View Full Version : Scientists link Fluoridated water with ADHD, Obesity and Depression

26th March 2015, 06:19 PM
Apparently this paste contains comments, DYODD

Newsweek: Scientists link Fluoridated water with ADHD, Obesity and Depression

March 12, 2015 by Erin Elizabeth

Wow. We didn’t expect to see this in mainstream news. Especially Newsweek (in their Tech and Science Section no less) These are 2 studies just out about the dangers of fluoridated water. The first published study is at Toronto’s York University which finally shows the strong correlation between fluoridated water and ADHD. The second is at the UK’s Kent University in a study that shows that fluoridated water can negatively affect the thyroid causing severe weight gain and depression.
From this groundbreaking article on fluoridated water dangers:

New research shows there is a strong correlation between water fluoridation and the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, in the United States.

It’s the first time that scientists have systematically studied the relationship between the behavioral disorder and fluoridation, the process wherein fluoride is added to water to prevent cavities.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, found that states with a higher portion of artificially fluoridated water had a higher prevalence of ADHD. This relationship held up across six different years examined. The authors, psychologists Christine Till and Ashley Malin at Toronto’s York University, looked at the prevalence of fluoridation by state in 1992 and rates of ADHD diagnoses in subsequent years.

Yes, you read that right. This relationship held up across six (6!) different years examined for ADHD. That’s pretty sobering. Yet just the other day I had a “skeptic” (I plan to reclaim that name as we are the real skeptics who are skeptical of things like fluoride) tell me that fluoridated water has been proven safe “beyond a shadow of a doubt” It was on a pretty popular thread I had with thousands of reads. What is more sad is that dozens of “skeptics” liked his post. People blindly drinking the kool- aid (or in this case fluoridated water) telling themselves “science” has proven it so (Actually scientists are telling us now that it can make us fat, depressed and give us ADD) Scientists and doctors used to tell us smoking was safe too. Let’s give them another 50 years and see what the majority says about fluoridated water. Methinks they’ll shun it like cigarettes.

We also didn’t know that most Europeans have rejected the use of fluoridated water (interesting how Americans are deemed crazy for making such a suggestion) but in Europe? It’s the norm (that’s not counting the UK)

From the second article about the study which shows weight gain and depression as a direct result of fluoridated water:

Fluoride added to local water supplies in England may cause depression and weight gain, a new study suggests. Scientists warn local authorities should cease adding the mineral to drinking water in the interest of public health.

The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the University of Kent, indicates that particularly high numbers of underactive thyroid glands occur in areas with high levels of fluoridation.

Having analyzed 98 percent of GP practices in England, researchers found underactive thyroids are 30 percent more likely in areas where higher levels of water fluoridation occur.

They concluded as many as 15,000 Britons suffer unnecessarily from thyroid problems as a result – a health complication commonly linked to depression, fatigue and weight gain.

If it does it in England it’s going to do the same thing here in the US. I’m not sure why this isn’t on the front of every mainstream news channel but am glad Newsweek and a few others are covering these ground breaking published studies..

People ask me frequently what to do about getting the fluoride out of their water. Reverse Osmosis systems help, but they don’t get out all the fluoride. Others prefer to find a source of clean spring water that wouldn’t have added fluoride like most of America’s toxic water supply. If the fluoride weren’t bad enough we also have chlorine and disinfection byproducts which you don’t want to bathe in (or let your children bathe in) let alone drink it. There are even campaigns about “Getting the F out of water” which have involved celebrities from Erin Brokovich to Ed Begley Junior’s new campaign. And while celebrities being involved prove nothing, I think the published studies by Universities speak for themselves.

One more quote from the study just out about fluoridated water causing weight gain and depression:

As part of their research, scientists at the University of Kent compared the medical records of 7,935 GP practices.

The scientists found patients had considerably higher rates of underactive thyroid in practices situated in areas where water fluoridation levels were 0.3 mg/l or higher.

Professor Stephen Peckham, of the University of Kent, said his team’s findings are worrying for people exposed to water fluoridation.

Underactive thyroid is a particularly nasty condition, according to Peckham, which can spark a host of other health issues.

Following the release of their report, scientists based at the University of Kent said local authorities must reconsider the practice of mass water-fluoridation.

Call your city and ask if your water is fluoridated. Chances are it is. Ask what the levels are (any level is too high in my personal opinion) Spread the word to friends and family and get a whole house filter or at least a shower filter for you and your family.

I truly believe that in 50 more years we’ll realize what a radical mistake we made here in the US (and elsewhere) Funny that the “land of the free” seems to be anything but nowadays, but change will come.. it just takes some time.

