View Full Version : Ferguson will soon look like this without a White police department

12th March 2015, 09:46 PM





:D the good news is no Police left to arrest us pissed-off White guys either:



12th March 2015, 10:17 PM
http://i1.wp.com/therightstuff.biz/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/JP-WILSON1-master180.jpg?resize=180%2C250 (http://i1.wp.com/therightstuff.biz/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/JP-WILSON1-master180.jpg)
He a good boy, he dindu nuffin!

13th March 2015, 03:48 AM
Why I Wouldn’t Want To Be A Police Officer In America Today
By Michael Snyder, on March 12th, 2015

Can you imagine going to work each day knowing that there are lots of people out there that would love to see you dead? Despite what a lot of Americans may think, it takes a real courage sociopath/psychopath to be a police officer in this country today. Every time you put on that uniform and walk out the front door, it might be the very last time that you ever see your spouse and family. (What a bunch of disinformation BULLSHIT *see post #4) Yes, there is a whole lot of needless police brutality in the United States in 2015, and I am going to address that later in this article. But most police officers are just regular people sociopaths that are trying to do their jobs and serve their communities of collecting revenue for and protecting the corporate state. And on Wednesday, we got a reminder of just how dangerous those jobs can be. At around midnight on Wednesday, two Ferguson police officers were ambushed. A 32-year-old officer named Webster Groves was shot just beneath his right eye, and another 41-year-old officer was hit in the shoulder. Sadly, this is probably only just the beginning. Racial tensions continue to escalate, and we are on the verge of a great financial crisis which will cause economic conditions in our cities to deteriorate rapidly. By the end of this decade, I fully expect civil unrest, rioting, looting and mindless violence to become commonplace in large cities all across America. In such an environment, it will be extremely dangerous to be a police officer.

The good news for the two police officers that got shot in Ferguson is that it looks like they are going to be okay.

But the same cannot be said for many other police officers that have been ambushed over the past year.

According to CNN, the number of police officers that were shot to death increased by more than 50 percent in 2014…

The number of law enforcement officers shot to death in the line of duty (to the state) is up by more than 50% this year, and the leading method of those shootings was ambush-style attack.

That’s according to the nonprofit Washington-based National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, which released its findings Tuesday.

And like I said, this is probably only just the beginning.

Sadly, a whole lot more police are going to die before this is all over.

You can try to blame this latest incident in Ferguson on a “deranged individual” if you want, but I think that the reactions that we saw on social media to these police shootings say a whole lot about where we are as a country.

In the immediate aftermath of the shootings, a lot of people were actually celebrating. The following is a sampling of comments from Twitter…

-#ChiefJackson steps down and two pigs get shot? Best day #Ferguson has had in years

-im glad 2 pigs wounded in #Ferguson lol

-#Ferguson kill the pigs

-serves those two pigs right, i hope organized public militancy continues #ferguson

-#Ferguson pigs shouldnt grab ppl; thugs deserved it. Wish it was #DarrenWilson. Sound familiar? #MichaelBrown #VonderittMyers #AntonioMartin

-Racist cops shot not gonna cry 4 pigs #Ferguson

-I heard two pigs in #Ferguson got shot? We’re they left on the ground bleeding out and dead like Mike Brown?

-hopefully they’ll be off the street for a long time. two less pigs out harassing & kidnapping people. #Ferguson

Could you imagine trying to be a police officer in Ferguson in this kind of environment?

And it isn’t as if we didn’t see this coming. Just consider an excerpt from an article that I authored a while back entitled “It’s WAR On The Streets Of America“…

The liberal mainstream media and many national leaders (Al Sharpton, George Soros) on the left end of the spectrum have been stirring up strife and division for months on end. So now a toxic environment has been created which is inevitably going to lead to even more violence. At some recent “protest marches”, we have heard demonstrators enthusiastically chant extremely threatening slogans such as this: “What do we want? Dead cops!” And when news broke that Ismaaiyl Brinsley had brutally murdered two NYPD police officers, lots of very twisted people on Twitter were actually celebrating.

The sick thing is that there are a lot of people out there that actually want to turn this into a full-blown war. Some want a race war, some want a “war on cops”, and others just seem to want a general excuse for crime, looting and mayhem.

