View Full Version : Hosing the homeless for Jesus

midnight rambler
18th March 2015, 02:13 PM
Such good Christians, I suppose it never occurred to them that Jesus was homeless as well.


18th March 2015, 02:36 PM
They're just baptizing the homeless, en masse. :)

18th March 2015, 04:37 PM
I don't really have a problem with this. they probably need a bath anyway.

KCBS has learned that Saint Mary’s Cathedral, the principal church of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, has installed a watering system to keep the homeless from sleeping in the cathedral’s doorways.
The cathedral, at Geary and Gough, is the home church of the Archbishop. There are four tall side doors, with sheltered alcoves, that attract homeless people at night.
“They actually have signs in there that say, ‘No Trespassing,’” said a homeless man named Robert.

But there are no signs warning the homeless about what happens in these doorways, at various times, all through the night. Water pours from a hole in the ceiling, about 30 feet above, drenching the alcove and anyone in it.
The shower ran for about 75 seconds, every 30 to 60 minutes while we were there, starting before sunset, simultaneously in all four doorways. KCBS witnessed it soak homeless people, and their belongings.
(Insert Boo-Hoo Icon here)

shucks.. maybe an ar15 will work better anyway.

San Francisco cathedral plans to remove system that doused sleeping homeless people with water

18th March 2015, 06:07 PM
That didn't take long.

They should have used the "at least we aren't sodomizing them" defense.

18th March 2015, 06:13 PM
When I went to a meeting of displaced homeowners where the bank illegally foreclosed on them, the room was full. I realize some fucked up but many tried to just refinance. Has nothing to with being worthless. Was all about the banks taking ownership. Get over your all "idiots couldn't pay crap' Finished story, the banksters had a fun game with this and the judges in their pocket liked it also.

7th July 2015, 09:14 PM
one of our local "Art" galleries has started doing this. "Misting" the homeless who are sleeping in the shelter of the gallery.

After the uproar - being caught out, they have turned them off.... probably just to get them adjusted so they spray a mist and not a stream of water.

Sprinklers on Perth homeless turned off

Sprinklers that were installed to deter homeless people from bedding down around the King Street Art Centre in Perth's CBD have been turned off after an outcry.

St Vincent De Paul Society was not alone in denouncing the move as lacking compassion.
A day after the story broke, director general of Culture and the Arts, Duncan Ord, said the system had been turned off as it "wasn't to specification", producing more than an intended mist.

Mr Ord said the system was installed after complaints were received about homeless people urinating in the laneway, drinking alcohol and using drugs, swearing, being disagreeable when asked to move on and engaging in "general disagreeable, antisocial behaviour".

"There were people who were there constantly," he told ABC radio on Wednesday. "In fact there was a tent pitched."

It had been a problem for around 18 months and there had been several attempts to organise alternative housing through the Salvation Army, Mr Ord said. "The people that were staying there regularly said that they didn't want that kind of support," he said.

With the arts centre featuring a dance studio, many users were young females "so our concerns was the duty of care for them" and cleaners who were finding themselves "accosted" by homeless people trying to use the toilets, Mr Ord said.

"If this was a situation outside an education facility, I'm sure the public would justifiably ask the Department of Education to try to find a way of finding these people an alternative place," he said.

link (https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/28713814/hoses-on-homeless-turned-off-after-outcry/)

The version I read earlier had a different spokespersons IIRC.

7th July 2015, 11:14 PM

Liberal sympathizers are no where near where these bums actually flop at night...lol.


7th trump
8th July 2015, 06:02 AM

Liberal sympathizers are no where near where these bums actually flop at night...lol.


You wont see midnight in, or by, any church either. Instead you'll see him at your local communist get together talking about how this country sucks and how communist Russia is the greatest country in the world.

7th trump
8th July 2015, 06:10 AM
Such good Christians, I suppose it never occurred to them that Jesus was homeless as well.

Read your bible. That is if you have one. One of Gods advice to the lazy is................dont feed them!
Why not spray them with water to get them to move. They are only by the church for hand outs anyway. Boot them in the ass if water doesnt work, they could careless about the church. The best preachers I know wouldnt put up with their asses. They'd feed them once to see if they could help themselves...and if not they wer and are turned away.

Its anything against the church isnt it midnight?
You have no business talking shit about the church...you dont have a clue.

8th July 2015, 06:58 AM
I too think this is fine. Camping on someone's steps or doorways is not exactly acceptable. Many of these folks can be put to work someplace. I bet very few would take up such an offer. It is far easier to roam the streets and collect handouts.

Also, there are dark elements among the indigent. All must be considered potentially dangerous. This is the same way I see a black man on the street, or a white guy whose dress does not look quite balanced, or anyone who has dark eyes. The outward appearances can show inside conditions, but this is just a snap gauge when you may not have more than seconds to size someone up.