Me before/after (and I'm still same as the after pic!)Erin has spent the last 6 years with her other half Dr Mercola working in natural health. She is an animal lover, rescuer, writer and long time green eco health nut. She’s survived Lyme, being aborted (legally) a severe vaccine injury, 22 hurricanes, a tornado that took their house and pets and a six hour surgery that might have saved her life. She’s worked in the natural health world and done volunteer work in the same arena for nearly 25 years. You can follow her here on Facebook.

PS You can get her ebook here on how she overcame her health challenges and lost the weight, kept it off.

Filed Under: Environment Tagged With: Water fluoridation, Water fluoridation controversy


Right there in the article. How come this doesn’t get any emphasis here? –> “Charles Poole, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina, says that this research suggests fluoride should be more carefully studied, but doesn’t show much of anything by itself. “I think the authors were quite cautious in their interpretation… and [accurate] in their statement of the study’s limitations,” he says. “So it would be ludicrous to draw a strong conclusion based on this study alone.”
Amy G

From a leading thyroid specialist in the UK:
“To condemn the entire population, already having marginal levels of iodine, to inevitable progressive failure of their thyroid system by fluoridating the water, borders on criminal lunacy.” – Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield MBBS LRCP MRCS

If you’re gullible enough to believe you need to eat fluoride, then get a bottle of sodium fluoride drops from your pharmacist. Add 7 drops to one cup of water. Or get a box of sodium fluoride powder from your exterminator. Add a tiny pinch to a gallon of water.
Peter Heinen

Health NUT news indeed. A correlation, however strong it may be, has no value in predicting cause by effect. I mean, there are dozens of correlations between other factors and obesity, depression and/or ADHD. And you know, everybody in Europe gets its fair share of fluoride through fluoridated toothpaste.

http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

I don’t sell any products. I just saw an epidemiologist today who feels differently. I think the published studies that there is a strong Link between fluoridated water and ADHD and weight gain and depression is pretty indisputabe.
http://thedoctorwhocurescancer.com/ TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer

Fluoride is a halogen. It’s well known that the small size of the fluoride molecules clog up the thyroid receptors for iodine. The results of the study merely confirm what is already known.
http://thedoctorwhocurescancer.com/ TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer

Helmethair, fluoride is a halogen. It’s well known that the small size of the fluoride molecules clog up the thyroid receptors where iodine is supposed to attach. The results of the study merely confirm what is already known.

“it studies that there is a strong link” ?

i hope you mean it examines *whether or not* there is a link. And I hope you understand how science works. You don’t start with the answer. You start with a question.

Do you know what kills tens of thousands of people every year? It’s used in the manufacture of metals, chemicals and gasoline. And you give it to your children every day. It’s Water.

I think you do sell products and you scare people into buying them. You have a big SHOP! link at the top of your website. As do most alternative health news sites. Mercola does the same. Not sure how you sleep at night with all the fear mongering.

Correlation doesn’t = causation. Otherwise we should ban Miss America pageants in order to prevent murder by hot vapours.

You should let the EPA know about your brilliant “fluoride science.” Tell them to add water to their list of about 100 “Chemicals with Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity.”

do you recognize sarcasm when you see it? or are you socially like that big bang theory guy?

This article is ridiculous again crazy “health nuts” making correlation NOT cause with no presented scientific evidence of anything just a continual “mention” of science. This is again ridiculous propaganda. PROVE IT WITH SCIENCE don’t just mention science.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

When the debate is lost SLANDER becomes the tool of the Loser. – Socrates (he sure has you pegged) Wow trying to guilt me now? Go to the shop link. It goes to Amazon. I don’t sell any products, have a line of products or know what Dr Mercola has to do with it. I refer people to Amazon and get a pittance for doing so. Trust me- that amount I get is not worth putting up with people who libel me online like you…
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

They found a strong link. I am a skeptic. We are people who actually QUESTIOn things like whether Fluoridating the water supply and people drinking this sh*t for better teeth is worth sacrificing our health. I question everything. (Unlike fake skeptics who just like to use that name)

It’s not slander if it’s true! At best you’re driving people to make questionable decisions about their health. They should be consulting licensed physicians not dubious health websites. At worst you’re preying on them for your pittance. Advances in modern medicine is being set back decades thanks to websites like this.

Hey “Science Guy Steve,” prove that uncontaminated water causes tooth decay.
Marina 62

I suffered very servere urticartia for years , taking steroids to counter act the swelling …until we moved out of town and onto TANK water …only time I get it now is when we stay somewhere with Fluorided water.

