View Full Version : Justice Department Seizes Money from US Citizens

23rd March 2015, 05:07 PM
Police departments around the country, at the command of the Justice Department & Homeland Security, have confiscated money from over 200,000 citizens – in some cases tens of thousands of dollars – even though many of them committed no crime!

As part of highway interdiction, the enforcers within the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government – the police – have seized an enormous amount of money from innocent U.S. citizens through a Justice Department program known as “Equitable Sharing.” Equitable sharing, the federal government’s largest asset forfeiture program, gives the executive branch of government the authority to confiscate your money without due process, even if you’ve committed no crime!
The Washington Post obtained a database from the Justice Department containing details about 212,000 seizures through the Equitable Sharing Program, likely totaling in the hundreds of millions of dollars or more. The following are just a few of the horrifying cases exposed by the Washington Post:

Police confiscated $32,000 from a New York man after stopping him because he had a cracked windshield
Police confiscated $17,550 from a Virginia man after stopping him because his car windows were tinted
Police confiscated $13,000 from a North Carolina man after stopping him for no offense whatsoever
Police confiscated $2,400 from a Nevada man after stopping him for no offense whatsoever

And the problem is growing worse. Between 2000 and 2008, equitable sharing payments from the U.S. Department of Justice to state and local law enforcement doubled from about $200 million to $400 million. And data from two states, Massachusetts and California, indicate that these figures underestimate the true extent of equitable sharing nationwide.
