View Full Version : Constitution Seminar, common law + other topics

28th March 2015, 03:47 AM
Today I attended a seminar on Constitutional law, common law and the side stepping of that law by the "authorities". It was interesting. Most of the material I already knew with regard to the Constitution, statutes, strawman, mortgage fraud and so on.

The people who presented it traveled from the eastern states to give the presentation. Good people. Not going to make money from this kind of exercise that is for sure.

The main hook was traffic fines such as speeding, parking fines and income tax. The first two being illegal and unlawful. The 3rd one being voluntary and mysteriously undefined.

The foundation of the issues around these goes back to the Australian Constitution, the laws we inherited from the UK at federation, how they are interpreted here and how the magistrates judges and politicians simply ignore, sidestep or go around the actual law.

I've been posting about the British constitution group and Guy Taylor. I am very interested in peoples Grand Juries. Fortunately today, the opportunity came up to raise this, or at least elements of this and I got some good information from that. The topic of Grand Juries was not a specific part of the seminar material but when I was able to ask a question about stopping a public prosecutor from hijacking a private criminal prosecution, GJ's were kind of part of the answer, but more than that I got some good info on blocking the public prosecutor.

The good news is they are working on digging that information up and there are ideas being thought of, on how to really get peoples Grand Juries in place with actual powers that cannot be ignored. Seems the Govt might be on to it as well or at least getting suspicious. I have a couple clues to research and maybe with more heads thinking and researching on these things we can get something happening.

Other things spoke about were private foundations, another topic I am very interested in. Been trying to find information for maybe 5 or 6 years but everyone I talk to say, only extremely wealthy people have those. I know that answers no good. Now I have a bit more information which is good. Not sure how I can restructure myself to get one started. Will have to ponder it.

All in all a good day. Most of the people there really wanted to meet other people and make contacts so we can get something going here in WA. Some of us are definitely going to be meeting soon.

31st March 2015, 10:18 PM
The Joker.
Possibly needs a thread related to Govt, Judicial shenanigans.

I have often wondered this, when I have been reading through statutes and occasionally you will come across something akin to gobbledegook or a section that is either circular, in that it references itself as evidence of the authority or itself as the explanation or definition. e.g. Income is defined as anything that is income.

Sometimes there will be a clause in the Statute that cancels out all the other clauses, either in the whole document or in the section the clause is contained in. e.g. Recording a conversation is illegal unless one party to the conversation knows about the recording and it does not have to be the other party, if you are party you can record and you know about it so all conditions met. This is written in slightly different ways in each of our state statutes but the gist is the same each time.

Where they have inserted a clause which appears to do the things described above, this clause is called the "JOKER".