People have known this for awhile..Now we have the studies to back it up..Also a dentistry professor at my school admitted that fluoride in the water binds with the calcium in the bones (CaFl2) long before it gets to the teeth.

Tell you what, you drink your poison while I’ll avoid it..Have a good day

Fluorine is poison and has no use in the body..Fluorine in the water never makes it to your teeth because like all halogens it binds with calcium (and Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium which are all alkali metals)

Fluorine never makes it to your teeth because it binds with the calcium in your blood and your bones..

Just don’t pin the blame on so-called “big pharma” if your child’s teeth start rotting. Though I’m sure you’ll find a way anyway. I would say to each their own, but sadly, as with the vaccines, if you win this argument you set modern medicine back decades and put other people’s health at risk.

Pretty funny coming from Helmethair, who believes in swilling snake oil, which by definition fluoride is.

Haim Strasbourger

The real scary part is the newest source of fluoridation in the USA, which comes from China and is even more challenging than the original industrial waste we kept locally for fluoridation. Now you don’t have to worry about cadmium in the McDonald’s toys, as you can consume that and other tasty treats straight from your faucet.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

These are published studies in mainstream news. What are you talking about? And guess who shared the story with me? My better half, a licensed physician. bye bye.

an academic or physician should consider both sides. You highlighted only parts of the article that supported your preconceived notions and completely ignore the part where the academic said “we shouldn’t read too much into this.” Thats where it becomes dangerous. Thanks.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

Are you serious? yes let’s drink this toxin so we can help teeth when FLUORIDE is what is giving our children dental fluorosis!!!! It IS destroying their teeth! don’t you get it? HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL is calling for a reduction in fluoride in the water in part because it could be “toxic to the brain”! Also I don’t know where your post went saying I only highlighted the parts about the study and didn’t mention IN my article some random guy that said too much attention shouldn’t be paid to these published studies. Guess what- it’s in the LINK and by no means would ONE man’s opinion be relevant to put in quotes in my article. I put the main parts about the 2 studies from 2 different universities – one in British Columbia on in the UK and they are valid… Not some guy’s opinion. Sorry but i’m into REAL science. and studies. thank you…. wake up! http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/a-call-for-reducing-fluoride-levels-in-drinking-water/
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

I included quotes about the PUBLISHED STUDIES – one that is now published in the Journal of Environmental science. Wow ! In my short article I didn’t post one random guy’s opinion that “too much attention should be paid to the published study”? seriously?! I wrote a short article on published studies (2 that i had to cover) I don’t have to add some random doctor’s opinion. I go with REAL science which are the published studies which was what my article was about. Not some quote of a dude on his opinion. thanks. I’ll stick with science. And how dare you tell me I’m being irresponsible when HARVARD just released (AFTER i wrote this by the way) that they want fluoride cut down in water and it might be toxic to the BRAIN! wake up. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/a-call-for-reducing-fluoride-levels-in-drinking-water/
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

oh the “real academic” (a person quoted who said he wouldn’t put much stock into it) Actually the real academics are the ones who did the studies. One of which was published in the Journal of Environmental Science. Sorry the cat is out of the bag and I Guess it’s ok for Faux Fox News and everyone else to be biased but here at “Health Nut news” we cannot have an opinion. By the way I just used the Newsweek headline so I guess they’re nuts too…. No one agrees with but you can continue to waste our time with nothing but criticism and no real science hiding behind no pic and a fake name on here. . Enjoy yourself. knock yourself out.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

Actually everyone thinks you’re far beyond the big bang theory guys. Come back when you’ve worked on your social skills and stopped attacking and libeling people. adios.

You can have any opinion you want, however you’re manipulating the full context of the article. You ignore the other academic who says it’s an okay study but is limited and needs more research. I called you out on that point. And you respond with a nice little false dichotomy – trying to pigeon-hole me into some kind of convenient little box as a “Faux Fox News” watcher. You’re saying that if I’m not into folksy, dubious health remedies then I absolutely *must* be some kind of a right wing, neo-conservative. Like I said: Manipulation. Typical.

And if you read the thread there are a few commenters who do agree. However, why should I expect people who seek out dubious health advice to agree with me? We could take this discussion to a less dubious website and see how the balance of agreement shifts, if you wish.