Someone leaving human waste on your doorsteps is not acceptable.

midnight rambler
8th July 2015, 07:08 AM
I'm relatively certain most of you are missing my point entirely.

Do you honestly follow Jesus?? I perceive some hypocrisy here.

Matthew 25:31-46

This wasn't a matter of some homeless camping out on some party's home or business doorstep, it's a CHURCH (most likely in name only, which is my point, certainly they could have come up with a much better solution to their 'problem', afterall THAT is what they've been tasked with by a Higher Authority).

8th July 2015, 07:25 AM
I'm relatively certain most of you are missing my point entirely.

Do you honestly follow Jesus?? I perceive some hypocrisy here.

Matthew 25:31-46

This wasn't a matter of some homeless camping out on some party's home or business doorstep, it's a CHURCH (most likely in name only, which is my point, certainly they could have come up with a much better solution to their 'problem', afterall THAT is what they've been tasked with by a Higher Authority).

Nobody is missing your point.

What you seem to be overlooking is that all of us are responsible for ourselves and to others. Just how is somebody camping on a doorway being responsible to others? Is it your duty (or my duty) to give what I have earned to somebody else just because I have more? The church- and it matters not what the place is/was... could be a business, home, school, etc.... is FREE to do what it wants with its own property. And when someone wants to misuse that property without permission, the church is not at fault for protecting itself.

"Homelss" is a broad category. In that category are all sorts of people. I am sure you know, that it would not be wise to take any and all of them home to live with you and your family. I would not think it reasonable to press that standard on anyone else- even a church.

7th trump
8th July 2015, 08:56 AM
I'm relatively certain most of you are missing my point entirely.

Do you honestly follow Jesus?? I perceive some hypocrisy here.

Matthew 25:31-46

This wasn't a matter of some homeless camping out on some party's home or business doorstep, it's a CHURCH (most likely in name only, which is my point, certainly they could have come up with a much better solution to their 'problem', afterall THAT is what they've been tasked with by a Higher Authority).

Hahahaha....i was serious when I said to read your bible.
That Higher Authrority says not to feed the lazy nor cast your pearls before swine. Nowhere will you come across in the bible saying to feed the lazy and allow them to continue on being lazy.
If they continue to be lazy...the stomach has a mechanism built right in that will get them off their feet when nobody feeds them.
I guess using discernment is completely out of your capability?

midnight rambler
8th July 2015, 10:26 AM
I'm thinking what we have here are some folks being very subjective and highly selective of Jesus' teachings.

Everyone should know that Jesus was homeless much of His life (ALL of His adult life).

Jesus: one of the homeless

Jesus did not start life at home or in a hospital. He was born in a stable and his crib was an eating trough for animals. That’s how his life began, as a homeless baby, born to parents who were sleeping rough. He had hardly come into the world when Mary and Joseph took him across the border to escape the murderous intentions of King Herod the Great. Jesus became a baby on the run, a homeless asylum-seeker in Egypt.
During the years when he was growing up in Nazareth, Jesus did enjoy a home to live in. But, once he was baptised by John and began his public ministry, he became again a homeless person. Speaking about himself as ‘the Son of Man’, he said: ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head’ (Matt 8:20; Luke 9:58). Foxes can be safe because they live in warm burrows down in the earth; birds can be safe and sound in their nests, high up in trees: but Jesus did not have that kind of safety and security. He had no home he could call his own, no fixed dwelling where he could lay his head on a pillow and go to sleep at night. He lived his life out in the open, sometimes alone and sometimes sleeping rough at night.

7th trump
8th July 2015, 10:36 AM
I'm thinking what we have here are some folks being very subjective and highly selective of Jesus' teachings.

Everyone should know that Jesus was homeless much of His life (ALL of His adult life).

And yet Jesus didnt sleep in dirty clothes, shit by someones front door, or beg for hand outs at the local church either.

You completely miss the point!
And the point you're attempting to make isnt even a point to get across.
God Himslef says not to feed the lazy....refers them as hinged mattessses that flop from one side to the other.
He doesnt help them.

Nice story by the way....not much is recorded about how Christ received food and clothing or slept, but yet your story certainly tell of one. Where did they get that info?
If they cant prove it then its must be made up...which is basically a lie!

8th July 2015, 11:41 AM

'Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church
The blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet.

8th July 2015, 11:58 AM
What you seem to be overlooking is that all of us are responsible for ourselves and to others.

"Am I my brother's keeper?"

For Christians, the answer is Yes.

Just how is somebody camping on a doorway being responsible to others?

These folks who have nowhere else to go perceive a "church" as being the House of Yahweh and His Son, Yahushua. They believe, naively, that it represents what they know of the teachings of Christ, and hence, seek out shelter & peace there.

The church- and it matters not what the place is/was... could be a business...is FREE to do what it wants with its own property.

These "churches" are businesses. Any institution which chooses Babylon as its master by asking for 501(c)(3) bondage is not of God, and consequently, will conform to the world, including "doing what it wants with its property." For a Christian has no property - all is God's. He is merely entrusted with it.

