View Full Version : Anger

30th March 2015, 10:13 AM
I am a very busy man but I scratched this out because I feel there are those among you who need this. You all need to be bitchslapped! That's right, you, you need a bitch-slappin' It seems the bitch-slapppin' you've been receiving from your masters has not been enough to raise your ire.


Anger is a double edged sword. There is a reason for anger and it is a very useful tool to be used to spur action against that which has aroused it. It is a defense mechanism that allows the individual and society to remedy ills. It can coalesce one's intent and make a terrible foe out of an ordinary mild mannered person. However it can also hurt the one who bears it if it is not used properly and handled well. Anger unchannelled, will make an individual sick. It is an all pervading, soul sickness that is like a rot, affecting relationships and outlook, poisoning all your perception. It can make a heart sick and destroy a person as surely as that which has spurred it.

If we see injustice and tyranny growing in the world about us and do not feel anger, then we are less than whole. We are not then fully capable individuals but suffer from an apathy that is far worse than any belligerence that might accompany an anger response. We are truly a member of the ruminant class and only suitable for grazing and eventual harvesting by those who believe they are our masters. If you feel no anger at the loss of your liberties and the growth of the police state; if you are not repelled and outraged by the theft of your energies and the selling of your children's future; if you do not feel revulsion for the gullibility of the bulk of humanity and thus the allowance of depradations upon innocents with no redress, then go chew your cud in some far corner of the pasture, for I will not treat with you and this discourse is not meant for ears as long and furry as those you possess. I do not even wish you safety for you do not deserve it. You are no better than those Franklin spoke of when he said: Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
In short, if you do not feel anger welling up within you when you see the state of the world and the wars that are being fomented by these demons who are elected officials, acting in capacity for their real masters who hold the strings of the central banks, then you surely are as much of an enemy of a freedom loving person as those ghouls are.
Almost every one of us is dependent upon the financial system that has been foisted upon us by the central bankers and their agents over the years. This does not mean we can't survive without that system. It means we must destroy that system and create a better one before we are destroyed. We will be destroyed if we do not act. And isn't this the crux of the whole thing? Anger without action, well thought out and justified, is a terrible poison. What I am saying is that we must act if we can see what is happening in the world about us. If we do not, we will be destroyed not only by that which is causing our righteous anger, but also by our anger itself. As stated above, anger unchannelled and unused is a fire that will burn an individual and poison their dealing with those around them.
It is ever useful to draw analogies. From the movie 'the Matrix':
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy.
But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see?
Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds
of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these
people are still a part of that system and that makes them
our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are
not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured,
so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight
to protect it.”

What you choose to do with your anger is a personal decision. Write articles. Become a member of a group that is actively fighting for freedom from repression. Educate those around you and admonish them to do the same. Disrespect authority. Be civilly disobedient. Do something. Do not let your anger get the better of you, be better because of your anger. Understand that your anger is a righteous reaction, an indignation and a natural response to outward stimuli.

Do something.

At this point I need to speak about a trend that I see. It has been going on for some time and is just one of many trends that have been nurtured by our oppressors. Remember the words of Lennin, one of the prime members of that disgusting bunch of criminals and mass murderers called the Bolsheviks: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." The thing that I speak of is The Freeman or Redemption Movement. I am not going to claim that this wide body of information is innacurate because I see lots of compelling information to believe that we truly have been decieved and had the wool pulled over our eyes and this information is indeed largely factual. So why then do I decry this line of reasoning?
If you decide to act, make sure that action is not in the interest of those you would act against. In other words, don't let your own momentum be used against you. Remember, the state has a long history of using disinfo to poison the opposition and coopt a movement that started out in a good intent. My main question to anyone who believes they can gain redress or even attain freedom through English Common Law is; If the state does not feel compelled to follow it's own rules and the law of the land, if it chooses to disregard the Constitution, then why on Earth would you think that you could apply common law to compel the state into staying within it's bounds? They don't care. They will change the rules at will. If you take them to task, they will claim you have no standing. If you are enough of a pain in their ass, they will have you put away and throw away the key.
The Redemption movement is a dead end and is happily fostered by our oppressors. They understand that if people drop out and try to bargain with the court system, they have already failed. They are nuetered and nuetralized by this attempt to make the government play by it's own rules. Remember, the government will simply change the rules or declare you in no standing. The courts will not work for you. They are not set up that way and they cannot be compelled to act in any way in opposition to their masters.
What I'm saying is stop trying to treat with these bastards. That is not the way it works. They have you right where they want you. Go ahead and fight the state by all means necessary. If you can fight them through Common Law then by all means do so, but don't expect to get very far. Sure, you might get away with driving without a liscence or insurance and if you do I'm all for it. The fact is though, I don't know of anyone personally who has not been squashed like a bug by the state when they have been accosted for not having their 'Papers'.