Smh. Im glad you replied with this. I guess untill we all go to college and become professional scientists, we should NOT accept the findings that “PROFESSIONAL” scientistist are finding out on how a % the worlds population has a target on their back. I bet important influential people and researchers who kniw this to be true drink pure natural UNTAINTED glass bottled water.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

Oh I see, the others are all seeking out dubious health advice. And what are you doing besides trolling behind a fake name and no picture. Come back when you show your face and real name or stay off my page.
http://HealthNutNews.com/ HealthNutNews.com

Don’t put words in my mouth. I said that Faux news stereotypes (So does MSNBC) but i can’t? I never pigeon holed you at all. Again , you’re trolling so come back with a photo and your real name or else you’re being banned as a useless troll who has libeled me more than once on here, put words in my mouth and has about 50 people asking me to ban your pathetic troll of a fake profile.

A photo and my real name? I hope you take that up with Mr. 10drxtc in the name of fairness. (I suspect that’s not his real name). You can ban me if you want there’s very little value in the info on this website anyway. Your philosophy of banning dissenting opinion is pretty telling of how you filter information on this page, so don’t pretend that you’re just unbiasedly reporting the news. Not even close. You have an agenda and you’re willing to manipulate people to push it. Thanks and take care.

And just so you know, I perused the headlines of many of your articles – SO MANY of them are fear and panic inducing – this and that linked to cancer and so on. With this “the sky is falling” mentality that you buy into and encourage others to do so – it’s a wonder how you can actually sleep at night. As with my other points – that’s a genuine opinion. Relax a little and stop scaring everyone with your doom and gloom.


26th March 2015, 06:32 PM
Great article, thanks for sharing.

Also, flouride is believed to be linked to causing low testosterone levels in men. I believe it, they want us dumb, fat, and weak.

A good article...


he Feminizing Effect of Fluoride

Another compound, which may be causing a drop in testosterone levels, is fluoride. High doses of fluoride are known to suppress testosterone production. A study published in Environmental Research in 2003 suggested that even low levels could reduce the amount of available testosterone. Only 2-3% of the testosterone in the body is active, so if fluoride reduces the active testosterone, this is very significant.

The fluoride issue is of special interest to me. On the advice of our dentist, my mom gave me fluoridated water for several years. She crushed up the fluoride tablets the dentist gave her and put them in pitchers of water for me to drink. I did not start puberty until I was 16 and did not have to shave every day until I was nearly 20, so my passage through puberty was delayed. Also, I developed a number of unmanly gestures and attitudes that I learned caused a few people to think I might be gay. I now believe that this was the result of the fluoride my mom gave me.

When I became aware of this a few years ago, I did some fluoride detoxification and I really felt a difference in my masculine self-confidence. Other people noticed this difference, too. Since a large number of water sources in the United States are now fluoridated, this may be part of the reason for the growing male reproductive problems mentioned earlier.

I don’t have the studies or solid information to back this up, but I have been told that Hitler pioneered the fluoridation of water supplies because he found it made people more docile and willing to submit to authority. Since testosterone-driven males tend to be strong-willed and independent, it makes sense that fluoride would make a population more unwilling to question authority.

Also, I did not save the information, so I can’t cite it, but I did see one study which correlated the fluoridation of water supplies with the rise in male homosexual activity. This is a very politically incorrect thing to say (and I am personally not offended by anyone’s sexual orientation), but I cite this only as an additional piece of evidence that implicates fluoride with reductions in testosterone.

The bottom line is: avoid fluoride! In fact, avoid the other halogens, chlorine and bromides, too. These chemicals displace iodine from the body and reduce thyroid function. Thyroid function is tied in with reproductive function as the thyroid hormone is needed to combust the lipids that are the basis for all sex hormones. So, reduced thyroid function causes reduced output of reproductive hormones.

26th March 2015, 07:07 PM
Avoid basically everything mass produced and nationalized.

I told you before, you have to purge the prostate at least every 2 days or you will end unwell. If you do it too much you will never have a partner... due to no want or need. DYODD. Either way this needs to be clensed by whatever poison attracts you. Gas Grass cash or ass, still stands true.

26th March 2015, 07:12 PM
I told you before, you have to purge the prostate at least every 2 days or you will end unwell. If you do it too much you will never have a partner... due to no want or need.

Got any links/studies to back this up? Not questioning you, but just for my own knowledge. No flouride or soy for me, I eat a lot of meat so plenty of zinc, and I take iodine as well. Everything seems normal for a healthy man my age. I eat clean, fresh local veggies and fruits and a lot of meat/eggs.

26th March 2015, 08:00 PM
Australia has a special council of Fluoridation. It is populated exclusively by you know whos. They recently affirmed that Fluoride was safe despite the plan for hold a review with respect to Thyroid issues caused by Fluoride.