View Full Version : False Flag Weekly News - KBarrett & JFetzer

27th February 2015, 06:56 PM
I'll use this thread to repost Kevin Barrett & Jim Fetzer's False Flag Weekly News broadcasts, which air live each Thursday morning US time. They run 30-60 mins.

Web-streamed every Thurs 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
All shows are archived here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news) right after the web-stream broadcast.

Thurs 02/26/2015 False Flag Weekly News (http://noliesradio.org/archives/95925)





“Radical Islamic” False Flags

1) Today is the 22nd anniversary of first WTC false flag
2) Iraqi Army downs 2 UK planes carrying weapons for ISIS
3) ISIS sponsors US, Turkey agree to train ISIS…I mean, anti-ISIS
ISIS http://rt.com/news/233927-us-turkey-train-equip-rebels/
4) New Pentagon Chief Ash Carter “targets Islamic State” http://bigstory.ap.org/article/bfe974b7e5364737b37c00c4cd549f93/new-us-pentagon-chief-convenes-unusual-counter-meeting (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/bfe974b7e5364737b37c00c4cd549f93/new-us-pentagon-chief-convenes-unusual-counter-meeting)
5) Ash Carter helped Zelikow write 9/11 script
6) 9/11 perp Giuliani says Obama does not love
America http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_GIULIANI_OBAMA?SITE=FLPET&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
7) Dubai tower inferno fails to demolish building
8) Barbara Boxer attacks GOP for threatening to shut down DHS
9) Will al-Shabab blow up Mall of America?

Truth & Academy Awards

10) Pro-9/11-Truth Director Denied “Best Film” at Oscars
11) Snowden film “Citizen Four” wins Best Documentary

Zionists win one, lose three

12) Genocide perpetrators win lawsuit against
victims http://www.newsweek.com/us-jury-finds-palestinian-organizations-liable-terrorism-case-308804
13) Historic agreement with Iran nearing completion
14) Full-Page Ad in NYT Skewers Boehner
15) Instant Karma: network that called truthers ‘hate mongers’ goes bust

Fetzer-in-Northfield fallout

16) Northfield, MN, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing
17) The Real Deal Special MUST SEE Sandy Hook
Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRMkMtjukCQ
18) The Real Deal MUST SEE Boston bombing update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMxhdiBrqTM&feature=youtu.be
19) A closer look at Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Lawyer

Currency wars escalate as world economy tanks

20) Dollar dump: Russia unloads 20% of its holdings in one month
21) Guardian admits, “Money is just an IOU”
22) Baltic Dry Index keeps falling

Is technology killing us?

23) Navy proves flu shot causes flu
24) New book: Technology is killing humanity http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2015/02/prof-david-skrbina-is-technology.html
25) Intelligent computers may enslave/destroy humanity: scientists http://rt.com/uk/235143-capitalism-ai-dangerous-technology/

Right-wing idiots: Bill O’Reilly, Scott Walker, and….Alex Jones?!

26) O’Reilly lied about JFK-related suicide http://mediamatters.org/blog/2015/02/24/oreilly-lied-about-suicide-of-jfk-assassination/202655
27) Scott Walker rips media in fundraising appeal
28) The Scott Walker “score card”
http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/guest/dan-k-thomasson-scott-walker-smart-handsome-articulate–/article_b6588652-1e3c-57ae-bea6-bdf681af091b.html (http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/guest/dan-k-thomasson-scott-walker-smart-handsome-articulate--/article_b6588652-1e3c-57ae-bea6-bdf681af091b.html)
29) Is Alex Jones an Israeli shill? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/19/the-growing-complexity-of-alex-jones-israeli-connections/
30) Alex Jones confirms Ron Paul was right: Israel created Hamas
31) Alex Jones = Bill Hicks? NOT http://alexjonesisbillhicks.com/

6th March 2015, 05:39 AM
1 hour this week. In the last 10 minutes somewhere, KB & JF get into a shouting match over whether Paul McCartney died in 1966? :D

03/05/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer (http://noliesradio.org/archives/96125)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiM5RGyX6f0


1) FCC net neutrality ruling helps keep us in business http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/feb/26/net-neutrality-activists-landmark-victory-fcc


Bibi’s Bo(eh)ner
2) Netanyahu threatens war in speech http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/03/03/netanyahu-threatens-war-speech-congress
3) Decrying ‘insult,’ House Democrats seethe after Netanyahu address http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decrying-insult-some-democrats-seethe-after-netanyahu-address/2015/03/03/2414c30c-c1c8-11e4-9271-610273846239_story.html
4) Netanyahu has cross the point of no return on Iran http://www.niacouncil.org/netanyahu-has-crossed-the-point-of-no-return-on-iran/
5) Saudis said ready to aid Israel in Iran attack http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/28781-focus-saudis-said-to-aid-israeli-plan-to-bomb-iran
6) Netanyahu’s insult to the United States https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uGEZU2Hlo4
7) Report: Obama threatened to shoot down IAF Iran strike http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/191966#.VPOPrsZ3lzo
8) Rouhani rejects Netanyahu’s anti-Iran speech as ludicrous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inKoaAVgOz0
9) Wesley Clark critiques Netanyahu speech https://new.livestream.com/accounts/4937810/events/3629901
10) American Jews have mixed feelings about Netanyahu’s speech http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-03-03/american-jews-have-mixed-feelings-about-benjamin-netanyahus-speech?utm_source=AICE+email+%23110+%28March+4%2C+ 2015%29&utm_campaign=AICE+e-newsletter+%23109%3A+2%2F25%2F15&utm_medium=email
11) “NO, Mr. Netanyahu – You do not speak for American Jews” https://org.salsalabs.com/o/525/images/Final%20netanyahu%20ad.pdf
12) Full text of Bibi’s speech, corrected for factual accuracy (satire) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/03/obama-knesset/
13) UN wants Israel to explain 1500 deaths in Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwI0aPpHNtU


False Flag Follies
14) Who was Boris Nemtsov and why was he killed? http://news.yahoo.com/boris-nemtsov-why-murdered-194722631.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma
15) Wrong body, no blood at Moscow shooting http://www.tomatobubble.com/id789.html
16) Defense attorney-“Dzhokhar did it!” http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/04/us/boston-marathon-bombing-trial/
17) Neils Harrit sues Danish newspaper for libel http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=d03bf3ffcac549c7dc7888ef5&id=c303f682c3&e=[UNIQID]
18) J. Paul Vance out as CT State Police spokesman http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-paul-vance-transferred-20150226-story.html
19) CT Woman tells Public Safety and Security Board, “Sandy Hook was fake!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re7-3hIZoXU
20) New DC sniper? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2978480/Police-NSA-investigating-report-shots-fired.html
21) Media knows spreading fear of terrorism sells (but it’s CIA copy) http://truth-out.org/progressivepicks/item/29352-the-media-knows-that-spreading-the-fear-of-terrorism-sells


War on Freedom
22) Chicago PD running CIA-style disappear-and-torture “black site” http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/02/27/chicago-police-accused-operating-cia-style-black-site/
23) Attack on Arizona’s internet Beta-test for imposing martial law http://beforeitsnews.com/police-state/2015/02/attack-on-arizonas-internet-was-the-beta-test-for-the-implementation-of-martial-law-870.html?utm_campaign=&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fb4in.info%2FfkLe&utm_content=beforeit39snews-verticalresponse&utm_medium=verticalresponse&utm_source=direct-b4in.info
24) Zundel’s lawyer jailed – again http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/1.644197
25) Canada’s Harper wants to make free speech “terrorism” http://panampost.com/panam-staff/2015/03/03/canadas-terrifying-anti-terror-bill/
26) Department of Justice to go after bloggers who support ISIS as “terrorists” http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/02/23/justice-department-we-ll-go-after-isis-twitter-army.html
27) Department of Justice–No “due process” for pro se plantiffs http://pacourtwatch.com/2015/02/12/u-s-department-of-justice-claims-no-due-process-for-self-represented/
28) Obama bans standard ammo on false grounds http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=cbf_1424972892


Geopolitical Meltdown
29) China warns US: Leave Russia alone http://yournewswire.com/china-warns-us-leave-russia-alone/
30) Lord Rothschild issues warning of “most dangerous geopolitical situation” http://patriotrising.com/2015/03/04/lord-rothschild-warns-investors-of-most-dangerous-geopolitical-situation-since-wwii/
31) Paul Craig Roberts–The Neo-Con threat to the world http://www.greanvillepost.com/2015/03/04/paul-craig-roberts-the-neoconservative-threat-to-world-order/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheGreanvillePost+%28The+Grea nville+Post%29
32) Venezuela president says has captured U.S. pilot accused of ‘recruiting citizens to stage a coup’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2973954/U-S-pilot-detained-Venezuela-accused-recruiting-citizens-stage-coup.html


Hoax alerts!
33) DHS admits staging domestic terrorist acts http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/02/27/dhs-admits-we-stage-domestic-terrorism/
34) RINGO CLAIMS PAUL MCCARTNEY DIED IN 1966 AND WAS REPLACED http://breakingdownthnews.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/former-beatle-ringo-starr-claims-real.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+BdtnBreakingDownTheNews+%28BDTN +BREAKING+down+the+NEWS%29&utm_content=FeedBurner
35) Hollywood Studio Caught Producing ISIS Videos http://drudgereport.com.co/hollywood-studio-caught-producing-isis-videos/


Odds & Ends
36) US economy in collapse http://govtslaves.info/target-to-announce-second-round-of-layoffs/
37) More bad Fukushima news http://enenews.com/report-fallout-japan-reactors-detected-freshwater-fish-radioactive-dose-equivalent-fish-caught-100-miles-fukushima-reactors-ongoing-measurements-needed-along-predicted-plume-trajectory
38) Fukushima contamination of fish confirmed http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es505064d
39) Fox News attacks Williams, defends O’Reilly http://mediamatters.org/blog/2015/02/20/how-fox-news-responded-to-bill-oreillys-falklan/202591
40) UFO sighted near sun – NASA cover-up? http://www.inquisitr.com/1891103/nasa-blurred-out-image-of-ufo-detected-near-sun-ufo-may-have-destroyed-satellite-to-send-warning-blogger-claims/

mick silver
6th March 2015, 09:24 AM
Israeli will throw a wrench into this before the ink dry's ................. Historic US-Iran nuclear deal could be taking shape ... http://www.cdapress.com/news/national_news/article_a7e8c126-6fdd-56c1-af87-f87a06bb8a8c.html ... Israel will never let the world see peace if they did people would start to see just what they have done around the world

6th March 2015, 04:04 PM

A direct attack on Iran would be too problematic. False flag maybe?

12th March 2015, 05:42 PM
Some conspiracy theorizing at the opening about how they can't access their goog/jootube account, must be the NSA! So they're using some different platform. Even the post-show jootube plays very haltingly for me; try your luck.

03/12/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer (http://noliesradio.org/archives/96338)


Today’s False Flag Weekly News is now archived in the window above. We surmise that this live news show was hacked by the NSA so we are sorry we could not show Kevin and Jim’s video, only their audio.



0) PSA: Free book for first new subscriber
False Flag Show Trial in Boston

1) Boston Show Trial: Attorney declares patsy “Guilty!”
2) Boston Marathon bomb trial: FBI agent mistakes Grozny for Mecca in
Twitter photo
3) Victim recounts horror of Boston bombing http://article.wn.com/view/2015/03/10/Victim_recounts_Boston_bombings/
4) Jurors see Tsarnaev’s note inside boat http://nypost.com/2015/03/10/note-written-by-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-while-hiding-in-boat-revealed/
5) Judy Clarke, Dzhokhar’s attorney, in apparent violation of Rules of California Bar


False Flag 9/11
6) Farrakhan: ‘Lying, murderous Zionist Jews’ behind 9/11
7) Federal judge orders 9/11 case re-opened


47 Traitors
8) GOP tries to undermine Iran talks with public letter
9) GOP letter ignites political firestorm http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/10/biden-blasts-gop-letter-to-iran-on-nuclear-deal-approval-saying-it-offends-me/
10) Iran’s Foreign Minister responds to the letter from the 47
11) Did Congressional “traitors” violate the Logan Act?
12) Obama flips off Bibi with Nowruz celebration at White House http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2015/03/11/Persian-New-Year-celebration-held-at-White-House/1391426104236/#ixzz3U90WDWJL
13) Ohio terrorism suspect wanted to shoot Obama in head – a message
from Bibi? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/07/ohio-terrorism-suspect-wanted-to-shoot-obama-in-head/
14) Obama/Holder retaliates: Does Sen. Menendez bust involve drugs &
child sex slaves? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/11/menendez/


False Flag ISIS
15) FBI warns youth against joining ISIS
16) McCain stands with ISIS http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/neocon-watch/2015/march/09/mccain-stands-with-isis/
17) Almost 50,000 Twitter accounts linked to ISIL http://www.arabianbusiness.com/almost-50-000-twitter-accounts-linked-isil-584767.html
18) Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIL http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/boko-haram-pledges-allegiance-to-isil-after-carnage-in-maiduguri-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=79333&NewsCatID=357
19) Italians mock CIA terror propaganda http://investmentwatchblog.com/italians-take-to-twitter-to-mercilessly-mock-the-latest-al-cia-duh-terror-propaganda-this-is-how-its-done/


War on Russia
20) Robert Parry: Senate insanity on Russia and Iran
21) US goes ballistic as peace breaks out in Ukraine
22) Dempsey proposes sending lethal aid to Ukraine
23) Dempsey: Possible US ground troops in Syria
24) Saving ancient artifacts as new justification for invading ME to take out Assad
25)NATO seeks regime change in Russia http://deadlinelive.info/2015/03/10/nato-seeks-regime-change-in-russia-says-envoy/
26) Game Changer How Russia’s S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete
27) Wolfowitz doctrine driving world to war (Paul Craig Roberts)


Crimes of Zion
28) Times of Israel staff call for nuking Iran and Germany http://www.timesofisrael.com/op-ed-calls-on-israel-to-nuke-germany-iran/
29) Israel demolishes EU funded shelters http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4635604,00.html
30) French Cartoonist Zeon Arrested for Anti-Zionist Work http://www.arabworld360.info/2015/03/french-cartoonist-zeon-arrested-for.html (http://www.arabworld360.info/2015/03/french-cartoonist-zeon-arrested-for.html)
31) Ex-Mossad Chief attacks Netanyahu for lying and his destructive lack of leadership http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/WATCH-LIVE-Ex-Mossad-chief-headlines-large-anti-Netanyahu-rally-in-Tel-Aviv-39321
32) Ex-Mossad Chief describes Netanyahu’s speech as “bullshit”


War on Freedom
33) “Vigilant Guard”: Humvees with machine guns go door-to-door in South Carolina
34) Wisconsin capital marked by third day of protests after police shooting
35) ATF pulls proposal to ban .223 ammo


Odds & Ends
36) Nearly 33 percent of the Americans above age 16 are not part of the workforce
37) Canadian trade falls off a cliff http://investmentwatchblog.com/canadian-trade-falls-off-a-cliff/
38) Navy buries truth about Fukushima radiation
39) Swedish official confirms chemtrails are real
40) Mom shoots TV to protect kids http://abc7chicago.com/news/suburban-mother-charged-after-shooting-tv/552807/

21st March 2015, 05:11 AM

Audio only mp3 inside http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/03/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin.html?m=1

26th March 2015, 09:46 AM
36 min show this week, vid @ http://noliesradio.org/archives/96919


03/26/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer



“We are NOT Charlie Hebdo” book flogged by world leaders
1) Charlie Hebdo book to be published this week http://wearenotcharliehebdo.blogspot.com (http://wearenotcharliehebdo.blogspot.com/)
2) Former Acting Canadian PM warns “US in grave danger” (and praises We
Are Not Charlie Hebdo) http://newsinsideout.com/2015/03/former-canadian-acting-pm-paul-hellyer-usa-in-grave-danger-exposes-cabal-calls-for-new-energy-et-disclosure-cabal-ouster-in-2016-election/
3) France moves to make “conspiracy theories” illegal
4) French President attacks me, wants to ban my “conspiracy theories”

US-Israel relations in crisis over Iran talks
5) Outline of Iran nuclear deal emerges in Geneva http://www.theguardian.com/world/julian-borger-global-security-blog/2013/oct/16/iran-nuclear-talks-geneva
6) Washington Post: “War with Iran is probably our best option” https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/03/david-swanson/wapo-will-kill-us-all/
7) A Neo-Con admits The Plan is to Bomb Iran http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/29166-a-neocon-admits-the-plan-to-bomb-iran
8) US-Israel “alliance” imploding? http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/03/26/403400/USIsrael-alliance-imploding
9) US to “reassess” relations with Israel http://news.yahoo.com/obama-says-now-hard-path-israeli-palestinian-peace-215618606.html
10) Israel spied on Iran talks, shared info with Zionist congressional assets
11) Senators sent Israeli intel to undermine support for Iran negotiations http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/29270-traitor-senators-used-israeli-spies-against-their-own-country
12) NSA documents prove Bibi’s a liar

13) White House insists Israeli occupation must end
14) EU report urges sanctions against Israel over Jerusalem policies
http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/EU-report-urges-sanctions-against-Israel-over-Jerusalem-policies-394586?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter (http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/EU-report-urges-sanctions-against-Israel-over-Jerusalem-policies-394586?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)
15) The Roots of Netanyahu’s victory: racism and settlements http://mycatbirdseat.com/2015/03/90784the-roots-of-netanyahus-electoral-victory-colonial-expansion-and-fascist-ideology/
16) Mossad vs. Scandinavia https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/14c3d6e1d4612975

“Islamic State” bogus – US despised for Mideast policies
17) “Islamic State”: Kill 100 US troops!
18) Iraqi commander confirms US aid to ISIS http://yournewswire.com/iraqi-commander-tapped-communications-confirms-us-aids-to-isis/
19) ISIS leader trained by US and Mossad http://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-trained-by-israeli-mossad-nsa-documents-reveal/5391593
20) How the US is allied with ISIS and al Qaedahttp://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/u-s-allied-isis-al-qaeda.html (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/u-s-allied-isis-al-qaeda.html)
21) Saudi Arabia leads air strikes against Yemen’s Houthi rebels
22) Drones vs. WHO death rate in Pakistan
23) US “most despised nation” due to Mideast policies

US War on Everyone
24) US to continue occupying Afghanistan with 10,000 troops
25) US invades Czech Republic, Czechs not happy http://rt.com/news/243073-czech-protest-us-tanks/

Another suspicious plane crash
26) Booz Allen Hamilton geospatial contractor killed in Germanwings 9525 crash
27) “Explosion and smoke” before Airbus crash
28) Pilot locked out of cockpit before crash
29) Germans fed up with media lies

War on Freedom
30) Attorney concludes Boston trial a sham
31) House bill would dismantle Patriot Act http://www.legitgov.org/House-effort-would-completely-dismantle-Patriot-Act
32) NSA “security plan”: Hack everyone else!
33) Trans-Pacific partnership will bring foreign lawsuits against US
34) “Smart Meters” a threat to health, national security
35) Vaccine mandates are war on the American people http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2015/03/vaccine-mandates-are-central-to-a-take-over-of-the-us.html

Odds & Ends
36) Oklahoma Senate panel approves nitrogen gas executions
37) Super-rat ‘the size of a cat’ found in London garden as experts warn of rise of giant rodentshttp://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/pictured-superrat-the-size-of-a-cat-found-in-london-garden-as-experts-warn-of-rise-of-giant-rodents-10064294.html

4th April 2015, 07:34 PM
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.04.02

It’s a False Flag World Out There

1) “We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo” pushback – Attacked by French
President, website hacked, deleted from
Wikipedia http://wearenotcharliehebdo.blogspot.com

2) Why Ringo’s confession “we replaced Paul” appears to be authentic


64k CF Download
http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/d6k15jgung/False_Flag_Weekly_News_with_Kevin_Barrett_and_Jim_ Fetzer_2015.04.02.mp3

Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive

16th April 2015, 04:22 PM
Apr 16 FFWN, 57 mins, YT vid & news links at

Mp3 audio
http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/d7r03330if/False_Flag_Weekly_News_with_Kevin_Barrett_and_Jim_ Fetzer_2015.04.16.mp3

Also find last week's 4/9 FFWN which I didn't post, at

14th May 2015, 11:33 PM
Yesterday's show, 1 hr. Catch the shows I didn't get around to posting in this thread, at False Flag Weekly News (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

Audio only version:
64k CF Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/6u2bujris8/False_Flag_Weekly_News_with_Kevin_Barrett_and_Jim_ Fetzer_2015.05.14.mp3)




1) PSA: BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE! Will millions march for truth and
justice in DC next October 10th?