The first and main thing we need to do is to foster an understanding and righteous indignation and yes, anger, within the populace toward the central banks. The slavery is so obvious and so needless and so elemental to the tyranny that envelopes us that it is really the first and only place to start. We need to foster righteous anger and indignation in those bright young minds that we can find so that we have the means to right the wrongs that are being and have been done.
Andrew Jackson killed the bank and we can too. We must make sure that it never springs back to life. Don't get me wrong, I surely believe in a New World Order. A new world order would involve putting personal freedoms as a paramount from which all laws should radiate. The freedom of society is a given as long as the freedom of the individual is kept sacred. Along with personal freedom comes personal responsibility and that is what it is all about. If we do not live in a society with intelligent,caring people then personal responsibility is unattainable. It takes intelligence and knowledge to be responsible. This is why we should guard jealously the right of citizenship. If these shores keep getting flooded with low intellect individuals with hands out mentalities then we are doomed.

Be angry! Do something!

30th March 2015, 12:38 PM

30th March 2015, 08:20 PM
.. and the evil has grown exponentially over the last 2000 years and getting close to a singularity of death ???

Thousands protest against austerity in Brussels.... A number of the protesters shouted slogans like, “Yes, there is an alternative” to government savings. They also called for a fair tax system and a better distribution of government spending.’

30th March 2015, 08:55 PM
ah yes, get angry but stay within the system.

Freeman movement is useful because it opens the door to a perspective that is new to some people. And yes the Freeman movement is full of spooks and gate keepers.

One of the most popular freeman videos, the "Jones plantation" was produced and released by just such a person. A known gatekeeper in the movement.

Another leading light in the Accept for Value movement is also dubious in that he admits he has never used accept for value, however some of the principles of challenging a States "Arbitrary Private Law" are valuable.

The whole point of the Freeman movement is to pushback, expose and choke off the corrupt mind and monetary control of the private law system that has become the force de-jure of the "court system" as it is today.

People need to look into Unidroit. This is the root of the Private Law that is being used now. It is arbitrary. It is Roman Law and it takes the principles of innocent until proven guilty, a tenant of most modern societies when they were formed and turns it 180 degrees to make everyone guilty until the prove their innocence.

So no, do not read this and take on the mental state of defeat the want you to take on. The people need to fill their court system with challenges to these scams. Choke off it's value to them. Make it cost them so much it is not profitable for them to continue.

As Palani pointed out, people acting Ultra vires do so without protection for their actions. They do so at their own full commercial liability. They also do so at their own full criminal liability.

What needs to happen is that the people need to wrest the system back from their dominance and dominate it themselves. I believe Run Away Grand Juries are a significant tool "The People" can use to block them, review their actions (of the criminal judges, politicians and others) and then hold them to account on their actions. I believe GJ's can also be used to review legislation and repeal all that is repugnant to the Constitution.

Sure there will be snakes in the grass. There always, is but vigilance is the answer to this. Action is required. Not as this opinion suggests to me, which is to take no action.

Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

Florida Judge not happy with lying Police Officer (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=703_1427462917)

31st March 2015, 04:15 AM
why fear/reality distortion is working so well

the brain (6trillion cells ... Number 6 again) has only 1 limitation, it cannot see the difference between one real event and something one thinks about.


The placebo effect has been proven 30% of the time effective...

weapons for self defence against the NWO will only be working if COMBINED with masses' understanding of brain, consciousness, mind. that is why all revolutions have failed.

this to prove that violence alone will NOT do it... hence is violence necessary?

Dualism as it best, now we can all see how framed we really are... nothing new age here but the physics of electromagnetism. Not addressing the mindset makes the problem grow exponentially. The end game is nearing

Christ himself told to leave everything behind.... why? because power is the ultimate delusion and the illusion can only be defeated from the inside.