Unfortunately, if I am right, this is just a small preview of what we can expect in the years ahead. Just like we have witnessed in Ferguson, I anticipate that we will eventually see a number of our larger cities burn.

And it never had to be this way.

Why can’t we all just love, respect and honor one another (and submit to the sociopaths)?

Yes, police brutality in the United States is wildly out of control. In many areas of the nation, police officers are actually trained to bark orders, act like thugs and physically abuse people at the drop of a hat. Our entire culture of policing needs to change.

I think that John W. Whitehead put it very aptly in one of his recent commentaries…

For those of us who have managed to survive 2014 with our lives intact and our freedoms hanging by a thread, it has been a year of crackdowns, clampdowns, shutdowns, showdowns, shootdowns, standdowns, knockdowns, putdowns, breakdowns, lockdowns, takedowns, slowdowns, meltdowns, and never-ending letdowns.

We’ve been held up, stripped down, faked out, photographed, frisked, fracked, hacked, tracked, cracked, intercepted, accessed, spied on, zapped, mapped, searched, shot at, tasered, tortured, tackled, trussed up, tricked, lied to, labeled, libeled, leered at, shoved aside, saddled with debt not of our own making, sold a bill of goods about national security, tuned out by those representing us, tossed aside, and taken to the cleaners.

As I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, we’ve had our freedoms turned inside out, our democratic structure flipped upside down, and our house of cards left in a shambles.

We’ve had our children burned by flashbang grenades, our dogs shot, and our old folks hospitalized after “accidental” encounters with marauding SWAT teams. We’ve been told that as citizens we have no rights within 100 miles of our own border, now considered “Constitution-free zones.” We’ve had our faces filed in government databases, our biometrics crosschecked against criminal databanks, and our consumerist tendencies catalogued for future marketing overtures.

Now a large segment of our population either detests the police or is extremely fearful of ever dealing with them.

Is that a recipe for a healthy society?

Police brutality has become a permanent part of our culture, and that has got to change. If it doesn’t, protests against the police are going to get worse and worse.

But what most protesters don’t seem to understand is that we actually need the police.

Without the police, or because of police? our society would descend into utter chaos very rapidly. Thanks to unchecked illegal immigration, there are approximately 1.4 million gang members roaming our cities now. And the moral decay that we see all around us is getting worse with each passing year. We are a nation that is absolutely teeming with addicts, sickos, perverts and psychopaths. I don’t even want to imagine what our society would look like without police.

Like I said, most only some police officers are just average people that are trying to do their jobs and serve their communities.

Unfortunately for because of them, their jobs are becoming a lot more difficult and a lot more dangerous.

13th March 2015, 04:12 AM
Despite what a lot of Americans may think, it takes real courage to be a police officer in this country today. Every time you put on that uniform and walk out the front door, it might be the very last time that you ever see your spouse and family.

What a bunch of disinformation BULLSHIT.

Police officers don't even rank in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the country. Tired of seeing that horseshit.

1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers


13th March 2015, 04:43 AM
What a bunch of disinformation BULLSHIT.

Police officers don't even rank in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the country. Tired of seeing that horseshit.

1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers


I made a few edits to the original post. Hope it helps.

13th March 2015, 05:13 AM
I made a few edits to the original post. Hope it helps.

LOL well done sir.... Well done.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th March 2015, 06:15 AM
if they can go around saying and doing anything they want without repercussion and we have to walk on eggshells to not offend them...we've lost.

A man identifying himself as John C. Muhammad, the City Manager of Uplands Park, MO, said that the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson was “a complete setup” carried out by the police on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

“I think it was a complete setup. I think it was a setup between members of the police fraternities, what I like to call it. I think they operate just like the KKK. I think they did it to make themselves think they’re the victim, when honestly the victim are black people. I think it’s just a publicity stunt. No more than that” he stated. Although, he later clarified that this was solely his position, and not necessarily that of his constituents.

The man was identified on the air as “John Muhammad…a City Manager in a nearby town.” A LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-c-muhammad/33/269/271) and what appears to be the city’s website (https://discoveruplandsparkmo.wordpress.com/government/city-administration-management/) identify John C. Muhammad as City Manager of Uplands Park, MO, and a Twitter page with the same name has a tweet saying he is planning to go to Ferguson to protest
He added, “we have to keep pushing this issue forward, because this is a major problem that black men, black women are being shot down and killed by white police officers, sometimes blackm because the problem is not always these white people. Well, it is, but it’s not.” He further stated the police “don’t serve and protect me” and said that cops only protect white people.

midnight rambler
13th March 2015, 08:11 AM
if they can go around saying and doing anything they want without repercussion and we have to walk on eggshells to not offend them...we've lost.