2) Gilad Atzmon touring USA http://www.gilad.co.uk/tour-events-live/
British Elections Stolen?
3) British elections stolen? Exit polls say 10 short of majority of
seats at 316. Final vote tally say 331 at 51%
4) Forecast says Tories will win 316 seats – just 10 short of a majority http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/exit-poll-results-forecast-says-tories-will-win-316-seats–just-10-short-of-a-majority-while-snp-to-take-all-but-one-seat-in-scotland-10233725.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/exit-poll-results-forecast-says-tories-will-win-316-seats--just-10-short-of-a-majority-while-snp-to-take-all-but-one-seat-in-scotland-10233725.html)
5) George Galloway (unexpectedly) loses election in UK http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/george-galloway-blames-racists-and-zionists-for-defeat-to-naz-shah-in-bradford-west-10234791.html
6) Anti-austerity protesters take to UK streets after Tory election
“victory” http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/may/09/anti-austerity-protesters-take-to-uk-streets-after-tory-election-victory
7) British MP announced crack down on dissidents, extremists, government critics
Seymour Hersh on “Bin Laden killing”
8) Media moves to protect Obama’s official narrative of Osama’s death

9) Osama bin Laden died in December 2011, not May 2011
10) Was there a cover-up in bin Laden killing? Question: is this story a coverup of the coverup? http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/11/opinions/bergen-bin-laden-story-a-lie/
11) PCR–Seymour Hersh stumbles over death of Osama bin Laden

having trouble pasting source links after that ^ point, for some reason... check the rest at http://noliesradio.org/archives/98681

11th June 2015, 06:40 PM
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.06.11 (http://grizzom.blogspot.hk/2015/06/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_11.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

Youtube version & source links Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/99919)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

MP3 Audio Only: Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/ddro4cqdse/False_Flag_Weekly_News_with_Kevin_Barrett_and_Jim_ Fetzer_2015.06.11.mp3)

21st June 2015, 07:02 AM
MP3 Audio only: Download - 1 hour (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/v3heui02nz/False_Flag_Weekly_News_with_Kevin_Barrett_and_Jim_ Fetzer_2015.06.18.mp3)




Ramadan begins today http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/17/ramadan-guide-to-islamic-holy-month-muslims-fast
9/11 & the presidency
1) 9/11, 28 pages cast shadows on Jeb2016 candidacy
2) Truth Jihad: Rand is Right, Release the 28 pages and expose 9/11!
3) Rand Paul’s “Stand with Israel” amendment fails
4) Obama reminds allies: “Remember what happened to Dr. King”
5) Former presidential candidates Nader & McKinney discuss 9/11
truth http://noliesradio.org/archives/99951
6) Shaq’s website reveals he’s a 9/11 truther
7) House rejects “fast track” for TPP
8) Fast track for TPP denied, but it still poses risks
9) You can’t read the TPP or find out who has
10) How “fast track” derails democracy
11) De Blasio calls TPP “a huge mistake” http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/de-blasio-trans-pacific-partnership-huge-mistake/2015/06/12/id/650217/?ns_mail_uid=7307989&ns_mail_job=1624210_06122015&s=al&dkt_nbr=proxgjhh
12) US debt frozen for 90 days (end game for US economy)
Iran’s nonexistent nukes
13) US could lift sanctions on Iran before complete accounting http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/17/world/us-could-lift-sanctions-before-iran-accounting.html?_r=0 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/17/world/us-could-lift-sanctions-before-iran-accounting.html?_r=0)
14)Howard Dean–Don’t end the Iran sanctions http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/howard-dean-sanctions-iran-iraq/2015/06/12/id/650284/?ns_mail_uid=7307989&ns_mail_job=1624351_06132015&s=al&dkt_nbr=y3ouhncq
15) IFPI claims Iran’s ballistic missile program parallels its nuclear ambitions
Crimes of Zion
16) US should “come clean” about Israeli nukes http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/06/10/415259/us-israel-iran-nuclear-npt-israel-nukes
17) Israel decries UN report about its attack on Gaza http://host.madison.com/news/top-news/israelis-go-on-offensive-ahead-of-un-report/article_2d00bcc4-a4a0-566e-b035-6c25912da4a9.html
18) Israel clears itself of killing children on a Gaza beach
19) Monsanto linked to white phosphorus used by Israel in Gaza http://sputniknews.com/military/20150617/1023453075.html
20) Rare defeat for Israeli lobby by the US Supreme Court
21) Chairman of Joint Chiefs “Distingished Ally of Israel” http://www.targetliberty.com/2015/06/chairman-of-joint-chiefs-of-staff.html
War on Russia
22) US poised to place heavy weapons in Eastern Europe
23) Lithuania about to annex Kaliningrad region of Russia
24) US House admits role of Nazis against Russians in Ukraine
25) Russia will “respond adequately” to build up of heavy weapons
26) Robert Parry on Samantha Power provoking war with Russia
27) Zeal for Stalin returning to Russia under Putin http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-russia-stalin-model-20150611-story.html#page=1\ (http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-russia-stalin-model-20150611-story.html#page=1%5C)
28) Moldova’s government resigns (signs of lingering honor) http://tass.ru/en/world/801089
Creeping (galloping?) totalitarianism
29) Charlie Hebdo: Gateway to Totalitarian Government
30) Stephen Lendman–Washington’s phony war on ISIS
31) John Whitehead: We are prisoners without walls
https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/prisons_without_walls_were_all_inmates_in_the_amer ican_police_state_short
32) African-American community rages against mandatory vaccinations
33) Suspect (PATSY) killed after attack on Dallas police http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/13/us-usa-shooting-texas-idUSKBN0OT07U20150613
34) Computer hack at Office of Personnel Management causes “panic”
Jade Helm
35) Texas to repatriate $1 billion from FED http://truthinmedia.com/texas-to-repatriate-1-billion-in-gold-from-federal-reserve-to-new-state-depository/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=nl
36) Is JADE HELM going LIVE in Texas on 15 June?
37) Possible EMP attack on Texas on 15 June 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFsXL1fe4A&feature=youtu.be
38) FEMA Mobile Command Centers at TX FedEx Terminal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xrj56ZOq30&feature=youtu.be
39) Obama’s plan to use US military against US citizens
40) 1,000s of military vehicles lined up outside underground bunkers
41) Massive military rail convoy in Portland, OR
42) Continuing military build-up at Walmarts
http://allnewspipeline.com/US_Army_Psyop_Wal_Mart_Convoy.php#.VX7dTemEkS0.fac ebook
(http://allnewspipeline.com/US_Army_Psyop_Wal_Mart_Convoy.php#.VX7dTemEkS0.fac ebook)
Odds & Ends
43) Report shows Walmart has been massively evading taxes
44) US soldiers raped at least 54 Columbian children with immunity
45) Janey Hart, anti-war activist, dies http://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/inspirational-antiwar-activist-janey-hart-dies-93/
46) Windows on the World: Revising History–The Moon and McCartney
47) Red Ice: Ole and Jim on the Moon and the Holocaust
48) Stunning effects of Fukushima/NOTHING BEING DONE
49) UFOs spotted above Loch
Ness http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/13/tourist-photographs-loch-ness-ufos_n_7554206.html

16th July 2015, 12:48 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.07.16 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/07/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_16.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/101470)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

64k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.07.16/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.07.16.mp3)

Posted by zapoper (https://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 2:18 PM No comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=2111839585081649730)

20th August 2015, 06:04 PM
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.08.20 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/08/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_20.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/102906)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

Your browser does not support the audio element.

64k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.08.20/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.08.20.mp3)


20th August 2015, 07:23 PM
Took my son to see him a couple of weeks ago in Vacouver. Great speech. Though I found it unfortunate that the event was only 40-50 people in attendance. Btw, the book is a collection of writers that submit their thoughts (article) on the event. As per KB, he says that some write from a standpoint that the event was real. Kevin only edited this and has a foreword at the beginning. I can't see them banning it. He also said he made a mistake in the book and corrected it at the event, explaining what had happened (Nothing major but I'll have to find out what it was again). Anyways, I'll let you know if its a "hate book" after I finish reading it......

22nd August 2015, 06:52 PM
Here are the articles/links that go with
08/20/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer


0) Charlie Hebdo book tour ends with Canadan Hate Police investigation http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/08/17/canadian-police/

(1) 9/11 Film Festival to be LIVESTREAMED http://noliesradio.org/FILMFESTIVAL (http://noliesradio.org/FILMFESTIVAL)
(2) “The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Conspiracy” (YouTube) http://www.infowars.com/the-conspiracy-theory-conspiracy-2/ (http://www.infowars.com/the-conspiracy-theory-conspiracy-2/)
(3) International Conference: Covert Harassment and Mind Control http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/08/international-conference-covert.html (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/08/international-conference-covert.html)
(4) THE STOCK MARKET CRASH IS NOW http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/23-nations-around-the-world-where-stock-market-crashes-are-already-happening (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/23-nations-around-the-world-where-stock-market-crashes-are-already-happening)
(5) “Effects of WiFi on girls and reproduction are becoming severe” http://ssita.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/WiFi-aThalidomideinthemaking-whocares.pdf (http://ssita.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/WiFi-aThalidomideinthemaking-whocares.pdf)
(6) Extremely powerful explosions rock Tianjin, China http://abcnews.go.com/International/dramatic-video-shows-deadly-explosion-rocked-tianjin-china/story?id=33076015 (http://abcnews.go.com/International/dramatic-video-shows-deadly-explosion-rocked-tianjin-china/story?id=33076015)
(7) Explosions hit China’s Port of Tianjin (with “toasted cars”) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-disaster-zone-tianjin-new-explosions/ (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-disaster-zone-tianjin-new-explosions/)
(8) Was US retaliating on China for devaluing its currency? http://www.naturalnews.com/050816_Tianjin_explosion_space-based_weapons_military_retaliation.html (http://www.naturalnews.com/050816_Tianjin_explosion_space-based_weapons_military_retaliation.html)
(9) Was Bangkok bomber an American? http://heavy.com/news/2015/08/bangkok-erawan-hindu-shrine-bomber-identity-photo-picture-fake-passport-american-stephen-larry-fahl-united-states-thailand/ (http://heavy.com/news/2015/08/bangkok-erawan-hindu-shrine-bomber-identity-photo-picture-fake-passport-american-stephen-larry-fahl-united-states-thailand/)
(10) Another in a series of explosions since military took control http://tomatobubble.com/id879.html (http://tomatobubble.com/id879.html)
(11) Z-big: Rejecting Iran deal would bring “devastating consequences” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/zbigniew-brzezinski-iran-nuclear-deal-consequences/2015/08/18/id/670623/?
(12) What your Senators don’t know about ISIS and IRAN–Let them know NOW!

(13) Mega-donors have upper hand in lobbying over Iran deal http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2015/08/13/mega-donors-opposing-iran-deal-have-upper-hand-in-fierce-lobbying-battle/?postshare=5431439490189338 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2015/08/13/mega-donors-opposing-iran-deal-have-upper-hand-in-fierce-lobbying-battle/?postshare=5431439490189338)
(14) Undecided Democrats heed voters, not political advertising http://www.timesofisrael.com/democrats-undeclared-on-iran-deal-heed-voters-not-ads/ (http://www.timesofisrael.com/democrats-undeclared-on-iran-deal-heed-voters-not-ads/)
(15) Iran deal should mean scaling back BMD, but admin says, “No connection” http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/16/iran-deal-bmd-plans-hot-issue-to-hit-world-media-headlines.html (http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/16/iran-deal-bmd-plans-hot-issue-to-hit-world-media-headlines.html)
(16) Russia sending batteries of S-300s to Iran
http://fakti.org/oruzje/amerikanci-nezadovoljni-prodajom-s-300-iranu-i-prete-rusiji-novim-sankcijama (http://fakti.org/oruzje/amerikanci-nezadovoljni-prodajom-s-300-iranu-i-prete-rusiji-novim-sankcijama)
(17) ISIS enshrines a theology of rape http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/world/middleeast/isis-enshrines-a-theology-of-rape.html?emc=edit_th_20150814&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=20235473 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/world/middleeast/isis-enshrines-a-theology-of-rape.html?emc=edit_th_20150814&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=20235473)
(18) Paul Craig Roberts: FBI evidence proves innocence of Tsarnaev brothers
(19) Ron Paul confirms: DIA created ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kftWvPIQjEE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kftWvPIQjEE)
(20) Russia supplies MiG-31 aircraft interceptors to Syria “to fight ISIS” http://www.ibtimes.com/russia-supplies-syria-mig-31m-fighter-jets-help-fight-islamic-state-group-report-2057187 (http://www.ibtimes.com/russia-supplies-syria-mig-31m-fighter-jets-help-fight-islamic-state-group-report-2057187)
(21) Peter Dale Scott on the Rise of the Anti-Terrorist State http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-government-protection-of-al-qaeda-terrorists-and-the-us-saudi-black-hole/5344934 (http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-government-protection-of-al-qaeda-terrorists-and-the-us-saudi-black-hole/5344934)
(22) Pentagon under fire for guidelines likening war reporters to belligerents http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11794720/Pentagon-under-fire-for-guidelines-that-liken-war-reporters-to-belligerents.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11794720/Pentagon-under-fire-for-guidelines-that-liken-war-reporters-to-belligerents.html)
(23) Trump: To defeat ISIS, we must deprive it of its oil http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/usnews/item/358-donald-trump-tells-sean-hannity-that-we-have-to-go-in-with-force-and-take-the-oil-from-iran (http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/usnews/item/358-donald-trump-tells-sean-hannity-that-we-have-to-go-in-with-force-and-take-the-oil-from-iran)
(24) GOP openly lashing out at its own base http://patriotnewsdaily.com/gop-openly-lashing-out-at-base/ (http://patriotnewsdaily.com/gop-openly-lashing-out-at-base/)
(25) Iraq War and family ties bind Jeb Bush http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/elections-2016/jeb-bush/article31157489.html (http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/elections-2016/jeb-bush/article31157489.html)
(26) Ben Carson wants to mandate vaccinations with no exceptions http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/14/at-least-one-presidential-candidate-wants-to-mandate-vaccines-regardless-of-philosophical-or-religious-beliefs/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/14/at-least-one-presidential-candidate-wants-to-mandate-vaccines-regardless-of-philosophical-or-religious-beliefs/)
(27) Carly Fiorina replaced profit sharing with bonuses, mergers and sell offs http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/13/carly-fiorina-is-no-conservative
candidate/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/13/carly-fiorina-is-no-conservative-candidate/)
(28) Huckabee would deny abortion to 10-year-old child victim of rape http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/08/17/huckabee-supports-denying-abortion-to-10-year-old-rape-victim/ (http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/08/17/huckabee-supports-denying-abortion-to-10-year-old-rape-victim/)
(29) Cynthia Tucker: Abortion opponents don’t care about children http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/guest/cynthia-tucker-abortion-opponents-show-little-concern-for-poor-kids/article_415d4655-4e93-5054-a8a0-305f7caeecea.html (http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/guest/cynthia-tucker-abortion-opponents-show-little-concern-for-poor-kids/article_415d4655-4e93-5054-a8a0-305f7caeecea.html)
(30) Where many Republicans want to put fetal tissue
(31) Jim Fetzer: Life, Personhood not the same http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/mailbag/jim-fetzer-life-personhood-are-not-the-same/article_1d580e60-22cb-11e1-8cf7-001871e3ce6c.html (http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/mailbag/jim-fetzer-life-personhood-are-not-the-same/article_1d580e60-22cb-11e1-8cf7-001871e3ce6c.html)
(32) Faith leaders speak out on behalf of Planned Parenthood http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/08/15/faith-leaders-a-world-without-planned-parenthood-would-be-disastrous/ (http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/08/15/faith-leaders-a-world-without-planned-parenthood-would-be-disastrous/)
(33) Hillary flagged for 300 emails that appear to breach security http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/1658023/300-hillary-clinton-emails-flagged-security-breaches/ (http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/1658023/300-hillary-clinton-emails-flagged-security-breaches/)
(34) Bernie Sanders surging in Vermont http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/1655275/bernie-sanders-surges-new-poll-closing-gap-hillary-clinton (http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/1655275/bernie-sanders-surges-new-poll-closing-gap-hillary-clinton)
(35) JADE HELM occupies Barstow, CA, in rental trucks and hay waggons http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/14/special-ops-soldiers-use-rental-trucks-to-infiltrate-occupy-california-town/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/14/special-ops-soldiers-use-rental-trucks-to-infiltrate-occupy-california-town/)
(36) Architects confirm guard towers on shopping malls are not natural or required http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/08/14/architects-confirm-shopping-malls-will-become-fema-camps/?
(37) Environmentalists sue EPA over “dead zone” in Gulf of Mexico http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/32354-environmentalists-sue-epa-over-dead-zone-in-gulf-of-mexico# (http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/32354-environmentalists-sue-epa-over-dead-zone-in-gulf-of-mexico#)
(38) Science study: Coal fly ash being used in geo-engineering http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-confirms-contamination-from-climate-engineering-assault/? (http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-confirms-contamination-from-climate-engineering-assault/?inf_contact_key=ed015af6fd7e07cddfac4b6dd2eee4dc1 d8019489e9601f5feb6967d52e59f20)
(39) Chem trails: raising pH and lowering IQ http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/world/item/312-chemtrails-smart-dust-transhumanism-and-the-great-global-warming-lie (http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/world/item/312-chemtrails-smart-dust-transhumanism-and-the-great-global-warming-lie)
(40) EPA deliberately polluted river to justify funding for EPA http://www.naturalnews.com/050772_EPA_pollution_Animas_River_federal_funding. html (http://www.naturalnews.com/050772_EPA_pollution_Animas_River_federal_funding. html)
(41) Animus River may remain toxic for decades (if not forever) http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/animas-river-may-remain-toxic-for-decades/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/animas-river-may-remain-toxic-for-decades/)
(42) FDA approves Oxycontin for kids (based on study by its manufacturer) http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/fda-approves-addictive-painkiller-oxycontin-for-children/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/fda-approves-addictive-painkiller-oxycontin-for-children/)
(43) Popular radio host (Gary Null) censored over vaccination interview on “Guns and Butter” http://www.naturalblaze.com/2015/05/popular-radio-host-and-guest-censored.html (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2015/05/popular-radio-host-and-guest-censored.html)
(44) 90,000 instant deaths and nuclear winter across US if Yellowstone Volcano blows http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/experts-warn-of-90000-instant-deaths-and-a-nuclear-winter-across-america-if-yellowstone-supervolcano-erupts/ (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/15/experts-warn-of-90000-instant-deaths-and-a-nuclear-winter-across-america-if-yellowstone-supervolcano-erupts/)
(45) Signs Japanese volcano may blow http://enenews.com/author/admin (http://enenews.com/author/admin)
(46) Ryuko Professor Emeritus: Mt. Fuji should erupt by 2015 http://en.rocketnews24.com/2013/01/08/mt-fuji-should-erupt-by-2015-ryuku-university-professor-emeritus/ (http://en.rocketnews24.com/2013/01/08/mt-fuji-should-erupt-by-2015-ryuku-university-professor-emeritus/)
(47) Fukushijma and the Future of Species https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwQjB1hcM6E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwQjB1hcM6E)
(48) Pretrial hearing for alleged “9/11 Mastermind” cancelled (again)!http://www.voanews.com/content/pretrial-hearing-alleged-september-eleventh-mastermind-canceled/2919052.html (http://www.voanews.com/content/pretrial-hearing-alleged-september-eleventh-mastermind-canceled/2919052.html)
(49) Using children to extract “confessions” under duress http://www.dcdave.com/article5/150818.htm (http://www.dcdave.com/article5/150818.htm)
(50) 86-year-old woman charges Central Council of Jews with lying about Germanyhttp://justice4germans.com/2014/12/17/86-year-old-german-woman-lays-charges-against-the-central-council-of-the-jews-in-germany/ (http://justice4germans.com/2014/12/17/86-year-old-german-woman-lays-charges-against-the-central-council-of-the-jews-in-germany/)
(51) Public servants who refuse to serve the public (personal beliefs vs. role responsibilities)http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/31871-when-public-servants-refuse-to-serve-the-public (http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/31871-when-public-servants-refuse-to-serve-the-public)
(52) Who rules the world? David Duke vs. Alex Jones