And when someone wants to misuse that property without permission, the church is not at fault for protecting itself.

Yes, since such 501(c)(3) Babylon "church" is not truly a House of Yahweh, as the homeless folk naively perceived, and, such "church" will "protect itself" from such "vermin."

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

"Homelss" is a broad category. In that category are all sorts of people.

Yes, most of them afflicted with mental illness. But all of them needing the Gospel and/or a Good Samaritan.

I would not think it reasonable to press that standard on anyone else- even a church.

Then what good are these "churches"?

No one is expecting these "churches" to simply let the homeless sleep in public accessways continuously. What is expected - and commanded - is that the poor be offered what they need. I doubt totally any of the homeless would reject a nice bed or cot and warm meal inside.

8th July 2015, 12:00 PM
And the point you're attempting to make isnt even a point to get across.
God Himslef says not to feed the lazy....refers them as hinged mattessses that flop from one side to the other.
He doesnt help them.

Not sure which "god" or "bible" you're following:

"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

7th trump
8th July 2015, 12:11 PM
Not sure which "god" or "bible" you're following:

"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

Hahahahahaha.....................read that again.
He said give it to the poor....not the lazy who refuse to help themselves.
Besides you dont get that passage anyway. It would be a lucky day for a lazy man passing himself off as poor for a one time chance at a gift. It says nothing at all about helping the lazy to continue to be lazy...........which happens to be the subject not the object.
Learn to discern the subject from the object and many truths will not be so confusing to you.

Details.....pay attention to details....hahahahaha.....youpeople are a hoot.
You know I wouldnt come off as an asshole to you guys if you werent so egotistical about what you think you know.

Next please...someone with at least some knowledge of the Bible.

8th July 2015, 12:14 PM
Hahahahahaha.....................read that again.
He said give it to the poor....not the lazy who refuse to help themselves.

You have "forgotten" the Ninth Commandment:

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Please cite evidence that these homeless folk are "lazy."

8th July 2015, 12:20 PM
Nobody is missing your point.

What you seem to be overlooking is that all of us are responsible for ourselves and to others. Just how is somebody camping on a doorway being responsible to others? Is it your duty (or my duty) to give what I have earned to somebody else just because I have more? The church- and it matters not what the place is/was... could be a business, home, school, etc.... is FREE to do what it wants with its own property. And when someone wants to misuse that property without permission, the church is not at fault for protecting itself.

"Homelss" is a broad category. In that category are all sorts of people. I am sure you know, that it would not be wise to take any and all of them home to live with you and your family. I would not think it reasonable to press that standard on anyone else- even a church.

Sounds like you're describing the "Church of Objectivism" from the gospel of the Russian Nihilist, Ayn Rand.

8th July 2015, 12:41 PM
Sounds like you're describing the "Church of Objectivism" from the gospel of the Russian Khazar "Jew" Nihilist, Ayn Rand.

Corrected to reflect the facts.

8th July 2015, 12:45 PM
the SF PCUG (computer club) meets there, at that church. least it used to.

it looks like a HUGE skateboard ramp.

very Christian, the way they treat the homeless /sarc

all of SF is a wannabe high-rent district.

8th July 2015, 12:49 PM
the SF PCUG (computer club) meets there, at that church. least it used to.

it looks like a HUGE skateboard ramp.

very Christian, the way they treat the homeless /sarc

all of SF is a wannabe high-rent district.

Sodomcisco is a "sanctuary city" for criminals, but they regularly abuse the homeless, most of whom are such through no fault of their own. Sitting on a public sidewalk is "illegal":


7th trump
8th July 2015, 12:55 PM
You have "forgotten" the Ninth Commandment:

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Please cite evidence that these homeless folk are "lazy."

prove they arent

8th July 2015, 01:16 PM
Corrected to reflect the facts.
I was alluding to what is historically known as the Russian Nihilist Movement, though it was indeed carried out by Khazar Jews,
who began a revolution to utterly destroy the Russian Christian Monarchy, and was the precursor to the Bolshevik revolution.
Of course, little Ayn Rand was taught the art of propaganda, and then sailed to the home of Bolshevism, NYC, to begin her
well paid long winded philo-sophistic screeds on selfishness and Objectivist Materialism, which Americans business interests and churches gobbled up
like they were sucking on chocolate eclairs baked in the Holy Land.

midnight rambler
8th July 2015, 01:30 PM
prove they arent

Jesus said so.


8th July 2015, 01:48 PM
"Am I my brother's keeper?"

For Christians, the answer is Yes.

First, most "churches" are not christian. They really are more businesses than even help organizations. What makes one a brother? Simple answer- a common parent. On a physical view, we are all brothers /sisters of Adam... at least those who are at least part human. But on a spiritual level, it is only those who are or ever will be washed in the blood of Messiah. This is not a forced or universal condition. It is contractual and limited to those participants.