A man identifying himself as John C. Muhammad, the City Manager of Uplands Park, MO, said that the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson was “a complete setup” carried out by the police on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

“I think it was a complete setup. I think it was a setup between members of the police fraternities, what I like to call it. I think they operate just like the KKK. I think they did it to make themselves think they’re the victim, when honestly the victim are black people. I think it’s just a publicity stunt. No more than that” he stated. Although, he later clarified that this was solely his position, and not necessarily that of his constituents.

The man was identified on the air as “John Muhammad…a City Manager in a nearby town.” A LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-c-muhammad/33/269/271) and what appears to be the city’s website (https://discoveruplandsparkmo.wordpress.com/government/city-administration-management/) identify John C. Muhammad as City Manager of Uplands Park, MO, and a Twitter page with the same name has a tweet saying he is planning to go to Ferguson to protest
He added, “we have to keep pushing this issue forward, because this is a major problem that black men, black women are being shot down and killed by white police officers, sometimes blackm because the problem is not always these white people. Well, it is, but it’s not.” He further stated the police “don’t serve and protect me” and said that cops only protect white people.

It's absolutely absurd to assert that cops (or anyone supporting cops) would take lob bullets at a group of cops when death could be equally as likely as being wounded. This shows the mindset of those radical blacks presenting themselves as 'respectable'.

13th March 2015, 09:12 AM
It's absolutely absurd to assert that cops (or anyone supporting cops) would take lob bullets at a group of cops when death could be equally as likely as being wounded. This shows the mindset of those radical blacks presenting themselves as 'respectable'.

Agreed, I definitely don't believe anyone would take a bullet for a publicity stunt.

I'm not sure if it was just dumb luck or highly accurate that they were able to hit anyone 125 yards away with a handgun.

midnight rambler
13th March 2015, 09:24 AM
Agreed, I definitely don't believe anyone would take a bullet for a publicity stunt.

I'm not sure if it was just dumb luck or highly accurate that they were able to hit anyone 125 yards away with a handgun.

Think about it - you have cops all closely bunched up all a shooter would have to do is aim at approximate head level, likely gonna hit someone in the group. Three shots fired, two hit.

13th March 2015, 09:36 AM
What a bunch of disinformation BULLSHIT.

Police officers don't even rank in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the country. Tired of seeing that horseshit.

1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers


I'll post my two bits, if anyone cares. My current profession ranks up there between 1 and 2, logging and fishing, in regards to danger. I will say, looking back on the short time I was a cop, being a cop seemed more dangerous. Every night we responded to some crazy robbery, homicide, assault, etc. It was lights and sirens for 10 hours a day. Most of the danger came from driving like maniacs the whole time.

That being said, if I died at work today, nobody would care and it wouldn't make the news. Yet if a cop dies, it's all over the news and they get a section of the roadway named after them in memorial. I understand that, but both professions are jobs, that's it. People choose to do them, danger included, and if a person gets injured or dies doing their job, they are not heros, unless they go above and beyond their duties.

13th March 2015, 09:41 AM
I'll post my two bits, if anyone cares. My current profession ranks up there between 1 and 2, logging and fishing, in regards to danger. I will say, looking back on the short time I was a cop, being a cop seemed more dangerous. Every night we responded to some crazy robbery, homicide, assault, etc. It was lights and sirens for 10 hours a day. Most of the danger came from driving like maniacs the whole time.

That being said, if I died at work today, nobody would care and it wouldn't make the news. Yet if a cop dies, it's all over the news and they get a section of the roadway named after them in memorial. I understand that, but both professions are jobs, that's it. People choose to do them, danger included, and if a person gets injured or dies doing their job, they are not heros, unless they go above and beyond their duties.

Brain washing by popular TV shows?

This is not near a complete list.