23rd August 2015, 01:48 AM
Took my son to see him a couple of weeks ago in Vacouver. Great speech. Though I found it unfortunate that the event was only 40-50 people in attendance. Btw, the book is a collection of writers that submit their thoughts (article) on the event. As per KB, he says that some write from a standpoint that the event was real. Kevin only edited this and has a foreword at the beginning. I can't see them banning it. He also said he made a mistake in the book and corrected it at the event, explaining what had happened (Nothing major but I'll have to find out what it was again). Anyways, I'll let you know if its a "hate book" after I finish reading it...... YT search 'Barrett Hebdo' to find vids of several of his live presentations :)

23rd August 2015, 08:58 PM
Barrett's back from his 1 month book promo tour, and has a couple new podcasts up...

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.08.21 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/08/truth-jihad-radio-with-kevin-barrett.html)

http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg (http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg)
James Perloff unravels the mysteries of Flight 11; Art Olivier warns of neocon false flag targeting Iran

First hour: What really happened to the passenger airliners of 9/11? How was the illusion of hijackings manufactured? Bestselling author and NWO critic James Perloff (http://jamesperloff.com/) writes: "Hello, friends. I’ve just published a new post on 9/11, Unraveling the Mysteries of Flight 11 (http://jamesperloff.com/2015/08/12/unraveling-the-mysteries-of-flight-11/). I learned a few new things while writing it." Such as:
"On 9/11, The Flight 11 Crew KNEW They Were Taking Part In a Terror Drill!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfCF99GdFvg)

Second hour: Art Olivier, maker of the classic 9/11 truth action film Operation Terror (http://operationterror.com/), thinks Iran is being set up:

"The United States is unfreezing Iranian assets while allowing Iran to buy aerial tankers and advanced fighter jets that the United States funded the development of. Looks like the stars may be aligned for the world’s greatest false-flag attack."

Watch Art's video laying it out: YT Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCKpN479Vzo)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
Freedom Slips.com
32k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/TruthJihadRadioWithKevinBarrett2015.08.21/Truth%20Jihad%20radio%20with%20Kevin%20Barrett%202 015.08.21.Perloff.Olivier.mp3)

27th August 2015, 11:17 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2015

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.08.27 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/08/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_27.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

64k CF (http://noliesradio.org/archives/103221)Download MP3
(https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.08.27/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.08.27.mp3)
YT vid & More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/103221)



Public Service Announcements

1) PSA: Kevin Barrett, Arcadia Books, Spring Green, 30 August 2
PM/ https://www.facebook.com/events/896497983719838/
2) PSA: Conference on Covert Harassment and Mind Control, Berlin 1-2
October http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/world/item/370-conference-covert-harassment-and-mind-control-berlin-1-2-october-2015
Economic war breaks out – world economy sinking

3) Great fall of China sinks world stocks, dollar tumbles
4) Stock Market Trading frozen 1,200 times on Monday
5) Dennis Kleinfeld–China devaluation did not cause crash; US government did!
6) Economic Destabilization Financial Meltdown and the Rigging of the Shanghai Stock
Market? http://www.globalresearch.ca/economic-destabilization-financial-meltdown-and-the-rigging-of-the-shanghai-stock-market/5471533
7) Warning from British official: stock up on 1 month’s food water canned goods http://investmentwatchblog.com/whoa-british-official-warning-public-stock-up-on-food-water-canned-goods-cash-enough-to-survive-1-month-banks-may-closestock-meltdown/
WWIII beginning in Asia?

8) Confirmation Tianjin was nuked (fireball, toasted cars, more) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/08/25/confirmation-tianjin-was-nuked/
9) China suffers another massive (chemical) explosion http://crimesofempire.com/2015/08/23/china-suffers-another-massive-chemical-warehouse-explosion-ten-days-after-tianjin/
10) US ammo dump explodes in Japan. (Mossad out to provoke war?) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/huge-explosions-army-base-japan-6306696
11) North Korea goes on war footing against South Korea as deadline looms
War on Russia

12) All out war on Russia’s doorstep with massive move in Ukraine
13) Russia to kill drones with super-high-frequency cannon http://www.rt.com/news/267187-shf-cannon-russia-drones/
14) US tests “Star Wars” space weapons
15) Ft. Bragg troops told to prepare for domestic nuclear terror disaster http://skywatchtv.com/2015/08/23/fort-bragg-troops-told-to-prepare-for-domestic-nuclear-terror-disaster/
16) Orthodox Church calls for alternative financial system in Russia
False flag follies

17)Paris train shooting another false flag?
18) Reporter/videographer shot to death on live TV
19) Questions raised about Virginia shooting – another false flag? http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/08/26/daily-shooter-made-for-tv-shooting-reporter-cameraman-gunned-down-live-on-air-videos/
20) VA Reporter/Camerman shooting faked?

21) Sandy Hook plaintiffs get $94k in settlement against Lanza estate http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2015/08/21/sandy-hook-families-each-gets-94k-to-settle-lawsuits-against-lanza-estate/
22) Lanza home empty furnished to serve as prop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-MQUePczdo
23) Obama reviving UN Arms Treaty to subvert the 2nd Amendment https://prayfor.us/150824_37548_p4us_pp_Obama_Mexico_UN_Arms_Treaty/
Genocide of Muslims triggered by false flags

24) Revisiting US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/22/return-bush-america-revisiting-american-war-crimes-iraq-afghanistan.html
25) 4 Million Muslims killed in “War on Terror”: Genocide or not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqORQJ7boy8
26) 8 million Muslims murdered in USA Wars since 1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqORQJ7boy8
27) Indian anti-corruption official: state “orchestrated” Islamist terror
28) Outrage over Michigan cities plan Ramadan celebrations on 9/11
29) Americans finally learning about “false flag” terrorism
Iran nuke deal – will Zionists subvert it?

30) Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid supports Iran nuke deal http://www.nationalmemo.com/u-s-democratic-senate-leader-reid-backs-iran-nuclear-deal/
31) Ben and Jerry back Iran deal
32) Massive lies to subvert Iran nuke deal http://www.stopthebadirandeal.com/call_cardin/
33) 80,000 UK demand Netanyahu be arrested for war crimes
34) Bibi has planned to attack Iran three times 2010-2012 http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/31971-focus-netanyahu-was-on-verge-of-attacking-iran-3-times-2010-12
35) Israel planned to strike Iran in 2010, 2011, and
2012 http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/22/middleeast/israel-plan-iran-military-target-strike/index.html
36) Israeli plans to attack Iran blocked by its own military
37) Noam Chomsky: “The Iranian Threat”: Who is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?
38) Why Obama is wrong on ISIS, but right on IRAN http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/usnews/item/380-why-obama-is-wrong-about-isis-but-right-about-iran-let-your-senators-know
39) US lawmaker asks for halt to military aid to Israel http://www.daysofpalestine.com/news/us-lawmaker-asks-military-aid-israel-halted/
Alex Jones vs. David Duke

40) Fallout from Alex Jones vs. David Duke continues unabated http://planet.infowars.com/activism/alex-jones-vs-david-duke-the-debate-continues
41) David Duke debates Alex Jones on inforwars.com (http://inforwars.com/)
42) IQ, Race and Politics with Dr. David Duke
Freedom and justice for all? Not any more

43) Paul Craig Roberts: America–A Land where Justice is Absent http://www.globalresearch.ca/america-a-land-where-justice-is-absent/5470616
44) Windows 10 may be banned in Switzerland
45) New studies show US ranking on “freedom” in swift decline
Election hijinks

46) Jeb Bush calls for MORE SURVEILLANCE in American society
47) Jeb Bush accuses Donald Trump of being “a liberal” http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/08/watch_donald_trump_holds_massive_rally_at_alabama_ football_stadium.html
48) RNC desperate to take down Trump, Former Advisor reports
49) The Donald’s New Ad: Barbara Bush does not support Jeb
50) Cornel West–Why I endorse Bernie Sanders Cornel West–Why I endorse Bernie Sanders

51) Britain’s Labour Party Purge is Underway. Preventing “Supporters” from Voting for Jeremy
Corbyn http://www.globalresearch.ca/britains-labour-party-purge-is-underway-preventing-supporters-from-voting-for-jeremy-corbyn/5471194
Nestle’s criminal capitalism

52) Nestle pays $524 for 27,000,000 gallons of California drinking water
53 )Nestle’s conduct exemplifies Milton Friedman’s principle http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/ar/corruption/item/315-profitability-and-immorality-philosophical-reflections-on-capitalism
Jade Helm

54) Reports of forced micro-chipping in Texas during JADE HELM http://unitedmediapublishing.com/clint-tx-residents-report-forced-micro-chipping-by-jade-helm-operatives/
55) Airborne to parachute into camp as part of JADE HELM
Odds & Ends

56) New peer-reviewed article on the falsification of the JFK X-rays at
Bethesda http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/false-flags/item/379-new-study-of-jfk-autopsy-reveals-falsification-of-x-rays

29th August 2015, 04:19 AM
Took my son to see him a couple of weeks ago in Vacouver. Great speech. Though I found it unfortunate that the event was only 40-50 people in attendance. Btw, the book is a collection of writers that submit their thoughts (article) on the event. As per KB, he says that some write from a standpoint that the event was real. Kevin only edited this and has a foreword at the beginning. I can't see them banning it. He also said he made a mistake in the book and corrected it at the event, explaining what had happened (Nothing major but I'll have to find out what it was again). Anyways, I'll let you know if its a "hate book" after I finish reading it......

1st 1/2 hour of this show with Martin Hill, KB goes quite a bit into the roadtrip with his family this Summer. Pretty interesting. I don't have the patience for the 2nd guest, or any 'pundit' opining about next year's election under the presumption that US "election" outcomes accurately reflect how people voted... see my siggy link!

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.08.28 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/08/truth-jihad-radio-with-kevin-barrett_28.html)

http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg (http://i58.tinypic.com/vy136u.jpg)
Martin Hill on summer travels, Rolf Lindgren on 2016 presidential race

First half hour: Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com (http://libertyfight.com/)talks to Kevin about summer travels (Martin went to Europe while Kevin & family drove their '94 Nissan Quest on a 7,000 mile =10,000 kilometer Charlie Hebdo Book Tour (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2015/08/back-from-book-tour-broadcasts-resume.html)).

Intermission: Kevin calls B'nai Brith Canada to try to find out why they tried to shut down the book talks in Jasper and Edmonton (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/08/18/is-harpers-hate-speech-contaminating-canada/).

Second half hour: Rolf Lindgren discusses the presidential race, noting the meteoric rise of Trump and predicting his equally meteoric fall. Rolf still thinks Rand Paul will win the presidency; he predicts Martin O'Malley as the Democratic nominee.

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
24k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/TruthJihadRadioWithKevinBarrett2015.08.28/Truth%20Jihad%20radio%20with%20Kevin%20Barrett%202 015.08.28.mp3)

5th September 2015, 03:26 PM

Thursday, September 3, 2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.09.03

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

64k CF Download


(https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.09.03/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.09.03.mp3) TODAY’S NEWS STORIES ANDTHEIR SOURCE LINKS

1) 9/11 truth film festival to be live-streamed http://noliesradio.org/filmfestival
Peace with Iran?
2) Obama seals Iran deal win as Senate Democrats find 34 votes http://bigstory.ap.org/article/88e420bc926143f086b5a5c0db561949/obama-locking-votes-senate-iran-nuclear-deal
3) Swiss give Bibi Netanyahu “the bird” (like Obama and the Senate just did)
4) US intel: Iran not pursuing nukes/Sanctions are war crimes http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/usnews/item/326-us-intel-iran-not-pursuing-nukes-sanctions-violate-geneva-conventions-and-are-war-crimes
5) Attack on “Rabbis for Hamas, Obama and Iran” by Zionist zealot http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2015/08/rabbis-for-hamas-obama-and-iran_31.html
6) Cruz, Trump to hold anti-Iran rally at US Capitol 9 September
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Cruz-Trump-to-Hold-Anti-Iran-Rally-at-US-Capitol–20150829-0001.html (http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Cruz-Trump-to-Hold-Anti-Iran-Rally-at-US-Capitol--20150829-0001.html)
7) 200 generals/admirals oppose Iran nuke deal http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/29/200-us-generals-admirals-and-others-just-stepped-up-to-obama/
War on China
7.5) Five Chinese warships operating off coast of Alaska
8) China eclipsing US dollar by Yuan http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/30/washington-financial-currency-war-china-eclipsing-us-dollar-yuan.html
9) Another factory blast rocks China http://www.rt.com/news/313933-china-factory-blast-new/
10) Military Parade in Beijing displays new weapons as Putin watches noliesradio.org/archives/95170 (http://noliesradio.org/archives/95170)
War on Russia
10.5) What are Russians doing off the coast of Florida? http://govtslaves.info/russians-coast-florida/
11) War with Russia seems Likely http://americanfreepress.net/?p=27900
12) US deploying its most advanced F-22 fighters to Europe
13) Rejoice! Russian cavalry rides to the rescue of Assad and Syria
14) Kiev preparing chemical attack on eastern Ukraine http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/20150828
15) US to create Elite Police Unit in Ukraine http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/31/us-to-create-elite-police-unit-in-ukraine.html
16) Crisis in the Ukraine compliments of the Kagan family http://mycatbirdseat.com/2014/03/51005-crisis-in-ukraine-fomented-by-the-neo-con-kagan-family/
Rigged elections
17) How Google could rig the 2016 election http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/how-google-could-rig-the-2016-election-121548
18) Obama’s new tech advisor proved how easy it is to hack voting machines http://gizmodo.com/obamas-new-tech-advisor-proved-how-easy-it-is-to-hack-v-1703703152
19) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: The difference between Trump and Sanders http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/32167-focus-this-is-the-difference-between-donald-trump-and-bernie-sanders
Middle East madness
20) Reports ISIS damages ancient temple in Syria
21) Pentagon not targeting ISIS training camps
22) Viral Video of women fighting Israeli soldier assaulting 12-year-old boy https://news.vice.com/article/viral-video-of-women-fighting-israeli-soldier-spotlights-harsh-treatment-of-stone-throwers
23) Egypt building water pipeline to flood Palestinian tunnels
24) In Egypt Al-Jazzera journalists found guilty of creating fake news http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/08/31/al-jazeera-journalists-found-guilty-of-creating-fake-news-in-egypt/
Dubious “daily shooter” incidents: Gladio gun grab?
25) Exposing the Virginia shooting hoax https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Aula8Aq-zo
26) Jim Stone rips apart staged Virginia shooting scenario
27) More on faking the Virginia
shooting http://nodisinfo.com/virginia-tv-crew-fake-shooting-gun-control-plot-confirmed/
28) Doubts about San Antonio cop shooting video
29) Are mass shootings false flags? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/09/01/shooter/
30) UN plot to confiscate weapons moves forward (THREE SLIDES) http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/08/25/thanks-to-congress-the-un-plot-to-confiscate-american-guns-took-a-giant-step-forward/
31) Write in opposition to Obama’s executive gun-grab orders https://prayfor.us/150828_37730_p4us_pp_Obama_Mental_Gun_Control/
32) 170 million more guns, violent crimes drop 51% http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/02/violent-crime-in-america-dropped-51-as-americans-bought-170-million-guns/
33) Armed man defends six people against assault – one bad guy dead http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/31/armed-man-defends-6-people-including-baby-during-home-invasion-1-bad-guy-dead/
Homeland Tyranny
34) West Point professor targets “war on terror” critics for violence http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/29/west-point-professor-target-legal-critics-war-on-terror
35) West Point professor’s plan to bomb newsrooms, colleges stems from 9/11 Big Lie http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/08/31/bradford/
36) CA stores harassing employees working against vaccine mandate
37) Secret government plan to disable cell phones – at its discretion
38) AP sues government over fake FBI article with spy virus embed http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/08/29/ap-sues-us-govt-over-fake-fbi-news-article-booby-trapped-with-surveillance-virus/
39) Police strip search and detail disabled man without justification
https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/update_police_govt_insist_they_had_probable_cause_ to_arrest_strip_search_de
40) Florida Sheriff pulled over with an APC in Gainesville, FL
Decline of Western civilization
41) Aussie pedophile ring 45,000-strong busted
42) Wayne Madsen: Has Gladio returned to Europe? http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/29/has-gladio-returned-to-europe.html
43) Packed trains reach Germany as visa checks are waived http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/01/trains-of-refugees-reach-germany-as-eu-asylum-checks-collapse?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
44) Kentucky Clerk defies Court by refusing to issue marriage licenses http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/02/us/same-sex-marriage-kentucky-kim-davis.html?_r=0
45) Muslim stewardess refused to serve alcoholic drinks http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/02/muslima-stewardess-refuses-to-serve-alcohol-hamas-cair-claims-airline-violated-her-constitutional-rights/
46) Muslim/Catholic/Agnostic debate abortion and stem-cell research http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2015/09/a-catholic-muslim-and-secular-humanist.html
47) Pope allows priests to forgive abortion http://host.madison.com/lifestyles/faith-and-values/pope-priests-in-holy-year-can-absolve-sin-of-abortion/article_82bf57a4-31d6-5cbe-870e-83453a65e2ea.html
48) WSJ Op/Ed: GOP should drop fetal tissue bill http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/editorial/gop-should-drop-fetal-tissue-bill/article_cb7c7e7e-c99b-5aa5-b196-eba40ef39750.html
49) Judge rules against forcing pro-life organizations to provide birth control
End of the World News
50) Fukushima: The End of Mankind?
51) MUFON reports UFOs following Donald Trump’s plane

8th September 2015, 06:03 PM
this week's FFWN pulled back to tuesday coz thurs is 911 anniversary and both KB & JF have other engagements.