The world is mostly those who are not spiritual brothers. Many of them will gladly use you up and leave you dying. It is not the christian mission to be a fetcher for those who are doomed. The mission is to seek the lost (sheep) i.e. those who are being saved.

These folks who have nowhere else to go perceive a "church" as being the House of Yahweh and His Son, Yahushua. They believe, naively, that it represents what they know of the teachings of Christ, and hence, seek out shelter & peace there.

Who said they have nowhere else to go??? They have the whole world to venture across. Are you going to sit there and try to feed us the line that these homeless people are parked on the steps of a church because they are seeking God? Come off that crap. If they really wanted to seek God, they would find Him. I walk the streets when in big cities. I know some of the games the homeless play because I like to deal with them.

These "churches" are businesses. Any institution which chooses Babylon as its master by asking for 501(c)(3) bondage is not of God, and consequently, will conform to the world, including "doing what it wants with its property." For a Christian has no property - all is God's. He is merely entrusted with it.

And does a good steward of property leave it to be defaced by "free spirited" urinators who block out those who actually might want to visit the facility for its intended purposes?

Yes, since such 501(c)(3) Babylon "church" is not truly a House of Yahweh, as the homeless folk naively perceived, and, such "church" will "protect itself" from such "vermin."

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Refer to the above definition of brothers. You quote scripture that uses the spiritual meaning. If these homeless are brethren, they would not be camped at a dead church building.

Yes, most of them afflicted with mental illness. But all of them needing the Gospel and/or a Good Samaritan.

Then where is that group to scoop these lost souls off the street? There are and have been many such groups. When the lost individual decides to wander on, you cannot imprison them. And, they cannot force you to support their choices.

Then what good are these "churches"?

Who cares? Most church groups are dead. They are no good. Plain old reality. They are not THE Church.

No one is expecting these "churches" to simply let the homeless sleep in public accessways continuously. What is expected - and commanded - is that the poor be offered what they need. I doubt totally any of the homeless would reject a nice bed or cot and warm meal inside.

So, if some homeless guy comes to your home, is this what you will do? Send me your address and we can test this out.

8th July 2015, 02:11 PM
I walk the streets when in big cities. I know some of the games the homeless play because I like to deal with them.

You're a drug dealer?

midnight rambler
8th July 2015, 02:49 PM
You're a drug dealer?

No, he's Charles Bronson.


8th July 2015, 03:05 PM
No, he's Charles Bronson.


yeah, either that or this...


8th July 2015, 04:34 PM
prove they arent

You made the assertion that they are; it is your obligation to prove it.

8th July 2015, 04:35 PM
I was alluding to what is historically known as the Russian Nihilist Movement, though it was indeed carried out by Khazar Jews,
who began a revolution to utterly destroy the Russian Christian Monarchy, and was the precursor to the Bolshevik revolution.
Of course, little Ayn Rand was taught the art of propaganda, and then sailed to the home of Bolshevism, NYC, to begin her
well paid long winded philo-sophistic screeds on selfishness and Objectivist Materialism, which Americans business interests and churches gobbled up
like they were sucking on chocolate eclairs baked in the Holy Land.

As someone of Little Russian heritage, I am extremely sensitive to conflation of "Russian" and "Khazar."

8th July 2015, 05:05 PM
First, most "churches" are not christian. They really are more businesses than even help organizations. What makes one a brother? Simple answer- a common parent. On a physical view, we are all brothers /sisters of Adam... at least those who are at least part human. But on a spiritual level, it is only those who are or ever will be washed in the blood of Messiah. This is not a forced or universal condition. It is contractual and limited to those participants.

You are engaging in sophistry. This is modus operandi of a Churchian.

First off, you don't know if any of the homeless getting sprayed are Christians. Second, you don't know - only God does - which, who are not currently, will become followers of the Christ.

You are playing with words to defend a worldly action.

The world is mostly those who are not spiritual brothers. Many of them will gladly use you up and leave you dying. It is not the christian mission to be a fetcher for those who are doomed. The mission is to seek the lost (sheep) i.e. those who are being saved.

When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

The Devil needs no allies other than those "Christians" who drive away those who may see the Gospel performed without words...if the Christians won't actually perform it.

Who said they have nowhere else to go??? They have the whole world to venture across.

Says he who has an automobile and sufficient of Babylon's money. As I've noted elsewhere in this thread, Sodomcisco declares it "illegal" to sit on a public sidewalk. Most places in "liberal" California declare cost-less camping to be "illegal."

Are you going to sit there and try to feed us the line that these homeless people are parked on the steps of a church because they are seeking God? Come off that crap.

Many of the homeless I have served have responded with great glee when I do as Christ commands, and tell them, "Jesus bless you." They respond with, "He has, thank you so much!"