13th March 2015, 11:01 AM
I'll post my two bits, if anyone cares. My current profession ranks up there between 1 and 2, logging and fishing, in regards to danger. I will say, looking back on the short time I was a cop, being a cop seemed more dangerous. Every night we responded to some crazy robbery, homicide, assault, etc. It was lights and sirens for 10 hours a day. Most of the danger came from driving like maniacs the whole time.

That being said, if I died at work today, nobody would care and it wouldn't make the news. Yet if a cop dies, it's all over the news and they get a section of the roadway named after them in memorial. I understand that, but both professions are jobs, that's it. People choose to do them, danger included, and if a person gets injured or dies doing their job, they are not heros, unless they go above and beyond their duties.

Seems like the only people that get a hero's funeral are those that support the power structure. Law Makers and their Enforcers.
Military soldiers don't get this notoriety.

13th March 2015, 11:10 AM
Seems like the only people that get a hero's funeral are those that support the power structure. Law Makers and their Enforcers.
Military soldiers don't get this notoriety.

No matter on the right or wrong, in my day coming back to the states from southeast Asia and the reception I got stateside was not good, compared to how the public treats service men and woman now, like night and day difference!

For years I refused to admit I was a vet to most in public!

13th March 2015, 11:18 AM
No matter on the right or wrong, in my day coming back to the states from southeast Asia and the reception I got stateside was not good, compared to how the public treats service men and woman now, like night and day difference!

For years I refused to admit I was a vet to most in public!

I always gave the veterans returning from the Nam respect.
I don't understand how so many that were drafted got treated badly. Today those in the military have enlisted. How does that make them different that they are treated better?

13th March 2015, 11:31 AM
I always gave the veterans returning from the Nam respect.
I don't understand how so many that were drafted got treated badly. Today those in the military have enlisted. How does that make them different that they are treated better?

Maybe most in my day were young and in revolt, but now it is THEIR kids joining dying and being maimed both physically and mentally?

We that were drafted or joined to avoid the army (being directly shot at) had no choice and our parents have already lived through one major war and then Korea!


Its all about mind set!

13th March 2015, 12:53 PM
Because Detroit is so nice, perhaps the renovators can do the same for Ferguson.

13th March 2015, 12:57 PM
Let them have it. White flight builds new clean neighborhoods. What we really need are borders between white folks and black hominids.

13th March 2015, 01:59 PM
Let them have it. White flight builds new clean neighborhoods. What we really need are borders between white folks and black hominids.

I think the Atlantic ocean makes a nice border.

mick silver
13th March 2015, 02:03 PM
I would not work there .......... give the shit hole to them and lets see what left next year . fence the place off and let them go at it

13th March 2015, 02:34 PM
I have seen too many places become dangerous shit holes because niggers were collected into an area- apartment buildings or condo-style multis. And then they came out with this wonderful integration plan where the savages were interspersed among whites who cared for their properties. In much of those the remaining whites were low life ghetto trash whereas the decent people largely left. Some who had no ability or just had mental problems remained behind to face the nigger abuse.

I have been in niggerville and it is hell. Those who would think I am racist need to experience for themselves the reality of the savage breed.

13th March 2015, 02:39 PM
Those who would think I am racist need to experience for themselves the reality of the savage breed.

By calling them a "breed" means they are all the same and act on an innate level. This is not true. The fact is, there are lots of good, honest, trustworthy black people. If I was one of them, your post would offend me. I'm surprised by your post Spec, this isn't the Christian way of thinking.

13th March 2015, 02:43 PM
By calling them a "breed" means they are all the same and act on an innate level. This is not true. The fact is, there are lots of good, honest, trustworthy black people. If I was one of them, your post would offend me. I'm surprised by your post Spec, this isn't the Christian way of thinking.

Many here in name, but not where it truly counts in action's (this is the internet is can not see or witness). Or words other than quoting cherry picked passages from the book!

But in general NO, not Christ like as in their words nor posted other beliefs.


Know many of different skin colors that I respect, but as all peoples of this world, the minority of all can distort!

Any rotten apple in a barrel can give the wrong impression for the rest that are good!

13th March 2015, 02:46 PM
By calling them a "breed" means they are all the same and act on an innate level. This is not true. The fact is, there are lots of good, honest, trustworthy black people. If I was one of them, your post would offend me. I'm surprised by your post Spec, this isn't the Christian way of thinking.