1) PSA: 2015 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland this Thursday – catch the livestream! http://noliesradio.org/filmfestival
2) PSA: International Conference: Covert Harassment/Mind Control, Berlin 1-2 October
3) PSA: Ole Dammegard on Tour September-October http://lightonconspiracies.com/newsite/tour-sept-oct-2015#


9/11 Anniversary: Rumors of false flags “in the air”
4) Aircraft anti-collision system down for September http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/08/last-minute-warning-anticollision-systems-unreliable-off-east-coast-for-entire-month-of-september-due-to-navy-drill/
5) Air Collision Avoidance System shut down/first time since 9/11
6) Military jamming crash avoidance systems http://www.flyingmag.com/news/ads-b-tcas-unreliable-us-southeast
7) The 9/11 Crash Sites with Maj. Gen. Stubblebein (ret.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65H8XbrQHBg
8) Rivero: No plane hit Pentagon DISINFO
9) Chemtrail Pilot exposes Operation Indigo Skyfold http://myeclinik.com/chemtrail-pilot-blows-the-lid-off-operation-indigo-skyfold/
10) DOD Drills Boston 10-14 September
11) Urban Shield Alameda County California September 11th-14th 2015 http://www.urbanshield.org/
12) Wood shows Virginia shooting done in two takes http://imgur.com/a/3XF50
13) FFWN: Wolfgang Halbig calls out the Sandy Hook Cover Up http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/false-flags/item/403-the-latest-on-sandy-hook-wolfgang-halbig-calls-out-the
14) Owning cars more dangerous than owning guns http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/06/owning-a-car-is-80-more-dangerous-than-owning-a-gun/


Iran deal: Mixed messages
15) Debbie Wasserman Schultz on CNN, backs Iran deal
16) Defense Secretary: We are ready to attack Iran http://news.antiwar.com/2015/09/04/defense-secretary-pentagon-to-redouble-anti-iran-efforts-after-nuclear-deal/
17) “Congressional Democrats paid off by Iran” (!) – hypocritical Zionist chutzpah goes through the roof http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/04/congressional-democrats-paid-by-iranian-lobby-to-support-obamas-nuke-deal/#comments


“Terror” hypocrisy

18) Jim Stone: US sponsorship of ISIS confirmed
19) Robert Parry, “A Dangerous Redefinition of ‘terrorism'”
20) US dropped anthrax, bubonic plague, encephalitis, and cholera on
China and North
Korea http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/09/06/fleas-bubonic-plague-north-korea/


War on Russia
21) Russia building military base in Syria http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11846382/Russia-is-building-military-base-in-Syria.html
22) Russia denies fighter-jets-in-Syria story http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/09/02/putin-spokesman-confirms-vt-charge-of-syrian-jets-story-hoax/
23) Russia and Syria: The Die is Cast http://www.unz.com/ishamir/the-die-is-cast/
24) Japan forced to abandon dollar because of US sanctions on Russia http://sputniknews.com/business/20150903/1026525213.html
25) Russia to pass law dumping the dollar
26) Russia invited to join OPEC http://tass.ru/en/economy/819159
27) Putin puts Central Military District on alert


European immigration crisis
28) The Refugee Crisis and Genocidal NATO intervention http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-refugee-crisis-and-the-genocidal-nature-of-us-nato-interventions/5474296
29) Austrian intel: US funding immigration


GOP trumps Trump?
30) Trump signs “No third party run” pledge with GOP
31) Paul Krugman: Trump is right on economics http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/32258-trump-is-right-on-economics
32) Real wages fallen for low income workers


New World Order attacking our minds and bodies
33) Fukushima radiation poisoning global food supply http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2014/08/01/forget-mh-17-Fukushima-radiation-poisoning-global-food-supply/
34) More vaccines, more autism
http://www.naturalnews.com/051037_vaccine_schedule_immunization_dangers_pharm aceutical_corruption.html
35) Corporate food: Will it make you fat and sick? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/09/06/corporate-food-will-it-make-you-fat-and-sick/
36) The creation of HIV/AIDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=47&v=NT3B2NF9cDk
37) The Dumbing Down of America https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201407/anti-intellectualism-and-the-dumbing-down-america
37) Andre Vltchek: The West spreads intellectual idiocy!
38) Student expelled for disagreeing with denial of Indian genocide http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2015/09/06/history-professor-denies-native-genocide-native-student-disagrees-gets-expelled-course
39) Psy-ops spreads lies about Louis Farrakhan – are they panicking about the 10-10-15 “Justice or Else” million-man 9/11 truth march?
40) How Hollywood manages history http://www.globalresearch.ca/cultural-imperialism-and-perception-management-how-hollywood-hides-us-war-crimes/5473497
41) Jewish Columnist: Greatest mass murderers of all time were Jews http://davidduke.com/the-greatest-mass-murderers-of-all-time-were-jews-says-jewish-columnist/
42) Sociologist James Petras speaks out on “Jewish superiority” & Zionism http://noliesradio.org/archives/103708


Odds & ends
43) Changing governance by executive order
44) The abortion debate continues http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2015/09/a-catholic-muslim-and-secular-humanist.html
45) Phoenix Program: Dry run for JADE HELM? http://www.abeldanger.net/2014/06/the-phoenix-program-dry-run-for-current.html
46) Earth now facing sixth “mass extinction” http://investmentwatchblog.com/earth-now-facing-sixth-mass-extinction-as-hawaiis-extinction-crisis-accelerates/
47) 50th anniversary celebrations of 1965 New Hampshire UFO sighting http://bigstory.ap.org/article/1c71f4684b9e425d9786418499569576/new-hampshire-town-celebrates-notable-65-ufo-sighting

24th September 2015, 03:41 PM
audio only below, YT version & source links @ More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/104432)

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.09.24 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/09/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_24.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/104432)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

64k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.09.24/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.09.24.mp3)

22nd October 2015, 07:09 PM
YT & MP3 audio below; find source links at: More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/105457)

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.10.22 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/10/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin_22.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There



More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/105457)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

64k CF Download MP3 (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNewsWithKevinBarrettAndJimFetzer201 5.10.22/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%20with%20Kevin%20Barr ett%20and%20Jim%20Fetzer%202015.10.22.mp3)

4th December 2015, 07:10 AM
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.12.3 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/12/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cQQMciTVln8/VQtYazhmmxI/AAAAAAAAAGc/4zJL11lRWqg/s1600/falseflagnewslogo.jpg)

It’s a False Flag World Out There

More Info Here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/107321)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)
TruthJihad.com (http://truthjihad.com/)
NoLiesRadio Archive (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news)

Download (https://ia601502.us.archive.org/30/items/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2015.12.3/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%202015.12.3.mp3)

Download in other formats at: Archive.org (https://archive.org/details/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2015.12.3)

11th December 2015, 12:23 AM



(0) FFWN PSA: False Flag Islamophobia Conference: Live Stream from Paris Saturday, December 12th

(1) FFWN: Trump Calls for ‘Complete Shutdown’ of Muslims Entering the U.S.
(2) FFWN: BOLD PAC demands GOP condemn Trump
http://go.boldpac.com/page/s/RNC-Denounce-Trump?source=MS_EM_PET_2015.12.09_B1_trump_X__F2_S 1_C1__all_T5
(3) FFWN: CREDO wants MSNBC and CNN to stop covering Trump
(4) FFWN: Democrats smear Trump
(5) FFWN: DCCC denounces Trump
(7) FFWN: Cheney slams Trump over Muslim ban
(8) FFWN: White House (attempts to) disqualify Trump as candidate
(9) FFWN: Obama uses “no fly list” to ban guns
http://www.blacklistednews.com/How_Obama_is_Using_the_Grossly_Unconstitutional_“N o_Fly_List”_to_Push_Gun_Control/47685/0/38/38/Y/M.html (http://www.blacklistednews.com/How_Obama_is_Using_the_Grossly_Unconstitutional_%E 2%80%9CNo_Fly_List%E2%80%9D_to_Push_Gun_Control/47685/0/38/38/Y/M.html)
(10) FFWN: Oama’s no fly/no buy violates 2nd and 5th Amendments
(10.5) Rand stands with Trump / Top 10 Reasons Obama is unqualified http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/rand-paul-backs-trump-unleashes-top-ten-things-that-make-obama-unqualified-for-office_12092015 (http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/rand-paul-backs-trump-unleashes-top-ten-things-that-make-obama-unqualified-for-office_12092015)
(11) FFWN: West Point Instructor calls for military coup
(12) FFWN: Trump surges in the polls
(13) FFWN: Arun Kundnini, Trump is coming! Trump is coming!

(14) FFWN: Glenn Greenwald: Trump not far outslide Mainstream

(16) FFWN: Obama: Terrorists will stop attacking if we pass gun control laws
(17) FFWN: Detroit Police Chief: Arm Citizens, Deter Terrorists
(18) FFWN: New York Sheriff issues “Call to Arms!”
(19) FFWN: Crimes officially attributed to Muslims since 9/11
(20) FFWN: CIA sought Muslim invasion of USSR in 1952
(21) FFWN: Soros and CIA were targeting USSR in 1987
(22) FFWN: Donald J. Trump, Come to St. Petersburg!



(23) FFWN: San Bernardino story shot full of holes by family attorney
(24) FFWN: Truth vs. NEW$ with Scott Bennett and Michael Jay
(24.5) Truth Unite with Scott Bennett and Michael Jay on San Bernardino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0K0oa1CUis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0K0oa1CUis)

(25) FFWN: Staged shootings from Sandy Hook to San Bernardino
(26) FFWN: San Bernardino Shooters Were “White” – Eyewitnesses
(27) FFWN: Former Intel Contractor–Craft carried out San Bernardino attack
(28) FFWN: San Bernardino shooting linked to Boston bombing
(29) FFWN: Jim Stone on San Bernardino
(30) FFWN: Gun sales soar with gun-ban rhetoric
(30.5) FFWN: Martial law may come with the next staged event


(31) FFWN: Emanuel running scared/White House, Hillary concerned
http://www.amazon.com/The-Clintons-Women-Roger-Stone/dp/151070678 (http://www.amazon.com/The-Clintons-Women-Roger-Stone/dp/151070678X)
(33) FFWN: Roger Stone and the Bush crime family


(34) FFWN: US attacks Syrian Army base, world awaits Russian response
(35.1) FFWN: Syrian Civil War: Rare Truce Sees Rebels Leave Besieged Homs Area
(35) FFWN: Syria slams US-led coalition deadly strike against troops as ‘act of aggression’
(36) FFWN: German Vice Chancellor warns Saudi Arabia about funding extremists
(37) FFWN: Assad accuses US, UK, France and SA of supporting ISIS http://www.makewarshistory.co.uk/
(38) FFWN: Syria: Ultimate Pipelinestan War
(39) FFWN: Turkey building airbase in Iraq http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940916001189


(40) FFWN: San Berdo attack shows mass spying doesn’t keep us safe
(41) FFWN: Feds illegally maintain registry of firearms
(42) FFWN: Peter Schiff: The whole economy has imploded
(43) FFWN: Plunging price of oil may be ominous
(45) FFWN: 37% of Americans think Israel exerts too much influence
(46) FFWN: DoD: All combat jobs open to women
(47) FFWN: Red Ice Radio interviews Jim Fetzer on NOBODY DIED
(48) FFWN: Even google cache copy of Infowars article scrubbed
(49) After being censored by Amazon, Jim’s books are now available at Moon
Rock Books. http://moonrockbooks.com/

20th December 2015, 10:39 PM


I didn't mention it re the 12/10 FFWN show above, but near the middle of the show somewhere, KB blew up at JF over JF's support of The Donald's statement about scary moozlemist, like KB! KB converted to moozlemistism in the early 90s sometime. So now they don't work together any more! :o

FFWN's producer put up this explanation in the YT description for KB's 12/17 show, which was absent JF, replaced with 40% Kosher-Disinfo-Duff :(

Thursday, 12/17/2015 False Flag Weekly News

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-JEJ-Vhtw3SA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/YJ5RJj-07Ww/s88-c-k-no/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/user/noliesradioorg) noliesradio (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV432Plh-m3vo_rXe26Grwg)



Streamed live on Dec 17, 2015
Note to our loyal viewers from No Lies Radio:
If you have been watching our recent shows it is obvious that Kevin and Jim have developed irreconcilable differences and as a consequence things simply blew up: Kevin fired Jim and Jim quit. They cannot work together anymore. Jim is moving on with some new shows of his own. Kevin will continue to anchor False Flag Weekly news with a variety of national and international guest anchors to give brand new perspectives on the news we report. We at No Lies Radio appreciate the service that Jim gave to this show and wish him well with his new shows. JUST TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT...HERE IS THE GIST OF WHAT HAPPENED:

On December 10th Kevin, a Muslim, arrived in Paris, a city consumed with fear of Muslims from the November 13th false flag attack wrongly attributed to Muslims, to do his False Flag Islamophobia conference on December 12th which we live streamed. Indefinite detention and arrests of Muslims are ongoing as he arrived and police with machine guns are in the streets, however Kevin was courageous enough to brave all that to present his conference showing how Muslims have been framed with false flag attacks. We did not know if the conference would be censored or Kevin would be arrested. He arrived in his hotel just before the December 10th False Flag Weekly News was to air and asked to join his show. Jim was reluctant to allow him on the air but finally agreed. (Note: Kevin never told Jim that he would not be doing the show). Then Jim spent over half of the show presenting justifications for the public's support for Trump's call for a ban on Muslims in America., including that Muslims, like Kevin, who left the country should not be allowed back in. Trump also proposed creating a database of American Muslims, surveilance of Mosques, not allowing Muslims immigration into the country, etc. All of Trump's proposals remind me of Hitler and are of course in violation of the first amendment and they affect Kevin and his family directly. While Jim is doing his presentation putting Trump in a favorable light he is barely allowing Kevin to counter his argument. 2 days after the show was over Kevin asked Jim: “Were you justifying Trump's 'ban Muslims' comments? Yes/no” Jim answered: “I think a temporary ban 'until we figure out what's going on' is on the right track.” Then Kevin replied: “...you are dead in my heart ...no further communication, ever.”. (this sounds like a firing to me). At the same time, Kevin also told me that Jim was fired. The next day Jim wrote me: “I will be leaving FFWN...” (this sounds like a quiting to me). ___ Allan Rees. I am the technical producer for False Flag Weekly News.


The False Flag Islamophobia Conference was Live Streamed from Paris on Saturday , December 12th. Click the link below to watch the archive.

also see:
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today Admits He is a Jewish Disinformation Agent (http://renegadetribune.com/gordon-duff-of-veterans-today-admits-he-is-a-jewish-disinformation-agent/)

22nd December 2015, 06:16 AM
^ Richie Allen Show, 49 mins:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/blMi8ej79yE/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blMi8ej79yE) 48:45
Kevin Barrett " It's shocking To See Some Alternative Media Outlets Spreading Islamophobia!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blMi8ej79yE)

5 days ago

25th December 2015, 08:18 AM




1) Introducing Tony Hall: Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati: Canada is
a Quiet Dictatorship,

2) ANOTHER French False Flag nearing publication


Paris & San Bernadino False Flags

3) Police stopped Europe’s most wanted terrorist THREE times in the hours immediately after the Paris attacks but he was released every time according to his getaway driver
4) What Enrique Marquez told 911 after realizing his gun was used in the San Bernardino attack


Massacre in Nigeria

6) Calls for investigation after “massacre” in Nigeria
7) Boko Haram: Another Al Qaeda Terrorist Entity Used to Justify US Military Intervention in Nigeria
8) When Terrorism becomes Counter-terrorism: The State Sponsors of Terrorism are “Going After the Terrorists”


ISIS IS US – Middle East imploding

9) UN security council adopts resolution on Syrian peace process
10) U-Turn? Kerry Now Says: ‘U.S. NOT Seeking Regime Change in Syria’
11) Washington Is Panicking That Putin Is Breaking the ISIS Supply Line ISIS is intergral to the West’s strategy for toppling Assad
12) Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone – but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?
13) Insanity: Europe and Turkey close airspace to Russian bombers fighting Daesh http://www.sott.net/article/308862-Insanity-Europe-and-Turkey-close-airspace-to-Russian-bombers-fighting-Daesh (http://www.sott.net/article/308862-Insanity-Europe-and-Turkey-close-airspace-to-Russian-bombers-fighting-Daesh)
14) Syria war: Third of rebels share IS aims report claims
15) 30+ Iraqi soldiers killed 20 injured after US airstrike – Iraqi MP cited by Sputnik https://www.rt.com/news/326420-iraq-us-air-strike/
16) “The War against ISIS”: US, European Powers Prepare New Air and Ground Operations against Libya
17) Deployment fail: US special ops forces arrive in Libya, immediately told to leave
18) Yemeni forces kill over 80 Saudi-led troops including 42 Blackwater mercenaries in missile attack


Madness of Zion

20) Jewish Extremists’ Leader: Christians Are ‘Blood Sucking Vampires’ Who Should Be Expelled From Israel,http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.693132?utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook
21) Iran warns Turkey: Don’t renew ties with Israel


Trump Follies

22) Trump: Israel-did-9/11 protestor “is a Trump guy – he’s on our side”
23) Oy Vey? Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson summons Trump for ‘private meeting’ on Israel
24) The Man Beaten And Choked At A Donald Trump Rally Tells His Story
25) Two Brothers Allegedly Beat Up A Latino Man Say They Were Inspired By Donald Trump
26) White supremacist groups see Trump bump

27) Trump Supporter Arrested In Alleged Plot To Bomb Muslims
28) Trump using Islamophobia to rise to top: Commentator
29) Trump’s first victim? Jordanian humiliated deported at US …
30) The Growing List Of Anti-Islam Incidents Since Paris


Guantanamo Forever?

31) Guantánamo diarist loses federal court case – faces life imprisonment but committed no crime
32) Obama hints that he may conclude he can close Guantánamo prison on his own


Odds & Ends
33) Spain has Fallen – not like Greece – but Fallen all the Same
34) Nations are now using weather modification as clandestine warfare CIA warns
http://www.naturalnews.com/052372_geoengineering_weather_modification_clandes tine_warfare.html#
35) These Fifteen American Cities Are Destroying Homeless Camps Just Days Before Christmas
36) Merry Christmas, Agraba! Poll finds 41% of likely Trump voters want to bomb Agrabah — the fictional city from ‘Aladdin’
37) Christmas, Mawlid al-Nabi coincide this year

38) Look! Is That A UFO Over Jesus’ Head?

