one morning takes food dye and goes to town with breakfast, and when the crew saw what happened, the kid was on the next crew/supply boat to the bank.

He quit by dyeing breakfast in Technicolor.

That was one pissed coon ass father !

But the son won !

23rd February 2015, 12:19 AM
Back when I worked for a pizza joint, one of our drivers, a small short dude, came back from a run with broken glasses and a missing wallet. He had been jumped trying to deliver the pizzas. He threw the hot bag down on the ground, said "fuck this, I quit." I was the manager that day, so I took his money bag, paid him his money, and wished him the best.

lol madfranks, that's a great story. I paid for college delivering pizzas, what a riot.

Haha, I wasn't going to tell my Pizza delivery story but then I looked at the thread and found two! lol

Anyhow, On slow days the drivers (of which I was one) were required to help out the back preparing toppings and cleaning the the dough mixer and general dishes

So I happily pitched in and got to work while chatting with one of the other guys, we were working and having small talk, as you do. So the boss's brother (a young Italian gym junky, probably on roids) comes in and starts shouting at us to stop talking and work, I told him that we were working could comfortably do both with ease.

He stormed off, then about about ten minutes later comes back in ,angrier than ever shouting at us to "stop talking and work" and generally abusing us and then stormed off.

So I stood my ground.

I followed him out to the front counter where there were a shop full of customers and politely told him that no one here wants to come to work to be shouted at, they just want to earn their money and go home and that though we may be his employees he has no right to speak to us like that and should consider learning some manners and as such I didn't want to work in a place where the shift supervisor was as rude and abusive as he, then promptly took of my company shirt, threw it in his face and walked out!

Felt soooo good :p

23rd February 2015, 12:43 AM
nothing worse than being the bosses son. But I doubt he won and in the long run if the kid didn't pull head in, or move on, the company loses. but punkin the crew, good work. Lucky he didn't go out looking a bit technicolor himself.