You are right. I am just venting. There are some good folks of darker color, but damn- gotta go a long distance to find them.

And now that I think about it... I am pretty disgusted with all people- all races. It is just that the white folks don't make me a target because of my color.

13th March 2015, 03:25 PM
And now that I think about it... I am pretty disgusted with all people- all races. It is just that the white folks don't make me a target because of my color.

I for the most part hate all people, does that still make me racist?

13th March 2015, 03:27 PM
I for the most part hate all people, does that still make me racist?

I've learned not to hate anything, it's not good for the health. I get disappointed. People, regardless of race, make that happen.

13th March 2015, 03:34 PM
I've learned not to hate anything, it's not good for the health. I get disappointed. People, regardless of race, make that happen.

I don't hate with a passion, just more of an "I can't fucking stand people" thing.

All I have to do is go to a store, or drive where there is other traffic, or have to deal with telephone personalities such as UPS. Most people are so stupid, crude, rude and self centered I can't stand it, the smart ones I have not met many so far.

13th March 2015, 04:29 PM
I'll post my two bits, if anyone cares. My current profession ranks up there between 1 and 2, logging and fishing, in regards to danger. I will say, looking back on the short time I was a cop, being a cop seemed more dangerous. Every night we responded to some crazy robbery, homicide, assault, etc. It was lights and sirens for 10 hours a day. Most of the danger came from driving like maniacs the whole time.

That being said, if I died at work today, nobody would care and it wouldn't make the news. Yet if a cop dies, it's all over the news and they get a section of the roadway named after them in memorial. I understand that, but both professions are jobs, that's it. People choose to do them, danger included, and if a person gets injured or dies doing their job, they are not heros, unless they go above and beyond their duties.

If you stated the same thing to both a rational man and a pure sheep,they will turn on you in an instant. Hero status of badges is fully ingrained to the cultural psyche.

13th March 2015, 04:32 PM
Let them have it. White flight builds new clean neighborhoods. What we really need are borders between white folks and black hominids.

Actually Ferguson was white until recently. Someone shipped in the blacks.

How Ferguson Went From Middle Class to Poor in a Generation (http://time.com/3138176/ferguson-demographic-change/)

In 1990, Ferguson, Mo. was a middle class suburban enclave north of St. Louis with a population about three-quarters white. In 2000, the town’s population was roughly split between black and white with an unemployment rate of 5%. By 2010, the population was two-thirds black, unemployment had exceeded 13%, and the number of residents living in poverty had doubled in a decade.


13th March 2015, 05:09 PM
Actually Ferguson was white until recently. Someone shipped in the blacks.

How Ferguson Went From Middle Class to Poor in a Generation (http://time.com/3138176/ferguson-demographic-change/)


The "great recession" also happened 2008-2009 could also play a major upset. As a business owner I saw it coming in a big way and others dissed me. I even posted almost a hundred pictures of the for sale/lease/rent signs on my little journey to pick up my kid.

Just didn't exist then I guess.

31st March 2015, 07:29 AM
nyc media, holder, obomba, and the rest of the liars should be forced to pay damages....in addition to being charged with inciting murders, assaults, terrorism, theft, more more more..


Prior to Brown’s death, the average home sold in 2014 was selling for $66,764. For the last three and a half months of the year, the average home sold for $36,168, a 46 percent decrease.

The trend has continued on through this year, with the average home selling for only $22,951 so far in 2015

31st March 2015, 07:31 AM


31st March 2015, 09:29 AM
in the highly compelling documentary "race the power of an illusion" it is also stated that the banskters since WW2 have the habit to speculate on neighborhoods...

when one of them has reached its peak, for whatever reason, the market goes down in that area and the real estate business is given a greenlight to look for minority families to move in... the first ones are always the top income within that minority but as time goes, whites move out since they dont want any minority neighbors. The white exodus becomes of course unstoppable at some point, then the houses prices begin to fall even more sharply... that is when the low class minority also begins to increase in the area.

this is the policy in place since WW2... forced and manipulated segregation. those shitty areas also justify why others are worth a lot more... it is all about pump and dump again. The scheme does more target the (upper) middle class than the very rich and work in reverse too... such as harlem, NY today chasing all the blacks out as rents are skyrocketing.

The skin color is not much of an issue between millionaires/billionaires.