8th January 2016, 08:11 PM
Friday, 01/08/2016, False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall (http://noliesradio.org/archives/108624)




Charlie Hebdo: One year anniversary
1) Charlie Hebdo editor: “We’re all Jewish”
2) ANOTHER French False Flag published on Charlie Hebdo anniversary
2.5) Paul Craig Roberts Assesses Coverage of Militias in Oregon to
Concluded the Rule of Law is Dead in Western Civilization


Universities becoming mental prisons, hate factories
3) Sandy Hook: FAU Professor JAMES TRACY FIRED for Thorough Questioning of Official
Narrative! http://investmentwatchblog.com/sandy-hook-fau-professor-james-tracy-fired-for-thorough-questioning-of-official-narrative/
4) Wheaton College moving to fire professor who supported
Muslims http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/7/71/1229453/wheaton-college-moving-fire-professor-supported-muslims

Paris 11/13/15 False Flag
5) Eagles of Death Metal Were Vocally Anti-BDS; Concert Hall Probably Targeted Due to Jewish Owners, Pro-Israel
Stance http://mahoundsparadise.blogspot.com/2015/11/band-playing-at-time-of-attack-was.html
6) Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theater, where IS killed
dozens http://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-owners-recently-sold-pariss-bataclan-theater-where-is-killed-dozens/
7) More Fake Terror Hits Paris? Shayler + Kollerstrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cdu6CM_fhc
8) MI5 officer sparks outrage claiming Paris terror strikes were ‘inside job not ISIS’ http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/630279/Former-MI5-officer-outrage-claiming-Paris-terror-attacks-inside-job-ISIS-Daesh


San Bernardino False Flag
9) FBI probes mystery of San Bernardino shooters’ whereabouts for 18 minutes after
massacre http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-san-bernardino-shooters-movements-after-massacre-center-of-fbi-probe-20160105-story.html
10) San Bernardino Shooter’s Gun Bought for Police. How did police weapons end up in the hands of mass
killers? http://www.infowars.com/fiorina-san-bernardino-shooters-gun-bought-for-police/


False Flag ISIS
11) ISIS Beheading Video Comes From Turkish TV Show “Valley of the Wolves” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG8puD9itZM&app=desktop
12) ISIS Headquarters Is In Washington D.C. http://blackeyenews.com/?p=402


North Korea Proves Hydrogen Mini-Nukes Exist – By Exploding One
13) North Korea Announces That It Has Detonated First Hydrogen
Bomb http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/world/asia/north-korea-hydrogen-bomb-test.html?_r=0
13.5) VT’s Jeff Smith: China likely helped North Korea build advanced 3rd or 4th generation nuke
14) Five Good Reasons Not to Nuke Washington, DC: Or How I Learned to Stop
Worrying and Love Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Threats http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/06/nuke_dc/25/


Armed Militia Seize Federal Building in Oregon
15) Armed militia Bundy brothers take over federal building in rural
Oregon https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/01/03/armed-militia-bundy-brothers-take-over-federal-building-in-rural-oregon/
16) These Aren’t the First Armed Whites to Take Over That Oregon Land:
Just Ask the Native Paiute People http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/5/these_arent_the_first_armed_whites
17) Media Coverage of Oregon Standoff Sparks Outrage and Ridicule
Online http://sputniknews.com/us/20160104/1032684781/oregon-standoff-outrage-ridicule.html


Worse-than-ISIS Saudis Behead Free Expression
18) Saudi Arabia BEHEADS 47 Including Shiite
Cleric http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/state-tv-saudi-arabia-executed-47-criminals-36054451
19) Saudi head-choppers are worse than ISIS http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/03/saudi-head-choppers/
20) Iran, Iraq protest execution of Shiite cleric
Nimr http://www.dw.com/en/iran-iraq-protest-execution-of-shiite-cleric-nimr/a-18955808
21) Iranian Protesters Ransack Saudi Embassy After Execution of Shiite
Cleric http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/03/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-executes-47-sheikh-nimr-shiite-cleric.html?_r=0
22) Saudi Arabia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Iran, Foreign Minister
Says http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/iran-saudi-diplomatic-ties_5689819ee4b0b958f65bf365
23) After Executing Regime Critic Saudi Arabia Fires Up American PR
Machine https://theintercept.com/2016/01/04/saudi-pr-machine/


Trump Watch
24) Donald Trump (ISLAMOPHOBIC) TV AD Campaign AD Commercial 2016
? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEAJrT8PeOo
24.5) Trump: Deal with it!
Http:/noliesradio.org/images/trump-deal-with-it.png (http://Http:/noliesradio.org/images/trump-deal-with-it.png)
25) Qaeda Affiliate Uses Video of Donald Trump for
Recruiting http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/02/world/africa/al-qaeda-uses-video-of-trump-for-recruiting.html?_r=0
26) Mogul stands behind ban despite jihadi clip featuring his
quotes http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/01/mogul_stands_behind_ban_despite_jihadi_clip_featur ing_his_quotes
27) Trump: Clinton and Obama created
ISIS http://libertyfight.com/2016/Trump_clinton_created_ISIS_with_obama.html
28) Donald Trump’s first TV ad shows migrants ‘at the southern border,’ but they’re actually in
Morocco http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jan/04/donald-trump/donald-trumps-first-tv-ad-shows-migrants-southern-/


False Flag Islamophobia Watch
29) Twitter and Facebook ‘allowing Islamophobia to flourish’ as anti-Muslim comments
proliferate http://raqeb.co/en/2015/01/twitter-and-facebook-allowing-islamophobia-flourish-anti-muslim-comments-proliferate
30) Anti-terror plan to spy on toddlers ‘is heavy-handed’ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11323558/Anti-terror-plan-to-spy-on-toddlers-is-heavy-handed.html


Homeland Tyranny
31) US Army Commercial Clip Shows Martial Law? CREEPY
HARBINGER? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7oFoXbh20E
32) Your DOCTOR is now your DICTATOR: Obama gives doctors power to declare you ‘mentally ill’ and take away your
guns http://www.naturalnews.com/052537_doctors_and_gun_rights_Obama_executive_orde rs_mentally_ill.html
33) Russia’s ‘right to be forgotten’ bill comes into
effect https://www.rt.com/politics/327681-russia-internet-delete-personal/
34) Gary Johnson Will Seek White House as
Libertarian http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-01-06/gary-johnson-will-seek-white-house-as-libertarian


Slightly Good Economic News! Stocks Plunge, Minimum Wage Up Two or Three Cents
35) Stocks Off to Worst Yearly Start in a Decade http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/010416/stocks-worst-yearly-start-decade.asp?utm_source=stock-watch&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SWW-1/6/16&utm_term=stock-watch
36) Dow, S&P off to worst four-day Jan start ever as China fears grow
37) New Year Brings Minimum Wage Hikes For Americans In 14
States http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/minimum-wage-increase_56869b20e4b0b958f65bbceb


In Memoriam: Gary Webb
38) Rumors Persist That The CIA Helps Export Opium From
Afghanistan http://www.mintpressnews.com/rumors-persist-that-the-cia-helps-export-opium-from-afghanistan/209687/
39) Rumors Persist That Bears Defecate in the Woods


Odds & Ends
40) New Hillary Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil and
Gold http://original.antiwar.com/Brad_Hoff/2016/01/05/new-hillary-emails-reveal-propaganda-executions-coveting-libyan-oil-and-gold/
41) Luxury Skyscraper Burns in Dubai (20 floors engulfed…does not collapse like
WTC7) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/luxury-skyscraper-burns-in-dubai/3126429.html
42) Focus on the big picture! http://www.techinsider.io/whole-universe-map-illustration-2015-12

16th January 2016, 05:50 AM
Friday, 01/15/2016, False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall
Web-streamed every Friday 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
All shows are archived here (http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/archived-shows/false-flag-weekly-news) right after the web-stream broadcast.



The Real Terrorist Threat

1) Selling The Public On US Global Dominance Through the Deployment of Offensive Nuclear Weaponry
2) A Moscow Museum of the North American Holocaust,
3) Splitting The Sky Remembered in Call for an Investigation into British Columbia Indian War in 1995 http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2681772408/


ISIS IS US – truth is emerging
4) ISIS/takfiri attacks in Jakarta, Turkey, Cameroon
5) Bulgarian Official Boiko Borissov CIA Drug Supplier for Athletes and CIA-Backed Jihadists Including al-Qaeda and Daesh http://www.voltairenet.org/article189802.html (http://www.voltairenet.org/article189802.html)
6) Western State Sponsored Terrorism: False Flags Spreading Islamophobia Race and Religious Wars and New World Disorder https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/12/joachim-hagopian/new-world-disorder-2/ (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/12/joachim-hagopian/new-world-disorder-2/)
7) Project Censored Exposes the Truth Deficit from 15 Years of Disinfo on the Global War on Terror http://www.projectcensored.org/14-years-of-censored-news-coverage-denies-americans-context-to-understand-isil-attacks/


Cologne False Flag
8) Migrants ‘planned sex attacks’ in Cologne http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/the-times/migrants-planned-sex-attacks-in-cologne/news-story/bfc9cb3d20415050a47bb57ebb3c4fa3
9) Alleged Incidents of Sexual Harassment in Cologne: German Media incites Racist Hysteria against Immigrants and
Muslims http://www.globalresearch.ca/alleged-incidents-of-sexual-harassment-in-cologne-german-media-incites-racist-hysteria-against-immigrants-and-muslims/5500967
10) Cologne Muslim Assaults Now Cited as False
Flag http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/06/cologne-muslim-assaults-now-cited-as-false-flag/
11) Fake Images of Cologne Attacks, Real or Imagined
12) Vigilantes Respond in Cologne to False Flag Sexual Assault. German Destabilization Proceeds According to Plan http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/cologne-sexual-assaults-vigilante-gangs-attack-asylum-seekers-after-vowing-to-clean-up-german-city-a6807021.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/cologne-sexual-assaults-vigilante-gangs-attack-asylum-seekers-after-vowing-to-clean-up-german-city-a6807021.html)
13) German Muslims Condemn Cologne Attacks, Fear Consequences http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/01/07/world/europe/ap-eu-germany-sexual-assaults.html?_r=0
14) Prof. Denis Rancourt Exposes the Manipulative Side of Canada’s (NATO’s) Syrian Refugee Policy,
15) Mass Migration from Middle East a Planned Assault on Europe, a Provocation to Civil War,


Crimes of Zion
16) Video: Israeli sniper praised for shooting Palestinian
protestors http://mondoweiss.net/2016/01/shooting-palestinian-protestors?utm_source=Mondoweiss+List&utm_campaign=035b2dea69-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b86bace129-035b2dea69-309261654
17) Israeli Agencies Direct Migrant Flow Towards Europe and Away from Israel, http://newobserveronline.com/israel-officially-aids-3rd-world-invasion/
18) Sweden Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom Embodies Fair and Sensible World Public Opinion on the Need for Fair Treatment of the
Palestinians http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/01/13/445674/Sweden-Israel-Margot-Wallstrom-Palestinians-Netanyahu-human-rights-/


Fall of the House of Saud
19) Towards the Collapse of Saudi Arabia http://www.voltairenet.org/article189846.html (http://www.voltairenet.org/article189846.html)
20) The ‘Real’ Price Of Oil Is Below
$17 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-14/real-price-oil-below-17
21) Saudi Government to Behead Palestinian Poet Ashraf Fayadh,
22) Will Justin Trudeau keep selling Canadian arms to Saudis?
23) Al Jazeera America to Shut Down by April http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/14/business/media/al-jazeera-america-to-shut-down-in-april.html?_r=0


Rise of Iran
24) US and EU Could Lift Iranian Sanctions This
Weekend http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160114/1033096280/us-eu-lift-iran-sanctions.html#ixzz3xHDTJvoN
25) Iran’s Swift Release of U.S. Sailors Hailed as a Sign of Warmer
Relations http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/14/world/middleeast/iran-navy-crew-release.html
26) Pic 1: Lunch in Iranian detention Pic 2: Lunch in US detention #Iran
#USSailors #Forcefeeding


27) Muslim woman gets kicked out of Trump rally — for protesting
silently https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/01/08/muslim-woman-escorted-out-of-trump-rally-in-south-carolina/
28) Trump could be taken out if he told full truth about
9/11 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/13/trump911clinton/


Trump vs. Sanders?
29) Socialist dem beating Hillary, “time to take him
seriously” https://www.yahoo.com/politics/time-to-take-sanders-seriously-1342599418519606.html
30) Thom Hartmann: Bernie’s Insurgent Campaign Is Starting to Make the Corporate Democrats Panic


Shipping, rail traffic implodes: global economy going down?
31) Bank of America: Rail Traffic Is Saying Something Worrying About the U.S.
Economy http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-11/bank-of-america-rail-traffic-is-saying-something-worrying-about-the-u-s-economy
32) Dry-Bulkageddon: Baltic Dry Index Falls Another 11 Points to New Record Low


Odd End
33) Prison For Mental Health CEO Who Embezzled $500,000 For Palm
Reader http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/prison-for-ervin-brinker-mental-health-ceo-who-embezzled-500000-for-palm-reader_56983a73e4b0ce496423f984 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/prison-for-ervin-brinker-mental-health-ceo-who-embezzled-500000-for-palm-reader_56983a73e4b0ce496423f984)

26th January 2016, 12:33 AM
False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 1/22/2016 (http://noliesradio.org/archives/109235)



Download MP3 (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2016.1.22/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%202016.1.22.mp3)


1) ANOTHER French False Flag? on Power Hour, Alex Jones on the same
day http://archives2016.gcnlive.com/Archives2016/jan16/PowerHour/0119163.mp3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjF7UVOF-Io)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjF7UVOF-Io (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjF7UVOF-Io)
2) AFFF contributor Paul Craig Roberts explains the neocon takeover and
more! http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/01/20/a-grand-book-from-the-saker-paul-craig-roberts/ (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/01/20/a-grand-book-from-the-saker-paul-craig-roberts/)


False flag paradigm shift
3) San Bernardino mosque says US government did shooting in “false flag
conspiracy” http://nypost.com/2015/12/27/evidence-links-mosque-to-san-bernardino-terrorist-attack/ (http://nypost.com/2015/12/27/evidence-links-mosque-to-san-bernardino-terrorist-attack/)
4) Louis Farrakhan Suggests San Bernardino Terrorist Attack Was A ‘False Flag’
Operation http://downtrend.com/71superb/louis-farrakhan-suggests-san-bernardino-terrorist-attack-was-a-false-flag-operation (http://downtrend.com/71superb/louis-farrakhan-suggests-san-bernardino-terrorist-attack-was-a-false-flag-operation)
5) False flag paradigm shift: X Files, Dan Brown expose 9/11
truth! http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/21/xfiles/ (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/21/xfiles/)
6) Because of false flags, in 2015 the US Dropped 23,144 Bombs on Muslim Countries – Nearly 1 Bomb For
Every “Terrorist” http://thefreethoughtproject.com/2015-dropped-23144-bombs-muslim-countries-1-bomb-terrorist/#31Djw3SKX0HOc8e3.99 (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/2015-dropped-23144-bombs-muslim-countries-1-bomb-terrorist/#31Djw3SKX0HOc8e3.99)
7) False flags also did this: ‘CIA killed prisoners and made it look like suicide’ – Guantanamo
guard http://www.newsforage.com/2016/01/guantanamo-guard-cia-killed-prisoners.html


Refugees & propaganda lynch mobs – the result of false flag wars
8) Police Say A Viral Story Of A 13-Year-Old Girl Kidnapped And Raped By Migrants Is
False http://www.buzzfeed.com/rossalynwarren/a-reporter-made-up-a-story-about-a-13-year-old-girl-was-rape#.kr4PoYJN6 (http://www.buzzfeed.com/rossalynwarren/a-reporter-made-up-a-story-about-a-13-year-old-girl-was-rape#.kr4PoYJN6)
9) Lock up all Muslim male refugees in asylum centers: Dutch
MP http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/01/18/446347/Geert-Wilders-Muslim-refugees-Europe-Germany/ (http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/01/18/446347/Geert-Wilders-Muslim-refugees-Europe-Germany/)
10) Gearoid O Colmain on “Coercive Engineered Migration: Zionism’s
War on Europe” http://noliesradio.org/archives/109041


ISIS is US – or Israel?
11) Ya’alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in
Syria http://www.timesofisrael.com/yaalon-i-would-prefer-islamic-state-to-iran-in-syria/ (http://www.timesofisrael.com/yaalon-i-would-prefer-islamic-state-to-iran-in-syria/)
12) Isis ‘halves salaries for fighters in Raqqa’ as US-led coalition air strikes continue to target oil and revenue
streams http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-halves-salaries-for-fighters-in-raqqa-as-us-led-coalition-air-strikes-continue-to-target-oil-a6818526.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-halves-salaries-for-fighters-in-raqqa-as-us-led-coalition-air-strikes-continue-to-target-oil-a6818526.html)
13) ISIS confirms ‘Jihadi John’ is
dead https://www.rt.com/news/329484-jihadi-john-dead-isis/ (https://www.rt.com/news/329484-jihadi-john-dead-isis/)
14) ISIS holding more than 3,500 slaves in Iraq, mostly women & children – UN
report https://www.rt.com/news/329430-isis-slaves-iraq-un/ (https://www.rt.com/news/329430-isis-slaves-iraq-un/)
15) US a Shining Example unto ISIS http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/01/us-shining-example-unto-isis.html (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/01/us-shining-example-unto-isis.html)
16) Kent State University professor under FBI investigation for alleged ties to
ISIS http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kent-state-professor-investigated-alleged-isis-ties-article-1.2502612


Pakistan university shooting
17) Gunmen attack university in northwest Pakistan, explosions
heard http://www.reuters.com/article/us-pakistan-attacks-university-idUSKCN0UY0C4 (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-pakistan-attacks-university-idUSKCN0UY0C4)
18) Bizarre ‘Taliban’ Mass Shooting at University in Pakistan, At Least 30
Killed http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/01/20/taliban-mass-shooting-at-university-in-pakistan-at-least-30-killed/ (http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/01/20/taliban-mass-shooting-at-university-in-pakistan-at-least-30-killed/)
19) Mossad and the Terror Attack on Pakistan’s Bacha Khan
University http://nodisinfo.com/52758-2/


US nuke hypocrisy

20) The Frightening Prospect of a Nuclear War Is About To Become a Lot More
Likely http://original.antiwar.com/lawrence-wittner/2016/01/20/the-frightening-prospect-of-a-nuclear-war-is-about-to-become-a-lot-more-likely/ (http://original.antiwar.com/lawrence-wittner/2016/01/20/the-frightening-prospect-of-a-nuclear-war-is-about-to-become-a-lot-more-likely/)
21) Sanctions lifted after Iran found in compliance on nuclear
deal http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/16/middleeast/vienna-iran-iaea-nuclear-deal/ (http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/16/middleeast/vienna-iran-iaea-nuclear-deal/)
22) N. Korea to US: Stop drills sign peace treaty if you want end to nuclear
tests https://www.rt.com/news/329192-north-korea-peace-demands/


23) Protesters across nation to demand higher wages, end to police brutality on MLK
Day https://www.rt.com/usa/329363-protests-mlk-wages-brutality/ (https://www.rt.com/usa/329363-protests-mlk-wages-brutality/)
24) 25 protesters arrested after shutting down Bay Bridge http://abc7news.com/traffic/westbound-bay-bridge-lanes-reopen-after-protest/1164394/ (http://abc7news.com/traffic/westbound-bay-bridge-lanes-reopen-after-protest/1164394/)
25) On the Need to Move Beyond Militia Ethnocentrism in Resistance Coalition Building http://gawker.com/oregon-wildlife-refuge-occupiers-ransack-native-america-1754179614?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_facebook&utm_source=gawker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow (http://gawker.com/oregon-wildlife-refuge-occupiers-ransack-native-america-1754179614?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_facebook&utm_source=gawker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow)
26) MLK day coincides with Lumumba day: Two great black martyrs http://www.thedawn-news.org/2016/01/20/55-years-ago-the-cia-murdered-patrice-lumumba-congolese-revolutionary-leader/ (http://www.thedawn-news.org/2016/01/20/55-years-ago-the-cia-murdered-patrice-lumumba-congolese-revolutionary-leader/)
27) Martin Luther King has been mutilated – it’s an Obama-nation! http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/18/mlk-mutilated/


