View Full Version : Students Revolt Against Debt. Finally

4th April 2015, 03:31 AM
Is majoring in scams coming to an end?


Students Revolt Against Debt. Finally.
By Professor Doom

Confessions of a College Professor
Rants and raves about the mess of higher education in the United States.
riday, April 3, 2015
Failing College?

Across the country Spring Break is just about starting, or ending. If you're failing your classes, this is the last real chance you have to turn your grades around.

Higher education today is, for most institutions, a fraud on many levels. The first year or so of posts on my blog covers it all, and I encourage the interested reader to start from the beginning. If you want a full discussion of the massive fraud that is higher education today, please consider getting Why Johnny Can't Read, Write, or Do 'Rithmetic Even With A College Degree, which also includes dozens of references to reports and documentation showing exactly how it is that a college graduate can easily leave college with no measurable gain in any skill or ability, but many thousands of dollars of debt.

If you're heading back to college next week, and starting to have doubts about the system based on you learning nothing relevant so far, I strongly encourage you to get that book, or, if $8 is too much, just start reading this blog from the beginning..........


Government books $41.3 billion in student loan profits
November 25, 2013

'We won't pay': students in debt take on for-profit college institution
Saturday 4th April 2015

Nathan Hornes didn’t think he’d still be working in fast food on his 25th birthday. He had a plan: he wanted to be a pop singer-songwriter and had moved from Missouri to Los Angeles after his 2008 high school graduation in order to become a star.

He never thought he would first be getting national press coverage as part of what may be the first organized student debt strike. But he and 14 other students, with the support of the Occupy Wall Street spinoff group The Debt Collective, are taking a stand and refusing to pay back the student loans they took out to attend the for-profit Corinthian colleges.

Corinthian is being dismantled and its students given debt relief on their private loans – the institution is under federal and state investigations and is the target of multiple lawsuits alleging predatory lending practices. But Hornes and the “Corinthian 15” are demanding relief for their federal student loans, too.

When Hornes moved to LA, he worked at Smashburger and Carl’s Jr to pay the bills while he pursued his dream: performing at the Staples Center, participating in a web series, even releasing two songs on iTunes. But two years in, he says, his mother began to press him to go to college.............


4th April 2015, 04:19 AM
More Free Shit Army stirring.

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)

Behind On Your Student Loans? These States Will Take Your Driver's License (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-02/behind-your-student-loans-these-states-will-take-your-drivers-license)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 04/02/2015 - 19:30
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/fp_thumb/images/user92183/imageroot/Thumb.png (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-02/behind-your-student-loans-these-states-will-take-your-drivers-license)

Before you think about holding out for a taxpayer government-sponsored bailout on your student loans, you may want to check the laws in your state because as it turns out, you may end up losing your driver’s license or worse, your barber’s license.

They could all be as dumb as this woman too.

Ex-student of Corinthian Colleges took protest over $130,000 debt to D.C. (http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-corinthian-debt-striker-0403-biz-20150401-story.html#navtype=outfit)

4th April 2015, 04:55 AM
you would have to say there is something wrong when a young adult has to fork out $150,000 for an education. With compounding interest. And its this system of credit debt that causes it. Everyone jack up their prices because it gets financed, so the payer doesn't hand over any money they have no purchasing pain.

4th April 2015, 09:02 AM
These people are sucking the life blood out of everyone and anyone for their own selfish gains, revolt NOW..........

4th April 2015, 09:13 AM
Education is nothing more than the frame, or skeleton, that is formed by education.....a frame that you later have to fill by what you are actually learning in real life.

Your real future is not your education but the head that used the, so called, education.......I say so called because teachers now days only teaches what "THEY" know and no what you should know......and that's why the leaders of the pack usually comes from the same group that has the opportunity to really learn new thing from new experiences presented to them.


4th April 2015, 09:17 AM
The little-known laws exist in at least 22 states and have been on the books in some states since as far back as 1990. Advocates for repealing them say they have real consequences for people who cannot make a dent in their student debt.

“It’s the most inappropriate consequence, because you are taking away their ability to eventually pay [their loans] back,” says Moffie Funk, the Montana state representative who sponsored the bill. In Montana, where there is little public transportation to speak of, driving is the only way most people can get to the jobs they need to repay their debt, Funk says.

Since 2007, Montana has suspended the driver’s licenses of 92 people for defaulting on their student loans, according to John Barnes, a spokesman for the Montana attorney general’s office. By 2012, Iowa had suspended more than 900 licenses because the license holders could not repay their student debt, according to Geoffrey Greenwood, a spokesman at the

Iowa attorney general’s office. Those suspensions were reversed two years ago but not because the policy changed. The Iowa College Student Aid Commission, which once collected federal loans in the state, reserved the suspensions and stopped revoking licenses in 2012, because the commission transferred its student loan portfolio to the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, a Wisconsin guaranty agency…

The law has also been effective as leverage against debtors in Iowa. “Once we served a written notice that we were going to revoke a license, we generally got some action from a borrower,” says Julie Leeper, the executive officer of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission.

Records from states that publicly track suspensions of professional licenses suggest that hundreds of people have lost their right to work for not paying back student debt.

In Tennessee, for example, the state's student loan guaranty agency, the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation, has suspended more than 1,500 professional licenses held by people who defaulted on their student loans. Nurses aides, teachers, and emergency medical personnel have been among the most likely to lose their licenses.

Got it. So essentially, if you can’t make enough money to pay back your student debt, the state will correct the situation by taking away the license you need to get to work, and just in case, through some feat of ingenuity like a taxi or public transportation, you should happen to find a way to get there anyway, they’ll strip you of your professional license so that you can’t work period. Below is a list of states who apparently think this arrangement makes sense (via Credit.com (http://blog.credit.com/2015/03/22-states-where-you-could-lose-your-license-for-not-paying-your-student-loans-112628/)):

4th April 2015, 09:33 AM
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

- Mark Twain

4th April 2015, 10:42 AM
I regret my childhood years spent in some class room listening to some twisted adult ed u ca ting me ................

5th April 2015, 03:11 AM
I regret my childhood years spent in some class room listening to some twisted adult ed u ca ting me ................

only my body was in the class room. The rest of me was always somewhere else.

University was different. I thought I might learn something. I learned to learn, or probably more correct, I re-learned to learn.