It appears you believe in some sort of anti-christ "Prosperity Gospel," where the homeless are homeless only because they are woeful sinners. In some cases, this is true (e.g., alcoholism and drug abuse). In most cases, it is not. Many of them did what anti-christs insisted Romans 13 teaches (it doesn't), and "served their country." After "their country" used them up like a consumer item, they were discarded to the streets of America. Others have been betrayed like Christ by someone close to them, think spouse in adultery, leaving them on the street with nothing.

I did not say they were "seeking God" at such Babylon businesses called "churches" - some of them already have found Him. I said that homeless know (some of) the Gospel, and even though they may not believe in Him in the full way they must, they know Jesus' love for the poor and downtrodden, and naively believe they will find relief at what alleges to be His house.

If they really wanted to seek God, they would find Him.

Are you sure you have found Him?

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

You and I both are "rich" compared to 99% of humanity throughout history, including Kings of ancient times.

Our wealth is a huge stumbling block to empathizing with those who have little or nothing.

I walk the streets when in big cities. I know some of the games the homeless play because I like to deal with them.

I'm well-aware of games played by some homeless. I do not provide cash; I purchase exactly what is requested ("I need change for something to eat" means I purchase them food I would eat, and so on). Most are ecstatic that someone actually cares.

And does a good steward of property leave it to be defaced by "free spirited" urinators who block out those who actually might want to visit the facility for its intended purposes?

These "churches" alleged to be Houses of Yahweh have offered these homeless access even to a restroom? Or is that basic human dignity too much for them?

Refer to the above definition of brothers. You quote scripture that uses the spiritual meaning. If these homeless are brethren, they would not be camped at a dead church building.

My, aren't we the arrogant one? These homeless are "too stupid" or "ignorant" to know all that you or I do?

For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

As for a "dead church," I'm pretty confident that your religious institution would be absolutely no different than the Catholic institution in question.

So, if some homeless guy comes to your home, is this what you will do? Send me your address and we can test this out.

Why don't you ask God to test it out?

We already are the "community parents" for a variety of wandering kids. Many of our own kids' friends whose families have abandoned them. We currently have a widow and her grandchild visiting us - her "family" has nothing but criticism & scorn for her, and the deceased's "family" are malevolent scoundrels. She is finding some peace with us.

9th July 2015, 09:55 AM
crimethink- you are one moment away from a burn. Enjoy.

9th July 2015, 12:35 PM
crimethink- you are one moment away from a burn. Enjoy.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

I look forward to whatever it is you think you can dish out.

9th July 2015, 01:54 PM
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

I look forward to whatever it is you think you can dish out.

Me dish out? LOL.... you will see.

9th July 2015, 02:46 PM
Me dish out? LOL.... you will see.

Still waiting after several hours...

9th July 2015, 04:48 PM
Still waiting after several hours...

Good for you young man. You will see how short time is.

9th July 2015, 06:29 PM
Good for you young man. You will see how short time is.

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

10th July 2015, 04:20 AM
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Willful ignorance is as inexcusable as disregard for principles. Both are denials of the truth. The Messiah said: I am the way and the life and the Truth.

When Messiah spoke the words you quoted as some kind of stupid shield, He had not yet ascended to heaven nor sent the Holy Spirit. He ascended and there was given ALL authority in heaven and on earth. What He spoke in the present tense is not applicable for all time. Taking scripture out of context leads to false beliefs.

Now, back on topic. The principle of private property is something that should be respected. You can pat yourself on the back for taking in someone in distress, but when a group of gypsies, migrants, homeless, etc... decide to camp on your front yard leaving their calling cards everywhere, this is not a respect of property. A caretaker would see that they were moved on. The steps of a building- any building, is not the place someone should be setting up a camp.

7th trump
10th July 2015, 06:04 AM
Willful ignorance is as inexcusable as disregard for principles. Both are denials of the truth. The Messiah said: I am the way and the life and the Truth.

When Messiah spoke the words you quoted as some kind of stupid shield, He had not yet ascended to heaven nor sent the Holy Spirit. He ascended and there was given ALL authority in heaven and on earth. What He spoke in the present tense is not applicable for all time. Taking scripture out of context leads to false beliefs.

Now, back on topic. The principle of private property is something that should be respected. You can pat yourself on the back for taking in someone in distress, but when a group of gypsies, migrants, homeless, etc... decide to camp on your front yard leaving their calling cards everywhere, this is not a respect of property. A caretaker would see that they were moved on. The steps of a building- any building, is not the place someone should be setting up a camp.

Crimethink forgets Christianity is twofold. Even the poor and homeless must act and do like a Christian. Camping on the door steps is not and deficating all around it for hand outs is not a Christian thing to do. But Crimethink is more than welcome to play the emotion card all we wishes. It doesnt work on everyone.

7th trump
10th July 2015, 06:06 AM
You made the assertion that they are; it is your obligation to prove it.
Their mere actions of sleeping where the hand outs come from prove they are not.