Horse race for US presidency
28) Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire
Poll http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793 (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793)
29) Why “socialist” Sanders is soaring: 62 people have same wealth as 3.5
billion http://www.firstpost.com/world/62-people-have-same-wealth-as-3-5-billion-2588184.html (http://www.firstpost.com/world/62-people-have-same-wealth-as-3-5-billion-2588184.html)
30) Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/19/politics/donald-trump-endorsement-sarah-palin/ (http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/19/politics/donald-trump-endorsement-sarah-palin/)
31) Trump’s grandfather was a pimp and tax evader; his father a member of the
KKK http://ahtribune.com/us/2016-election/242-trump-grandfather-pimp-father-kkk.html (http://ahtribune.com/us/2016-election/242-trump-grandfather-pimp-father-kkk.html)
32) The Kochs & the Nazis: Book Reveals Billionaires’ Father Built Key Oil Refinery for the Third
Reich http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/the_kochs_the_nazis_book_reveals (http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/the_kochs_the_nazis_book_reveals)
33) How the Kochs Tried (and Failed) to Discredit Reporter Jane Mayer After She Exposed their
Empire http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/how_the_kochs_tried_and_failed


Odds & Ends
34) People Trust Search Engines More than Traditional Media for
News http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/01/people-trust-search-engines-traditional-media-news.html (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/01/people-trust-search-engines-traditional-media-news.html)
35) Why The Dow Jones Industrial Average Will Plummet To 5,500 By
2017 http://etfdailynews.com/2016/01/13/why-the-dow-jones-industrial-average-will-plummet-to-5500-by-2017/ (http://etfdailynews.com/2016/01/13/why-the-dow-jones-industrial-average-will-plummet-to-5500-by-2017/)
36) China Plans Historic First Landing On Far Side Of The Moon http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/china-far-side-moon_us_569efad5e4b04c813761fa38?utm_hp_ref=world&ir=WorldPost&section=world (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/china-far-side-moon_us_569efad5e4b04c813761fa38?utm_hp_ref=world&ir=WorldPost&section=world)

6th February 2016, 12:57 AM
Friday, 02/05/2016, False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall (http://noliesradio.org/archives/109870)

20th February 2016, 07:44 PM
here's mp3 audio of this week's show, 61 mins: Download (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2016.2.20/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%202016.2.20.mp3)

story links at show page:
False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 2/19/2016 (http://noliesradio.org/archives/110448)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdQC3NJycy0


21st March 2016, 09:57 AM
YT & Mp3 below, source links at:

Friday, 03/18/2016, False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall (http://noliesradio.org/archives/111850)


(https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2016.3.18/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%202016.3.18.mp3)Downl oad MP3 (https://archive.org/download/FalseFlagWeeklyNews2016.3.18/False%20Flag%20Weekly%20News%202016.3.18.mp3)

PSA fundraiser
1) Stop the Wars -Support False Flag Weekly News


Silverstein’s latest confession
2) Larry Silverstein designed NEW WTC-7 in April of 2000
3) Construction of the new 7 World Trade Center began on May 7,
2002 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center
4) No qualified physicist disagrees: 9/11 official story violates the laws
of physics http://noliesradio.org/archives/111778
5) Richard Gage comments on the above stories, introduces his Northwest
Tour http://ae911truth.org


War on “Conspiracy Theories”
6) BBC Edits Interview to Attack “Conspiracy Theorists”
7) Propagandists pathologize “conspiracy theories”
8) New U. of Kent anti-conspiracy study a reaction to earlier one that
backfired? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/07/14/whatabout7/


“Those Horrible Conspiracy Theorists” Keep Exposing 11/13/15 French False Flag
9) Bataclan security team – accused by Eagles of Death Metal –
linked to Israel http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/12/bataclan/
10) Conspiracy theorist to rock star: Don’t fear the truth!


Endless Mideast wars
11) Putin pulls out of Syria
12) Taking the Measure of Putin’s Peace Initiative in
Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0X_4L0zcmw
13) Saudis dragged US “coalition” into Yemeni
quagmire http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/14/world/middleeast/yemen-saudi-us.html?_r=0
14) Recent Assad Torture Report “Caesar” Cited By Mainstream
Media Debunked By Researchers
Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails


Finicum fallout
16) The FBI Assassination of LaVoy Finicum Continues to Arouse the Emotional
and Intellectual Tenor of a New American Revolution, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M0Hu0c0m_s&feature=youtu.be
17) Mark McConnell Made to Disappear from the Record of the Deschute Sheriff’s
Investigation of the Death,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EKwmcIUSms


18) Trump Cancels Republican Presidential Debate To Speak At
AIPAC http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44452.htm
19) Hacker group Anonymous declares ‘total war’ on Donald Trump and his ‘hateful’ campaign with April Fool’s
attack http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/hacking-group-anonymous-declares-total-war-donald-trump-article-1.2567022
20) Shamir says Trump is right – Muslims should stay home and help
the Ummah http://www.unz.com/ishamir/the-blessed-bigotry-of-mr-trump/
21) Brutal Trump attack ad shows Hillary barking like a dog
22) Hillary IS a neocon dog http://HillaryIsANeocon.com (http://hillaryisaneocon.com/)
23) Cheesemakers for Trump: “Ban pre-shredded cheese, make America
grate again!” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wallingford-sign-seattle_us_56ea5adde4b0860f99db9c9a


Supreme Court nominee covered up OKC false flag
24) Supreme Court Nominee ran 1995 Oklahoma City False Flag Bombing
Coverup http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/who-merrick-garland-meet-president-obama-s-nominee-supreme-court-n539841
25) Oklahoma City 1995 — Bombing was a False Flag
Event http://peswiki.com/index.php/Review:_A_Noble_Lie:_Oklahoma_City_1995_–_Bombing_ was_a_False_Flag_Event (http://peswiki.com/index.php/Review:_A_Noble_Lie:_Oklahoma_City_1995_--_Bombing_was_a_False_Flag_Event)
26) Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland Invokes ‘Anti-Semitism’ Seconds
Into His First Ever Public Speech http://libertyfight.com/2016/merrick-garland-anti-semitism-speech.html


Crimes of Zion

27) The Most Recent Twists in Israel’s Garbage War on
Lebanon, http://www.voltairenet.org/article190734.html
28) Gruesome Allegations: Israeli Forces Routinely Shoot Up Palestinian Corpses
29) Tony Hall Exposes Zionist Perversion of Western Media, Legislatures and
Judiciary on Press TV, http://presstv.ir/Detail/2016/03/13/455403/Palestine-Israel-France-Eutelsat-Hall-Korb
30) McGraw-Hill destroys textbook to placate pro-Israel
bloggers https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/mcgraw-hill-destroys-textbook-placate-pro-israel-bloggers


War on Freedom
31) Four-year-old who ‘mispronounced the word cucumber’ threatened with
counter-terrorism measures http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/12191543/Four-year-old-who-mispronounced-the-word-cucumber-threatened-with-counter-terrorism-measures.html
32) San Leandro Marijuana Grower Arrested After He Calls Cops on Thieves


Final debate
33) Kevin vs. Tony debate: Which was this week’s biggest story?

30th December 2016, 01:07 PM
Good news list today, both current & 2016 review stories. Mp3 version at




PART ONE: This week’s headlines

False flags aren’t fooling us any more
Zio-Gladio strikes Europe! Berlin suspect, NATO auditor shot
dead http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/12/23/zio-gladio/
2) British Muslims Overwhelmingly Reject the Official 9/11
Story http://www.globalresearch.ca/british-muslims-overwhelmingly-reject-the-official-story-of-911/5565262
3) Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan claims to have concrete documentary proof that the West is backing
ISIS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4069166/Turkish-president-Tayyip-Erdogan-claims-concrete-documentary-proof-West-backing-ISIS.html

Disinfo, propaganda, “Fake News”
4) Obama quietly signs the ‘Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act’ into law
5) THESE are the people who arbitrate “fake news” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html
Russian diplomatic clash follows plane crash
6) Russia vows response to diplomat expulsion from US
7) Signs point to explosion causing Russian plane crash
8) Tu-154 crashed as a result of NATO’s covert
operation? http://www.pravdareport.com/hotspots/disasters/27-12-2016/136527-tu_154_crash-0/#sthash.zLfcch4h.dpuf
9) Flashback: Kill Russians and Iranians, threaten Assad says ex-CIA chief backing
Clinton https://www.rt.com/usa/355291-morrell-kill-russians-clinton/
10) Did Israel Down a Russian Jet Over UNSC
Smackdown? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/12/25/did-israel-down-a-russian-jet-over-unsc-smackdown/
11) Should Putin liberate the Golan Heights?
Israel’s war on the world
12) Bibi declares war on New Zealand (in wake of UN vote on settlements)
13) Netanyahu to be questioned in two separate criminal probes –
report https://www.rt.com/news/372094-netanyahu-criminal-probe-new-case/
14) Trump’s ambassador to Israel is too Zio-extremist even for the Jewish Daily
Forward! http://forward.com/opinion/israel/358272/david-friedman-what-do-your-donations-to-radical-jewish-settlements-pay-for/

PART TWO: Biggest Stories of 2016
2016, the Year of Trump
15) Trump’s 30 year history with the mob
16) Trump “made” by Roy Cohn, owned by Kosher
Nostra http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/11/16/meet-the-jews-in-donald-trumps-inner-circle/
17) The Billionaire Pedophile Who Should Have Brought Down Donald Trump and Hillary
Clinton http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/30/the-billionaire-pedophile-who-could-bring-down-donald-trump-and-hillary-clinton.html
18) Trump conducted controlled demolition of Bush candidacy
19) Election fraud gives Hillary the nomination, but Trump the
presidency http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45834.htm
20) Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters in 2016
21) Will Trump start a war with Iran? http://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/will-the-trump-administration-start-war-iran-18652

2016, the Year of Brexit
22) BREXIT victory shocks NWO – were “conspiracy theories”
responsible? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/06/24/brexit-nwo/
23) Jeremy Corbyn survives establishment “anti-Semite”
attacks http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/19/opinion/anti-semitic-anti-zionism.html
2016, the Year of the Academic Witch Hunt
24) James Tracy, fired for free speech, sues university admins, faculty
association https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2016/04/26/professor-who-says-sandy-hook-was-a-hoax-sues-the-college-that-fired-him/?utm_term=.64554e9776f3
25) Joy Karega witch hunt at Oberlin
26) Anthony Hall libelously targeted as “anti-semite” in coordinated attack

GWOT 2001-2016: 15 years of 9/11 cover-up
27) Noam Chomsky and Kevin Barrett: 9/11 Liar versus 9/11 Truther
28) Lucky Larry Silverstein Designed New Building 7 in
2000 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/15/bombshell-larry/
29) The Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the 9/11 Scam (2
slides) http://www.globalresearch.ca/is-the-911-scam-coming-undone/5526121
30) CBS show 60 Minutes covers 28 Pages http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/28-pages/
31) Congress overrides Obama’s JASTA
veto http://thehill.com/policy/international/298264-senate-overrides-obama-9-11-veto-in-overwhelming-vote
32) EuroPhysics journal publishes 9/11 truth science
2016, the Year of Escalating False Flag Terrorism
33) ANOTHER French False Flag published on Charlie Hebdo anniversary
34) False Flag Terrorism is the Rule Rather Than the
Exception http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/09/27/false-flag-terrorism-a-history-of-lies-deception-explained-in-a-16-minute-video-911-isnt-the-only-example/
35) Branding Acts of False Flag
Terrorism http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2016/12/my-denver-talk-on-recent-false-flags.html
36) Academic Complicity in the Global War of False Flag
Terrorism http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/02/the-academys-complicity-in-the-global-war-of-false-flag-terrorism/
37) France Cracks Down on Conspiracy Theories
38) 3/22 False Flag! Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday
39) Satanic blood heart at Bataclan: A sign that Brussels Airport was next?
40) BREAKTHROUGH! Left Forum investigates Deep State, false flags
41) More Muslims Than Christians Killed in Lahore
Bombing http://www.lastampa.it/2016/03/31/vaticaninsider/eng/world-news/more-muslims-than-christians-died-in-lahore-easter-day-bombing-RoVxocuV8TtSBVIND4rzVJ/pagina.html
42) Dallas, Baton Rouge police shootings: False flags to demonize Black
Lives Matter? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/07/08/ffwn-dallas/
43) Orlando Nightclub shooting instantly exposed as false
flag http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/06/12/orlando/
44) Orlando False Flag book http://falseflagorlando.blogspot.com
45) Kevin Barrett’s False Flag
Trilogy http://falseflagtrilogy.blogspot.ca

Global Showdown in Syria
46) Predicted in February: “The Syria War Will Not Be a Quagmire — Because Putin and Assad Are Winning”
47) An Operation Zone for the West Terrorist Proxy
Armies http://www.mintpressnews.com/commander-of-syrian-rebel-group-with-ties-to-al-qaida-says-americans-are-on-our-side/220953/
48) Putin and Assad
49) A Pivotal Tilt in World History: The Battle of
Aleppo http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/A-brief-history-of-the-Aleppo-battle/article16919595.ece
2016, the Year of “Fake News” and Attacks on “Conspiracy Theories”
50) NY Times tries to debunk chemtrails http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/16/science/scientists-just-say-no-to-chemtrails-conspiracy-theory.html?_r=1&mtrref=noliesradio.org&gwh=388AFA2BCCD0D5C9130585C4B98E49E6&gwt=pay
51) Green Party VP candidate Ajamu Baraka witch-hunted for working with Kevin
Barrett http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/17/the-wild-beliefs-of-ajamu-baraka-jill-stein-s-green-party-running-mate.html
52) Monika Schaefer witch hunt targets free
speech http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/news/1.732008
2016, the Year of Unfreedom
53) 2016: The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad
Year http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/12/29/2016-the-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-year/
54) The Political Assassination of LaVoy Finicum
Coup-Coup Clock Didn’t Stop Ticking in 2016
55) Turkey coup attempt: Erdo?an demands US arrest exiled cleric
Gülen https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/jul/15/turkey-coup-attempt-military-gunfire-ankara
56) Roussef overthrown in Brazil
coup http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/05/12/brazil-president-impeachment/84269662/
Zionist Genocide, Palestinian Resistance
57) Israeli rabbi calls for execution of all Palestinians
58) BDS movement moves forward http://forward.com/news/breaking-news/334045/mcgill-students-vote-512-357-for-bds-measure/?utm_content=sisterhood_Newsletter_BreakingNews_Po sition-1&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Sisterhood%20Redesign%202016-02-23&utm_term=Sisterhood\

Odds and Ends
59) Who killed Scalia?
60) Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has lost
61) Standing Rock protests win at least partial
victory http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/04/opinion/time-to-move-the-standing-rock-pipeline.html?mtrref=noliesradio.org&assetType=opinion
62) RFK patsy Sirhan denied parole
63) Gallup: Trust in mainstream media sinks to new low http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx
64) Bad News, Everyone: You’ll Have To Wait An Extra Second For 2016 To End

7th July 2017, 05:08 PM

I hope Erdogan working with Qatar will bring both closer to Iran. That at the end of the Syrian civil war, you have Iran-Turkey-Qatar Alliance and a Iran-Iraq-Syria/Assad-Hezbollah-Yemen alliance.

8th July 2017, 03:57 AM
I do not pretend to have a deep understanding Middle Eastern geopolitics, but I listened to first third of this video and was particularly put off by Kevin Barrett. He kept saying how Trump is a total bozo and how wonderful it would be if China, North Korea and Russia formed a strong alliance and just pushed the USA aside and leave them to building up their infrastructure and trying to rebuild their economy.

I generally like Dr. Anthony Hall but he goes along with Dr. Barrett in all that.

I like to hear from the Left in a way because they tell it like it is on some very important topics, like weapons and war mongering.

But there is something terribly flawed in Dr. Barrett's commentary. I think it has to do with his seeming to ignore or not acknowledge how it is the banksters who rule the world, not the "good" communists countries like China, Russia, and North Korea, as well as Dr. Barrett's deep seated defense of his religion, Mohamedism, which encompasses his deep disdain for Israel and Jews. He never seems to acknowledge that it is Israel who owns the Saudis and much of the Middle East and it is Israel/neocon commies who are the ones who own the USA and are constantly fomenting wars, especially wars fought for Israel by U.S. soldiers. Dr. Barrett kept referring to the bad actions of "the U S" or of "Trump" but never seemed to acknowledge that it is the banksters who control he beloved entities like Islamic and Communist countries.

Trump and Putin reached an agreement yesterday for a cease-fire in a major part of Syria. There seems to be dearth of reporting on that very positive action on the part of Trump and Putin.

I guess I do not like Trump being so roundly dissed for the simple reason that he's all we've got and he has done a good job in his first six months of keeping us out of war. I feel thankful of that fact and do not want to speak negatively of him. The only criticism I have of Trump is that he too does not recognize how the banksters have been destroying the USA, its infrastructure, its industries, its jobs and its economy for at least a century, which of course could be interpreted to mean he is in league with them but if that is so he is no different than Dr. Hall and Dr. Barrett.

The banksters and Israel are responsible for flooding the country with legal and illegal immigrants (that includes legal aliens) who have no intention of assimilating and now those aliens have indeed turned the USA into a place that Americans have to withdraw from or dis-assimilate from in order to save America. It's banksters very old "ordo ab chao" strategy. It'll do 'ya proud ever time.

14th July 2017, 06:08 PM

21st July 2017, 09:34 AM
Friday, 07/21/2017 False Flag Weekly News


It may be the last one in a while. KBarrett is requiring a $200 per episode/week to keep the show going.

21st July 2017, 12:07 PM
"Help me keep doing False Flag Weekly News! I’m Kevin Barrett, co-host of False Flag Weekly News (FFWN) and I can no longer afford to keep doing this show for free. So we are going to have a separate fundraiser for each weekly episode. If we raise at least $200 by Friday, July 28th I will do that day’s show. Anything over $200 per week will be donated to No Lies Radio/No Lies Foundation and Khidria, Inc., both 9/11-truth supporting registered 501(c)3 nonprofits."

I think it is interesting that Kevin Barrett has set up some 501c3 tax exempt organizations (means they are religious, charitable or educational) - not sure which his non-profits are considered. I guess are religious. I suggested Moon Rock Books or books by Dr. Fetzer and others should do the same. Tell people who donate $30 will be sent a free gift of a book of their choice. And the people who donate can charge off the donation/gift on their income taxes. Not saying Dr. Barrett is doing that but seems like he could. Also he could pay himself a fee or wages for managing those two 501c3s from donations received. That might make up the $200 he needs to do a show.

KB already charges 3.95 a month for members of his truthjihad.com and he has patrion accounts too. It looks like the way his radio shows are broadcast has changed. Now if he does a show, it will be immediately, if not live streamed also, on noliesradio. Not sure what Dr. KB does for his day job. I guess he writes books and sells them.

I notice KB mentioned that the nuke theory that Dr. James Fetzer has promoted is looking good to him. That is a major change because KB has always supported the nanothermite / Dr. Steven Jones ideas as well as the spinoff group Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. NoLiesRadio is totally based on the A&E911Truth guys.

That is why I totally do not go along with their ideas on 9-11 truth. None of them ever even talk about the four planes that crashed, or the lack thereof. You cannot be about 9-11 truth if there is that big part of the show that you religiously avoid. Dr. Steven Jones played his role, got his retirement money, and dropped out and let the Richard Gage gang take over. The Steven Jones, Richard Gage whole shtick was a planned distraction that Alex Jones and the whole phony 9-11 truth movement fell for.

I think you can get a whole lot closer to showing Mossad involvement via the no-planes theory, not the "dancing Israelis theory" that I think was one Sunstein's theatrical productions to lead many down the wrong trail, a trail away from no planes.

I think the whole dancing Israelis vignette was one of the more brilliant of the Sunsteinian lies programmed in to the 911 operation. Most took it at face value and reacted in the way Cass et al. wanted. I even think our Deep State plotters wanted the Mossad and Israelis-did-it meme to ensue so they could take control of that as it evolved.

The woman at 17 seconds in this video is a "crisis actor." So were the Jersey Girls. I won't go on but there are many more.

The Five Dancing Israelis (Mossad) on 9/11



The Five Dancing Israelis (Mossad) on 9/11
In the worldwide rebellion it is common knowledge that the official narrative of the attacks on September 11, 20...

I agree the Mossad with the CIA were the perpetrators of 9-11 and Cass Sunstein has managed the 9-11 truth movement ever since.

So now we learn in this KB video that there were 1100 people killed in the WTC Towers not the 3000 people Dr. Fetzer and most others quote.

21st July 2017, 12:54 PM
Friday, 07/21/2017 False Flag Weekly News
It may be the last one in a while. KBarrett is requiring a $200 per episode/week to keep the show going.

Haven't listened to this ^ yet but I listen to most FFWNs eventually; and since at least this year, KBarrett has rattled the tin cup near the top of every episode. Not saying he can't pull the plug if he's losing $ on it somehow, but so far they crank one out every week...

Barrett was guest on John Friend's show a few days ago-- KB alienates many WN & joo-wise truthers with his pro-scary-moozlemistism immigration stance, plus his extreme anti-Trumpism. Trump seemed to get KB's goat in a big way with his temp ban on all visas from 5 moozlem countries during his first week in office. I was dismayed by that move but for different reasons, namely pretending moozlems were responsible for all the ongoing dinjoo-nuffin FF/hoaxes... Trump only needed to put a stop on all visas from ONE mideast country! :rolleyes:

The Realist Report – Dr. Kevin Barrett (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett-2/)

July 17, 2017 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett-2/) 12 comments (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett-2/#comments)

^ I expected the comments to be one big anti-Barrett hate fest, and there's a couple comments like that but most are respectful.

21st July 2017, 02:18 PM
I thought KBarrett was saying 1,113 were vaporized, incinerated when the towers were demoed. There was 1,400+ more that died in the towers whose remains were found. I don't think KBarrett was disputing the official casualty count.

21st July 2017, 03:23 PM
You may be correct, but if you are correct, it sure sounds like KB is assuming the official casualty count and just subtracting what that company who were experts in finding minute body parts could not find body parts for, and they just subtracted that number of people from the assumed 3000 and declared those 1400 others must have been the ones they did easily find body parts on early on, or some crazy calculation like that. We were told there was a place in New York called "FreshKills" where the body-part-containing debris was buried. That sounds like a very unscientific method of giving a number of people vaporized and a number of people killed but not vaporized. It is all based on the 3000 official number which was never in the least bit verified and corroborated.

Simon Shack, September Clues video of video fakery theory fame, claims no one was killed in the towers. That is extreme and I do think some people were killed but I also think the whole thing was staged and planned in advance and somehow most of the people were out of the building. The TV broadcast testimonies of relatives of people who "died" in the Towers look extremely fake to me. Shack did a study of "vicsims", pdf available online, and only like 249 of the 3000 CNN-published death list people halfway panned out in ss records and death certificates and all of those showed "no known last address" etc.

One thing about crisis actors is that nobody can ever see them out and about anywhere ever again. They played their role, got their payoff, and then disappear.

Dr. Fetzer usually but not always sticks to verified data points but not on a couple of important matters. Same way for Kevin Barrett who is so biased in favor of Islam religion that he cannot look at things fairly.

28th July 2017, 11:16 AM
Friday, 07/28/2017 False Flag Weekly News


28th July 2017, 11:39 AM
Respond to latest False Flag Weekly News.


At about that point on the video or a little beyond, Dr. Anthony ? the Canadian professor has a disagreement with Barrett. Barrett thinks Putin is trying to hold down or control the Israeli Jewish Mafia that operates among the oligarchs in Russia and the professor says plainly that Putin is part of that Mafia, which I think is the truth.

Did not listen beyond that point as I see Dr. Barrett's Islam bias starting to rage forward as usual.

As far as I am concerned, Islam and Israeli Judaism are both no good. They both have caused more bloodshed and slavery and poverty in this world than any of us can begin to comprehend. People who were raised in either of those anti-Christ religions can become some of the most Christ honoring Christians in the world, and many have.

13th August 2017, 04:00 PM
Last two episodes.



13th August 2017, 04:57 PM
^ thx.

I know it's extra work, but linking to the noliesradio page gives the source links for everything too.. for example at
Friday, 08/11/2017, False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall (http://noliesradio.org/archives/134561)

below the YT player console, we have:


1) Keep False Flag Weekly News alive! https://fundrazr.com/91Gin1
2) No Lies Radio will live stream the Sept 11th 9/11 Truth Film Festival. Get your tickets now.
Obituaries: Two Free Thinkers
3) JFK conspiracy theorist and UFO author Jim Marrs has died
4) Zundel deserved to die in agony – Toronto Sun newspaper
5) Ernst Zündel: A Lover, not a Hater
6) Michael Hoffman, author of Zundel tributes, on Truth Jihad
Radio https://www.patreon.com/posts/revisionist-part-13503637
Nuclear Countdown: Has the Fuse Already Been Lit?
7) Wednesday was the 72nd anniversary of the Nagasaki
holocaust http://duluthreader.com/articles/2017/08/10/10769_august_9th_the_72ndanniversary_of_the_bombin g_of

8) North Korea threatens Guam: Pyongyang declares Kim Jong-un is ‘carefully examining’ plan to strike US Pacific military bases after Trump’s ferocious ‘fire and fury’ warning falls on deaf ears
9) ‘Missiles to fly over Japan & land near Guam’: N. Korea’s strike plan vs US to be ready in ‘days
10) ‘You will lose’: Mattis warns N. Korea against starting a war
11) China weighs in: “If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so” http://time.com/4896708/china-north-korea-attack-us/
12) America Is Not Ready for a War in North Korea
13) Trump: US nuclear arsenal stronger than ever after I ordered modernization
14) The Madman With Nuclear Weapons is Donald Trump, Not Kim Jong-un
15) “Peace candidate” Trump has massively ramped up US militarism
worldwide https://www.usnews.com/opinion/world-report/articles/2017-07-31/donald-trump-is-allowing-the-military-ramp-up-he-opposed-as-a-candidate
16) North Korea: Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice, The UN Security
Council http://www.globalresearch.ca/north-korea-killer-sanctions-imposed-by-the-foremost-institution-of-peace-and-justice-the-un-security-council/5603517
17) President Trump, There Is A Deal To Be Made With North Korea
18) Ron Paul Fears Propaganda And False Flag Attack May Lead To War With North Korea
Are Illegal (Criminal?) Monopolies Like Google, FB, Youtube and Amazon Ending Internet Free Speech?
19) Google Reconfiguring Knowledge to Flush Class Analysis Down the Memory Hole,
20) Is You Tube Being Handed Over to the Entrepreneurs of Hate Speech
Deception, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBj4311DrzI
21) Seeking accountability from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg
22) Tony’s Day in Court: “The Folly of University Governance Through Facebook
Machinations” http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/10/folly-u/
Yet ANOTHER French False Flag?
23) Man who ‘deliberately’ ploughed BMW into French soldiers arrested
24) ANOTHER French False Flag – time for ANOTHER update?
http://AnotherFrenchFalseFlag.blogspot.com (http://AnotherFrenchFalseFlag.blogspot.com/)
Pseudo-Muslim Psychos of Psaudi Arabia
25) Saudi security forces flatten old quarter of Awamiya
26) Saudi regime on very shaky ground
27) Saudi Arabia Asks US Judge to Dismiss Lawsuit Over 9/11 Attacks
Crimes of Zion
28) Israel to starve Palestinians with underground wall between Gaza and Sinai
29) Israel moves to close Al Jazeera, ban its journalists
30) Advocate of ‘Death to Arabs’ is EU’s frontman in Israeli PR campaign
31) 53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel
32) Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem? Egypt censored newspaper on Israel offers to ‘buy Sinai’
33) Israel steals important Jerusalem property deeds from
Al-Aqsa https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20170807-israel-steals-important-jerusalem-property-deeds-from-al-aqsa/
Resistance Rising, Pushback Emerging
34) A Mass Movement to Assert the Holy Jurisdiction of Islam Over Al-Aqsa Mosque,
35) University of Western Ontario Stands Up to Zionist Attack on UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine,
36) McMaster solidifies power at NSC — and supports Iran deal, sees Israel as occupier
Odds and Ends
37) China may conduct ‘small-scale military operation’ to remove Indian troops from Bhutan border region
38) James Petras on the Lies and Crimes Entailed in the Democratic Party’s Betrayal of the American Working Class,
Reality TV Nation
39) FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home
40) Muslim Leaders Condemn White House Official Gorka’s Claim Mosque Attack Could Have Been ‘Fake’
41) Trump-like inflatable chicken protests president across from White House
42) Is Trump’s Son Baron a Time Traveling Victorian Sci-Fi Character – By the Author of “The Last President” ?!

13th August 2017, 05:04 PM
I was wondering where you found all that, I will be going there. Thanks.

13th August 2017, 05:19 PM
Professor Tony Hall is good but Kevin Barrett needs to listen to that Texe Marrs audio I just posted because his beloved Islam and Islarmic countries are joined at the hip with the Israeli Mossad.

NoLiesRadio is allliesradio in regard to 9-11 and Dr. KB never was able to get anything halfway straight about 9-11.

13th August 2017, 05:42 PM
I was wondering where you found all that, I will be going there. Thanks.

Yeah the noliesradio page is also linked in the "more info" drop-down of the shows' YT pages.

also, both Mami's Shit (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/) & Whoolis blog (http://whoolisblog.blogspot.com/) post the shows, with a downloadable MP3 version. IE at Mami's,

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 2017.08.11 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/08/false-flag-weekly-news-with-kevin.html)
Dachsie I won't even ask about the details of your KB/911 comment. I know KB gets the most important question of that day right (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread).

13th August 2017, 05:53 PM
"Dachsie I won't even ask about the details of your KB/911 comment. I know KB gets the most important question of that day right. "

NoLiesRadio is about to have their big annual 9-11 paid live webcast. All of the guests subscribe to Dr. Steven Jones/architect Richard Gage disinfo team extraordinaire, explosive nanothermite garbage theory, and all avoid the no planes issue and all stringently avoid mentioning the Mossad / CIA / neocon perp issue.

Just to remind everyone Dr. Steven Jones, retired Mormon physics professor with long history of sabotage for the CIA (cold fusion / energy book theory). Mormons are joined at the hip with Freemasonry and lovers of Israel and Jews.

13th August 2017, 08:11 PM
"Dachsie I won't even ask about the details of your KB/911 comment. I know KB gets the most important question of that day right. "

NoLiesRadio is about to have their big annual 9-11 paid live webcast. All of the guests subscribe to Dr. Steven Jones/architect Richard Gage disinfo team extraordinaire, explosive nanothermite garbage theory, and all avoid the no planes issue and all stringently avoid mentioning the Mossad / CIA / neocon perp issue.

Just to remind everyone Dr. Steven Jones, retired Mormon physics professor with long history of sabotage for the CIA (cold fusion / energy book theory). Mormons are joined at the hip with Freemasonry and lovers of Israel and Jews.

Two remotely controlled planes hit the WTC, three building controlled demoed. With traces of the components of military grade thermite found everywhere. The Pentagon hit by a military aircraft or a cruise missile. Isn't this the standard belief?

Yes, even the Mormons are the hired "muscle" at MK Ultra military base(s) in California. Somebody who worked contract work at one of the bases wondered what went on there and why nearly everyone in security was Mormon. The diabolical Mormon "candidate" in 2012 claimed he had a "binder of women", which was an inside "joke" on the Mormon control over women using MK Ultra "mind control". It amounts to self-induced diabolical possession with boobie traps if any guy is interested in the MK Ultra. It is claimed how the jews took down the Italian mob, through MK Ultra slaves.

25th August 2017, 07:02 PM
Friday, 08/18/2017 False Flag Weekly News



1)PSA: Keep this show coming! https://fundrazr.com/11Gr1d?ref=ab_c6luN2

1a)Get your ticket now to watch the 9/11 Truth Film Festival live stream on September 11th. Both Kevin and Tony will be speaking in addition to the primo 9/11 Truth Films.

Barcelona false flag?

2) 8/17/17 Barcelona False Flag?

3) Barcelona False Flag

4) Motive for false flag? SPAIN IN CRISIS: Catalan independence vote this October

Charlottesville Mayhem

5) Charlottesville False Flag
Hoax? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/13/char-hoax/

6) NY Times, MSM slam Trump’s Charlottesville
recidivism https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/15/us/politics/trump-press-conference-charlottesville.html

7) Cops: Vehicular homicide suspect acted out of fear as protesters swarmed the vehicle, some allegedly acting
violent. http://coed.com/2017/08/12/james-alex-fields-jr-charlottesville-suspect-arrest-driver-rams-car-into-protesters-white-nationalist-rally-counter-protest-injuries/

8) Alex Jones Accuses “Liberal Jews” of Acting the Role of White Supremacists in Charlottesville http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.806924

9) Charlottesville, Newsweek, Fake News and Alex Jones http://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-calls-charlottesville-violence-false-flag-650152

10) Cointelpro Redux? KKK leader behind Charlottesville rally has history as FBI
informant http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/local/kkk-leader-seeking-charlottesville-rally-has-history-as-fbi-informant/article_d4f743b0-4b0b-11e7-9b0d-bf585dde11ff.html

11) The Ku Klux Klan opens its door to Jews homosexuals and black people in bizarre recruitment drive http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2828425/The-Ku-Klux-Klan-opens-door-Jews-black-people-homosexuals-new-recruits-wear-white-robes-hats.html#ixzz4q1ZMJwk9

12) White nationalists, Richard Spencer to protest at Texas A&M on
9/11 http://www.thebatt.com/news/white-nationalists-to-protest-at-texas-a-m-on/article_807a53e4-7f87-11e7-8dab-af12a6146408.html

“Liberal/Leftist False Flags”?

13) Charlottesville Unite The Right False Flag Car Crash Terrorist Attack By Trump Hater On Trump
Haters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SaW0PD4110

14) At least 2 mosques are attacked per week on average in the
US http://stepfeed.com/at-least-2-mosques-are-attacked-per-week-on-average-in-the-us-2842

Occupied Palestine Weighs In

15) Palestinian professor Mazin Qumsiyeh: Zionist provocateurs in
Charlottesville? http://popular-resistance.blogspot.com/2017/08/questions-to-us-citizens.html

16) Zio-Nazi racist Netanyahu “outraged by racist
Nazis” http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.807025

Apologists for “Israel” and “Kurdistan”: “Every Ethnic Group Deserves a Nation-State” (Re: Identity Politics Runs Amok)

17) Netanyahu backs Kurdistan partition http://www.fort-russ.com/2017/08/netanyahu-pledges-support-for.html

18) Lying Israelis using Kurds to destroy neighboring
nations https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/kurds-independence-iraq-trump-by-shlomo-ben-ami-2017-08

19) Kurds are NOT “biggest ethnic group without their own
state” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoruba_people

20) 185 ethnic groups in one country,
Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Russia

21) 57 ethnic groups in one country,
India https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Ethnic_groups_in_India

Syrian Government Seizes Terrorists’ US-Made Chemical Weapons

22) Syrian Foreign Ministry Accuses US, UK of Supplying Toxic Agents to
Terrorists https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201708161056505295-syria-us-uk-toxic-agents-terrorists/

23) Kevin on Radio Sputnik discussing discovery of US chemical weapons in
Syria http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/17/hist-chem/

War on Freedom

24) Cloudflare CEO Terminates Neo-Nazi Site After ‘Waking Up in a Bad Mood’

25) Federal Court Rules Citizens Have NO Right To Film Politicians & Police In
Public http://www.trueactivist.com/federal-court-rules-citizens-have-no-right-to-film-politicians-police-

26) George Orwell and Mohammed Atta were
here http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/16/george-orwell-and-mohammed-atta-were-here/

27) Is Trump Administration Censoring a New Book on Government
Torture? http://www.newsweek.com/torture-cia-mark-fallon-trump-george-w-bush-barack-obama-pentagon-enhanced-651120

28) NY Times and Unabomber are right – Bundys and Trump are wrong: Federally-protected land is one of the GOOD things about
USA https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/12/opinion/sunday/hiking-pacific-crest-trail.html

Korean War II: Just a shot away

29) Thunder run to Seoul: North Korea’s war
plan http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/thunder-run-to-seoul-north-korea-s-war-plan-1-5142889

30) North Korea: “Their Health System Sucks” – Do They have Schools and Hospitals… In America We’ve Got
Medicare… http://www.globalresearch.ca/north-korea-their-health-system-sucks-do-they-have-schools-and-hospitals-in-america-weve-got-medicare/5604293

31) Trumpocalypse Now? Madman Prez Keeps Doubling Down on Whacked-Out Warnings to North
Korea http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/11/trumpocalypse/

32) Rein In Trump’s Power to Launch a Nuclear First Strike: Contact Your
Representative https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2017/08/16/rein-in-trumps-power-to-launch-a-nuclear-first-strike-contact-your-representative/

Odds and Ends

33) Democrats in Congress Explore Creating an Expert Panel on Trump’s Mental
Health https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/democrats-in-congress-explore-creating-an-expert-panel-on-trump-rsquo-s-mental-health/

34) Now Trump Is Being Stalked By A Giant Freaky
Rat http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-rat-new-york_us_59924bc7e4b09071f69c1676?

Friday, 08/25/2017 False Flag Weekly News



1)Support FFWN! https://fundrazr.com/11H0A2

2) Only 2 weeks left….get your LIVE STREAM ticket to watch the 9/11 Truth

Crackdown on Internet Free Speech

3) NY Times, Google target MSM skeptics as “violent
extremists” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/23/technology/a-hunt-for-ways-to-disrupt-the-work-of-online-radicalization.html

4) Web haven for far
right https://www.pressreader.com/usa/los-angeles-times/20170813/281505046321917

5) “Pre-9/11 moment”: White House advisory group warns of ‘9/11-level cyber
attack’ https://fcw.com/articles/2017/08/22/white-house-cyber-advice-rockwell.aspx

UTILITIES https://theintercept.com/2017/07/27/steve-bannon-wants-facebook-and-google-regulated-like-utilities/

Trump: US will surge forever into Afghan quagmire

7) With Bannon Gone, Will Wars Escalate?