7th trump
10th July 2015, 06:08 AM
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

So what does this actually have to do with anything?

You know as well as everyone else....time is short.
Haunty pride....is what you are.
Your ego has gotten the best of you.

10th July 2015, 07:38 AM
Willful ignorance is as inexcusable as disregard for principles. Both are denials of the truth. The Messiah said: I am the way and the life and the Truth.

He did?

My Bible records Christ as saying this: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

When Messiah spoke the words you quoted as some kind of stupid shield, He had not yet ascended to heaven nor sent the Holy Spirit. He ascended and there was given ALL authority in heaven and on earth. What He spoke in the present tense is not applicable for all time. Taking scripture out of context leads to false beliefs.

When you declare "You will see how short time is" and "time is almost out," you propose to "know" when He is returning. I merely demonstrated you do not.

Now, back on topic. The principle of private property is something that should be respected. You can pat yourself on the back for taking in someone in distress, but when a group of gypsies, migrants, homeless, etc... decide to camp on your front yard leaving their calling cards everywhere, this is not a respect of property. A caretaker would see that they were moved on. The steps of a building- any building, is not the place someone should be setting up a camp.

I'm still waiting for a Scripture-based rebuttal to what I've said. "Santa" was right: Sounds like you're describing the "Church of Objectivism" from the gospel of the Russian [sic] Nihilist, Ayn Rand.

10th July 2015, 12:14 PM
He did?

My Bible records Christ as saying this: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

So, Messiah spoke in English? That is fascinating. How did Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the others even know what He was saying? I guess everyone spoke king James English back then. Must have been a secret law. You like secret laws that nobody else knows.

When you declare "You will see how short time is" and "time is almost out," you propose to "know" when He is returning. I merely demonstrated you do not.

When there is a flash across the sky, I know there is a thunder soon to sound. When I hear the thunk of an artillery round being fired, I anticipate the pound of its targeted impact. When I hear the howls of coyotes in the night, I know they are near enough to visit. When someone plays stupid games, I know his time is almost out.

I'm still waiting for a Scripture-based rebuttal to what I've said. "Santa" was right: Sounds like you're describing the "Church of Objectivism" from the gospel of the Russian [sic] Nihilist, Ayn Rand.

To which of your inanities do you refer?

10th July 2015, 03:58 PM
So, Messiah spoke in English? That is fascinating. How did Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the others even know what He was saying? I guess everyone spoke king James English back then. Must have been a secret law. You like secret laws that nobody else knows.

Smarmy as usual.

λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς Ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ ὁδὸς καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια καὶ ἡ ζωή· οὐδεὶς ἔρχεται πρὸς τὸν πατέρα εἰ μὴ δι' ἐμοῦ

As you'll notice, the Greek matches the English I quote...but not yours in English.

BTW, you give yourself away by your consistent refusal to use the required article "the" in advance of writing "Messiah." Only Jews who claim to be "messianic" do that.

When there is a flash across the sky, I know there is a thunder soon to sound. When I hear the thunk of an artillery round being fired, I anticipate the pound of its targeted impact. When I hear the howls of coyotes in the night, I know they are near enough to visit. When someone plays stupid games, I know his time is almost out.

Your time is up?

Do you confess Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, the Son of God, and the only Savior of all who trust in Him? I do! Hence, if "my time is up," amen!

To which of your inanities do you refer?

You know what it refers to...it refers to you and your anti-Christ "Prosperity Gospel" of material worship..."property rights" and all that crap.

I'm not sure what "gospel" you believe in, but it's not the one He taught. I can see you at Calvary..."I thirst!" "Sorry, it's mine, I 'earned' it!"

11th July 2015, 04:06 AM
Smarmy as usual.

λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς Ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ ὁδὸς καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια καὶ ἡ ζωή· οὐδεὶς ἔρχεται πρὸς τὸν πατέρα εἰ μὴ δι' ἐμοῦ

As you'll notice, the Greek matches the English I quote...but not yours in English.

BTW, you give yourself away by your consistent refusal to use the required article "the" in advance of writing "Messiah." Only Jews who claim to be "messianic" do that.

Your time is up?

Do you confess Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, the Son of God, and the only Savior of all who trust in Him? I do! Hence, if "my time is up," amen!

You know what it refers to...it refers to you and your anti-Christ "Prosperity Gospel" of material worship..."property rights" and all that crap.

I'm not sure what "gospel" you believe in, but it's not the one He taught. I can see you at Calvary..."I thirst!" "Sorry, it's mine, I 'earned' it!"

And you think you do God's work.

11th July 2015, 04:26 AM
And you think you do God's work.

Which "god" do you worship? Mine is Yahweh Elohim.

Perhaps, like other Jews, you still "search for Messiah." The lack of the article in your writing was a dead giveaway. There is only one Messiah, the Messiah.

Surely there are Jews who have converted to true Christianity, but as I study more, and interact with more, so-called "Messianics" are looking more like infiltrators than brothers. Judaizers at best, Satanists at worst. I understand why the Inquisition has such a reputation it does.

11th July 2015, 04:48 AM
Why are you Christians infighting so much?

Don't you follow the same God? Don't you follow the same perfect divinely inspired scripture?

11th July 2015, 08:10 AM
Why are you Christians infighting so much?

Don't you follow the same God?

Don't you follow the same perfect divinely inspired scripture?


7th Trump, StreetsOfGoldstein, Spectrism, and Crimethink apparently didn't read their JOHN 13:34

In The Name Of Jesus

11th July 2015, 11:43 AM
Why are you Christians infighting so much?

Because the Truth is more important than false "unity."

Don't you follow the same God? Don't you follow the same perfect divinely inspired scripture?

No and no. But you already knew that, and are just taunting me.

11th July 2015, 11:48 AM
7th Trump, StreetsOfGoldstein, Spectrism, and Crimethink apparently didn't read their JOHN 13:34

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

11th July 2015, 11:53 AM
Why are you Christians infighting so much?
Don't you follow the same God? Don't you follow the same perfect divinely inspired scripture?

Crimethink has gotten on a proud roll of self-righteousness, hating that any church business should have the audacity to not want their building continually fouled by human waste. He must have gotten a little whipping and now wants to spread his chastisement with others. Instead of allowing others to make up their own minds and handle their own property as they see fit, they need to bow down to any bum and let the unclean masses crap all over their properties. He does not realize that the kingdom of God is not all mankind, but just a few.

He fashions himself as the only one holding truth and the only one with God's Spirit. He will get a lesson. Let him count away the minutes and say: "see- nothing happened!" The switch is in the air and the snap will soon crackle.

11th July 2015, 12:10 PM
Crimethink has gotten on a proud roll of self-righteousness....He fashions himself as the only one holding truth and the only one with God's Spirit. He will get a lesson. Let him count away the minutes and say: "see- nothing happened!" The switch is in the air and the snap will soon crackle.

The Pharisee speaks!

What if the whip slaps you in the face instead?

hating that any church business should have the audacity to not want their building continually fouled by human waste. He must have gotten a little whipping and now wants to spread his chastisement with others. Instead of allowing others to make up their own minds and handle their own property as they see fit, they need to bow down to any bum and let the unclean masses crap all over their properties. He does not realize that the kingdom of God is not all mankind, but just a few.

"Their own property" vs. "The earth is Yahweh's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." A conflict. Who shall we heed?

"Unclean masses" vs. "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man."

And more on "the unclean":

"And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.” But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Your comment on "the unclean masses" alone is sufficient to know you preach "another gospel" that is not that of Jesus Christ.

11th July 2015, 12:55 PM
He will get a lesson. Let him count away the minutes and say: "see- nothing happened!" The switch is in the air and the snap will soon crackle.

So, how long do I have to wait for G-d to do your will? Did your Rabbi help you with the Kabbalistic curse against me, or did you invoke it all by yourself?

12th July 2015, 12:21 AM
Can you try to empathize how it looks to see Christians infight like this to someone outside Christianity? You seem to all think the other guy is blaspheming, and that you're the righteous one. It comes off as really silly. If you actually tried working together you might find you have more in common than you think.

Jews and Muslims infight too, but they cooperate and work together far more than Christians.

12th July 2015, 01:26 AM
Can you try to empathize how it looks to see Christians infight like this to someone outside Christianity? You seem to all think the other guy is blaspheming, and that you're the righteous one. It comes off as really silly. If you actually tried working together you might find you have more in common than you think.

Jews and Muslims infight too, but they cooperate and work together far more than Christians.

Yes, I understand very well "how it looks." But that is all it is: perception. Anyone can call themselves a Christian. Those who think "Christianity" is just a brand name think everyone who uses that "brand name" is "on the same team." It's not necessarily, or usually, the case. Could I just shut up, and let him spew? Of course...but then, it would also be perceived that he teaches what Christianity teaches. It would be one thing if he taught that the Sabbath is one day or another, and I disagree - that's honest doctrinal disagreement. But denying the most fundamental applied forms of Love, of providing for the poor, and not taking delight in their misery, cannot be compromised upon.

I'd love to "work with" Spectrism, and have in the past, but his fanatic defense of "property rights" and insistence that the poor are garbage through their own doing is grotesquely contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. He then escalated it to a personal "curse" against me.

Jews & Muslims can work together far more readily since the end goal, not the Truth, is their motivation. The end goal, of course, is subjugation and destruction of the world.

12th July 2015, 01:43 AM
Can you try to empathize how it looks to see Christians infight like this to someone outside Christianity?

I will add that I should probably have just ignored his comments that made things personal against me, invoking a curse on me. For that I have no excuse.