8) Trump commits US to endless Afghan quagmire; Taliban vows
“graveyard” http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-afghanistan-idUSKCN1B109Q

9) Trump KNOWS 9/11 was an inside job — yet lies and blames
Afghanistan http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/22/trump-knows/

10) Pakistan rejects role of ‘scapegoat for U.S. failures’ in
Afghanistan https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-pakistan-idUSKCN1B3125

11) With Chinese Pakistan Can Ignore Trump on
Afghanistan https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-23/with-chinese-support-pakistan-can-ignore-trump-on-afghanistan

12) It’s the opium, stupid: ‘Afghan surge guarantees CIA black-ops budget
boost’ https://www.rt.com/op-edge/400653-us-afghanistan-opium-surge-trump/

13) More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral
Riches http://www.globalresearch.ca/more-american-troops-to-afghanistan-to-keep-the-chinese-out-lithium-and-the-battle-for-afghanistans-mineral-riches/5605456

14) Up to $10 trillion worth of mineral resources could be buried in North Korean
soil. https://qz.com/index/1008436/north-korea-has-up-to-10-trillion-of-wealth-in-minerals-trapped-underground/

Charlottesville Culture Wars

15) Charlottesville: Gladio Meets
Cointelpro? https://americanfreepress.net/charlottesville-gladio-meets-cointelpro/

16) Antifa: Globalism’s Street
Enforcers https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/08/Antifa-Globalisms-Street-Enforcers.html

17) Arizona ban on Mexican-American studies ruled unconstitutional –
judge https://www.rt.com/usa/400686-arizona-history-program-ban-constitutional/

18) Texas man charged with trying to blow up Confederate
statue https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-protests-universityoftexas-idUSKCN1B110C

19) Prominent Washington D.C. Monument to Masonic Confederate General Albert Pike is
untouched https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/08/statue-of-masonic-confederate-general.html

Barcelona False Flag Fallout

20) 8/17/17 Barcelona False Flag:
UPDATED http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/17/71717/

21) Spanish police track down, shoot dead Barcelona
attacker http://www.reuters.com/article/us-spain-security-idUSKCN1B10J8

22) Barcelona attack: Woman caught up in third terror event after surviving London Bridge and Paris
rampages http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/barcelona-attack-woman-las-ramblas-london-bridge-paris-julia-monaco-shopping-australian-melbourne-a7899386.html

23) In Barcelona, Muslims demonstrate in their thousands against
terrorism https://www.pressenza.com/2017/08/barcelona-muslims-demonstrate-thousands-terrorism/

Occupied Muslim East

24) US forces to occupy Syria for decades to
come https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/us-forces-occupy-syria-decades-come/

25) Video Emerges Of US Allowing ISIS Fighters To Escape Safely In Syria

26) Tehran demands US pay $245mn to Iraq-Iran war chemical weapons
victims https://www.rt.com/news/400437-us-damage-chemical-iraq/

27) Netanyahu to Putin: Iran must withdraw from Syria or Israel will ‘defend
itself’ https://www.rt.com/news/400702-bibi-putin-iranian-presence-syria/

28) Thierry Meyssan analyzes US grand strategy to destroy and loot most
of the world http://www.voltairenet.org/article197541.html

29) US Navy vulnerable – USS John McCain hit by cyber
hackers? http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/national-security/article168470432.html

False Flag Planet

30) UNICEF: Boko Haram use of child bombers
soars http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/08/unicef-boko-haram-child-bombers-soars-170822160541719.html

31) Paying for terrorism: Where does Boko Haram gets its money
from? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/paying-for-terrorism-where-does-boko-haram-gets-its-money-from-9503948.html

32) ‘Shameful’ MSM bigots and racists blame Zionist terrorism on Arabs, Muslims

Odds and Ends

33) Jury refuses to convict in Bundy ranch
standoff https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2017/aug/22/jury-refuses-to-convict-in-bundy-ranch-standoff/

34) Ex-BBC reporter who quit corporation after bosses shelved her investigation into Jimmy Savile dies aged
52 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jimmy-savile-bbc-documentary-panorama-11013587

35) Nine Articles of Impeachment for Donald Trump (and Counting) http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/nine-articles-of-impeachment-for-donald-trump

36) President Trump risks blindness as he peeks at the solar eclipse without his glasses from the White House terrace with Melania, Barron, Ivanka and cabinet members including Jeff
Sessions http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4810532/President-Trump-looks-sun-without-glasses-eclipse.html

7th June 2019, 12:04 PM
False Flag Weekly News 6/7/19 w hosts Dr. Kevin Barrett & Dr. Alan Sabrosky

YouTube’s War on Free Speech

Show & all links: https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2019/06/ffwn-youtubes-war-on-free-speech

(66 mins): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GonggRKJTS4


31st January 2020, 04:12 PM
KB's had this NYC journo Helen Buyniski (((?))) on as co hostess. Not a looker but quick mind, snarky commentary. :D YT ch Helen of Destroy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA5PHT0us3EHiysaV0Q3ieg/videos)

as for KB he's had full TDS for... awhile! his rants often leave his guests/hosts silent trying to politely change the subject without overtly disagreeing or trying to temper KB's over the top TDS spasms :rolleyes:

story links:
FFWN: Gangster Scumbags Dershowitz, Trump & Bibi Keep Their Underwear On (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2020/01/ffwn-deal/)

January 30, 2020 (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2020/01/ffwn-deal/)

1h: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0LHOWbq05I&feature=youtu.be


31st January 2020, 04:21 PM
Tds ?

31st January 2020, 04:26 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome

with KB being a scary muzzie convert from mid 1990s, & PhD Islamologist... he really lays into DJT for his being such a zio sellout. But it's OTT with his ad hom insults; retarded, barely literate, etc

31st January 2020, 05:09 PM
KB is no good to listen to anymore. At first he impressed me as kind of mild mannered and balanced in his views but then, just like D C Dave and Spingola he became so focused against Israel and the Jews that they lost all reasonableness and looked more and more unbalanced with every day. The objective truth is that we can have serious criticism of both sides of that peddled dialectic.
Islam is really more a form of governent and not a religion. It was started by a murderer and its followers were mass murderers too. They mowed down North Africa in their bloody conquests, and there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that it was they who majored in the African slave trade.

The Left always defends crazy violent actions by Muslims in the USA and even blames the victim for being "racist" and against "multiculturism" and the Islam entity one of the Left's favorite tools. Lately I see Saudi Arabia as being joined at the hip with Israel and wonder if the whole of Islam was not from its beginning one of their created tools.

31st January 2020, 06:33 PM
Islam is really more a form of governent and not a religion.

word from classic US History books like de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" (https://www.history.com/topics/france/alexis-de-tocqueville#section_3), & pastors like Lindsey 'get ur pencils ready!' Williams, was that USA's founding Christianity was the de facto gummit; & "separation of church and state" was intended to keep fed/gov out of the way of our governing theology!

LW explains that was corrupted by the 501c3-ing of churches beginning in the cult-marxist 1960s.

As we know, joodahism is nothing but a trans-generational organized crime cult masquerading as a 'religion', whose (mostly atheist...) practitioners actually worship satan >:D & themselves.

31st January 2020, 08:33 PM
word from classic US History books like de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" (https://www.history.com/topics/france/alexis-de-tocqueville#section_3), & pastors like Lindsey 'get ur pencils ready!' Williams, was that USA's founding Christianity was the de facto gummit; & "separation of church and state" was intended to keep fed/gov out of the way of our governing theology!

LW explains that was corrupted by the 501c3-ing of churches beginning in the cult-marxist 1960s.

As we know, joodahism is nothing but a trans-generational organized crime cult masquerading as a 'religion', whose (mostly atheist...) practitioners actually worship satan >:D & themselves.

On this:

"trans-generational organized crime cult masquerading as a 'religion',"

That's exactly how this guy, Jeff Gates, described it--https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/author/jeffgates/

I heard him years ago with DBS at iamthewitness.com, and I even bought his book https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/098213150X?ie=UTF8&tag=veteranstoday-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=098213150X

Kind of feels hopeless when you go to places like conservativetreehouse and see that they all LOVE Israhell and think Israhell is the US's best friend...you can't wake those people up

25th March 2020, 12:06 PM
Great listen on Noliesradio

Hitler Was a False Flag


The ending is very important. Chris talks about how Putin is run by Khazar Russian Jews, and how Netanyahu, trump and putin are three Khazar jewish puppets. Netanyahu being the puppet master. The globalists are run by the Rothschilds. The neo-nazis are run by the Khazars. RT News was founded by a jewish family of Khazar allies promoted by Khazar puppet Putin.

That communism is supposed to be jewish run, when the goyim run communism to their benefit, not the the jews benefit, it gets couped and attacked. The Soviet Union fell because the Soviet Union was anti-zionst. The Chinese run a pro-Chinese government, not to the benefit of the jews. The guest on noliesradio confirms that putin is fulfilling the communist agenda of jews, to have a despot with no opposition serving the Khazars.

Black nationalism has been run by jews as a way to get whitey, white nationalist leaders are mostly ZOG controlled, as trump is. putin the devil-father of the white nationalists is fooling everybody, that is why idiots get fooled about trump, because they were fooled by putin.

For over a decade I have been saying that Hitler was a jew agent. The guest confirms this.

If you want Khazars to rule over you, support putin and trump. Who are puppets of Likud.

Brother Nathaniel is on the side of the Khazars pushing putin, but blaming jew agent trump.

Since it is the general rule that you have to say something false with a basket of truth and facts, here is the false statement - Kevin Barrett is not a gatekeeper.

The Rothschild globalists want the human population to be at 500 million. So they want everybody except the jews to have a die off from not having kids. The Khazars want the good people of the world dead, because Khazars are Turks.

Here is a typical Khazar idea:


trump is a Khazar puppet.

17th January 2021, 06:14 AM
Pretty good FFWN yest; 1h 40m -- MP3 only: Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/bb6c113d0/uhegwyii-ednu6ape-6h5mycmx-i83i9tjz)

skim headlines below for quick version:



FFWN: Permanent Emergency! All 50 State Capitols Will Be Nuked by Confederate Nazis NOT WEARING MASKS!!!
January 15, 2021 (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2021/01/permanent-emergency/) Kevin Barrett (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/author/kevin/)

Watch live Fridays 11 to noon Central on youtube.com/c/KevinBarrett (https://www.youtube.com/c/KevinBarrett)

This episode features co-host John Shuck (https://www.johnshuck.com/)

1) Help FFWN Push Back Against Big Tech Censorship…Instead of Giving Up and Just Making Cat Videos https://fundrazr.com/41lD71

Capitol(s): Permanent Emergency
2) Trump approves state of emergency declaration in US capital ahead of Inauguration Day https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/1/12/trump-approves-state-of-emergency-declaration-in-us-capital
3) Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols FBI bulletin says https://abcnews.go.com/US/armed-protests-planned-50-state-capitols-fbi-bulletin/story?id=75179771

What Really Happened Jan. 6?
4) “String of Failures” Led to Dark Day at Capitol—Screw-Ups or Conspiracy? LIHOP or MIHOP? https://news.yahoo.com/inside-deadly-siege-string-failures-131028829.html
5) What We Know So Far: A Timeline Of Security Response At The Capitol On Jan. 6 https://www.npr.org/2021/01/15/956842958/what-we-know-so-far-a-timeline-of-security-at-the-capitol-on-january-6
6) As riot raged at Capitol Trump tried to call senators to overturn election https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/mike-lee-tommy-tuberville-trump-misdialed-capitol-riot/index.html

Pence Almost Lynched/Kidnapped?!
7) Retired Air Force officer at Capitol riot intended “to take hostages,” prosecutor says https://www.cbsnews.com/news/larry-brock-arrested-capitol-riots-intended-take-hostages/
8) They hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/chris-99178053752
9) Gordon Duff: Trump on the phone with rioters directing them to find Mike Pence’s family…and ‘Stop the Steal’ though kidnapping https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/01/09/breaking-exclusive-trump-on-the-phone-with-rioters-directing-them-to-find-mike-pences-family-and-stop-the-steal-though-kidnapping/
10) How the rioters who stormed the Capitol came dangerously close to Pence (Duff article corrobated?) https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pence-rioters-capitol-attack/2021/01/15/ab62e434-567c-11eb-a08b-f1381ef3d207_story.html
11) Why Trump is OBVIOUSLY Not Guilty of Incitement (Unless Duff’s Story Pans Out) https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/14/opinion/trump-trial-incitement.html

Inside Job?
12) Dems demand details of ‘suspicious’ Capitol visitors day before attack (inside job?) https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/12/mikie-sherrill-capitol-hill-attack-458655
13) Panic buttons were inexplicably torn out ahead of Capitol riots says Ayanna Pressley chief of staff https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/capitol-riots-ayanna-pressley-panic-buttons-b1786678.html

Suspicious Characters
14) Agent Provocateur John Sullivan Instigated & Led Capitol Violence -Max Blumenthal http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62004
15) Pelosi Like Trump Is Lifelong Organized Crime Asset https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/fbi-vault-on-pelosis-politician-father-thomas-d-alesandro/
16) QAnon congresswoman who live-tweeted Nancy Pelosi’s location to rioters now facing calls for arrest https://www.salon.com/2021/01/11/qanon-congresswoman-who-live-tweeted-nancy-pelosis-location-to-rioters-now-facing-calls-for-arrest_partner/
17) Capitol ‘rioter who wanted to shoot Nancy Pelosi’s noggin’ arrested https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/pelosi-text-shoot-capitol-cleveland-meredith-b1785053.html
18) FBI arrests Nashville zip-tie suspect from assault on U.S. Capitol https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/fbi-arrests-nashville-zip-tie-suspect-from-assault-on-u-s-capitol
19) Sen. Susan Collins (Moron, Maine): “I Thought Iran Was Attacking the Capitol” https://bangordailynews.com/2021/01/11/opinion/contributors/democracy-prevailed-over-the-rioters-who-sieged-the-capitol/
20) While Railing Against Trump Coup Biden Appoints Chief Ukraine Coup-Plotter Victoria Nuland https://www.mintpressnews.com/railing-trump-coup-biden-appoints-chief-ukraine-coup-plotter-victoria-nuland/274096/

“Insurrection” or “Total Ideological War”?
21) READ: Military Joint Chiefs statement condemning ‘sedition and insurrection’ at US Capitol https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/12/politics/joint-chiefs-memo-capitol-insurrection/index.html
22) The 14th Amendment is the Constitution’s answer to insurrection https://bangordailynews.com/2021/01/12/opinion/contributors/the-14th-amendment-the-constitutions-answer-to-insurrection/
23) CJ Hopkins: Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War? https://www.unz.com/chopkins/are-you-ready-for-total-ideological-war/
24) CNN’s Cuomo rages as his own words supporting BLM riots come back to bite him https://www.rt.com/usa/512329-cuomo-hypocrisy-protesters-riots-blm
25) Big Tech Censors David Mathisen’s “Capital Hill Fiasco 2021” https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-capitol-hill-fiasco/5733996

Big Tech: Totalitarian Tyranny
26) How Silicon Valley in a Show of Monopolistic Force Destroyed Parler https://greenwald.substack.com/p/how-silicon-valley-in-a-show-of-monopolistic
27) Trump Was Dangerous But the Solution is Not to Give More Political Power to Unrivalled TechGiants https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/01/12/trump-was-dangerous-but-the-solution-is-not-to-give-more-political-power-to-unrivalled-techgiants/
28) Zuckerberg Nukes Ron Paul’s Facebook Page No Reason Given https://www.newsweek.com/ron-paul-blocked-accessing-facebook-page-over-violating-community-standards-1560639
29) Facebook DELETES account of Iran’s Press TV news network with 4 million subscribers https://www.rt.com/news/512287-facebook-bans-presstv-iran/
30) Censorship Doesn’t Just Lead to Violence—It IS Violence (Kevin’s latest rant) https://www.patreon.com/posts/46206295
31) Big tech censorship backfires victims turn to text message chains https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/qanon-falsehoods-move-text-message-chains-n1253962
32) ‘Modern-day book burners’: Portland bookstore forced to evacuate after protesters demand it pulls book critical of Antifa https://www.rt.com/usa/512339-portland-bookstore-ngo-antifa/
33) NYT Op-Ed Asks: Is 1st Amendment Obsolete? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/opinion/trump-lies-free-speech.html
34) 9/11-lie-peddling NYT bemoans “post-truth world” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/09/magazine/trump-coup.html

Holy Vaccines!
35) Pope Emeritus Benedict joins Pope Francis in taking abortion-tainted COVID vaccine https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-emeritus-benedict-joins-pope-francis-in-taking-abortion-tainted-covid-vaccine
36) Experts dismiss Israeli drive to vaccinate world’s Holocaust survivors as political stunt https://forward.com/news/israel/461950/experts-dismiss-israeli-drive-to-vaccinate-worlds-holocaust-survivors-as/

Zionist Power
37) Jewish community confounded by comparison of Parler shutdown to Kristallnacht https://forward.com/fast-forward/461869/right-wing-figures-compare-parler-shutdown-to-kristallnacht-confounding/
38) Ultra-Thuggish Genocidal Zionist Gangster Adelson Honored By Forward Liberals as “Proud, Tough Jew” https://forward.com/news/462000/a-proud-tough-jew-sheldon-adelson-through-the-eyes-of-some-who-knew-him/
39) Trump Fired by Bibi for Refusing to Attack Iran? https://tsarfat.wordpress.com/2021/01/09/bye-bye-truamps/

Trump’s Parting Shots
40) Trump Angers U.S. Allies and Enemies with Foreign Policy Parting Shots https://www.newsweek.com/trump-angers-us-allies-enemies-foreign-policy-parting-shots-1561158
40A) Donald Trump holds Oval Office talks with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell who brandishes notes about ‘MARTIAL LAW’ and using the Insurrection Act and installing new CIA director https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9153263/Donald-Trump-holds-talks-MyPillow-CEO-Mike-Lindell-brandishes-notes-MARTIAL-LAW.html
41) Trump Aims to Beat His Own Record with THIRD Impeachment: “It Would Be YUGE!” https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/01/14/3rd-impeachment/

CIA UFO Files Dropped from Flying Saucer
42) CIA Releases All UFO Files…Except the Ones the Grays Abducted I Mean Redacted https://www.yahoo.com/news/truth-perhaps-cia-releases-thousands-202703452.html

17th January 2021, 07:25 AM
Researcher-historian Christopher Jon Bjerknes (https://cjbbooks.com/), author of Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist (https://cjbbooks.com/books/) and other books, joins the debate on Hitler. Like my recent guest Michael Hoffman, Bjerknes thinks Hitler was indeed an “enemy of the German people”—and a very dubious character in many respects—whose reign was an unmitigated disaster for Germany and Europe in general. Now he’s under attack from Hitler fans!
Adam Green recently wrote me:

I enjoyed your interview with Michael Hoffman. The religious zealot nazi cult is viciously attacking Bjerknes and me after our videos about his new books too. Our videos were all top trending on bitchute
After watching your great talk with Hoffman, I’d love to see you have Bjerknes on too. He’s under smear attack big time right now. His new theories that Hitler was ZIONIST/COMMUNIST controlled opposition is incredibly interesting, I think he’s onto something big.