12th July 2015, 10:59 AM
So, how long do I have to wait for G-d to do your will? Did your Rabbi help you with the Kabbalistic curse against me, or did you invoke it all by yourself?

I "invoked" no curse. I only tell you what I have seen happen over and over.

It was you who invoked a curse on yourself- if "curse" is what you want to call it. You clearly have not seen anything about me over the past 5 years. You want to tie me into occultic talmhudist weakness and you greatly err. It is real simple. You openly judge me as if you are my master and now you answer to my Master.

12th July 2015, 12:29 PM
I "invoked" no curse. I only tell you what I have seen happen over and over.

It was you who invoked a curse on yourself- if "curse" is what you want to call it. You clearly have not seen anything about me over the past 5 years. You want to tie me into occultic talmhudist weakness and you greatly err. It is real simple. You openly judge me as if you are my master and now you answer to my Master.

You make great presumption that God does your will. I have openly judged your error and dishonest statements. You are personally offended by that, and wish me ill.

12th July 2015, 03:19 PM
You make great presumption that God does your will. I have openly judged your error and dishonest statements. You are personally offended by that, and wish me ill.

Nice try again... but you are again in error. If you walk right with God, nobody can effectively wish ill on you. That you are even concerned about it tells me things are not right in you. Your scorn is coming back on yourself and it is not my doing but yours alone. I tried to tell you but now I am finished. I suspected you needed to learn this the hard way.

12th July 2015, 03:25 PM
Nice try again... but you are again in error. If you walk right with God, nobody can effectively wish ill on you. That you are even concerned about it tells me things are not right in you. Your scorn is coming back on yourself and it is not my doing but yours alone. I tried to tell you but now I am finished. I suspected you needed to learn this the hard way.

Wishing ill on someone is not the mark of a Christian. I have wished no "punishment" for you, but only that you are enlightened, in my prayers. You glory in the thought of my "correction" (punishment). It's the spirit of something, but not of Christ.

None of this is truly about us, but about the Truth. You have made it about yourself, and your "offense" from me. "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"

12th July 2015, 03:29 PM
Wishing ill on someone is not the mark of a Christian. I have wished no "punishment" for you, but only that you are enlightened, in my prayers. You glory in the thought of my "correction" (punishment). It's the spirit of something, but not of Christ.

None of this is truly about us, but about the Truth. You have made it about yourself, and your "offense" from me. "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"

Look clown.... you have been lying and committing character assassination. You call that the truth?

12th July 2015, 03:37 PM
Look clown.... you have been lying and committing character assassination. You call that the truth?

Calling the homeless "unclean masses," etc. and then complains about "character assassination"...

You know, I'm done here. I admitted that I am without excuse for any true offense I have made in this thread:


Indeed, now, I offer my other cheek to you. Do as thou wilt.

midnight rambler
12th July 2015, 03:44 PM
Oh good grief.

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away"

It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud

On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night

No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?

Many consider this Pink Floyd's best song.


13th July 2015, 05:42 AM
I haven't read all the posts back and forth between crimethink and Spectrism but what I have read of the back and forth between them makes me think they're both right.

I've helped the homeless with food, money and in other ways over the years and I still do when I can. Not all homeless are just people down on their luck and having hard times. Some are criminals that are mixed in with those who may be homeless because of circumstances that are no fault of their own. That's been my experience with the homeless. In my area there have been plenty of reports over the years of them beating up or killing each other.

A couple of homeless people tried to rob my uncle when he was leaving his place of business and he fought them off. I had given a homeless man some money because he said he was hungry. Another homeless person approached and wanted to shake hands. He was heavy built, young and strong. He got ahold of my thumb and wouldn't let go and I was wishing I'd have been armed. I finally got him to let go if I gave him some money. Kind of a strong arm robbery. He probably took the money away from the first person I'd given money to as well.

My grandmother went to church every day for the last twenty years or more of her life. I wouldn't have wanted her to have had to walk past some of the "homeless" that I've run in to at the door of the church. She was a good person and helped a lot of people. When she died she'd given away every thing she had but a few dresses and some cheap jewelry. If the homeless want to go inside and pray they should do that and not just go there to pan handle. In my area most people will donate to food banks and missions that feed and shelter the homeless.

Maybe a better way to handle the situation this church had would have been to help the homeless camping in the door way by giving them a ride to a mission where they would find food and shelter. If that doesn't work I'd put up a sign directing them to food and shelter and set the sprinkler back up.

13th July 2015, 11:52 AM
Not all homeless are just people down on their luck and having hard times. Some are criminals that are mixed in with those who may be homeless because of circumstances that are no fault of their own. That's been my experience with the homeless. In my area there have been plenty of reports over the years of them beating up or killing each other.


My personal experience with the Rescue Mission population is that 95% are basically irresponsible parasites (finally) banished by their own ex-friends and ex-families. Their sob stories always omit their own history of chronic alcohol, drugs, laziness, and immaturity.

:rolleyes: fuck 'em